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Perencanaan Jangka Panjang Teknologi Informasi Akademi Kebidanan Wijaya

Husada, terdapat perencanaan DRP atau penanganan Bencana trdahap insfatruktur IT
di Akademik Kebidanan Wijaya Husada. DRP adalah suatu acuan berisikan prosedur
untuk mengatasi kejadian hilangnya sumber daya sistem informasi dalam sebuah
universitas yang diakibatkan dari bencana, menyediakan operasi cadangan selama
sistem utama berhenti, dan mengelola proses pemulihanserta penyelamatan data untuk
meminimalisir kerugian yang dialami.

Berdasarkan sebuah proses yang partisipatif bersama dari para sivitas akademika ;
(Direktur beserta Wakil Direktur), Tenaga Pendidik (Dosen), Tenaga Kependidikan
(Staff) dan Mahasiswa sehingga dihasilkanlah suatu pedoman yang memberikan
kesamaan pola pikir, visi dan misi dalam pemanfaatan teknologi informasi terkait
penanganan bencana terhadap infrastruktur IT.

Pada kesempatan ini pula kami divisi IT ingin menyampaikan terima kasih kepada
pihak-pihak yang telah mendukung dalam penyusunan blueprint teknologi informasi
ini, yaitu(Direktur beserta Wakil Direktur), Tenaga Pendidik (Dosen), Tenaga
Kependidikan (Staff) dan Mahasiswa

Tim IT Penyusun
Sistem Disaster Recovery Plan

a. SOP Disaster Recovery Database: Terputusnya Koneksi Internet

1. Tujuan

Memberikan pedoman untuk Disaster Recovery: terputusnya koneksi internet

2. Ruang Lingkup

Ruang lingkup dari SOP ini adalah memberikan pedoman untuk

Disaster Recovery terputusnya koneksi internet yang terdiri atas:
a. Ketentuan tentang Disaster recovery: terputusnya koneksi internet.

b. Ketentuan tentang kriteria Disaster recovery: terputusnya koneksi internet.

c. Ketentuan tentang mekanisme Disaster recovery: terputusnya koneksi

d. Ketentuan tentang mekanisme evaluasi dan monitoring proses Disaster
recovery: terputusnya koneksi internet.
3. Sarana

a. Website Akademi Kebidanan Wijaya Husada Bogor

b. Formulir Disaster recovery: terputusnya koneksi internet

4. Definisi

Disaster Recovery: terputusnya koneksi jaringan internet situasi

gangguan pada jaringan akses sehingga layanan yang seharusnya diberikan
oleh Akademi Kebidanan Wijaya Husada kepada seluruh pengguna selama 24
jam tanpa putus tidak dapat dilakukan. Bentuk layanan yang seharusnya
diberikan adalah menjaga, memelihara dan melakukan perbaikan jika terjadi
gangguan akses internet di lingkungan Akbid Wijaya Husada. Gangguan ini
dapat disebabkan oleh faktor internal seperti manusia/staff Akbid Wijaya
Husada, mahasiswa, staff dan bisa saja hardware yang mengalami masalah.
Selain itu juga faktor eksternal seperti terputusnya aliran listrik dari PLN,
terputusnya aliran internet dari ISP dan lain sebagainya. Maka dari itu perlu
dilakukan tindakan yang sesuai dengan petunjuk teknis dalam mengatasi
masalah yang terjadi.

Ukuran baku mutu Koneksi Internet: 24/7 Ukuran baku mutu disaster recovery:
a. Human error : 1 x 24jam
b. Hardware/software : 1 x 24jam
c. Faktor luar (PLN, ISP dll) : 3 x 24jam
d. Force majeure : 30 hari kerja

5. Prosedur

Prosedur Disaster Recovery Internal Akbid Wijaya Husada Bogor

1) Divisi IT Akbid Wijaya Husada Bogor menerima laporan bahwa terjadi

masalah dengan database: seperti database tidak dapat diakses.
2) Melakukan pengecekan sesuai dengan langkah dan petunjuk teknik.

3) Bandingkan dengan cek harian.

4) Laporan pada admin database dan teknisi hardware.

5) Membuat laporan dan kronologis peristiwa.

6) Mendokumentasikan laporan dan kronologi peristiwa.

Awal Proses
1. Kepala bagian IT - - -
mendelegasikan pekerjaan
backup data ke bidang
divisi IT
Jaringan dan
Mendelegasikan pengembangan konten.
backup data ke
2. Bidang Jaringan dan - -
pengembangan konten
membuat job scheduler untuk
Bidang jaringan
melakukan backup data
Membuat job .
Scheduler dan
backup data

Bidang jaringan
Formulir Backup
Mengecek hasil Data Periodik

Kabag IT
Keusakan Data Mendelegasikan
A ? recovery data ke
urusan infrra
Urusan Infra

recovery data

3. Bidang jaringan dan Terdapat Formulir Maksimal 30 Update Formulir
pengembangan konten Backup Data Menit Backup Data
melakukan pengecekan hasil
backup data dan mencatat
hasil backup setiap hari.

4. Jika terdapat kesalahan / Terdapat kerusakan - -

kerusakan terhadap data, terhadap data.
kepala bagian IT
mendelegasikan pekerjaan
recovery data ke bidang
jaringan dan
pengembangan konten.

5. Bidang jaringan dan Terdapat backup data - Data telah kembali

pengembangan konten yang terupdate. normal
melakukan recovery dengan
memilih data backup yang
paling dekat jangka waktunya
dari waktu kerusakan data.

