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Filum Arthropoda

Dina Gunarsih, S.T., M.T



 Berasal dari Bahasa Yunani yang berarti

beruas – ruas/berbuku - buku
 Mempunyai bagian tubuh tambahan
dengan fungsi berbeda-beda
 Menempati semua habitat (laut, darat,
 Kerangka luar (eksoskeleton) yang keras:
polysaccharide chitin, kalsit

Chelicerata :
kalajengking, laba-laba
Phylum Arthropoda
Crustacea: Udang,
Kepiting, Lobster

Tracheata (=
Uniramia) :

 Tergolong arthropoda marine

 Hidup pada zaman Kambrium hingga Akhir Pemian
 Berbuku – buku
 Simetri: bilateral

Elrathia kingii, spesies dari Trilobita,

Middle Cambrian arthropod, Utah
(Briggs et al, 2008)

 Memiliki eksoskeleton keras

 Terbagi menjadi 3 lobes longitudinal:
satu di setiap sisi (pleural lobe)
satu di tengah (axial lobe)
 Tiga segmen : cephalon, thorax, pygidium

Dorsal view of a complete exoskeleton(Moore et al., 1953)


B) ventral view of the cephalon, C) Longitudinal section of a trilobite through

the axis. Skeletal parts indicated by solid black (Moore et al., 1953)
Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Agnostida
 Kambrium – Akhir Ordovisium
 Ukuran pygidium sama
dengan cephalon
 Memiliki 3 segmen thorax
(sub ordo Eodiscina) atau 2
segmen thorax (sub ordo
 Tidak memiliki mata, ukuran
kecil, penyebaran luas
Typical agnostoids, Peronopsis
interstrictus,from the Middle Cambrian,
Utah (Protero, 1998)
Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Redlichiida
 Early – Middle Cambrian

Early redlichiid, Olenellus fremonti, from the Lower

Cambrian, Pennsylvania (Protero, 1998)
Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Corynexochida
 Early – Middle Cambrian

Typical corynexochid, Basidechenella lucasensis, from the

Devonian of Ohio (Prothero, 1998)
Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Ptychopariida
 Middle Cambrian – Late
 Memiliki segmen thorax
banyak, pygidium kecil

One of the best known ptychopariids, Elrathia kingi, from

the Middle Cambrian of Utah (Prothero, 1998)
Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Asaphida
 Middle Cambrian – Late
 Large Isopygous cephala
and pygidia
 Segmen thorax 6-9

Isotelus gigas, the Ordovician of New York (Prothero, 1998)

Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Illaenida
 Ordovician – Devonian
 having a large cephalon
and pygidium
 they are isopygous or have a
pygidium larger than the

Bumastus insignis, a typical illaenid, from the Silurian of Ohio

(Prothero, 1998)
Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Trinucleida
 Ordovician – Middle Silurian
 The trinucleids are easy to
recognize by their highly
reduced pygidium and short
thorax, so that their
cephalon is more than half
of the body

A typical trinucleid, Cryptolithus tesselatus, from the Ordovician of

Ohio (Prothero, 1998)
Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Harpida
 Late Cambrian – Late
 group of trilobites with an
extremely broad,
ornamented cephalic brim
giving them a large,
horseshoe-shaped head
 Tapered glabella and many
thoracic segments

This Harpes is from the Devonian of Morocco(Prothero, 1998)

Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Phacopida
 Ordovician – Devonian
 Many thoracic segments,
their ability to roll up and lock
their pygidium into the

(J-K) Dorsal view (J) and side view of enrolled specimen (K) of a
typical calymenid, Flexicalymene meeki,from the Ordovician of
Ohio. (L-M) Dorsal view (M) and side view of an enrolled specimen
(L) of a typical phacopid,Phacops rana, from the Devonian of
Ohio(Prothero, 1998)
Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Lichida
 Ordovician – Devonian
 group of trilobites with a
glabella that extends to the
anterior border of the
 large pygidium (typically
larger than the cephalon)

A typical lichid, Amphilichas halli, from the Ordovician of

Ohio(Prothero, 1998)
Kelas Trilobita

Ordo Odontopleurida
 Ordovician – Devonian
 Odontopleurids are easily
recognized by their extreme
development of spines on
their cephalic brim, occipital
ring, genal angle, all along
the thorax, and all over the
small pygidium

Odontopleurids were very spiny trilobites, as shown by this specimen

of Dicranurus hamatus, from the Devonian of Oklahoma(Prothero,
Tipe facial suture
 Opishoparian (opithos =
belakang), garis dari sutur berakhir
di belakang genal angle, pada
batas cephalon
 Proparian (pro = sebelum), suture
berakhir sebelum genal angle
 Gonatoparian, splits genal angle
Perubahan ontogenetik
trilobit. A dan B fase
protaspid. C dan D fase
meraspid, E fase holaspid
(Moore, 1959)
Perubahan bentuk
cephalon dari muda
hingga dewasa (Palmer,
Growth strategies

1. Accretion
2. Addition
3. Molting

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