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Volume 2
Nomor 2
November 2012

The Role of Language in Nation-Building Process

Anna Grzywacz, Warsaw University (1-10)
ISSN: Kiat Pengamanan Bahasa Indonesia (Tinjauan Skeptis pada Era Global)
2088-2025 Mujianto, Politeknik Negeri Malang (11-21)

Analisis Wacana Kritis Pemberitaan “Saweran untuk Gedung KPK” di

Harian Umum Media Indonesia,
Mayasari, Nani Darmayanti, Sugeng Riyanto, Universitas Padjajaran (22-31)

Stimulating Positive English Speaking Class Environment

Ani Purjayanti, Institut Pertanian Bogor (32-41)

Enhancing Students’ Listening Skill Through Podcasts

Oktavia Widiastuti, State Polytechnic of Malang (42-49)

Using Mind Mapping and Five Reviewing Patterns to Improve Senior High
Alamat Redaksi: School Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
UPT Bahasa, Dian Fadhilawati, Islamic University of Balitar, Blitar (50-61)
Politeknik Negeri Malang
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 9 Analisis Jenis dan Frekuensi Kesalahan Gramatikal Bahasa Inggris Tulis
PO Box 04 Mahasiswa
Malang 65145 Zubaidi, Politeknik Negeri Malang (62-70)
Telp. (0341) 404424, 404425
Ext. 1412
Fax. (0341) 404420

Jurnal Linguistik Terapan (JLT) terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Mei dan November yang berisi artikel
ilmiah hasil penelitian atau kajian dalam bidang pengajaran bahasa, pembelajaran bahasa, pemerolehan
bahasa, sosiolinguistik, psikolinguistik, penerjemahan, analisis wacana, pragmatik, bilingualisme,
linguistik kontrastif, multilingualisme, komunikasi multilingual, leksikografi, linguistik komputasional,
komunikasi berbantuan komputer, linguistik forensik, dan lain-lain, serta dan tinjauan buku dalam
bidang-bidang tersebut.

Penanggung Jawab
Direktur Politeknik Negeri Malang

Pembantu Direktur I

Direktur Jurnal
Drs. Kun Mustain M.Pd.

Ketua Penyunting
Dr. Sugeng Hariyanto, M.Pd.

Mitra Bestari
Prof. Dr. Abbas Achmad Badib, M.A., M.A. (UNESA)
Prof. Dr. Muh. Ainin, M.Pd. (UM)
Dr. Yazid Bastomi, M.A. (UM)
Dr. Hanafi, M.Pd (Univ.Muhammadiyah Jember)
Dr. Ade Sukma Mulya, M.Pd. (Politeknik UI)
Dra. Ani Purjayanti, M.A. (IPB)
Dra. Yani Adyawardhani, M.Ed. Admin., M.Pd. (Polban)

Penyunting Pelaksana
Dr. Esther Hesline Palandi, M.Pd.
Siti Rohani, Ph.D.
Drs. Nur Salam, M.Pd.

Hilda Cahyani, S.S., M.Pd.

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Perancang Sampul dan Tata Letak

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UPT Bahasa
Jl.Sukarno Hatta PO. Box 04 Malang (65101)
Telp. (0341) 404424-404425 Pes. 1412
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ISSN: 2088-2025

JLT menerima tulisan yang belum pernah diterbitkan dalam media cetak lain. Syarat-syarat, format, dan aturan
tata tulis artikel sebagaimana pada sampul belakang dalam. Penyunting dapat melakukan perubahan pada
tulisan yang dimuat untuk keseragaman format tanpa mengubah maksud dan isinya.

Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2012


The Role of Language in Nation-Building Process 1-10

Anna Grzywacz, Warsaw University

Kiat Pengamanan Bahasa Indonesia (Tinjauan Skeptis pada Era Global) 11-21
Mujianto, Politeknik Negeri Malang (Polinema)

Analisis Wacana Kritis Pemberitaan “Saweran untuk Gedung KPK” di Harian Umum 22-31
Media Indonesia
Mayasari, Nani Darmayanti, Sugeng Riyanto, Universitas Padjajaran

Stimulating Positive English Speaking Class Environment 32-41

Ani Purjayanti, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Enhancing Students’ Listening Skill Through Podcasts 42-49

Oktavia Widiastuti, State Polytechnic of Malang (Polinema)

Using Mind Mapping and Five Reviewing Patterns to Improve Senior High School 50-61
Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
Dian Fadhilawati, Islamic University of Balitar, Blitar

Analisis Jenis dan Frekuensi Kesalahan Gramatikal Bahasa Inggris Tulis Mahasiswa 62-70
Zubaidi, Politeknik Negeri Malang (Polinema)

ISSN: 2088-2025


Sidang pembaca yang terhormat,

Di dalam volume kedua nomor kedua ini kami persembahkan beberapa artikel hasil
penelitian dan pemikiran. Untuk memudahkan pemetaan, kami sajikan terlebih dahulu
artikel-artikel linguistik terapan. Setelah itu kami sajikan artikel-artikel yang terkait
pengajaran bahasa.
Setelah pada bukan Oktober kita memperingati Sumpah Pemuda dan mengenang
kembali betapa bahasa Indonesia merupakan salah satu pemersatu bangsa Indonesia yang
luar biasa, edisi kali ini dibuka dengan apresiasi seorang ahli bahasa di Polandia tentang
bagaimana bahasa Indonesia telah membantu membentuk bangsa Indonesia. Di artikel
pertama, Anna Grzywacz dari universitas Warsawa Polandia, menulis tentang
pengamatannya bahwa bahasa dapat dipakai untuk membentuk, menyatukan dan menjaga
bangsa. Kesimpulannya ini ditarik berdasarkan pengamatannya atas tiga bahasa, yakni
bahasa Indonesia, Ibrani, dan Polandia. Bahasan ini sangat menarik terutama bagi pembaca
Indonesia. Pembaca Indonesia bisa melihat bagaimana bangsa lain melihat kelebihan
bahasa Indonesia dan ini tentunya bisa menambah semangat para ahli bahasa dan politisi
Indonesia untuk terus menjaga bahasa Indonesia.
Setelah melihat bahasa Indonesia dipandang dengan kaca mata orang Polandia, kita
langsung disuguhi paparan tentang masalah yang dihadapi bahasa Indonesia. Di dalam
artikel kedua, Mujianto mengetengahkan kenyataan bahwa bahasa Indonesia mulai
terancam keberadaannya karena adanya penerapan otonomi daerah dan gencarnya
globalisasi. Dia memberikan sumbangan pemikiran tentang bagaimana caranya
mempertahankan bahasa Indonesia, yakni dengan empat cara. Pertama, menjaga agar
setiap kata asing yang masuk memperoleh padanan yang berterima, sesuai dengan situasi
pemakaiannya. Kedua, menjaga agar tata bahasa Indonesia tidak berubah dan agar tetap
dikuasai oleh para penuturnya. Ketiga, menggalakkan penulisan dalam berbagai bidang
dengan bahasa Indonesia sesuai dengan ragam dan larasnya. Dan keempat, pemaksimalan
peran bahasa Indonesia dalam berbagai ranah kehidupan.
Di artikel ketiga, Mayasari, dkk., dengan menggunakan pisau analisis wacana kritis
berusaha membongkar bagaimana Media Indonesia menggunakan bahasa dan kutipan
dalam menempatkan tokoh atau DPR dalam wilayah negatif, KPK dalam wilayah positif, dan
melakukan pencitraan positif terhadap partai pemimpinnya.
Mulai artikel ke-4 ini, para penulis menyajikan hasil penelitian dan pemikiran terkait
pengajaran bahasa. Purjayanti, dalam artikel ke-4, melaporkan hasil penelitiannya. Dia
menyimpulkan bahwa guru merupakan faktor yang paling dominan di dalam menciptakan
suasanan yang mendukung pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Dia juga merangkum karakteristik
guru/dosen yang disukai siswa/mahasiswa bahasa Inggris dan lingkungan kelas yang
mendorong motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris.
Widiastuti, dalam artikel ke-5, menyajikan pemikirannya tentang bagaimana podcast
dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris, terutama keterampilan menyimak
(listening). Sementara itu, Fadhilawati melaporkan bagaimana penggabungan mind-
mapping dan lima pola pengulangan pelajaran yang diusulkan Buzan (2009) dapat
meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris siswa Madrasah Aliah. Akhirnya, di


artikel ke-7, Zubaidi melaporkan beberapa jenis kesalahan mahasiswa dalam berbahasa
Inggris lisan serta kemungkinan penyebabnya. Dia mendapati bahwa jenis kesalahan
terbanyak adalah omission of article, omission of plural, S-V agreement, dan omission of
preposition. Hasil penelitiannya menyatakan bahwa penyebab kesalahan tersebut adalah
adanya pengaruh bahasa asal (L1) terhadap bahasa sasaran (L2).

Selamat membaca,

Tim Penyunting
JLT – Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2012
Politeknik Negeri Malang ISSN: 2088-2025


Anna Grzywacz
Warsaw University, Poland

Language function can be classified into four categories: cognitive (related to
learners’ intellectual development), instrumental (related to the use of
language for material purposes), integrative (related to group membership)
and cultural (related to cultural appreciation and understanding). In addition
to that, language may be also used as a political and social element in the
process of building, unification and maintaining of a nation and as an essential
element of national identity. This article discusses cases in relation to the
social-political related function of language. It shows interesting aspects of
three different languages in serving this function. The first is Indonesian
language, a neutral language, which was adopted in Indonesia primarily to
unite the society in a newly built nation. The second is the Hebrew language,
which has been restored to be an initial reference point for the Jewish people,
and became an official language of Israel, and become a key element of
national identity. The last one is the Polish language, which is an example of a
language that has survived despite the absence of the Polish state and also
became an essential element of connecting the Polish society.

Key words: political, social, sociolinguistic, Indonesian, Polish, Jewish, language


Language can be used in many ways; one of When we relate language and
them is in specific purpose area such as colonialism, the strength of colonial empires
social or cultural communication, were dependent on effective
government decisions, political debate, communication between the colonizers and
media which is linked to the ability to the colonized. For example in Latin America,
express the relevant content (Sutton, 1991: it can be seen very clearly that European
141). Learner or user of language is powers adopted different strategies. No
connected in time and space to cultural matter how much the language policy was
tradition which is considered as a significant imposed on the conquered population, it is
process connected with the unique form of difficult to deny the claims of the two.
access to other traditions. This condition Firstly, after the conquest of the territory
affects education, take for example: history language became the language of the
which is in line with time, geography which colonizer power. Secondly, the language of
is closely related to place. colonized was degraded - both physically
and mentally - to the role of the slave
2 Grzywacz, The Role of Language in A Nation-Building Process

language, even primitive language. In the The importance and relation between
period before the conquest (of course with language and national identity
the exception of the New World) National identity is an instrument in a
missionaries were agents of language. political sense, but it is also regarded as an
Introducing the teaching of reading and instrument of domestic policy which allows
writing, at the same time European building and maintaining a consolidated
languages were taught. It became a society. It involves loyalty towards the
symbolic act. It was the transition from a nation or state. Every government needs
traditional to a modern society. Language the support of the public opinion, but to
has started to be treated as a powerful generate this sense of loyalty is not without
political instrument (Gawrycki, Szeptycki, problems, especially in multi-ethnic
2011: 139–142). societies, precisely because of the threat of
Every cultural group has its own losing the social stability (Ortmann, 2009:
semiotic systems, experiences or values. 26).
Learning different artistic traditions or For the states that gained
religions allows people to understand what independence after World War II, the
and how they are. It involves gaining process of selecting the national language
knowledge, but also appreciation of was very important. Large number of
otherness- the cultural conceptualizations- language users, including those in mass
which are foundations influencing other media supports the construction and
groups’ collective encounter with reality, combination of geographical distribution of
whether it is other times, belief or values. imagined communities (Anderson, 1991).
Ideally, this has effect of re-imagination Also, it supports nation building process
assumptions about what is “normal” and (Simpson, 2007b: 1; Simpson, 2007a). In an
appropriate to enriching perspective that attempt to build and maintain a national
diversity makes intercultural awareness (Lo identity, language is considered to be the
Bianco, 2010). primary determinant of success besides the
This paper aims to show that language knowledge. In fact, the use of a common
may be also used as a political and social language throughout the territory unites its
meaning as the process of building, inhabitants (Simpson, 2007b: 2).
unification and maintaining the nation as a As noted by Steve Fenton, ethnic
significant and essential element of national groups are not just groups of people who
identity. Three examples of languages were share a culture and a common ancestor.
used: Indonesian, Hebrew and Polish to The ideas of origin and culture are rather
show how different role language can play stimulated and used as a reference in order
and how strong they are related to concept to strengthen a sense of community, a
of national identity. Indonesia is an example sense of a “groupness” and a common
of a state that has adopted neutral language destiny (Fenton, 2007: 20). Assuming that
in order to maintain independence and to the groups are, in some sense, socially
build Indonesian identity, Israel is an constructed, it is important to indicate the
example of a country that uses Hebrew – possible answers to a question of who
recreated language in order to strengthen creates the design? Steve Fenton suggests
identity, and finally Poland is an example of three possible answers: 1) the idea of the
a nation that even without the statehood group is not constructed by “us”, but it is
can sustain language as a part of the constructed “for us by others”. It reflects
identity. the reality of colonial period, in which the
colonial power established the names for
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 3

the “indigenous people”, affecting their policy. As it was mentioned, language is a

form. In the postcolonial world it is easy to means of communication and also a system
find examples of groups whose names and of signs and symbols. Language should be
shape are a direct consequence of colonial treated and perceived broadly as an open
history; 2) the identity of the group may be system which influences and is influenced
a result of the group members work, of the by nonlinguistic factors. Language is
efforts of elites within them and the leaders perceived as an important element of
of the party; 3) groups can be formed by the socialization, individual and collective,
action of the state and administrative provides knowledge about feeling,
regulations (Fenton, 2007: 20–21).It reveals aspirations. Moreover it defines us, as we
a very strong role of the state and are and as we wish to be seen (Amara,
government in managing the language and Mar’i, 2002: 2).
culture and affecting the shape of social It seems clear that there is a
relations. Language as a core element of distinction among language practices,
culture becomes a major factor contributing language ideology and language policy. The
to the sense of national identity. Language use of the linguistic repertoire by
changes and evolves from the bottom up, community is defined as a language
and frequently connected by the actions of practices. Language ideology is understood
the politics – mainly through language as an expression of the perceptions
policy. concerning language and its use. Language
Language policy and language policy is government instrument, the means
planning should not be treated as one topic. by which polity attempt to influence or to
Harold S. Schiffman defines language policy shape the language itself. Language policy
(after Bugarski) as a “policy of a society in could be anchored in the official documents
the area of linguistic communication—that such as constitution, language law, and
is, a set of positions, principles and government document or in an
decisions reflecting that community’s administrative regulation (Amara, Mar’i,
relationships to its verbal repertoire and 2002: 2).
communicative potential” and language
planning “understood as a set of concrete
measures taken within language policy to Indonesia – language and national unity
act on linguistic communication in a Every country in Southeast Asia since
community, typically by directing the its independence has been coping with
development of its languages” (Schiffman, ethnic tension, social stability and national
1996: 3). unity issues. These three elements have
Linguistic culture is defined as a set of been blended and affecting each other. It is
behaviors, assumptions, cultural forms, important for a country which just regained
prejudices, folk belief system, attitudes, its independence to begin the process of
stereotypes, ways of thinking about building national unity which may
language, and religion-historical determine the development of a nation.
circumstances related to a language. The In Indonesia, before the
basic notion postulated by Schiffman is that independence, it was estimated that there
language policy is grounded in linguistic were over three hundred traditional and
culture (Schiffman, 1996: 5). ethnic groups. Afterwards there was
Mohammad Hasan Amara and Abd Al- political tension, dispute among local ethnic
Rahman Mar’i note that there is a close groups creating chaos which became a
connection between language, identity and threat to the national unity (Adhuri, 2007:
4 Grzywacz, The Role of Language in A Nation-Building Process

11). The territorial integrity and national However, the struggle for giving a
unity are based on postcolonial nationalist social meaning to “Indonesia” as an
project implementation with the theme of archipelago country for the massive
‘Unity in Diversity’. population to identify themselves as
Indonesia had been more than three Indonesians turned out to be a very difficult
hundred years under the domination of the process. Collective identification in
Dutch; therefore many ethnic, cultural or Indonesia was a main challenge for Sukarno
political issues may refer to this history. and Suharto - Indonesia's first and second
Though Indonesia was colonized by the president. Both were focused largely on the
Netherlands as a whole, there was no consolidation of this identification
statehood until the late forties of the (Simpson, 2007b: 3).
twentieth century (Vickers, 2005: 2–3). The project to build “the Indonesian
However, under the rule of the Dutch, nation and state” was established by the
Indonesians began to perceive themselves Indonesian language as a neutral language,
as a nation. Japanese attacked Indonesia in to unite all ethno-linguistic groups in
1942 served as the impetus for the national Indonesia, the adoption of Pancasila
movements that began to expand and ideology as the basis for the social and
strengthen, leading to the Indonesian political relations and the rejection of Islam
Revolution (1945-1949) completed by the as state religion.
declaration of independence (Vickers, 2005: The problem of determining national
2–3). language in Indonesia appeared with the
Innovative ideas began to appear beginning of the formation of nationalist
mostly in Java and Sumatra. Basically, two movements in the first decade of the
types of ideas arose concerning with the twentieth century. This issue has been a
organization and the concept of identity. challenge for all postcolonial state, the
The first idea is focused on the issues of decision about the national language has its
leadership, while the other one is based on political, social and cultural consequences.
social, religious, political and economic There were several possibilities:
concerns. The leaders can be divided into international language and the language of
two groups: elite Javanese aristocratic the colonizer or the local language, which
members of the upper class - priyayi, and a could become the national language
group of santri- derived from religious and (Paauw, 2009: 2). In the case of Indonesia,
reformist Muslim communities (Laskowska, there was some choice of three languages:
2011: 49). the Dutch as the language of the colonizer,
In 1928, second Youth Congress was the language of the largest and most
organized by the student communities. The influential ethnic group-Javanese and
concept of Indonesian identity was not yet historical lingua franca of the region –
present, but it appeared in a stronger form Malay (Paauw, 2009: 2–3).
as a result of the congress. The delegates It was decided to discard all previous
took the oath, but more importantly they considered language and to accept the
came from different ethnic, religious, Indonesian language as the national
cultural and affirmed the existence of one language, language based upon the Malay
country. The idea of one language and one language (see Nugroho, 1957). Dutch
nation reflected a process of forming self- language was rejected since the adoption of
awareness. a foreign language would be a symbolic
gesture of maintaining a relationship.
Javanese language was discarded due to the
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 5

fear that the sense of favoring the largest languages. The figure for the vernacular
ethnic group in Indonesia can become an language showed the percentage of
obstacle to the unification of the nation. speakers who did not speak Bahasa
Indonesia is an archipelago country Indonesia at all (Nabanan, 1991: 117).
which consists of around 13,000 islands. Indonesian government believed that
Indonesian geography in some sense the adoption and development of a national
reflects the diversity of the nation, plurality language is an essential feature of
of ethnic groups, cultures, and languages. nationhood. Former Prime Minister of
The people of Indonesia, at present totally Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman that “it is
more than 240 million (2012), speak a large only right that as a developing nation we
number of languages. It is estimated there should want to have a language of our own
are over 400 languages in Indonesia. In .... If the national language is not
1972 The National Language Institute, the introduced, our country will be devoid of a
institutional predecessor of the present unified character and personality - as I could
National Center for Language Development put it, a nation without a soul and without
in Jakarta indicated number of 418 life.” Language is treated as a powerful
languages. It was estimated there were 569 instrument, individuals may express their
languages in Irian Jaya and National thoughts, beliefs and personality, but what
Language Institute listed 128 languages in is more important groups may identify their
this province (Nabanan, 1991: 116–117; see collective consciousness (Hoy-Kee,
Errington, 1986). 1971:73).
Bahasa Indonesia was declared the
“state language” in August 1945 in Israel– language and national construction
Indonesian Constitution. As the national
language, it serves as the only official Hebrew language was spoken in
language in Indonesia. Indonesian language ancient Israel, from the era of the
is based on Malay language; however it has Babylonian exile; however, it began to come
its own originality what was essential for out of general use, and became a dead
independent state and from the beginning it language. Hebrew was used only in prayers
has been treated as an instrument of during the ceremony and in religious texts.
connecting all ethnic groups in Indonesia In everyday life, the Jews used other
(see Sneddon, 2003). The National Center languages: originally Aramaic, later Yiddish
for Language Development of the Ministry (Ashkenazi, mainly in the Diasporas) and
of Education and Culture as the main Ladino (the Sephardic language) or Arabic.
institution for the development of language At the end of the nineteenth century, due
has been protecting Bahasa Indonesia from to the efforts of Eliezer ben Yehuda - reviver
strong regionalisms and localisms (Nabanan, of the Hebrew language - modern version of
1991: 118). From the national central point, the Hebrew language started to be created.
it is important due to linguistic diversity (see Since the establishment of Israel in 1948
Laitin 2001). Hebrew is official language of this state
(Rabin, 1973; Sáenz-Badillos, 1993).
Indonesian languages may be divided
into three classes: 1) Bahasa Indonesia, 2) The history of the Hebrew language
local or regional languages (also called can be divided into several periods: 1)
“vernaculars”), 3) foreign languages. The Hebrew, the spoken language, was used in
1971 census showed the proportion of the the twelfth century BCE; 2) an ancient
number of speakers: 40.8% of Indonesian, Hebrew (biblical) was defined as the literary
59% of vernaculars, and 0.2% of foreign language in which the Hebrew Bible was
6 Grzywacz, The Role of Language in A Nation-Building Process

written. It was the period from 1200 to 200 Although Hebrew language never
BCE (although as a written language, it completely disappeared, it may be related
remained to be used for more than two with language re-creation. John Myhillin
centuries; 3) Rabbinic Hebrew (Rabbinic) Language in Jewish Society: towards a New
was dated since the fourth century BCE (or Understanding writes “it is necessary to
at least since 200 BCE) until the middle of state clearly at the outset: that the revival
the second century CE. This type of Hebrew of Hebrew is, as far as we know, an event
probably was not directly derived from the unique in human history. There has never
Hebrew Bible, but rather from the previous before a case of what I am referring to as a
dialects. It was the spoken language of Jews ‘revival’, a natural language which was
living in Palestine, along with Aramaic. In previously spoken by native speakers, then
the first century, around 70 CE Rabbinic ceased to have native speakers, and then
Hebrew became the language of literature; came again to have an entire community of
4) the medieval Hebrew was dated speakers–in fact an entire nation of native
approximately from 500 to 1880 as a speakers. This is simply an undeniable
primarily a liturgical language. It was also empirical fact. There have, of course, been
used to write poetry, scientific and languages which were seriously endangered
philosophical works; 5) Modern Hebrew but which appear to be making a comeback
from 1881 onwards as the year in which (such as Catalan) but this is quite a different
Eliezer Ben Yehuda arrived in Palestine and matter, because they always retained a
began his great work. It was also the period significant stock of native speakers” (Myhill
of revival of the national culture and 2004: 74).
political thought among the Jews. The need Hebrew language may also survive as
for language restaurant appeared primarily it was used as a written language and used
among the scattered Jewish masses around as a means of communication. The role of
the globe. Strong ethnic accents in Europe Hebrew language may be understood as an
in the nineteenth century were also expression of Judaic heritage, instrument
influenced by the Semitic community who ensuring survival of the Jewish people, both
needed such a strong bond as language in Diasporas and in Israel. It was kept in
(Kutscher, 1982; also Hoffman 2004). mind that in order to be a nation, Jewish
Hebrew language is used by more people needed to have their language, as
than 5 million people. It is roughly their lingua franca. For revivalists, Hebrew
estimated from the Israeli Arabs and Israelis language could be a uniting force among
living in exile, the number of members of Jews around the world (Moragh 2000).
the Hebrew language may be around 8
Gilead Morahg writes “if we accept
million. Israeli supreme institution which is the premise that there is a Jewishness that
dedicated to the Hebrew language is the transcends all Judaism and binds them
Hebrew Academy - continuation of Hebrew together, and if we try to identify the
Language Council founded by Eliezer ben components that constitute this Jewishness,
Yehuda to restore the Hebrew language to it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that
the general public. The academy was Hebrew is a crucial unifying element and
established in 1953 on the basis of the that abandoning Hebrew education in
Israeli government decision. Hebrew is the America may very well mean abandoning
main language of the Jewish population in one of the primary defenses against the
Israel, but it is also the native language of a fragmentation and dissolution of the Jewish
non-Jewish Israeli citizens, mostly native people.” In this sense, Hebrew is an
speakers of Arabic (Myhill 2004: 73).
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 7

