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Gangguan kontrol

Gangguan kontrol impuls ( ICD ) adalah

kelas gangguan kejiwaan yang ditandai
dengan impulsif - kegagalan untuk
menahan godaan , dorongan, atau
impuls; atau memiliki ketidakmampuan
untuk tidak berbicara tentang suatu
pikiran. Banyak gangguan kejiwaan fitur
impulsif, termasuk gangguan yang
berhubungan dengan substansi ,
kecanduan perilaku , gangguan perhatian
defisit hiperaktif , gangguan spektrum
alkohol janin , gangguan kepribadian
antisosial , gangguan kepribadian
borderline , gangguan perilaku dan
beberapa gangguan mood .

Gangguan kontrol impuls

Keahlian khusus Psikiatri , psikologi


Edisi kelima dari American Psychiatric

Association 's Diagnostic and statistik
manual of mental disorder ( DSM-5 )
yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2013
mencakup bab baru (bukan dalam DSM-
IV-TR ) tentang gangguan gangguan,
pengendalian impuls, dan perilaku.
meliputi gangguan "yang ditandai dengan
masalah dalam pengendalian diri
emosional dan perilaku ". [1] Lima tahap
perilaku mencirikan impulsif: dorongan
hati, ketegangan yang meningkat,
kesenangan dalam bertindak, kelegaan
dari dorongan, dan akhirnya rasa
bersalah (yang mungkin muncul atau
tidak). [2]

Gangguan yang ditandai dengan impulsif
yang tidak dikategorikan di tempat lain
dalam DSM-IV-TR juga termasuk dalam
kategori "Gangguan kontrol impuls yang
tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain".
Trikotilomania (mencabut rambut) dan
mencabut kulit dipindahkan di DSM-5 ke
bab obsesif-kompulsif. [1] Selain itu,
gangguan lain yang tidak secara khusus
tercantum dalam kategori ini sering
digolongkan sebagai gangguan impulsif.
Terminologi diubah di DSM-V dari "Tidak
Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain" menjadi
"Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain". [3]

Paksaan seksual …

Paksaan seksual mencakup dorongan

yang meningkat dalam perilaku dan
pikiran seksual. Paksaan ini juga dapat
menyebabkan beberapa konsekuensi
dalam kehidupan individu, termasuk
pemilihan pasangan yang berisiko,
peningkatan kemungkinan PMS dan
depresi, serta kehamilan. Belum ada
perkiraan pasti tentang prevalensinya
karena kerahasiaan gangguan tersebut.
Namun, penelitian yang dilakukan pada
awal 1990-an di Amerika Serikat
memberikan perkiraan prevalensi antara
5-6% pada populasi AS, dengan kasus
laki-laki lebih tinggi daripada perempuan.

kecanduan internet …
Gangguan kecanduan internet baru-baru
ini dipertimbangkan dan telah
ditambahkan sebagai bentuk ICD. Ini
ditandai dengan penggunaan Internet
yang berlebihan dan merusak dengan
meningkatnya jumlah waktu yang
dihabiskan untuk mengobrol, menjelajahi
web, berjudi, berbelanja, atau
mengonsumsi pornografi. Penggunaan
internet yang berlebihan dan bermasalah
telah dilaporkan terjadi di semua usia,
sosial, ekonomi, dan pendidikan.
Meskipun awalnya diperkirakan terjadi
sebagian besar pada laki-laki, tingkat
peningkatan juga telah diamati pada
perempuan. Namun, belum ada studi
epidemiologi yang dilakukan untuk
memahami prevalensinya. [4]

Belanja kompulsif …

Belanja atau pembelian yang kompulsif

ditandai dengan keinginan untuk
berbelanja yang sering kali tak
tertahankan meskipun pembelian itu
tidak diperlukan atau tidak mampu dibeli.
Prevalensi pembelian kompulsif di AS
telah diperkirakan 2-8% dari populasi
orang dewasa pada umumnya, dengan
80-95% dari kasus ini adalah wanita.
Onsetnya diyakini terjadi pada akhir usia
belasan atau awal dua puluhan dan
gangguan tersebut umumnya dianggap
kronis. [4] [5]

Pyromania …

Pyromania dicirikan oleh dorongan

impulsif dan berulang untuk sengaja
menyalakan api. Karena sifatnya, jumlah
studi yang dilakukan untuk pengaturan
api sangat sedikit. Namun, penelitian
yang dilakukan pada anak-anak dan
remaja yang menderita pyromania telah
melaporkan prevalensinya antara 2,4–
3,5% di Amerika Serikat. Juga telah
diamati bahwa kejadian pembakaran
lebih sering terjadi pada remaja laki-laki
dan remaja laki-laki daripada perempuan
pada usia yang sama. [4]

Gangguan ledakan terputus-putus …

Gangguan eksplosif intermiten atau IED

adalah kondisi klinis yang mengalami
episode agresif berulang yang di luar
proporsi penyebab stres tertentu.
Penelitian sebelumnya melaporkan
tingkat prevalensi antara 1–2% dalam
pengaturan klinis, namun penelitian yang
dilakukan oleh Coccaro dan rekan pada
tahun 2004 telah melaporkan sekitar
11,1% prevalensi seumur hidup dan 3,2%
prevalensi satu bulan dalam sampel dari
sejumlah orang sedang (n = 253).
Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, Coccaro
dan rekannya memperkirakan prevalensi
IED pada 1,4 juta orang di AS dan 10 juta
dengan IED seumur hidup. [4]

