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Speaking skill

Writing skill conversation Reading skill

Listening skill

Daftar Tujuan

SK 1 KD 1 Memahami ungkapan-
ungkapan dasar pada interaksi
Memahami makna dalam social
percakapan transaksional
dan interpersonal resmi
dan berlanjut (sustained)
dalam konteks kehidupan KD 2 Menjelaskan secara sederhana
sehari-hari cerita yang sedang terjadi

KD 1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks

lisan fungsional pendek resmi dan
tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam berbagai konteks
SK 2 kehidupan sehari-hari

Mengungkapkan makna
dalam teks fungsional
pendek dan monolog
report, narrative dan
analytical exposition
dalam konteks kehidupan KD 2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam
teks monolog dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa
lisan secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari
dalam teks berbentuk: report,

No Kompetensi dasar Indikator

1. Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan 1) Melengkapi dialog diperdengarkan

dasar pada interaksi 2) Menyebutkan jawaban untuk
melengkapi dialog
3) Membaca dialog yang sudah
4) Menceritakan secara singkat
5) Mencontohkan ungkapan lain
6) Menyebutkan kembali keterangan
dari dialog
2. Menjelaskan secara sederhana cerita 1) Memahami kata-kata dan istilah
yang sedang terjadi asing serta kalimat sederhana
2) Mengulang ungkapan – ungkapan
3) Menjelaskan cerita secara singkat.
4) Menyatakan pernyataan benar atau
5) Mengemukakan alasan pernyataan
6) Merangkum inti cerita dari dialog
yang diperdengarkan.
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks 1) Mengutip pengumuman
lisan fungsional pendek resmi dan 2) Membaca pengumuman
tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan 3) Menerangkan pengumuman yang
berterima dalam berbagai konteks dibahas
kehidupan sehari-hari 4) Menentukan pertanyaan dari
pengumuman yang tersedia.
5) Mengadaptasi pengumuman yang
ada untuk membuat pengumuman
4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks 1) Menjelaskan pengertian beberapa
monolog dengan menggunakan jenis teks
ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, 2) Membedakan jenis – jenis teks
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks 3) Menggunakan informasi bacaan
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks untuk menjawab pertanyaan bacaan
berbentuk: report, narrative dan 4) Menentukan jenis teks.
analytical exposition. 5) Mendeteksi sinonim dari kata – kata
dalam bacaan.
6) Menemukan teks berbeda jenis


Modul ini adalah kumpulan materi yang dipelajari dalam mata pelajaran
Conversation, dimana mata pelajaran ini merupakan bagian atau cabang dari mata
pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang memberikan kesempatan bagi para siswa untuk lebih
banyak dalam mempraktekkan ketrampilan lisan (oral skill) yaitu ketrampilan
berbicara (speaking skill) dan ketrampilan menyimak (listening skill) dalam bahasa
Inggris tapi juga itu tetap mengalokasikan waktu untuk ketrampilan tertulis (written
skill) seperti ketrampilan membaca (reading skill) dan ketrampilan menulis (and
writing skill).
Pada dasarnya tujuan kompetensi yang diharapkan dalam modul ini tidak jauh
berbeda dengan modul Bahasa Inggris pada umumnya, hanya saja dalam modul ini
oral skill akan lebih ditekankan. Pada bagian isi terdapat 6 sub judul yang masing –
masing mencerminkan kompetensi dasar yang diharapkan bisa dicapai secara
Dengan mempelajari modul ini, diharapkan peserta didik dapat belajar sendiri
sehingga lebih siap mengikuti proses pembelajaran di kelas. Jadi, selain belajar di
sekolah, peserta didik dapat belajar sendiri di rumah dengan bantuan buku referensi
lain yang relevan, dalam hal ini buku Bahasa Inggris yang biasa digunakan.



Seperti telah disebutkan sebelumnya modul ini terdiri dari 6 Kegiatan Belajar
sesuai kompetensi dasar yang ingin dicapai. Keenam Kegiatan Belajar tersebut antara
lain :
1. Ungkapan – ungkapan dasar dalam interaksi sosial.
2. Menceritakan kembali cerita
3. Teks pengumuman
4. Teks report
5. Teks narrative
6. Teks analytical exposition.


Dalam Kegiatan Belajar ini kalian akan mempelajari ungkapan – ungkapan untuk :
o Menanyakan sesuatu:
o Meminta pengulangan
o Menanyakan pilihan.
o Memberi instruksi.

Tes awal

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sebelum mempelajari bagian ini

1. Do you know what symbol is that?
2. Where do you usually find the symbol?
3. Have you ever been traveled abroad? What documents
should you bring?
4. What do you say if you want to ask someone to show his
5. What expression can you use to ask something?
Write your answers on the box below.

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci

jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini! Setelah mengetahui kemampuan awal kalian,
mulailah belajar menggunakan modul ini. Pada saat belajar dengan menggunakan
modul ini, kalian dapat menggunakan buku referensi lain untuk melengkapi
informasi yang tidak ada di dalam modul ini.

Activity 1

Alex Smith is planning to go to US by plane. In the airport, he met two officers.

Listen to this dialogues (it will be played by the teacher).

Officer : Good afternoon. May I see your passport, please?

Alex : Yes, here it is. And here is my visa.
Officer : Thank you. You have a tourist visa for three months.
Alex : Yes, that’s right. I plan to travel some in the US.
Officer : Where are you going?
Alex : I’m going to spend some time in Atlanta. After that I’m going to
Washington, Chicago and California.
Officer : Alright, enjoy your stay.
Immigratio : Hi anything to declare?
n : Excuse me, I don’t understand.
Alex : Do you have any valuable or alcohol to declare?
Immigratio : No, nothing at all.
n Alex : Ok you can go ahead.
Immigratio : Thank you.
n Alex

 Setelah mendengarkan dialog tersebut beberapa kali, apakah kalian bisa

memahaminya? Jika belum bisa memahami karena menemukan kata – kata sulit,
berikut adalah beberapa kata beserta artinya yang mungkin bisa membantu kalian
mengerti isi dialog/percakapan tersebut.
1. passport = pasport
2. visa = visa
3. tourist visa = visa turis
4. travel = bepergian
5. declare = melaporkan
6. enjoy your stay = selamat menikmati liburanmu
7. nothing at all = tidak sama sekali
8. you can go ahead = anda bisa terus (melanjutkan perjalanan)

Jika kalian belum bisa mamahami dialog diatas, baca kembali dialog .diata tersebut
dan bukalah kamus untuk mencari tahu arti kata yang kalian belum tahu arti sehingga
kalian bisa memahami maksud dialog diatas.

Activity 2

Setelah memahami dialog tersebut, jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut.

1. How many participants are there in the dialogues?
2. Where do you think the dialogue happen?
3. Who is going to travel to some places in the US?
4. Where will Alex going to spend his holiday?
5. What does the immigrations officer do after Alex says that he doesn’t
understand? Can you find another expression to ask repetition?
Setelah selesai menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan diatas, coba cocokkan
jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban dibagian belakang modul ini. Jika lebih
banyak jawaban yang benar, maka kalian bisa melanjutkan ke kegiatan
berikutnya, tapi jika belum sebaiknya kalian mengulangi memahami dialog

Dari dialog tersebut kalian bisa menemukan beberapa ungkapan untuk menanyakan
sesuatu dan juga meminta pengulangan.
Contoh :
- May I see your passport, please? (digunakan untuk menanyakan paspor)
- Where are you going? (digunakan untuk menanyakan tujuan)

Ungkapan yang diawali dengan = May I + ..... (kata kerja) + .... (kata benda)
merupakan ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk menanyakan sesuatu (dalam hal ini
tergantung benda yang ingin ditanyakan oleh pembicara). Modal may juga bisa digantikan
dengan bentuk modal yang lain, misal can atau could.
Kata kerja yang bisa digunakan antara lain : see, have, wash, dsb.

Activity 3

Buatlah ungkapan untuk menanyakan hal – hal di bawah ini.

1. Menanyakan ingin melihat/mengecek tiket.
2. Menanyakan izin untuk ke kamar mandi.
3. Menanyakan ingin mengetahui nama seseorang
4. Menanyakan izin untuk menduduki sebuah kursi kosong.
5. Menanyakan untuk meminta perhatian.

Dalam dialog tersebut kalian juga menemukan pertanyaan yang digunakan untuk
menanyakan tujuan yang diawali dengan ungkapan where. Secara umum, dalam
bahasa Inggris dikenal ada pertanyaan 5W + 1H, yaitu
 What – apa (menanyakan nama, benda, pekerjaan atau jabatan seseorang)
 Where – dimana/kemana (menanyakan tempat)
 When – kapan (menanyakan waktu)
 Why – kenapa/mengapa (menanyakan alasan, sebab)
 Who – siapa (menanyakan orang sebagai subjek)
 How – bagaimana, dengan apa (menanyakan keadaan, dengan cara apa)
Lengkapi pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut menggunakan kata tanya yang tepat sesuai
jawaban yang telah disediakan.
Contoh : Where do you live? ( menanyakan dimana tempat tinggal)
I live in Jogjakarta.
Questions Answers
1. ………… ’s your cat now? My cat get better now, thank.
2. ………… about stopping at the I agree with you.
3. ………… was your holiday like? We really enjoyed it.
4. ………… is Dinda going? She is going to see the doctor.
5. ………… will lead the adventure? Captain Nick.
6. ………… do you need? I think I do not need anything
7. ………… do you buy that In Gramedia.
8. ………… is that beautiful little Oh, she is my niece.
9. girl? It is located in Tangerang,
………… is the location of Situ Banten.
10 Gintung?
. ………… did the flood happen? At Friday, 27th March 2009.

Setelah selesai melengkapi pertanyaan – pertanyaan diatas, coba bandingkan

jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban dibagian belakang modul ini. Jika lebih
banyak jawaban yang benar, maka kalian bisa melanjutkan ke kegiatan berikutnya,
tapi jika belum sebaiknya kalian mengulangi memahami penjelasan tentang
penggunaan kata tanya diatas.

Activity 4

Selain ungkapan untuk menanyakan sesuatu atau tujuan dalam dialog sebelu mnya juga
terdapat ungkapan untuk meminta pengulangan (repetition). Pengulangan,
maksudnya meminta dklarifikasi atas pertanyaan yang kurang jelas maksudnya atau
bisa kurang dipahami oleh pendengar.
Perhatikan potongan dialog berikut :
Immigration : Hi anything to declare?

Alex : Excuse me, I don’t understand.

Immigration : Do you have any valuable or alcohol to declare?

Alex : No, nothing at all.

Immigration : Ok you can go ahead.

Alex : Thank you.

Dari dialog diatas, ketika Alex berkata Excuse me, I don’t understand bisa dikatakan
bahwa awalnya Alex kurang memahami pertanyaan yang ditanyakan oleh petugas
bandara. Dengan mendengar perkataan Alex, maka petugas secara spontan akan
mengulangi dengan memberika penjelasan secukupnya akan maksud pertanyaannya.
Dengan demikian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ungkapan yang digaris bawahi
tersebut merupakan salah satu contoh ungkapan untuk meminta klarifikasi atau
pengulangan. Selain ungkapan tersebut, ada beberapa contoh lain, diantaranya:
 Can you repeat your question?
 Would you like to say it again?
 I beg your pardon, I don’t understand.
1. Bisakah anda mengulangi pertanyaan anda?
2. Maukah anda mengatakannya lagi?
3. Maaf, saya tidak mengerti.