essential force unifying the Jewish people words in the Polish language from the
(Moragh 2000). twelfth century. Until the fourteenth
Zionist ideology has aimed to create a century, Polish language existed only in the
new identity. The central role of it was regional and folk spoken varieties. Supra-
assigned to Hebrew language. There were regional variety of language developed in
some slogans such as “The Hebrew person the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, as
speaks Hebrew” and “He will work the evidenced by the Renaissance literature
Hebrew ground” which reflected how written in Polish. Initially, development of
devoted Israel was in spreading the Hebrew the Polish language was influenced by the
language among citizens, immigrants and neighboring languages - German and Czech,
Arabs as one (Amara, Mar’i 2002: 55). as well as Latin. In later centuries Polish was
marked by a significant influence of the
“Fostering the teaching of the Hebrew French language. Number of Polish speakers
language and culture in all the ranks of the can be estimated to more than 45 million
society” was indicated by the Israel as a fifth people, of whom 38 million live in Poland.
goal. It showed that government treated Polish language is used by groups of Poles
the teaching of the Hebrew language as a and Polish origin people living abroad, to
national mission. All language name a few, in the U.S., Canada, Australia,
developments were focused on turning Germany, Great Britain, France, and also in
Hebrew into the dominant language of the Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and Ukraine.
country (Amara, Mar’i 2002: 55). The most Locally, the most common spoken dialects
important goal of the state is to achieve a used are Kashubian, Silesian, and Mazovian
high linguistic competence in spoken and (Grzywacz 2012: 9).
written Hebrew. It is assumed that Israel
government aims to change Israel into a One of the biggest stories of the
monolingual, not multilingual state, despite sustainability of the Polish language which is
the fact Israeli society is diverse and some also prominent for Polish national identity
groups prefer and are interested in was Partitions of Poland, resulting in the
preserving their mother tongues (Amara, elimination of sovereign Poland for 123
Mar’i 2002: 58–60). years. In 1772 the First Partition of Poland
took place, the second was signed in 1793
Hebrew language is generally and third in 1795. Polish territories were
conceptualized as the Jewish language, and divided into Russia Empire, Habsburg
it continues to be used as a ritual language Austria and Kingdom of Prussia. Although
and as a symbol of Jewish identity in the the people are categorized into various
Diasporas, creating and maintaining blends such as the Germanization and
national identity (Myhill 2004: 58). Russification of Polish territory, it remained
to keep Polish language and culture.
Language becomes an essential element of
Poland – language and stateless nation national identity and strengthened it due to
Polish language belongs to the West the lack of statehood. Polish language was
Slavonic group of Indo-European languages. the most important factor and the
Because of its structure, Polish language is expression of national consciousness,
classified as inflectional and synthetic Russification and Germanisation met with
language. As a separate language, Polish fierce resistance.
began to spread in tenth century, and Germanisation and Russification are
played a crucial role during formation and the process of assimilation German or
development of the Polish state. The Russian language and culture by individuals
earliest preserved records of individual
8 Grzywacz, The Role of Language in A Nation-Building Process

and social groups which are mixed with process ended in 1887, after a complete
other cultures. Both may occur as a result of prohibition of using Polish language - even
a coercion administration or education and in primary schools. During this time, the
can be voluntary work but it does not German language was introduced to the
involve any direct pressure. It is often government and the judiciary. In 1900
understood as a process of Polish language was forbidden to use during
denationalization, through inducement or religion classes which triggered a wave of
coercion of Indigenous people to assimilate strikes - including in Września in 1901 which
a specific area of the German or Russian became the most glaring manifestation of
language and culture, as well as the process resistance to this educational policy.
of the language, culture and people spread Germanization process was slightly
through assimilation and adaptation of different under the Austrian annexation. In
foreign words. 1805 the Cracow Academy was Germanized,
Germanisation had started long however it was Polanized already in 1809,
before the Partitions of the Polish state. It and nine years later it awarded the
was dated to1740 when Prussian king autonomy re-named it as the Jagiellonian
Frederick the Great decided to occupy area University. The situation began to change in
of Upper Silesia. Upon entering the Prussian the sixties of the nineteenth century.
troops to this area, there were a number of Germanisation process stopped and Polish
Polish people. In 1744 in Silesia, Prussia language went back to schools and
introduced a ban on Polish language used in administration.
the judiciary. Ten years later, it was Russification process started later.
forbidden to employ teachers in schools Education was under the supervision of
who did not master German language. In former University of Vilnius using Polish
1763 there was a general obligation not to language as a language of instruction. In
use the Polish language in all primary Warsaw, The Society of Friends of Learning
schools; a year later, all the teachers who and the king of Saxony Frederick Augustus
did not understand the German language preserve the integrity of the Polish
were banned to teach in schools. In 1766 language. Good conditions also existed in
Frederick the Great issued an edict ordering the early years of the Congress in Poland.
all teachers to master German language or The basic education and vocational training
else they could lose their jobs. were expended and in 1816 the University
Germanisation did not stop after the of Warsaw was established (Frączykowski
Partition of the Poland, the Prussian 2001; Korobowicz, Witkowski 2009).
authorities were aware of the widespread
presence of the Polish culture and language The reinforcement effort of
in the conquered territories conducted the Russification coincided with the collapse of
new restrictions and repressions against the November Uprising in 1831. The Society
Polish people. From 1810 it was prohibited of Friends of Learning was resolved. A year
to use the Polish language during the later, Russian language became an official
masses celebrated in Protestant churches. language and the University of Warsaw was
In 1826 there was an order to use German closed. The crisis of the Crimean War
language during confessions and sermons improved the situation for a moment. The
(Drabina, 2002). defeat of the January uprising sparked
another wave of Russification. It was
In Pomerania, in 1834 the German ordered in 1866 to learn and use Russian
language was introduced as the language languages and in 1868 Russian became the
for lecturing. In Poznań, Germanisation language of administration and the
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 9

judiciary. A year later public schools were culture to which language it belongs
transformed into Russian schools. (Nababan, 1991: 121). At this point, cultural
Authorities made some concessions in 1905 function seems to be the most important
allowing Polish language to be present at part. Learning a language is a process where
the private schools (Frączykowski, 2001). all language skills are acquired which link to
In nineteenth-century in Tsarist Russia many areas, including country’s economy,
language policy was based on Russian only. history, political system, and social issues.
However, from this policy some variation For these reasons, language can be
occurred, especially in the partitioned regarded as an essential part of culture and
Poland occupied by Russia. From the media. From the point of view of language,
anecdotal evidence, like autobiographies of state-centric can perform its functions, but
Polish speakers, like Maria Skłodowska- the key point is to unite and unify the
Curie told that teacher at school covertly society and to retain their sense of identity.
taught in Polish, however, during the This work aimed to show and to
evaluations, the best students (those determine what aspects are based on three
speaking Russian best) were parading different languages: Indonesian language as
before the school inspector. This is what a neutral language, which was adopted in
Schiffman calls “Potemkin” policies. Indonesia primarily to unite the society in
Potemkin village was a construction of false- newly nation; the Hebrew language, which
front, with smiling and waving actors to has been restored to be an initial reference
Tsarina Catherine the Great (Schiffman, point for the Jewish people, and became an
1996: 6). official language of Israel, and become a key
Polish language not only constitutes a element of national identity; and at last the
part of Polish culture, but also endures the Polish language, which is an example of a
endangered Polish national identity and the language that has survived despite the
lack of supports became part of struggle absence of the Polish state and also became
and opposition to such a situation. Polish an essential element of connecting the
language was treated as a basic instrument Polish society.
in the fight for national liberation.

Conclusions References

Language in education can be divided Adhuri D. et al. (2007), Conflict Prevention

into two major categories: medium of and Peaceful Development: Policies to
instruction and language taught as a Reduce Inequalities and
subject. These functions of language can be Marginalization in Indonesia,
classified into four categories: cognitive, „Research Findings and Policy Issues
instrumental, integrative and cultural. The Briefing Paper”, Centre for Research
first one is related to learners’ intellectual on Inequality, Human Security and
development. The instrumental function Ethnicity, Oxford.
refers to knowledge or how to use language
for material purposes. The integrative Amara M. H., Mar’i A.A-R. (2002), Language
function makes an individual become a Education Policy: The Arab Minority in
member of the group using language as a Israel, New York-Boston-Dordrecht-
symbol of identity. Finally, cultural function London-Moscow.
is related to the possibility in gaining a deep Anderson B.R. (1991), Imagined
understanding and appreciation of the communities, London.
10 Grzywacz, The Role of Language in A Nation-Building Process

Drabina J. (2002), Górny Śląsk, Wrocław. „Journal of Current Southeast Asian

Errington, J.J. (1986), Continuity and change Affairs”, No. 4.
in Indonesian language development, Paauw S. (2009), One land, one nation, one
”Journal of Asian Studies”, Vol.45, language: an analysis of Indonesia’s
No.2. national language policy, working
Fenton S. (2007), Etniczność, Warszawa. papers in “Language Science”, Vol. 5,
No. 1.
Frączykowski P. (2001), Rusyfikacja
polskiego narodu, Kraków. Rabin C. (1973), A Short History of the
Hebrew Language, Jerusalem.
Gawrycki M.F., Szeptycki A. (2011),
Podporządkowanie-niedorozwój- Sáenz-Badillos A. (1993), A History of the
wyobcowanie, Warszawa. Hebrew Language, Cambridge.

Hoffman J. M. (2004), In the Beginning: A Schiffman H.F. (1996), Linguistic culture and
Short History of the Hebrew language policy, London.
Language, New York. Simpson A. (2007a), Indonesia, in. A.
Hoy-Kee W. (1971),The development of a Simpson (ed.), Language and national
national language in Indonesia and identity in Asia, Oxford.
Malaysia, “Comparative Education”, Simpson A.(2007b), Introduction, in: A.
Vol.7, No. 2. Simpson (ed.), Language and national
Korobowicz A., Witkowski W. (2009), identity in Asia, Oxford.
Historia ustroju i prawa polskiego Sneddon, J. (2003), The Indonesian
(1772-1918), Warszawa. language. Its history and role in
Kutscher, E. Y. (1982), A History of the modern society, Sydney.
Hebrew Language, Jerusalem. Sutton P. (1991), Educational language
Laitin D.D. (2001), What is language planning and linguistic identity,
community?, “American Journal of “International Review of Education”,
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for cultural diversity, Oxford.
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Towards a New Understanding,
Nabanan, P.W.J. (1991), Language in
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Vol. 37, No.1.
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Development of Bahasa Indonesia,
PMLA, Vol. 72, No. 2.
Ortmann S. (2009), Singapore: The Politics
of Inventing National Identity,
JLT – Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2012
Politeknik Negeri Malang ISSN: 2088-2025


(Tinjauan Skeptis pada Era Global)

Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Akhir-akhir ini bahasa Indonesia mulai terancam keberadaannya. Ancaman ini
berasal dari dua hal, yaitu penerapan otonomi daerah, yang berdampak pada
semangat kedaerahan termasuk adanya kebijakan dalam penggunaan bahasa
daerahnya masing-masing dan terutama gencarnya globalisasi yang
berdampak pada penggunaan bahasa asing, khususnya bahasa Inggris. Banyak
istilah dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan dalam berbagai situs kehidupan,
baik di dunia pendidikan maupun di media massa. Jika kondisi demikian
dibiarkan, maka akan ada peran bahasa Indonesia yang digantikan atau
digeser oleh bahasa Inggris. Upaya penyikapan terhadap isilah asing dilakukan
dalam tiga bentuk. Pertama, menjaga agar setiap kata asing yang masuk mem-
peroleh padanan yang berterima, sesuai dengan situasi pemakaiannya. Kedua,
menjaga agar tata bahasa Indonesia tidak berubah dan agar tetap dikuasai
oleh para penuturnya. Ketiga, menggalakkan penulisan dalam berbagai bidang
dengan bahasa Indonesia sesuai dengan ragam dan larasnya. Upaya
pemaksimalan peran bahasa Indonesia dalam berbagai ranah kehidupan. Per-
tama, ranah kehidupan bermasyarakat, yang meliputi rumah-tangga,
pergaulan (anak-anak, remaja, ibu-ibu, bapak-bapak), acara seremonial
(upacara adat, tempat ibadah) dan lain-lain. Kedua, ranah berbangsa dan ber-
negara, yang meliputi petunjuk identitas kewarganegaraan, representasi hasil
karya ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni dan lain-lain. Ketiga, ranah kepeme-
rintahan, yang meliputi: perkantoran, pendidikan, lembaga kenegaraan, re-
presentasi kebijakan bidang ideologi, politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan lain-
Kata kunci: bahasa Indonesia, ancaman, pengamanan bahasa, ragam, laras.

pemersatu seluruh wilayah nusantara dalam

Berdasarkan kesejarahan lahirnya bahasa
koridor bangsa Indonesia. Dalam
Indonesia lebih karena faktor politis, yakni
perkembangannya bahasa Indonesia di-
karena kebutuhan persatuan seluruh
angkat sebagai bahasa negara atau bahasa
wilayah nusantara yang memiliki kesamaan
nasional dan bahasa resmi. Sebagai bahasa
nasib dalam perjuangan melawan
nasional, bahasa Indonesia digunakan
penjajahan. Hal ini tercermin dalam ikrar
sebagai alat komunikasi oleh seluruh
pemuda seluruh nusantara pada tanggal 28
bangsa Indonesia. Sementara itu, sebagai
Oktober 1928 yang dikenal dengan sumpah
bahasa resmi, bahasa Indonesia digunakan
pemuda. Sejak itulah bahasa Indonesia
sebagai alat komunikasi pada situasi-situasi
memiliki fungsi politis, menjadi alat
12 Mujianto: Kiat Pengamanan Bahasa Indonesia

resmi kepemerintahan. Secara hukum berbagai situs kehidupan sehari-hari di

kedudukan bahasa Indonesia sebagai masyarakat, misalnya di sekolah dan per-
bahasa negara atau bahasa nasional ter- guruan tinggi (bilingual, moving class,
tuang dalam UUD 1945 pasal 36. learning university, entrepreneur university,
education for all, domain dan sebagainya),
Sejak bahasa Indonesia ditetapkan
mall (Malang Town Square, Malang
sebagai bahasa negara dan bahasa resmi,
Olympic Garden, Batu Town Square dan se-
bahasa Indonesia telah digunakan sebagai
bagainya), televisi (TV-One, Trans-7, Metro
media komunikasi dalam berbagai ranah
TV, dan sebagainya), koran (Metropolis,
kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan
sportainment, total football, show and
bernegara. Pada daerah dan kota tertentu
celebrity, dan sebagainya), komputer (spasi,
bahasa Indonesia telah digunakan untuk
font, paste, dan sebagainya), internet
berkomunikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-
(browsing, chatting, e-mail, dan sebagainya),
hari, mulai di lingkungan rumah,
iklan (rent car, tour and travel, corner drink,
masyarakat, pergaulan antarteman, pasar,
buy 2 get 1, dan sebagainya).
sekolah, dan kantor pemerintah. Namun,
sebagian besar di wilayah negara Indonesia Penggunaan bahasa asing secara
bahasa Indonesia hanya digunakan sebatas terus-menerus dalam segala sisi kehidupan
ranah resmi dan ilmiah. Di luar ranah itu, memang nampak dapat mencirikan sosok
mereka menggunakan bahasa daerah. Hal masyarakat yang maju, berpendidikan,
ini diperkuat oleh adanya penerapan bahkan terkesan ‘keren’. Namun, pada sisi
undang-undang otonomi daerah, yang lain kondisi tersebut dapat mengancam
membawa nuansa kesukuan lebih keberadaan bahasa Indonesia. Jika bahasa
mengemuka dan sikap kedaerahan yang asing digunakan dalam berbagai ranah yang
berlebihan. Implikasinya, banyak daerah sangat akrab dengan kehidupan sehari-hari
yang membuat kebijakan penggunaan masyarakat Indonesia, maka bahasa Indo-
bahasa daerah masing-masing sebagai nesia jarang terdengar oleh mereka.
pengantar dalam pendidikan terutama Akibatnya, masyarakat Indonesia akan
pada kelas rendah. Hal ini tentu berdampak terbiasa dengan bahasa asing dan tanpa
pada menurunnya semangat penggunaan sadar akan meninggalkan bahasa Indonesia.
bahasa Indonesia di daerah terutama pada Dengan demikian, bahasa Indonesia akan
tingkat anak-anak, yang pada akhirnya kehilangan peranannya dalam beberapa
berpengaruh pada rendahnya kemahiran ranah kehidupan bermasyarakat, misalnya
berbahasa Indonesia bagi anak-anak. dalam pergaulan sekolah, periklanan, koran
dan majalah, teknologi informasi, dan
Pada sisi lain, globalisasi telah
menembus batas kewilayahan (kenegaraan)
dan berbagai situs kehidupan manusia Fakta lain, sebagaimana yang
(ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pendidikan, dikemukakan oleh Pusat Bahasa
politik, dan teknologi). Segala peristiwa Kemendiknas RI, bahwa minat masyarakat
yang terjadi di belahan dunia mana pun Indonesia untuk belajar mahir berbahasa
dapat dengan mudah diketahui oleh masya- Indonesia kalah jauh dibandingkan ke-
rakat dunia, termasuk di berbagai pelosok di inginan masyarakat untuk mahir berbahasa
Indonesia melalui teknologi informasi, baik asing. Bahasa Indonesia tidak terlalu
melalui jaringan televisi, internet, maupun diminati, bahkan sedang mengalami proses
media lainnya. Salah satu dampak pengabaian. Dengan kata lain, bahasa
globalisasi bagi bangsa Indonesia akhir-akhir Indonesia tidak dianggap penting untuk
ini adalah ‘euforia’ penggunaan bahasa dipelajari dan hanya dijadikan bahasa tutur
asing, khususnya bahasa Inggris dalam yang dipelajari secara alamiah karena
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 13

faktor lingkungan. Demikian pula dengan 1) Menjaga agar setiap kata asing yang
sikap positif masyarakat Indonesia ter- masuk memperoleh padanan yang
hadap bahasa Indonesia yang berada di berterima, sesuai dengan situasi
peringkat ketiga, tertinggal dibanding pemakaiannya. "Globalisasi tidak bisa
bahasa asing dan bahasa daerah. dibendung. Bahasa asing memang
Kenyataan itu menunjukkan bahwa bahasa akhirnya populer, sampai tempat
Indonesia belum dapat menjadi lambang makam saja terasa keren dengan nama
supremasi bahasa di tanah air sendiri. Se- keinggris-inggrisan. Dalam kondisi
jumlah survei pendidikan menyebutkan seperti ini, jika bahasa Indonesia mau
bahwa nilai yang diraih para pelajar pada populer, harus terus dikedepankan
mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia tidak dengan kata-kata yang padanannya tidak
selalu mendekati sempurna. Sementara itu, kalah keren dengan bahasa asing," kata
nilai pada mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris Wakil Menteri Pendidikan dan
lebih tinggi. Kita harus menyadari bahwa Kebudayaan, Bidang Kebudayaan,
bahasa Indonesia di negeri ini belum me- Wiendu Nuryati, di Jakarta, Selasa
miliki pamor untuk dijadikan simbol (29/11/2011). Kecuali untuk tujuan
pencitraan negara di internasional. Di pencendekiaan, sebaiknya kita tidak
kandang sendiri, bahasa Indonesia masih memperkenalkan kata baru bila kata yang
kalah menarik dibandingkan dengan bahasa semakna sudah ada dan berterima,
Inggris, bahkan bahasa Arab. Mahir meskipun merupakan kata serapan
berbahasa Inggris atau berbahasa Arab bagi (pinjaman) sebagai akibat dari pener-
orang Indonesia lebih mendatangkan jemahan fonologis. Alternatif kata baru
kebanggaan daripada mahir berbahasa yang terlalu banyak dapat mem-
Indonesia. Kemahiran berbahasa Indonesia bingungkan masyarakat. Pada aspek
dianggap sesuatu yang lumrah, umum, dan pengembangan yang pertama, dilakukan
tidak prestatif. Inilah problem penghargaan penerjemahan. Ada dua jenis penerje-
kita terhadap Bahasa Indonesia, kata Wakil mahan yang dianggap paling "mudah" di-
Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan lakukan, yaitu (a) pengalihan pesan
Bidang Kebudayaan, Wiendu Nuryati, di dengan mencarikan padanannya, dan (b)
Jakarta, Selasa (29/11/2011). penjiplakan struktur (calque). Penerje-
Untuk menghindari terancamnya mahan yang ideal adalah penerjemahan
keberadaan bahasa Indonesia akibat dengan cara memperoleh padanan yang
perannya digeser oleh bahasa asing ada berupa unsur dari bahasa Indonesia,
dua kiat pengamanan yang dapat bahasa Melayu, atau bahasa daerah.
dilakukan, yaitu penyikapan terhadap Namun, biasanya cara ini memerlukan
masuknya istilah asing dan pemaksimalan waktu yang cukup lama. Contoh, kata
peran bahasa Indonesia. Kedua kiat ‘effective’ diterjemahkan ‘melakukan
pengamanan itu akan diuraikan pada kegiatan yang tepat sesuai tujuan’,
bagian berikut. kemudian dicarikan padanannya dari
bahasa daerah Palembang yang memiliki
arti yang hampir sama, yaitu kata
Kiat Pengamanan Bahasa Indonesia ‘sangkil’ dan ‘efficient’ dicari padanannya
1. Penyikapan Istilah Asing dengan kata ‘mangkus’. Dalam keadaan
mendesak, tindakan "darurat" yang
Untuk menyikapi derasnya istilah asing yang dilakukan adalah melakukan pe-
masuk dalam situs-situs kehidupan nerjemahan fonologis, yakni mengambil
bermasyarakat sehari-hari ada tiga hal yang bentuk kata asing itu dan disesuaikan
perlu dilakukan. dengan sistem bunyi dan ejaan bahasa
14 Mujianto: Kiat Pengamanan Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesia. Ini sudah dilakukan sejak bahasa Indonesia harus dicegah. Dalam
lama, misalnya wanita (Sanskerta), pengembangan istilah dan ungkapan,
kudeta (Prancis), dan nafsu (Arab) (Alwi, termasuk dalam hal kodifikasinya, perlu
1986:78). Saat ini muncul kata dari memperhatikan laras tata bahasa
bahasa Inggris seperti real estate, mal Indonesia. Pada aspek ini harus diamati
dan kondominium. Dewasa ini penerje- seringnya terjadi pelanggaran atas
mahan fonologis, yang tadinya merupa- kaidah tata bahasa Indonesia sebagai
kan upaya darurat bila terjadi tekanan akibat adanya penjiplakan. Ini terlihat
deras bahasa asing, akhirnya menjadi antara lain, pada pelanggaran atas
upaya yang makin sering digunakan hukum DM (diterangkan menerangkan)
karena dianggap paling "mudah", dan penjiplakan struktur bahasa Inggris
khususnya apabila tidak cukup waktu ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hukum DM
untuk mencari padanan bahasa sudah sering dilanggar, misalnya dalam
Indonesia atau bahasa daerah. Oleh pemberian nama toko seperti Sentosa
karena itu, perlu dikembangkan prosedur Ban atau Setia Motor. Hal ini juga
penerjemahan fonologis yang sesuai terlihat pada seluruh kata asing yang
dengan kaidah fonologi dan kaidah tata diambil alih melalui penerjemahan
bahasa Indonesia sebagai pelengkap fonologis dan penjiplakan, seperti kata
prosedur pembentukan istilah. Harus makro-ekonomi, mikro-ekonomi, agro-
diketahui pula bahwa dalam bahasa industri dan agrobisnis. Tindakan
teknis biasanya terdapat dua laras, yakni penjiplakan itu salah dan "berbahaya"
laras "tinggi" yang digunakan oleh para bagi pemertahanan kaidah bahasa
pakar dalam penulisan ilmiah, dan laras Indonesia, walaupun sebenarnya
"rendah" yang digunakan oleh para tindakan itu sering terjadi karena ketidak-
montir / pekerja tingkat praktek yang pahaman penutur bahasa Indonesia
pada umumnya terdapat dalam bahasa tentang struktur ungkapan asing yang di-
lisan. Di bidang kedokteran, pada laras jiplak. Dalam hanyak hal, struktur MD
"rendah" terdapat istilah-istilah untuk tidak disadari oleh penutur, karena ke-
para awam bukan dokter, seperti seluruhan ungkapan asing itu dipandang
kencing manis (laras "tinggi" = diabetes sebagai satu satuan unsur bahasa. Kalau
melitus), demam berdarah (laras "tinggi" pemakai sadar bahwa strukturnya harus
= demam dengue), atau cacar air (laras disesuaikan maka ungkapan tersebut
"tinggi" = varicella). Di bidang komputer, akan dibaca ekonomi makro dan bisnis
pada laras "tinggi" dikenal di-on-kan agro. Namun, dewasa ini masih ada saja
(laras "rendah" = dinyalakan), di-safe pemakaian konstruksi hasil jiplakan dari
(laras "rendah" = disimpan), atau di-copy konstruksi MD, misalnya Gunung Geulis
(laras "rendah" = disalin). Di bidang me- Resor atau Modern Bakeri.
kanik otomotif, pada laras "rendah" 3) Menggalakkan penulisan dalam berbagai
dikenal roda gila (laras "tinggi" = bidang dengan bahasa Indonesia sesuai
eksentrik), stang (laras "tinggi" = tuas), dengan ragam dan larasnya. Bidang
stir (laras "tinggi" = kemudi), dongkrak penulisan dengan bahasa Indonesia itu
(laras "tinggi" = pengungkit), atau as sejalan dengan perkembangan ilmu
(laras "tinggi" = poros). pengetahuan dan teknologi. Oleh karena
2) Menjaga agar tata bahasa Indonesia itu, seluruh bidang keilmuan, baik ilmu
tidak berubah dan agar tetap dikuasai pengetahuan alam (kedokteran, biologi,
(secara tidak sadar) oleh para matematika, fisika, teknologi) maupun
penuturnya. Dengan demikian, gejala ilmu pengetahuan sosial (budaya, politik,
penjiplakan tata hahasa asing ke dalam ekonomi, manajemen, filsafat)
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 15