Akhir Proses
b. Keterkaitan Antar Bagian

Bagian-bagian yang terkait dalam proses Disaster Recovery:

Terputusnya Koneksi Intenet tidak dapat diakses antara lain adalah Bagian
Sistem Informasi.
Peristiwa ini adalah karena gagalnya sistem jaringan yang disebabkan
oleh lambatnya suplai peralatan, banjir atau software yang perlu ditulis ulang.
Kerusakan Besar adalah suatu kondisi dimana sistem komputer pusat baru
dapat diperbaiki dalam waktu lebih dari 4 (empat) hari atau waktu yang
melebihi masa perbaikan untuk aplikasi utama (Sistem Informasi Akademik).
Maka dukungan pelayanan komputasi tidak bisa difungsikan dalam waktu agak
lama. Contoh dari kejadian ini adalah kebakaran, banjir yang berkepanjangan
dan parah, gempa bumi, atau kerusuhan. Sistem DRP yang diterapkan di
Akademi Kebidanan Wijaya Husada meliputi 6 (enam) tahap pelaksanaan,

a. Analisa Resiko

analisis ini dilakukan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi dan

menganalisa risiko agar dapat menentukan klasifikasi dampak dan
penyebab kejadian bencana yang mungkin terjadi.
b. Pencegahan

ini merupakan tahapan yang paling yang mesti dilakukan

setidaknya bisa untuk mencegah bencana yang terjadi akibat
kesalahan manusia sebab mungkin untuk bencana yang
ditimbulkan oleh alam misalkan banjir, gempa bumi, atau letusan
gunung berapi memang di luar kemampuan untuk mencegahnya.
Akan tetapi pencegahan di sini lebih difokuskan kepada
perencanaan aktifitas untuk meminimalisir risiko kerugian dan
meluasnya kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh bencana tersebut.
c. Penilaian Kejadian
Tahapan ini dilakukan untuk dapat mengetahui apakah kerusakan
yang dilaporkan benar terjadi akibat bencana atau akiban lainnya.
Suatu kejadian dinyatakan sebagai bencana dengan melihat kriteria
1) Kerusakan besar yang disebabkan olehalam

2) Data Center tidak beroperasi selama lebih dari 1hari

3) Jaringan terputus selama lebih dari 1hari

4) Kebakaran dalam gedungperusahaan

5) Pencurian/perampokan

6) Banjir

7) Gempa
d. Aktifasi DRP

Ketika suatu keadaan dinyatakan sebagai bencana, maka DRP

akan diterapkan untuk menanggulangi bencana tersebut. Dalam
tahapan ini, penerapan DRP sesuai dengan kejadian yang terjadi
dalam kondisi saat itu dengan tujuan agar kegiatan operasinal
kampus tidak terganggu dengan adanya kejadian tersebut. Jika
bencana terjadi, maka diharapkan seluruh elemen yang terkait
langsung tanggap dan mengerti tugas masing-masing dalam
prosedur DRP yang sudah disiapkan. Utamakan penyelamatan
aset-aset yang menjadi prioritas utama. Semakin tinggi tingkat
ketanggapan terhadap bencana, maka akan semakin banyak yang
dapat diselamatkan sehingga kerugian yang terjadi menjadi
semakin sedikit.

e. Pemulihan
Tahap ini merupakan tahap dimana ketika suatu kejadian yang
dinyatakan sebagai bencana, sudah berakhir. Dalam tahap ini,
kegiatan operasional yang semulanya dijalankan dengan
kebijakan tertentu ketika dalam kondisi bencana, akan

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
dikembalikan ke dalam kondisi semula seperti pada saat sebelum
bencana. Proses berawal sesaat telah diputuskan untuk memindah
proses utama layanan sistem TIK ke lokasi lain. Tim TIK akan
membangun sistem informasi cadangan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan pengambilan keputusan. Tujuan terpenting dari
tahapan ini adalah menjamin semua sistem informasi berjalan
normal kembali. Di tahapan inilah sebuah proses DRP dapat
dinilai berhasil atau tidak. Proses pemulihan ini bergantung
kepada 3 tahapan sebelumnya. Agar menjadi bahan pertimbangan
dan basis pengalaman, maka pada proses pemulihan ini
diperlukan analisis terhadap bencana yang sudah terjadi. Hal ini
bertujuan untuk dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dalam menyusun
DRP selanjutnya.
f. Operasional Normal

Tahapan ini meliputi mengaktifkan kembali pusat data utama

di lokasi awal atau lokasi baru yang lebih aman dan nyaman.
Pada akhir tahapan ini akan meninjau ulang semua proses disaster
recovery secara menyeluruh. Setiap kekurangan dalam sistem
disaster recovery dapat diperbaiki dengan memperbaiki rencana.

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
AKBID Wijaya Husada Melakukan mitigasi resiko melalui
pihak lain ( Penyewaan Data Center di Pihak lain (saat ini dengan
PT. Berca Hardaya Perkasa- BHP) dimana data di back up dan di
restore di data center mereka sehingga jika ada resiko akan diaktifasi
datanya di sana melalui SOP prosedur di halaman sebelumnya dan
juga dilakukan Business continuity Plan untuk keberlangsungan
proses operasional. Detil dari mitigasi resiko ada di laporan sebagai

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
AKBID Wijaya Husada Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide

(Bagian proses Mitigasi Resiko)

