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Identitas Mata Kuliah Identitas dan Validasi Nama Tanda Tangan

Kode Mata Kuliah : 0318406 Dosen Pengembang RPS : An Nurrahmawati, S.E.,M.Sc.

Nama Mata Kuliah : Analisis dan Desain

Dr. Edy Supriyono

Bobot Mata Kuliah (sks) : 3 Koord. Kelompok Mata Kuliah : An Nurrahmawati,

Semester : 4
Mata Kuliah Prasyarat : Sistem Informasi Kepala Program Studi : Agung Nur
Akuntansi Probohudono, S.E.,
M.Si, Ph.D., Ak., CA.

Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL)

Kode CPL Unsur CPL
S-1 : bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esadan mampu menunjukkansikap religius
S-2 : menjunjung tinggi nilai kemanusiaandalam menjalankan tugas berdasarkan agama,moral,dan etika
S-3 : berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan kemajuan peradaban berdasarkan
S-4 : berperan sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah air, memiliki nasionalisme serta rasa tanggungjawab pada negara
dan bangsa
S-5 : menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan, sertapendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain
S-6 : bekerja sama dan memiliki kepekaan sosial serta kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan
S-7 : taat hukum dan disiplin dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara
S-8 : menginternalisasi nilai, norma, dan etika akademik
S-9 : menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri;
S-10 : menginternalisasi semangat kemandirian, kejuangan, dan kewirausahan

KU-1 : Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis dan inovatif dalam kontek pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapkan nilai humaniora yang seduai dengan bidang keahliannya.
KU-2 : Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu dan terukur.
KU-3 : Mampu mengkaji implikasi pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapkan
nilai humaniora sesuai dengan keahliannya berdasarkan kaidah, tata cara dan etika ilmiah dalam rangka menghasilkan solusi,
gagasan, desain atau kritik seni, menyusun deskripsi saintifik hasil kajiannya dalam bentuk skripsi atau laporan tugas akhir, dan
mengunggahnya dalam laman perguruan tinggi.
KU-5 : Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang keahliannya berdasarkan hasil analisis
informasi dan data.
KU-7 : Mampu bertanggungjawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja kelompok dan melakukan supervisi dan evaluasi terhadap penyelesaian
pekerjaan yang ditugaskan kepada pekerja yang berada di bawah tanggungjawabnya.
KU-8 : Mampu melakukan proses evaluasi terhadap kelmpok kerja yang berada di bawah tanggungjawabnya dan mampu mengelola
pembelajaran secara mandiri

CP Mata kuliah (CPMK) : Analisis dan Desain Sistem merupakan mata kuliah pengembangan dari mata kuliah Sistem Informasi Akuntansi. Mata kuliah ini
secara khusus memberi rerangka dasar bagi mahasiswa melakukan systems development (pengembangan sistem) pada sebuah
organisasi komersial/bisnis maupun nirlaba. Pokok bahasan utama dalam mata kuliah ini meliputi tiga bagian, yaitu analisis,
desain/perancangan, dan implementasi sistem.
Setelah selesai mengikuti perkuliahan ini mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami dan melaksanakan kegiatan yang terkait
dengan analisis, desain/perancangan, dan implementasi sebuah sistem, khususnya sistem informasi akuntansi. Mahasiswa akan
lebih mudah memahami bidang akuntansi lainnya seperti auditing, akuntansi keuangan, akuntansi biaya, dan lainnya.

Bahan Kajian Keilmuan : a. Menguasai konsep teoritis secara mendalam tentang :