sebaiknya ditulis dengan bahasa 2. Pemaksimalan Peran Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesia sesuai dengan kaidah tata Dalam upaya peningkatan peran bahasa
bahasa Indonesia. Pengembangan tata Indonesia dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan
bahasa Indonesia juga perlu terus di- perlu dikemukakan betapa pentingnya
galakkan penggunaannya dalam bidang fungsi bahasa bagi umat manusia. Samsuri
non-ilmiah, seperti perdagangan, (2000:4) berpendapat:
periklanan, mode, seni, memasak,
pariwisata, dan kesusastraan (Hoed, “Sejak bangun tidur pagi hari sampai
2011:9-10). Kepala Pusat Bahasa Depdik- malam hari, pada waktu istirahat
nas Dendy Sugono mengatakan, manusia tidak lepas dari bahasa,
sebenarnya pembakuan istilah dan bahkan ketika tidur lalu bermimpi
peng'indonesia'an kata dan ungkapan pun menggunakan bahasa. Ketika se-
asing sudah lama dilakukan oleh Pusat orang berdiam diri pada hakikatnya
Bahasa, namun kalangan pers jarang dia berbahasa, karena bahasa adalah
menggunakannya. Menurut Yosi alat untuk berfikir, merenung,
Herfanda (2010) penulisan istilah asing merasa, berkeinginan, dan mempe-
yang diserap dalam penulisan teks berita ngaruhi. Bahasa sangat berakar bagi
media massa masih beragam dan sangat penggunaannya. Bahasa adalah
banyak yang salah. Bahkan, kesalahan tanda kepribadian yang baik maupun
yang terjadi jumlahnya jutaan. Seperti yang buruk, tanda yang jelas bagi
kata 'shalat' dipakai 1.380.000 kali, kata budi manusia. Dari pembicaraan sese-
'sholat' (1.139.000) dan 'salat' (270.000). orang kita dapat menangkap keingin-
Kata 'ustad' (3.110.000), 'ustaz' annya, latar belakang pendidikan,
(2.470.000), dan 'ustadz' (681.000). Kata pergaulan, dan adat istiadatnya”.
'wudhu' (151.000), 'wudlu' (59.300), dan Secara umum fungsi bahasa adalah
'wudu' (9.340). Kata 'gender' (924.000) alat komunikasi dalam berbagai aspek
dan 'jender' (76.000). Kata 'objek' kehidupan sehari-hari. Di samping fungsi
(1.890.000), 'obyek' (1.840.000), dan umum itu, bahasa memiliki fungsi khusus.
'objektif' (432.000), 'obyektif' (290.000). Ada beberapa pendapat berkaitan dengan
Serta kata 'even' (6.650.000), 'event' fungsi khusus bahasa. Finochiaro (1983)
(6.650.000) dan kata 'iven' digunakan berpendapat bahwa fungsi bahasa meliputi
290.000 kali. Menurut Yosi Herfanda, fungsi: (1) personal, (2) interpersonal, (3)
terjadinya perbedaan penggunaan istilah direktif, (4) referensial, dan (5) imaginatif.
serapan itu karena perbedaan pedoman Selanjutnya, Halliday (1973) dalam Suparno
pembentukan istilah atau penyerapan (1994:18) berpendapat bahwa bahasa
bahasa asing Pusat Bahasa dan kalangan memiliki 7 (tujuh) fungsi, yaitu (1)
pers. Perbedaan cita rasa yang hendak instrumental, (2) regulatori, (3) represen-
dilekatkan pada istilah asing yang di- tasional, (4) interaksional,(5) personal, (6)
serap ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. huristis, dan (7) imaginatif.
Anggapan dari kalangan pers bahwa Mengacu pada dua pendapat ahli bahasa
pusat bahasa lamban dalam menyerap tersebut, bahasa memiliki peran yang
dan membakukan bahasa asing ke sangat penting dalam kehidupan nyata.
bahasa Indonesia, sehingga kalangan Bahasa memiliki peran dalam semua aspek
pers melakukan pembakuan secepatnya kehidupan bermasyarakat. Bahasa yang
dengan cara masing-masing yang dapat difungsikan dalam berbagai dimensi
berbeda. kehidupan adalah bahasa yang memiliki
ketahanan yang kuat. Sebaliknya, jika
bahasa itu hanya digunakan dalam ranah
16 Mujianto: Kiat Pengamanan Bahasa Indonesia

tertentu saja, maka bahasa itu tidak me- hari, yang menyebabkan terjadinya
milki posisi yang kuat di masyarakat. pergeseran penggunaan bahasa asal ke
Semakin sedikit ranah bahasa itu bahasa target. Pergeseran bahasa,
digunakan, maka semakin kecil peran penurunan fungsi bahasa, dan peng-
bahasa itu dalam masyarakat, yang pada hilangan bahasa, dapat terjadi karena faktor
akhirnya akan digeser oleh bahasa lain yang perubahan sosial yang sangat cepat
lebih banyak perannya dalam berbagai (Aitchison, 1991:50). Di dalam
ranah yang ada di masyarakat. Dalam rangka perkembangannya pergeseran bahasa tidak
pemaksimalan peran bahasa Indonesia hanya disebabkan oleh adanya perubahan
perlu dilakukan rekayasa bahasa. Menurut profesi dan perpindahan, tetapi ada
Takdir Alisyahbana (dalam Moeliono, beberapa faktor lain. Faktor penyebab per-
1985), aspek penting dalam rekayasa geseran bahasa dikemukakan sebagai
bahasa meliput (1) pembakuan bahasa, (2) berikut.
pemoderenan, dan (3) penyediaan
perlengkapan seperti buku pelajaran dan  Faktor Politik
bacaan. Haugen (1972:287-293) dalam salah Setiap negara senantiasa berusaha mem-
satu tulisnnya yang berjudul “Language pertahankan keberadaannya sebagai
Planning, theory and Practice”, sebuah negara yang berdaulat. Satu aspek
menyarankan agar rekayasa bahasa dimulai untuk mempertahankan keberadaan
dengan pengetahuan situasi kebahasaan, negara adalah memperlakukan bahasa
setelah itu disusun program kegiatan yang nasionalnya sebagai alat komunikasi resmi
meliputi penetapan sasaran, penetapan kenegaraan. Setiap orang yang berinteraksi
kebijakan untuk mencapai sasaran itu dan dalam konteks formal harus menggunakan
sejumlah prosedur untuk mengimplemen- bahasa nasional. Oleh karena itu, jika
tasikan kebijakan itu. seseorang akan memasuki suatu negara,
yang bersangkutan harus memahami bahasa
Dalam rangka pemaksimalan peran
nasional negara yang akan dimasuki.
bahasa Indonesia dalam berbagai situs
Dengan demikian, jika ada orang asing akan
kehidupan bermasyarakat, ada dua hal yang
bekerja di Indonesia, atau negara lain akan
perlu diperhatikan. Pertama,
bekerja sama dengan Indonesia, maka
memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang dapat
sesorang atau negara itu harus memahami
menggeser posisi bahasa. Kedua,
dan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, bukan
meningkatkan peran bahasa Indonesia
justru sebaliknya seperti yang selama ini
dalam ranah bermasyarakat, berbangsa,
dan bernegara.
 Faktor Sosial

2.1 Faktor Pergeseran Bahasa Pergaulan pada kelompok sosial yang

memiliki pengaruh kuat pada
Secara konseptual yang dimaksud dengan lingkungannya akan mempercepat
pergeseran bahasa (language shift) adalah pergeseran bahasa. “Kelompok sosial yang
perubahan penggunaan bahasa secara kuat biasanya menjadi idola dalam segala
evolusi dan konstan oleh penuturnya dari perilaku sosial, termasuk perilaku
satu bahasa (asal) ke bahasa yang lain penggunaan bahasa” (Holmes, 2001:51).
(bahasa target) (Holmes, 2001:51). Hal ini Sebagai contoh, anak-anak dari keluarga
terjadi akibat adanya perubahan profesi pernikahan yang berbeda latar belakang
atau pindah ke daerah lain sehingga secara bahasa pertama (B1), mereka cenderung
sosial tidak memungkinkan penggunaan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (B2) untuk
bahasa asalnya dalam kehidupan sehari- berkomunikasi di lingkungan keluarganya.
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 17

Di dalam keluarga tidak mungkin diajarkan para pencari kerja dari daerah yang menuju
penggunaan bahasa vernacular (ragam Jakarta tentu harus mampu berbahasa
bahasa kasar). Namun, karena pergaulan di Indonesia karena bahasa yang digunakan
luar rumah dengan kelompok bermain sehari-hari di Jakarta adalah bahasa
sehari-hari dengan waktu bermain yang Indonesia. Di samping itu, aktivitas per-
leluasa, mereka memperoleh pilihan kata / ekonomian senantiasa dilakukan dengan
ragam bahasa vernacular yang akhirnya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, sehingga
terbawa dalam komunikasi di lingkungan secara pelan-pelan bahasa Pertama (B1)
keluarga. Dengan kata lain, terjadilah akan tergeser oleh bahasa Kedua (B2).
pergeseran bahasa, yakni dari ragam
 Faktor Budaya
bahasa tinggi bergeser dengan ragam
vernacular. Suatu bahasa dikatakan kuat jika bahasa itu
mengakar dalam budaya masyarakat pe-
 Faktor Sikap Apatisme nuturnya. Jika budaya masih secara aktif
Sikap apatisme terjadi karena kurangnya berlaku dalam masyarakat, maka bahasa
kesadaran masyarakat untuk yang menyertai budaya itu masih kuat.
mempertahankan bahasa etnisnya. Mereka Sebaliknya, jika budaya tidak dilestarikan,
tidak menyadari jika tidak ada usaha maka bahasa sebagai media budaya itu akan
mempertahankan bahasa etnisnya, maka tergeser, atau bahkan menjadi mati.
bahasa etnisnya akan tergeser oleh bahasa Sebagai contoh hilangnya bahasa Jawa
asing yang digunakan dalam berbagai ranah “ngujubake” untuk berbagai upacara adat
masyarakat. Dengan kata lain, “sikap apatis petani di Jawa Timur khususnya upacara
masyarakat terhadap bahasa etnis, akan persiapan panen pertanian bagi petani di
mengancam terhadap eksistensi bahasa Jawa Timur. Hal ini disebabkan budaya itu
etnis mereka” (Ibrahim, 1998: 57). Dalam telah hilang dari masyarakat petani di Jawa
konteks pemertahanan bahasa Indonesia Timur.
dari ancaman bahasa asing, sikap apatisme Di samping itu, akulturasi budaya
terhadap bahasa Indonesia harus juga dapat secara pelan-pelan menggeser
dihilangkan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan kedudukan bahasa pada masing-masing
cara memberikan motivasi tentang budaya yang berakulturasi (Holmes,
kesetaraan prestise penggunaan Indonesia 2001:58). Percampuran / perkawinan
dengan bahasa asing. budaya pada akhirnya akan menghilangkan
kekhasan masing-masing budaya. Mediasi
 Faktor Ekonomi
budaya campuran tentu menggunakan
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari perekonomian bahasa yang netral. Misalnya percampuran
merupakan aspek yang paling menonjol budaya Bali dan budaya Madura mediasinya
dilakukan manusia. Hampir seluruh aktivitas adalah bahasa Indonesia. Dengan demikian,
manusia berkaitan dengan perekonomian. budaya campuran secara konstan menyatu
Bahkan, karena tuntutan ekonomi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan bahasa
seseorang harus merantau ke daerah lain yang digunakan adalah bahasa Indonesia.
atau kota lain (urbanisasi). Para urban akan Pada akhirnya bahasa Bali dan bahasa
kehilangan bahasa etnisnya, ketika setiap Madura tergeser posisinya dalam konteks
hari harus menggunakan bahasa asing (B2) itu.
dalam mengerjakan aktivitas kesehariannya
dan dalam waktu yang relatif lama. “Untuk  Faktor Perkembangan Teknologi
mendapatkan pekerjaan merupakan alasan Bagi negara berkembang teknologi
yang paling jelas untuk mempelajari bahasa merupakan hasil importasi dari negara lain.
lain” (Holmes, 2001:58). Sebagai contoh, Kehadiran teknologi tentu membawa segala
18 Mujianto: Kiat Pengamanan Bahasa Indonesia

aspek yang berkaitan penerapan teknologi masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini dimaksudkan
itu. Salah satunya adalah bahasa yang agar bahasa Indonesia secara fungsional
digunakan sebagai representasi teknologi digunakan sehari-hari di dalam rumah
yang bersangkutan. Fakta keduniaan dan tangga, pergaulan (anak-anak, remaja, ibu-
ilmu pengetahuan teknologi tidak akan ter- ibu, bapak-bapak), upacara adat, pasar,
komunikasikan jika tidak dinyatakan dengan warung, masjid, gereja, acara seremonial,
bahasa. Hal ini sejalan dengan fungsi bahasa tempat wisata / hiburan dan aspek
representasional, yakni bahasa berfungsi kehidupan bermasyarakat lainnya. Dengan
untuk menyajikan materi kebendaan yang kata lain, bahasa Indonesia harus mengakar
memerlukan penunjukan (Halliday, dalam kuat dalam budaya masyarakat seluruh
Suparno, 1994:19). Hadirnya teknologi Indonesia. Jika kondisi ini dapat diciptakan,
dapat menghilangkan fungsi peralatan maka eksistensi bahasa Indonesia akan
tradisional, sehingga alat-alat tersebut akan kuat, tidak akan tergeser oleh bahasa etnis
ditinggalkan. Sejalan dengan itu tergeser / ataupun bahasa asing. Secara teoritis
hilang pula penggunaan bahasa yang bahasa Indonesia harus memiliki fungsi
melekat dengan alat tradisional. Sebagai personal, interpersonal, direktif, referensial,
contoh, kata “lesung” alat penumbuk padi, imaginatif, di seluruh lapisan masyarakat
telah hilang diganti dengan “huller” alat pe- Indonesia (Nababan, 1987:37).
nyelip padi. Terkait dengan itu, seyogyanya Sebagai implikasi lebih jauh dari
teknologi importasi yang digunakan di Indo- konsep ini diperlukan pemantapan
nesia, telah dicarikan padanannya dalam paradigma lama yaitu bhinneka tunggal ika.
bahasa Indonesia, sehingga nantinya tidak Walaupun berbeda latar budaya, sosial,
tergeser oleh bahasa negara pengekpsor suku, bahasa pertama (B1), dan agama,
teknologi ke Indonesia. bahasa Indonesia harus digunakan oleh
masyarakat seluruh wilayah Indonesia, baik
dalam rumah tangga, pergaulan (anak-anak,
2.2 Peningkatan Peran Bahasa Indonesia
remaja, ibu-ibu, bapak-bapak), upacara
Mengacu pada pentingnya bahasa adat, pasar, warung, masjid, gereja, acara
Indonesia sebagai alat pemersatu bangsa sermonial, tempat wisata, dan aspek ke-
dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia hidupan bermasyarakat lainnya. Dengan
(NKRI) dan banyaknya faktor yang demikian, bahasa Indonesia akan mengakar
menyebabkan pergeseran bahasa, sehingga pada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia,
mengancam eksistensi bahasa Indonesia, sehingga bahasa Indonesia betul-betul kuat
maka perlu ada upaya yang nyata untuk di seluruh Indonesia.
mempertahankan eksistensi bahasa
Indonesia. Salah satu upaya yang dapat  Peningkatan Peran Bahasa Indonesia
dilakukan adalah dengan meningkatkan dalam Ranah Berbangsa dan Bernegara
peran bahasa Indonesia dalam seluruh Telah disadari, bahwa bangsa Indonesia itu
domain kehidupan bermasyarakat, lahir karena faktor politis, bukan antropo-
berbangsa, dan bernegara. logis. Dalam konteks ini bangsa Indonesia
telah sepakat memilih salah satu bahasa
 Peningkatan Peran Bahasa Indonesia lingua fanca, bahasa Melayu, dijadikan
dalam Domain Masyarakat bahasa Indonesia. Dengan demikian, peran
Yang dimaksud peningkatan peran bahasa bahasa Indonesia pada saat itu hanya untuk
Indonesia dalam domain masyarakat ini kepentingan alat pemersatu bangsa yang
adalah memfungsikan bahasa Indonesia multi etnis dalam konteks bangsa Indo-
dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan nesia. Memang dalam perkembangannya
bermasyarakat bagi seluruh lapisan bahasa Indonesia telah difungsikan sebagai
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 19

bahasa nasional, yakni sebagai alat Indonesia (Kartadi, 2000:15). Bahkan jika
komunikasi seluruh rakyat Indonesia dalam perlu membuat kebijakan yang ketat, siapa
konteks kehidupan berbangsa. pun dan untuk kepentingan apa pun yang
Namun, sebenarnya masih banyak ranah akan berhubungan dengan pemerintah Indo-
berbangsa dan bernegara yang seharusnya nesia harus menggunakan bahasa
memfungsikan bahasa Indonesia sebagai Indonesia.
media representasinya. Misalnya, sebagai
penunjuk identitas kewarganegaraan bagi
Simpulan dan Saran
seluruh orang yang mengaku sebagai warga
negara Indonesia, sebagai representasi hasil Simpulan
karya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi Berdasarkan paparan di atas, dapat
masyarakat Indonesia, sebagai representasi disimpulkan bahwa pada akhir-akhir ini
produk perundang-undangan dan sistem bahasa Indonesia telah terancam
hukum di Indonesia, sebagai representasi keberadaannya. Ancaman ini berasal dari
sistem pertahanan dan keamanan negara dua hal, yaitu penerapan otonomi daerah,
Indonesia, dan ranah kehidupan berbangsa yang berdampak pada semangat ke-
dan bernegara lainnya. Peningkatan peran daerahan termasuk adanya kebijakan dalam
bahasa Indonesia dalam ranah berbangsa penggunaan bahasa daerahnya masing-
dan bernegara secara teoritis relevan masing dan gencarnya globalisasi yang
dengan fungsi instrumental, regulatory, dan sangat berdampak dalam penggunaan
reperesentasional (Wahab, 1998:25). bahasa asing, khususnya bahasa Inggris di
 Peningkatan Peran Bahasa Indonesia Indonesia. Banyak istilah dalam bahasa
dalam Ranah Kepemerintahan Inggris telah digunakan oleh hampir seluruh
situs kehidupan yang akrab dengan
Seperti diketahui, bahwa selama ini bahasa masyarakat, misalnya sekolah (SD – PT),
Indonesia telah diangkat sebagai bahasa koran, majalah, TV, iklan, komputer, dan
resmi. Artinya bahasa Indonesia telah internet. Jika kondisi demikian dibiarkan,
digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi resmi maka ada peran bahasa Indonesia yang
dalam konteks resmi kepemerintahan, digantikan atau digeser oleh bahasa Inggris.
misalnya perkantoran, pengantar Dengan demikian, kedudukan bahasa
pendidikan, departemen, dinas pemerintah, Indonesia dalam ranah tersebut terancam,
lembaga tinggi negara, dan lembaga- dan jika ranah lain pun diganti oleh bahasa
lembaga pemerintah lainnya. Dalam situasi Inggris, maka tidak lama lagi bahasa Indo-
ini bahasa Indonesia dapat ditingkatkan nesia akan ditinggalkan oleh masyarakat
peranannya pada berbagai ranah pe- Indonesia, terutama generasi penerus. Oleh
nyelenggaraan kepemerintahan secara karena itu, harus ada upaya nyata untuk
menyeluruh, mulai pemerintahan desa, menangani ancaman keberadaan bahasa
kecamatan, sampai dengan pemerintah Indonesia, yaitu penyikapan terhadap
pusat. Di samping itu, bahasa Indonesia masuknya istilah asing dan pemaksimalan
harus digunakan dalam berbagai bentuk peran bahasa Indonesia.
pelayanan pemerintah atau lembaga formal
lainnya kepada masyarakat, sehingga  Upaya penyikapan terhadap isilah asing
seluruh ranah pelayanan umum / publik dilakukan dalam tiga bentuk, yaitu (1)
harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. menjaga agar setiap kata asing yang
Selanjutnya, seluruh kebijakan pemerintah masuk memperoleh padanan yang
baik berkaitan dengan ideologi, politik, sosial berterima, sesuai dengan situasi
budaya, ekonomi, pertahanan dan pemakaiannya, (2) menjaga agar tata
keamanan harus menggunakan bahasa bahasa Indonesia tidak berubah dan agar
20 Mujianto: Kiat Pengamanan Bahasa Indonesia

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Departemen Pendidikan dan Surabaya: Airlangga University Press.
Samsuri. 2000. Analisis Bahasa Edisi ke-5,
JLT – Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2012
Politeknik Negeri Malang ISSN: 2088-2025



Mayasari, Nani Darmayanti, Sugeng Riyanto

Universitas Padjadjaran

Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Wacana Kritis: Pemberitaan Saweran untuk
Gedung KPK di Harian Umum Media Indonesia”. Metode yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis
waacana kritis model tiga dimensi Norman Fairclough. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah, (1) Mendeskripsikan aspek kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam
merepresentasikan tokoh dan topik pemberitaan, (2) Mendeskripsikan
hubungan antara ideologi Harian Umum Media Indonesia dan aspek
kebahasaan yang dihasilkan, dan (3) Mendeskripsikan situasi sosial, politik, dan
budaya yang melatarbelakangi aspek kebahasaan yang digunakan. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek kebahasaan berupa diksi, penggunaan
kalimat, dan pemilihan sumber dalam kutipan langsung yang digunakan Media
Indonesia dalam telaah, menempatkan tokoh atau institusi khususnya Dewan
Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) dalam representasi yang negatif. Hal ini erat
kaitannya dengan ideologi nasionalisme yang dianut oleh institusi Media
Indonesia yang lebih membela gerakan anti korupsi melalui Komisi
Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). Meskipun demikian, representasi selain ber-
kaitan dengan ideologi yang dianut, juga memiliki kaitan dengan kepentingan
politik dari pemimpin institusi Media Indonesia yang menjadi pendiri dari
Partai Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) dalam melakukan pencitraan positif
terhadap partai yang dipimpinnya.