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
I. OBJECTIVE OF DELIVERY GUIDE.............................................................................................................................................13
II.SERVICE OFFERING OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................................................14
STAGE 0: BHP INTERNAL PROJECT KICKOFF............................................................................................................................................15
STAGE 1: REMOTE CUSTOMER KICK-OFF – PROJECT INITIATION..............................................................................................................15
STAGE 2: DISCOVERY............................................................................................................................................................................... 15
STAGE 3: FACILITATED WORKSHOP SESSIONS..........................................................................................................................................16
STAGE 5: PROJECT CLOSURE.................................................................................................................................................................... 17
III.SERVICE DELIVERABLES SUMMARY....................................................................................................................................18
IV.PROJECT DELIVERY PHASES...................................................................................................................................................19
STAGE 0: BHP INTERNAL PROJECT KICKOFF............................................................................................................................................19
STAGE 1: REMOTE CUSTOMER KICKOFF – PROJECT INITIATION...............................................................................................................22
STAGE 2: DISCOVERY............................................................................................................................................................................... 22
STAGE 3: FACILITATED WORKSHOP SESSIONS..........................................................................................................................................23
STAGE 4: DEVELOPING THE ENGAGEMENT DELIVERABLES......................................................................................................................27
STAGE 5: PROJECT CLOSURE..................................................................................................................................................................... 28
V.TOOLS REQUIRED FOR PROJECT DELIVERY........................................................................................................................29
TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES..................................................................................................................................................................29
VI.STAFFING REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECT DELIVERY......................................................................................................30
EXAMPLE OF AGENDA FOR FACILITATED WORKSHOP SESSIONS..............................................................................................................31
EXAMPLE OF LEVEL 1 ENGAGEMENT TIMELINE.......................................................................................................................................35
EXAMPLE ISV COMMAND-LINE DATA GATHERING PROCESS..................................................................................................................35
SAMPLE BACKUPANALYZER DATA..........................................................................................................................................................36

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
I. Objective of Delivery Guide
This delivery guide allows Consultants of the delivery team to have a standardized
methodology in organizing and delivering their service. Equipped with detailed directions,
they are able to clearly describe and deliver the engagement by concentrating optimally on
the technical content of the delivery instead of building templates, or processes to complete
the engagement.

This delivery guide describes activities to be performed under the engagement from the
project kickoff to delivery. It contains requirements in term of staffing, timing, objectives,
methodologies, input tools and deliverables. As a result the Principal Consultant is able to
audit the completion of the project based on the information provided here in.
The delivery guide is a starting template and can be customized based on each BHP region’s
requirements and customs.

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
II. Overview
The BHP Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Service helps our clients analyze their backup
infrastructure. Many backup environments cannot keep pace with today’s explosive data growth,
have outdated or insufficient backup technology, often don’t adhere to industry best practices or
cannot meet Service Level Agreements (SLA), Restore Point (RPO) or Restore Time Objectives

BHP expert backup consultants will perform backup discovery and hold 2-day facilitated workshops
with all key stakeholders involved in the backup infrastructure to get an understanding of the
customer’s environment & objectives. The consultant then analyzes the data collected to create a
detailed document that outline the shortcomings, remediation and recommendations on the backup
environment. A summary PowerPoint presentation is also created for management that highlights
the findings and recommendation.

The BHP Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Service provides value to customers who meet any of
the following criteria:

 Are considering purchasing new hardware or software that could impact the backup environment (i.e.
storage arrays, backup to disk appliance, new projects or software that require disk capacity and being backed
up, etc…)
 Need assistance in understanding the current state of the backup environment (i.e. backup success rate, are
the SLA, RPO & RTO being met, performance, etc…)
 Lack the in-house resources, the time needed or an independent review of the backup environment after a
major outage
 Review the backup environment to ensure best practices are utilized, streamline processes and improve
backup management
 Existing backup infrastructure cannot meet the backup capacity demands or backup requirements
 Require assistance in determining the best approach to integrate new equipment into the backup infrastructure

The key to this framework is that BHP resources are used to supplement—not replace—the
customers’ staff during the project. BHP consultants will bring experience, subject matter expertise
and specific technology experience to the process.
Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis has the following workflow:
 The project is formally kicked off and data collection is immediately initiated with an initial discovery
interview. The project team transitions a data collection questionnaire, which the customer is typically able to
complete within 2-3 business days. A backup collection tool is implemented to gather backup statistics &
generate reports.
 The BHP backup consultant holds workshop sessions with all key stakeholders. These sessions include
review of the current backup infrastructure, backup pain points, backup objectives and future initiatives.
Whiteboard sessions should review processes, constraints, LAN/WAN/SAN connectivity, backup workflows
and designs.
 Time is allocated to review the backup application with the backup administrator. Close review should be
made of how backup policies/specifications are created and how backup targets have been configured &
used. Review the SLA, RPO & RTO expectations & customer demands.
 The BHP backup consultant takes all data gathered (i.e. questionnaire, BackupAnalyzer reports, output from
workshop/whiteboard sessions, individual customer meetings) and analyzes the information. Additional
analysis is done using BackupAnalyzer Real Time Analysis (RTA) to pin point problem areas.
 A detailed, technical customer document is created that outlines tactical and strategic recommendations that
help customers make improvements based on educated decisions that directly impact performance,

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
recoverability and maximize their backup and recovery capabilities. The deliverable should outline any BHP
Storage hardware, software and service opportunities.
 An executive summary PowerPoint presentation is created that highlights the findings, remediation and
 The detailed technical deliverable document is provided to the IT manager and backup administrator just
prior to project closure. This gives the customer time to review and comment on the findings prior to giving
the Executive Summary presentation to management. If necessary, modify the executive summary
presentation based on customer feedback prior to presenting it to management.
 The Executive Summary deliverable is presented to the customer project sponsor and key stakeholders for
project closure.

This work is completed throughout the following stages:

Stage 0: BHP Internal Project Kickoff

The BHP Internal Project Kickoff is designed to align the BHP backup consultant with the project

goals and objectives as provided to the BHP sales/pursuit individual that sold the service. The

Project Manager will work with BHP sales to transition any information to the Delivery team if


Objective: BHP PM, backup consultant and sales/pursuit meet to understand the project objectives

and review scheduling

Stage 1: Remote Customer Kick-off – Project Initiation

The remote project kick-off, initiation aims at allowing both the Customer and BHP to agree on the

project content, process and expectations of the engagement and thus launch the project. Upon

agreement, BHP can schedule the project start date and schedule onsite workshops & meetings. Data

collection requirements will be reviewed and the customer will be provided with a backup

questionnaire that will take them 2-3 business days to complete.