Coba cari ungkapan lain yang maksudnya adalah meminta pengulangan

1. ................................
2. ................................
3. ................................
4. ................................
5. ...............................

Activity 5

Baca dan pahami dialog berikut

Alex : Hello, I like to change some money into US currency, please

Officer : Certainly, do you have cash or traveller cheques?
Alex : Traveller cheques. Here they are.
Officer : May I see your passport, please?
Alex : Of course.
Officer : Let’s see. That’s end up with 1.250 dollars. Would you like to have it in
special denominations?
Alex : I beg your pardon?
Officer : How would you like your money? In twenties, fifties or hundred dollars
Alex : A hundred dollar and twenties and the rest in hundred dollars bills, please.

Ungkapan yang digaris bawahi diatas merupakan contoh ungkapan untuk

menanyakan pilihan, dalam hal ini ada 2 hal. Ketika ada 2 hal yang ditawarkan, bisa
menggunakan kata hubung “or” setelah pilihan yang pertama dan sebelum pilihan
kedua. Kalau ada lebih dari 2 pilihan maka digunakan tanda baca koma (,) kemudian
kata hubung “or” digunakan sebelum pilihan terakhir.
Would you like to drink coffee or tea?
Bandingkan dengan
Would you like to drink coffe, milk, juice or tea?
Susunlah kata – kata berikut menjadi kalimat menanyakan pilihan yang tepat.
1. prefer – you – bike – a – or – to – ride – bus – Do?
2. pencil – Can – marker – get – you – a – me - pen – or?
3. your – What – English – is – Biology – lesson – is – it – math – favorite
economy – or?
4. or – Which – like – most – Keanu Reeves – one – do – Tom Cruise – you?
5. dog – like – as – do – a – pet – you – cat – or?
Activity 6

Lengkapi dialog berikut berdasarkan rekaman yang diputar guru atau dialog yang
dibacakan guru!
Receptionist : Welcome to the Street Beach Plaza. Do you have a .......................?

Alex Smith : Yes, I do. I’ll be staying for two or ............... days.
Receptionist : What is your name?
Alex Smith : ....................
Receptionist : Are you here for ................... or pleasure?
Alex Smith : Could you please ............... more slowly?
Receptionist : Is this a business trip or just a ............................?
Alex Smith : Both actually. My uncle die recently in Atlanta and I’ve come here to
take his ........................
Receptionist : I’m sorry for your ............. We’ll make you stay here as a worry free as
Alex Smith : Thank you.
Receptionist : We have room ........................ reserved for you. Will you be paying with
cash or a credit card?
Alex Smith : A credit card. Here is this. What’s the ...........................
Receptionist : 129 dollars per night. There is also a complimentary
continental .................
Alex Smith : I need to make an implant of your credit card.
Receptionist : How do I get to my ............?
Alex Smith : Take the elevator on the ............... to the seventh floor and turn to your
left after you ....................of the elevator. The room will be on your right.
............ will bring up your bags.

Jika perlu ulangi sampai maksimal 5 (lima) kali sampai kalian bisa melengkapi
dialog diatas sambil kalian mengecek jawaban yang sudah kalian miliki beserta cara
penulisannya. Setelah semua titik – titik kalian isi, cocokkan jawaban dengan kunci
jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini .

Activity 7

Bacalah dialog dibawah ini kemudian perhatikan kalimat/ ungkapan – ungkapan yang
digaris bawahi.

Ayu : This afternoon I’d like to practise making fried rice. Would you like to
come to my house to help me?
Retno : That sounds a nice idea. However, I don’t think I can cook.
Ayu Don’t worry. We’ll learn together how to cook fried rice.
Retno : Would you tell me how to do it before practising?
Ayu Sure, let me tell you. First, prepare the spices, egg, and cooked rice.
: Grind some garlic, chilli, and salt. Then, cut some onions into very thin
pieces. Fry them together until it smells good. After that, add the egg
: and scramble them together. Finally, fry them together with the
cooked rice until they are well mixed.
Retno And then you have your fried rice done.
Ayu Right.
Retno That sounds easy. I can’t wait to practise it.
Ayu Neither can I. By the way, do you want me to pick you up?
Retno : No, thank you.

Dalam percakapan antara Ayu and Retno, kalian menemukan ungkapan:

 First, prepare the spices, egg, and cooked rice. Grind some garlic, chilli, and
 Then, cut some onions into very thin pieces.
 Fry them together until it smells good.
 After that, add the egg and scramble them together.
 Finally, fry them together with the cooked rice until they are well mixed.
Tahukan kalian ungkapan – ungkapan apa itu?
Ungkapan yang digunakan adalah untuk memberi instruksi. Jadi untuk memberi
instruksi, kalian bisa menggunakan kata penghubung :
First, …..
After that, …

Then, …
To end with, … dst

Contoh :
 First of all, search for relevant information.
 After that, select the information you need.
 Then, start creating the board magazine.
 Finally, publish it on Monday.

Activity 8

Bacalah instruksi berikut, kemudian jawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan dibawahnya.

a) First, cut green jack fruit 1 inch thick. Wash and boil until tender.
b) Next, ground onions, candle nuts, sauté paste, bay leaves, and galangal until
c) Add the chicken pieces, stir fry until chicken changes clour.
d) Then, pour 4 cups of water and coconut sugar, bring to a boil.
e) Add the green jack fruit and simmer until the chicken and vegetables are
f) Finally, add coconut milk 5 minutes before it’s done, bring back to a boil.
g) Serve hot with rice.
h) This dish is sweet and usually served with shrimp cracker.
Adapted from: http://original-indonesian-

tbs : tablespoon lb : pound

tsp : teaspoon oz : ounce
kg : kilogram l : litre
g : gram ml : milliliter
1) What does the text tell you?
2) What ingredients do you need?
3) What equipment do you need?

4) What are the steps to cook it?
5) How do you serve it?
Activity 9

Sekarang susunlah instruksi cara membuat mie berdasarkan gambar.

a) Put noodles into glasses of briskly boiling water.
b) Your delicious noodles are ready to be served.
c) Put the seasoning, vegetables oil and chili powder in a bowl.
d) Mix the noodles well with all of the seasoning.
e) Cook the noodles and simmer for 3 minutes.

Activity 10

Susunlah instruksi berikut menjadi urutan yang tepat, yaitu tentang bagaimana cara
membuat pisang goreng keju.

How to make Fried Bananas with Cheese

1. Then, mash bananas with fork and mix thoroughly with flour
and egg mixture.
2. Next, slightly beat eggs and mix with flour and half cup of
3. The Fried Bananas with Cheese are ready to serve.
4. First, prepare all the ingredients.
5. Finally, drain on absorbent paper and dust with cheese.
6. After that, deep-fry bananas and fl our mixture in hot oil until
golden brown.

Setelah selesai, kalian bisa mencocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban yang
ada di bagian belakang modul ini.


REFLEKSI DARI Kegiatan Belajar I

Yang saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar I ini adalah

Yang tidak saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar I ini adalah

Peningkatan yang saya alami setelah belajar Kegiatan Belajar I ini adalah

Ada beberapa ungkapan dasar dalam interaksi sosial yang dibahas dalam Kegiatan
Belajar I ini antara lain :
o Menanyakan sesuatu o Menanyakan pilihan
Menggunakan awalan kata tanya: Bisa menggunakan tanda baca
 What (apa) koma (,) atau kata penghubung
 Where (dimana/kemana) “or”,contoh :
 When (kapan)  Would you like to drink coffee
 Why (kenapa/mengapa)
or tea?
 Who (siapa)
 Would you like to drink coffe,
 How (bagaimana)
milk, juice or tea?

o Meminta pengulangan
o Memberi instruksi
Digunakan untuk meminta kejelasan
Untuk memberi instruksi, kalian bisa
pertanyaan/klarifikasi, contoh : menggunakan kata penghubung :
 Can you repeat your question? First, …..
After that, …

 Would you like to say it again? Next,…
 I beg your pardon, I don’t Then, …
To end with, … dst
Tes formatif 1
Berilah tanda silang (x) di depan jawaban yang paling tepat
1. X : Excuse me, sir. May I close the door? It’s windy outside.
Y : Oh, sure.
In the dialogue, X is asking for ...
A. help
B. opinion
C. permission
D. agreement
E. Information

2. Boni     : How was your trip to Nias?

Yudha : ... with it. I want to go there again next year.
A. I'm very pleased
B. I'm really disappointed
C. I'm very displeased
D. I'm very unsatisfied
E. I'm not happy

3. Immigration : Hi anything to declare?

Alex : Excuse me, I don’t understand.
The italic sentence is used to ....
A. Ask clarification
B. Give clarification
C. State his opinion
D. Ask someone’s opinion
E. Tell opinion

4. Adi : .... do you look so sad?

Ati : Someone stole my money when I was going to school by train.
A. What
B. When
C. Where

D. When
E. Why
5. Officer : Do you have cash or traveller cheques?
Alex : Traveller cheques. Here they are
The underlined connector is used to ....
A. Give choice
B. Give addition
C. Add information
D. Give comment
E. Give extra information

Read the dialogue to answer question no 6 – 8

Assistant : Good morning, Miss. Can I help you?
Tiara : Yes, please. I need a pair of shoes and also a pair of jeans.
Nana And I want to buy a hat and dress.
Assistant : Oh….. You can find it there.
Tiara Nana, come here! What do you think about this pair of jeans?
Nana : I think that it’s suitable for you
Tiara But, I don’t like the colour.
Nana : It seems that this one is suitable for you. This is blue! Your favorite colour
Tiara Yes, correct. I will take this one. And what about you?
Nana : Wait a moment. I’ll choose one of these hats.
Tiara What colour do you want?
Nana : I want red colour
Tiara What about this red one?
Nana : This is very sweet. I’ll try it first.
Tiara Where is the fitting room?
Assistant : The fitting room is at the corner. You can walk straight to the north from
here and near the elevator you will find three fitting rooms.
Nana : Ok. Let’s go there.


6. What thing that is taken by Tiara finally?

A. red jeans
B. blue jeans
C. red hats
D. blue dress
E. blue shoes
7. “The fitting room is at the corner. You can....”. (Line 16-17). The statement is used
A. ask opinion
B. give opinion
C. give suggestion
D. give instruction
E. ask instruction

8. Below are some expression of asking someone’s opinion can be found from the text,
except ....
A. What do you think about this pair of jeans?
B. And what about you?
C. What color do you want?
D. What about this red one?
E. Where is the fitting room?

9. Mrs Yenni : Wow, how interesting is Armageddon. I am pleased with it. ….?
Mia : In my opinion, the end story of the film made me sad.
A. Would you like to see the movie again?

