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Orientasi (Pembuka)
Minggu lalu aku berkunjung ke candi Borobudur. Bangunan itu merupakan sebuah candi
yang megah dan merupakan salah satu candi buddha terbesar di dunia.
Aku telah berkunjung ke sana beberapa kali dan aku masih ingin pergi ke sana lagi dan
lagi. Aku tahu sedikit mengenai sejarah restorasi candi Borobudur.

Event (Isi)
Candi Borobudur di bangun pada abad ke 9 di daerah (pada saat ini bernama) Magelang,
Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
Candi tersebut di bangun pada masa kejayaan dinasti Sailendra sebagai monumen
simbolik yang menceritakan kisah perjalanan hidup sang Buddha sekaligus sebagai monumen
agar orang bisa mempelajari tentang Buddha.
Candi tersebut di bangun dengan desain arsitek buddha a la Jawa sebagai akulturasi dari
budaya India dan Jawa.
Beberapa bukti sejarah dan teori menyatakan bahwa candi Borobudur sempat menghilang
semasa kekuasaan kerajaan Hindu dan Islam pada abad ke 14 dan setelahnya.
Candi tersebut menghilang karena tertimbun material letusan gunung Merapi yang juga telah
mengubur beberapa wilayah di sekitarnya.
Namun justru karena tertimbun material tersebut, candi Borobudur bisa selamat dan tak
tersentuh seorang manusiapun hingga pada tahun 1814 di bawah pemerintahan Inggris, Sir
Thomas Stamford Raffles (Pimpinan Inggris di Jawa) mendapatkan informasi bahwa telah
diketemukan sebuah bukit dengan tekstur ukir-ukiran.
Setelah mendapatkan informasi tersebut, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles membuat proyek
untuk membersihkan area tersebut dan selama dua bulan proyek tersebut berjalan, candi
Borobudur menampakkan wajahnya.
Tapi tentu saja pada waktu itu tampilan candi Borobudur sangat jauh berbeda dengan
yang saat ini bisa di saksikan.
Setelah candi tersebut di temukan, pemerintah inggris mulai memugar candi tersebut dan
dilanjutkan oleh pemerintahan Belanda. Pemugaran besar-besaran dilakukan oleh pemerintahan
Indonesia dan UNESCO pada tahun 1975-1982.
Reorientasi (Kesimpulan)
Setelah pemugaran itu selesai barulah kita semua bisa menikmati keindahan dari candi Borobudur.

Orientation (Opener)

Last week I visited Borobudur temple. The building is a magnificent temple and is one of the largest
Buddhist temples in the world.

I have visited there several times and I still want to go there again and again. I know a little about the
history of the restoration of the Borobudur temple.

Event (Contents)

Borobudur Temple was built in the 9th century in the area (currently named) Magelang, Central Java,

The temple was built during the heyday of the Sailendra dynasty as a symbolic monument that tells the
story of the Buddha's life journey as well as a monument so that people can learn about Buddha.

The temple was built with a Javanese Buddhist architectural design as an acculturation of Indian and
Javanese culture.

Some historical evidence and theory states that Borobudur temple had disappeared during the reign of
the Hindu and Islamic kingdoms in the 14th century and thereafter.

The temple disappeared because it was buried under the material from the eruption of Mount Merapi
which had also buried several areas around it.

But precisely because of the buried material, the Borobudur temple was safe and untouched by any
human being until in 1814 under British rule, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (British leader in Java)
received information that a hill with a carved texture was found.

After receiving this information, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles made a project to clean the area and
during the two months the project was running, the Borobudur temple revealed its face.
But of course at that time the appearance of the Borobudur temple was very different from what can be
seen today.

After the temple was found, the British government began to restore the temple and the Dutch
government continued. Major restoration activities were carried out by the Indonesian government and
UNESCO in 1975-1982.

Reorientation (Conclusion)

After the restoration is complete, then we can all enjoy the beauty of Borobudur temple.

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