1) kerangka dasar penyajian dan penyusunan laporan keuangan
2) kebijakan dan prinsip-prinsip akuntansi
3) siklus Akuntansi
4) pengakuan, pengukuran, penyajian, dan pengungkapan elemen-elemen laporan keuangan
5) analisis laporan keuangan
b. Memahami etika bisnis dan kode etik profesi akuntansi
c. Menguasai teknik, prinsip, dan pengetahuan prosedural tentang penggunaan teknologi informasi
d. Menguasai konsep dan prinsip tentang :
1) organisasi,
2) tata kelola,
3) manajemen risiko,
4) manajemen strategi,
5) pengendalian internal, dan
6) lingkungan bisnis
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : Kuliah dilaksanakan dengan metode pembelajaran kolaboratif, yaitu capaian pembelajaran lulusan diraih melalui proses
pembelajaran bersama yang melibatkan interaksi antar individu pembelajar untuk menghasilkan kapitalisasi sikap, pengetahuan,
dan keterampilan. Metode pembelajaran juga studi kasus, serta diskusi kelompok. Diskusi kelompok diagendakan setelah UTS,
dengan diawali penugasan kelompok yang dikerjakan setelah ujian tengah semester (UTS) dan dilanjutkan presentasi oleh setiap
kelompok dilaksanakan pada 2 (dua) pertemuan di akhir semester. Selain itu akan ada penugasan berupa:
1. Quiz tidak terstruktur, guna memastikan bahwa mahasiswa peserta kuliah telah siap dengan materi topik pembelajaran.
2. Pekerjaan Rumah (PR) tidak terstruktur, yang dikerjakan secara individual/kelompok pada akhir perkuliahan dan harus
dikumpulkan pada awal perkuliahan minggu berikutnya.
3. Tugas kelompok terstruktur, yang dikerjakan secara kelompok pada akhir semester, dimana masing-masing kelompok
melakukan analisis terhadap sebuah SIA perusahaan tertentu dan dipresentasikan pada sesi/pertemuan ke-15 dan ke-16.
Dengan metode pembelajaran di atas diharapkan mahasiswa mampu secara mandiri mendisain proses bisnis dalam suatu sistem
informasi akuntansi yang mendukung penyediaan infomasi berbasis teknologi informasi untuk mendukung pengendalian
manajemen dan pengambilan keputusan organisasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan siklus pengembangan system (System
Development Life Cycle/SDLC). Mampu secara mandiri mengoperasikan dan memanfaatkan piranti lunak dalam rangka
penyusunan laporan keuangan, anggaran, administrasi perpajakan, pengauditan, dan penelitian.
Daftar Referensi : 1. Jogiyanto. (2005). Analisis dan desain sistem informasi: pendekatan terstruktur teori dan praktik aplikasi bisnis. Yogyakarta:
Penerbit Andi.
2. Whitten, J.L., Bentley, L.D., & Dittman, K.C. (2007). Systems analysis and design methods (7th Edition). New York: Mc. Graw
3. Romney, M.B., Steinbart, P.J. (2015). Accounting information systems, (13th Edition). Prentice Hall: Pearson Education, Inc.
Metode Pembelajaran Penilaian*
Pengalaman Teknik
Tahap Kemampuan akhir Materi Pokok Referensi Waktu Indikator/kode
Luring Daring Belajar penilaian
dan bobot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Memahami kontrak perkuliahan Gambaran S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, -
selama satu semester Penjelasan materi dan S6, S7, S8, S9,
2. Menjelaskan overview analisis dan Umum Silabus Ceramah/ 180 penilaian S10
1 Silabus e-learning
desain sistem secara umum dan Overview Tutorial minutes perkuliahan
ADS secara
1. Define informatoon system and name
seven types of information system
2. Identify different types of stakeholders
who use or develop information
system and give examples of each
3. Define the unique role of systems
analysts in the development of
information systems
4. Identify those skills needed to
successfully function as an The Context of
information systems analyst Systems S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
5. Describe current business drivers that - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
Analysis and Ceramah
2 influence information systems WB (Ch 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
Design Methods dan e-learning - Tugas KU3, KU4, KU5,
development 1 & 2) minutes Partisipasi Kelas
Information Diskusi individu KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
6. Describe current technology drivers System Building KU9
that influence information systems Bloks
7. Briefly describe simple process for
developing information systems
8. Differentiate between front and block
office information systems
9. Describe the different classes of
information system applicatioans and
