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Istilah part of speech menunjukkan pekerjaan (tugas) atau fungsi suatu kata
dalam sebuah kalimat. Part of speech diklasifikasikan ke dalam 8 golongan
yaitu :

1. Nouns ( kata benda)

2. Pronouns ( kata ganti )
3. Verb ( kata kerja )
4. Adjective ( kata sifat )
5. Adverb ( kata Keterangan )
6. Preposition ( kata depan)
7. Conjunction ( kata penghubung)
8. Interjection ( kata seru)


“ I frequently notice the adroit swimmers be

submerged into the deepest sea, however I’ve
never seen the ship of love and devotion
foundered.” (Jaluddin Ar-Rumy)

Nouns adalah kata yang menunjukkan suatu kata benda / makhluk, juga digunakan
untuk nama benda atau sesuatu yang dibendakan.
Letak kata benda dalam kalimat
a. Berada di depan kata kerja, apabila berfungsi sebagai Subject
Contoh : - A bird flies
- Siti learns
b. Berada di belakang kata kerja atau di belakang kata depan, apabila
berfungsi sebagai object.
Contoh : - She learns English
- I live in the village

a. Concret Nouns
Adalah kata-kata benda berwujud
Terdiri dari

1. Common nouns (bentuk biasa)
Adalah kata benda yang menunjukkan jenis, kelas dari benda-benda,
tempat dsb.
Contoh : - city
- book
- cat
2. Proper nouns (nama diri)
Adalah nama orang, tempat, dsb yang khusus untuk dia saja. Proper
nouns memakai huruf kapital.
Contoh : - Dian
- New York
- Kota Bangun
- Mahakam
3. Collective nouns (kata benda kumpulan atau gabungan)
Kata-kata ini selalu dalam bentuk tunggal karena mewakili/
menggambarkan benda secara keseluruhan.
Contoh : - a team : tim
- a committee:panitia
- a jury : juri
- a club : kelompok
- a regiment : resimen
- a convoy : konvoi

Collective Nouns dapat berupa manusia (people), binatang (animal)

dan suatu benda (things). Beberapa kata tertentu biasanya atau
digunakan untuk membuat collective nouns. Berikut ini beberapa
contoh collective nouns yang dibuat dengan kata-kata tertentu.


a horde of savages a nest of mice (ants)

a staff of servants a troop of monkeys
an army of soldiers a team of oxen
a choir of singers a litter of pups
a crowd of spectators a nest of rabbits
a staff of teachers a flock of sheep
a gang of thieves a flight of swallows
a congregation of worshippers a school of whales (porpoises)
a pack of-wolves

a flight of airplanes a suit of clothes
a quiver of arrows a sheaf of corn
a bunch of bananas a bale of cotton

a peal of bells a cluster of diamonds
a library of books a chest of drawers
a batch of bread a cluth of eggs
a volley of bullets a hail of fire
a hedge of bushes a bouquet of flowers
a pack of cards a bundle of rags
a crate of fruit a fleet of ships
a suite of furniture a skein of silk
a tuft of grass a collection of stamps
a stack of hay a cluster of stars
a group of islands a night of steps
a fleet of motor-cars a bundle of sticks
a string of pearls a heap/pile of stones
a collection of pictures a volley of stones
a set of china a set of tools
a packet of cigarettes a clump of trees

4. Material nouns
Kata benda yang terjadi dengan sendirinya (bukan buatan manusia)
biasanya berasal dari pertambangan dan bahan-bahan baku lainnya.
Contoh : - gold - sand
- silver - stone
- water

b. Abstract Nouns
Adalah kata benda yang tidak berwujud
Terdiri dari :
1. Kata benda abstrak dibentuk dari kata sifat dengan menambahkan "ty,
ness, th, ity"
a. Adjective + ness

No Adjectives Nouns Meaning
1 Abrupt Abruptness Kekasaran
2 Abstruse Abstruseness Kemusykilan
3 Accurate Accurateness Ketelitian
4 Adhesive Adhesiveness Kelekatan, daya lekat
5 Aggressive Aggressiveness Sifat agresif
6 Alert Alertness Kewaspadaan b.
7 Alerty Alertiness Kesiap siagaan c. A
8 Appropriate Appropriateness Kepatutan d
9 Astute Astuteness Kecerdikan j
10 Aware Awareness Kesadaran e
11 Awkward Awkwardness Kejanggalan c
12 Backward Backwardness Keterbelakangan t
13 Bad Badness Keburukan i
14 Barren Barrenness Ketandusan v
15 Bashful Bashfulness Perasaan malu e
16 Bitter Bitterness Kepahitan
17 Bitter Bitternes Kebencian
18 Blunt Bluntness Ketumpulan
19 Boorish Boorishness Ketidaksopanan
20 Brash Brashness Kelancangan
21 Bright Brightness Kecemerlangan
22 Brittle Brittleness Kerapuhan
23 Busy Business Kesibukan
24 Cagey Caginess Kelihaian, kelicikan
25 Callous Callousness Tidak berperasaan
26 Calm Calmness Ketenangan
27 Capricious Capricousness Ketidakteraturan
28 Careless Carelessness Kesembronoan
29 Casual Casualness Tidak secara formal
30 Catty Cattiness Sifat suka membenci
31 Chaste Chasteness Kesucian, kemurnian
32 Cheap Cheapness Kemurahan
33 Cheerful Cheerfulness Keriangan
34 Cheery Cheeriness Kegembiraan
35 Childish Childishness Sifat kekanak-kanakan
36 Chubby Chubbiness Kegemukan
37 Chummy Chumminess Keakraban
38 Clean Cleanness Kebersihan
39 Clean Cleanness Kebersihan
40 Clever Cleverness Kepandaian
41 Close Closeness Kedekatan
42 Cloudy Cloudiness Mendung
43 Clumsy Clumsiness Kejanggalan
44 Coarse Coarseness Kekasaran
45 Cohesive Cohesiveness Kepaduan
46 Comely Comeliness Keelokan
47 Communicative Communicativeness Suka bercakap-cakap
48 Compact Compactness Kepadatan
49 Cool Coolness Kesejukan
50 Dainty Daintiness Kecantikan, kehalusan
51 Damp Dampness Kelembutan
52 Dark Darkness Kegelapan
53 Deceitful Deceitfulness Kebohongan
54 Defensive Defensiveness Keadaan membela diri 4
55 Dirty Dirtiness Kekotoran
56 Dreary Dreariness Kesuraman
+ ty

