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Disusun Oleh :

Muhammad Naufal
Farmasi IVA



Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayah-
Nya sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah yang berjudul PICO ini
tepat pada waktunya.Adapun tujuan dari penulisan dari makalah ini adalah untuk
memenuhi tugas Evidence based medicine Selain itu, makalah ini juga bertujuan
untuk menambah wawasan tentang Metode PICO bagi para pembaca dan juga
bagi penulis.

Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dosen pengampu mata kuliah Evidence
based medicine yang telah memberikan tugas ini sehingga dapat menambah
pengetahuan dan wawasan sesuai dengan bidang studi yang saya tekuni. Saya
menyadari, makalah yang saya tulis ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh
karena itu, kritik dan saran yang membangun akan saya nantikan demi
kesempurnaan makalah ini.

Banjarmasin, 5 Mei 2020

Muhammad Naufal


KATA PENGANTAR.............................................................................................2
DAFTAR ISI............................................................................................................3
BAB I PENDAHULUAN........................................................................................4
1.1 Latar Belakang...............................................................................................4
1.2 Rumusan Masalah..........................................................................................4
1.3 Tujuan............................................................................................................4
BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA..............................................................................5
2.1 PICO...............................................................................................................5
2.2 Bentuk dan jenis pertanyaan klinis................................................................5
2.3 Menyusun Pertanyaan Klinis Dengan Metode PICO....................................7
2.4 Perbandigan efektivitas dan keamanan clopigogrel dan ticagrelor................7
BAB III PENUTUP.................................................................................................9
3.1 Kesimpulan................................................................................................9
3.2 Saran..........................................................................................................9
DAFTAR PUSTAKA............................................................................................10

1.1 Latar Belakang BAB I

Seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu kedokteran yang sangat pesat, perlu
adanya perubahan dari metode pembelajaran yang berbasis opini menuju
pembelajaran berbasis bukti-bukti penelitian. Hal ini bertujuan agar penerapan
suatu metode pembelajaran dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.Dengan kemajuan
di bidang teknologi informasi saat ini, internet dapat digunakan untuk
memperbaharui segala informasi yang diinginkan. Penelaahan lebih jauh
diperlukan sebelum mempercayai informasi baru tentang obat. Tidak semua
informasi yang didapatakan bisa dipercaya dan digunakan sebagai bagai bahan
pertimbangan dalam menentukan terapi untuk pasien.

Keterampilan memperoleh informasi dengan cepat dan tepat melalui

internet akan sangat menunjang tugas dan tanggung jawab farmasis dalam
praktik profesionalismenya. Informasi dapat diperoleh darimana saja, baik
internet, jurnal publikasi ilmiah, buku terbaru, cerita tenaga kesehatan lain,
maupun seminar kesehatan yang diselenggarakan.Oleh karena itu, diterapkan
metode pembelajaran yang didasarkan pada bukti-bukti ilmiah. Metode
pembelajaran ini digunakan untuk pengambilan keputusan dari suatu
penelitian, baik untuk pencegahan, diagnosis, maupun rehabilitatif yang
kebenarannya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.Dengan demikian, suatu
pendekatan medik yang didasarkan pada bukti-bukti ilmiah terkini untuk
kepentingan pelayanan kesehatan penderita disebut dengan Evidence Based

PICO merupakan sarana yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu tenaga

kesehatan dalam pencarian informasi klinis. PICO merupakan metode
pencarian informasi klinis yang merupakan akronim dari 4 komponen: P
(patient, population, problem), I (intervention, prognostic factor, exposure), C
(comparison, control), dan O (outcome).

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan PICO ?
2. Bagaimana cara menyusun pertanyaan dengan metode PICO ?
3. Bagaimana bentuk dan jenis pertanyaan klinis ?