Kata kunci: Representasi, Analisis Wacana Kritis, Media, Politik

Bahasa merupakan media bagi manusia (Fairclough, 1989:2).

dalam berkomunikasi. Melalui bahasa, Sejalan dengan pernyataan di atas, Halliday
manusia dapat mengungkapkan ide, (1978:2) juga menegaskan bahwa
pikiran, dan perasaannya. Namun demikian, sesungguhnya bahasa bukan hanya terdiri
saat ini definisi bahasa telah berkembang atas kalimat, melainkan juga terdiri atas
sesuai fungsinya bukan hanya sebagai alat teks atau wacana yang di dalamnya
berkomunikasi. Saat ini, bahasa telah terdapat tukar-menukar maksud dalam
menjadi media perantara dalam konteks interpersonal antara satu dengan
pelaksanaan kuasa melalui ideologi. Bahkan yang lain. Konteks dalam tukar menukar
bahasa juga menyumbang proses dominasi maksud itu tidak bersifat kosong dari nilai
terhadap orang lain oleh pihak lain sosial, tetapi sangat dipengaruhi oleh
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 23

konteks sosial budaya masyarakatnya. Namun, Komisi III DPR tidak mengabulkan
Perkembangan peran dan definisi bahasa pengajuan anggaran untuk pembangunan
tersebut telah membawa pengaruh yang gedung baru KPK tersebut karena me-
sangat besar terhadap kajian bahasa nurutnya Komisi III, masih layak gedung pe-
(linguistik). Linguistik tidak lagi bergerak merintah yang dapat memenuhi kapasitas
dalam kajian struktural atau gramatikal, yang dibutuhkan KPK sehingga tidak
tetapi telah berkembang menjadi kajian- diperlukan pembangunan gedung baru.
kajian yang lintas disipliner dengan bidang Kasus tersebut di atas menjadi semakin me-
lain, seperti sosiolinguistik, pragmatik, narik karena mendapat publikasi dari
analisis wacana, neurolinguistik, dan psiko- berbagai media massa di Indonesia, baik
linguistik. Kajian-kajian lintas disipliner itu cetak maupun elektronik. Pemberitaan
menandai bahwa bahasa memang tersebut pada akhirnya baik secara
berperan besar dalam segala bidang langsung dan tidak langsung membawa
kehidupan masyarakat. pengaruh besar kepada masyarakat se-
Salah satu bidang yang juga memanfaatkan hingga masyarakat menjadi terlibat dalam
bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan saweran pembangunan gedung KPK.
pelaksanaan kuasa dalam ideologi seperti Berbagai lapisan masyarakat, mulai dari
yang dijelaskan di atas adalah bidang pedagang, tukang becak, hingga menteri
media. Sebagian besar bentuk produksi bergerak melakukan sumbangan saweran
media diwujudkan dalam bentuk bahasa. untuk pembangunan gedung KPK tersebut.
Dengan demikian, hubungan antara bahasa Salah satu media massa yang aktif
dan media merupakan dua hal yang tidak melakukan pemberitaan mengenai wacana
dapat dipisahkan. Richardson (2007: 6) me- saweran untuk gedung KPK adalah Media
nyatakan bahwa “the language used in Indonesia Group. Pemberitaan disebarkan
newspaper is one key site in naturalisasion baik melalui media cetaknya, yaitu Harian
of inqequality and neutralisasion of dissert”. Umum Media Indonesia (MI) maupun
Pemanfaatan bahasa yang saat ini men- melalui media elektroniknya, yaitu
dominasi media adalah penggunaan bahasa Luasnya
dalam wacana politik. Wacana politik media penyebaran berita diperkirakan juga
banyak dihasilkan oleh media seiring membawa dampak yang lebih luas
dengan situasi politik Indonesia yang sangat terhadap konsumsi wacana tersebut.
dinamis. Salah satu pemberitaan politik Kasus ini memang bukanlah kasus yang
yang saat ini menjadi sorotan dan publikasi terkini yang terjadi antara KPK dengan
media adalah pemberitaan mengenai sa- institusi negara khususnya DPR. Meskipun
weran untuk gedung Komisi Pem- demikian, kasus ini memiliki nilai sejarah
berantasan Korupsi (KPK). Pemberitaan yang cukup penting dalam hubungan antara
saweran untuk gedung KPK ini menjadi KPK dan DPR, karena setelah kasus ini
menarik karena melibatkan berbagai muncul kasus-kasus lain yang menghiasi
institusi negara dalam polemik tersebut, hubungan kedua institusi negara ini. Maka
khususnya antara KPK dan DPR (Dewan dari itu, kasus saweran KPK ini dinilai
Perwakilan Rakyat). sebagai pemicu dari kasus-kasus selanjutnya
Kasus saweran untuk gedung KPK ini sehingga penting untuk dianalisis dan dikaji
berawal dari pengajuan dana kepada DPR secara kritis.
oleh KPK untuk pembangunan gedung baru
bagi kantor KPK, karena gedung yang saat Identifikasi Masalah
ini ditempati dinilai sudah tidak layak. Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah
24 Mayasari, dkk., Analisis Wacana Kritis Pemberitaan “Saweran untuk Gedung KPK”

diuraikan, dapat dirumuskan beberapa menerangkan bagaimana fenomena itu be-

identifikasi masalah sebagai berikut, (1) kerja. Selain itu, teori juga merupakan pe-
Aspek kebahasaan apa saja yang digunakan nuntun dalam memberikan pemahaman
Media Indonesia untuk merepresentasikan lebih baik terhadap objek yang diteliti
tema dan tokoh dalam pemberitaan dalam sebuah penelitian (Sudaryanto,
“Saweran untuk Gedung KPK”? (2) Apa 1998:6). Teori yang digunakan dalam
hubungan antara ideologi Harian Umum penelitian ini adalah Wacana Kritis Model
Media Indonesia dan aspek kebahasaan Norman Fairclough (1992b, 1995a, 1998,
yang dihasilkan dalam merepresentasikan 2000), Eriyanto (2006), Titscher (2009),
institusi negara dalam pemberitaan Jorgensen (2007), dan Richardson (2007).
“Saweran untuk Gedung KPK”? (3) Situasi Teori-teori ini digunakan karena selaras
sosial, politik, dan budaya apa yang me- dengan permasalahan yang akan dianalisis
latarbelakangi aspek kebahasaan yang dalam penelitian yang mengusung bidang
digunakan untuk merepresentasikan analisis wacana kritis ini.
institusi negara dalam pemberitaan
“Saweran untuk Gedung KPK” di Harian Metode Penelitian
Umum Media Indonesia?
Metodologi adalah cara dalam penelitian
untuk memperoleh “pengetahuan” dan
Kegunaan Penelitian “pemahaman” dari objek yang kita teliti.
Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi Metodologi dapat dilihat pada tiga tataran,
kontribusi secara teoretis dan pragmatis. yakni (1) paradigma yang digunakan (2)
Secara teoretis, penelitian ini diharapkan metode yang dipilih, dan (3) teknik yang
dapat memperkaya dan memperluas tema dipakai (Hoed, 2011:7). Sementara itu,
penelitian dalam bidang bahasa, khususnya metode adalah cara yang harus dilaksana-
analisis wacana kritis. Melalui analisis kan, teknik adalah cara melaksanakan
wacana pula diharapkan penelitian- metode dan sebagai cara, keberhasilan
penelitian mengenai bahasa dapat lebih teknik ditentukan oleh alat yang dipakai.
aplikatif dan ramah terhadap situasi dan Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian
peristiwa sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu
sehingga dapat menjadi solusi dari metode yang bertujuan memberikan
permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat. Se- deskripsi secara sistematis mengenai data,
cara pragmatis, penelitian ini diharapkan sifat-sifat, dan hubungan fenomena-
dapat memberi kesadaran kritis kepada fenomena yang akan diteliti (Djajasudarma,
institusi media dan pembaca media untuk 2006: 9).
lebih awas terhadap segala bentuk pem-
beritaan yang disalurkan melalui bahasa Sumber Data
oleh media.
Data dalam penelitian ini merupakan data
yang berjenis berita dan fitur bertema
Kerangka Teori “Saweran Gedung KPK” yang hanya
Alwasilah (2002:120) mengungkapkan terdapat dalam Harian Umum Media
bahwa teori berfungsi untuk membangun Indonesia baik cetak, maupun elektronik
model atau peta yang menggambarkan yang diterbitkan pada waktu 26 Juni – 10
dunia (data) seperti apa adanya. Melalui Juli 2012. Pemberitaan dalam media di-
teorilah, dunia atau fenomena dapat cetak dipilih karena sebagai teks tertulis
disederhanakan, tetapi penyederhanaan ini dinilai lebih mapan dibandingkan teks
dilakukan untuk menjelaskan atau elektronik yang masih memerlukan teknik
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 25

transliterasi sebelum dianalisis. Secara Yang dimaksud dengan analisis wacana tiga
keseluruhan data yang berkaitan dengan dimensi ini ialah analisis yang melibatkan
tema ini adalah ada 24 buah data. Meski- tiga tingkat analisis: (1) analisis teks atau
pun demikian, data yang dipilih untuk textual (mikro), yaitu pendeskripsian (des-
dianalisis dalam penelitian ini hanya 17 cription) mengenai teks; (2) analisis wacana
buah data. Hal ini dipilih karena hanya pada atau discourse practice (meso), yaitu inter-
ketujuhbelas data inilah dinilai memiliki pretasi (interpretation) hubungan antara
muatan teks yang mengandung proses produksi wacana dan teks; (3)
representasi yang penting untuk dianalisis analisis sosio-budaya atau sociocultural
secara kritis. practice (makro), yaitu penjelasan
(explanation) hubungan antara proses
Analisis Wacana Kritis Model Norman wacana dengan proses sosial (Fairclough,
Fairclough 1992a:73; 1995a:59; Idris, 2006:75).

Analisis Wacana Kritis adalah sebuah upaya Dimensi pertama yang merupakan dimensi
untuk proses (penguraian) untuk memberi mikro dalam kerangka analisis wacana kritis
penjelasan dari sebuah teks (realitas sosial) Fairclough ialah dimensi analisis teks.
dari seseorang atau kelompok dominan Analisis dimensi teks meliputi bentuk-
yang kecenderungannya memiliki tujuan bentuk tradisional analisis linguistik –
tertentu untuk mencapai tujuan yang analisis kosa kata dan semantik, tata
diinginkan. Artinya dalam suatu konteks bahasa kalimat dan unit-unit lebih kecil,
harus disadari adanya kepentingan. dan sistem suara (fonologi) dan sistem
(Darma, 2009:49). tulisan. Fairclough menadai pada semua itu
sebagai ‘analisis linguistik’, walaupun hal itu
Kerangka teori yang digunakan dalam menggunakan istilah dalam pandangan
kajian ini adalah analisis wacana yang diperluas (Fairclough, 1995a:57;
pendekatan Norman Fairclough (1992b, 2000:311).
1995a; 1998; 2000) yang dikenal dengan
nama analisis wacana tiga dimensi. Dimensi kedua yang dalam kerangka
Perhatikan Gambar 1 berikut ini. analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough
ialah dimensi kewacanaan (discourse
practice). Dalam analisis dimensi ini,
penafsiran dilakukan terhadap pe-
mrosesan wacana yang meliputi aspek
penghasilan, penyebaran, dan
penggunaan teks. Beberapa dari aspek-
aspek itu memiliki karakter yang lebih
institusi, sedangkan yang lain berupa
proses-proses penggunaan dan pe-
nyebaran wacana. Berkenaan dengan
proses-proses institusional, Fairclough
merujuk rutinitas institusi seperti
prosedur-prosedur editor yang dilibat-
kan dalam penghasilan teks-teks media.
Dimensi ketiga adalah analisis praktik
sosiobudaya media dalam analisis wacana
Gambar 1. Kerangka Analisis Wacana Tiga kritis Norman Fairclough merupakan
Dimensi Fairclough (Disarikan dari Fairclough, analisis tingkat makro yang didasarkan
1992a:73; 1995a:59; 2000:313) pada pendapat bahwa konteks sosial yang
26 Mayasari, dkk., Analisis Wacana Kritis Pemberitaan “Saweran untuk Gedung KPK”

ada di luar media sesungguhnya Analisis Mikro Pemberitaan “Saweran

memengaruhi bagaimana wacana yang ada untuk Gedung KPK”
ada dalam media. Ruang redaksi atau Dari berbagai alat kebahasaan yang
wartawan bukanlah bidang atau ruang digunakan media Indonesia dalam
kosong yang steril, tetapi juga sangat pemberitaan “Saweran untuk Gedung KPK”,
ditentukan oleh faktor-faktor di luar media terdapat tiga alat yang menandai
itu sendiri. representasi tema dan tokoh yang terlibat
Fairclough (1992a:67) menyatakan bahwa dalam pemberitaan tersebut di atas. Yaitu
praktik sosial memiliki berbagai orientasi, melalui diksi, penggunaan kalimat luas
seperti ekonomi, politik, sosial, budaya, sebab akibat, dan pemilihan sumber dalam
ideologi, dan sebagainya, dan wacana kutipan langsung. Penggunaan diksi aksi
merupakan gambaran dari semua masalah saweran yang lebih mendominasi
tersebut. Dengan demikian, analisis dimensi dibandingkan dengan diksi sumbangan telah
praktik sosial merujuk kepada usaha menandai bahwa Media Indonesia lebih
menjelaskan persoalan yang berkaitan menempatkan tindakan pengumpulan dana
orientasi seperti di atas, seperti berkaitan untuk pembangunan gedung KPK tersebut
nilai, kepercayaan, ideologi, filosofi, budaya, sebagai suatu “gerakan massa” yang terjadi
dan lain-lain yang terdapat di dalam wacana di Indonesia. Sementara itu, pemanfaatan
(Idris, 2006:81). kalimat luas dengan konstruksi sebab akibat
Penggunaan aspek kebahasaan dalam telah menempatkan DPR dalam
penelitian ini merujuk kepada analisis teks representasi yang negatif karena diposisikan
atau didefinisikan sebagai suatu bentuk sebagai pihak yang menjadi penyebab
pemanfaatan aspek-aspek bahasa, dari terjadinya aksi gerakan tersebut. Demikian
aspek morfologis, sintaksis, dan konteks pula halnya pemilihan nara-sumber pada
dalam pemberitan kasus saweran gedung kutipan langsung, Media Indonesia lebih
KPK. Dengan kata lain, ekspresi kebahasaan dominan menyuarakan pendapat dari pihak
juga dapat didefinisikan sebagai upaya pe- yang berpihak kepada KPK daripada me-
manfaatan alat-alat bahasa diekspresikan nyuarakan pendapat yang memihak kepada
atau digunakan dalam pemberitaan kasus DPR. Hal ini menempatkan KPK pada
tersebut di atas. representasi yang positif dan DPR pada
representasi yang negatif. Di bawah ini
Sementara itu istilah representasi dalam adalah analisis dari aspek kebahasaan
penelitian ini menunjuk pada bagaimana tersebut.
seseorang, satu kelompok, gagasan, atau
pendapat tertentu ditampilkan dalam (1) Aksi saweran gedung KPK yang dimulai
pemberitaan. Representasi atau 27 Juni lalu, hingga saat ini mencapai
misrepresentasi tersebut adalah peristiwa sekitar Rp 200 juta. (MI, 9 Juli 2012).
kebahasaan. Bagaimana seseorang (2) Ide menggalang dana publik tercetus
ditampilkan, dapat terjadi pertama-tama karena Komisi III DPR belum menyetujui
dengan menggunakan bahasa. Melalui anggaran pembangunan gedung baru
bahasalah berbagai tindak representasi ini KPK meski telah diminta sejak 2008.
ditampilkan oleh media dan dihadirkan (MI, 27 Juni 2012).
dalam pemberitaan. Oleh karena itu, (3) Sumbangan masyarakat ke Komisi
pemakaian bahasalah yang perlu dikritisi Pemberantasan Korupsi untuk
dalam pemberitaan yang dilakukan oleh pembangunan gedung baru terus
media (Eriyanto 2006:116). mengalir. (MI, 21 Juni 2012).
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 27

(4) Penggalangan dana untuk membangun yang ditandai dengan konjungsi karena
gedung Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi setelah induk kalimat. Strategi yang
(KPK) juga berlangsung di Kota Solo, senantiasa membandingkan KPK dan DPR
Jawa Tengah. (MI, 23 Juni 2012). dalam konstruksi kalimat sebab akibat
Contoh data (1) – (4) menandai bahwa seperti ini menempatkan DPR sebagai
untuk kasus dalam konteks yang sama, penyebab polemik yang terjadi dan me-
Media Indonesia memilih diksi yang nempatkan KPK sebagai korban dan
bermacam-macam, yaitu diksi aksi saweran, dirugikan atas polemik tersebut.
ide menggalang dana publik, sumbangan Selain aspek kebahasaan secara struktural
masyarakat, dan penggalangan dana. atau gramatikal, yang tidak kalah
Keempat diksi tersebut memiliki makna menariknya adalah cara Media Indonesia
semantik yang berlainan pula. Secara menyuarakan inspirasinya melalui kutipan
semantik leksikal, makna kata sumbangan langsung para tokoh yang menjadi
masyarakat yang berarti ‘pemberian sebagai narasumber. Berdasarkan data yang ada,
bantuan dari masyarakat’ memiliki makna secara kutipan langsung dapat diketahui
yang lebih netral dibandingkan aksi saweran bahwa Media Indonesia lebih menyuarakan
dan penggalangan yang memiliki makna pihak yang mendukung KPK dibandingkan
‘gerakan mengumpulkan dana dari mendukung DPR. Hal tersebut dapat
masyarakat’. dibuktikan dengan data berikut yang
(5) Gara-gara DPR menolak rencana pem- berupa beberapa contoh data berupa
bangunan gedung baru Komisi tentang kutipan langsung mengenai issue
Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), pemberitaan Saweran untuk Pembangunan
pimpinan KPK sudah sepakat untuk ikut Gedung KPK.
saweran untuk rencana pembangunan (8) “Maksud dan tujuan JCW membuka
gedung KPK. (MI, 29 Juni 2012). posko ini adalah sebagai bentuk
(6) Ide menggalang dana publik tercetus keprihatinan JCW karena gedung KPK
karena Komisi II DPR belum menyetujui harus segera diadakan.” 1.4.7 (JCW-
anggaran pembangunan gedung bari Ketua Jogja Corruption Watch).
KPK meski telah diminta sejak 2008. (9) “Saya dengan senang hati
(MI, 27 Juni 2012). menyumbang gaji saya selama enam
(7) Komisi III DPR bersikukuh keberatan bulan untuk pembangunan gedung
untuk mengabulkan permohonan KPK,” ujar Dahlan Iskan. 2.3.5 (Dahlan
anggaran untuk pembangunan gedung Iskan – Menteri Badan Usaha Milik
baru Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Negara)
(KPK). DPR masih mendorong kepada (10) “Kalau KPK membutuhkan kita harus
KPK untuk memakai gedung dukung,” kata Prabowo saat ditemui
pemerintah yang kosong. usai menghadiri Sarasehan
Sementara itu, contoh data (5), (6), dan (7) Kebangsaan.4.2.3 (Prabowo – Partai
merupakan contoh data pemanfaatan Gerindra)
strategi linguistik yang berupa struktur (11) “Saya dukung pembangunan gedung
kalimat. Kalimat luas pada data (5) di atas KPK” 6.6.9 (Effendi Choirie, Anggota
memiliki hubungan sebab-akibat yang Komisi I DPR PKB).
ditandai dengan konjungsi gara-gara di (12) “Sebagai orang awam, aku hanya ingin
awal kalimat karena anak kalimat Indonesia tanpa korupsi.”6.10.10
mendahului induk kalimat. Sementara itu, (Charlie Van Houten – Mantan Vokalis
data (6) memiliki hubungan akibat-sebab ST 12)
28 Mayasari, dkk., Analisis Wacana Kritis Pemberitaan “Saweran untuk Gedung KPK”

(13) “Kami hanya ingin membantu KPK. Ini Jogja Corruption Watch, Dahlan Iskan
bukan kehendak KPK, tapi kehendak (Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara),
rakyat. Buruh sangat geram kepada Jumakir (pengemudi becak), Prabowo
DPR RI yang tidak menyetujui anggaran (Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra), Effendi
untuk pembangunan gedung baru Choirie (Anggota Komisi I DPR PKB), Charly
KPK.” 7.4.5 (Soeharno – Ketua PBSI) Van Houten (Mantan Vokalis ST 12),
(14) “Jadi silakan saja jika publik, termasuk Suharno (Ketua SBSI), Mahfud M.D. (Ketua
PKL (pedagang kaki lima), ingin M.K.), Darjo (warga), Taufiqurrohman
menyumbang pembangunan gedung (Anggota Komisi Yudisial), dan Rizky (Ikatan
KPK.” 8.6.7 (Mahfud MD – Ketua MK) Pelajar Muhamadiyah). Sementara itu,
narasumber yang memihak kepada DPR
(15) “Saya terharu mendengar KPK mau hanyalah dari Indra Syahnun Lubis
membuat gedung baru tapi (Presiden Kongres Advokat Indonesia (KAI)
anggarannya masih terkendala di dan Ahmad Yani (Anggota Komisi III DPR).
DPR.”10.3.5 (Darjo – Warga)
Isi wacana yang disampaikan melalui
(16) “Itu membuktikan dukungan besar kutipan langsung tersebut juga sangat
masyarakat kepada KPK yang selama mengeksplisitkan dukungannya terhadap
ini dinilai paling berhasil mengungkap KPK dibandingkan terhadap DPR seperti
kasus korupsi.” 11.3.3 (Taufikurahman kutipan sebagai berikut. “Saya dengan
Syauri – Anggota Komisi Yudisial) senang hati menyumbang gaji saya selama
(17) “Ini jangan dibiarkan, jelas-jelas enam bulan untuk pembangunan gedung
melanggar undang-undang (UU) dan KPK,” ujar Dahlan Iskan. (2.3.5) “Kami
kalau dibiarkan, nanti juga aparat atau melihat KPK itu dari dulu sudah banyak
pejabat akan melakukan hal yang memberantas korupsi. Pandangan kami,
sama. Kenapa pihak kepolisian KPK perlu gedung untuk meningkatkan
membiarkan hal tersebut.” 12.2.3 kinerja. Tapi kan tidak diberi oleh DPR”
(Indra Sahnun Lubis – Ketua Presiden (13.4.4). “Kami hanya ingin membantu KPK.
Kongres Advokat Indonesia (KAI) Ini bukan kehendak KPK, tapi kehendak
rakyat. Buruh sangat geram kepada DPR RI
(18) “Kami melihat KPK itu dari dulu sudah yang tidak menyetujui anggaran untuk
banyak memberantas korupsi. pembangunan gedung baru KPK.” (7.4.5).
Pandangan kami, KPK perlu gedung
untuk meningkatkan kinerja. Tapi kan
tidak diberi oleh DPR.” 13.4.4 (Rizky – Analisis Meso Pemberitaan “Saweran
Ketua Ikatan Mahasiswa untuk Gedung KPK”
Muhammadiyah) Media Indonesia terbit pertama kali pada
(19) “Kami hanya memberi catatan kecil, tanggal 19 Januari 1970 sebagai koran
coba usahakan gedung-gedung yang dengan jangkauan nasional dimana koran
sudah ada,” papar anggota Komisi III Media Indonesia dapat diperoleh di 33
DPR dari F-PPP Ahmad Yani di Komplek propinsi yang tersebar di 429 kabupaten /
Kepatihan Kantor Gubernur DI kotamadya di seluruh Indonesia. Direktur
Yogyakarta.” 14.2.3 (Ahmad Yani – Utama Media Indonesia adalah Surya Paloh
Anggota Komisi III) dan Teuku Yousli Syah sebagai Pimpinan
Dari beberapa contoh di atas dapat
diketahui bahwa Media Indonesia memilih Berdasarkan hasil survei yang dikeluarkan
narasumber yang lebih memihak kepada oleh Mark Plus Insight menempatkan
KPK dalam pemberitaannya, yaitu Ketua Media Indonesia pada urutan ke-3 besar
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 29

(12.22%) sebagai koran yang dibaca para modal, dll. Realisasi teks yang dihasilkan
eksekutif untuk mengakses berita ekonomi Media Indonesia khususnya dalam hal
dan bisnis. Readership Profile Media pemberitaan Saweran Gedung KPK ini juga
Indonesia adalah: 63% pria dan 37% wanita, dinilai selaras dengan visi yang diemban
Usia produktif 20-49 tahun (87%), Social yaitu, inovatif, lugas, terpercaya dan paling
Economic Status A1-A2-B Class (76%), berpengaruh, meskipun di dalamnya ter-
Mayoritas pekerjaan White collars (44%), kandung pencitraan yang negatif terhadap
Psikografis pembaca Media Indonesia pihak tertentu.
adalah western minded, optimist dan juga
settled (Sumber: Media Indonesia online). Analisis Makro Pemberitaan “Saweran
Visi yang diemban Harian Umum Media untuk Gedung KPK”
Indonesia adalah menjadi surat kabar Situasi sosial politik yang terjadi saat pem-
independen yang inovatif, lugas, terpercaya beritaan “Saweran untuk Gedung KPK” ini
dan paling berpengaruh. Independen juga tidak dapat dilepaskan konteks yang
artinya adalah menjaga sikap non-partisan, membangun pemberitaan tersebut. Dapat
dimana karyawannya tidak menjadi diketahui bersama bahwa sepanjang tahun
pengurus partai politik, menolak segala 2011-2012 terjadi berbagai konflik terbuka
bentuk pemberian yang dapat antara KPK dan DPR, mulai dari kasus
mempengaruhi objektifitas, dan berkaitan dengan Badan Anggaran DPR,
mempunyai keberanian untuk bersikap tentang Undang-Undang KPK, hingga
beda. Inovatif berarti terus-menerus tentang Saweran Gedung KPK. Seluruh
menyempurnakan serta mengembangkan peristiwa tersebut mendapat liputan yang
SDM (sumber daya manusia), serta secara luas dari berbagai media yang ada di
terus-menerus mengembangkan rubrik, Indonesia termasuk Media Indonesia.
halaman, dan penyempurnaan perwajahan.
Lugas berarti selalu melakukan check dan Selain hal tersebut di atas, situasi politik
re-check, meliput berita dari dua pihak dan dalam kaitannya dengan pemberitaan di
seimbang, serta selalu melakukan in- atas adalah bahwa pada saat pemberitaan
vestigasi dan pendalaman. Berpengaruh berlangsung, situasi politik Indonesia
berarti dengan target bahwa Media sedang menghangat menjelang Pemilihan
Indonesia dibaca oleh para pengambil Umum tahun 2014 di mana Direktur Utama
keputusan, memiliki kualitas editorial yang Media Indonesia, Surya Paloh, juga menjadi
dapat mempengaruhi pengambilan pendiri partai sekaligus Ketua Umum Partai
keputusan, mampu membangun ke- Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) yang
mampuan antisipatif, mampu membangun didirikan pada tanggal 26 Juli 2011. Partai
network narasumber dan memiliki ini merupakan satu-satunya partai baru
pemasaran/distribusi yang andal. yang lolos untuk mengikuti Pemilu 2014.
Dengan mengusung moto Gerakan
Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat diketahui Perubahan, partai Nasdem selalu
bahwa sebagai media terbesar ketiga, menyuarakan perubahan untuk Indonesia
Media Indonesia merupakan harian umum yang lebih baik dan terbebas dari korupsi,
yang dapat mempengaruhi opini kemiskinan, dan disintegrasi.
masyarakat Indonesia dengan cukup luas.
Rangkaian produksi teks di Media Indonesia Meski tidak berkaitan secara langsung,
juga bukan hanya merupakan rangkaian tetapi dapat ditarik benang merah atas
yang berdiri sendiri, tetapi merupakan pemberitaan yang dihasilkan oleh Media
rangkaian institusional yang melibatkan Indonesia, erat kaitannya dengan pengaruh
wartawan, redaksi, editor, bahkan pemilik Surya Paloh selaku Direktur Utama Media
30 Mayasari, dkk., Analisis Wacana Kritis Pemberitaan “Saweran untuk Gedung KPK”