No Adjectives Nouns Meaning
Able Ability Kecakapan, bakat
Abnormal Abnormality Ketidaknormalan
Absurd Absurdity Kemustahilan
Acceptable Acceptability Hal dapat diterima

Accessible Accessibility mudah diperoleh

Active Activity Aktivitas
Actual Actuality Aktual
Adaptable Adaptability Pencocokan
Adjustable Adjustability Ketangkasan
Adverse Adversity Kesengsaraan
Advisable Advisability Kelayakan
Affable Affability Keramah-tamahan
Agile Agility Kecerdasan
Amiable Amiability Keramahan
Artificial Artificiality Kepalsuan
Audible Audibility Kemampuan didengar
Capable Capability Kemampuan
Casual Casuality Hub. sebab-akibat
Certain Certainty Kepastian
Circular Circularity Bentuk bundar
Cruel Cruelty Kekejaman
Deep Depth Kedalaman
Dense Density Hal dapat dipercaya
Dependable Dependability Kerusakan moral
Deprave Depravity Ketidakmampuan
Difficult Difficulty Kesukaran
Disable Disability Daya tahan
Dishonest Dishonesty Kesetiaan
Disloyal Disloyalty Ketidaksetiaan
Equal Equality Kesamaan
Formal Formality Keresmian
Generous Generousty Kemurahan hati
Honest Honesty Kejujuran
Humid Humidity Kelembapan
Liquid Liquidity Kecairan
Long Length Kepanjangan
Loyal Loyalty Kesetiaan
Loyal Loyalty Ketidakjujuran
Poor Poverty Kemiskinan
Popular Popularity Kepopuleran
Punctual Punctuality Ketepatan waktu
Pure Purity Kesucian
Rapid Rapidity Kecepatan
Real Reality Kenyataan
Safe Safety Keselamatan
Secure Security Jaminan, keamanan
Selective Selectivity Kepandaian memilih
Senior Seniority kedudukan lbh tinggi
Sensitive Sensitivity Kepekaan
Severe Severity Kekerasan, kehebatan
Similar Similarity Persamaan
Singular Singularity Keistimewaan 6
Sociable Sociability Keramah-tamahan
Soft Softy Kelembutan
d. Abstract nouns: Adjective + th

Contoh : - happiness
- honesty
- property

2. Dibentuk dari kata kerja dengan menambahkan "ment, ion, tion, dsb"

No Verbs Nouns Meaning
1 Abandon Abandonment Ketertinggalan
2 Abase Abasement Penghinaan
3 Abash Abashment Mempermalukan
4 Abet Abetment Penghasuran
5 Abriadge Abriadgement Penyingkatan
6 Accompilshmen
Accompilsh Kemahiran
7 Achieve Achievement Prestasi
8 Acquire Acquirement Kepandaian
9 Adjourn Adjournment Penundaan
Adjust Adjustment
Advance Advancement Kemajuan
Advertise Advertisement Iklan
Agree Agreement Persetujuan
Agrue Agreement Perbantahan
Ail Ailment Penyakit
Allot Allotment Bagian, jatah
Amaze Amazement Kekaguman
Amend Amendment Usul perbaikan
Amuse Amusement Penghiburan
Announce Announcement Pengumuman
Apart Apartment Apartemen
Appease Appeasement Ketentraman
Appoint Appointment
Arraign Arraignment Tuduhan
Arrange Arrangement Pengaturan
Ascertain Ascertainment Penetapan
Assess Assessment
Astonish Astonishment Kekaguman
Attach Attachment Alat pelengkapan
Attain Attainment Pencapaian
Chastise Chastisement
Commence Commencement Permulaan
Develop Development Perkembangan
Disagree Disagreement Ketidak
Distribute Distribution Pembagian
Encourage Encouragement Dorongan
Entertain Entertainment Hiburan
Govern Government Pemerintahan
Involve Involvement Keterlibatan
Maltreat Maltreatment Penganiayaan
Move Movement Gerakan
Nourish Nourishment Makanan
Pay Payment Pembayaran
Place Placement Penempatan
Postpone Postponement Penundaan
Punish Punishment Hukuman
Reinforce Reinforcement Penguatan
Replace Replacement Penggantian 8
Require Requirement Syarat
Retire Retirement Pengunduran diri
Contoh : - advertisement
- examination
- admiration

Catatan :
Gender (jenis kelamin)
Dalam kata benda ada 4 (empat) macam gender (jenis kelamin)
a. Masculine = jenis jantan
Contoh - Father
- brother
- he
- man
- boy
b. Feminime = jenis betina
Contoh :
- mother
- sister
- girl
- woman
- she

father  Ayah mother  Ibu
brother  Saudara lk sister  Saudara pr
uncle  paman/om aunt  Bibi/tante
son  putra laki-laki daughter  Putri
nephew  kemenakan niece  Kemenakan
grandfather  Kakek grandmother  Nenek
grandpa  Kakek grandma  Nenek
grandson  Cucu grand-daughter  Cucu
great-grand father  buyut laki2 great-grand-mother  buyut perempuan
fiance  Tunangan fiancee  Tunangan
bridegroom  mempelai bride  Mempelai
husband  Suami wife  Isteri
father-in-law  ayah mertua mother-in-law  ibu mertua
brother-in-law  Ipar sister-in-law  Ipar
son-in-law  putra menantu daughter-in-law  putri menantu
step father  ayah tiri step-mother  ibu tiri
step-brother  saudara tiri step-sister  saudara tiri
step-son  putra tiri step-daughter  putri tiri
adopted-son  putra angkat adopted-daughter  putri angkat
boy  Cowok girl  Cewek
man  Pria woman  Wanita
Men  Pria women  Wanita

widower  Duda widow  Janda
male  laki-laki female  Perempuan
gentleman  Tuan lady  Nyonya
sir  Tuan miss  Ibu
mister (Mr.)  Tuan mistress (Mrs.)  Nyonya
bachelor  Perjaka spinster  Perawan
landlord  ayah kost  landlady  ibu kost
King  Raja  queen  ratu

c. Common = umum atau tidak disebutkan jenis kelaminnya

Contoh -I
- we
- you
- Animal
- teacher

d. Neuter = (for inanimate) / untuk benda yang tak bernyawa baik jenis jantan/betina
Contoh : chair
river store

