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• Kompetensi:
Mahasiswa memahami tentang vessel
dan mampu melakukan perhitungan
perancangan tangki (vessel design)

Vessel (tangki penyimpanan).
Vessel/ Tank
• Di industri banyak dijumpai berbagai
jenis, bentuk, dan fungsi vessel.
• Secara umum vessel dikenal dengan
sebutan bejana bertekanan.
• Dalam arti pada pemakaianya selelu
bekerja dengan beban tekan (under
working pressure).
• Berdasarkan bentuk geometrik dari vessel
* Vessel berbentuk bola
* Vessel berbentuk silinder
Tangki bentuk bola
Sphere tank (tangki bentuk bola)
Tangki Silinder (Cylindrical Tank)
Horizontal Tank
Jika didasarkan pada fungsi / penggunaan
vessel, di industri dijumpai ada vessel yang
berfungsi untuk:
• Berlangsungnya suatu proses kimia
(vessel proses mis. Reaktor, menara
distilasi, mixer tank, dll.)
• Untuk melakukan penyimpanan bahan
kimia. Secara umum vessel yang pada
penggunaannya sebagai tempat
penyimpanan (storage vessel), dikenal
dengan sebutan tangki storage
Storage Tank
Perancangan Storage Vessel
Storage vessels containing organic and non
organic liquids and vapors can be found
in many industries, including;
• (1) petroleum producing & refining,
• (2) petrochemical & chemical
• (3) bulk storage and transfer operations,
• (4) other industries consuming or
producing liquids and vapors.
 All those chemical should keep in the
right storage tank.
Seven types of vessels are used to store volatile
organic liquids:
• 1. Fixed-roof tanks;
• 2. External floating roof tanks;
• 3. Internal floating roof tanks;
• 4. Domed external floating roof tanks;
(1) – (4)  cylindrical in shape (vertical tanks),
above ground, outdoor system
• 5. Horizontal tanks  above ground and below
ground (indoor system)
• 6. Pressure tanks  horizontally oriented
and "bullet" or spherically shaped to
maintain structural integrity at high
pressures. They are located above
• 7. Variable vapor space tanks 
cylindrical or spherical in shape.
Pada pemakaiannya, baik vessel ataupun
tangki storage:
• dapat pada beban tekanan yang tinggi
(pressure vessel, stoarage vessel: tangki
• pada beban tekanan yang rendah
(under vacuum pressure),
• pada tekanan atmospherik (tang
penyimpan silinder tegak )
Tangki Bentuk Silinder
• Bentuk tangki Silinder:
– Silinder tegak (pada umumnya flat bottom
dan conical roof ataupun dome roof dan
– Silinder horisonatal (formed heads/closures).

• Silinder tegak  umum dipakai untuk

menyimpan zat cair yang tidak bersifat
volatil/ zat cair volatil, dengan kondisi
tekanan penyimpanan atmospherik ( 1
atm absolut).
Tangki Bentuk Silinder Tegak
• Suhu zat cair yang disimpan:
– pada umunya pada suhu didihnya (jika suhu
didih dibawah suhu lingkungan) atau
– pada suhu lingkungan (jika zat cair yang
disimpan suhu didihnya lebih tinggi dari suhu
lingkungan). Untuk tangki silinder tegak,
• Konstruksi atap (roof) tangki silinder tegak
 fixed roof ataupun floating roof.
• Untuk zat cair yang sangat volatil, untuk
meminimasi loss dan konsequences,
dipakai konstruksi floating roof.
Tangki Bentuk Bola
• Tangki penyimpan bentuk bola, pada
umumnya dipakai untuk menyimpan zat
cair yang volatil (ditandai dengan titik
didih dibawah suhu lingkungan) dengan
kondisi tekanan penyimpanan pada
elevated pressure (tergantung suhu zat
cair dalam tangki bola).
• Tangki bola selalu diletakkan outdoor
• Hampir semua vessel di industri dijumpai
bentuk formed head vessel.
• Bentuk tutup dari vessel ini bermacam -
macam tergantung dari kondisi tekanan
dalam vessel.
• Untuk proses vesel pertimbangan
konstruksi vesel itu apakah tegak /
horisontal sangat tergantung pada
pertimbangan kebutuhan prosesnya
(bukan kondisi operasi).
 exp. Reaktor, hal yang
dipertimbangkan adalah distribusi
bahan, maka memakai tangki tegak.