how they interoperate to supplement
one another
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dan bobot
10. Describe the role of information
system aschitecture in systems
11. Identify three level goals that provide
system owners and system users
eith a perspective of an information
12. Nam three goal oriented
perspectives for any information
13. Identify three technologies that
provide system designers and
builders with a perspective of an
information systems
14. Describe four building blocks of the
knowledge, process,
communicatioan goal for an
information system
15. Describe the role of network
technologies as is relates to
knowledge, proesses, and
communications building blocks.
1. Differentiate between front and block Information
office information systems System Building
2. Describe the different classes of Bloks
information system applicatioans and Information S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
3 how they interoperate to supplement WB (Ch - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
Systems Ceramah
one another 2,& 3 ) 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
Development dan e-learning
3. Describe the role of information R (Ch minutes - Tugas KU3, KU4, KU5, Partisipasi Kelas
Introduction to 20) Diskusi individu KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
system aschitecture in systems Systems
development KU9
4. Identify three level goals that provide Systems
system owners and system users Analysis
Metode Pembelajaran Penilaian*
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dan bobot
eith a perspective of an information
5. Nam three goal oriented
perspectives for any information
6. Identify three technologies that
provide system designers and
builders with a perspective of an
information systems
7. Describe four building blocks of the
knowledge, process,
communicatioan goal for an
information system
8. Describe the role of network
technologies as is relates to
knowledge, proesses, and
communications building blocks.
9. Describe the motivation for a
standard systems development
process in terms of the capability
maturity modal for quality
10. Differentiate between the system life
cycle and a system development
11. Describe 10 basic principles of
system development
12. Define problem, opportunities, and
directives the triggers for systems
development projects
13. Describe the PIECES framework for
categorizing probles, opportunitites
and directives
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dan bobot
14. Describe the essential phases of
systems development for each
phase, describe its purpose, inputs,
and output
15. Describe cross life cycle activities
that overlap multiple system
development phases
16. Describe typical alternative routes
through the essential phases of
systems development.
17. Describe various autimated tools for
systems development
1. Define the terms project and project
management and differentiate
between project and process
2. Describe the causes of failed
information systems and technology
3. Describe the basic coompetencies
required of project managers S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
4. Describe the basic functions of Ceramah, - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
4 project management Project WB (Ch Praktik 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
e-learning - Tugas Partisipasi Kelas
5. Differentiate between PERT and Management 4) dan minutes KU3, KU4, KU5,
Ganit charts as project management Diskusi individu KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
tools KU9
6. Describe the role of project
management software as it relates to
project management tools
7. Describe eight activities in project
8. Define joint project planning and its
role in project management
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dan bobot
9. Define scope and write a statement
of work to document scope
10. Use a work breakdown structure to
descompose a project into tasks
11. Estimate tasks deration and specify
intertask deppendencies on a PERT
12. Assign resources to a project and
produce a project schedule with a
Grantt chart
13. Assign people to tasks and direct the
team effort
14. Use critical path analysis to adjust
schedule and resource allocatioans
in response to schedule and budget
15. Manage user expectation of a project
and adjust project scope