1.3 Tujuan
1. Mengetahui yang dimaksud PICO
2. Memahami cara penyusunan pertanyaan dengan metode PICO
3. Mengetahui bentuk dan jenis pertanyaan klinis

2.1 PICO
PICO merupakan sarana yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu dalam
pencarian informasi klinis. PICO merupakan metode pencarian informasi
klinis yang merupakan akronim dari 4 komponen yaitu, P (patient, population,
problem), I (intervention, prognostic factor, exposure), C (comparison,
control), dan O (outcome). Dengan menggunakan PICO, kita dapat
memastikan penelitian yang dicari sesuai dengan pertanyaan klinis kita
sehingga kita bisa memberikan pelayanan berdasarkan evidence based
medicine kepada pasien.

Berdasarkan originalitas informasi dan kedekatannya terhadap sumber

langsung, sumber informasi klinis bisa dibagi menjadi sumber informasi
primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Sumber informasi primer adalah materi atau
informasi berdasarkan penelitian, sebaiknya menggunakan sumber jurnal
dengan peer review. Sumber sekunder adalah sumber informasi yang
menganalisa, mengevaluasi, menginterpretasi, merangkum atau menyusun
kembali sumber-sumber informasi primer, misalnya journal reviews, article
reviews, buku-buku teks, dan berbagai database atau indeks (misalnya
Medline). Sumber informasi tersier adalah gabungan sumber informasi primer
dan sekunder yang telah dikumpulkan dan disadur. Umumnya sumber
informasi menyediakan daftar sumber informasi primer dan sekunder yang
ekstensif atau rangkuman dari berbagai informasi primer dan sekunder.
Contoh sumber informasi tersier adalah ensiklopedia dan almanak.

Sumber-sumber informasi tersebut saat ini sangat mudah diakses oleh

siapapun secara online. Berdasarkan lokasi pencariannya secara online,
sumber informasi klinis masih bisa dibagi lagi menjadi sumber lokasi primer
dan sekunder. Sumber lokasi primer adalah database penelitian (misalnya
Pubmed, Sciencedirect), situs-situs penerbit (Elsevier, Cell press, Nature
publishing group), atau situs jurnal (misalnya NEJM, JAMA). Sumber
informasi sekunder adalah situs-situs yang menyediakan artikel yang
menganalisa, mengevaluasi, menginterpretasi, merangkum atau menyusun
kembali (misalnya Alomedika dan Medscape). Kelebihan utama dari sumber
informasi online adalah informasinya lebih mudah diperbarui sehingga
kebanyakan sumber online ini akan menyediakan informasi terkini.

2.2 Bentuk dan jenis pertanyaan klinis

Pertanyaan klinis bisa diklasifikasikan menjadi pertanyaan background
dan foreground. Klasifikasi ini penting untuk membantu memilih sumber dan
lokasi pencarian informasi klinis yang tepat yaitu :
1. Pertanyaan background adalah pertanyaan tentang pengetahuan umum
mengenai penyakit, kondisi, proses, atau suatu hal. Tipe pertanyaan yang
diajukan biasanya adalah who, what, where, when, how dan why mengenai
gangguan tertentu, pemeriksaan, atau treatment. Untuk menjawabnya,
sebaiknya dilakukan pencarian informasi klinis dari buku teks atau dari
sumber-sumber sekunder.

2. Pertanyaan foreground adalah pertanyaan spesifik mengenai pengetahuan

tertentu untuk membantu keputusan klinis. Jenis pertanyaan ini biasanya
mengenai pasien atau populasi yang spesifik. Pertanyaan klinis ini
memerlukan formulasi penyusunan yang benar sehingga dokter mampu
mencari jawabannya dengan efisien dan efektif. Untuk itu, bisa
menggunakan metode PICO

Jenis Pertanyaan klinis dibagi menjadi 5 macam yaitu :