Indonesia dan juga selaku Ketua Umum Penelitian dan Kajian. Bandung: PT
Partai Nasional Demokrat. Ada motivasi Eresco.
tertentu melalui pencitraan negatif dalam Eriyanto. 2006. Analisis Wacana: Pengantar
pemberitaan tentang KPK dan DPR. Opini Analisis Teks Media, Cetakan ke-5,
pembaca digiring untuk memberikan pen- Yogyakarta: LKIS.
citraan negatif pada para anggota DPR
sekaligus partai yang ada. Dengan demikian Fairclough, Norman. 1989. Language and
diperlukan suatu gerakan perubahan Power. London: Longman.
melalui partai baru yang diusung oleh Surya Fairclough, Norman. 1992a. Discourse and
Paloh yang secara tidak langung Social Change. Cambridge: Polity
memberikan pencitraan positif bagi partai Press.
yang dipimpinnya.
Fairclough, Norman. 1992b. Discourse and
Text: Linguistic and Intertextual
Kesimpulan Analysis. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek Fairclough, Norman. 1995a. Media
kebahasaan diksi, penggunaan kalimat, dan Discourse. London: Edward Arnold.
pemilihan sumber dalam kutipan langsung
yang digunakan Media Indonesia dalam Fairclough, Norman. 1995b. Critical
telah menempatkan tema pemberitaan Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study
sebagai sebuah gerakan masyarakat, selain of Language. London: Longman.
itu aspek kebahasaan juga telah Fairclough, Norman. 1998. “Political
menempatkan tokoh atau institusi Discourse in The Media: An Analytical
khususnya Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Framework”, dalam Allan Bell and
dalam representasi yang negatif. Hal ini Peter Garret (editor). Approaches to
erat kaitannya dengan ideologi Media, hlm. 142–162. Massachusetts:
nasionalisme yang dianut oleh institusi Blackwell Publisher Inc.
Media Indonesia yang lebih membela
Fairclough, Norman. 2000. “Critical Analysis
gerakan anti korupsi melalui Komisi Pembe-
of Media Discourse”, dalam Paul
rantasan Korupsi (KPK). Meskipun demi-
Marris and Sue Thornham (editor).
kian, representasi selain berkaitan dengan
Media Studies a Reader, hlm. 308–
ideologi yang dianut, juga memiliki kaitan
328. Washington New York University
dengan kepentingan politik dari pemimpin
institusi Media Indonesia yang menjadi
pendiri dari Partai Nasional Demokrat Halliday, M. A. K. 1978. Language as Social
(Nasdem) dalam melakukan pencitraan Semiotic. London: Edward Arnold.
positif terhadap partai yang dipimpinnya. Hoed, Benny H. 2011. Semiotik dan
Dinamika Sosial Budaya. Jakarta:
Komunitas Bambu.
DAFTAR RUJUKAN Idris Aman. 2006. Bahasa dan
Alwasilah, Chaedar. 2002. Pokoknya Kepemimpinan Analisis Wacana
Kualitatif: Dasar-dasar Merancang Mahathir Mohammad. Bangi:
dan Melakukan Penelitian Kualitatif. Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan
Bandung: Pustaka Jaya. Malaysia.
Djajasudarma, T. Fatimah. 2006. Metode Jorgensen, Mariane W. 2007. “Analisis
Linguistik: Ancangan Metode Wacana: Teori dan Metode”, dalam
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 31

Abdul Syukur Ibrahim (Ed.).

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Richardson. 2007. Analysing Newspaper: An
Approach from Critical Discourse
Analysis. England: Paldrave
Sudaryanto. 1993. Metode dan Teknik
Penelitian Linguistik. Yogyakarta: Duta
Titscher, Stefan dkk. 2009. “Metode Analisis
Teks dan Wacana”, dalam Abdul
Syukur Ibrahim (Ed.). Yogyakarta:
Pustaka Pelajar.
JLT – Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2012
Politeknik Negeri Malang ISSN: 2088-2025



Ani Purjayanti
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)


Despite the fact that the skills to communicate in English are crucial in the
globalization era, the majority of students in Bogor Agricultural University encounter
problems to speak this language appropriately and fluently. When asked to
elaborate the inhibiting factors, students generally point out both linguistic and non-
linguistic factors. Accordingly, not only do students need to be equipped with
adequate knowledge of grammar, a sufficient range of vocabulary, and
pronunciation knowledge but their confidence and willingness to take the risk also
need to be provoked as well. In fact, the latter points, namely, building confidence
and risk-taking willingness generally require hard efforts on the part of the teachers.
Practice, is indeed viewed as the best way in such an English teaching-learning
process, although, inevitably, there are often questions concerning the how this
process is able to provide prominent and meaningful inputs to the students. This
paper is written as an attempt to elicit students’ opinions on speaking classroom
environment which can stimulate and foster students to speak appropriately and
fluently. 100 students of Bogor Agricultural University (of Diploma level) who had
taken reading class prior to the Speaking I, were randomly selected to be the
subjects of the study. Besides completing questionnaires focusing on classroom
arrangement and environment, participants were interviewed for further
clarification. Results show that teachers play the most prominent role in creating
classroom environment, including creating comforting but challenging classroom
environment and providing appropriate teaching materials.

Keywords: classroom environment, friendly speaking environment

Although teaching speaking skill does not mind: whether they will have an interesting
completely differ from teaching other class, a good teacher, nice friends, and so
language skills, it apparently requires forth. Others might think whether they will
greater endeavors as students are driven be able to accomplish all of their classroom
to produce sentences in an active way. activities, and go through all of the tasks in
Meanwhile, being in a new speaking class – the learning process for the whole
where one has to express ideas and semester. Still, some others wonder
opinions – is not always a pleasant whether they are far behind their friends in
experience for students. Quite often, a terms of ability or the same. Such worries
series of queries appears in a student’s may, unfortunately, result in the decline of
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 33

students’ guts and confidence so that their view points in the design of classroom
performance is far below optimum. materials, and this can be covered in
It is in such a case, learning specific classroom curriculum design. One
environment becomes paramount. If the specific goal for this is to ensure that
environment is dreary and discouraging, students’ individual needs will be fulfilled.
things will lead to a strenuous and boring A larger coverage of the conception of
situation though the lessons offered are learning environment is not only the
tremendous. If the environment is “physical” environment but also the
tempting and motivating, on the other emotional feelings of learners created by
hand, learning may take place more easily particular people in a classroom: the
as having safe and comfortable feelings, teacher, classmates, etc that play a
learners will eagerly open themselves to be prominent role in stimulating positive
involved and actively engage in the learning environment. The feeling of being
learning activities. By doing so, they are secure and excited when entering the
expected to be able to absorb and master classroom and conducting all the activities,
the materials and skills given. But, the is one of the examples of desired
questions arisen here is “Who is classroom environment.
responsible to create such a stimulating
learning environment?” Methods and Procedures
This paper is written to elicit 100 students of Diploma Program in IPB
students’ opinion on “Who” or/and “What” (from 6 different classes from two
can stimulate learners to speak in the semesters) were asked to fill in a
speaking classroom. questionnaire “Stimulating Classroom
Environment for English Speaking
Learning Environment Learners”. They are free to give more than
one answers when describing the preferred
The term “Learning Environment” has teacher, teaching materials, classmates,
apparently drawn a relatively wide etc. In order to explore true responses
attention from teachers of languages who from participants, Indonesian is used, but
then react in different ways as their follow- answers were given in English.
up actions. A some papers discuss that
many language teachers immediately Responses were then tabulated and
direct their concentration on the physical analyzed to obtain a clear depiction of
setting of the classroom – where and how students’ preferences. Words of similar
specific things must be placed and meaning are classified into one to make
arranged as such an organization is the grouping easier. Some of these findings
believed to benefit young learners in their some were put into graphs.
brain development (Church, 2010). He In-depth interviews were conducted in
goes on by mentioning other factors that order to get clarification of participants’
may affect the classroom environment; responses on the questionnaire.
namely, material choices as well as
provided activities. Byanderzee (2010),
furthermore forward the idea that a Findings and Discussion
positive classroom environment can be It was found that according to the
created by taking learners’ preferences and students, the salient factors which have
34 Purjayanti, Stimulating Positive English Speaking Class Environment

great roles in stimulating positive Regarding detailed teachers’

classroom environment so as to make characteristics, teaching materials,
them willing and encouraged to speak in classmates’ characteristics, and so forth
English are in the following order: teacher, that students preferred in-depth interviews
materials, classmates, classroom situation, were conducted. Responses mentioned by
learning activities. See Figure 1 below. participants in each category are discussed

The most influential factors 1. Teacher (as the Most Influential Factor)
What are the aspects of an influential
teacher brought up by the students in the
80 questionnaire and interview?

Regarding teachers’ characteristics
that students preferred, students raised
60 teachers’ being friendly, supportive and
giving respect as the highest in frequency.
See Figure 2 below.
Teacher's Characteristics

10 80

0 60












rn i







Figure 1: The most influential factors in


g res

creating positive learning environment

g cor

d Inn


tive a

Results indicated that the majority of the


participants (68%) pointed out “the

teacher” as the most crucial factor in
making them speak, compared to other
factors such as materials (10%), classmates Figure 2. Teacher’s Preferred
(10%), learning situations (7%) and Characteristics
learning activities (5%). Teacher factor is Responses students raised in the
evidently far above the other choices, questionnaire are as described in the
meaning that teachers are viewed to have following:
a vital role in providing valuable learning
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 35

1. Being friendly
The most outstanding teachers’ 3. Giving respects
characteristic raised by the majority of the Although it is not mentioned as often as
students (89 %) – which also means what the above two characteristics, more than
students concern the most about their half of the respondents (57%) mention that
teacher – is “friendliness”. Although it is they need to be given respects by their
described in a variety of words; including, teacher. A teacher who respects students,
being friendly, always smiles, always shows listens to what they say, provides the same
friendly face, the body language shows opportunities for all students to speak or
friendliness, and the like, students point ask questions, and does not criticize nor
out that this characteristic has a great give bad judgment in front of others is
impact on their feelings towards the sincerely appreciated. A teacher should
classroom environment. This can make also be able to accept students’
them feel at ease and comfortable and also weaknesses wisely.
reduce their nervousness so that they can
enjoy the lesson and find it easier to
express their opinions. 4. Being eager in correcting students’
2. Being supportive Both eagerness and willingness of a
teacher to address students’ mistakes in a
Similar to the first characteristic, this positive way is another concern (51%) since
second one was also written by 77% students believe that they still make lots of
students as one of the teacher’s ideal mistakes when speaking. A teacher,
characteristics. They have more courage if accordingly, is expected to show and
the teacher always provides support for correct these mistakes, as by doing so,
his/her students, particularly when they students will be aware of their mistakes in
make mistakes or do not know what to say. the hope that they can avoid making the
Thus, expressions such as “That’s good, so same mistakes at other times.
what about …“ in order to remind them of
what they have to focus on, or “Right, but
how do you pronounce …” when trying to 5. Being kind-hearted
correct their pronunciation can make them
keep going. In addition, many students (46%) would
like to have a teacher who has genuine
Another expression that students understanding upon his/her students’ level
use in the response is that they like to have of English proficiency, including
a teacher who always gives motivation so understanding their difficulties and anxiety
that they feel the need to learn more and while learning English. In their words, they
more. This can be conducted when giving like a teacher who “can understand
them assignment or at the end of the students’ situations” and do not become
lesson, for instance, depending on the furious easily. A teacher has to have a great
classroom situation. Saying “Practice again patience in her/himself.”
and again so that in the next meeting you
can speak much better than this time…”
can give a significantly positive impact on
the students.
36 Purjayanti, Stimulating Positive English Speaking Class Environment

6. Being creative and innovative stimulating classroom environment as it

To a smaller extent (11%), students stated appears that every student mentions this in
that a creative and innovative teacher can their response.
create good environment in the classroom What needs to be done then?
since he/she can make classroom alive with Personalities, indeed, have to come first.
the materials and activities provided for Giving genuine smile and showing a happy
the students. face can be the first thing a teacher has to
perform. Language teachers do not only
assist students but also learn from others;
7. Other characteristics sharing both knowledge and experience
There are, still, other teachers’ with students at the same time may help
characteristics preferred by students language teachers maintain the positive
although only in a very small number (7%). environment.
These include being able to explain clearly Included in the personalities that a
and become a role model, having sense of language teacher needs to posses is the
humor, being professional, and close to choices of words he/she uses in the
the students. Moreover, teachers should classroom. Words of appreciation,
also be serious in a friendly manner. inspiration as well as keenness are always
From the findings, it revealed that good to use. A list of word choices and
only a very few number of the participants expressions used by language teachers in
point out teacher’s intelligence, the classroom is proposed by Andrew
knowledge, and smartness as profound (2009:1); he mentions that saying “raise a
aspects in creating friendly speaking hand if in need of assistance” creates a
environment. These cognitive more positive environment than saying “do
characteristics were not as highly favored not call out answers”.
as affective characteristics as discussed Regarding teacher’s attempt to
above. It is definite, therefore, that to correct students’ mistakes which is very
provide friendly speaking environment, common to occur in a speaking class, again,
teachers’ personalities have to be given words play a great role. Suess (2010);
more attention. This is a great input for therefore, suggests that a teacher should
language teachers to introspect and check conduct this activity wisely:
whether the above points are built in
themselves. “Always start with positive statement;
praise them for trying. Praise is a
The above-mentioned findings are, powerful positive motivation tool”
in fact, in line with previous studies (eg., (Mc-Daniels in Suess, 2010:2)
Purjayanti, 2008). Similar hints to teach
speaking class are also stated by Kelly Above all, a more crucial tip for
(2010) who points out that both “teacher’s teacher’s personalities is provided by Suess
behaviors” and “teacher’s characteristics”, who states that the heart of creating
particularly “teacher’s personalities” have a stimulating classroom environment is
great impact on how a learning teachers’ “enthusiasm” as well as
environment is created. Whether or not a “excitement” towards the lesson being
teacher is even-tempered, sarcastic, taught. Teachers should always try to be
serious, patient, or optimist, is viewed to enthusiastic and eager with the valuable
be the most important factor in creating a job being conducted. It is this excitement
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 37

that will finally spread throughout the

whole classroom and spark students’ STIMULATING MATERIALS
enthusiasm to learn.
It is, definitely, a big fortune if all
the characteristics and behaviors that 70
students preferred become the parts of 50
language teachers’ daily life in order to 40
make students feel the comfort, respect, 30
and even love from teachers. The most 10
important questions that need to be 0
addressed now is probably, “Are language

e rs


teachers able to keep up the same




Ot h


performance from time to time?”, or “Can


they always control their emotion in all

e re

In t
kinds of situations?” Whatever the answer

it takes, it is always good to take Kelly’s
affirmation into account: Figure 3. Stimulating Materials
“your behavior is the one factor that
you can completely control” (Kelly,
2010:1) Interesting topics include the ones
providing new or more knowledge or
information are also found interesting. On
Materials the other hand, the ones that students are
not familiar with are more difficult to
The second vital components that can
express. Third, simple topics are the ones
stimulate learning environment, as the
related to the real-life topics. Topics on
participants respond on the questionnaire
politics or laws, for instance, are fairly hard
includes are both teaching materials and
to discuss. Finally, other topics include the
classmates. These are discussed with
ones which are challenging, of their own
teaching materials discussed first and
choice, and fun.
followed with classmates.
It was found that the stimulating
materials include real-life topics, Classmate
interesting topics, simple (trivial-matter) Placed in the same rank as teaching
topic), and others. See Figure 3 below. materials, classmates were pointed out by
Real life topic includes topics about daily 10% of the participants to be one of the
life, current issues and situations, any factors influencing the learning
other current issues appear in the society. environment. What kinds of classmates are
Students perceived such topics to be un- they exactly expecting to make them
threatening topics to discuss since they are encouraged to speak? See Figure 3 below.
mostly have the knowledge on them; thus,
it is relatively challenging.
38 Purjayanti, Stimulating Positive English Speaking Class Environment

3. Willing to give correction

Similar to the hope addressed to teachers,
some students (27%) feel happy to be
corrected by their friends. They found that
90 most of the time, they forget grammar or
70 certain pronunciation due to nervousness
60 or concentration breakdown. Having
40 correction from their friends will make
20 them fresh again and able to carry out their
0 speaking.
e rs


Ot h


4. Possessing better skills




This finding was found relatively surprising.




16% of the participants stated that they



Po s

can apparently have more courage when

facing classmates with better ability. They
Figure 3. Stimulating classmate revealed that these kinds of friends will
characteristics indirectly radiate their great spirit to the
others who realize that they have to learn
more and more.
From the above figure, it can be
seen some stimulating classmate
characteristics. Therefore, following 5. Others
characteristics of classmates are expected. What includes under this category are,
among others, having sincere classmates –
the ones who give their complete attention
1. Being great motivators
when others are carrying out their tasks –,
85 % students affirmed that they are can also provide the spirit for them to
encouraged to speak when their speak. They also like classmates who never
classmates are the ones who can give them laugh at their friends’ mistakes
motivation. This kind of classmates are
It is worth noting that classmates
those willing to help and do not expect too
can, indeed, have a relatively big influence
much in return. These classmates also
in the learning environment, particularly in
appreciate whatever their other friends
a speaking class. It is necessary, therefore,
performed and gave necessary suggestions.
for all language teachers to give their
attention to this matter. Mc-Daniels words,
2. Being active and responsive quoted by Suess (2010:2) can be used as a
great reminder:
58% students; furthermore, pointed out
that these classmates are relatively active “Make sure students respect one
when conducting conversations with them, another by teaching them help rather
active asking questions and giving opinions than laugh at each other .They should
during class presentation. Such classmates be reminded how they would like to
can radiate energy to them so that they be treated, and should treat others
finally become active. that way.”
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 39

3) to be in a warm, conducive, and

Learning/Classroom Situation communicative classroom

Although this is not discerned as a really 4) to be given an opportunity to speak

influential factor in creating the learning or ask questions
environment, few students stated some 5) to be placed in pairs or groups
preferences on the classroom situations. 6) to be placed in a small class ( not
See Figure 4 below. too many students in it)
It was found that students, indeed,
like to take part by expressing ideas in their
SITUATIONS speaking classroom, whether they are as a
presenter or audience. This is believed to
be able to provide as pleasant classroom
environment so as not to make students
50 feel discouraged and disrespected.
It was also worth noting that – as
30 mentioned by a number of students –
20 placing students in pairs or small groups is
10 one way to make students feel comfortable
and relax (as opposed to be individual). The
first reason might be because they know
each other, and secondly they have more
ua and bu oom

to u n u s

g i qu ive

sm ups
g i irs/g ns


Be n pa stio
tim om seri


turn and opportunity to express their



Re Cla


ideas. Having this, therefore, it is expected


Be as



that students can have better involvement,


and hopefully better learning results.




Learning Activities
Students revealed that activities they like
Figure 4. Stimulating to perform in a speaking class are:
1) the ones involving asking and
answering questions
From the data collected, it was 2) presentation
found out that students like the following
3) group discussion
(in order of preference):
4) graded level of difficulty (to start
1) to have a life classroom where
from the easiest then move to the
everyone can express their opinions
next grades)
without fear
The above findings, in fact, confirmed
2) to be in a fun and relax but serious
students’ high desire to get more time to
situation (as opposed to an intense
perform speaking in the classroom. Thus,
the enthusiasm is there with the students.
The question arisen will be “are students
40 Purjayanti, Stimulating Positive English Speaking Class Environment

given a opportunity to carry out the real

speaking? Or, instead, is their high spirit Office of Instructional Development (OID)
“killed” simply because the language UCLA. Improving classroom
teachers do not provide an environment Interaction.
that can keep students’ high desire?
Generating a stimulating learning Anonymous. 2005. How to Create Enriching
environment means creating safe, Environments that Enhance
comfortable, secure, and friendly situations Student Learning. Newsleter
where students feel welcome, accepted Archives,
and respected. Nervousness, anxiety or
even stress due to the fear to produce Byanderzee. 2010. Creating a Positive
utterances may be reduced or even Classroom Environment.
hampered by such a friendly environment.
In this kind of environment, learners are
put in the centre of the classroom activities Church, Ellen Booth. 2010. Off to a Great
where they can explore and share Start: Creating an Effective
knowledge, information, and experience in Classroom.
their own way. It is expected that in this
way, learners can build their confidence ers/article/great-start-creating-
and grow their willingness to express their effective-classroom
ideas in their speaking class so as to make
them speak better. Donato, Nanci. A Discussion of a Positive
Learning Environment and
Now, as previously discussed, it is Classroom Management.
the duty of the teacher as the “most
influential” person – whom the students
rely on – to make every effort in order to Imel, Susan. 2011. Inclusive Adult Learning
provide the above findings for students to Environments.
learn more eagerly. This is in line with
McDanniels’ (2012:1) statement: 2/adult.html
“All students, even those who have
learning difficulties and extraordinary Kelly, Melissa. 2010. Creating a Positive
personal challenges can do well when Learning Environment: Dealing
they are physically comfortable, with Forces That Effect the
mentally motivated and emotionally Learning Environment.
References Environment.htm
Andrew, Tammy. 2009. Positive Learning
Environment. Lebednik, Christine. How to Have Stimulating Classroom Discussions.
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 41

McDaniels, Michelle McFarland. 2011.

Children Respond to a Positive
Learning Environment.

Purjayanti, Ani. 2008. Good Language

Teacher: Whose perceptions?
Paper presented in 55th TEFLIN
International Conference. Jakarta:

Suess, Emily. 2010. A Positive learning

JLT – Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2012
Politeknik Negeri Malang ISSN: 2088-2025


Oktavia Widiastuti
State Polytechnic of Malang


Applying podcast as an appropriate multimedia can be very potential and

practical as a tool to enhance listeningskill.Students and teachers can
download podscast easily and freely as source of their listening materials.
Listening materials presented through Podcast is possible to increase
students’ listening skill as Podcast provides students with authentic and
contextual material. Podcast offers an ideal tool for the creative
expression of knowledge preferred by today's students, and provides an
exciting way for students and teachers to explore and discover listening
content or material.
Podcasts are particularly suited for extensive listening, for the purpose of
motivating students’ interest in listening to English and providing them
with exposure to native speakers’ speech (Rost, 1991). Stanley (2006)
points out that podcasts offer students a wide range of possibilities for
extra listening both inside and outside of the classrooms. The outside
classroom listening activity effectively bridges the gap between the formal
English which dominates most English language classrooms and the
informal English used in real-life communication events.Podcast as a new
technology has huge potential in enhancing students’ listening skill.The
ease of downloading podcasts to MP3 players and iPods means that
students can now engage in plenty of listening practice in any condition.