B. How about you?
C. Have you read it?
D. How often do you watch it?
E. When did you watch it?

10. Arrange these instructions into a good order.

1. Put noodles into glasses of briskly boiling water.
2. Your delicious noodles are ready to be served.
3. Put the seasoning, vegetables oil and chili powder in a bowl.
4. Mix the noodles well with all of the seasoning.
5. Cook the noodles and simmer for 3 minutes.
A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
B. 1 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 2
C. 1 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 3
D. 1 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 3
E. 1 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 2
Cocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif 1 yang terdapat di
bagian belakang modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban Kalian yang benar dan kemudian
gunakan rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan kalian terhadap
Kegiatan Belajar 1 ini.
Tingkat Penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban kalian yang benar x 100%
Arti tingkat penguasaan yang kalian capai:
90% - 100% = baik sekali
80% - 89% = baik
70% - 69% = sedang
< 69% = kurang
Jika tingkat penguasaan kalian mencapai 80% ke atas, berarti kalian berhasil belajar
menggunakan modul ini dan dapat melanjutkan pada modul berikutnya. Bagus!
Tetapi bila tingkat penguasaan kalian masih di bawah 80%, kalian harus mengulangi
Kegiatan Belajar 1, terutama yang belum kalian kuasai.


Dalam Kegiatan Belajar 2 ini kalian akan belajar :

1) Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat sederhana
2) Menjelaskan cerita secara singkat.
3) Menyatakan pernyataan benar atau salah
4) Mengemukakan alasan pernyataan
5) Merangkum inti cerita dari dialog yang diperdengarkan.

Tes awal

Bacalah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut dan carilah jawabannya dalam bacaan.

1. Where does Miranda come from?
2. Where was Miranda born?
3. What are Miranda’s hobbies?
4. Where does Miranda live?

5. Where does Miranda study/
6. Retell the description about Miranda!

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan

kunci jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini! Setelah mengetahui kemampuan awal
kalian, mulailah belajar menggunakan modul ini. Pada saat belajar dengan
menggunakan modul ini, kalian dapat menggunakan buku referensi lain untuk
melengkapi informasi yang tidak ada di dalam modul ini.
Menceritakan kembali cerita maksudnya adalah mengungkapkan kembali cerita
atau memberitahukan inti dari suatu cerita, bacaan maupun dialog. Dalam retelling,
cerita yang diungkapkan kembali tidak harus sama tapi bisa berupa inti
kejadian/peristiwa yang terjadi.
Dalam sebuah dialog, bisa saja hanya berupa tema atau hal yang dibicarakan
oleh pembicara. Salah satu cara untuk bisa menceritakan kembali adalah dengan
menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan percakapan atau
bacaan yang tersedia. Setelah mampu menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan
berdasarkan dialolg, maka secara tidak langsung peserta didik akan mampu
menceritakan kembali peristiwa yang terjadi.

Activity 1

Lihatlah gambar/foto artis dibawah ini, apakah kalian mengenal mereka?

Coba kalian ceritakan secara singkat tentang mereka.
22 1

Tulis jawaban kalian dalam kotak berikut

1. ......................................................................................................

2. ......................................................................................................

3. ......................................................................................................

Activity 2

Dengarkan baik – baik pembacaan deskrpsi seseorang yang dilakukan oleh guru
kalian dan lengkapi titik – titik dalam paragraf berikut.

My Favourite Actor
My favourite 1) ......... is Ringgo Agus Rahman. I like him because he is a
good actor. He is also very 2) ......... Moreover, he is 3) .......... He has bright
4) .......... and slanting 5) ......... His facial expression makes him look funny. If I had
a chance to meet him, I would ask him sign my photograph.

Activity 3
Ceritakan kembali bacaan tersebut atau ceritakan tentang artis/selebritis favoritmu
pada teman – teman sekelasmu seperti contoh paragaf diatas.
Untuk menceritakan seseorang secara fisik (penampilan), bisa menggunakan
Penampilan fisik
Height Body Age Hair Face Eyes
tall slim young long round big
short thin old short oval round
plump teenager bald square blue
fat in 20s, 30s, straight wrinkles brown
skinny 40s curly pale green

muscular wavy bearded slanting
black shaved

Untuk mencerritakan karakter seseorang (kualitas & kebiasaan) bisa menggunakan

Carefull careless
intelligent stupid
confdent shy
Diligent lazy
extrovert introvert
generous stingy

Activity 4
Bacalah dialog berikut, kemudian tentukan pernyataan – pernyataan dibawahnya
benar atau salah beserta alasannya.
Alex is in a car rental, he wants to rent a car while he is in US. Here is the dialogue.
Alex : I’d like to rent a car for several weeks.
Rental : Do you have a reservation?
Alec : No, I don’t.
Rental : Alright. I’ll see what we have available. Would you like sub a compact,
compact, mid-size or luxury car?
Alex : I don’t need much room just good fuel economy and safety. What do
you recommend?
Rental : I have a minivan ready. Would that be alright?
Alex : Fine. How much does it cost?
Rental : Well, if you renting if for a week or more I would recommend our
unlimited mileage plan.
Alex : How does it work?
Rental : You pay our flat rate for the week and you can drive as much as you
want. You can also drop off the car any of our agencies nationwide.
You’ll start off with the full tank of gas try to fill it just up before you
drop off the car because we charge more than a regular gas station.
Alex : Ok, I’ll take it. Where do I sign?

Tentukan pernyataan berikut ini benar atau salah beserta alasannya.
Statements True/False Reasons
1. Alex has reserved to rent a car.
2. The rental owner offered four kinds of car.
3. Alex doesn’t need any recommendation from
the owner.
4. In unlimited mileage plan, the owner use
irregular rate.
5. Finally, Alex takes the luxury car.
Setelah selesai, cocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban di bagian belakang
modul ini.

Activity 5
Dengarkan cerita yang dibacakan guru kalian sambil kalian lengkapi titik – titik yang
kosong dalam paragraf berikut.

When I was a ....., I liked swimming very much. Each year my two brothers
and I spent the ........... with our uncle and aunt in their house by the sea. It was
only .......... yards from the water. The water was warm, the sun shone brightly, and
most days there were no ........ In the middle of the day a wind always began to blow,
but it was not ......... and did not make the sea rough.
One day, we put on our swimming-shorts before ........... . Then, we ran down to
the sea across the sand and jumped in. We were in the sea or on the .......... until late
at night. When our aunt rang a ........, we went back to the house for food, but we ate
it in our swimming-shorts and soon went back in the sea again. We were all very
good ............ . We dived through the wavesor rode towards the beach on top of them
until we were tired and .......... . (Adapted from: L.A. Hill,

Jika perlu ulangi sampai maksimal 3 (tiga) kali sampai kalian bisa melengkapi
dialog diatas sambil kalian mengecek jawaban yang sudah kalian miliki beserta
cara penulisannya. Setelah semua titik – titik kalian isi, cocokkan jawaban dengan
kunci jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini.

Activity 6

Tentukan pernyataan yang tepat dari masing – masing nomor berikut berdasarkan
cerita yang dibacakan guru kalian (teks di bagian belakang modul ini, sama dengan
teks sebelumnya).
1. a. The boys’ home was near the sea.
b. The boys’ uncle’s home was near the sea.
c. The boys’ uncle’s home was a long way from the water.
d. The boys’ home was a long way from the water.
2. a. There were waves every day.
b. There were waves on most days.
c. There were no waves on most days.
d. There were no waves every day.
3. a. The boys had breakfast in the house.
b. The boys did not have breakfast.
c. The boys had breakfast on the sand.
d The boys did not use to have breakfast.
4. a. The boys put on their swimming-shorts before each meal.
b. The boys put other clothes on before every meal.
c. The boys did not do anything to their clothes before meals.
d. The boys always changed their clothes before meals.
5. a. The waves rode on top of the boys towards the beach.
b. The waves carried the boys towards the beach.
c. The boys rode on top of their brothers towards the beach.
d. The boys rode on the waves using their board.

Setelah selesai, cocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban di bagian

belakang modul ini.

Activity 7
Ceritakan kembali secara singkat cerita berjudul “swimming” diatas dengan kalimat
kalian sendiri.


REFLEKSI DARI Kegiatan Belajar 2

Yang saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 2 ini adalah

Yang tidak saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 2 ini adalah


Peningkatan yang saya alami setelah belajar Kegiatan Belajar 2 ini adalah
Tes formatif 2
Berilah tanda silang (x) di depan jawaban yang paling tepat
The instructors of the English club, Utami, Krisna and Hani are talking in the
Utami : “Our headmaster wanted us to improve and increase the quality of our
English club. What do you think, Krisna?”
Krisna : “Well, I think so. We should be able to do that.”
Utami : “So what should we do?”
Krisna : “I think that we have to improve our syllabus. It must be more relevant to
Hani : “That's a great idea. But don't forget. I think it is not only that. We should
also know the student's needs, because we handle different levels and
Utami : “Yes, I know that. Thank you. And then do we need new instructors
Krisna : “I don’t think so. It is not necessary. Why don't you recruit the quailed
ones among us. Or are you still doubtful about us?”
Utami : “Oh, of course not. I believe that we are still able to show our quality and
capability, in fact from time to time many people from different levels want
to learn English here. It means that they are satisfied.”
Hani : “Are you going to accept children to study here?”
Utami : “Why not? As long as we are still trusted and able to handle them, we will
open new classes. So should we recruit new instructors? I myself heard
statements from some participants that they feel satisfied with our teaching

Krisna : “Alright. If so we need new ones. Err ...I have no objection.”
Utami : “How about you, Hani?”
Hani : “Well I am with him. “
Utami : “Thank you all. So we can conclude that firstly, the syllabus should be
analyzed and improved if needed. Secondly we will recruit new instructors
to handle children classes.”

1. What are they talking about?

A. Quality improvement in their English club.
B. Establishing an English club.
C. Improving their headmaster’s English.
D. Building a new place to course English.
E. Stopping their English Club.

2. Which of the following that do not express asking opinion?

A. What do you think, Krisna?
B. So what should we do?
C. How about you, Hani?
D. Why not?
E. Are you still doubtful about us?

3. “Well I am with him” said Hani. It means that ….

A. I agree with Krsina.
B. I agree with Hani.
C. Hani agrees with Krisna.
D. I will go with Krisna
E. Hani will go wth krisna

4. “I don’t think so. It is not necessary….”(line 8). Those expression shows ….

A. certainty
B. uncertainty
C. approval
D. agreement
E. disagreement

5. Secondly we will recruit new instructors to handle children classes. The words
below are closest in meaning to the underlined word, except ….
A. mentors
B. teachers
C. learners
D. coaches
E. trainers

Cocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif 2 yang terdapat di
bagian belakang modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban kalian yang benar dan kemudian
gunakan rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan kalian terhadap
Kegiatan Belajar 1 ini.
Tingkat Penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban kalian yang benar x 100%
Arti tingkat penguasaan yang kalian capai:
90% - 100% = baik sekali
80% - 89% = baik
70% - 69% = sedang
< 69% = kurang
Jika tingkat penguasaan kalian mencapai 80% ke atas, berarti kalian berhasil belajar
menggunakan modul ini dan dapat melanjutkan pada modul berikutnya. Bagus!
Tetapi bila tingkat penguasaan kalian masih di bawah 80%, kalian harus mengulangi
Kegiatan Belajar 2, terutama yang belum kalian kuasai.