1. Terapi, Jenis pertanyaan klinis ini menanyakan mengenai treatment yang

diberikan untuk mencapai luaran yang diharapkan. Pertanyaan yang
diajukan di antaranya bisa mencakup pertanyaan tentang obat, intervensi
operatif, perubahan diet, atau konseling. Desain penelitian yang sebaiknya
dipilih untuk menjawab pertanyaan klinis mengenai terapi adalah
randomized clinical trial (RCT) dengan kontrol berupa terapi standar baku,
kemudian diikuti dengan kohort, case-control, dan case series
2. Diagnosis, Jenis pertanyaan diagnosis bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi
penyakit pada pasien. Desain penelitian yang sebaiknya dipilih untuk
menjawab pertanyaan klinis mengenai diagnosis adalah penelitian dengan
desain prospektif, perbandingan secara blind dengan gold standard
(misalnya consecutive cohort), diikuti dengan penelitian cross sectional.
3. Prognosis, Tipe pertanyaan prognosis menanyakan mengenai perjalanan
penyakit atau kecenderungan untuk berkembanganya suatu
penyakit.Desain penelitian yang sebaiknya dipilih untuk menjawab
pertanyaan klinis mengenai prognosis adalah penelitian kohort, case
control, kemudian yang terakhir adalah case series.
4. Etiologi, pertanyaan tentang apa yang menjadi penyebab suatu kondisi
atau yang meningkatkan resiko timbulnya kondisi tersebut atau dampak
negatif dari intervensi atau paparan tertentu. Desain penelitian yang
sebaiknya dipilih untuk menjawab pertanyaan klinis mengenai
etiologi/harm adalah RCT, kohort, case control, kemudian case series.
5. Prevensi, pertanyaan tentang bagaimana menurunkan kemungkinan
timbulnya suatu penyakit atau mencegah dampak negatif yang
ditimbulkan. Desain penelitian yang sebaiknya dipilih untuk menjawab
pertanyaan klinis mengenai prevensi adalah RCT, penelitian kohort, case
control, dan selanjutnya case series.
2.3 Menyusun Pertanyaan Klinis Dengan Metode PICO
PICO yang sudah dibentuk dapat digunakan untuk menyusun pertanyaan
klinis. Sehingga saat melakukan terapi kepada pasien lebih menjamin
keamanan dan menunjang kesehatan pasien. Sebelum menyusun PICO maka
diharuskan untuk mencari kata kunci dari suatu permasalahan klinis. Kata
kunci diperoleh dari PICO dan good clinical question (pertanyaan
permasalahan klinis) yang telah disusun. Untuk dapat menentukan kata kunci
yang tepat diperlukan latihan. Berikut contoh permasalahan klinis diikuti
dengan perumusan PICO dan penentuan kata kunci :

Contoh kasus :

Seorang dokter ingin memakai obat clopidogrel untuk mengobati sindrom

koroner akut, kemudian dia datang bertanya kepada apoteker tentang yang
mana diantara obat clopidogrel dan obat ticagrelor yang memilki efek dan
keamanan lebih baik pada pengobatan pasien kasus Koroner akut.

1. Menyusun PICO
A. P : Pasien kasus sindrom Koroner akut
B. I : Obat Clopidogrel
C. C: Obat Ticagrelor
D. O : Koroner akut membaik dan sembuh
2. Pertanyaan Klinis
Pada pasien sindrom coroner akut apakah pemberian terapi obat
clopidogrel dibandingkan obat ticagrelor akan memilki efek dan keamanan
lebih baik?
3. Menentukan Tipe Pertanyaan
Tipe Pertanyaan : Terapi
4. Menentukan kata kunci untuk mencari sumber informasi berdasarkan
PICO,jadi Kata kunci yang digunakan adalah sindrom Koroner akut,
Clopidogrel, Ticagrelor