Objective: Introductions, set project expectations & objectives, provide customer with backup

questionnaire, schedule project start date, workshops and meetings

Stage 2: Discovery
The BHP consultant executes onsite discovery with the customer. The consultant needs a good

understanding of the customer’s environment. The consultant will meet with the Backup Admin to

review the backup questionnaire & the backup application. Continue data collection with the

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
installation of the BackupAnalyzer data collection utility. Upload the BackupAnalyzer data

collected & generate backup reports. The information gathered during this stage is used throughout

the project and is a key input for the remaining stages.

Objective: Familiarize BHP Backup consultant with customer backup environment and develop

knowledge foundation necessary for facilitated workshops and remaining stages

Stage 3: Facilitated Workshop Sessions

The BHP Consultant conducts 2-day onsite facilitated workshops with all key stakeholders. (i.e.
Backup Admin, SAN Admin, LAN Admin, DBA, IT Management) These whiteboard sessions
include review of the customer’s existing environment, backup pain points, processes, constraints,
LAN/WAN/SAN connectivity, backup workflows and designs along with SLA, RTO & RPO

This stage will yield a clear view of the current state, what’s not working properly in the backup
environment, current and future backup objectives. This baseline, coupled with general BHP
experience and industry best practices, becomes the foundation for the follow-on stages of the

Objective: Work with customer stakeholders to get an understanding of the backup environment

and objectives

Stage 4: Detailed BIA Assessment Deliverable and High-Level Executive

Summary Presentation
The BHP Backup Consultant will review and analyze data gathered from stages 2-3. (i.e. backup

questionnaire, backup application review, meetings/whiteboard sessions, BackupAnalyzer reports)

Utilize BackupAnalyzer Real Time Analysis (RTA) to drill down into backup data to pinpoint

backup problem areas. (i.e. poor performance, capacity issues, long queue times, high or low device

utilization, etc…) Compare findings against customer backup needs and expectations.

The BHP Consultant will create a detailed, technical Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis report

based on the findings and incorporate BackupAnalyzer information, graphs and charts to support

conclusions and recommendations. This deliverable can be a Word document or PowerPoint

presentation based on regional requirements. This detailed deliverable is intended for the customer’s

technical team and IT Management.

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
There should be a strong recommendations section in the deliverable that outlines the next steps for

the customer. Any BHP Storage hardware, software or service opportunities should be clearly

defined in the recommendations.

When the detailed BIA deliverable is completed, it is recommended to review the report findings and

recommendations with the customer’s technical team to validate all findings, objectives and

recommendations meet the customer’s expectations. This is a good time to ensure nothing was

missed and tweak the report as appropriate.

The BHP Consultant will create a 2 nd, high-level executive summary PowerPoint presentation for

management. Pulling information from the detailed BIA deliverable, this deliverable will summarize

the current state, existing and future objectives, findings, future state and recommendations that

would be more appropriate for executive management.

Objective: Develop detailed Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis deliverable (Word or

PowerPoint) and high-level BIA Executive Summary presentation (PowerPoint)

Stage 5: Project Closure

A final presentation is presented to the customer project sponsor and key stakeholders for project

Local BHP sales representatives should be listed at the end of the deliverables for future contact. It
is also recommended to invite them to participate in the presentation of the final deliverable.

Objective: Deliver BIA Summary Presentation to key stakeholders (PowerPoint)

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
III.Service Deliverables Summary
Detailed Backup Impact Analysis report (Word or PowerPoint):
 Backup & Recovery objectives
 Current state overview
 Findings
 Future state overview
 Recommendations
 Outline any BHP Storage hardware, software or service opportunities
 Next steps
 BHP Storage contacts for region

Executive Summary Backup Impact Analysis presentation (PowerPoint):

 Summarize highlights from detailed BIA report for Executive Management
o Backup & Recovery objectives
o Current & future state overview
o Findings
o Recommendations
 Outline any BHP Storage hardware, software or service opportunities
 Next steps
 BHP Storage contacts for region

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
IV. Project Delivery Phases
Stage 0: BHP Internal Project Kickoff
Pre-Project Preparation
 Project Manager (PM) gathers project information from sales / account team

o Any information provided to sales team at time BIA was sold or recommended to
 Determine role of sales / pursuit team in Delivery Kick-off and Engagement
 Project Team identified
 Project Manager schedules internal BHP kickoff
Internal Kickoff

o Validate that all delivery team members understand their role and responsibilities in
delivering to the plan
o Review approach and deliverables
o Discuss schedule, logistics, etc.
Develop Workshop Agenda

As part of the preparation for the Workshop Session, the agenda represents the only pre-

developed deliverable presented to the customer. Preparing the agenda requires the consultant to

carefully examine the technical aspects and objectives of the customer to make sure that the all IT

topics that could affect backups are being discussed.

An agenda could contain the following major sections:

 Introduction
 Backup Consultant
 Customer
 IT Management
 Backup Admin
 SAN Admin
 Network Admin
 DBAs
 Application Admins
 Virtual Server Admins (VMWare/Hyper-V)
 Project overview
 Current backup objectives
 Current state review
 Networking
 Servers
 Storage Arrays
 Databases
 Backups