1. Define systems analysis and relate the

term to the scope definition, problem
analysis, requirements analysis, logical
design and decision analysis phases of
this book’s systems devekopment
methodology S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
2. Describe a number of systems analysis Systems
WB (Ch Ceramah, - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
approaches for solving business system Analysis
5) Praktik 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
5 problem Systems Design, e-learning
R (Ch dan minutes - Tugas KU3, KU4, KU5, Partisipasi Kelas
3. Describe the scope definition , problem Implementation,
22) Diskusi kelompok KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
anaysis, requirement analysis, logical and Operation KU9
design and decision analysis phases in
terms of yours information system
building blocks
4. Describe the scope definition , problem
anaysis, requirement analysis, logical
Metode Pembelajaran Penilaian*
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dan bobot
design and decision analysis phases in
terms of purpose, participants, inputs,
outputs, techniques and steps
5. Identify the chapters in this textbook that
cah help you learn sepcific systems
analysis tools and techniques.
1. Define system requirements and
differentiate between functional and non
functional requirements
2. Understand the activity of problem
analysis and be able to create an
ishikawa diagram to aid in problem
3. Understand the concept of requirements
4. Identify seven fact finding techniques
and characterize the advantages and
disadvantages of each Fact-Finding S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
5. Understand six guidelines for doing Techniques for Ceramah, S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
effective listening Requirements WB (Ch Praktik 180 - Resume S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
6 6. Understand what body languaage and e-learning materi KU3, KU4, KU5, Partisipasi Kelas
Discovery 6 & 8) dan minutes
porxemics are and why a systems Data Modeling Diskusi KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
analyst should care and Analysis KU9
7. Characterize the typical participant in a
JRP sessions and describe their roles
8. Complete the opalnning process for a
JRP session, including selecting and
equipping the location, selecting the
participants and preparing an agenda to
guide the JRP session
9. Describe several benefits of using JRP
as a fact finding technique
10. Descrie a fact finding strategy that will
make the most of your time with users
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11. Define systems modeling and
differentiate between logical and
physical system models
12. Define data modeling and explain its
13. Recognize and understand the basic
concept and constructs of a data model
14. Read and inerpret an entity relationship
data model
15. Explain when data models are
constructed during a project and where
the models are stored
16. Discover entities and relationships
17. Construct an entity relationship context
18. Discover or invent keys for entities and
construct a key based diagram
19. Construct a fully attributed entity
relationship diagram and describe all
data structures and attributes to the
repository or encyclepedia
20. Normalize a logical data model to
remove impurities that can make a
database unstable, inflexible, and
21. Describe a useful tool for mapping data
requirements to business operating
1. Define systems modeling and
differentiate between logical and Process S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
physical system models Ceramah, - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
2. Define process modeling and explain its Modeling
WB (Ch Praktik 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
7 benefits Feasibility e-learning - Tugas Partisipasi Kelas
9 & 11) dan minutes KU3, KU4, KU5,
3. Recognize and understand the basic Analysis and the kelompok KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
concept and constructs of a process System Proposal KU9
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4. Read and inerpret a data flow diagram
5. Explain when to constructs process
models and where to store them
6. Construct a context diagram to illustrate
a systems’s interfaces with its
7. Identify use case and external and
temporal business events for a system
8. Perform event partitioning and organize
events in a functional decomposition
9. Draw event diagrams and them merge
those event diagrams into system
10. Draw primitive data flow diagrams and
descrobe the elementary data flows and
processes in terms of data structures
and procedural logic, respectively
11. Document the distribution of processes
to locations
12. Synchronize data and process models
using a CRUD matrix
13. Identify feasibility checkpoint in the
system’s life cycle
14. Identify alternative system solutions
15. Define and describe six types of
feasibility and their respective criteria
16. Perform various cost benefit analyses
using time adjusted cost and benefits
17. Write suitable system proposal reports
for different audiences
18. Plan for a formal presentation to system
owners and users.
Metode Pembelajaran Penilaian*
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Uas: 30%
Ujian Tengah
Semester (UTS)
1. Describe the design phase in terms of
your information building blocks
2. Identify and differentiate between
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
several systems design dstrategies Ceramah, - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
3. Desribe the design phase tasks in terms
of a computer based solution for an in WB (Ch Praktik 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
9 Systems Design e-learning
house development project 12) dan minutes - Tugas KU3, KU4, KU5, Partisipasi Kelas
4. Describe the design phase in terms of a Diskusi kelompok KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
computer based solution involving KU9
procurement of a commercial systems
software solutions
1. Describe the design phase in terms of your
information building blocks
2. Identify and differentiate between several
systems design dstrategies
3. Desribe the design phase tasks in terms
of a computer based solution for an in
house development project
4. Describe the design phase in terms of a
computer based solution involving Systems Design
Systems Design, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
procurement of a commercial systems WB (Ch Ceramah, - Resume Tugas Individu
Implementation, S6, S7, S8, S9,
software solutions 12 & 13) Praktik 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
10 5. Define an information system’s and Operation R (Ch e-learning minutes