2.4 Perbandigan efektivitas dan keamanan clopigogrel dan ticagrelor

Ticagrelor telah diakui sebagai antagonis oral baru P2Y12-adenosine
difosfat reseptor, sebagai strategi dengan onset yang lebih cepat serta fungsi
penghambatan trombosit yang lebih signifikan pada koroner akut pasien
sindrom (ACS). Manfaat klinis ticagrelor dibandingkan dengan clopidogrel
masih kontroversial. Sekarang meta-analisis dilakukan untuk lebih
mengevaluasi peran ticagrelor dalam perbandingan clopidogrel dalam
pengobatan Pasien ACS. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara meta-analisis
dengan berbasis bukti data yang membandingkan ticagrelor dan clopidogrel
dalam pengobatan Pasien ACS. Hasil agregat tidak menunjukkan peningkatan
pada tingkat perdarahan mayor, MI dan stroke dengan penggunaan ticagrelor
kecuali tingkat dispnea. Namun, mempertimbangkan ticagrelor kecil
kemungkinannya dipengaruhi oleh metabolisme aktivasi dan berbagai aksi
obat antara individu, ini berpotensi menjadi obat antiplatelet alternatif yang
valid dalam perbandingan clopidogrel. Oleh karena itu, ticagrelor mungkin
obat antiplatelet yang valid dan bahkan lebih kuat daripada clopidogrel,
terutama sebagai strategi alternatif dalam mengobati pasien dengan intoleransi
atau resistensi clopidogrel.

3.1 Kesimpulan
PICO merupakan sarana yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu
dalam pencarian informasi klinis. PICO merupakan metode pencarian
informasi klinis yang merupakan akronim dari 4 komponen yaitu, P
(patient, population, problem), I (intervention, prognostic factor,
exposure), C (comparison, control), dan O (outcome). Pertanyaan klinis
nya yaitu Pada pasien sindrom coroner akut apakah pemberian terapi obat
clopidogrel dibandingkan obat ticagrelor akan memilki efek dan
keamanan lebih baik ?. didapat Kata kunci yang digunakan adalah
sindrom Koroner akut, Clopidogrel, Ticagrelor, hasil nya adalah
ticagrelor mungkin obat antiplatelet yang valid dan bahkan lebih kuat
daripada clopidogrel, terutama sebagai strategi alternatif dalam
mengobati pasien dengan intoleransi atau resistensi clopidogrel.

3.2 Saran
Saran nya obat clopidogrel masih bagus digunakan pada terapi
sindrom coroner akut tetapi jika sudah resistensi clopidogrel maka dapat
menggunakan obat ticagrelor.

Wang, Dong, et al. "Compared efficacy of clopidogrel and ticagrelor in treating

acute coronary syndrome: a meta-analysis." BMC cardiovascular disorders 18.1
(2018): 1-7.
Wang et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2018) 18:217


Compared efficacy of clopidogrel

and ticagrelor in treating acute
coronary syndrome: a meta-
Dong Wang, Xiao-Hong Yang* , Ji-Dong Zhang, Rui-Bin Li, Min Jia and Xiao-Ran Cui

as more significant platelet inhibition function in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. The clinical benefit of ticagrelor compared with
view, eligible randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were extracted and propensity score matching (PSM) analysis was conducted. To ana
with significant differences between patients receiving ticagrelor or clopidogrel. Nonetheless, higher rate of dyspnea was observed in tic

uce the risk of bleeding, MI and stroke, whereas potentially increases the incidence of dyspnea. Given the metabolic process, ticagrelo

Introduction such as medical management or percutaneous coronary

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a series of urgent
intervention (PCI) [1, 2].
clinical syndromes in the coronary arteries because of
Clopidogrel, a P2Y12 receptor antagonist as a valid
decreased blood flow. It has been acknowledged that oc-
anti- platelet drug for patients ACS patients, has been
currence as well as the development of ACS has a strong
exten- sively used worldwide for over a decade. As a
link to platelet aggregation. Therefore, standard treat-
prodrug, it often requires hepatic conversion and leads to
ment has been established with the use of dual antiplate-
onset delay of metabolites with a wide variability of
let therapy (DAPT) with P2Y12 receptor inhibitor and
platelet inhibition between individuals, and more than
aspirin for ACS patients regardless previous treatments,
one-third of them dis- play minimal platelet inhibition or
“clopidogrel non re- sponders” [3–5]. Moreover, the high
bleeding risk, stent thrombosis, myocardial infarction
(MI) and poor response
of patients with the use of clopidogrel show the limitation
* Correspondence:
Department of Sixth Cardiovascular Medicine, Second Hospital of Hebei
of its efficacy [6–8]. Hence, slow onset and low potency of
Medical University, No. 309 North Zhonghua Street, Shijiazhuang
05400, Hebei, China