Key words: Listening skills, podcast, Information technology in ELT

Listening in language learning has In daily communication, listening

undergone several important stages, from plays an important role. Research has
being assumed “acquired through exposure demonstrated that adults spend 40-50% of
but not really taught” (Richard, 2002) to be communication time listening, 25-30%
viewed as “a primary vehicle for language speaking, 11-16% reading, and about 9%
learning” (Rost, 2001). During the decades, writing (Vandergrift, 1999). Listening, the
developments in education, linguistics and most widely used language skill, is often
sociology have led to the powerful theories used in conjunction with the other skills of
of the nature of language comprehension speaking, reading and writing. It is not only
and the active interest in the role of a skill area in language performance, but
listening comprehension in second also a critical means of acquiring a second
language acquisition. and foreign language.
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 43

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, These files can be down loaded free of
applied linguistics recognized that listening charge from One of the
was the primary channel by which the Podcast examples which can be free down
learner gained access to L2 data, and that it loaded is, CNN Larry King Live Podcast (Paul,
therefore served as the trigger for 2007).
acquisition (Rost, 2001). Krashen (1982) Another example, which is also
claimed that “comprehensible input” was a interesting to be used as the listening
necessary condition for language learning. material, is taken from
In his input hypothesis, Krashen said further . There are
development from the learner’s current many videos which can be downloaded by
stage of language knowledge could only be subscribing to the website using iTunes
achieved by the learner’s comprehending (Stanley, 2006).
language that contained linguistic items These two examples are few of
(lexis, syntax, morphology) at a level slightly many others materials that can be freely
above the learner’s current knowledge downloaded from the internet by
(Rost, 2001). According to this theory, the subscribing to the website using iTunes. The
more language we expose students to, the capacity of each file is varied (about 3 to
more they will acquire, and the better they 100 Mb) according to duration of the
get in listening activities podcast. For instance, it takes at least one
In general, provided the listening and a half hour to download a 15 minutes
materialappropriate to their level is a very Larry King Live Podcast (McCarty, 2005).
significant point. However, the reality of the Based on the explanation above,
teaching of listening in Indonesian’s listening materials presented through
classrooms is that students have only one Podcast is possible to increase student
hour to learn listening in the language listening comprehension as Podcast provide
laboratory every week, which is far from students with authentic and contextual
satisfactory. Hence, extensive listening material and it can improve students’
must go along with intensive listening. knowledge because students are able to
Extensive listening, where a teacher share their Podcast. Podcasting offers an
encourages students to choose for ideal tool for the creative expression of
themselves what they listen to and to do so knowledge preferred by today's students,
for pleasure or for general language and provides an exciting way for students
improvement can also have a dramatic and educators to explore and discover
effect on a student’s language proficiency listening content or material (McCarty,
(Harmer, 2001). 2005). Podcasts are audio or video files that
Applying appropriate multimedia in are automatically delivered over a network,
Extensive Listening activity can be one of and then played back on any Mac, PC, or
the solutions to improve students’ listening iPod. When students create a Podcast for
skill and their motivation (Juniardi, 2008). class, they not only learn the content in a
By using multimedia students not only hear creative way, they learn 21st-century
the sound but also can capture the pictures, communication skills at the same time.
moreover by using multimedia students can
download native voices as source of their Listening
listening materials. One of the programs Language learning depends on
that can be applied is podcast program. By listening since it provides the aural input
using Podcast, the students can listen to that serves as the basis for language
music, news, TV program etc. Podcast has acquisition and enables learners to interact
two files audio (MP3) and video (MP4). in spoken communication. Listening is the
44 Widiastuti, Enhancing Students’ Listening Skill through Podcasts

first language mode that children acquire. It word or a sentence, rather, the goal is to
provides the foundation for all aspects of cultivate students’ abilities to understand
language and cognitive development, and it speakers’ intentions accurately and
plays a life-long role in the processes of communicate with each other effectively
communication. A study by Wilt (1950), (Lihua, 2002).
found that people listen 45 % of the time Different from the traditional theory
they spend communicating. that listening is a passive activity, now we
Since listening is, according to Wang have realized that listening is a complicated
Shouyuan (2003), the most important process that involves many factors. Rost
component in the five aspects of overall (2002) suggests that “listening is a process
English competence he suggests as involving a continuum of active processes
listening, speaking, reading, writing and which are under the control of the listener.”
translation, it deserves particular attention. It is different from hearing which is “the
Teachers must actively explore the nature primary physiological system that allows for
and process of listening comprehension and reception and conversion of sound waves
study the theory and methodology of that surround the listener” (Rost, 2002).
listening comprehension in order to A thorough definition of listening,
improve listening teaching outcomes and thus, should include at least four factors:
make students recognize that listening receptive, constructive, collaborative, or
comprehension is the crucial aspect of transformative (Rost, 2002). Receptive
English learning. means receiving what the speaker actually
From the point of view of says while constructive suggests
constructivist linguistics, foreign language constructing and representing meaning.
teaching should focus on language form and Collaborative, on the other hand, shows
structure, thus, listening teaching is negotiating meaning with the speaker and
undertaken in each of the four aspects of responding while transformative requires
language form. When students are taught creating meaning through involvement,
to understand a passage of text, teachers imagination and empathy.
first let them discriminate between the In summary, effective listening
pronunciation of vowels and consonants, involves the listener taking an active role in
then understand vocabulary, sentences and constructing meaning with the speaker.
discourses. The goals of this listening Speaker must be aware of the deixis,
teaching model from the “bottom-up” is to speaker intention, implicit meaning and
help students understand the meaning of strategy use. In addition, effective listening
vocabulary by discriminating sounds, to will involve attention to cooperative social
understand sentence meaning, and to interaction, as that is where conversational
monitor and control the meaning of meaning is monitored and negotiated (Rost,
discourses by understanding sentence 2002).
meaning (Feyten, 1991). The notion of involvement,
Since the 1970s, with the engagement, and negotiation is related to
development of functional language theory, pragmatic approach to listening. The
there has been an emphasis on the pragmatic point of view of listening is that it
research of language function in society. is an intention to complete a
Functional linguistic experts recognize communication process. In order that this
language as a communicative tool, but not occurs, there must be engagement, in
an isolated structure system. Consequently which a listener switches from becoming a
the teaching of listening is not simply mere ‘presence’ to an interpreter
intended to make students hear a sound, a (Verschueren, 1999 in Rost, 2002).
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 45

however, the extent of multimedia's impact

on the language acquisition process
Listening and Technologies remains an open issue. Is there evidence to
A prominent artefact of older beliefs suggest that listening skills development
concerning the role of listening in language can be enhanced through this medium? The
learning is the language laboratory. The following section treats this question by
rationale for language laboratories is tied to examining potential correspondence
the belief that individual listening practice between multi modal processing
with audiotape can help build a learner's opportunities for language learners and
overall ability in the target language how these can interact to complement
through self instructed comprehension listening skills acquisition (Garza, 1991).
practice. Technology continues to be Puspitasari (2010) in Cahyono (2010)
perceived as an enhancement to the in her article “Using Podcast as a Source of
process of language acquisition. The large- Material for Teaching English” informed
scale infusion of computers in language what a podcast is. By the guidance of the
instruction programs in the past decade teacher, the students can experience
attests to this belief. The rationale behind learning authentically through podcasts.
what is now growing support for Computer The strategy described in this article is how
Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is not to use podcast as a source material. Having
unlike earlier enthusiasm for audiotape- listened to podcast, students are assigned
based technologies. That is, individualized to do several tasks in worksheets. Then,
access to target language material under they can finish their final project by
learner control provides needed exposure submitting the worksheets and a written
to and practice in the target language recount text.
(Meskill, 1993). Other sources of the use of
Enthusiasm for CALL in general and technology in English language learning and
multimedia in particular, however, differs teaching are Murtado (2010) in Cahyono
from that of the audiotape laboratory as (2010), he used mailing lists in the English
regards the breadth of expectations classroom where students can read other
concerning technology's role and potential. people’s questions and comments, and they
Fast and powerful computational capacity can also give their comments. Samsuli
in conjunction with the orchestrated video, (2010) in Cahyono (2010) proposed
text and graphics of today's multimedia teaching English in a virtual classroom. As a
learning systems would predict more teaching environment, virtual classroom
sophisticated paradigms for interaction provides a set of tools and features to
with the target language and, consequently, facilitate teachers for delivering course
more effective learning (Jung, 1990). materials and structuring learning
Arguments supporting multimedia experiences. The virtual learning gives
for education of this kind have rung loud teachers an experience in the new teaching
and clear over the past decade. Praises for atmosphere and environment and makes
the medium are, however, based largely on them change the way to teach. It will
intuition: learning a language via improve their face to face interaction with
individualized instruction with the more effective questioning techniques.
computer especially when audio and video
are involved is an extremely appealing Podcasts
proposition, one that has sold to many an Podcasts are audio (sometimes
administrator in search of instructional video) programs on the Web which are
panaceas (Jonassen, 1993). Thus far, usually updated at regular intervals. New
46 Widiastuti, Enhancing Students’ Listening Skill through Podcasts

episodes can be listened to on the Podcast sites. Teachers can type in a search
computer, or downloaded to an MP3 player term like “English,” “ELT,” “ESL,” and
or iPod for later listening. Although audio “TESOL,” and they will be given a list of ELT
programs have existed on the Web for a Podcasts. An example of a general Podcast
few years already, what makes podcasting directory is
unique is its capacity for subscription (Lee, 2007).
through an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) To narrow down their search,
feed, listeners can subscribe to their teachers may go directly to directories of
favorite Podcasts. Their computer will then educational Podcasts. One well-known
receive alerts when new episodes have educational Podcast directory is the
been posted. Podcatcher software Education Podcast Network:
programs, such as iTunes, will even A recent new directory
download the latest episodes automatically is, which
once the program is opened. In other claims to be the first U.K directory of
words, instead of having to visit individual educational Podcasts (Lee, 2007).
Websites regularly for updated episodes, There is now such an abundance of
listeners can now have the latest episodes ELT Podcasts on the Web that Podcast
of their favoriteprograms delivered to their directories specializing in ELT are also
computer (Stanley, 2006) available. These are directories which cover
ELT podcasts only. One example is
Types of Podcast
Podcasts available on the Web fall s/ maintained by the Internet TESL Journal
broadly into two types: “radio Podcasts” (McCarty, 2005).
and “independent Podcasts.” Radio ELT podcasts cover a wide range of
Podcasts are existing radio programs turned subject matter. A brief survey of ELT
into Podcasts, such as those produced by podcasts reveals the following content
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and types:
RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong).  Comprehensive (e.g.,
“Independent Podcasts” are Web-based
Podcasts produced by individuals and /podcast/).
organizations (Lee, 2007). These are Podcasts that cover a
It is the second type of Podcast wide range of content types, such as
which has huge potential for ELT because traditional listening comprehension
these can be perfect to suit the needs of activities, interviews, and
different learners. They can be created by vocabulary. A well-known
learners themselves with utmost ease. comprehensive Podcast is the one
quoted above, created by “Teacher
ELT Podcasts John,” who teaches ESL in Japan.
The first Podcasts appeared in early  Whole lessons (e.g.,
2005. ELT educators soon joined the
movement, and since the second half of m/).
2005, there has been an upsurge in the These are whole lessons based on a
number of ELT Podcasts on the Web. Podcast. The Podcast quoted above,
Teachers have three ways to look for for example, makes use of a news
suitable ELT Podcasts for their students. story in each episode. The text of
They can start with general Podcast the news story is provided, and is
directories. A Podcast directory is a accompanied by the audio file.
searchable database which is linked to the There is then a lesson plan with
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 47

accompanying worksheet materials.  Stories (e.g,

In effect, these are ready-made http://www.englishthroughstories.c
lessons based on Podcasts which om/)
teachers can use in the classroom These are usually reading aloud
directly. story. They may or may not be
 Vocabulary, idioms, etc. (e.g., followed by listening comprehension questions.
This is a popular type of Podcast,  Listening comprehension (e.g.,
probably because it is easy to
produce. In this kind of Podcast, the These Podcasts provide
host chooses some vocabulary items conventional listening
and explains their usage. The comprehension practice.
example presents a few idioms in In conclusion, computerized media
each episode. and a multimedia environment can be
 Conversations with script (e.g., helpful for English language learning and teaching and it has been asserted that
conversations/) internet sources and internet-based
These Podcasts contain teaching are an excellent medium and
conversations between native strategies for generating social construction
speakers to help less proficient of knowledge. Information and
learners, each episode is communication technology can be used by
accompanied by the script, for adopting variant methods that could
learners to refer to while listening to encourage students in developing
the conversation. independent learning strategies. In this
 Jokes (e.g., study, the use of webblog and internet mail (e-mail) as learning medium and the use of
These are Podcasts containing jokes podcast as a listening source material
because they usually play on hopefully can make the students improve
language, they encourage careful their listening skill and motivation.
listening by the learner.
 Songs (e.g., Podcast and Listening Activity Teaching listening by using Podcast
/) is possible to increase student listening
These Podcasts contain songs for comprehension as Podcast provide students
ESL learners. The songs are either with authentic and contextual material and
traditional children’s songs, or it can improve students’ knowledge
authentic popular songs for because they share their Podcast (Earp,
teenagers. They are also often 1998). Podcasting offers an ideal
accompanied by the text of the tool for the creative expression of
lyrics. knowledge preferred by today's students,
 Phonetics, pronunciation (e.g., and provides an exciting way for students and teachers to explore and discover
Podcasts are obviously highly suited listening content or material. Podcasts are
for teaching phonetics and audio or video files that are automatically
pronunciation. These Podcasts are delivered over a network, and then played
lessons which focus on specific back on any Mac, PC, or iPod. When
phonemes and pronunciation students create a Podcast for class, they not
problems in English. only learn the content in a creative way,
48 Widiastuti, Enhancing Students’ Listening Skill through Podcasts

they learn 21st-century communications they can finish the job. This is more of an
skills at the same time (McCarty, 2005). attitude adjustment than anything else, and
it is easier for some students to accept than
Podcasting allows teachers to take others. Another important point is that
their students beyond traditional teachers should convince their students to
assignments by allowing them to include listen to English as often as possible. As to
voice recordings, photos, movies, and the listening material, the more material
sound effects to share their knowledge. For they get touch with, the more progress they
example, students can draft and perform will make (Nunan and Miller, 1995).
scripts as a writing assignment, create a In conclusion, as we all know, for the
visual progress report for an ongoing students of English as a foreign language,
project, or submit a recorded version of a there are usually intervals between the
science presentation (Ge, 2005). perceptions of sounds by their ears and
Podcasting is also a great way for understanding the words, phrases and
teachers to deliver listening content to their sentences. This kind of intervals often
students. They can distribute homework makes students have more troubles in
assignments, record book narration for listening comprehension. So it is essential
beginning readers to read along with, or for them to have more chances to contact
create foreign language lessons that with different kinds of listening materials
students can review at their own pace (Lee, and let their ears be familiar with different
2007). sounds of English words. In classroom
ELT Podcasts can be used for activities, teachers can also give students
intensive and extensive listening activities. some advice about improving listening
However, ELT Podcasts are particularly competency, one of the useful suggestions,
suited for extensive listening, for the that is, extensive listening. The best source
purpose of motivating student interest in for extensive listening is podcast material
listening to English, and providing them from the internet.
with exposure to native speakers’ speech
(Rost, 1991). Stanley (2006) points out that Conclusion
Podcasts offer students a wide range of Having observed all the results of
possibilities for extra listening both inside the studies mentioned above, it can be
and outside of the classroom: concluded that internet podcast is a great
“Supplementing the (often) scripted and multimedia to improve students’ listening
stilted textbook listening with the real skill. Podcast allows students to download
life authentic conversations we can find or subscribe to audio programs in the form
on many Podcasts is an attractive option of MP3 files which is very easy to apply and
for language teachers chosen carefully,
they can select appropriate podcast
extracts can bring a range of different
materials which they need and like. The
voices and varieties of English into the
classroom.” material is then easily be transferred to a
More advanced learners can be portable MP3 player. Moreover, Intensive
encouraged to listen to authentic podcast. and Extensive Listening Activity using
This activity effectively bridges the gap podcast is able to overcome students’ low
between the formal English which ability in listening comprehension and is
dominates most second language able to fulfil their need to have extra time
classrooms and the informal English used in to improve their listening skill with
most real-life communication events. appropriate and interesting listening
The key to help students improve materials.
their listening skills is to convince them that
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 49

References Procedure. ESOL Quarterly, 17 (2): 29-

Cahyono, B. C. 2010. Teaching English by Rost, M. 1991. Listening in Action: Activities
Using Internet Resources. Malang: for DevelopingLlistening in Language
State University of Malang Press. Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Earp, S. 1998. More Than Just the Internet: Prentice Hall.
Technology for Language Teaching. Rost, M. 2002. Teaching and Researching
ERIC Digest Listening. London: Pearson Education.
. Stanley, G. 2006. Podcasting: Audio on the
2/internet.htm. Internet Comes of Age.TESL-EJ, 9(4).
Garza, T. 1991. Evaluating the Use of Stoks, G. 2005. Podcasts: New Materials for
Captioned Video Materials in Teaching Listening Comprehension.
Advanced Foreign Language Retrieved from 26
Learning.Foreign Language Annals, April 2006.
24, 3, 239-258. Thorne, S. and Payne, J. 2005.Evolutionary
Harmer, J. 2001.The Practice of English Trajectories, Internetmediated
Language Teaching (3rd Edition). Expression, and Language
Harlow: Longman Education.CALICO, 22(3), 371-397.
Jung, U. 1990. The Challenge of Broadcast Vandergrift. 1999. Facilitating Second
Video Text to Applied Linguistics.IRAL, 28, 3. Language Listening Comprehension:
Juniardi, Y. 2008. Improving Students Acquiring Successful Strategies.
Listening Skill through Podcasting
Program. Paper presented in Asia epage
TEFL Conference Bali, 23rd August. Wills, R. 2002.An Investigation of Factors
Krashen, S. D. 1982. The Input Hypothesis. Influencing English Listening
London: Longman Comprehension and Possible
Lee, B. 2007.Podcasts Transforming Campus Measures for Improvement. Australia:
Life.The Monterey County Herald. University of Tasmania.
McCarty, S. 2005. Spoken Internet To Go: Yumarnamto. 2008. Podcasts and
Popularization through Podcasting. Videocasts from the Internet to
JALT CALL, 1(2), 67-74. Improve Students’ Listening Skill.
Meskill, C. 1993. ESL and Multimedia: A Paper presented in Asia TEFL
Study of the Dynamics of Paired Conference Bali, 1st-3rd August.
Student Discourse. System, 21, 3, 323-
Meskill, C. & Shea, P. 1994. Multimedia and
Language Learning: Integrating the
Technology Into Existing Curricula.
Proceedings of the Third Conference
on Instructional Technologies. State
University of New York: FACT.
Nunan, D. 1999. Second Language Teaching
and Learning.Boston: Heinle&Heinle.
Nunan, D. and Miller, L. 1995. New Ways in
Teaching Listening. Washington DC:
Richards, J.C. 2002. Listening
Comprehension: Approach, Design,
JLT – Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2012
Politeknik Negeri Malang ISSN: 2088-2025



Dian Fadhilawati
English Education Department, Islamic University of Balitar,
Blitar, East Java, Indonesia


This reported research was a collaborative action research to improve the

vocabulary achievement of high school students using mind mapping and
five reviewing patterns proposed by Buzan (2009). The subjects were 35
students of X-B class of MAN Kota Blitar, East Java, Indonesia, in
2011/2012 academic years. The data of the research included qualitative
data (observation result and field note) and quantitative data (test result).
This research was conducted in one cycle which included 2 meetings. The
first meeting was done at Tuesday, 7 February 2012. It was for teaching
vocabulary about newspaper and publishing using mind mapping and
review 1. The second meeting was done at Wednesday, 8 February 2012. It
was for teaching vocabulary about radio and television as well as for the
review 2 at the beginning of the meeting. At the end of the meeting, the
teacher gave take home tasks for review 2 of meeting 2. Further, the third
review (1 week after the first learning) was given at Wednesday, 15
February 2012. It was intended for reviewing both the materials in meeting
1 and 2. The forth review was a take home reviewing tasks given 1 month
after the first learning and the fifth review was a take home review
assigned 3 months after the first learning. After all of the five reviews, a
vocabulary test was administered. The finding showed that the
implementation of mind mapping and 5 reviewing patterns could improve
the students’ vocabulary achievement, from the mean score of 55.66 to
80.57. The students also gave positive responses toward the strategies
applied as reflected from the result of the questionnaire given.

Key words: mind-mapping, reviewing, vocabulary achievement

Based on the researcher’ preliminary not use the language laboratory, chart, mind
observation at the first of February 2012, it mapping, game, song pictures, or other
was found the following weaknesses. First, media/facilities. Second, the students were
teachers lacked of media in teaching and lazy and unmotivated. Third, the students
learning process (the teacher only used an were passive in the classroom. Fourth, in
exercise book called “LKS Aspirasi”). He did teaching vocabulary the teacher only wrote
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 51

down the vocabulary list on the white board which eases us to remember much
and asked the students to find the meaning information, and (5) mind mapping is
of the word in Indonesian. Therefore, the colorful, uses pictures or symbols which leads
researcher assumed that instruction the students’ interest to the subject
absolutely must be changed by the teacher (Deporter, Readon, and Nourie, 1997: 175).
by using appropriate method in order the From the statement above, it can be
students take apart to the lesson and got concluded that mind mapping is potentially a
better achievement at the end of teaching good way to teach vocabulary to the students
learning process. in senior high school.
In addition, based on the result of the In line with the previous statements,
vocabulary test which administered to the Buzan (1993:1) adds that mind mapping is a
students before the action, it could be said powerful graphic technique which provides a
that the students’ English ability of X-B class universal key to unlock the potential of brain.
was low, especially in understanding the It imitates the thinking process, recording
meaning of words in context. The students’ information through symbol, pictures,
mean score for the vocabulary test was emotional meaning and colors, exactly the
55.66, that was below the minimum school same like our brain process it. It means that
standard criterion of English mastery that mind mapping is very useful media for
required them at least have mean score creating attractive, and enjoyable learning
70.00. that lead the successfulness of the students
Actually, there are a lot of interactive in learning English vocabulary
media or strategies to encourage students to In addition Buzan (2009: 39) also
take apart in the lesson especially in states that by using a mind mapping we can
vocabulary teaching and learning. Since see what we are going to do and what we
vocabulary teaching and learning aimed at have done. It means, mind mapping may be
enabling learners to understand the concepts used by the teacher or the students for
of unfamiliar words, to gain a greater number planning the lesson, summarizing the lesson
of words, and to use words successfully for or recall to the lesson that the students have
communicative purpose, it is necessary for learnt. Moreover, Buzan (2009) also argues
the teacher to select and apply appropriate that mind mapping and 5 reviewing patterns
strategies in teaching vocabulary for the will lead the students to achieve good scores
students which could improve their in their examination test.
motivation to take apart in the lesson. Talking about the success of the
Mind mapping and five reviewing students’ in gaining good vocabulary
patterns proposed by Buzan (2009) can be achievement, it is crucial for the teacher to
applied by the teacher in teaching think deeply about how to implant
vocabulary. There are some reasons why the vocabulary in the students’ mind for long
teacher may use mind mapping in teaching term memory. In this case, the teacher may
vocabulary, for example: (1) mind mapping is apply reviewing to facilitate the students
very appropriate and flexible to be applied with better memory to what they have
for different levels of age, theme, subject, learnt. It could be done at school or at home
and situation either for whole class, group or by giving tasks as a mean for reviewing the
individual, (2) mind mapping is a very good lesson that the students have learnt.
tool for creative thinking and problem Usually many students are confused in
solving, (3) in foreign language teaching and deciding when they should start to review
learning, mind mapping can improve memory their school lessons, and most of them tend
recall of facts, words or images, (4) mind to postpone the reviews. As a result, in the
mapping is creative note taking method, time of final test, they often panic and study
52 Fadhilawati, Using Mind Mapping and Five Reviewing Patterns

for their test immediately at the night before

the examination with less sleep. As a result, Research Design
at the examination day they lost In this research, the researcher
concentration, were sleepy and, therefore, employed collaborative classroom action
they failed or got poor scores. Actually, the research through mind mapping and Buzan’s
best way to review lessons is step by step, 5 reviewing patterns to improve the
little by little, day by day, and gradually until students’ vocabulary achievement of X-B
it becomes a habit in life (Buzan, 2009:38). class of MAN Kota Blitar. In this case, the
Furthermore, a good reviewing model researcher’s collaborator was involved from
was proposed by Buzan (2009) which is called the beginning up to the end of the research
5 reviewing patterns. Buzan (2009:125) process. The action of teaching vocabulary
states that if students review the lesson 5 through mind mapping and Buzan’s 5 times
times such as: (1) 1 hour after the first reviewing patterns is done by the researcher,
learning, (2) 1 day after the first learning, (3) I and her collaborator acted as an observer of
week after the first learning, (4) 1 month the teaching learning process. This idea is
after the first learning, and (5) 3 months up based on Calhoun’s principle (in Kasbollah,
to 6 months after the first learning), they 2002:43) that argued “in collaborative action
would have permanent memory of the research, the researcher makes collaboration
lesson. with the school teacher investigated as the
Therefore, the researcher and her researcher’s collaborator to do the research
collaborator assumed that the use of mind activities.”
mapping and 5 reviewing patterns proposed
by Buzan (2009) could improve the students’ Research Setting
vocabulary achievement and facilitate the The Research was conducted in MAN
students’ memory of the words or phrases Kota Blitar starting from February to May
they have learnt. 2012. The school is located at Jl. Jati 78
The studies on the use of mind Sukorejo Blitar. This school was chosen
mapping in teaching English have been because of some reasons such as: there are
performed by some researchers such as: problems which need solution dealing English
Indah (2010), Effendi (2004), and Helmasari teaching learning process mainly on
(2008). In this case, Indah (2010) proved that vocabulary achievement of X-B class which
mind mapping was an effective medium to considered need to improve, and of course
teach vocabulary to the tenth grade students the permission from headmaster of MAN
of SMU Negeri 15 Palembang. Besides that, Kota Blitar.
Effendi (2004) also found that mind mapping
was effective to increase the second year Research Subjects
students’ reading comprehension at SLTPN The research subjects of this research
43 Palembang. Further, Helmasari (2008) were the students of Class X-B of MAN Kota
reported that mind mapping was effective to Blitar, consisting of 35 students (11 boys and
teach paragraph writing to the eleventh year 14 girls). The class was chosen as the subject
students of SMA Negeri 14 Palembang. because: (1) the class of X-B got the lowest
achievement among the others class at the
first semester (2) the students’ low
Research Objective vocabulary achievement (with the mean
The objective of this research is to use score of 55.66).
mind mapping and five reviewing patterns to
improve the tenth year students’ vocabulary
achievement at MAN Kota Blitar.
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 53

Research Procedure Research Instruments

The procedure of this Classroom Action 1. Test
Research was a modified version of Kemmis Vocabulary test was given after the
and Taggart (1997:27) model which covered implementation of the action. It was used to
some steps, namely preliminary study, know the students’ development. The test
planning of action, action, observing the consisted of 50 words about newspaper and
action, and reflecting on the observation. publishing as well as radio and television in
This research was held from February to May which it distributed as follows: (1) questions
2012. The researchers conducted this study numbers 1-15 were in the form of multiple
for one cycle that planning the action, choice, (2) questions number 16-30 were in
implementing the action followed by 5 times the form matching test, (3) question number
reviewing, observation and evaluation, and 31-40 were in the form guided completion
analysis and reflection. This was only one and (5) question number 49-50 were in form
cycle because the purpose has been achieved of rearranging the scrambled words into
with only one cycle. Further, the description good sentences. To make the test
of the research procedures was presented on administered valid and reliable, in this
the following figure. research the researcher and her collaborator
conducted validity test to another class of the
tenth grade students at MAN Kota Blitar (X-C)
class. Furthermore, the researcher used
ACTION content validity, the evidence based on
content of the test’s and its relationship to
the construct it was intended to measure. In
MIND MAPPING this case, the researcher looked for evidence
+ REVIEW 2 that the test represented a balanced and
REVIEW 3 (take adequate sampling of vocabulary mastery.
home task) Moreover, the content validity of the test
was based on the basic competence in the
REVIEW 4 (take
home task) tenth grade of Senior High School’s
OBSERVATION curriculum.
REVIEW 5 (take Before the post test was given to the
home task)
respondent. It was tried out first to other
group of students who had the same level
with the respondent to know the test items
REFLECTION were too difficult or too easy, whether the
time is enough or not and the respondents
understood the instruction or not. It was
tried out on 2nd May 2012 at the class X-C of
MAN Kota Blitar consisting 35 students. The
Criteria of Criteria of Continue following is the vocabulary test that was
success success is to the next
achieved not given to the students either in preliminary
STOP achieved test or after the action test.