dan - Tugas KU3, KU4, KU5, Partisipasi Kelas
architecture in terms of knowledge, Application 22) kelompok KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
process, and communications the building Diskusi
Architecture and KU9
blocks of all information systems Modeling
6. Differentiate between logical and physical
data flow diagrams and explain how
physical data flow diagrams are used to
model an informatioan system’s
7. Describe both centralized and distributed
computing alternatives for informatiion
Metode Pembelajaran Penilaian*
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system design, including various
client/server and internet based
computing options
8. Describe database and data distribution
alternatives for information system design
9. Describe user and system interface
alternatives for information system design
10. Describe various software development
environments for information system
11. Describe strategies for developign or
determining the architecture of an
information system
12. Draw physical data flow diagrams for an
information system’s architecture and
1. Compare and contrast conventional files
and modern, relational database
2. Define and give examples of fields,
records, files, adn database
3. Describe a modern data architecture that
includes files, operational database, data
warehouse, personal databases, and
work group databases S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
4. Compare the roles of systems analyst, Ceramah, - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
data administrator, and database Database Design WB (Ch Praktik 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2,
Output Design (20%).
11 administrator as they relate to databases e-learning
5. Describe the architecture of a database and Prototyping 14 & 15) dan minutes - Tugas KU3, KU4, KU5, Partisipasi Kelas
Diskusi kelompok KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
management system
6. Describe how a relational database
implements entities, attributes and
relationships from a logical data model
7. Transform a logical data model into a
physical, relational database schema
8. Generate SQL code to create the
database structures in a schema
Metode Pembelajaran Penilaian*
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dan bobot
9. Distinguish between internal, external and
turnaround outputs
10. Differentiate between detailed,
summary adn exception reports
11. Identify severla output implementation
12. Differentiative among tabular, zoned,
and graphic for presenting information
13. Distinguish among area, bar, column,
pie, line, radar, donut, and scatter charts
and their uses
14. Describe several general principles that
are important to output design
15. Design and prototype computer outputs
1. Define the appropriate format and
media for a computer input
2. Explain the difference between data
capture, data entry and data input
3. Identify and describe several automatic
data collection technologies
4. Apply human factors to the design of
computer inputs
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
5. Design internal control for computer Input Design and Ceramah, - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
Prototyping User WB (Ch Praktik 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
12 6. Select proper screen based controls e-learning
Interface Design 16 & 17) dan minutes - Tugas KU3, KU4, KU5, Partisipasi Kelas
for input attribute that are to appear on
Diskusi kelompok KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
a GUI input screen KU9
7. Design a web based input interface
8. Distinguish between different types of
computer users and design
considerations for each
9. Identify several important human
engineering factors and guidelines and
incorporate them into a design of a
user interface
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10. Integrate output design into an overall
user interface that establishes the
dialogue between users and computer
11. Understand the role of operating
systems, web browsers, and other
technologies for user interface design
12. Apply appropriate user interface
strategies to an information system
13. Describe how prototyping can be used
to design a user interface
1. Explain the purpose of the construction
and implementation phases of the
system’s life cycle
2. Describe the system’s constructiosn and
implementation phaes in terms of your
information building blocks
3. Describe the system’s construction and S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
implementation phases in terms of major Ceramah, - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
tasks, roles, inputs, and outputs WB (Ch Praktik 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
13 Construction and e-learning
4. Explain several applicatioan program and 19) dan minutes - Tugas KU3, KU4, KU5, Partisipasi Kelas
Implementation kelompok KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
system test Diskusi
5. Identify several sustem conversion KU9
6. Identify the chapters in this textbook that
can help you actually perform the tasks
of systems constructiosn and
1. Define systems operations and support
2. Describe the relative roles of a repository,
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
program library, and database in systems Ceramah, - Resume S6, S7, S8, S9, Tugas Individu
operations and support Systems
WB (Ch Praktik 180 materi S10, KU1, KU2, (20%).
14 3. Differentiative between maintenance, Operations and e-learning - Tugas Partisipasi Kelas
recovety, technical support, and
20) dan minutes KU3, KU4, KU5,
Support kelompok KU6, KU7, KU8, (20%)
enhancement as system support activities Diskusi
4. Describe the tasks required to maintain
programs in response to bugs
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5. Describe the role of benchmarking in
system maintenance
6. Describe the systems analyst’s role in
system recovery
7. Describe forms of technical support
provided by a systems analyst for the user
8. Describe the tasks that should be and
may be performed in system
enhancement and the relationship
between the enhancement and the
original systems development process
9. Describe the role of reengineering in
system enhancement. Describe three
types of reengineering.
Presentasi S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, Uas: 30%
tugas kelompok S6, S7, S8, S9,
Uji Akhir Semester (UAS) S10, KU1, KU2,
15 KU3, KU4, KU5,
(Presentasi Tugas Kelompok)
KU6, KU7, KU8,
Presentasi S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, Uas: 30%
tugas kelompok S6, S7, S8, S9,
Uji Akhir Semester (UAS) S10, KU1, KU2,
16 KU3, KU4, KU5,
(Presentasi Tugas Kelompok)
KU6, KU7, KU8,
Contoh-contoh Rubrik:

Contoh: Penilaian Presentasi

Dimensi Bobot Nilai BxN
(catatan anekdotal)
Penguasaan materi 30%
Ketepatan menyelesaikan masalah 30%
Kemampuan komunikasi 20%
Kemampuan menghadapi 10%
Kelengkapan peraga/presentasi 10%
Nilai akhir 100%

Contoh Rubrik Holistik

Grade Skor Indikator
Sangat Baik Sekali >=85 Rancangan yang disajikan sistematis, menyelesaikan masalah,
dapat diimplementasikan dan inovatif
Sangat baik 80 - 84 Rancangan yang disajikan sistematis, menyelesaikan masalah,
dapat diimplementasikan, tapi kurang inovatif
Baik 75 - 79 Rancangan yang disajikan tersistematis, menyelesaikan
masalah, namun kurang dapat diimplementasikan
Cukup 70 -74 Rancangan yang disajikan tersistematif namun kurang
menyelesaikan permasalahan
Kurang 65 - 69 Rancangan yang disajikan tersistematif namun tidak
menyelesaikan permasalahan
Sangat kurang 60 - 64 Rancangan yang disajikan kurang tersistematif
Sangat Kurang Sekali < 60 Rancangan yang disajikan tidak teratur dan tidak
menyelesaikan permasalahan

Contoh: Rubrik Analitik

DEMENSI Sangat Baik Baik Cukup Kurang Sangat Kurang
≥81 61-80 41-60 21-40 <20
Organisasi terorganisas terorganisasi Presentasi Cukup fokus, Tidak ada
i dengan dengan baik mempunyai Namun bukti organisasi
menyajikan dan fokus Kurang yang
fakta yang menyajikan dan mencukupi jelas. Fakta
didukung fakta yang menyajikan untuk tidak
oleh contoh meyakinkan beberapa bukti digunakan digunakan
yang telah untuk yang dalammenarik untuk
dianalisis mendukung mendukung kesimpulan mendukung
sesuai kesimpulan kesimpulan pernyataan.
konsep kesimpulan.
Isi Isi mampu Isi akurat dan Isi secara Isinya kurang Isinya tidak
menggugah lengkap. Para umum akurat, karena akurat atau
pendengar tidak ada data terlalu umum.
untuk pendengar akurat, tetapi faktual, tidak Pendengar
mengamban menambah tidak lengkap. menambah tidak
g-kan wawasan baru Para pemahaman belajar
pikiran. tentang topik pendengar bisa pendengar apapun
tersebut. mempelajari atau kadang
beberapa fakta menyesatkan.
yang tersirat,
tetapi mereka
wawasan baru
tentang topik

Gaya Berbicara Pembicara Secara umum Berpatokan Pembicara

Presentasi dengan tenang dan pembicara Pada catatan, cemas
semangat, menggunakan tenang, tidak ada ide dan tidak
menularka intonasi yang tetapi dengan yang nyaman,
n semangat tepat, nada yang Dikembangk dan membaca
dan berbicara datar an di luar berbagai
antusiasme tanpa dan cukup catatan, suara catatan
pada bergantung sering monoton daripada
pendengar pada catatan, bergantung erbicara.
dan pada Pendengar
berinteraksi catatan. sering
secara intensif Kadang kadang diabaikan.
dengan kontak mata Tidak
pendengar. dengan terjadi kontak
Pembicara pendengar mata karena
selalu kontak diabaikan. pembicara
mata dengan lebih banyak
pendengar. melihat ke
papan tulis
atau layar.

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