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
 Current pain points
 Current backup processes & procedures
 What % of backups occur over LAN/WAN/SAN?
o LAN/WAN bandwidths, SAN HBA speeds, ISL links, etc…
o Zoning review/best practice of zones with media servers & backup targets
 Review existing backup & restore requirements
o Service Level Agreements (SLA)
 Retention policies
o Restore Time Objectives (RTO)
o Restore Point Objectives (RPO)
 # of backup copies required
o # of production copies (i.e. 3 – backup to disk, backup to tape, replicated copy)
o # of non-production copies (i.e. 2 – backup to disk & tape or 1 – backup to disk)
 File Server backups
o Any special process for backing up millions of small files?
 Database backups
o List databases
o Backed up via DB export, DB integration backup, snapshot, etc…
 Virtual backups
o Data Store sizes
o # of VMs per Data Stores
o # of media servers per ESX servers, VMs, etc…
 Backup to Disk
o Any current backup to disk?
 How is it used today?
 De-dupe ratios?
 Disk capacity?
o Any future backup to disk requirements?
 Replication – offsite data requirements
o Any existing offsite physical tape? If so, what backup types, how often sent offsite &
how long offsite?
o Any existing database replication? If so, of what?
o Any existing array replication? If so, of what?
o Any current or future backup to disk appliance replication?
 Array snapshots
o Any current of future backups using array snapshot technology?
 Offsite requirements
o Review existing vaulting procedures & requirements
o Review any future offsite requirements
 Archival requirements
o Any current or future long-term backup requirements?
 Future backup objectives or requirements
 New projects, servers or databases that will require backups
 New storage array that will add LUNs/data to existing servers/environment that will require
additional backup capacity
 Any changes to networking?
o SAN upgrade, new swithes/director, etc…
o LAN upgrade, 10 GbE, private backup LAN, etc…

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
 Any server changes?
o Physical to Virtual
o Adding UNIX, moving to Linux, moving to Windows, etc…
Note: Use the Agenda Example in the Appendix as a starting point

Identify Kick-off and Workshop Attendees

As part of the preparation for the Kick-off and Workshop sessions, the Delivery team should work with the PM to
identify the following attendees:
 Kick-off Meeting Attendees and Project Stakeholders
○ Customer Project Sponsor
○ Customer Project Manager
○ Customer Backup Architect/Lead
○ BHP Backup Consultant
 Workshop Attendees
○ Customer Project Sponsor
○ Customer Project Manager
○ Customer Backup Architect/Lead
○ Customer SAN Engineer
○ Customer LAN Engineer
○ Customer Database Administrators
○ Customer Virtual Server Administrators
○ BHP Backup Consultant

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
Stage 1: Remote Customer Kickoff – Project Initiation
Activity Objective

The objectives of the remote customer kickoff are:

 Review engagement with customer and Delivery team
 Schedule the facilitated workshop (onsite)
 Initiate the data collection process

This section is focused on the preparation for the workshop sessions:

 Refer to PPT Kickoff Example
Activity description

During the project initiation, BHP will complete the following activities:

1. Project kickoff - Call with Customer

 Review and validate engagement and Deliverables
 Review project schedule/plan
 Recap IT objectives, business objectives, other critical requirements
 Workshop Session Preparation:
○ Communicate people, logistics, schedule, and materials requirements for workshop sessions
(a) Room Availability
(b) Whiteboard
(c) Overhead projector/screen
○ Work with the customer to identify key stakeholders and participants for discovery, analysis and
socialization of recommendations
○ Finalize participants based on project phase
 Schedule On-site Meeting : Schedule discovery interviews/workshop with required customer personnel
 Provide the customer with data collection questionnaire for the current backup environment
○ The questionnaire contained in this document is used to collect information about the primary
components of the backup environment. The information gathered will be used by the Consultants to
understand the current state and objectives of the new solution. The Questionnaire is sent to the
customer’s Backup Lead/Architect.
 Provide the customer with data collection utility/process
○ BackupAnalyzer
○ ISV Command-line utility

Stage 2: Discovery
Discovery Process

During the Project Kick-off phase, BHP distributes the Backup Discovery Questionnaire to the
customer. This questionnaire is the beginning of the Discovery Process, so the customer must
complete it and return it to the project team. This questionnaire contributes to the organization
and foundation of the facilitated workshop sessions, as it will enable BHP to assess the
customer’s current backup infrastructure.

The BHP Backup Consultant will work with the customer to gather Independent Software Vendor
(ISV) specific information from the backup application. This data may be gathered via the BHP

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
BackupAnalyzer utility or command line interface for the ISV application. Please refer to the
Appendix for additional information.
BHP Backup Consultant Onsite Discovery:
The Backup Consultant should plan to arrive at the customer site prior to the Facilitated
Workshop Sessions to meet the primary backup team and conduct onsite discovery of the backup
environment. Try and get basic information about the customer’s backup and IT infrastructure
prior to the workshops from the backup team’s perspective. Some examples for information to
gather include:
 Existing ISV application configuration
○ How many different backup specification types are configured? (i.e. file system, Exchange, SQL,
SharePoint, Oracle, SAP, VMware, Hyper-V, ZDB, etc…)
○ Will the backup types change, stay the same, additional types, etc…
○ How involved are the database administrators with database backups and restores?
○ Review how backup policies/specifications are configured. (i.e. 1 or multiple backup hosts per policy,
what tape devices are configured per backup types, etc…)
○ Review target devices and configurations
○ Review how long current backups run. Do they fit within the backup window?
○ Review retention requirements
○ Review ISV licenses and validate there are enough licenses for the modernization/required changes
 Existing backup target devices
○ Is there an existing backup to disk appliance? If yes, review configuration, de-dupe ratios, etc…
○ Are there backup copies from disk to physical tape?
○ Verify tape block sizes, how many drives are available, etc…
○ Are target devices shared with other ISVs?
 network connectivity for backups
○ What percentage of the backups are LAN based?
○ What percentage of the backups are SAN based?

