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4 Pertemuan 6
(KBM 11)

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMP ................................................

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester/No. KD : VII (Tujuh) / 1
Materi Pokok : Memberi dan meminta informasi terkait deskripsi orang, binatang, dan
benda (Teks Deskriptif)
Alokasi Waktu : 1 Pertemuan (2 x 40 menit)
1. Tujuan Pembelajaran : Peserta Didik (PD) dapat memahami tata cara mendeskripsikan orang,
binatang, dan benda
2. Materi Pembelajaran : Remidi dan Pengayaan
3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran : GURU:
a. Kegiatan Awal : 1. Menyapa kelas, mengajak berdo’a bersama, presensi online.
10 Menit 2. Mencatat siswa yang belum “hadir“ di WAG kelas.
Mode: Hadir bersamaan 3. Mengucapkan terima kasih pada siswa yang sudah hadir.
(Synchronous) dan mandiri Peserta Didik:
1. Mengirim emoticon senyum sebagai tanda kehadiran;
2. Membantu guru mencarikan teman yang masih offline agar
mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.
3. Memberikan respon terhadap permintaan guru.
b. Kegiatan Inti : GURU:
60 Menit 1. Menjelaskan bahwa pada sesi ini akan ada dua kelompok berbeda.
Mode: Hadir bersamaan 2. Memberikan link soal/materi untuk peserta didik.
(Synchronous) dan mandiri 3. Memandu dua grup berbeda secara bersama sama.
(asynchronous) Peserta Didik:
1. Peserta didik yang Remidi mempelajari ulang materi yang sudah
diberikan dan mengerjakan soal remidi.
2. Peserta didik yang mengikuti kegiatan pengayaan mempelajari
materi yang lebih kompleks.
3. Bertanya kepada guru Jika kurang Jelas.
c. Kegiatan Akhir : Guru:
1. Mengapresiasi kerja keras dan hasil karya siswa.
2. Memberikan evaluasi umum tentang tugas yang dikerjakan siswa,
dan minta beberapa siswa untuk menceritakan hasil refleksi diri
terhadap tugas yang dilakukan.
3. Berdoa untuk mengakhiri pembelajaran, salam penutup.
Peserta Didik:
1. Menyimak, mengajukan/menjawab pertanyaan guru.
2. Menceritakan pengalaman belajar materi KD 3.7 dan 4.7
4. Model Pembelajaran : Saintifik, Communicative learning.
5. Media, alat dan bahan :  HP, aplikasi WA, Video Player
 Aplikasi web meeting (Zoom, Google Meet,, Facebook, dll).
6. Sumber :  Buku siswa: Siti Wachidah dkk. 2016.When English Rings a Bell.
Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemdikbud.
7. Penilaian
a. Jenis/Teknik : Tes Tertulis (Bisa mengunakan google/office form untuk mengumpulkan
jawaban secara kolektif)
b. Bentuk : Essay, Pilihan Ganda
c. Rubrik : Penilaian sikap

Mengetahui ....................., ....................................

Kepala .................................. Guru Mata Pelajaran,

....................................................... .......................................................
Soal Pengayaan

Choose the correct answer!

The following text is for questions number 1-3
My House
Our house is a brick house with a small garden in front of it. It is very nice and ..(1).. house. We
like to stay there. This house ..(2) a living room, three bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. There ..(3)..
a verandah with three wooden chairs and wooden table in front of the verandah.
1. a. good c. expensive
b. friendly d. comfortable
2. a. has c. have
b. had d. having
3. a. is c. was
b. are d. were

The text is for no 4-7

Agnes Monica
Agnes monica was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, on July 1, 1986. Her full name is Agnes Monica
Sukma, but she is well known as Agnes Monica. Her parents are Ricky Muljoto anf Jenny Siswono and
they are 100% behind her in everything she does. Agnes Monica has only one sibling. His name is Steve
Muljoto. He is about nine years older than Agnes.
Agnes is a young talented singer. She has a very awesome voice. She is good in dancing too. She
has long wavy black hair. She is trying to make her skin brown. She is tall and slim.
4. What does the text tell us about?
a. Agnes’s characteristics c. Agnes’ profession
b. Agnes’ description d. Agnes’ hobbies
5. What is the main idea of the second pargraph?
a. Agnes’family c. Agnes’s physical appearance
b. Agnes’ personal characteristics d. Agnes’s hobby
6. How old is Agnes in 2012?
a. 26 years old c. 9 years old
b. 27 years old d. 26 years old
7. “She is tall and slim”, what is the antonym of the underline word?
a. short c. long
b. high d. fat

The text is for no. 8-10

My name is Nuri. I have a hamster. It is small and cute. I call it “Kao”. My grandfather gave it to
me last week. Kao has three different colors; white, brown, and black. Kao’s ears are small. It always
squeaks when I come to close its cage. I feed it every morning. Kao likes to eat someleaves and grass. I
take the grass from the field near my house. Kao looks happy eating the grass. I really love Kao.
8. What does the text tell us about?
a. Nuri’s hamster c. a small hamster
b. A cute hamster d. funny hamster
9. Who gave Nuri a hamster?
a. Her father c. her grandfather
b. Her mother d. her uncle
10. Does Kao eating grass?
a. Yes, it is c. No, it doesn’t
b. Yes, it does d. No, it isn’t

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