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public
Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this
article, unless otherwise stated.
Wang et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2018) 18:217 Page 2 of 7

platelet inhibition of clopidogrel has been found based on Quality assessment

previous publications [9]. The quality of retrieved studies was rated and collected
Ticagrelor is a direct-acting oral antagonist of P2Y12- separately by two studiers (Dong Wang and Xiao-Hong
adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor blocker with re- Yang). And the quality of observational studies was
versibility and without catabolite activation, which can under assessment with the use of Newcastle- Ottawa
have a substantial impact on faster and greater platelet Quality Assessment Scale [17]. RCTs were graded using
inhibition than clopidogrel [10, 11]. Ticagrelor has more the Jadad scale [18].
remarkable beneficial outcomes in reversible long-term
P2Y12 inhibition than clopidogrel in the total death, car-
diovascular prevention, stent thrombosis as well as myo- Data extraction
cardial infarction without increasing the major bleeding Data from each included study were checked and col-
rates in a wide ACS patient population with timely inter- lected for consistency by two investigators. Any aris-
vention, according to the Phase III PLATO (Platelet ing disagreements were settled through discussion to reach
Inhibition and Patient Outcomes) trial [12]. Thus, sev- general consensus. The main categories from each of
eral clinical management guidelines suggested that tica- the eligible studies were included on the basis of the
grelor could be a valid strategy and associated with following parameters: family name of first au- thor, year
superior effects over clopidogrel for P2Y12 inhibition in of publication, study design, dose and method of drugs,
ACS patients [13, 14]. number of patients, follow-up time, and clinical
Earlier studies have been published for the assessment outcome.
of safety and efficacy of ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in
ACS patients Nevertheless, given the differences of gen-
etic backgrounds, comorbidities, disease patterns, and Statistical analysis
demographics, patients tend to show various prognostic The statistical analyses were carefully conducted through
results with uncertain bleeding risk [15, 16]. the use of Review Manager version 5.3 software
Therefore, attempts have been made in the present (Revman; The Cochrane collaboration Oxford, United
study in order to offer conclusive clinical evidence on Kingdom). We used the inverse variance method for the
the controversial results through this meta-analysis that calculation of endpoints of interest based on ORs with
evaluates the safety and efficacy profile of ticagrelor ver- their 95% confidence intervals (CIs); the individual esti-
sus clopidogrel in ACS patients. mate of the OR was weighted through endpoint out-
comes across each study.
The heterogeneity across studies was examined
Methods and materials through the I2 statistic to evaluate the sensitivity [19],
Search strategy describing as follows respectively: low, I2<50%; moderate
An electronic search of literature using Embase, PubMed, or high, I2 ≥ 50% [20]. We applied the fixed-effect
and the Cochrane Library was conducted by two reviewers models when low heterogeneity showed in studies. In
separately up to June 2018. All publications with the follow- other cases, we used the random effects model. Studies
ing keywords were included: “Ticagrelor”; “Clopidogrel” with a P value less than 0.05 was thought to have statis-
and “Acute coronary syndrome”. We also applied the asso- tical significance.
ciated Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms. References
from relevant studies and review literatures were further
searched to confirm retrieval of all possible pertinent trials. Results
Searched outcomes and general features of the trials
Electronic search of literatures resulted in a total
Eligibility criteria number of 369 publications originally. On the basis
Qualified Studies were assessed based on the follow- of the abovementioned criteria, assessment of detail
ing criteria [1]: the studies are designed as random was carried out and 14 publications were included,
control trials (RCTs) and propensity score matching whereas some articles were excluded due to the lack
(PSM) control trials comparing clopidogrel versus of outcomes of two approaches. Hence, there were a
ticagrelor [2]; inclusion of patients with ACS [3]; the total number of 10 studies with eligibility [12, 21–
incidence of vascular effects as well as major adverse 29]. Figure 1 revealed the detailed search process.
cardiovascular were considered as the primary efficacy The abovementioned studies were based on evi- dence
end point, which was also defined as the composite with moderate to high quality. Table 1 de- scribed the
events of stroke, myocardial infarction(MI), bleeding major characteristics of the qualified studies in more
and dyspnea. detail.
Wang et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2018) 18:217 Page 3 of 7