2. Observations Checklist
Observation checklist was used to get
Figure1: The Procedures of Classroom Action the data about the students’ activities during
Research (CAR) the teaching learning process. In this case the
researcher provided 2 observations checklist;
54 Fadhilawati, Using Mind Mapping and Five Reviewing Patterns

the first to observe the teacher’ preparation, Kinds of Data and Data Sources
presentation, teaching method, personal
characteristic, and teacher-students There were two kinds of data in this
interaction in the classroom. The second research, namely quantitative data and
observation checklist was intended as media qualitative data. Quantitative data in the
in observing the students’ activities in the research refer to the data acquired from the
classroom. test and questionnaire. Moreover qualitative
data refer to the result from observation,
3. Questionnaire questionnaire and field notes.
A questionnaire was used to collect
the data about the students’ reaction toward Techniques of Data Collection
mind mapping and Buzan’s 5 times reviewing The data were collected by (a)
patterns in learning vocabulary. The conducting an observation, (b) making field
Questionnaire contained 10 items with Likert note, (c) administering test, (d) distributing
scale options: Absolutely Agree (AA), Agree questionnaire.
(A), Not Sure (NS), Not Agree (NA), and
Absolutely Not Agree (ANA). It was adopted Data Analysis
from Kristiana (2011). The data analysis was used by
researcher in this research followed some
4. Field note procedure such as: classifying the data,
To get the rich data, this research also presenting the data and the last was
used field notes to write down the activities concluding the data.
of teacher and students in the classroom
which are not covered in observation 1. Data Classification
checklist. Further, field notes composed of In this research, the data were
the descriptions of what was being heard, classified into two categories, the first was
seen, experienced and thought in the quantitative data and the second was
classroom. The recorded data dealt with the qualitative data. The quantitative data
phenomenon such as: time allotment, referred to the data which was taken from
classroom atmosphere, tasks organization, the students score as well as the
and teacher’s feedback. questionnaire. However, the qualitative data
were taken from the observation and check
Criteria of Success list as well as field note.
The criterion of success in this
research was designed on the basis of the 2. Data Display
school criterion: the students are considered The classified data from observation
good or successful in their vocabulary result and field note were described
achievement if they achieve at least 70 of the qualitatively using categories of achievement
optimal score competence level of 100. It such as: very poor, poor, fair, good, and very
means that the students’ mean score of the good. Moreover, the data taken from the test
post-test should equal to or is higher than 70. was presented in tables, and the data from
Moreover, beside the students’ score in the questionnaire was calculated in
vocabulary achievement, the result of percentage.
questionnaire was used to support the Furthermore, the use of quantitative
explanation of the criteria of success. data analysis was classified as follow:
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 55

1. The rule to decide the accomplishment classroom action research may take only one
degree and the mean score cycle if after the first cycle, all the targeted
 Rule to find an individual degree of criteria of success have been achieved. The
mastery researchers, in fact, have to do their best to
plan their classroom action research as few
cycles as possible.
If all of the problems in teaching
(Adopted from Petunjuk Guru Bahasa Inggris vocabulary are solved, there is no need to
for the Senior high school). conduct the second cycle. In reflection, the
 Rule to find mean score researchers consult the result of data analysis
and compare it with the criteria of success. If
the result of our first action fulfills the criteria
M = Mean score of success, the action is stopped. If it does
X = the total scores of the not fulfill the criteria of success, the
students’ vocabulary test researchers should continue to the second
N = the numbers of students cycle by revising the lesson plan (Latief,
(Adapted from Beast, 1981). 2010:87).
2. The rule of calculating the percentage of Furthermore, Mistar (2010:31) states
students’ questionnaires responses that “reflection in a classroom action
research is an effort to evaluate whether the
teaching learning process succeeds or fails
based on the criteria of succeed that have
been decided before”.
The reflection in this research was
Concluding the Data done by the researcher and her collaborator
Data conclusion was done after the after accomplishing each of the research
researcher evaluated and interpreted the steps in order to know whether we could
data. It is important to conclude the data to stop the research or should continue to
know whether another cycle was necessary. another cycle. In this case, they decide to
In this research, researcher stopped the stop this research in the first cycle, because
action at cycle 1 because the students had the criterion of succeed of the research has
achieved mean score 88.57. That result was been achieved by the students. The student’s
higher than the minimum mastery criterion mean score was 80.56; it was higher than the
stated in that school (70.00). Moreover, that criterion of success of the research (70.00).
result was supported by the results of
observations which indicated the The Result of Teaching Learning Process
improvement of the teaching learning Analysis
process from teacher and students’ part and The analysis of the teaching-learning
the result of questionnaire dealing the process was done based on the result of field
implementation of teaching learning notes and the observation checklist. Some
vocabulary using mind mapping. findings show improvement from both the
student and teachers’ parts. On the part of
Reflection the students’ attitude towards the task, it
Reflection is the most important part in was found that the students were actively
Classroom Action Research, it is needed to involved and participated actively in the
evaluate whether another cycle to solve the lesson. Further, the teacher’ ability in
problems is necessary or not. The number of conducting teaching and learning process
cycles cannot be predicted in advance. A was observed and categorized as excellent
56 Fadhilawati, Using Mind Mapping and Five Reviewing Patterns

and above average. Mostly, the indicators in The last point is related to teacher -
observation checklist were rated 4 (excellent) student interaction in the classroom. Dealing
and 3 (above average) by the collaborator with that point, the teacher tried to set the
researcher. In this case, the teacher was class into a student-centered class. She
evaluated in the five points namely: (1) encouraged students’ participation in
preparation, (2) presentation, (3) classroom by asking them to do activities or
execution/method, (4) personal to raise or answer questions. Further, she
characteristics, teacher-students interaction. was able to control and direct the class well;
Dealing with preparation, the teacher was she sometime relaxed the students and made
well prepared and the lesson execution was students work in group or individual. In
good. conclusion teacher and the students had
Further related to presentation, the excellent interaction for enjoyable learning in
teacher explained the materials well, the classroom.
smoothly, in sequence, and logically. An analysis of the result of the test
Moreover the teacher also paced the lesson given at the end of cycle 1 showed that an
well, gave the lesson direction to the improvement of learning result was achieved.
students clearly, for example in asking them In this case, the mean score of the student’s
to do the tasks, to play mind map, to do in the vocabulary test after the action
homework etc. Besides that, the teacher increased significantly after the
always tried to make the students talk or implementation of mind mapping and 5
write for example by asking question, asking reviewing patterns proposed by Buzan
them to write the sentences, etc. Further, (2009). The mean score of the students was
she also realized if there were some students 80.57. The students’ mean score was higher
who were having trouble in understanding than the students’ mean score in vocabulary
the lesson. In this case, she asked the test before the action (55.66) and the
students the points they didn’t understand minimum criterion mastery stated in the
and she explained it again carefully. Further, school (70.00).
in presenting the materials the teacher was
very encouraging, full of enthusiasm, and The Students’ Questionnaire Result
showed the interest in the lesson, The data on students’ opinion towards
Furthermore, dealing with execution learning vocabulary using mind mapping and
or method, the teacher used various Buzan’s 5 reviewing patterns was obtained
activities in during the class, reinforced the through a questionnaire with 10 statements
material, walked around the class, made eyes given to 35 students of the tenth year of
contact with the students, and knew the students in X-B class of MAN Kota Blitar. The
student’s name well. She also distributed the questionnaire contained four variables to
questions appropriately and used media in measure: (1) learning motivation, (2) learning
teaching. Contextual learning was used with result, (3) tasks accomplishment and (4)
clear example and illustration of the social relationship. The result showed that on
materials through mind mapping. the first variable “learning motivation”, the
On the teacher’s personal students are motivated to learn vocabulary
characteristics, the teacher was patient in using mind mapping and Buzan’s five
answering the students’ questions. She had reviewing patterns strategy. It can be seen
audible voice for all students in the class. She from the result of the four statements given
also had a good appearance, initiative and related to it. For the first statement (item no.
was resourceful. She had appropriate and 1) “I am very eager to learn vocabulary using
acceptable use of English while she is mind mapping and Buzan’s 5 reviewing
teaching the students. patterns”, 30 (85.7%) students chose
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 57

“absolutely agree” and 5 (14.3%) students The third variable “task achievement”
“agree”. also showed good response. As it can be seen
Moreover, 29 (82.9%) students state in statement no. 8, “Using mind mapping and
“absolutely agree” and the rest 6 (17.1%) Buzan’s 5 reviewing patterns makes me
students state “agree” for the statement motivated to do the class tasks or take-home
(item no. 2): “Learning vocabulary using mind tasks“, 30 (85.7%) students state “absolutely
mapping and Buzan’s 5 reviewing patterns is agree” and 5 (14.3%) students sate “agree”
an interesting and enjoyable activity”. On the The last variable “social relationship”
other hand, in the third statement for this also showed acceptable response. It can be
variable, statement no. 6, “It is difficult for seen from the result of statement no. 9,
me to learn vocabulary by mind mapping and “Learning vocabulary using mind mapping
Buzan’s five reviewing patterns”, 2 (5.7%) and Buzan’s 5 reviewing patterns promotes
students state “not sure”. Moreover, 4 the togetherness among students”. 29
(11.4%) students state “not agree”, and the (82.9%) students choose “absolutely agree”,
rest 29 (82.9%) students state “absolutely not and 3 (8.6%) students state “agree”, while 3
agree”. Meanwhile, for the next statement (8.6%) students state “not sure”.
(item no 7), “Learning vocabulary using mind
mapping and Buzan’s 5 reviewing patterns Reflection
strategy is a worthless and time consuming Based on the result of the analysis both
activity”, 6 (17.1%) students state “not the teacher teaching-learning process and
agree” while the rest 29 (82.9%) students students’ learning result in cycle I, it was
state “absolutely not agree”. shown that the students made an
The data on the second variable improvement in learning vocabulary. This
“learning result” also showed satisfactory improvement could be seen from indicator of
response. There are 4 indicators representing success achieved as follows. The obtained
this variable. The first indicator is statement mean score was 80.57 was higher than the
(item no. 3) “In my opinion learning standard minimum mean score (70.00).
vocabulary using mind mapping and Buzan’s Therefore, it was decided that the next cycle
reviewing patterns can increase my was not necessary. In addition, that result
vocabulary”. 29 (82.9%) students chose was supported by the result of teaching
“absolutely agree”, 6(17.1%) students chose learning process which was derived from
“agree”. Second is statement no. 4, “Mind observation checklists and field note in which
mapping and Buzan’s 5 reviewing patterns the teaching learning process in that class
help me learn and memorize new words”. 30 was very good/ excellent and it was also
(85.7%) students’ state “absolutely agree” supported by the students’ positive
and 5 (14.3%) state “agree”. The next is responses toward the use of mind mapping
statement no. 5, “Learning vocabulary using and five reviewing patterns in learning
mind mapping and Buzan’s five reviewing vocabulary as presented previously. See
patterns enabled me to learn words and their Figure 2.
meaning in comprehensible way”. 28 (80%)
90 Students' Score Improvement
students state “absolutely agree” while the 80
rest 7 (20%) students state “not sure”. And 70
the last indicator is statement (item no 10), 50
“Learning vocabulary through mind mapping 30
makes me brave to express idea or asking 10
and answering the question”. For this 29 Prelimenary Review 3 Review 4 Review 5 Vocabulary
Test Test
(82.9%) students state “absolutely agree”
and 6 (17.1%) students state “agree.” Figure 2: Students’ Improvements
58 Fadhilawati, Using Mind Mapping and Five Reviewing Patterns

Figure 2 illustrates the students’ The Strength and the Weaknesses of Mind
improvement in learning vocabulary by using Mapping and 5 Reviewing Patterns
mind mapping and 5 reviewing patterns There is no perfect thing. Besides
which looked firm in the improvement. having some strengths mind mapping and 5
The result of the research that was reviewing patterns also have some
presented above was in line with Indah ‘s weaknesses. The strengths include (1) leading
experimental research result on the use of the students to have better memory, (2) easy
mind mapping to teach vocabulary, in which to apply in the classroom as media to present
she reported that the vocabulary the material, media to do the task, media to
achievement of the students of IKIP PGRI review the lesson, and media to assess the
Palembang increased after being taught using students’ achievement, (3) interesting, and
mind mapping. She recorded that the attractive media to teach all themes or sub-
calculation result of the matched t-test theme.
formula was 2.396. It indicated that the Further, mind mapping and 5 Buzan’s
calculated t obtained was greater than the reviewing patterns were a pairs of strategies
critical value (1.725). The finding of her study which support each other. As Buzan
showed that mind mapping is effective in (2009:39) argue the best way to review the
teaching vocabulary to the tenth year of lesson is using mind mapping. With mind
SMUN 15 Palembang. mapping to review the lesson, students will
Moreover, the researchers’ result was have better memory of the materials they
also in line with Yusuf’s experimental have learnt. Better memory will make them
research result entitled “The Effectiveness of easier in doing the test. It was proved by the
Mind Mapping Technique In Increasing the students’ vocabulary mean score after
Second Year Students’ Reading applied with those strategies in this research.
Comprehension at SLTPN 43 Palembang” The However, mind mapping and five
result of the calculation of the t-test formula reviewing patterns also have weaknesses
was 4.19. It indicated that the t value was such as: (a) Mind mapping and 5 reviewing
higher than the critical value (02.021). The patterns need consistency as well as
findings of his research showed that mind continuity of implementation either in the for
mapping is significantly effective in teaching of classroom implementation by teachers or
reading comprehension to the subject of at home reviews by students following the
SLTP Negeri 43 Palembang. procedures given. Especially for the strategy
In addition, the researchers’ result of reviewing the lesson, it must be done
was in line with experimental research result seriously based on Buzan’s 5 reviewing
by Hermalasari entitled “Teaching Writing patterns. Buzan’s 5 reviewing required
Paragraphs by Using Mind Mapping to The teachers and students to review the lesson
Eleventh Year Students of SMA Negeri 14 until 5 times based on these following rules:
Palembang in which she reported that the (a) one hour after the first learning, (b) one
students’ average score in pre-test was 59.68 day after the first learning, (c) one week after
and the average score of post-test was 67.85. the first learning, (d) one month after the
It indicated that calculated t value was higher first learning and, (e) three up to six months
than the t value on the table (1.684). It after the first learning. Those reviewing
means that mind mapping is effective to procedures may be difficult to do for
teach writing paragraphs at the eleventh students at the first time. Besides, with five
grade in that school. And now, with this time review, the teacher must provide and
current research mind mapping is also prepare more tasks, and of course it needs
proved effective to teach vocabulary additional cost to prepare them as well as
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 59

need additional time to do. In addition, it is patterns as strategy to review their lesson in
not easy to change the habitual linear note order to improve their learning achievement.
writing in preparing teachers’ teaching Furthermore, the students are also
materials or presentation. While with mind recommended to make mind map of their
map, teachers need to be creative in making lessons at home after school and do the
mind maps and present them in the class. If review 5 times based on the certain
they don not have creativity and a good procedures as Buzan proposed. So, the
understanding about the material, the students must be active both in the
teachers would have problems in translating classroom and outside of the classroom for
the materials into mind maps. Mind map reviewing their lessons, for example, by
reflects the materials to teach in the class. summarizing, mapping, re-reading the
Therefore, before teachers make mind maps, material by themselves or by reviewing them
they must understand the materials well so in peer learning, and group learning at home.
that they can generate the good key words. In addition, this research is an action
Otherwise, the mind map would be confusing research in which the result cannot be
for the students. Further, some teachers may generalized. It is advisable or recommended
not have a good ability to use multimedia or that future researchers would conduct the
technology in teaching and learning such as research with different design for example
in operating computer, laptop or internet experimental research to know the
applications. Or it can be said that mind map effectiveness of Buzan’s 5 reviewing patterns
is still difficult to make for some teachers on certain skills or subjects. Such research
who did not have computer mastery or would be useful to strengthen or reject this
creativity to draw it. research result.
In mind maps, everything is supposed
to be provided on a single page. This is a
tough challenge for teachers who have
comprehensive and complex topic to deal References
with in the classroom. A mind map which is
made carelessly or which is too ambitious to Arikunto, S. 1993. ProsedurPenelitian;
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achievement. Therefore, the English teachers Brown, H.D. 2000. Principles of Language
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JLT – Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Volume 2, Nomor 2, November 2012
Politeknik Negeri Malang ISSN: 2088-2025



Politeknik Negeri Malang

Kesalahan gramatikal dalam berbahasa asing tidaklah dapat dihindari
dan ini wajar terjadi. Kesalahan ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor,
yang antara lain berupa: pengaruh bahasa asal, generalisasi yang
berlebihan (overgenerali-zation), tidak mengetahui aturan gramatikal,
atau aturan gramatikal yang disalah-pahami. Penelitian ini menguji
frekuensi dan jenis kesalahan tulis dari 20 karangan pendek yang dibuat
oleh mahasiswa Jurusan Administrasi Niaga, Politeknik Negeri Malang.
Dari 429 kalimat dalam karangan tersebut ditemukan 871 kesalahan
dalam 25 jenis. Jenis kesalahan yang terbanyak adalah omission of
article, omission of plural, S-V agreement, dan omission of preposition.
Hasil investigasi menunjukkan bahwa penyebab kesalahan tersebut
adalah adanya pengaruh bahasa asal (L1) terhadap bahasa sasaran (L2).

Kata kunci: kesalahan gramatikal, error analysis, contrastive analysis,

grammatical errors

Mempelajari kesalahan gramatikal frekuensinya dan penyebabnya sehingga

(grammat-ical errors) dalam suatu wacana kemudian dapat ditemukan cara-cara untuk
setidaknya dimaksudkan untuk dua tujuan, mengatasi kesalahan tersebut.
yakni: (1) mencari data tentang perolehan Ada beberapa jenis kesalahan
bahasa (language acquisition), dan (2) gramatikal yang dikelompokkan secara
mencari informasi sebagai dasar untuk umum dalam analisis kesalahan. Jenis
mengembangkan kurikulum dan menyusun kesalahan tersebut adalah (1) penghapusan
materi pengajaran (Richards, ed., 1974). morfem gramatikal (omitting grammatical
Kesalahan gramatikal adalah morphemes), (2) penandaan ganda (double
penyimpangan terhadap aturan baku dalam marking), (3) pola keteraturan
bahasa tulis maupun lisan yang terjadi (regularizing), (4) penggunaan archiform
secara sistematis (Giri, 2010). Dalam proses (using aarchiform), (5) penggunaan dua
mempelajari suatu bahasa kesalahan bentuk atau lebih dalam perubahan random
gramatikal adalah sesuatu yang wajar dan (using two or more forms in random
sering kali tidak terhindari. Oleh karena itu alteration), dan (6) salah penempatan (mis-
kesalahan ini perlu dipelajari dan dicermati ordering). Jenis-jenis kesalahan ini
sehingga dapat diketahui jenis, kemudian dikembangkan lagi bersamaan
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 63

dengan dikembangkannya teori-teori baru dalam: (1) menerangkan mengapa

dalam analisis kesalahan gramatikal dalam kesalahan terjadi, dan (2) menunjukkan
berbahasa. strategi apa yang harus diambil untuk
mengurangi kesalahan itu dalam
Contrastive Analysis vs. Error Analysis pembelajaran bahasa.
Dalam melakukan investigasinya, CA
Contrastive analysis (CA) muncul pada abad mengamati Perbedaan (dan persamaan)
ke-18 ketika William Jones membandingkan pada aspek: (1) fonologi, baik fonem
bahasa-bahasa Yunani dengan bahasa- segmental maupun suprasegmental, gugus
bahasa Sanskrit. Dengan CA ini ia vokal maupun gugus konsonan; (2)
menemukan bahwa kedua kelompok morfologi atau pembentukan kata; (3)
bahasa tersebut memiliki banyak sintaksis, yakni pembentukan kalimat, baik
persamaan yang sistematis. CA struktur dalam (deep structure) dan struktur
memfokuskan pengamatannya pada aspek luar (surface structure); (4) leksis (lexical
hubungan-hubungan fonologi dan contrasts), yakni yang terkait dengan kosa
evolusinya, sehingga dihasilkan silsilah- kata; (5) budaya, yakni dalam perilaku non-
silsilah bahasa. linguistik; dan (6) ortografis (orthographical
Pendekatan CA ini didasarkan pada contrasts), yaitu dalam penulisan abjad,
asumsi bahwa kita dapat meramalkan dan suku kata dan tulisan logografik.
menguraikan struktur bahasa yang Dalam teori CA ini dikatakan bahwa
dipelajari (L2) yang akan menyebabkan ‘belajar bahasa’ pada dasarnya merupakan
kesulitan dalam pelajaran dengan suatu proses pembentukan kebiasaan-
membandingkannya dengan bahasa asal kebia-saan otomatis dan bahwa oleh
(L1). Dalam perbandingan bahasa kedua karenanya kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi
bahasa tersebut akan ditemukan aspek- berasal dari kebiasaan dalam berbahasa
aspek bahasa yang sama dan berbeda. asal (L1) yang mempengaruhi pembelajar
Diasumsikan bahwa aspek bahasa yang dalam mempelajari bahasa sasaran (L2).
sama akan mudah dipelajari sedangkan Dikatakan juga bahwa analisis kontrastif
aspek yang berbeda akan sulit dipelajari. atau perbandingan dari dua bahasa yang
Selain itu, CA juga dikaitkan dengan dipelajari akan menggambarkan aspek-
teori pengalihan bahasa atau language aspek bahasa sasaran mana yang meng-
transfer. Dalam teori ini dikatakan bahwa hasilkan kesalahan.
pembelajar bahasa cenderung untuk Namun, beberapa pakar bahasa lain
mengalihkan pola atau struktur bahasa asal melihat bahwa sejumlah besar kesalahan
ke pola atau struktur bahasa yang yang dibuat pembelajar mungkin tidak
dipelajarinya. Menurut beberapa pakar CA, dapat ditelusuri melalui bahasa asalnya.
pengalihan bahasa digolongkan dalam dua Oleh karenanya, teori CA ini dianggap tidak
kelompok, yakni pengalihan bahasa yang dapat menjelaskan secara rinci sebab-sebab
menunjang pembelajaran, dan pengalihan dari kesalahan gramatikal. Sebagai gantinya,
bahasa yang menghambat pembelajaran. muncullah teori baru yang disebut sebagai
Para ahli bahasa terpecah menjadi dua Error Analysis.
kelompok dalam memandang manfaat CA Error Analysis (EA) atau analisis
ini, yakni kelompok yang percaya bahwa CA kesalahan baru menjadi populer pada tahun
dapat memberikan sumbangan yang berarti 1965-an. Teori ini meneliti secara
bagi pengajaran bahasa, dan kelompok mendalam kesalahan-kesalahan yang
yang meragukan manfaat CA dalam ditemukan dalam pembelajaran bahasa dan
membantu keberhasilan pengajaran mencari tahu sebab-sebab terjadi kesalahan
bahasa. Namun, setidaknya CA berguna yang dibuat. Tidak berbeda dengan CA, EA
64 Zubaidi, Analisis Jenis dan Frekuensi Kesalahan Gramatikal