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

a. Countable Nouns : Kata benda yang bisa dihitung (sebagaiman yang telah
disebutkan sebelumnya) yang biasanya ditandai dengan a/an
untuk tunggal (singural) dan s untuk jamak (plural)
Contoh Singular :
1. A cat is an animal.
2. A potato is vegetable.
3. A student is not always good.
4. A chair is made of wood.
5. A husband is a man.
6. A pencil is like a pen.
7. An eye is blue or brown.
8. A fish can swim.
9. A cow gives milk.
10. An airport is a busy place.
11. A motorway is a fast road for a motor-car.
12. A garden has a tree.
13. We drink tea out of a cup.
14. An apply grows on a tree.
15. A mother is kind to a little child.
16 . A girl likes a sweet.
17. A teacher is a man or a woman.
18. A fly is an insect.
19. A dog hates a cat.

20. A box has a lid.
21. A chicken is a bird.
22. A cat eats meat.
23. We can make cake with flour, milk and an egg
24. We fill our pens with ink.
25. A writer writes a book.

Contoh plural :

1. Horses are animals.

2. Balls are toys
3. Novels are books
4. Boots are kinds of shoes.
5. Watches are small clocks.
6. Tables are pieces of furniture.
7. Roses are beautiful flowers.
8. Frenchmen are Europeans.
9. Girls wear dresses.
10. Children are not always good.
11. There are always tables in dining-rooms.
12. Exercises are not always easy for beginners.
13. Hungry boys eat large dinners.
14. Stockings are long socks.
15. Soldiers are brave men.
16. Coats have collars.
17. Nouns are words.
18. Houses have roofs.
19. Postmen wear caps.
20. Oranges are good to eat.
21. Classrooms have blackboards.
22. Big men eat more than small boys.
23. Cities are big towns.
24. Schools are large buildings.

Ketentuan Bentuk Jamak (Plural)

Jumlah kata benda yang lebih dari satu akan berbentuk jamak.
Ada 14 ketentuan dalam perubahan bentuk tersebut :
 Ketentuan I : Bentuk umumnya hanya menambah "s" pada setiap kata benda
Contoh : - bag •-> bags
- cow •-> cows
 Ketentuan 2: Bila kata-kata benda yang berakhir dengan huruf "ss, s, x, ch,
sh" maka bentuk jamaknya ditambah "es"
Contoh : - ass •-> asses
- box •-> boxes
- dish •-> dishes
- watch •-> watches
 Ketentuan 3: Bila karakter dengan "y" yang didahului konsonan, maka
bentuk jamaknya berubah menjadi "ie" ditanbah huruf"s"

Contoh : - army •-> armies
- baby •-> babies
- lady •-> ladies
 Ketentuan 4: Bila berakhir dengan huruf "y" yang didahului vocal, maka
bentuk jamaknya tidak berubah tetapi langssung ditambah "s"
Contoh : - boy •-> boys
- key •-> keys
- day •-> days
 Ketentuan 5 : Bila kata benda berakhir dengan huruf "o" yang didahului oleh
konsonan maka pada umumnya bentuk jamaknya ditambah "es"
Contoh : - buffalo •-> buffaloes
- cargo •-> cargoes
 Ketentuan 6: Bila kata benda berakhir dengan huruf "o" dan didahului oleh
vokal, maka bentuk jamaknya hanya ditambah "s"
Contoh : - bamboo •-> bamboos
- curio •-> curios
- radio •-> radios
- video •-> videos
 Ketentuan 7: Bila kata benda berakhir dg. huruf 'f' atau "fe" maka bentuk
jamak biasanya berubah menjadi "v" dan diikuti "es".
Contoh : - calf •-> calves
- knife •-> knives
- life •-> lives
- self •-> selves
 Ketentuan 8: Kata benda yang bentuk jamaknya berubah huruf-huruf
Contoh : - mouse •-> mice
- foot •-> feet
- goose •-> geese
- louse •-> lice
- man •-> men
- woman •-> women
- tooth •-> teeth
 Ketentuan 9: Kata benda yang jamaknya hanya menambah "en"
Contoh : - brother •-> brethren (brothers)
- child •-> children
 Ketentuan 10: Kata-kata benda yang tidak mempunyai bentuk jamak
Contoh : - advise - knowledge
- furniture - news
- information - progress
 Ketentuan 11: Kata benda yang hanya dalam bentuk jamak (tidak ada bentuk
Contoh : - arms - police
- clothes - scissors
- compasses - shears
 Ketentuan 12: Beberapa kata benda yang mempunyai kesamaan bentuk
(tidak mengalami perubahan) antara tunggal dan jamak.
Contoh : - brace •-> brace

