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Sistematika dan anatomi tanaman kacang-kacangan

 Leguminosa adalah tanaman dikotilledon (bijinya terdiri dari dua
kotiledon atau disebut juga berkeping dua).
 Famili tanaman leguminosa terbagi atas tiga sub-famili :
 Mimosaceae, Caesalpinaceae dan Papilionaceae.
 Mimosaceae adalah tanaman perdu berkayu dengan bunga biasa
 Caesalpinaceae mempunyai bunga irregular.
 Papilionaceae adalah tanaman semak berkayu dengan bunga
papilionate atau berbentuk seperti kupu.
 Umumnya, sistem perakaran leguminosa terdiri atas akar primer yang
aktif dan mempunyai cabang-cabang sebagai akar sekunder.
 Akar primer (tap root) tumbuh jauh kedalam tanah.
 Sistem perakaran itu umumnya terinfeksi oleh bakteri dari species
Rhizobium sehingga terbentuk bintil-bintil atu nodul-nodul akar.
 Antara bakteri dan tanaman leguminosa terjadi simbiose mutualistik.
Untuk pertumbuhannya, bakteri menggunakan Nitrogen yang diserap
dari udara dan kemudian populasi bakteri yang mati menjadi sumber
Nitrogen untuk pertumbuhan tanaman leguminosa.
Klasifikasi / Taksonomi Tanaman Legum
Klasifikasi atau taksonomi tanaman legum adalah sebagai berikut:


Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Spermatophyta
Sub Phylum Angiosspermae
Class Dicotyledoneae
Ordo Rosales
Familia Leguminocea
Sub Familia Mimosoideae, Caesalpiniodeae,
Genus Centrosema, Peuroria, Colopogonium
Species Pubescen, Phaseloides, Mucunoide
Karakteristik Tanaman Legum
 Tanaman legum memiliki karakteristik tersendiri,
 Tumbuh dengan cara merambat atau menjalar
(herba) dan pohon (perdu) ;
 Tanaman dikotilledon dengan bijinya terdiri dari dua
kotiledon atau disebut berkeping dua ;
 Sistem perakaran bercabang dan tumbuh jauh
kedalam tanah;
 Daun berbentuk kupu-kupu ;
 Mudah tumbuh dengan baik pada berbagai kondisi
Bentuk Tanaman Legum
Ditinjau dari bentuknya, tanaman legumin dibagi
menjadi 2 (dua), yaitu :
 Leguminosa Pohon ; merupakan jenis tanaman
leguminosa yang berkayu dan mempunyai tinggi lebih
dari 1,5 meter.
 Leguminosa Semak ; merupakan jenis tanaman
leguminosa yang mempunyai tinggi kurang dari 1,5
meter. Sifat tumbuhnya memanjat (twinning) dan
merambat (trilling).
The legumes are the third largest group of flowering plants
comprising over 18,000 species in 650 genera which are well
distributed in most environments throughout the world.
Taxonomists have divided the legumes into three families:
 The Caesalpiniaceae contains about 2,800 species, most
of which are trees of tropical savannahs and forests of
Africa, South America and Asia (Williams 1983).
 Mimosaceae also contains about 2,800 species. These
arepredominantly small trees and shrubs of semiarid
tropical regions of Africa, the Americas and Australia.
Acacia species are the best known examples of this family.
 Fabaceae contains over 12,000 species, mainly herbs and
small shrubs distributed worldwide, and includes the well-
known grain legumes such as beans and peas.
 Leaf traits can be used to identify
individual legume species.
 Legume leaves are compound
(more than one leaflet per leaf)
and often have large stipules.
 The leaves are borne on petioles
which are attached to stems
(figure B).
 Though leaves of clovers and
alfalfa typically have three leaflets
per leaf, they sometimes have four
or five. The frequency of four or
more leaflets per leaf is influenced
by both the genetic makeup of the
plant and the growing
environment. Because they occur
relatively infrequently, “four leaf”
clovers are said in folk lore to
impart good luck.
Four arrangements, or organizations, of leaflets are
found on the leaves of legume species that are
commonly grown in the north central region of the
United States. These are palmately trifoliolate,
pinnately trifoliolate, odd pinnate and even pinnate
with tendrils.
 Palmately trifoliolate – red, white, alsike, and
kura clover;
 Pinnately trifoliolate – alfalfa and sweetclover;

 Odd pinnate – birdsfoot trefoil, crownvetch and

cicer milkvetch;
 Even pinnate with tendrils – hairy vetch.
Figure B. Legume leaves are compound (more than one leaflet/leaf) and
often have large stipules. The leaves are borne on petioles which are
attached to stems. Typical leaf arrangements are shown (sizes are not to
Pinnate (even): Leaflets are attached along an extension of
the petiole called a rachis; there is an even number of leaflets.
Pinnate (odd): Leaflets are attached along an extension of
the petiole called a rachis; there is a terminal leaflet and
therefore an odd number of leaflets.
Twice pinnate: The leaflets are also divided into leaflets.
Palmate: Leaflets are attached to the tip of the petiole.

Palmate: Leaflets are attached to the tip of the petiole.


 Irregular flower with

bilateral symmetry
 Often butterfly-shaped

 Important food staple

 Rich in both oil and
 Higher in protein than
any other food plants
 Close to animal meat
in protein quality
 Often called "poor
man's meat"

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