Dalam Kegiatan Belajar 3 ini kalian akan belajar :

1. Mengutip pengumuman
2. Membaca pengumuman
3. Menerangkan pengumuman yang dibahas
4. Menentukan pertanyaan dari pengumuman yang tersedia.
5. Mengadaptasi pengumuman yang ada untuk membuat pengumuman sejenis.

Tes awal
Look at this picture and then answer the questions below.

1. What is in your mind if you see a picture like above?

2. Have you heard an announcement? What is it about?
3. Can you make another example of announcement?
4. What is an announcement?

Tulis jawaban kalian dalam kotak berikut

1. ...................................................
2. ...................................................
3. ..................................................

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci

jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini.

Activity 1

Dengarkan pengumuman yang dibacakan oleh guru kalian atau pemutaran CD

pembelajaran yang tersedia, kemudian jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut
(teks pengumuman ada di bagian belakang modul ini)
1. What is the announcement about?
2. Can boys join that contest?
3. Who are the sponsored of the contest?
4. When will the contest be held?
5. Is it free?
6. What are included in the contest?
7. Can a twelve year old girl join the contest? Why?
Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan
kunci jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini.

Activity 2

Setelah kalian mencocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban yang tersedia,
silakan cari sinonim (padanan kata) dari kata – kata berikut.
1. Notice 6. Cost
2. Item 7. Contest
3. Speaking 8. Aid
4. Style 9. Sponsored
5. Entry 10. Onwards

Jika kalian menemukan kesulitan, kalian boleh membuka kamus untuk mencari tahu
arti kata – kata tersebut

Activity 3

Ceritakan kembali pengumuman tersebut dengan kata – kata kalian sendiri lalu
bacakan di depan kelas.

Activity 4

Perhatikan pengumuman berikut kemudian jawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan


Attention All Students!

Story telling Competition.

SMU Mandalawangi is organizing a story telling competition in
15 September 2008. All students inGrade X, XI, and XII of the
school are invited to take part in this competition. Here are the
titles of the stories to choose.
1. The Tortoise and the Hare
2. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
3. The Jealous Crow
4. The Cock and the Millipede
5. A Story about Red
Prizes will be given to the first three winners of the best

Answer the following questions based on the announcement.

1. What was the announcement about?
2. Who was invited to the competition?
3. When will the competition be held?
4. Where will it be held?
5. How many stories will be provided by the committee? Write down the titles.
6. How many winners will be given prizes?

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci
jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini.

Activity 5

Apakah kalian menemukan kata – kata sulit atau tidak tahu cara pengucapannya?
Jika iya, pahamilah dan cari tahu arti maupun pelafalan dari kata – kata dalam
pengumuman diatas yang mungkin belum pernah kalian temukan. Setelah itu bacalah
pengumuman diatas di depan kelas dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat.

Activity 6

Lihat pengumuman berikut ini dan buatlah 5 pertanyaan berdasarkan pengumuman

berikut. Jika sudah selesai, bacakan pertanyaan tersebut lalu meminta seorang teman
kalian untuk menjawabnya.

Activity 6

Lihat pengumuman berikut dan ceritakan secara singkat apa isi dari pengumuman
di bawah ini.

Activity 8

Buatlah pengumuman secara singkat tentang hal yang kalian pilih sendiri.


REFLEKSI DARI Kegiatan Belajar 3

Yang saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 3 ini adalah

Yang tidak saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 3 ini adalah

Peningkatan yang saya alami setelah belajar Kegiatan Belajar 3 ini adalah


Ada beberapa tips jika kalian ingin membuat pengumuman, antara lain:

o Tulislah pengumuman secara singkat, padat dan jelas sehingga pembaca bisa
langsung mengerti maksudnya.
o Jika menulis pengumuman yang positif, sebaiknya singkat, menarik dan
langsung ke intinya.
o Jika menulis pengumuman yang negatif, sebaiknya sampaikan menggunakan
pernyataan langsung dan tidak omong kosong, gunakan nada yang baik dan
tidak kasasr.
o Jika mengumumkan suatu pencapaian/prestasi, usahakan untuk memotivasi
orang lain memperoleh tujuan yang sama.

Tes formatif 3
Berilah tanda silang (x) di depan jawaban yang paling tepat
Read the following annnouncement and then decide which statement in no 1 – 5 that
is true.

The school drama club is going to organize the
“ Sangkuriang” casts audition. For those who are
interested to join the audition, please come to our
offi ce on Monday, 4 August, at 2 p.m. to register.
The followings are the requirements:
- your latest photograph of postcard size (2)
- the registration form (get it in the offi ce)
The audition will be held on Sunday, 10
August, at 9 a.m. The list of the selected
candidates will be announced in a week.
We do appreciate your participation.
Thank you.
The Committee
p.s.: no charge for the registration form
1. a) The school drama club is holding a drama competition.
b) The school drama club is holding an audition for recruiting new members.
c) The school drama club is holding a selection for casts in a drama.

2. a) The audition will be held on 17 August.

b) The audition will be held on 10 August.
c) The audition will be held on 4 August.

3. a) The audition will be held at 2 p.m.

b) The audition will be held at 9 p.m.
c) The audition will be held at 9 a.m.

4. a) The list of the selected candidates will be announced a week after 4 August.
b) The list of the selected candidates will be announced a week after 10 August.
c) The list of the selected candidates will be announced a week after 17 August.

5. a) To register, they should buy the registration form at the drama club office.
b) To register, they can get the registration form for free at the drama club office.
c) To register, they do not need to fill in the registration form

Cocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif 3 yang terdapat di
bagian belakang modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban kalian yang benar dan kemudian
gunakan rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan kalian terhadap
Kegiatan Belajar 3 ini.

Tingkat Penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban kalian yang benar x 100%
Arti tingkat penguasaan yang kalian capai:
90% - 100% = baik sekali
80% - 89% = baik
70% - 69% = sedang
< 69% = kurang
Jika tingkat penguasaan kalian mencapai 80% ke atas, berarti kalian berhasil belajar
menggunakan modul ini dan dapat melanjutkan pada modul berikutnya. Bagus!
Tetapi bila tingkat penguasaan kalian masih di bawah 80%, kalian harus mengulangi
Kegiatan Belajar 3, terutama yang belum kalian kuasai.


Dalam Kegiatan Belajar 4 ini dan selanjutnya, kalian akan mempelajari tentang :
1) Menjelaskan pengertian beberapa jenis teks
2) Membedakan jenis – jenis teks
3) Menggunakan informasi bacaan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bacaan
4) Menentukan jenis teks.
5) Mendeteksi sinonim dari kata – kata dalam bacaan.
6) Menemukan teks berbeda jenis

Tes awal

Jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut sebelum kalian memulai

mempelajari bab ini.
1. Can you mention some genres of text?
2. What do you know about Report text?
3. What is then different between report and descriptive text?
4. Can you give example of a report text?
Tulis jawaban kalian dalam kotak berikut

1. ...................................................
2. ...................................................
3. ..................................................
4. ...................................................

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci

jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini.
Dalam bab ini kalian akan mempelajari tentang salah satu jenis teks yaitu teks report.
Fungsi sosial teks report adalah mendeskripiskan sesuatu apa adanya, dengan
referensi yang menjangkau fenomena sosial, alami atau buatan manusia di
sekitar kita.
Struktur umumnya terdiri dari :
Klasifikasi umum : memperkenalkan hal yang akan dibicarakan
deskripsi : mengelaborasi dan melaporkan secara detail
Pada prinsipnya, teks reports tidak sama dengan teks deskripsi, meskipun
keduanya bisa saling menggantikan.
Teks report Teks deskripsi
 Membagi dan menjelaskan suatu hal  Membicarakan suatu hal secara
secara keseluruhan (deskripsi umum) spesifik (deskripsi khusus)
Misal : “Houses” Misal : “My house”
Deskripsi yang digunakan bisa meliputi banyak aspek dari object yang
diicarakan (warna, bentuk, kebiasaan, perilaku, dsb) memberi contoh,
membandingkan, mendeskripsikan bagian – bagian dan fungsinya.
1. Teks report biasanya menggunakan Simple Present Tense, dan jarang
menggunakan past tenses (jika bendanya tidak ada).
2. Bahasanya netral atau harus objectif: tidak ada ungkapan pendapat, tidak
mengacu pada pembaca (tidak menggunakan “I”, “we” or “you”).
3. Jarang menggunakan bentuk “Passive Sentence” (kalimat pasif)
4. Menggunakan bentuk to “be”: is, am, are, was, were untuk klasifikasi.
5. Menggunakan kata kerja “have”: have, has, had, untuk memberi deskripsi detail
6. Menggunakan kata kerja aktif, terutama kalau menjelaskan perilaku.
7. Menggunakan kata sifat (adjectives) dalam menjelaskan kualitas.
8. Sering dilengkapi dengan foto, diagram, peta dan ilustrasi
Struktur kalimat (tense) yang biasa digunakan dalam teks report adalah
simple present tense. Simple present tense digunakan untuk memberikan kebenaran

secara umum dan kebiasaan. Verbs (kata kerja) yang biasa digunakan dalam simple
present tense adalah : to be (is, am, are) dan verb/ kata kerja (eat, occurs, etc.) atau
biasa dikenal dengan istilah infinitive verbs. Strukturnya adalah:
Kalimat positif atau kalimat negatif

Subject + Verb (es/s) + O Subject + do/does not Verb + O

Subject + to be + Adjective Subject + (to be) not + Adjective

Subject To be Subject Verb Negatif
I am I, you, we, they Verb Do not + V
He, she, it is He, she, it Verb + s/es Does not + V
You, we, they are

Activity 1

Bacalah sebuah teks report berjudul “Camel” berikut kemudian carilah sinonim dari
kata – kata yang ada di bawahnya.
The camel is a large, strong desert animal. Camels can travel great
distances across hot, dry deserts with little food or water. They walk easily on
soft sand and carry people and heavy loads to places that have no roads. Camels
also serve the people of the desert in many other ways.
The camel carries its own built-infood supply on its back in the form of a
hump. The hump is a large lump of fat providing energy if food is hard to find.
There are two chief kinds of camels: (1) the Arabian camel also called
dromedary, which has one hump, and (2) Bactrian camel, which has two humps.

Find the synonyms from the text above!

1. Bring : ............................. 6. Help : .............................
2. Huge : ............................. 7. Go : .............................
3. With no trouble : ............................. 8. Weighty : .............................
4. Main : ............................. 9. Stock : .............................
5. Street : ............................. 10.Tough : .............................
Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci
jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini. Jangan dulu membuka kamus untuk
mengetahui arti yang tepat, gunakan pengetahuan kalian untuk menebak sinonim
sekaligus artinya.