Stage 3: Facilitated Workshop Sessions

Activity objective and critical success factors

1. Presence of key stakeholders as required

2. Facilitate two-day workshops to profile the project, review current state, review current pain
points, review future requirements, review best practices, brainstorm design options, etc…

The BHP consultant holds 2 days of facilitated workshops with all key stakeholders.
These sessions include project profiling, review of current state findings, and white
boarding sessions to review existing & future backup environment requirements.
1. Introduction
 Provide some background on the business reasons for the Backup Impact Analysis (BIA) – conveys
the importance of the project and ensures that everyone understands why they are there
 Have each attendee introduce themselves – should include at least name and role in the
organization, allows both BHP attendees and the organization’s attendees to understand who is in the room
 Review the agenda and schedule – prepares the attendees for the time required and topics to be
covered during the session
 Describe the active roles of the meeting – allows each attendee to understand what is expected of

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
2. Business Review
This section provides a baseline for the assessment. It provides the parameters, priorities and

principals of the BIA and gives the consultant the information and direction needed to lead

the assessment. It also provides bullet-pointed lists of details that the assessment must cover.

The following topics should be discussed during the workshops:

 Business Objectives
 Examples are as follows:
1. Backup & recovery assessment goals
2. Backup & recovery current requirements
3. Backup & recovery future requirements
 Critical Success Factors
 These include elements of the assessment that, if not met, will cause the project to fail.
 The CSF must be true for the initiative to succeed.
 Constraints and Risks
 Includes elements which are likely to affect the assessment.
 For example, the value of the assessment is dependent on the amount of customer time and
knowledge provided during the assessment process.
 Assumptions
 Lists the pre-defined parameters for the project.

3. Current State
In this section, customer subject matter experts are invited to come up to the whiteboard and

draw or describe aspects of their environment. The BHP backup consultant will interact with

customer SME’s to review the existing IT environment, how it fits together and how the

backup environment is impacted by it. BHP best practices will be reviewed and how to

optimize their existing backup environment.

The description is oriented toward the customer’s backup architecture information for its core
data centers, including (but not limited to):
1. [ALL ATTENDEES] Review Backup Service Level Requirements for data protection
with the Customer Backup team to profile the Customer’s requirements, including (but
not limited to) the following requirements for operational recovery:
 Standard Backup Retention Policies
 Standard Backup Schedule Policies
 Number of backup copies per data type, production, non-production
 Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
 Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
 Encryption / Security understand all relevant information.

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
2. [APPLICATION/DBAs] Review database platforms / critical applications
 List different databases
 How is each database type backed up (i.e. dump/export, online integration)
 How involved are the DBAs with backups and restores today & future requirements
 Is database or backup to disk replication involved? If yes, review which
databases/logs will be replicated
 Onsite backup data volume, offsite backup data volume, daily change rate & volume
3. [SERVER TEAM] Review virtual environments
 Review VMWare, Hyper-V environments
 Review how they are backed up
o Each VM as a client or backup ISV integration backups
 How many media servers are used to support virtual backups?
 How large are the storage LUNs/data stores presented to hosts?
 How many VMs per data store?
4. [NETWORK/SAN TEAM] Review the network environments
 Network bandwidth and topology with network administrators
o Is there a dedicated backup LAN? If yes, is it 1GbE or 10Gbe?
o Is there 10GbE available?
 Does the backup and production traffic share the same LAN/VLAN
 Is replication involved? If yes, review WAN link bandwidth, what other data goes over the WAN, etc…
 SAN bandwidth and topology with SAN/network administrators
o What are the port speeds on the SAN switches?
o Are the SAN switches Cisco? If yes, ensure the StoreOnce/target devices & media servers
will be connected into 1:1 oversubscribed ports.
o Are there multiple SAN switches connected together with Inter-switch links (ISL)?
 If yes, review how to connect StoreOnce & media servers for optimum performance
o Is the SAN admin familiar with BHP zoning best practices?
 Use WWPN for aliases
 Do not have more than 1 host in a zone
 Do not have more than 1 target in a zone
 Hard set port speeds for backup targets
5. [BACKUP TEAM] Review backup Infrastructure Components / Architecture
 Current State Software
o How successful are the current backups?
o What gaps exist that should be addressed by the assessment?
 Disk Storage Configuration
 Review existing VTL/Tape library configurations
 Are any tape targets out of support, EOL, high support costs
 Review daily backup management procedures.
 Review backup reporting capabilities
 Review backup tiers (i.e. critical backups – array snapshot, backup to disk for fast
recovery, backup to tape for long-term/archiving)
 How many backup copies exist currently & what are the future requirements?
 Can any backup processes be streamlined

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
 Can backup policies be modified for more efficient backups, better naming
conventions, more backup clients sending backups directly to tape targets, etc...
 Review backup to disk requirements, if appropriate. This is a good opportunity to
talk about StoreOnce features & functionality and how it can address any of the
concerns that were discussed in the discovery phase.
o Review de-duplication concepts, different data types, housekeeping,
replication, etc…
o Review VTL, NAS and Catalyst differences, best practices and optimum use
1. VTL
 Best used for backing up large backup quantity with SAN-based
2. NAS
 Best used for backing up smaller backup quantities with LAN-
based backups, servers that do not have fibre HBAs, backup
environments with 1GbE LAN
3. Catalyst
 Requires additional StoreOnce license
 Catalyst backups that occur over the LAN are best used with
 Review the 2 options Catalyst offers
o Client-side deduplication

Best used with large backup quantity and backup
client/host is the server utilizing client-side de-
dupe (i.e. Hyper-V/VMware backup host,
servers with enough RAM/CPU to process de-
dupe & hash table)
o ISV aware of replicated copy
 Backup application is aware of the source &
target backup copies
 Offers more DR options with 2 places to restore
data from
 Offers the ability to perform offsite disk to tape
o Review backing up by data type
 Create libraries/shares by data type (i.e. file system, file share, Oracle,
SQL, etc…)
 Do not compare dissimilar data – slows inline de-dupe down
 Smaller de-dupe hash tables – better performance
o Review StoreOnce target vs. client-side (federated) de-duplication
o Review approximate expected de-dupe ratios
 4 full backups = ~4:1
 8 full backups = ~8:1
 20 full backups = ~20:1

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
Stage 4: Developing the Engagement Deliverables
Activity objective and critical success factors
This is the longest and most involved part of the project. The objective of this stage is to analyze
the data gathered, document the findings and make recommendations to enhance the backup
environment based on the customer’s objectives.

