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Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)

Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII

Simple Present Tense

Kompetensi Dasar :
3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau
merupakan kebenaran umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan simple present tense)
4.7 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ ndakan/
kegiatan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran
umum, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan metode discovery based learning (DBL),
peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
• Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan dari kalimat
bentuk simple present tense, seperti :
a. Menentukan bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang digunakan dalam simple present
b. Menentukan auxilary (kata kerja bantu) yang digunakan dalam simple
present tense
 Menyusun kalimat deklarative dan interogative dalam bentuk simple present

Petunjuk pengerjaan LKPD :

 Bacalah LKPD dengan cermat
 Kerjakan kegiatan yang ada di LKPD dengan bener

Nama :
Kelas :
Sekolah :
Activity 1

Read the text carefully and find out some dialy activities of the writer!

I usually wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I need to prepare myself to school. There
are many activities I have to do before going to school. First, I prepare some books based
on schedule. I do not want to leave any book at home. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and
have a shower. Then, I eat breakfast after wearing my school uniform. I enjoy learning
time at school. I like to play with my friends too.

The school finishes at 1 p.m. After school, I change my uniform then have lunch. I usually
help parents to cook for our dinner then help to wash dishes after eating. After watching
TV for one hour, I study and do my homework. At the end, I go to sleep at 9 p.m.

Answer the question based on the text above!

1. How many activities the writer do?
2. Mention the activities of the writer before going to school?
3. What the writer do after take dinner?
4. Does the writer study and do his homework?

Activity 2

Add –s, –es or –ies with the following verbs in the box.

Study Teach Cry Watch

Wash Try Swim Fix
Fly Eat Drive Go
Take Dry Stay

–s –es –ies

1. ... 1. ... 1. ...

2. ... 2. ... 2. ...
3. ... 3. ... 3. ...
4. ... 4. ... 4. ...
5. ... 5. ... 5. ....
Activity 3

Read and study the sentences in the coloum and answer the question based on it!

Fill the blank using “do not” and “does not”.

1. Mr. Rico ... teach sains.
2. Sandy ... drink orange juice.
3. We ... practice dancing regulary.
4. He ... speak english well.
5. I ... play football.

Fill the blank using “do” and “does”.

1. ... your father smoke?
2. ... you eat some food enough?
3. ... he speak italian and english?
4. ... we use mask everyday?
5. ... Natalie stay at home in the night?

Activity 4

Read and study the sentences in the coloum and answer the question based on it!

Choose the right verb with circle the answer.

1. My friends always play/plays football after school.
2. Do/does wiliam give you something?
3. He drink/drinks coffee every morning.
4. My sister don’t like/doesn’t like banana.
5. Do/does they go to Jakarta?

Complete the following sentences with the verb in the braklet.

1. The girls always ... the cooking class on the weekend. (join)
2. A cat ... tree easily. (climb)
3. I always ... my bicycle on Sunday. (wash)
4. He often ... his brother to do homework. (help)
5. Rina ...some cake for her family. (make)
Activity 5

Change the sentences into (+), (-) or (?) form of simple present!
1. Suzane always sings in the class.
(-) ...........................................
(?) ...........................................
2. Does the driver drive his car carefully?
(+) ...........................................
(?) ...........................................
3. My friends do not visit my home after school.
(+) ...........................................
(?) ...........................................
4. I teach english in Junior High School.
(-) ...........................................
(?) ...........................................
5. Do we read newspaper in the morning?
(+) ...........................................
(-) ...........................................

Arrange the words into a good sentense in simple present form.

1. September – school – in – start
2. Our – we – always – room – clean
3. Have – we – dinner – 7 o’clock – at
4. Eat – never – sweets – I
5. Magazines – read – she – often
Activity 6

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) the letter a, b, c, or d.

1. It doesn’t ... a lot during the dry season. Leaves wither.

a. rain
b. rains
c. rained
d. raining

2. the students ... happy. They smile alot.

a. look
b. looks
c. looked
d. looking

3. Water ... at 0o celcius and ... at 100o celcius.

a. boil – freeze
b. freeze – boil
c. freezes – boils
d. boils – freezes

4. I’m new here. I ... know many people.

a. am
b. do
c. am not
d. do not

5. Zaky : Can we postpone the class meeting until Thursday?

Mark : I’m afraid not. I … basketball on Thursday.
a. have been playing
b. always play
c. played
d. plays

The text for number 6 to 9.

Babies usually ...(6)... a lot. However, Jola is different. She ...(7)... cries. She cries
only when she ...(8)... thirsty or hungry. She does not cry loudly. She just ...(9)... a bit.

6. a. cry
b. cries
c. to cry
d. crying

7. a. always
b. rarely
c. never
d. often
8. a. is
b. do
c. are
d. does

9. a. weep
b. weeps
c. weeping
d. to weep

10. ... your uncle come here every year?

a. is
b. do
c. are
d. does

Activity 7

Look at the picture and make senteces based on the situation use simple present form!

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