- deer •-> deer
- dozen •-> dozen
- fish •-> fish
 Ketentuan 13 : Bila kata benda mejemuk yang terdiri dari dua kata benda,
maka bentuk jamaknya hanya pada kata yang terakhir.
Contoh : - armchair •-> armchairs
- classroom •-> classrooms
- roommate •-> roommates
- landlady •-> landladies
Pengecualian : - man – servant •-> men - servant
- father - in - law •-> fathers – in- law
 Ketentuan 14 : Nama zat seperti "water, air" dan semua benda-benda yang
tidak dapat dihitung, tentu saja tidak mempunyai bentuk
jamak. Kadang-kadang berbentuk jamak yang tidak terhitung
tetapi mengandung pengertian yang berbeda.
Contoh : The desk is made of wood
There are some pretty woods in England
The mountain is made of rock
The ship ran on the rocks

b. Uncountable Nouns : Kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung yang tidak bisa ditandai
dengan a/an untuk tunggal (singural) dan s untuk jamak
Berikut ini tipe-tipe kata benda yang umumnya digunakan sebagai Uncountable
noun :
1. Whole group made up of similar items :
Contoh : baggage, clothing, food, fruit, furniture, mail, money, jewelry,
2. Fluids
Contoh : water, coffe, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasoline, blood, etc.
3. Solids
Contoh : ice, butter, cheese, meat, gold, iron, silver, wood, glass, etc.
4. Gases
Contoh : steam, air, oxygen, nitrogen, smoke, smog, pollution, etc.
5. Particles
Contoh : rice, chalk, corn, dirt, flour, hair, pepper, salt, sugar, sand, dust,
wheat, etc.
6. Abstractions
Contoh : beauty, confidence, courage, education, justice, knowledge, luck,
peace, freedom, pride, progress, truth, patience, violence,
news, happiness, enjoyment, health, honesty, etc.
7. Languages
Contoh : Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, Germany, Japanese,etc.
8. Fields of study
Contoh : chemistry, engineering, history, mathematics, literature,
psychology, etc.
9. Recreation/Play
Contoh : baseball, football, tennis, badminton, chess, rugby, etc.
10.General activities

Contoh : driving, swimming, studying, traveling, walking, climbing, singing,
running and other gerunds.
11.Natural Phenomena
Contoh : weather, dew, fog, hail, heat, humidity, lightning, rain, sleet,
snow, thunder, wind, light, sunshine, fire, etc.


“ The worth of a man is according to his courage, his

truthfulness is according to his balance of temper, valor is
according to his respect and his chasteness is according to
his sense of shame. (Ali bin Abi Thalib )

Pronouns adalah kata yang dipakai untuk menggantikan benda atau sesuatu yang

Berdasarkan sifat dan fungsinya, maka kata ganti ini dibedakan atas 6

a. Personal Pronouns ( kata ganti orang )

b. Possessive pronouns ( kata ganti kepunyaan )
c. Reflexive pronouns ( kata ganti mandiri )
d. Demonstrative pronouns ( kata ganti penunjuk )
e. Interrogative pronouns ( kata ganti penanya )
f Relative pronouns ( kata ganti penghubung )

Personal Pronouns Possessive

Reflexive Pronoun
Subject Object Dependent Independent
I Me My Mine my self
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
You You Your Yours your self/your
He Him His His Himself

She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
Dian Her Her Hers Herself

Cara Penggunaan dalam kalimat

a. Personal Pronouns
1. Subject (pelaku/pokok)
 Sebelum Verb to be
I am a student
 Sebelum kata kerja
He gives me a flower
2. Object (penderita)
 Sesudah Verb to be
It is me that you need.
 Sesudah kata kerja
I give him a book
 Sesudah preposition
He sent a letter to me
 Sesudah kata "Let" allow
Let me go
Allow me go
b. Possessive Pronouns
1. As adjective (sebagai kata sifat) Dependent
This is my book
2. As pronoun (kata ganti) Independent
 Di belakang kalimat / tidak diikuti kata benda
That book is mine
 Sesudah kata of. Jika sebelum kata of adalah kata benda
This is a book of yours
3. Possessive case (kepunyaan)
 Dipakai pada nama diri
Lisa's book
Dian's friend
Ahmad's car
 Dipakai pada jabatan
The director's pen
 Dipakai pada nama waktu
Yesterday's lesson
 Dipakai pada nama jarak
A mile's distance
A four miles' walk
 Tidak dipakai pada nama barang
The chair's leg (salah)
The legs of the chair (benar)

c. Reflexive pronouns
Kata ganti yang ditujukan untuk diri sendiri

Sistem penempatan sebagai berikut :
1. Perbuatan seseorang kembali pada dirinya sendiri
 Setelah "noun"
I myself opened the door
 Setelah "pronoun"
I myself can't understand Deutsch
 Setelah "verb"
We can see ourselves in the looking glass
 Setelah "verb + preposition"
You must think of yourself
 Setelah "and"
My parents and I myself like to go to the cinema
 Setelah "preposition + noun"
Tom goes to London himself

2. Bila yang ditekankan adalah kata benda yang lain (bukan diri sendiri)
Contoh : - I saw Tom himself going to the school.
- I spoke to the vise president himself
3. Digunakan sebagai object berkenaan dengan orang yang sama sebagai
Contoh : I cut myself sewing this morning
4. Bila didahului kata "by" yang berarti tanpa bantuan atau dilaksanakan
Contoh : Alex usually studies by himself

d. Demonstrative Pronoun
Kata ganti penunjuk
Terdiri dari :
1. Dekat dengan pembicara
This (tunggal) artinya "ini"
These (jamak) artinya "ini"
Contoh : - This is my friend
- These are the old classrooms
2. Jauh dengan pembicara
That (tunggal) artinya "itu"
Those (jamak) artinya "itu"
Contoh :- I like that dress
- Those coats are expensive
3. One, ones
One = tunggal ones = jamak
Dipakai untuk menunjukkan nama jenis yang mendahuluinya.
Contoh : - He has a big dictionary and a small one
- Please give me the red pencils and the black ones

4. The former and the latter

Bila digunakan sebagai noun maka the former mengandung arti ; yang
disebut terlebih dahulu (antara dua) atau yang pertama dari dua pokok
sedangkan the latter (adj) = yang kedua = yang kedua dari dua pokok.