It is critical that the detailed BIA Assessment accurately reflect output from the facilitated
workshops, the BackupAnalzyer reports and Backup Assessment Questionnaire to formalize a
consensus with the customer on overall findings and recommendations.

The BIA deliverable includes project objectives, current state overview, findings and
recommendations. There should be a strong recommendations section in the deliverable that
outlines the next steps for the customer. The customer should never have to guess what the next
step should be. Any BHP Storage hardware, software or service opportunities should be clearly
defined in the recommendations along with how they benefit the customer’s objectives. Local
BHP sales contact information should be included for the customer’s convenience.
BHP uses a Detailed Assessment template to customize for a customer based on their objectives
and backup environment. A Backup Assessment Questionnaire is provided to start the project.
The BackupAnalyzer data collection tool is used to capture the backup environment to assist with
backup analysis. BackupAnalyzer Real Time Analysis is used to drill down further into the
backup application to highlight issues.

NOTE: Consultants should create deliverables with the best available tools. The templates are
provided as guidance.
Activity Description
 Review data captured and perform a backup assessment of the customer’s environment
 Create a detailed, technical BIA Assessment deliverable for the customer’s technical and IT
Management team
 Review and validate the detailed BIA Assessment deliverable with customer technical team
 Create a high-level Executive Summary that highlights the assessment for the customer’s
Executive Management team
Activity Inputs
 Backup Assessment Questionnaire
 Detailed BIA Template (Word or PowerPoint)
 Executive Summary Presentation Template (PowerPoint)
Activity Outputs
 Detailed BIA Assessment Deliverable
 BIA Executive Summary Presentation
In addition to the primary deliverables, it is also critical the BHP Consultant includes a

recommendation of follow-on services and increase BHP’s footprint within the customer

environment. For instance, if the customer lacks the necessary resources to complete the

assessment recommendations effort, BHP should include a recommendation to assist the

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
customer with BHP Storage Services to implement recommendations. It is also possible that

additional projects may have also been discussed during the workshop (i.e. server consolidations,

storage refreshes, network upgrades, etc.). In those situations, the project should be noted on the

Services Roadmap and the BHP account team should be made aware of the situation.

Stage 5: Project closure

Activity Description
 Deliver final BIA Executive Summary presentation to customer team (onsite preferably).
 Present Customer with completed final deliverables and all supporting documentation.
A final presentation is presented to the customer project sponsor and key stakeholders for project
closure. However, to minimize risk of dissatisfaction with the assessment deliverable, the project
sponsor should be aware of all key recommendations prior to the presentation.
Activity Inputs
 All project deliverables
Activity Outputs
 Final Project Presentation:
BHP will provide a final presentation summary for key stakeholders for project closeout to be held

at a mutually agreeable time/date at a customer location.

Customer Activities
 Transition to new engagement/ next steps

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
V. Tools Required for Project Delivery
Tools and Methodologies
BHP will leverage the following tools:

- Project kickoff PowerPoint template

- BHP Backup Assessment Questionnaire
- BackupAnalyzer data collection & analysis tool
- Facilitated workshop sessions
- Detailed BIA Assessment Report Template
- High-level BIA Executive Summary Presentation Template

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
VI. Staffing Requirements for Project Delivery
In delivering this project, BHP will provide a team of professional consultants who represent the
following roles:
 Project Manager – Coordinates and manages delivery of the engagement and scheduling
requests to the Customer teams and will be responsible for working with the Customer
Project Manager to ensure all required resources are available throughout the project on the
targeted project dates.
 Backup Architecture Subject Matter Experts (SME) – provide technical expertise on
backup software, architecture, and strategic planning components. These SMEs will be
utilized throughout the project.

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
Agenda for Facilitated Workshop Sessions
Note: The workshops should start after the BHP Backup Consultant has been onsite for a few days and
had the opportunity to review the Backup Assessment Questionnaire, performed the BackupAnalyzer
report generation, reviewed the backup application and met with the backup administrator.
DAY 1 – Agenda –
Backup Impact Analysis – Assessment Review

Start Description Required Expected outcomes

8:00 AM Introduction ALL
 The Team will introduce themselves
 Review the workshop schedule
8:15 AM  Review Business Objectives BHP: Backup Get everyone on the same
 Identify Critical Success Factors Consultant page with knowledge of
Business Review  Identify Potential Constraints and Risks CU: Key Stakeholders our goals for this session
 State Assumptions CU: Application and the project. Determine
 Review Backup Service Level Owners what will make the project
Requirements CU: DBAs a success and/or failure.
CU: Network Admin
o Standard Backup Retention Policies
CU: SAN Admin
o Standard Backup Schedule Policies CU: Virtual Server
o Recovery Time Objective Admin
o Recovery Point Objective CU: Backup Admin
o Offsite requirements
o Number of backup copies required by
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM  Review Applications BHP: Backup Are the current
Consultant application/DB backups
Current State – o Review applications that have special CU: Backup Admin efficient, easy to manage
Application and requirements CU: Application & restore, meeting SLA
DBs o Standards Owners requirements, etc…?
 Review Databases CU: DBAs
Who performs & monitors
o List all DBs the backups & restores?
o How is each DB backed up
o Who performs backups & restores
12:00 Lunch Break
1:00 PM  Review types of virtual environments BHP: Backup Are the current virtual
Consultant server backups efficient,
Current State –  How are virtual environments currently CU: Backup Admin easy to manage & restore,
Virtual Servers backed up CU: Virtual Server meeting SLA
 Virtual Environment Architecture & Design Admin requirements, etc…?
o Size of data stores
o # of VMs per data store
o Total # of VMs per host
3:00 PM Break