Clinical and methodological heterogeneity

Pooled analysis of the risk of bleeding
Pooled data from 8 studies showed no differences in the
risk of bleeding (OR = 1.07, 95%CI: 0.91–1.26, P = 0.43)
when comparing ticagrelor and clopidogrel group
(Fig. 2).
Pooled analysis of stroke Stroke rate was available
for 7 trials. No significant differences were observed
when comparing ticagrelor and clopidogrel (OR =
0.93, 95% CI: 0.64–1.34, P = 0.70) (Fig. 3).

Pooled analysis of MI
In the analysis of MI in patients who were treated with
ticagrelor or clopidogrel, eight studies were included.
Pooled data revealed that ticagrelor was not associated
with higher trend of rate than clopidogrel, with the
pooled OR being 0.87 (95% CI 0.72–1.05, P = 0.14)
(Fig. 4).
Pooled analysis of dyspnea events The incidences of
dyspnea events in patients with ACS were available for
four studies (Fig. 5). The pooling analysis revealed that
ticagrelor was linked to a higher rate of dyspnea (OR =
1.87, 95% CI: 1.70–2.05, P<0.00001).

Dual antiplatelet therapy, usually accompanied with a
P2Y12 receptor antagonist and aspirin, is generally ac-
knowledged as a vital approach in treating ACS patients,
partly because of the increased occurrence of thrombogen-
esis. Dual antiplatelet therapy has been also regarded as a
Fig. 1 PRISMA flow chart of selection process to identify eligible studies
standard therapy especially after PCI according to several
clinical guidelines [14, 30].
Clopidogrel, a P2Y12 receptor antagonist, has been gen-
erally utilized with aspirin as prescribed antiplatelet agents
in an attempt to decrease the MI risk and stent thrombosis

Table 1 Major characteristics of the included studies

Study Publication Study No. Patients Drug Dose Follow- Clinical
year design Ticagrelor Clopidogrel Ticagrelor, mg.q.d Clopidogrel, mg.q.d up, mo Outcome

Cannon 2007 RCT 6732 6676 90 LD: 300 MD: 75 3 1、2、3
Lars Wallentin 2009 RCT 9333 9291 LD: 180 MD: 90 LD: 300–600 MD: 12 1、2、3 75 、4
Cannon 2010 RCT 663 327 LD: 180 MD: 90 LD: 300 MD: 75 12 1、2、3
Laurent Bonello 2014 RCT 30 30 LD: 180 MD: 90 LD: 600 MD: 75 N 4
Y. Hiasa 2014 RCT 93 46 90/45 75 3 3
Shinya Goto 2015 RCT 401 400 LD: 180 MD: 90 LD: 300 MD: 75 12 1、2、3
Huidong Wang 2016 RCT 100 100 LD: 180 MD: 90 LD: 300 MD: 75 12 1、2、3
Ran Xiong 2015 RCT 112 112 LD: 180 MD: 90 LD: 600 MD: 150 12 1
I-Chih Chen 2016 PSM 224 224 / / 12 1、2、3
Cheng-Han Lee 2018 PSM 2389 19,112 LD: 180 MD: 90 LD: 300–600 MD: 18 1、2、3 75
RCT random control trial, PSM propensity score matching, LD loading dose, MD maintenance dose
Outcome [1]: MI [2]; stroke [3]; TIMI-defined bleeding [4]; Dyspnea
Wang et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2018) 18:217 Page 4 of 7