Kedua kata ini bisa digunakan bersama-sama
Contoh : - Jack and Anna came to visit us this morning, the former was
my friend and the latter was his wife.
5. Such
 Bila digunakan sebagai sebuah adjective berarti se ; demikian ;
Contoh :- I have never seen such heavy rain as this.
 Bila digunakan sebagai sebuah pronoun berarti (yang apa-apa)
Contoh : - I don’t have many books on that subject, but such as I
have I'll lend you.

6. None = tidak satupun, tidak seorangpun, tidak sedikitpun

Contoh : - We invited several friends, but none came

e. Interrogative Pronoun
Kata ganti penanya yang dipakai untuk menanyakan tentang sesuatu balk
tentang orang, benda atau juga keadaan.
Terdiri dari :
1. Who
Untuk menanyakan subject dan object manusia
Contoh :- Who is coming with you ?
- Who do you want to see ?
2. Whom
Untuk menanyakan object manusia
Contoh .- Whom do you teach?
- Whom do you play badminton with ?
3. What
Contoh :
- What is troubling you ?( Untuk rnenanyakan subjek benda)
- What do you need ? ( Untuk menanyakan objek benda)
- What are you doing ? ( untuk menanyakan aktifitas dari subjek)
- What are you ? ( untuk menanyakan jabatan/profesi)
4. Which
Untuk menanyakan pilihan
Contoh :- Which pen do you want ?
5. Whose
Menanyakan tentang kepemilikan
Contoh :- Whose pens are those ?
- Whose is it ?
6. When
Menanyakan tentang waktu
Contoh :- When will I see you again ?

7. Where
Menanyakan tentang tempat
Contoh : - Where do you go?

8. How
 Menanyakan tentang cara
Contoh : - How do you come here ?
 Menanyakan frekuensi
Contoh : - How often do you go shopping every month?
 Menanyakan jarak
Contoh : - How far is it from Tenggarong to Samarinda ?
 Menanyakan lamanya
Contoh : - How long does it take to drive from Kota Bangun to
Balikpapan ?
 Menanyakan jumlah
Contoh : - Howmany students are there in the class.
- How much money do you have
9. Why
Menanyakan alasan
Contoh - Why do you leave me?

Kalimat Tanya ada 2 macam :

1. Pertanyaan yang menggunakan Question word
Sebagaimana yang telah dibahas di atas (interrogative pronoun)
2. Pertanyaan yang menggunakan Yes/No question
a. Untuk kalimat yang menggunakan to be
Ex - She is a singer •-> Is she a singer ?
b. Untuk kalimat yang menggunakan modal auxiliary
Ex : - They will be there tomorrow •-> menjadi
Will they be there tomorrow ?
c. Untuk kalimat yang menggunakan verb selain to be
Ex : - The birds always sing every day •-> menjadi
- Do the birds always sing every day ?

f. Relative Pronoun
Kata ganti penghubung yang menghubungkan anak kalimat dengan suatu
kata benda yang terdapat dalam induk kalimat.
Terdiri dari :
1. Who
Digunakan untuk menerangkan orang
Cantoh : - The girl who always plays in front of my house is very
2. Which
Digunakan untuk menerangkan benda, hewan atau tumbuh-tumbuhan
Contoh :- The flower which he bought is a lotus
3. That
Digunakan untuk menerangkan orang, hewan atau benda dan bisa
menggantikan kata who, whom atau which.
Contoh :- That man that (whom) we were looking for has come.
4. Whom

Digunakan untuk rnenerangkan orang, tetapi bertungsi sebagai object
Contoh :- They are the painters whom he admires.
5. Whose .
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kepunyaan ,
Contoh :- The man whose wife died yesterday is my uncle.


“ Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through
the eyes of a child “ (Aron wild)

Verb adalah kata yang menunjukkan nama perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh subyek
namun rnungkin juga menunjukkan keadaan.

a. Finite verb (ordinary verb)
kata kerja biasa yakni yang ditandai dengan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut :
1. Bila dipakai dalam kalimat tanya dan negatif perlu memakai kata kerja do,
does atau did.
2. Bentuknya dapat berubah-ubah oleh tenses,
3. Biasanya mempunyai bentuk-bentuk :
- infinitive
- present participle
- past tense
- etc
b. Auxiliary verb
Kata kerja bantu yang digunakan bersama-sama dengan kata kerja lain untuk
menyatakan keadaan atau tindakan atau khususnya mempunyai fungsi
gramatikal. Terdiri dari .
1. Primary aux verb
Contoh : Do, does, did, have, has, had
2. to be aux verb
Contoh : am, is, are, was, were, been, being
3. Modal aux verb
Contoh : can, could, shall, should, would, will, may, might, must, dare, ought
to, etc.

c. Linking verb
Kata kerja yang berfungsi menghubungkan antara subject dengan complement-
nya. Kata yang dihubungkan dengan subject tersebut dinamakan subject
Contoh : - She looks serious
- He is student
- She seems curious
- It tastes nice
- The detective looked puzzled

d. Transitive verbs
Kata kerja yang memerlukan object untuk menyempurnakan arti kalimat.
Contoh :- He struck the board
- A dog bits the man
- You push the door

e. Intransitive verbs
Kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan object, karena sudah dapat menunjukkan
arti yang sempurna.
Contoh : - The sun shines
- The cat slept
- The water boils
Notes :
Kata kerja yang dapat menjadi transitive and intransitive
Contoh :- He drops his bottles ( Tran )
- The rain drops from the sky ( Intran )
- He grows the rubber trees ( Tran )
- Rice grows in the fertile soil ( Intran )

f. Regular and irregular verbs

1. Regular verb
Kata kerja yang dapat berubah-ubah sesuai dengan bentuk tenses dan
perubahan bentuk kata kerja itu secara teratur.
Contoh : - visit visited visited
- study studied studied
- invite invited invited

2. Irregular verb
Kata kerja yang mempunyai fungsi sama dengan regular verb, tapi
perubahan bentuk kata kerja ini secara tidak teratur.
Contoh : - go went gone
- take took taken
- write wrote written