Fixed-Roof Tanks
Fixed-Roof Tanks

• the least expensive to construct and is

generally considered the minimum
acceptable equipment for storing VOL's
(volatile organic liquids).
• A typical fixed-roof tank, consists of a
cylindrical steel shell with a cone- or dome-
shaped roof that is permanently affixed to
the tank shell.
• A breather valve (pressure-vacuum valve),
which is commonly installed on many fixed-
roof tanks, allows the tank to operate at a
slight internal pressure or vacuum.
Fixed-Roof Tanks
External Floating Roof Tanks
• A typical external floating roof tank
consists of an open-topped cylindrical
steel shell equipped with a roof that floats
on the surface of the stored liquid, rising
and falling with the liquid level.
• The floating roof is comprised of a deck,
fittings, and rim seal system.
External Floating Roof Tanks
External Floating Roof Tanks
External Floating Roof Tanks
• External floating roof tanks are equipped
with a rim seal system, which is attached
to the roof perimeter and contacts the
tank wall. The rim seal system slides
against the tank wall as the roof is raised
and lowered.
• The floating deck is also equipped with
fittings that penetrate the deck and serve
operational functions.
External Floating Roof Tanks
• The external floating roof design is such
that evaporative losses from the stored
liquid are limited to losses from the rim
seal system and deck fittings (standing
storage loss) and any exposed liquid on
the tank walls (withdrawal loss).
Internal Floating Roof Tanks
• An internal floating roof tank has both a
permanent fixed roof and a floating roof
inside. The internal floating roof rises and
falls with the liquid level.
• There are two basic types of internal
floating roof tanks:
– tanks in which the fixed roof is supported by
vertical columns within the tank;
– and tanks with a selfsupporting fixed roof and
no internal support columns.
Internal Floating Roof Tanks
Domed External Floating Roof
• Domed external floating roof tanks have
the heavier type of deck used in external
floating roof tanks as well as a fixed roof
at the top of the shell like internal floating
roof tanks.
• Domed external floating roof tanks
usually result from retrofitting an external
floating roof tank with a fixed roof.
Domed External Floating Roof
Horizontal Tanks
• Horizontal tanks are constructed for both
above-ground and underground service.
• Horizontal tanks are usually constructed
of steel, steel with a fiberglass overlay, or
fiberglass-reinforced polyester.
• Horizontal tanks are generally small
storage tanks with capacities of less than
75,710 L (20,000 gallons).
schematics of typical above-
ground horizontal
underground tanks
Pressure Tanks
• Two classes of pressure tanks: low pressure
(2.5 to 15 psig) and high pressure (higher
than 15 psig).
• Pressure tanks generally are used for storing
organic liquids and gases with high vapor
pressures and are found in many sizes and
shapes, depending on the operating
pressure of the tank.
• Pressure tanks are equipped with a pressure/
vacuum vent that is set to prevent venting
loss from boiling and breathing loss from
daily temperature or barometric pressure
Pressure Tanks
Variable Vapor Space Tanks
• Variable vapor space tanks are
equipped with expandable vapor
reservoirs to accommodate vapor
volume fluctuations attributable to
temperature and barometric pressure
• Flexible diaphragm tanks use flexible
membranes to provide expandable
Variable Vapor Space Tanks
Head of Vessel (Tutup Tangki)
• Vessels used to store liquids at low
pressure are normally fitted with flat end
sections  the cheapest way of
enclosing the end of a vessel.
• For storage of fluids at higher pressures,
the ends are normally domed to reduce
mechanical stresses. A number of
different domed head designs are used.
Typically used as bases on vertical
atmospheric tanks and lids for smaller tanks.
Dished only heads are
generally used for atmospheric
tanks and vessels and for bulk
heads or baffles inside
horizontal tanks or tankers.
Torispherical Ends
• Torispherical heads are made of a dish, with a
constant radius.
• To avoid excessive local stresses  a transition section
(the “knuckle”) is used between the dish and the
Torispherical Ends/ Head
• The weakest section of the vessel is usually the
• The vessel pressure rating can be increased by
thickening the knuckle  more expensive.
• Torispherical heads with pressure ratings much
above 10 bar are uneconomic.
• To define the head geometry, the following
dimensions are required:
– Radius of the dish head, R – typically this is the
same as the diameter of the vessel, D.
– Radius of the knuckle, r – typically this is in the
region of 6% of the vessel diameter, D.
Torispherical Heads
• Umum digunankan untuk pressure vessels dan
bentuk yang tergolong paling ekonomis.
• The I.C.R is equal to the I.D of the head or less (The I.C.R to be
between 90% to 95% of the I.D of the head).
The I.K.R needs to be between 6% - 10% of the I.C.R of the
The S.F is normally between 10mm and 30mm depending on
the diameter and thickness of the head to be formed.
2:1 Semi-Ellipsoidal heads
• Lebih dalam dari torispherical head dan
lebih kuat serta tahan tekanan yg lebih
• Head ini lebih sulit untuk dibentuk
dengan kedalaman yang lebih besar
dari yg diperlukan shg lebih mahal
daripada untuk membentuk torispherical
2:1 Semi-Ellipsoidal heads

• The I.C.R is 0.8 of the O.D of the head.

The I.K.R is 0.154 of the O.D of the head.
The maximum diameter we can form a 2:1 Semi-Ellipsoidal
head to is 2310mm I.D.
The S.F is normally between 10mm and 30mm depending on
the diameter and thickness of the head to be formed.
Ellipsoidal Heads
• For pressures over 10 bar, ellipsoidal
heads are often used.
• In cross-section, the head resembles an
ellipse, its radius varying continuously 
results in a smooth transition between the
dome and the cylindrical part of the
• Ellipsodial heads are deeper than
comparable torispherical heads.
• The shape of the ellipsoidal head is
defined by the ratio of the major and
minor axis.
• A standard arrangement on vessels is the
2:1 elliptical head. This will have a depth
of head which is a quarter of the vessel’s
internal diameter, D.
Hemispherical Heads
• Hemispherical heads are the strongest
formed head for a given metal thickness.
• Pressure is divided across the surface of
the head.
• However, as they are the most expensive
to manufacture they are reserved for
high pressure applications.
• Menungkinkan untuk tekanan yang lebih
tinggi dari yang lain tetapi bentuk yang
paling mahal.
• Kedalaman head = 0,5 dari
• Common applications are for stainless
steel cooking kettles with steam jackets.

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