Activity 2

Carilah bahasa Inggris (diambil dari bacaan diatas) dari kata – kata berikut!
1. Jarak : ............................. 6. Halus : .............................
2. Sedikit : ............................. 7. Gurun : .............................
3. Punuk : ............................. 8. Gumpala : .............................
4. Bentuk : ............................. n : .............................
5. Barang bawaan : ............................. 9. Cara : .............................
Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci
Activity 3 di bagian belakang modul ini

Baca teks berikut ini kemudian tentukan hewan apa yang dimaksud.
This animal is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller
relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also
in New Guinea.
It eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long, and very
strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. They have
been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences
more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per
The largest types are the Great Grey One and the Red One. Adults grow to a
length of 1.60 meters and weight over 90 kilos.
They are marsupials. This means that the female have an external pouch on the
front of her body. The baby is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this
pouch where it spends its first five months of life.
The animal is ..........

Activity 4

Setelah kalian bisa menebak dengan tepat hewan yang dimaksud, sekarang jawab
pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut ini.
1) Are the animal and wallabies indigenous animals of Australia?
2) What does the word "these" in paragraph 2 refer to?
3) How fast these animals can run?

4) How far can these animals known to make forward jump?
5) What do people call the largest type?
6) Where do you find the pouch of the female ?
7) What does the word "it" in sentence ... it crawls at once ... refer to?
8) How long the baby stay in the mother pouch?
9) Can you find the sentence considered the definition of the animal? State it.
10) Which sentences tell you about the description of their appearance?

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci

jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini

Activity 5

Susunlah menjadi paragraf report yang benar.

1. The male measures up to 72 cm long, including the ornamental red plumes that
require at least six years to fully attain. The female resembles the male but is
smaller in size, with a dark brown face and has no ornamental red plumes. The
diet consists mainly of fruits, berries and arthropods.
2. An Indonesian endemic, the Red Bird of Paradise is distributed to lowland
rainforests of Waigeo and Batanta islands of West Papua. This species shares its
home with another bird of paradise, the Wilson's Bird of Paradise. Hybridisation
between these two species are expected but not recorded yet
3. The Red Bird of Paradise, Paradisaea rubra is a large, up to 33 cm long, brown
and yellow bird of paradise with a dark brown iris, grey legs and yellow bill. The
male has an emerald green face, a pair of elongated black corkscrew-shaped tail
wires, dark green feather pompoms above each eye and a train of glossy crimson
red plumes with whitish tips at either side of the breast.
(Taken from

Activity 6

Pelajari kembali penjelasan tentang simple present tense untuk mengerjakan soal –
soal berikut ini.
Pilih satu jawaban yang paling tepat untuk mengisi titik – titik dibawah ini.
1. They …. hungry so Billy buys something for them.
a. were b. was c. are d. is
2. A : What is your father do?
B : He .... policeman.

a. does b. is c. am d. are
3. Jill bought a new car. He .... it evrywhere he go.
a. rides b. ride c. rode d. riden
4. Lyla and his sister …. coffee.
a. does’t drinks b. doesn’t drink c. don’t drinks d. don’t drink
5. Sabrina usually ...... at 5, but yesterday she got up at 6 o’clock.
a. gets up b. get up c. got up d. is getting up
Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci
jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini

Activity 7

Lengkapi kata – kata dibawah ini bisa berdasarkan definisi atau lainnya sehingga
menjadi kalimat simple present tense yang bisa dipahami. Gunakan nomor 1 sebagai
1. A school is a place where students study with their teachers.
2. A hospital ...........................................................................
3. A snake ...........................................................................
4. A president ...........................................................................
5. A cow ...........................................................................
6. A theatre ...........................................................................
7. A cat ...........................................................................
8. A house ...........................................................................
9. A taxi...........................................................................
10. A bank ...........................................................................

Activity 8

Tentukan struktur kalimat yang benar dan mana kalimat yang salah dan benarkan jika
kalimat tersebut salah.
Sentences True/fals Correction
1. We buy a new house
2. Alex study English
3. Singapore is a city state
4. An elephant are the largest and strongest
of all animals.

5. The elephant is a very intelligent animal
6. The elephant draws up water by its trunk
7. Chocolate start with a tree called the
cacao tree.
8. Inside the fruit are the tree's seeds, also
known as cocoa beans
9. Cacao beans is half fat.
10. An elephant looks very-clumsy and
heavy and yet it can move very quickly.


REFLEKSI DARI Kegiatan Belajar 4

Yang saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 4 ini adalah

Yang tidak saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 4 ini adalah

Peningkatan yang saya alami setelah belajar Kegiatan Belajar 4 ini adalah


Teks report mempunyai fungsi sosial yaitu untuk mendeskripiskan sesuatu
apa adanya, dengan referensi yang menjangkau fenomena sosial, alami atau buatan
manusia di sekitar kita.
Struktur umumnya terdiri dari :
Klasifikasi umum : memperkenalkan hal yang akan dibicarakan
deskripsi : mengelaborasi dan melaporkan secara detail
Pada prinsipnya, teks reports tidak sama dengan teks deskripsi, meskipun
keduanya bisa saling menggantikan. Struktur kalimat (tense) yang biasa digunakan
dalam teks report adalah simple present tense. Simple present tense digunakan

untuk memberikan kebenaran secara umum dan kebiasaan. Verbs (kata kerja) yang
biasa digunakan dalam simple present tense adalah : to be (is, am, are) dan verb/ kata
kerja (eat, occurs, etc.) atau biasa dikenal dengan istilah infinitive verbs.

Tes formatif 4
Berilah tanda silang (x) di depan jawaban yang paling tepat
Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab pertanyaan no 1 – 5
An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking
animal with its thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little
eyes, long white tusks and above all it has a long nose, the trunk.
The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The
elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower
bath. It can also lift leaves and puts them, into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the
elephant as a long arm and hand. An elephant looks very-clumsy and heavy and yet it
can move very quickly.
The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its
great strength makes it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in
various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.

1. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that...

A. elephants are strong
B. elephants can lift logs
C. elephants are servants
D. elephants are very useful
E. elephants must be trained

2. Which of the following is NOT part of the elephant described in the first
A. It looks strange.
B. It is heavy.
C. It is wild.
D. It has a trunk.
E. It has a small tail

3. It is stated in the text that the elephant uses the trunk to do the following,
A. to eat
B. to push

C. to drink
D. to carry things
E. to squirt water over the body

4. “The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature ..." (Paragraph 2). The underlined
word is close in meaning to ...
A. large
B. strange
C. tough
D. smooth
E. long

5. .... and it has various uses. (par 2). The word “it”refers to ....
A. Elephant D. Nose
B. Trunk E. Tusk
C. Water

6. Prambanan .... a Hindu temple located at Yogyakarta

A. is D. was
B. am E. were
C. are
7. Alice .... her mother in Jakarta once a month.
A. see D. seen
B. sees E. is seen
C. saw

8. Ann ....
A. Do not drinks D. does not drink
B. Do not drink E. not drink
C. does not drinks

9. Bob and Barry .... in a shop.

A. work D. working
B. works E. is worked
C. worked

10. The River Amazon .... into the Atlantic Ocean.

A. Flow D. flowing
B. Flows E. flowen
C. flown

Cocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif 4 yang terdapat di
bagian belakang modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban kalian yang benar dan kemudian

gunakan rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan kalian terhadap
Kegiatan Belajar 4 ini.
Tingkat Penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban kalian yang benar x 100%
Arti tingkat penguasaan yang kalian capai:
90% - 100% = baik sekali
80% - 89% = baik
70% - 69% = sedang
< 69% = kurang
Jika tingkat penguasaan kalian mencapai 80% ke atas, berarti kalian berhasil belajar
menggunakan modul ini dan dapat melanjutkan pada modul berikutnya. Bagus!
bila tingkat penguasaan kalian(NARRATIVE
masih di bawah 80%, TEXT)
kalian harus mengulangi
Kegiatan Belajar 4, terutama yang belum kalian kuasai.

Tes awal

Lihatlah gambar dibawah ini kemudian jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut

sebelum kalian memulai mempelajari bab ini.

1. What is the story about?

2. Have you read the story?
3. What kind of text is that?
4. Can you tell your friends the story in brief?
Tulis jawaban kalian dalam kotak berikut

1. ..................................................
2. ...................................................
3. ..................................................
4. ...................................................

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci

jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini.

Dalam bab ini kalian akan mempelajari tentang salah satu jenis teks yaitu teks
Tujuan dasar teks naratif adalah menghibur, menarik perhatian pembaca
yang behubungan dengan pengalaman imaginasi/ sebenarnya dengan cara yang
berbeda. Meskipun begitu, naratif bisa juga ditulis untuk memberi pelajaran atau
informasi, mengubah sikap/fungsi sosial, opera sabun dan drama televisi yang
diangkat untuk membahasa suatu isu.
Ada banyak jenis naratif, bisa khayalan, kenyataan atau kombinasi keduanya.
Bisa meliputi cerita dongeng, misteri, fiksi ilmiah, cerita roman, horor, cerita
petualangan, fable, mitos, dan legenda, naratif sejarah, ballada, bagian kehidupan
atau pengalaman seseorang.
Ciri – ciri teks naratif:
1. Mempunyai perwatakan/identitas yang jelas
2. Sering menyertakan dialog- struktur kalimat berubah ke present atau future.
3. Menggunakan bahasa deskriptif dan tokoh individu.
4. Fokus pada tokoh tertentu.
5. Menggunakan “past tense” (kalimat lampau)
6. Menggunakan material process (kata kerja aksi).
7. Menggunakan kata kerja penghubung dan mental.
8. Menggunakan penghubung sementara dan keadaan.

Struktur teks naratif:

1. Orientasi (perkenalan) dimana tokoh, setting dan waktu cerita terjadi.
Biasanya menjawab pertanyaan siapa, kapan/dimana.
2. Komplikasi (masalah) : masalah yang meliputi tokoh utama (sering
mencerminkan masalah pada kehidupan nyata).
3. Resolusi : perlunya penyelesaian masalah. Masalah mungkin berakhir
bahagia/sedih. Kadang ada beberapa masalah yang perlu diselesaikan. Hal ini
menambah dan mempertahankan minat dn ketegangan pembaca.
The thirsty crow
One hot day, a crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink of water. It
was a long way to the river and she was too tired to fly for a drink. She could
not see the pool of water anywhere. She flew round and round. At last she } Orientation
saw a big jug outside a house. The crow flew down to the jug. She looked
inside. There was a little water at the bottom of the jug.
The crow flew down to the jug, but she could not reach the water with
her peak. She climbed onto the jug. She almost fell into it, but could not put

her peak into the water.
The crow flew into the air, and then she flew down at the jug and tried
to break it with her peak. But the jug was strong. It would not break. The
crow flew at the jug, flapping her wings. She tried to knock it over, so that Complication
the water would run out onto the ground. But the jug was too heavy. It did
not fall over. The crow was too tired to fly anymore. She thought she was }
going to die thirst. The crow sat down to rest. She thought and she thought.
She did not want to die of thirst.
She saw some small stones lying on the ground. She had an idea. She
picked up a stone in her peak and dropped it into the jug. Then another, and
another. The water rose higher everytime a stone fell into the jug.
Since the jug was nearly full of stones. The water came to the top. The

clever crow put her peak into it at last, and had a drink. When there’s a will, Resolution
there’s a way.