“ No body is bored when he is trying to make

something that is beautiful, or to discover something
that is true.” (William Ralp Inge)

Kata yang digunakan untuk menentukan atau membatasi sesuatu kata benda
atau pronoun.
Adjective ada 8 macam
a. Possessive Adjective : my, your, his, her, its, our, their
Bentuk ini menyatakan kepunyaan apabil digunakan sebelum "noun"
Contoh :- Your brother doesn't recognize me

- The dancers will show their performance tomorrow
b. Interrogative adjective : what, which, whose
Bentuk ini digunakan dalam kalimat tanya
Contoh : - What books do you read ?
- Whose sister has gone to Jakarta ?
- Which shoes have you worn ?
c. Demonstrative adjective
Digunakan untuk menggambarkan/menunjukkan "Sesuatu benda (noun) atau
pronoun berbeda dengan demonstrative "pronoun" yakni mengganti. Terdiri
 Definite -> yakni menunjukkan sesuatu secara tepat.
Contoh :- singular : the, this, that, such
- plural the, these, those, such
 Indefinite -> ditujukan secara tidak tepat
Contoh :- a, an, any, one, a certain, such, another : singular
- any, certain, such, some, other, any other :'Plural
d. Distribute adjectives : each, every, either, neither
Digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa yang di bicarakan itu berjenis-jenis atau
tersendiri-sendiri baik orang atau sesuatu benda.
 Each (adj) : masing-masing, tiap, setiap
Contoh : - each group contains 3 persons
 Neither (pron , adj) : tidak, kedua-duanya
Neither mengadung arti negatif
Contoh : - I like neither of them
 Every (adj) setiap, masing-masing
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu jumlah yang lebih dari dua Every tidak
dapat digunakan sebagai suatu pronoun Either (pron) : salah satu (adj) :
salah satu
Contoh : - we can go either way, right of left

Quantitative Adjective
Digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah (kuantitatif) dan selalu diikuti kata
benda tungal balk material" maupun "abstrak"
Terdiri dari
 Much (adj) : banyak
Contoh :- How much water do you drink a day ?
- It needs too much money
 Little (adj) : sedikit
Contoh : - He gave me little time to think about it
 No (adj) : tidak, bukan, dilarang
Contoh : - Andi has no money
 None (pron) : tidak satupun, tidak seorang pun, tidak sama sekali Contoh : -
Let's do the better or none
 Enough (n, adj) : secukupnya (jumlah yang cukup) (adv) : cukup
Contoh : - He is old enough to do his job
- That's enough for me. Thank you
 All (adj) : semua, segenap, segala, seluruh

Contoh :- Ail my bags are packed and I'm ready to go
 Half (adj) : separuh, setengah
Contoh : - More than a half of my friends are girls.
Numeral Adjective
Menyatakan tentang angka, kata benda yang dapat ditentukan harus dapat
dihitung atau ditaksir Terdiri dari
a. Definite (menyatakan jumlah secara tepat)
 Cardinal : one, two, three
 Ordinal ; first, second
 Multiplications :
 Single, double
 Twofold, three fold
 A pour, a dozen
b. Indefinite (menyatakan jumlah secara tidak begitu tepat)
Contoh : all enough
Some one
few many
a few several

Descriptive Adjective
Menyatakan tentang mutu atau menggambarkan dan atau melukiskan sesuatu
keadaan / sifat orang maupun benda (binatang)
Contoh : - a black horse
a large field
a beautiful woman
a sick lion
a diligent student


“ One who says ‘ I don’t know’ and learns is better than

one who knows and puffs himself up.” (Arabic

Adverb adalah kata yang menjelaskan bagaimana caranya, dimana tempatnya,
kapan waktunya, berapa kali dan sehagainya.

1. Adverb as modifier of a verb
The boy threw the ball quickly
2. Adverbs as modifier of an adjective
He is an extremely pleasant person
3. Adverbs as modifier other adverbs
She spoke extremely quickly.
4. Adverbs as modifier noun phrases

He had quite a party
5. Adverbs as modifier of an entire sentence
Fortunately, the boy threw the ball quickly

Adverbs dibagi menjadi 8 macam :
1. Adverb of manner
2. Adverb of place and direction
3. Adverb of time
4. Adverb of degree
5. Adverb of frequency
6. Adverb of quantity
7. Interrogative adverb
8. Relative adverb .

Adverb of manner
Kata keterangan yang menyatakan bagaimana caranya sesuatu pekerjaan
dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi.
Contoh : - He runs guickly

Adverb of place
Kata keterangan yang menjelaskan tempat terjadi dan arah terjadinya tindakan
atau peristiwa.
Contoh :- She will come here again

Adverb of time
Kata keterangan yang menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu pekerjaan atau
peristiwa. Ada 2 macam keterangan waktu
1. Definitite time (tertentu)
Contoh : yesterday, now, Saturday, night
2. Indefinite time (tidak tertentu) : Soon, already, Just, still, nowdays
Contoh dalam kalimat : - I'm studying English now.
- She will come her soon.

Adverb of Degree
Kata keterangan yang menjelaskan tingkat, derajat atau seberapa jauh
suatu hal itu
Ada 2 macam adverb of degree yaitu :
1. Yang menunjukkan how much berkenaan dengan adjective atau adverb
Contoh : - She become quite angry with me
- He always walks rather quickly
2. Yang menunjukkan how complete (seberapa sempurna)
Contoh :- Yang berkenaan dengan verb
He has almost finished working
- Tingkatan kesempurnaan yang berkenaan dengan adjective.
They're practically ready to begin the show.

Adverb of frequency
Kata keterangan yang menyatakan frekuensi seiring tidaknya suatu pekerjaan

dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi.
Contoh :- She sometimes comes late.
- He always wakes up early.

Adverb of quantity
Kata keterangan yang menjelaskan jumlah atau berapa kali suatu pekerjaan
dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi.
Contoh : - She studied English little.
- He has won the prize twice.