Fig. 2 Pooled analysis of the risk of bleeding between ticagrelor and clopidogrel

in patients with acute coronary syndromes with or comparison of clopidogrel. Nonetheless, dyspnea was
without ST elevation [22]. However, clopidogrel re- more common in the ticagrelor group.
quires 2-step hepatic metabolism as an inactive pro- Although susceptibility of higher bleeding risk was
drug that has a strong link to delayed onset and various affected by platelet inhibition, controversy existed re-
responses [31, 32]. garding to the link of bleeding risk and platelet in-
Ticagrelor is a direct-acting oral antagonist of P2Y12- hibition level, of which the risk of major bleeding
receptor antagonist with reversibility and without catab- based on platelet inhibition level has not been esti-
olite activation, which can have a substantial impact on mated [33, 34]. As shown in human race, there is
faster with consistent greater platelet inhibition than clo- variation in the drug response with different popula-
pidogrel [10, 12]. tions. Comparing with non-Asian patients, Asian pa-
However, previous trial supported by some studiers tients tend to be more susceptive with high bleeding
demonstrated no remarkable difference in terms of risk in terms of the lower body weight, different genetic
the bleeding rate with the use of ticagrelor in com- background, disease patterns as well as co- morbidities
parison of clopidogrel. Additionally, results of ven- [35]. Higher bleeding risk in Asian popu- lation has
tricular pauses on Holter monitoring as well as the dose- gained interests with standard doses of new P2Y12
related episodes of dyspnea were found with high inhibitors, especially in East Asian pa- tients [36].
occurrence when using ticagrelor [12]. We con- ducted Furthermore, on basis of clinical experi- ence and
the study to evaluate the function of ticagre- lor in evidence, there may be a dissimilarity between the
terms of its superior effect to clopidogrel for ACS Chinese and Japanese patients [37, 38]. It is always
patients. important to take different genetic pre- disposition into
The present analysis showed no statistical reduction of consideration in order to perform proper antiplatelet
bleeding incidence, MI as well as stroke in ticagrelor in therapy if clopidogrel is applied

Fig. 3 Pooled analysis of stroke between ticagrelor and

Wang et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2018) 18:217 Page 5 of 7

Fig. 4 Pooled analysis of MI between ticagrelor and clopidogrel

as a control. Compared with clopidogrel, ticagrelor is less Dyspnea is another pivotal parameter as adverse
likely to be influenced by CYP2C19 polymorphism [39]. effect in addition to bleeding. In our study, ticagrelor
The role of platelet inhibition in ticagrelor may gain popu- exerted in- creased dyspnea incidence in comparison of
larity among Asian patients who are prone to have higher clopidogrel, which mainly due to its function in
prevalence of loss of CYP2C19 function polymorphism, increasing the inhib- ition of P2Y12 on sensory neurons
which may be associated with the remarkable decrease of
and the endogenous adenosine concentration [46–48].
ischemic events [40].
The main strength of our study is the use of a well-
Increased risk of cardiovascular events usually leads to
maintained and updated database including studies that
bleeding [41]. However, the risk factors of subsequent
were designed as random control trials (RCTs) and
cardiovascular events were associated with major
propensity score matching (PSM) control trials.
bleeding with differences in degree between Asian
Nevertheless, potential bias exists by the in- trinsic
and non-Asian patient individuals. Debates exists
retrospective study and the imbalance in baseline
concerning the reason for the susceptibility of Asian
demographics and clinical characteristics, which may
patients to subsequent cardiovascular events. Asian
impact the comparison of relevant out- comes. More
patients who suffer numerically higher subsequent
large-scale studies with greater statis- tical significance
ischemic events are those who are associated with
are warranted for the confirmation of the safety as
major bleeding than without bleeding [40]. In
well as efficacy profile of ticagrelor and clopidogrel.
addition, another strong predictor of adverse progno-
sis after ACS is the age of patients [42, 43]; ACS Conclusion
patients with older age tend to be accompanied with In summary, we present a meta-analysis with evidence-
drug-related bleeding complications and increased based data comparing ticagrelor and clopidogrel in treat-
risk of CV death. Previous clinical prognosis of older ing ACS patients. Aggregated results showed no increase
age with ACS is often further complicated by more in major bleeding rate, MI and stroke with the use of
common comorbidity [44, 45]. The abovementioned ticagrelor except for dyspnea rate. However, considering
findings need further evaluation to offer strong ticagrelor is less likely to be influenced by metabolic

Fig. 5 Pooled analysis of dyspnea events between ticagrelor and

Wang et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2018) 18:217 Page 6 of 7

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