Struktur kalimat (tense) yang biasa digunakan dalam teks narrative adalah
simple past tense. Simple past tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang
sudah terjadi di masa lampau. Verbs (kata kerja) yang biasa digunakan dalam simple
past tense adalah : to be (was, were) dan verb/ kata kerja bentuk ke-2 (went, studied,
etc.). Strukturnya adalah:
Kalimat positif atau kalimat negatif
Subject + Verb II + O Subject + did not Verb + O

Subject + to be + Adjective Subject + (to be) not + Adjective

Subject To be Subject Negatif
I, He, she, it was I, you, we, they Did not + Verb I
You, we, they were He, she, it Did not + Verb I

Activity 1

Lengkapi cerita dibawah ini berdasarkan cerita lengkap yang dibacakan guru kalian
(cerita lengkapnya ada di bagian belakang modul ini)

The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk

A Mouse who always lived on the land, by an ...... chance, formed
intimate acquaintance with a Frog, who lived, for the most part, in the ..... .
One day, the Frog was ..... on mischief. He tied the foot of the Mouse
tightly to his own. Thus joined together, the ...... led his friend the Mouse to
the meadow where they usually searched for ..... . After this, he gradually led
him towards the pond in which helived, until reaching the banks of the water,
he ....... jumped in, dragging the Mouse with him.
The Frog ...... the water amazingly,48and swam croaking about, as if he
had done a good deed. The unhappy Mouse was soon sputtered and
drowned in the water and his poor dead ..... floating about on the surface. A
Hawk observed the floating ....... from the sky, and dove down and grabbed
Activity 2

Setelah kalian melengkapi titik – titik dan mencocokkan cerita diatas, bacalah cerita
diatas dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat.

Activity 3

Jika sudah, jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan dibawah ini.

1. Where did the Mouse and the Frog live?
a. They lived on the land.
b. They lived in the water.
c. They lived above the tree.
d. The Mouse lived in the water and the Frog lived on the land.
e. The Mouse lived on the land and the Frog lived in the water.

2. How did the Mouse die?

a. He was tied on the Frog’s leg.
b. He drowned in the water.
c. He floated about on the surface of the water.
d. He was eaten by the Hawk.
e. He was imprisoned by the Hawk.

3. How was the end of the Frog’s life?

a. He was fastened on the Mouse’s foot.
b. He drowned in the water.
c. He was eaten by the Hawk.
d. He was eaten by the Mouse.
e. He became the prisoner of the Hawk.

4. .. formed intimate .. (par.1). the word intimate has the same meaning with....
A. Close
B. Far
C. Away
D. Enemy

E. Competitor

5. What do you learn from this story?

a. We can make friends with everybody.
b. We should choose our friends carefully.
c. Do not play in the river if you do not want to get drowned.
d. Practice swimming if you do not want to get drowned.
e. Do not play with animals.

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci

jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini
Activity 4

Susunlah kalimat berikut menjadi sebuah cerita naratif yang bisa dipahami.
1. One evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and went out take a
walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a cool spring of water with a
rose in the middle of it, she sat herself down to rest a while.
2. The frog said, “I do not want your pearls, and jewels, and new clothes; but if you
will love me, and let me live with you and eat from your golden plate, and sleep
on your bed, I will bring you your ball again.”
3. Now she had a golden ball in her hand, which was her favourite play thing; and
she was always tossing it up into the air, and catching it again as it fell.
4. The princess looked into the spring after her ball, but it was very deep, so deep
that she could not see the bottom of it. She began to cry, and said, “Alas! If I
could only get my ball again, I would give all my new clothes and jewels, and
everything that I have in the world.”
5. After a time she threw it up so high that she missed catching it as it fell; and the
ball bounded away, and rolled along on the ground, until at last it fell down into
the spring.
6. Whilst she was speaking, a frog put its head out of the water, and said, “Princess,
why do you weep so bitterly?” “Alas!” said she, “What can you do for me, you
nasty frog? My golden ball has fallen into the spring.”
Taken from 366 and More Fairy Tales, 1990
Activity 5

Tuliskan sinonim dari kata – kata berikut (cari dari bacaan)

1. Ugly = .....................
2. Forest = .....................

3. Break = .....................
4. Hat = .....................
5. Dress = .....................
6. Weep = .....................
7. Center = .....................
8. Talking = .....................
9. Arrive = .....................
10. Look = .....................
Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci
Activity di6 bagian belakang modul ini (jangan membuka kamus untuk mengisinya).

Ubahlah kata kerja di dalam kurung dalam kalimat – kalimat dibawah ini menjadi
struktur past tense yang tepat.
1. Long ago the cock .... (have) a pair of beautiful horns on hishead.
2. My brother .... (come) from Jakarta yesterday.
3. The wind .... (rustle) the leaves.
4. The kind cock .... (know) how diffi cult it was to ascend toheaven.
5. Everyone .... (run) as fast as they could.
6. I .... (lose) it.
7. Tomy .... (call) you this morning but you didn’t answer it.
8. The cock .... (is) extremely annoyed.
9. Miss Mole .... (give) them all a great big hug.
10. All the little animals .... (breath) a big sigh of relief.

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci

jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini (jangan membuka kamus untuk mengisinya).

Activity 7

Buatlah sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar dan outline dibawah ini untuk membantu
kalian mempermudah menulis ceritanya.

 Cinderella's mother passed away.
 She lived with a stepmother and three stepsisters.
 They treated her badly.
 Cinderella went to the prince's ball.

 The prince looked for the owner of the glass shoes.
 The prince found the owner, Cinderella.

Snow White
 Snow White's stepmother ordered someone to kill her.
 She was still alive and lived together with seven dwarfs.
 Her stepmother disguised herself as a beggar and met her.
 She fainted after eating an apple given by her stepmother.
 She is revived after being helped by a prince.


REFLEKSI DARI Kegiatan Belajar 5

Yang saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 5 ini adalah

Yang tidak saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 5 ini adalah

Peningkatan yang saya alami setelah belajar Kegiatan Belajar 5 ini adalah


Teks naratif bertujuan untuk menghibur, menarik perhatian pembaca yang
behubungan dengan pengalaman imaginasi/ sebenarnya dengan cara yang berbeda.
Meskipun begitu, naratif bisa juga ditulis untuk memberi pelajaran atau informasi,
mengubah sikap/fungsi sosial, opera sabun dan drama televisi yang diangkat untuk
membahasa suatu isu.
Ada banyak jenis naratif, bisa khayalan, kenyataan atau kombinasi keduanya.
Bisa meliputi cerita dongeng, misteri, fiksi ilmiah, cerita roman, horor, cerita
petualangan, fable, mitos, dan legenda, naratif sejarah, ballada, bagian kehidupan
atau pengalaman seseorang.
Ciri – ciri teks naratif:

 Mempunyai perwatakan/identitas yang jelas
 Fokus pada tokoh tertentu.
 Menggunakan “past tense” (kalimat lampau), dsb
Struktur teks naratif:
 Orientasi (perkenalan) dimana tokoh, setting dan waktu cerita terjadi.
 Komplikasi (masalah) : masalah yang meliputi tokoh utama
 Resolusi : perlunya penyelesaian masalah. Masalah mungkin berakhir

Tes formatif 5
Berilah tanda silang (x) di depan jawaban yang paling tepat.

Bacaan untuk no.1 – 5

The Wolf and the Lamb
Once upon a time a wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside when, looking
up, what should he see but a lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down.
"There's my supper," thought he, "If only I can find some excuse to seize it." Then he
called out to the lamb, "How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?"
"Nay, master, nay," said lambkin, "If the water be muddy up there, I cannot be
the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me."
"Well, then," said the wolf, "Why did you call me bad names this time last
"That cannot be," said the lamb, "I am only six months old."
"I don't care," snarled the Wolf; "If it was not you it was your father," and with
that he rushed upon the poor little lamb and ––WARRA WARRA WARRA
WARRA WARRA ––ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out––
Taken from
1. Where was the Wolf?
A. In a pond. D. At a spring on a hillside.
B. On a mountain. E. In the jungle
C. On the peak of a hill.

2. What did the Wolf see?

A. A lamp. D. A female wolf
B. A light. E. Another wolf.
C. A lamb.

3. What was the Lamb doing when the Wolf saw her?
A. Sleeping. D. Having supper.
B. Walking. E. Eating grass.
C. Drinking.

4. How old was the Lamb?

A. Four months old. D. Seven months old.

B. Five months old. E. Eight months old.
C. Six months old.

5. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To entertain or amuse.
B. To describe the way things are.
C. To share an unusual incident.
D. To describe how something is accomplished.
E. To describe an animal.

Ubahlah kata kerja dalam kurung sesuai dengan struktur yang tepat untuk
melengkapi cerita berikut.

Once upon a time, a rabbit ...... (want) to cross a river but he could not swim.
He .... (have) an idea. He .... (see) a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The
rabbit .... (ask) the boss of crocodile, "How many crocodiles are there in the river?"
The boss of crocodile ..... (answer), "We are twenty here." "Where are they?" the
rabbit asked for the second time. "What is it for?" the boss of crocodile asked.
"All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind, so I want to make a line in order.
Later I will know how kind you are," .... (say) the rabbit. Then, the boss of the
crocodile ..... (call) all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one
side to the other side of the river. Just then, the rabbit ..... (start) to count while
jumping from one crocodile to another: one ... two ...three ... four ... until twenty, and
finally, he ...... (thank) all crocodiles because he had .... (cross) the river.

Cocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif 5 yang terdapat di
bagian belakang modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban kalian yang benar dan kemudian
gunakan rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan kalian terhadap
Kegiatan Belajar 5 ini.
Tingkat Penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban kalian yang benar x 100%
Arti tingkat penguasaan yang kalian capai:
90% - 100% = baik sekali
80% - 89% = baik
70% - 69% = sedang
< 69% = kurang
Jika tingkat penguasaan kalian mencapai 80% ke atas, berarti kalian berhasil belajar
menggunakan modul ini dan dapat melanjutkan pada modul berikutnya. Bagus!
Tetapi bila tingkat penguasaan kalian masih di bawah 80%, kalian harus mengulangi
Kegiatan Belajar 5, terutama yang belum kalian kuasai.


Tes awal

Lihatlah gambar dibawah ini kemudian jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut

sebelum kalian memulai mempelajari bab ini.

1. What is the poster about?
2. What is the function of the blue-topped bin?
3. What stuff is made of cardboard?
4. What should you do to all containers before throwing them in the bin?
5. What is the purpose of the poster?

Tulis jawaban kalian dalam kotak berikut
1. ..................................................
2. ...................................................
3. ..................................................
4. ...................................................
5. ...................................................