Kleptomani …

Kleptomania ditandai dengan dorongan

impulsif untuk mencuri murni demi
kepuasan. Di AS, keberadaan
kleptomania tidak diketahui, tetapi
diperkirakan 6 per 1000 orang.
Kleptomania juga dianggap penyebab 5%
pengutilan tahunan di AS. Jika benar,
100.000 penangkapan dilakukan di AS
setiap tahun karena perilaku
kleptomania. [4]
Tanda dan gejala
The signs and symptoms of impulse-
control disorders vary based on the age
of the persons suffering from them, the
actual type of impulse-control that they
are struggling with, the environment in
which they are living, and whether they
are male or female.[2]

Co-morbidity …

Complications of late Parkinson's

disease may include a range of impulse-
control disorders, including eating,
buying, compulsive gambling, sexual
behavior, and related behaviors (punding,
hobbyism and walkabout). Prevalence
studies suggest that ICDs occur in 13.6–
36.0% of Parkinson's patients exhibited
at least one form of ICD.[6][7][8][9] There is
a significant co-occurrence of
pathological gambling and personality
disorder, and is suggested to be caused
partly by their common "genetic
vulnerability".[10][11] The degree of
heritability to ICD is similar to other
psychiatric disorders including
substance abuse disorder. There has
also been found a genetic factor to the
development of ICD just as there is for
substance abuse disorder. The risk for
subclinical PG in a population is
accounted for by the risk of alcohol
dependence by about 12–20% genetic
and 3–8% environmental factors.[10]
There is a high rate of co-morbidity
between ADHD and other impulse-control

Dysfunction of the striatum may prove to
be the link between OCD, ICD and SUD.
According to research, the
'impulsiveness' that occurs in the later
stages of OCD is caused by progressive
dysfunction of the ventral striatal circuit.
Whereas in case of ICD and SUD, the
increased dysfunction of dorsal striatal
circuit increases the "ICD and SUD
behaviours that are driven by the
compulsive processes".[12] OCD and ICD
have traditionally been viewed as two
very different disorders, the former one is
generally driven by the desire to avoid
harm whereas the latter one driven "by
reward-seeking behaviour". Still, there are
certain behaviors similar in both, for
example the compulsive actions of ICD
patients and the behavior of reward-
seeking (for example hoarding) in OCD

Impulse-control disorders have two
treatment options: psychosocial and
pharmacological.[13] Treatment
methodology is informed by the
presence of comorbid conditions.[4]

Medication …

In the case of pathological gambling,

along with fluvoxamine, clomipramine
has been shown effective in the
treatment, with reducing the problems of
pathological gambling in a subject by up
to 90%. Whereas in trichotillomania, the
use of clomipramine has again been
found to be effective, fluoxetine has not
produced consistent positive results.
Fluoxetine, however, has produced
positive results in the treatment of
pathological skin picking disorder,[4][14]
although more research is needed to
conclude this information. Fluoxetine has
also been evaluated in treating IED and
demonstrated significant improvement in
reducing frequency and severity of
impulsive aggression and irritability in a
sample of 100 subjects who were
randomized into a 14-week, double-blind
study. Despite a large decrease in
impulsive aggression behavior from
baseline, only 44% of fluoxetine
responders and 29% of all fluoxetine
subjects were considered to be in full
remission at the end of the study.[15]
Paroxetine has shown to be somewhat
effective although the results are
inconsistent. Another medication,
escitalopram, has shown to improve the
condition of the subjects of pathological
gambling with anxiety symptoms. The
results suggest that although SSRIs have
shown positive results in the treatment
of pathological gambling, inconsistent
results with the use of SSRIs have been
obtained which might suggest a
neurological heterogeneity in the
impulse-control disorder spectrum.[14]

Psychosocial …

The psychosocial approach to the

treatment of ICDs includes cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT) which has been
reported to have positive results in the
case of treatment of pathological
gambling and sexual addiction. There is
general consensus that cognitive-
behavioural therapies offer an effective
intervention model.[16]

Pathological gambling
Systematic desensitization, aversive
therapy, covert sensitization, imaginal
desensitization, and stimulus control
have been proven to be successful in
the treatments to the problems of
pathological gambling. Also, "cognitive
techniques such as psychoeducation,
cognitive-restructuring, and relapse
prevention" have proven to be effective
in the treatments of such cases. [16]
Pyromania is harder to control in
adults due to lack of co-operation;
however, CBT is effective in treating
child pyromaniacs. (Frey 2001)
Intermittent explosive disorder
Along with several other methods of
treatments, cognitive behavioural
therapy has also shown to be effective
in the case of Intermittent explosive
disorder as well. Cognitive Relaxation
and Coping Skills Therapy (CRCST),
which consists of 12 sessions starting
first with the relaxation training
followed by cognitive restructuring,
then exposure therapy is taken. Later,
the focus is on resisting aggressive
impulses and taking other preventative
In the case of kleptomania, the
cognitive behaviour techniques used in
these cases consists of covert
sensitization, imaginal desensitization,
systematic desensitization, aversion
therapy, relaxation training, and
"alternative sources of satisfaction".

Compulsive buying
Although compulsive buying falls
under the category of Impulse-control
disorder – Not Otherwise Specified in
the DSM-IV-TR, some researchers have
suggested that it consists of core
features that represent impulse-control
disorders which includes preceding
tension, difficult to resist urges and
relief or pleasure after action. The
efficiency of cognitive behavior therapy
for compulsive buying is not truly
determined yet; however, common
techniques for the treatment include
exposure and response prevention,
relapse prevention, cognitive
restructuring, covert sensitization, and
stimulus control. [16]

Lihat juga
Behavioral addiction
Body-focused repetitive behavior
Child pyromaniac
Dopamine dysregulation syndrome

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Tautan luar
Klasifikasi ICD - 10 : F63 • D

ICD - 9-CM : 312.3 •

MeSH : D007174

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