dipergunakan untuk mengidentifikasi unsur- menerapkan aturan-aturan tata bahasa

unsur bahasa yang menimbulkan kesulitan yang benar. Kekeliruan biasanya disebabkan
belajar. oleh hal-hal yang bersifat psikologis,
Sementara itu, EA dilaksanakan dengan seperti: kelelahan, kurang menyimak,
menganalisis wacana pembelajar, baik lisan mengantuk, memikirkan hal lain, dan lain
maupun tulis, dan mengidentifikasi sebagainya.
kesalahan yang ada dan kemudian Sebaliknya, kesalahan (errors) ialah
dikelompokkan dalam jenis kesalahan dan penyimpangan dari tata bahasa yang benar
selanjutnya dihitung frekuensinya. karena ia tidak memahami aturan tata
Kesalahan yang mempunyai frekuensi tinggi bahasa tersebut. Oleh karenanya, penutur
dikategorikan sebagai unsur bahasa yang tersebut biasanya tidak dapat segera
sukar dipelajari atau dipahami; sebaliknya memperbaiki kesalahan itu. Kesalahan
kesalahan yang mempunyai frekuensi biasanya terjadi secara sistematis dan
rendah dianggap sebagai mudah. sering terjadi berulang. Penutur akan
Sebelum diuraikan lebih lanjut tentang menyadari kesalahannya jika diberi tahu
metode dalam EA, perlu diketahui terlebih oleh penutur lain atau guru.
dahulu tentang kesalahan gramatikal Secara lebih rinci, langkah-langkah yang
(grammatical errors) dan kekeliruan dilakukan dalam analisis kesalahan (EA) ini
gramatikal (grammatical mistakes). adalah: (1) mengidentifikasi kesalahan,
Menurut teori audiolinguism, tidak hanya yang terkait dengan faktor
kesalahan gramatikal merupakan tanda linguistik tetapi juga dengan faktor non-
bahwa cara penyajian materi bahasa kurang linguistik; (2) menjabarkan kesalahan, yakni
baik atau guru kurang mahir dalam menggolongkan jenis kesalahan berupa
mengajar. Sementara itu menurut addition, omission, alteration, dan
pendekatan komunikasi, kesalahan- misordering; (3) menerangkan kesalahan,
kesalahan gramatika justru merupakan yaitu mencari sebab-sebab terjadinya
tanda bahwa proses belajar mengajar kesalahan, yang umumnya berupa
berjalan dengan lancar dan bahwa fossilization, overgeneralization, hyper-
kesalahan tersebut tidak perlu dihindari correction, miscon-ception, dan
atau dielakkan. misformation; (4) mengevaluasi kesalahan,
Dalam berbahasa pembelajar sering yakni menganalisis kesalahan secara
membuat kesalahan. Kesalahan, atau lebih kualitatif dan kuantitatif; dan (5)
tepatnya penyimpangan dari struktur yang memperbaiki kesalahan.
benar, dibedakan dalam dua kategori, yakni Dalam menganalisis kesalahan, EA
KESALAHAN atau disebut errors, dan menggunakan empat taksonomi untuk
KEKELIRUAN atau disebut mistakes. Secara mengelompokkan kesalahan. Taksonomi ini
konsep, keduanya berbeda. diperlukan untuk mencari sebab-sebab
Kekeliruan (mistakes) adalah kesalahan sehingga mudah dalam menarik
penyimpangan yang tidak secara sengaja kesimpulan. Keempat taksonomi tersebut
diucapkan atau dituliskan oleh seorang adalah:
penutur, dan dengan mudah dapat
diperbaiki oleh penutur itu sendiri. Semua 1. Taksonomi Kategori Linguistik (linguistic
orang, baik penutur asli maupun bukan category taxonomy)
penutur asli, dapat membuat kekeliruan. Dalam taksonomi ini pengelompokan
Tetapi apabila ia dapat dengan segera kesalahan didasarkan pada aspek
memperbaiki kekeliruan tersebut karena kebahasaan (linguistic items) yang meliputi
dia sadar bahwa ia membuat kekeliruan fonologi, sintaksis, morfologi, semantik,
maka ini bukan disebabkan ia tidak leksikon, dan wacana (discourse).
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 65

hal ini adalah baik jenis kesalahan yang

2. Taksonomi Strategi Permukaan (surface ditemukan maupun urutan unsur-unsur
strategy taxonomy) bahasa yang menjadi titik perhatian
Dengan taksonomi ini kesalahan gramatikal analisisnya. Oleh karena itu, dalam memilih
digolongkan berdasarkan pada bagaimana jenis data untuk dianalisis peneliti perlu
struktur bahasa mengalami perubahan yang mempertimbangkan kemungkinan hasil
mengarah pada kesalahan. Kesalahan yang yang akan diperoleh.
mungkin terjadi adalah (1) omission, yakni Data untuk analisis kesalahan dapat
penghilangan unsur-unsur kalimat tertentu diambil dari sumber-sumber berikut.
yang justru diperlukan, (2) addition, yaitu
penambahan unsur-unsur kalimat yang a. Wawancara
justru tidak diperlukan, (3) misformation, Biasanya wawancara dilaksanakan
yakni pembentukan unsur kalimat yang secara individual berdasarkan
salah, dan (4) misorder, yaitu penempatan pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengenai topik-
unsur kalimat yang salah. topik tertentu. Hasil wawancara itu
direkam dan kemudian dianalisis.
3. Taksonomi Perbandingan (comparison Dengan cara wawancara ini peran
taxonomy) pewawancara sangat berpengaruh
Taksonomi ini mengklasifikasi kesalahan dalam ujaran-ujaran yang dihasilkan
dengan membandingkan kesalahan yang oleh pembelajar. Situasi yang diciptakan
sama yang dilakukan oleh anak-anak oleh pewawancara akan juga
penutur asli bahasa yang dipelajari. mempengaruhi pembelajar secara
Kelompok kesalahannya dimasukkan dalam psikologis yang pada akhirnya hasilnya
empat golongan, yakni development errors, mungkin baik atau tidak. Teknik
interlingual errors, ambigious errors, dan wawancara ini membutuhkan waktu
other errors. yang panjang sehingga jarang
4. Taksonomi Efek Komunikasi
(communica-tion effect taxonomy) b. Karangan Tertulis
Dalam taksonomi ini kesalahan didasarkan Dengan cara ini peneliti memberikan
pada ‘kesalahan-kesalahan bukan dalam beberapa pilihan topik kepada
struktur dan kosa kata tetapi dalam ragam pembelajar untuk kemudian menulis
bahasa yang digunakan’ atau disebut sebuah karangan pendek, satu atau
sebagai unsur pragmatik. Unsur pragmatik beberapa paragraf, sesuai dengan topik
ini mencakup setting, pelaku komunikasi, yang dipilihnya. Tingkat kesulitan topik
tujuan, suasana, topik, dan media. yang diberikan (berdasarkan latar
belakang pengetahuan atau back-
Bahan-Bahan Analisis Kesalahan ground knowledge pembelajar) akan
mempengaruhi hasil wacana yang
Dalam melakukan analisis kesalahan diproduksi, terkait juga dengan
gramatikal, peneliti dapat menggunakan penguasaan kosa katanya.
sumber-sumber data analisisnya. Umumnya
sumber itu dikumpulkan dari bahan-bahan c. Karangan lisan
wacana yang diproduksi oleh pembelajar, Dengan cara ini peneliti memberikan
baik secara lisan maupun tertulis. Hasil-hasil topik-topik tertentu dan pembelajar
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik kemudian mencatat hal-hal yang akan
pengambilan data dapat mempengaruhi diucapkan. Data analisis berupa
hasil atau kesimpulan dari analisis, dalam
66 Zubaidi, Analisis Jenis dan Frekuensi Kesalahan Gramatikal

rekaman dari karangan lesan yang Dengan demikian, topik-topik yang

diproduksi oleh pembelajar. diajarkan adalah topik yang terkait dengan
jurusan, yang antara lain filing, handling
d. Dialog Terbuka guests, office management, financial
Cara ini disebut sebagai open-ended management, office ettiquette, secretarial
dialog, di mana pembelajar diberi suatu duties dan lain sebaginya.
percakapan antara dua peran, A dan B. Bahasa Inggris diajarkan dalam jumlah
Peran A sudah memiliki kalimat-kalimat jam yang cukup banyak dibandingkan
lengkapnya, sedangkan peran B masih dengan mata kuliah lain, yakni 5 atau 6 jam
kosong yang harus dilengkapi oleh per minggu selama 18 minggu. Pada
pembelajar sesuai dengan konteks yang semester 1 dan 2 bahasa Inggris diajarkan
diberikan. Data semacam ini disebut dengan fokus pada dasar-dasar bahasa
sebagai data dengan bahan pancingan Inggris termasuk grammar, ungkapan-
atau elicitated data. ungkapan sederhana untuk berkomu-nikasi,
dan dikemas dalam empat keterampilan
e. Terjemahan berbahasa, yakni reading, listening,
Bahan data analisis dengan cara ini speaking dan writing.
diperoleh dari pembelajar atas hasil
terjemahan. Pembelajar diberi suatu
wacana dalam bahasa asal (L1) dan Metodologi dan hasil penelitian
mereka kemudian diminta untuk
menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap hasil karya
sasaran (L2). Teknik ini sering dipakai tulis pendek oleh mahasiswa di Jurusan
tetapi memerlukan kehati-hatian karena Administrasi Niaga Politeknik Negeri
apabila ujaran-ujaran dari bahasa asal Malang. Dengan menggunakan sampel
tidak jelas atau tidak disusun dengan secara acak, 20 karangan pendek diambil
baik dan baku maka hasil dari sejumlah 51 karangan. Karangan ini
terjemahannya juga akan tidak baik. adalah hasil tugas dalam mengikuti mata
Dengan demikian, kesalahan yang kuliah ‘Business English’ yang diajarkan
terjadi bukan disebabkan oleh pada semester 5.
ketidakmampuan pembelajar dalam Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
berbahasa sasaran tetapi lebih oleh mengetahui jenis-jenis kesalahan gramatikal
faktor lain. yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dalam
karangan tulis mereka dan untuk
Subyek Penelitian mengetahui tingkat keseringan atau
frekuensi kesalahan gramatikal untuk
Penelitian ini menjabarkan dan menjelaskan masing-masing jenisnya.
kesalahan gramatikal yang terdapat pada Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi
karangan tulis pendek oleh mahasiswa para pengajar bahasa Inggris, khususnya di
Program Diploma III, Jurusan Administrasi Jurusan Administrasi Niaga, sebagai salah
Niaga, Politeknik Negeri Malang. Di jurusan satu evaluasi terhadap kesulitan-kesulitan
ini bahasa Inggris diajarkan sebagai salah yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa dalam
satu mata kuliah pokok. berbahasa Inggris, yang ditunjukkan dengan
Mata kuliah ini diajarkan selama enam terjadinya kesalahan-kesalahan gramatikal.
semester berturut-turut dan bersifat Dengan demikian, pengajar dapat
sebagai mata kuliah praktek dalam koridor memberikan waktu khusus untuk
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) dan mengajarkan dan memperbaiki kesalahan-
English for Occupational Purposes (EOP).
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 67

kesalahan gramatikal tersebut bersama- kesalahannya. Tanda-tanda tertentu

sama dengan mahasiswa. digunakan untuk menandai kesalahan,
Dengan menggunakan taksonomi stra- seperti garis bawah, lingkaran, tanda panah
tegi permukaan (surface strategy tunggal, tanda panah bolak-balik, tanda
taxonomy), semua karangan dianalisis centang, tanda tanya, dan tanda coret.
untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahan-kesalahan Setelah semua kesalahan diidentifikasi,
gramatikal yang terdapat di dalam setiap kesalahan tersebut kemudian
kalimat. Proses ini adalah bagian analisis dikelompokkan jenis kesalahannya. Hasil
yang membutuhkan banyak waktu dan analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 25
ketelitian karena setiap kalimat dari jenis kesalahan gramatikal seperti
sejumlah 429 kalimat ditandai jenis-jenis terangkum pada Tabel 1 berikut.

Tabel 1
Jenis, Contoh dan Frekuensi Kesalahan yang Dibuat oleh Mahasiswa

Jenis Kesalahan Contoh
Total Persen
A. Omission (tulisan superscript adalah pembetulan oleh
A1. Article Qualified opinion is given by the auditor. 207 23,77
A2. Head noun GNP is used to measure high and low income. 5 0,57
A3. Subject We hope we are not deceived by that. 18 2,07
A4. Main verb … and the workers are not bored. 37 4,25
A5. Direct object The company divides it into several parts. 6 0,68
A6. Preposition The tax bond is divided into two parts. 58 6,66
A7. Plural In fact, the function of all secretaryies is not
83 9,53
only helping the director.
A8. Conjuction … many private banks take fund from people
8 0,92
with all methods and that is a good idea.
B. Addition (tanda kesalahan dan pembetulan oleh
B1. Double Macro economy is a science that is studyies
18 2,07
marking of verb carefully …
B2. Double … makes the workplace an important part of
18 2,07
marking of noun each worker employee.
B3. Article The selection depends on a the job analysis. 7 0,80
B4. Preposition We can know the economic situation of a
16 1,83
country with in the same variables.
C. Misformation (tulisan miring oleh peneliti)
C1. Overgenerali-
It catched sight of Section 3 PBB institutions … 11 1,26
C2. Alternating
It is used to indicate and to provision … 42 4,82
forms of verb
C3. Alternating
forms of Status refers with a person’s rank or ... 29 3,33
C4. Alternating ... to indicate the economic variables with the 26 2,99
68 Zubaidi, Analisis Jenis dan Frekuensi Kesalahan Gramatikal

forms of adverb way totality.

C5. Alternating
All departments must have planning. 50 5,74
forms of noun
D. Misordering (tulisan miring oleh peneliti)
D1. Adverb Credit tax only can happen if ... 2 0,23
D2. Noun They don’t take the credit long-term because
9 1,03
E. Other Errors (tulisan miring oleh peneliti)
E1. Tense The limited company is being a kind of a
29 3,33
E2. Passive voice ... that is invite to operate in districts. 31 3,56
E3. Adj-Noun The price favourable is wanted by the supplier. 45 5,17
E4. Possessive Auditors report consists of ... 21 2,41
E5. Agreement Tabungan Kesra are motored by BII, Bank
81 9,30
Danmon, and Bank Bali.
E6. To-Infinitive The selection must to take attention to a rule
14 1,61
and government appointment.
871 100,00
Sumber: Data primer penelitian

Langkah berikutnya dalam analisis ini  The function of a secretary is

adalah mencari sebab terjadinya kesalahan different with the function of ...
yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa. Hasil analisis → The function of a secretary is
menunjukkan bahwa ada lima macam different from the function of...
sebab terjadinya kesalahan, sebagai berikut:  We know people will be
interested with high interests.
1. Pengaruh bahasa asal (bahasa → We know people will be
Indonesia) terhadap bahasa Inggris, interested in high interests.
yang mencakup: d. Pembentukan kata keterangan yang
a. Penghilangan kata sandang (article): tidak tepat:
 Secretary is assistant of leader.  The leader must solve the
→ A secretary is an assistant of a problem with careful.
leader. → The leader must solve the
 In 1990 there was decrease of problem carefully.
production.  “ indicate the economic
→ In 1990 there was a decrease of variables with the way totality.”
production. → indicate the economic
b. Pengurutan frase benda yang tidak variables in the total way.
 The operator bank includes ... 2. Generalisasi aturan yang tidak benar
→ The bank operator includes ... (over-generalizatio), yang meliputi:
 Invoice Purchase is made for the a. Pembentukan kata yang tidak benar
buyer. (misformation):
→ Purchase Invoice is made for the  The company never gived
buyer.) holidays.
c. Pemilihan kata depat yang tidak → The company never gave
tepat: holidays.
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 69

The guests may not be leaved 4. Pembelajar tidak menerapkan tata

doing nothing. bahasa secara lengkap, yang umumnya
→ The guests may not be left doing berupa penghilangan unsur bahasa
nothing. tertentu:
b. Pembentukan kata benda yang tidak a. Tidak adanya ‘head noun’ dalam
benar: frasa benda (omission of head-
 All departments must have plan- noun):
ning.  The secretary can keep the
→ All departments must have meeting for the next meeting.
plans. → The secretary can keep the
 The guests must write thier meeting minutes for the next
identity in the guest booking. meeting.
→ The guests must write thier  The company can use perpetual
identity in the guest book. to balance the property.
→ The company can use perpetual
3. Aturan bahasa tertentu tidak dipahami, method to balance the property.
yang meliputi: b. Tidak adanya kata kerja utama
a. Pemakaian kata kerja yang salah: dalam kalimat (omission of main
 After research the problem, so verb):
the writer...  The workers absent from work.
→ After researching the problem, → The workers were absent from
the writer... work.
 The secretary must keep smile.  It also a kind of limited tax.
→ The secretary must keep smiling. → It is also a kind of limited tax.
b. Pemilihan ‘tense’ yang tidak benar: c. Tidak adanya subyek kalimat
 If the company was good, I will (omission of subject):
take the job.  In the study developed
→ If the company were good, I categories of needs.
would take the job.) → In the study he developed
 The waiting room provided good categories of needs.
situation in order the guests can  Also means an employee who
stay well. manages correspondence.
→ The waiting room provides good → Also secretary means an
situation in order the guests can employee who manages
stay well. correspondence.
c. Penggunaan kata depan yang tidak d. Tidak adanya kata depan (omission
tepat: of preposition):
 The auditor has examined the  ... to take care of the documents
financial report according in manager.
Auditing Standards. → ... to take care of the documents
→ The auditor has examined the of manager.
financial report according to  The duty the receiving
Auditing Standards. department is to receive all
 receive guests who will meet goods.
to the director. → The duty the receiving
→ receive guests who will department is to receive all
meet to the director. goods
70 Zubaidi, Analisis Jenis dan Frekuensi Kesalahan Gramatikal

e. Tidak ada kesesuaian antara subyek yang mempunyai frekuensi paling tinggi
dan kata kerja utamanya (S-V adalah ‘omission of article’ yakni sebesar
agreement): 23,77%. Kesalahan seperti ini diyakini
 She help the manager for his disebabkan oleh masih besarnya pengaruh
jobs. bahasa asal (Bahasa Indonesia) terhadap
→ She helps the manager for his kemampuan berbahasa Inggris karena kata
jobs. sandang dalam bahasa Indonesia bukan
 It cause a person to take the merupakan unsur penentu dalam kalimat,
tax... sementara sebaliknya, kata sandang dalam
→ It causes a person to take the bahasa Inggris sangatlah penting. Dengan
tax... demikian, unsur bahasa ini perlu
f. Tidak adanya kesesuaian antara kata mendapatkan perhatian khusus dalam
sandang dan kata benda (Article- proses belajar mengajar.
Noun agreement): Jenis kesalahan kedua yang sering dila-
 The secretary should be able to kukan oleh mahasiswa adalah ‘omission of
write a letters well. plural’ atau tidak menggunakan bentuk
→ The secretary should be able to plural untuk frasa benda. Kesalahan ini
write a letter well. dilakukan oleh mahasiswa sebanyak 9,53%.
 The secretary then keeps that Kesalahan ini terjadi juga akibat pengaruh
letters. bahasa asal karena bahasa Indonesia tidak
→ The secretary then keeps those memiliki aturan yang sama terkait
letters. kesesuaian antara head-noun dan kata
sandang atau article.
5. Pembelajar mempunyai pengertian yang Jenis kesalahan ketiga dengan frekuensi
salah tentang suatu konsep dalam besar adalah ‘S-V agreement’ di mana
bahasa sasaran (L2). Contoh kesalahan jumlahnya adalah 81 atau sebesar 9,30%.
seperti ini adalah penulisan kata kerja Jenis kesalahan ini umumnya timbul karena
berganda (double marking of verb): mahasiswa tidak menerapkan aturan tata
 So her leader must can take bahasa secara benar.
measures ... Kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan
→ So her leader must take measures ... preposition perlu diajarkan secara lebih
 Objective tax is be a tax which ... intensif dalam proses belajar mengajar
→ Objective tax is a tax which ... mengingat hasil evaluasinya menunjukkan
persentase yang cukup besar yakni 58
Kesimpulan dan saran kesalahan.
Setelah evaluasi dalam metode peneli-
Langkah berikutnya dalam analisis tian ini, langkah berikutnya yang perlu
kesalahan dalam penelitian ini ada dilakukan adalah memperbaiki kesalahan
mengevaluasi kesalahan. Yang dimaksud dengan cara melakukan rekonstruksi
dengan mengevaluasi kesalahan adalah ujaran-ujaran yang digunakan.
menganalisis data secara kualitatif dan Memperbaiki kesalahan ini dilakukan
kuantitatif. Dari data primer penelitian, dengan memperhatikan jenis kesalahan dan
semua kesalahan dikelompokkan jenisnya penyebab kesalahannya.
dan kemudian dihitung frekuensinya. Hasil Selanjutnya, agar mahasiswa
evaluasi ini tercantum pada Tabel 1 di atas. menyadari bahwa mereka membuat
Tabel tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan gramatikal dalam kalimat yang
jumlah keseluruhan kesalahan yang dibuat mereka buat, memperbaiki kesalahan ini
adalah 871 dari 429 kalimat. Jenis kesalahan
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2/2, November 2012 71

dilakukan bersama-sama dengan Font-Llitjos, Ariadna; Probst, Katharina; and

mahasiswa. Carbonell, J aime G., "Error Analysis of
Karena pengaruh bahasa Indonesia Two Types of Grammar for the Purpose
menjadi penyebab paling besar terjadi of Automatic Rule Refinement" (2004).
kesalahan gramatika ini, mahasiswa perlu Computer Science Department. Paper
diberi waktu cukup untuk lebih banyak 304.
mempelajari tata bahasa Inggris, khususnya
pada aturan tata bahasa yang memiliki pola 4
yang sangat berbeda dengan pola bahasa
Indonesia. Pemberian materi ini akan lebih Giri, Anju. 2010. “Errors in the use of English
baik dilakukan dengan memberikan banyak grammar”. Journal of NELTA. 15/1-2.
latihan sehingga pola kalimat yang sering 54-63.
mereka buat secara salah dapat diingat
lebih mudah dan dapat dipahami dan Guasti, Maria Teresa. 2002. Language
digunakan secara bawah sadar. Acquisition: The Growth of Grammar.
Penanganan kesalahan gramatikal Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute
harus dilakukan secara hati-hati dan of Technology.
diupayakan agar mahasiswa tidak merasa
‘salah’ yang akhirnya dapat menurunkan Lee, I. 2004. “Error correction in L2
motivasi mereka untuk menggunakan secondary writing classrooms: The case
bahasa Inggris. Perbaikan kesalahan of Hong Kong”. Journal of Second
gramatikal sebaiknya dilakukan dengan Language Writing. 13(4). 285–312.
yang tepat.
Lightbown, Patsy M.; Spada, Nina. 1998.
How Languages Are Learned. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Daftar Pustaka
Richards, Jack, (Ed). 1974. Error Analysis:
Abbasi, Mehdi; Karimnia, Amin. 2011. “An Perspectives on Second Language
analysis of grammatical errors among Acquisition. London: Longman.
Iranian translation students: Insights
from interlanguage theory”. European Thornbury, Scott. 1999. How to Teach
Journal of Social Sciences. 25(4). 525- Grammar. Essex: Pearson Education
536. Limited.

Abushihab, Ibrahim; El-Omari, Abdallah H.;

and Tobat, Mahmoud. 2011. “An
analysis of written grammatical errors
of Arab learners of English as a foreign
language at Alzaytoonah Private
University of Jordan”. European Journal
of Social Sciences. 20(4). 543-552.

Erdogan, P. 2005. “Contribution of error

analysis to foreign language teaching”.
Mersin University Journal of the Faculty
of Education. 1(2). 261-270.
72 Zubaidi, Analisis Jenis dan Frekuensi Kesalahan Gramatikal
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan

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