Setelah kalian menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, cocokkan dengan kunci

jawaban di bagian belakang modul ini.
Dalam bab ini kalian akan mempelajari tentang salah satu jenis teks yaitu teks
analytical exposition.
Tujuan dasar teks Analytical Exposition yaitu untuk meyakinkan seseorang
tentang suatu masalah.
Struktur teksnya:
Thesis : memperkenalkan topik dan mengindikasikan posisi penulis,
menguraikan pendapat utama yang akan disajikan.
Arguments : menegaskan kembali pendapat yang diuraikan sebelumnya,
mengembangkan dan mensuport masing2 poin/argumen.
Conclusion : menegaskan kembali posisi penulis

Activity 1

Sebelum kalian membaca teks “The Importance of Rainforests”, pelajari kata – kata
berikut ini untuk mempermudah kalian memahami teks tersebut. Setelah itu bacalah
kata – kata tersebut dan bandingkan dengan pelafalan yang tepat seperti dalam
Rainforests : hutan hujan Eventually : secepatnya
Environment : lingkungan convert : mengubah
s : luar biasa, hebat absorb : menyerap
Remarkable : ahli enhanced : mempertinggi
Scientists : merusak greenhouse : rumah kaca
destruction : kemunduran sum up : kesimpulan
decline : kelembaban equilibrium : keseimbangan

Activity 2

Bacalah teks berikut secara bergantian dengan teman sebangku kemudian pahamilah
apa yang dibicarakan dalam bacaan.
The Importance of Rainforests

Rainforests are one of the most complicated environments on Earth. They are
recognized worldwide as containing the richest source of plants and animals and are
believed to contain nearly three-quarters of all the varieties of life on Earth. This is
remarkable because rainforests cover only about six per cent of the Earth's land
surface. Rainforest are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes
for more than one million years. They provide habitats for more species of plants,
animals, insects and birds than any other environment found on our planet. Scientists
estimate that between 60 and 90 per cent of all species of life are to be found in
rainforests. Unfortunately, the widespread destruction of many of the world's
rainforests has caused a significant decline in the number of plant and animal species
on Earth.
Rainforests influence both our local and global climates. For example,
between 50 and 80 per cent of the moisture in the air above rainforests comes from
the rainforest's trees. If large areas of these lush rainforests are cleared, the average
rainfall in the area will drop. Eventually, the area's climate will get hotter and drier.
This process could convert rainforests into a sparse grassland or desert.
Rainforests are also able to absorb over 90 per cent of the rainfall in their
leaves and mosses. By doing this, they are able to slow down water run-off by
gradually releasing the water over time into streams and rivers. This helps to control
soil erosion and flooding.
Rainforests are vital to the Earth in helping to recycle carbon and oxygen.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the gas put into the air globally by humans, mainly by the
burning of fossil fuels (for example in cars and factories). Rainforests are able to
remove carbon dioxide from the air and return oxygen in its place. This is why our
global rainforests are often called the Earth's ‘lungs'.
Rainforests are major producers of the Earth's oxygen. In fact, scientists
believe that nearly 50 per cent of the Earth’s oxygen is produced by rainforest in the
Amazon region alone. Nearly 40 per cent of the world's carbon is contained in the
trees of the rainforests. As rainforests are cut down and burned, carbon dioxide is
released into the Earth's atmosphere. Eventually, as this gas builds up the
atmosphere, leading to what scientists call the enhanced greenhouse effect.

To sum up, the role of the rainforest is essential for human life. It creates
equilibrium in our environment and its resources are significant for human beings
Taken from SOSE: Studies of Society and Environment, 2000

Activity 3

Menentukan ide pokok tiap paragraph (tentukan paragraf mana yang mempunyai ide
pokok sebagai berikut).
a) The economic purposes rainforests are used for
b) The percentage of the world's food supplies which originate in rainforests areas
c) Fruits originating from in rainforests Activities that people do in rainforests
d) Sickness and diseases which are treated with medicines from the rainforests
e) Industrial products that originate from the rainforests
f) Daily products which are produced from plants growing in rainforest areas
g) The area of rainforests which are being destroyed each year for economic

Activity 4

Tentukan T (True) jika pernyataan dibawah ini benar dan F (False) jika penyataannya
salah berdasarkan bacaan diatas.
1. T–F Rainforests are unimportant to our life on Earth.
2. T–F The economic resources which rainforests provide vary.
3. T–F Many rainforest-rich countries are facing a situation in which it is very
difficult to preserve their rainforests.
4. T–F The economic resources provided by the world's rainforests are
extremely small.
5. T–F Less than 50 per cent of the world's food supplies originate in
rainforest areas.
6. T–F Rainforests are becoming more and more unpopular places for people
to visit.
7. T–F Governments pass laws restricting activities in the forests due to the

overuse of rainforests for tourist activities.
8. T–F More than 40 per cent of all medicines sold in pharmacies originate
from rainforests.
9. T–F More than 200,000 square kilometres of rainforests are being
destroyed each year for economic purposes.
10. T–F There needs to be balances between the way we are currently using our
rainforests and the future availability of these resources
Activity 5

Lengkapilah bagian teks yang kosong dibawah ini menggunakan kata – kata
yang ada dalam kotak berikut sehingga lebih mudah dipahami.
birds radioactivity rivers oil scientists
people poison uranium electricity environment

Lakes and 1).... are often polluted because drains from towns and factories
empty into them. And factories sometimes dump very harmful chemicals into the
water. The chemicals 2) ..... the water. Wildlife cannot easily survive in it.
Ocean–going tankers sometimes empty tankful of oily water into the sea.
When this happens, great patches of oil are left floating on the sea's surface. If fish
swallow the 3) ....., or if their gills become clogged up, they die. Birds land on the sea
and the oil clogs up their feathers so that they cannot fly. Unless the oil is cleaned off
the 4) ..... will die.
Electricity for your home is made in buildings called power plants. Power
plants usually use coal, oil, or gas to make 5) ...... But some plants use nuclear
energy.To make nuclear energy, uranium is needed. And uranium is radioactive,
which means it gives off rays which are very dangerous to any living thing. 6) ......
working in nuclear power plants wear special clothing and masks to protect
After the 7) ...... has been used there is some dangerous waste, or rubbish,
left. 8) ..... haven't yet found out how to make the rubbish completely safe. So it is
sealed in huge concrete containers and buried at sea, or deep underground.
Some people are worried that the 9) ....... might escape and poison living
things. And this rubbish remains dangerous for thousands of years. In short, our
10) ......... has been contaminated by chemicals. And there's human's role beyond the
pollution. Taken from Nature in Danger, 1993

Activity 6

Susunlah kalimat – kalimat berikut agar menjadi urutan paragraf yang benar.
1. This is called global warming.
2. Many scientists believe that gases in the air are causing the Earth's climate to
gradually become warmer.
3. If climate becomes so warm that a great deal of ice near the north and south
poles melts and more water goes into the oceans, many areas along the coast

maybe flooded.
4. These gases let the rays of the sun pass through the planet, but they hold in the
heat that comes up from the sun-warmed Earth-in much the same way as the
glass of a greenhouse holds in the warmth of the sun.
5. In Earth's atmosphere there are tiny amounts of gases called greenhouse gases.

Activity 7

Gabungkan ide – ide pokok berikut menjadi sebuah teks analytical exposition
lalu kembangkan menjadi paragraf. Kerjakan berpasangan.
Topik: Pollution
Ide pokok:
1. Types of Pollution
2. Air Pollution
3. Water Pollution
4. Soil Pollution

Grammar focus
Pasive modal auxiliries
Pola :
Subject + Modal + Be + Past Participle

1. Cars should be banned
2. Using mobile phone in the school shloud be prohibted
3. Students who come late will be penalized.
Ubahlah kalimat aktif berikut menjadi kalimat pasif (no.1 sebagai contoh)
1) The government should ban cigarette advertisement.
Cigarette advertisement should be banned.
2) The police must bring the corruptors to jail.
3) The judge may sentence the murderer to death.
4) Investigaors will investigate the drug trafficking syndicates.
5) The government’s subsdy may cut the expensive medical cost.

6) We have to use unleaded petrol to reduce pollution.


REFLEKSI DARI Kegiatan Belajar 6

Yang saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 6 ini adalah

Yang tidak saya sukai dari Kegiatan Belajar 6 ini adalah

Peningkatan yang saya alami setelah belajar Kegiatan Belajar 6 ini adalah

Tujuan dasar teks Analytical Exposition yaitu untuk meyakinkan seseorang
tentang suatu masalah.
Struktur teksnya:
Thesis : memperkenalkan topik dan mengindikasikan posisi penulis,
menguraikan pendapat utama yang akan disajikan.
Arguments : menegaskan kembali pendapat yang diuraikan sebelumnya,
mengembangkan dan mensuport masing2 poin/argumen.
Conclusion : menegaskan kembali posisi penulis

Pasive modal auxiliries

Pola :
Subject + Modal + Be + Past Participle

Cars should be banned
Using mobile phone in the school shloud be prohibted
Students who come late will be penalized.

Tes formatif 6
Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini berdasarkan bacaan.
1. What is recycling?
2. Mention some advantages of recycling!
3. What thing that can be recycled?
4. What thing that are hard to recycle and cause harmful pollution when burned?
5. Can you give suggestion about the use of plastic?

Much of what we throw away could be used again. Recycling puts "garbage" to
good use. Recycling helps preserve precious resources because it saves on the use of
raw materials and energy. It also reduces the pollution caused when the waste is
Glass can be remelted. This is better than making fresh glass from raw
materials, but it is even better to reuse the bottle whole. Metals can be recycled by
being remelted and then used to make other new items. The metals to recycle from an
ordinary household are aluminum and steel from cans. Scrap from cars gives several
different metals for recycling. Paper is easy to recycle.
Every home and office should have a paper reclining routine. Plastics are the
worst problem because they do not biodegrade (breakdown) easily. They are also
hard to recycle and cause harmful pollution when burned. It is important to use as
little plastics as possible, and then only ones that are recyclable or biodegradable.
Taken from Natural Resources, 1993

Cocokkan jawaban kalian dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif 6 yang terdapat di
bagian belakang modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban kalian yang benar dan kemudian
gunakan rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan kalian terhadap
Kegiatan Belajar 6 ini.
1 nomor mempunyai skor nilai 3
Tingkat Penguasaan = Jumlah jawaban kalian yang benar x 100%
Arti tingkat penguasaan yang kalian capai:
90% - 100% = baik sekali
80% - 89% = baik

70% - 69% = sedang
< 69% = kurang
Jika tingkat penguasaan kalian mencapai 80% ke atas, berarti kalian berhasil belajar
menggunakan modul ini dan dapat melanjutkan pada modul berikutnya. Bagus!
Tetapi bila tingkat penguasaan kalian masih di bawah 80%, kalian harus mengulangi
Kegiatan Belajar 6, terutama yang belum kalian kuasai.

Berilah tanda silang (x) di depan jawaban yang paling tepat.
Read the dialogue to answer questions no. 1-2
Kate : “Hello, are you lost?”
Sarah : “I’m afraid I am. This room is so big. Can you help me?”
Kate : ”Yes, of course. What are you looking for?
Sarah : “I want to get to class 1G.”
Kate : “The class 1G is not far from here. Go straight down the corner. Turn
left at the teacher room and go past the headmaster room. The class
1G is across from the library.”
Sarah : “How far away is it?”
Kate : “It’s about five minutes from here.”
Sarah : “All right. Thanks!”
Kate : “You’re welcome”.