Interrogative adverb
Kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk membuat pertanyaan. Contoh :
- Where did you buy this book ?
- How did she come here ?

Relative Adverb
Kata keterangan yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung dalam kalimat.
Contoh :- I don't remember when I met her for the first time.

Tingkat Perbandingan Adverb

Ada 3 tingkat perbandingan adverb yaitu :
1. The positive degress (tingkat biasa)
2. The comparative degress (tingkat lebih)
3. The Superlative degress (tingkat paling)

1. Bentuk Positive Degress

S + V + as + adverb + as + noun / pronoun

Contoh - His car runs as fast as a race car.

2. Bentuk Comparative Degress

S + V + adverb + er + than + noun / pronoun
more + adverb
less + adverb
Contoh : He speak English more fluently than I.

3. Bentuk Superlative Degress

S + V + the + adverb + est + in / of + singular noun
most + adverb plural noun
least + adverb
Contoh - It rains the most frequently in January.


“ Every receptacle is getting contracted when it is

discharged in it, except knowledge which expands
instead.” ( Ali Bin Abi Thalib)

Preposition (kata depan)
Kata yang menunjukkan pertalian antara noun, pronoun dan kata-kata lainnya
dalam kalimat.

1. About
- He told the policemen everything about the accident. (tentang)
- I'll come about eight o'clock. (kira-kira)
- He looked about him. (di sekelilingnya)
- I left it somewhere about here. (di sekitar)
2. After
- The boys played football after school. (sesudah)
- It has rained day after day. (berhari-hari)
- The dog non after the cat. (mengejar)
- My uncle asks after my father. (tentang)
- Will you look after the birds in the cages, please ? (memelihara)
- The boy was called Ahmad after his father. (seperti)
3. At
- He was at home. (place)
- The boy goes to school at seven o'clock. (time)
- We have rice at breakfast. (occupation)
- Look at the blackboard. (direction)
- He bought them at Rp 5,00 each. (prize)
4. Between
- I sat between my father and mother. (diantara)
- The accident happened between nine and ten o'clock. (sekitar)
5. Among
- The old man sat among his grand children (diantara 4 lebih dari 2)
6. By
- I go to school by bus. (transport)
- Come and sit by the fire (near/place)
- Can you finish the work by Friday (of time)
- One by one (step)
7. For
- What can 1 do for you ?
- We lived there-for two years. (length of time)
- He left for America. (place of destination)
- He is punished for stealing. (reason)
- Let us go out for a walk. (purpose)
8. From
- They have gone away from home. (a staring place)
- I got a letter from my friend. (place of origin)
- Soap is made from Copra. (material)
- He suffers from malaria. (cause)
- He stays away from school. (absent)
9. In

- He is studying in his room. (position)
- He is sitting in the sun. (condition)
- In the morning. (time)
- In the army. (activity)
10. Of
- The bike of my friend is now. (possession)
- Tell him of the accident. (about)
- Three meters of cloth. (measure)
- To die of hunger. (cause)
- Within three miles of the station. (distance)
- Bali is east of Java. (position)

11. On
- The book is on the table. (place)
- He came on Sunday. (time)
- He gave a lecture on literature. (about)
- He did it on purpose. (manner)
12. To
- Is this the road to the zoo ? (direction)
- It is five minutes to six. (before (time))
- Count from one to fifteen. (as far as)
- Give the knife to me. (indirect object)
- The changes are ten to one. (comparison)
- I like to meet him face to face. (opposition)
- To my surprise he came to the party. (result)
13. With
- He cuts the stick with a knife. (instrument or tool)
- I played badminton with him. (company)
- I'm with you in what you say. (agreement)
- She trembled with fear. (reason)
- Who is that gentleman with grey hair ? (possession)


“ The man who lost his zest to look for knowledge as if he

lost his desire to eat or who likes to devour bread with
dirt.” (AlGazali)

Conjuction atau kata sambung
Kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata dengan kata, ungkapan
dengan ungkapan, kalimat dengan kalimat dsb.

Ada 2 macam conjunction
a. Coordinating Conjucntion

Kata-kata yang menghubungkan 2 kalimat atau kata-kata yang bersangkutan satu
sama lain, dan sama tingkatannya.
Berdasarkan pengertiannya Coordinating Conjucntion diklasifikasikan menjadi 4
1. Cumulative Conjunction
Kelompok kata penghubung yang berfungsi mempunyai arti mengumpul kan
Contoh : - Fatimah is beautiful and diligent (dan)
- Not only Fatin is beautiful but also. she is diligent (tidak hanya
tetapi juga)

- Amir, as well as Ali, invites me to come soon (maupun)

- She both plays the piano and sings. (kedua)

- Fatimah is beautiful, moreover, she is diligent (lebih-lebih lagi)

2. Alternative Conjunction
Kelompok kata penghubung yang mengandung pengertian alternatif atau
pemilihan antara dua atau lebih.
Contoh : - Ali or Farida will finish the job. (atau)
- Either you leave this house or I'll call the police.
- I neither smoke nor drink.
3. Adversative Conjunction
Kelompok kata penghubung yang mengandung arti pertentangan antara
satu bagian kalimat dengan bagian kalimat yang lain.
Contoh : - Amir is poor but he is honest
- Bambang Is rich, yet he is friendly person.
- She has tried, still is not successful
- Ali is poor, however, he is honest.
4. Illative Conjunction
Kelompok kata penghubung yang menunjukkan pengertian akibat (sebab)
dari suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang lain.
Contoh :- It's raining very hard therefore the club will cancel the picnic.
- She is busy, accordingly, she can't see you.
Catatan :
Untuk coordinating conjunction tertentu yaitu :
Because of
In spite of + noun (Noun phrase)
Regardless of
Contoh : - Amir wore a raincoat because of the rain.
- Ali didn't wear a raincoat in spite of the rain.
- I wear a raincoat regardless of the weather.

b. Subordinating Conjunction
Kata penghubung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan subordinate cluse
(anak kalimat yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri) dengan main clause (induk
Contoh :- My father says that this book is mine.