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
DAY 1 – Agenda –
Backup Impact Analysis – Assessment Review

Start Description Required Expected outcomes

3:15 PM  Review SAN Infrastructure BHP: Backup Get an understanding of
o Storage array infrastructure how the networks
Current State – CU: Backup Admins
SAN/Networking  Array models CU: SAN Admin impact the backups
CU: Network Admin
 LUN configuration (sizes &
Review network speeds
RAID levels) and # of hops/ISLs
o SAN Switch infrastructure connections
 Switch models
Review zoning best
 Zoning review practices for backup
 Network Architecture & Design devices
Review how array LUN
sizes, RAID levels &
o DMZ, Firewalls, Security snapshots affect backups
5:00 PM Wrap Up

DAY 2 – Agenda –
Backup Impact Analysis – Assessment Review

Start Description Expected outcomes

8:00 AM Reviewing Current State – Backup BHP: Backup Consultant Get a good understanding on
Environment CU: Backup Admins how the backup environment
Current State –  Backup/Recovery Architecture is laid out & managed
Environment  Backup Application review
 Backup Reporting tools in use
 Management and monitoring tools in
 Resources & skills
10:15 AM Break

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
DAY 2 – Agenda –
Backup Impact Analysis – Assessment Review

Start Description Expected outcomes

10:30 AM Continue Backup Review BHP: Backup Consultant Get a good understanding on
 Site Architecture Considerations CU: Backup Admins how the backup environment
Current State – o Production / Alternate Site is configured & used
o Mixed Mode Production / DR
o Alternatives
 Backup Architecture Considerations
o Centralized vs. distributed
o Site specific deployments
o Remote clients
o Managed backup services (2
o Bare Metal Recovery
o Database integration backups
o Virtual backups
o LAN vs SAN backups
 ISV Configuration Considerations
 Physical Tape Library Considerations
o Age of devices
o # of drives
o Tape drive models & speeds
 Virtual Tape Library Considerations
o Age of devices
o Disk capacity
o Deduplication, Replication,
12:30 PM Break
1:30 PM Analyzing Current State – Backup BHP: Backup Consultant Align expectations with
CU: Backup Admins findings gathered so far
Current State –
Backup  Review data generated from
Environment BackupAnalyzer
 Highlight findings of problem
 Pinpoint any obvious gaps
 Review industry best practices
 Review any processes or functions
that can be streamlined
 Outline areas that require further
3:15 PM Break
3:30 PM Continue Current State Backup BHP: Backup Consultant
Review CU: Backup Admins
5:00 PM Wrap Up

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
Example of Level 1 Engagement Timeline
When a customer purchases the following service, the table below represents the typical delivery


 BHP Backup Recovery Impact Analysis L1

Days Activities Resources Output Notes

1 Project Initiation BHP Backup Questionnaire

(Onsite) Data Collection Prep Consultant Data Collection
Kick-off Presentation Customer Team Kick-off
2-5 Onsite Customer Discovery BHP Backup Gathering Backup Consultant to work
(Onsite) Consultant current state data directly with the
Customer BackupAnalyzer customer backup
Backup Team Reports team prior to the
6-7 Assessment Facilitated Workshops BHP Backup Get a good
(Onsite) Consultant understanding of
Customer current state,
Participants objectives, gaps,
8-14 Data Analysis BHP Backup Detailed Design Recap with
(Offsite) Detailed BIA Assessment (Word Consultant High-Level customer
or PPT) Integration Plan Create detailed &
Executive Summary BIA executive summary
Presentation (PPT)
Presentation deliverables
15 Deliver Executive Summary BHP PM, Sales, Deliver
Presentation Backup presentation & get
Consultant project sign off

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
Sample BackupAnalyzer Data
BackupAnalyzer data collection & report generation is utilized to document the backup current state and

help support the consultants findings and recommendations.

The BackupAnalyzer script is run on each of the customer’s backup cell manager/master server(s).   The
script produces a group of files that get zipped up, uploaded to BHP and then a report is generated.

For access to BackupAnalyzer, send an email to the support team and ask for an access ID. They will
grant access to TSC Storage Delivery members.

You can request a logon ID and request form from:

This is the website:

Major ISV applications are supported. Log into BackupAnalyzer for the complete, updated list.

You can download the collector scripts from the website. Follow the directions on which scripts to

download and how to run the scripts.

 Utilities dropdown box

o There are 2 versions of scripts
 Windows
Once the script has been executed on each ISV backup manager server, upload the zipped result file to the

BackupAnalyzer website.

 Customers dropdown box

o Enter the customer information in the fields at the top of the screen (note: multiple
customer zip files will be entered separately with unique report names. i.e.
customername_backup-manager-1, customername_backup-manager-2, etc…)
o Click on ‘Add’ in the upper right side
o Highlight the newly entered customer and upload the zipped file
 Reports dropdown box
o Click ‘Assessments and Analysis’
o Click the ‘Client’ dropdown box and choose the customer name you previously created
 Initiate report creation and choose Word or PDF option

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
Review the charts and graphs to understand the customer’s backup environment, to help with the

StoreOnce assessment and use as supporting materials in the final deliverable.

Choose from the predefined reports to include in your deliverable.

BackupAnalyzer Real Time Analysis (RTA) is used to drill down into the backup data to help pin point

problem areas. Some examples of ways to drill down for further analysis:

 Drill down into backups by day, time, backup client, etc…

 Drill down by media server, tape targets, etc…
 Drill down into slowest backup jobs
While logged into the BackupAnalyzer website

 Choose the “Real Time” drop-down box

 Choose subtopic: Backup Environment Infrastructure, Client backup summary or Detailed
analysis of backup environment
 Choose a report topic within the subtopic

Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide
Backup & Recovery Impact Analysis Delivery Guide

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