1. Where do you think the dialogue happen?

A. In the market
B. In the bank
C. in the school
D. In the zoo
E. in the restaurant.

2. What is the first thing Kate should do to get to class 1G?

A. Ask the security guard.
B. Go past the headmaster room
C. Turn left at the teacher room
D. Go straight down the corner
E. Across the library

3. Adib : “Shall we have dinner at the Japanese restaurant tonight?”

Arnys : “I’d like to, but I have another plan.”
From Arnys answers, we know that ….
A. She accepts Adib’s invitation.
B. She declines Adib’s invitation.
C. She wants to have dinner at another place.
D. She wants to have dinner with somebody else.
E. She asks Adib to have dinner at another restaurant.

4. Mrs. Hera : “I'm going to see a new play with some students. Would you join us?

Mrs. Tia : “…. what time?”
A. Sure.
B. That’s very nice, unfortunately.
C. Sorry, that wouldn’t be possible.
D. No, I wouldn’t.
E. I’m terribly sorry.

5. Sinta : “Doc, may I go to join a test tomorrow?”

Doctor : “Why not? You are not seriously ill. Now take a rest and take a lot of
nutritious meals and drinks. Don't forget to drink these medicines after
Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the dialog above?
A. Sinta is not badly ill
B. Sinta needs to take a rest.
C. The doctor forbids Sinta to join a test tomorrow.
D. The doctor suggests Sinta to take nutritious meals and drink.
E. The doctor advices Sinta to drink the medicines after meals.

Questions 7 - 10 are based on the following text.

Pempek Palembang

Main Ingredients:
• 250 gr cod or any white meat fi sh
• 125 gr tapioca or corn fl our
• 2 tbsp light soya sauce
• Salt and pepper
• 1 tbsp oil (to prevent the dough sticky)
• For type Kapal selam, you need 3 hard boiled eggs slice half
Soup Ingredients:
o 5 chillies o 2 tbsp ebi (dried prawn)
o 100 gr palm sugar o Handful diced cucumber
o 2 tbsp sugar o 4 tbsp rice vinegar
o Salt and pepper o 1 tsp tamarind
o 2 tbsp light soya sauce o 250 ml water
Soup Method
Boil all soup ingredients into sauce pan
1. Blend all the ingredients into food processor until the smooth like a
dough, you could put splash of water if you need it.
2. Put enough fish cake into your hand and put half boiled egg in the
middle and cover it with the dough and put into boiled water until
3. Drain all the water, deep fry it and add some of the soup.

6. The text tells you about …
A. how to make Pempek Palembang
B. how to eat Pempek Palembang
C. the soup ingredients to make Pempek Palembang
D. how to prepare the ingredients to make Pempek Palembang
E. the equipment needed to make Pempek Palembang

7. The followings are the main ingredients you need to make Pempek Palembang,
A. pepper
B. sugar
C. corn flour
D. soya sauce
E. salt

8. What is the use of the food processor?

A. to boil the ingredients
B. to measure the ingredients
C. to fry the ingredients
D. to blend the ingredients
E. to heat the ingredients

9. Why is oil needed to prepare the dough?

A. to fry the dough
B. to clean the dough
C. to heat the dough
D. to make the dough softer
E. to prevent the dough from being sticky

Read the following announcemnet to answer the question no. 10 – 14

The school drama club is going to organize the “ Sangkuriang”
casts audition. For those who are interested to join the audition,
please come to our offi ce on Monday, 4 August, at 2 p.m. to
The followings are the requirements:
- your latest photograph of postcard size (2)
- the registration form (get it in the offi ce)
The audition will be held on Sunday, 10 August, at 9 a.m. The
list of the selected candidates will be announced in a week.
We do appreciate your participation.
Thank you.
The Committee
p.s.: no charge for the registration form
10. What is the name of the drama?
A. Sangkuriang
B. Siti Nurbaya
C. Roro Jonggrang
D. Bandung Bondowoso
E. Romeo and Juliet

11. When should those who want to register come?

A. Monday, 2 August, at 4 p.m.
B. Monday, 4 August, at 2 p.m.
C. Monday, 2 August, at 2 p.m.
D. Monday, 4 August, at 4 p.m.
E. Sunday, 10 August, at 4 p.m

12. How long the announcement of the selected candidates will be informed?
A. Two days
B. Four days
C. Five days
D. Six days
E. Seven days.

13. How much is the registration form?

A. Free
B. Twenty thousands rupiah
C. Twenty five thousands rupiah
D. Thirty thousands rupiah
E. Fifty thousands rupiah

14. What is the synonym of candidates?

A. Applicants
B. Appliances
C. Apply
D. Applicator
E. application

Read the following narrative text to answer the question no. 15– 19

Live Chicken for Dinner

A landowner from Seoul went to visit his farmer in the countryside and was
treated to agrand dinner of boiled chicken.
In the course of the meal, the farmer's youngest son ran in, shouting, "There it
is! He’s eating the dead chicken."
The landowner thought that he had been served a long-dead chicken. So he put
down his chopsticks and told the servant to clear the table, politely saying, "This is
enough for me. My stomach can't take any more food."
Just then, the boy started eating the chicken's legs greedily, saying at the same
time, "Oh, this is really delicious."
"Why are you eating the dead chicken?" asked the surprised landowner.
"Who eats live chickens?" replied the boy.
Taken from English Bestseller 12, 2001

15. Where was the landowner from?

A. Beijing.
B. The countryside.
C. Seoul.
D. Tokyo.
E. Hongkong

16. Who was shouting?

A. The landowner.
B. The farmer's oldest son.
C. The landowner's youngest son.
D. The landowner's oldest son.
E. The farmer's youngest son.

17. How did the landowner tell the farmer that he had enough food?
A. Rudely.
B. Politely.
C. Harshly.
D. Angrily.
E. Silently.

18. Why did the boy shout "There it is! He’s eating the dead chicken.”?
A. Because he didn't want to eat the boiled chicken.
B. Because he didn't want the landowner to stop eating the boiled chicken.
C. Because he wanted to eat live chicken.

D. Because he wanted to eat the boiled chicken.
E. Because he wanted to stop eating.

19. Why did the landowner ask the servant to clear the table?
A. Because he thought he had beenserved a long-dead chicken.
B. Because the servant had nothing to do.
C. He was not hungry.
D. His stomach couldn't take anymore food.
E. He wanted the table to be clean.

Read the following report text to answer the question no. 20–24
Around Bali

Bali, the fabled "Island of the Gods", has been enchanting visitors for centuries
with its rich cultural traditions and spectacular panoramas. From lofty, misty
enshrouded volcanoes and cool mountain lakes down through terraced rice fields to a
golden strand lapped by azure waters, every square inch of Bali offers a fresh and
unforgettable image.
No less enchanting are its people, some 2.7 million souls whose artistry and
piety are recognized throughout the world. Balinese Hinduism, a complex fusion of
Indian cosmology, Tantric Buddhism and homegrown mythology, is the primary
faith of Bali's inhabitants, and so deeply woven into the fabric of their daily lives that
the line between the spiritual and the material is blurry at best.
The shoppers among you will fi nd Bali a treasure house of handicrafts and fine
works of art. The Balinese are incredibly gifted artists and craftsmen, and their
material creations are imbued with the same sense of wonderment with which they
regard their universe. Stone and wood carvings, traditional and modern paintings and
intricately designed jewelry in gold and silver are readily available in shops and
galleries throughout the island. As for recreation, there is not shortage of options.
Nature walks, horseback riding, diving, surfing, bungee jumping and white water
rafting await the adventurous here.

20. The topic of the text above is ....

A. Balinese life
B. scenery in Bali
C. tourism in Bali
D. Bali for recreation
E. Bali island

21. The main idea of paragraph 2 is ……

A. Population of Bali
B. Bali offers a fresh and unforgettable image.
C. Bali′s inhabitants
D. Balinese religion

E. Daily lives of Balinese

22. The synonym of the word azure in paragraph 1 is ....

A. bright blue
B. bright green
C. dark green
D. dark blue
E. yellow

23. The word they in paragraph 3 refer to ....

A. Craftsmen
B. fine works
C. recreation options
D. the Balinese
E. gifted artists

24. Below is a recreational activity you can find in Bali, except ....
A. horseback riding
B. bungee jumping
C. nature walks
D. surfing
E. skiing

Read the following report text to answer the question no. 25–30

Most Firms Ignore Waste Treatment

Only 26 percent of a total of 2,173 medium and large-scale enterprises in the
city regularly submit samples of their liquid waste for assessment, the Jakarta
Environmental Management
Agency has said. The remaining 1,602 enterprises failed to deliver reports of
the liquid waste they produced as set out in gubernatorial decree No. 299/1996. The
decree requires all enterprises producing liquid waste to treat the waste before
disposing of it into rivers. It also requires firms to send samples of the treated waste
to the agency every three months. The companies on the list include hotels,
apartments, office buildings, restaurants, hospitals, and industrial plants.
The above figures do not include registered small-scale enterprises such as
community markets, small workshops and small offices which amount up to at least,
15,845 concerns. Worse still, out of 571 companies which have sent their samples to
us, only 35 percent, or 199 companies, comply with the decree and send us the
samples every three months. The rest submit the samples every four months, six
months, or even only once a year. No wonder the quality of our river water is getting
High levels of pollution in the city’s 13 rivers are suspected of being behind the

red tide phenomenon, which killed thousands of fish in Jakarta Bay in May. The real
issue here is whether the agency has the political will because the administration has
ignored the existing Law No. 23/1997 on the environment.
The law authorizes all environment management agencies to control the liquid
waste treatment of any enterprises. The law gave the administration the power to
censure transgressing companies and the city could close companies down if they
continue to ignore existing regulations.
The law says companies found to be polluting the environment with liquid
waste are given six months to improve their treatment facilities. If they fail to meet
the deadline, the agency has the power to close the waste treatment facility, the area
of production causing the waste, or the entire production process.

25. The topic of the text above is….

A. the small numbers of enterprise that concern about waste
B. the ignorance of waste treatment
C. high level of pollution
D. the law that regulate waste
E. uncontrolled waste

26. The companies that is required to send samples of the treated waste to the agency
are mentioned below, except …. .
A. Hotels
B. Restaurant
C. Apartments
D. Office buildings
E. community markets

27. How often should companies send the samples to the agency?
A. Once a month
B. Every two months.
C. Every three months.
D. Every four months.
E. Every six months.

28. Does gubernatorial decree No. 299/1996 carry legal sanctions?

A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it isn't.
C. Yes, it does.
D. No it doesn't
E. Yes, it do

29. The statements below are true based on the text, except .....
A. 73 percent of the companies on the list did not submit the liquid waste for
B. Gubernatorial decree No. 299/1996 doesn't have any legal sanction.
C. Community markets should submit the sample of the waste as well.

D. The quality of river water gets worse because the waste control is still
E. High levels of pollution in the city’s 13 rivers are suspected of being
behind the red tide phenomenon

30. The word they in the last paragraph refers to ....

A. Regulations
B. Companies
C. Enterprises
D. Instruments
E. Production process.



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Achmad Doddy, dkk (2009). Developing English Competencies. Depdiknas

Muchlas Yusak, dkk (2007). English Text in Use. Semarang: Aneka Ilmu
CD Program Multimedia Interaktif. Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi DIY


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