- I trust his word because he speaks the truth.
- The boy will come if he is allowed to do so
- I wish to know whether I'm excused or not
- He will die soon however rich he may be
- She closed her house after her friends had gone.
- she had his house cleaned before her friends came.
- He left the house as soon as the rain stopped.
- It is a long time since I last saw you.


“ The wiseman is who adores and venerates God.” (Kahlil Gibran)

Interjection (kata seru)
Suatu ucapan spontan yang dimaksudkan untuk menyatakan suatu perasaan/ pikiran
yang tiba-tiba terasa/muncul; seperti perasaan terkejut, senang, kesakitan, heran,

1. Joy : menyatakan kegembiraan, kegirangan, kesenangan.
Contoh :
Hurrah ! we win the game !
Huzzah !
Ha! Ha!
Oh ! How pleased I am to see you !
Joyless : menyatakan sedih, duka cita
- What a pity !
- It's a pity !
2. Grief : menyatakan duka cita, kesedihan yang mendalam, kedukaan.
Contoh :
O h!
Ah !
My God !
God Heavens !
Mash ! He has gone away !
3. Amusement : perasaan ingin tertawa, hiburan
Contoh :
- Ha! Ha!Ha!
4. Approval : pernyataan puas, setuju atau mengijinkan.
Contoh :
- Bravo !
- Well !
5. Weariness : yaitu mengungkapkan rasa keletihan, kepenatan.
Contoh :
- Heigh !

- Ho!
- Heigh - Hay !
6. Attention : perhatian
Contoh :
Hlo !
Hush ! Hirsh !
Hark !
Fie ! What a dirty trick!
Hush ! She got headache !
7. Report : teguran
- Fie ! Fie !
8. Contempt : kehinaan, sikap memandang rendah, perasaan muak, menghina
Contoh :
- Stuff !
- Tut - tut !
- Poh ! pish ! Tush !
- Why, even a child know that !
9. To call someone
Contoh :
- Hallo !
- Ho !
- Halloa !
10. Doubt : keraguan, kesangsian
Contoh :
- Hum !
- Hem, hump !
- Fiddle stuks !

Infinitive Past Form P.Participle Ing-Form Meaning

V1 V2 V3
abide abode,abided abode,abided abiding Diam
arise Arose Arisen arising terbit
Awake Awoke awoke, awaked awaking Bangun
Be (is/am/are) Was/were Been Being Adalah/berada/0

Bear Bore Born bearing melahirkan

Beat Beat beat, beaten beating memukul

Become Became become becoming Menjadi

Begin Began Begun beginning Memulai
Bend Bent Bent bending membengkokkan
Bet Bet Bet betting Bertaruh

Bid bid, bade bid, bidden bidding menawar
Bind Bound bound binding mengikat
Bite Bit Bitten biting menggigit
Bleed Bled Bled bleeding berdarah
Blow Blew Blown blowing Meledak, tiup
Break Broke broken breaking memecahkan,

Breed Bred Bred breeding membiakkan

Bring Brought Brought bringing membawa
Broadcast broadcast broadcast broadcasting memancarkan
Build Built Built building membangun
Burn Burnt Burnt burning mem bakar
Burst Burst Burst bursting merekah, meledak
Buy Bought bought buying Membeli
Cast Cast Cast casting melempar
Catch Caught caught catching menangkap
choose chose chosen choosing Memilih
cleave clove cloven cleaving mem belah
Cling clung clung clinging Melekat
Come came Come coming Datang
Cost cost Cost costing Berharga
Creep crept Crept creeping merangkak
Cut cut Cut cutting memotong
Dig dug Dug digging menggali
Do did Done doing mengerjakan
Draw drew drawn drawing menggambar
dream dreamt dreamt dreaming bermimpi
Drink drank drunk drinking Minum
Drive drove driven driving mengendarai
Eat ate eaten eating memakan
Fall fell fallen falling Jatuh
Feed fed Fed feeding memberi makan
Feel felt Felt feeling merasakan
Fight fought fought fighting bertengkar

Find found found finding menemukan
Fit fit, fitted fit, fitted fitting cocok dengan,
Flee fled Fled fleeing melarikan diri
Fly flew Flown flying terbang
Forbid forbade forbidden forbidding melarang
forget forgot forgot(gotten) forgetting melupakan
Forgive forgave Forgiven forgiving memaafkan
forsake forsook Forsaken forsaking mengabaikan
Freeze Froze Frozen freezing membeku
Get Got got(ten) getting mendapatkan,
Give gave Given giving memberi
Go went Gone going pergi
Grind ground Ground grinding mengasah
Grow grew grown growing menumbuhkan
hang hung Hung hanging menggantung
have had Had having mempunyai
hear heard heard hearing mendengar
hide hid hidden hiding bersembunyi
Hit hit Hit hitting memukul ,
hold held Held holding memeluk,
hurt hurt Hurt hurting menyakiti
keep kept Kept keeping menjaga
know knew known knowing mengetahui
Lay laid Laid laying menaruh, berbaring
lead led Led leading memimpin
leap leapt Leapt leaping melompat
learn learnt, learned learnt, learned learning mempelajari
leave left Left leaving meninggalkan,
lend lent Lent Lending meminjami
Let let Let Letting membiarkan
Lie lay Lain Lying Berbohong
lose lost Lost losing menghilangkan,
make made made making Membuat
mean meant meant meaning Bermaksud
meet met met meeting Menemu
Pay Paid Paid paying membaya,
Put put Put putting Meletakkan
quit quit Quit quitting Berhenti

read read read reading Membaca
ride rode ridden riding Menunggang
Ring rang rung ringing menelpon,
Rise rose risen rising naik,terbit
Say said said saying mengatakan
See saw seen seeing melihat,berjumpa
seek sought sought seeking mencari
Sell sold sold selling menjual
send sent sent sending mengirim
Set set set setting mengatur,
shake shook shaken shaking menggoyang
shoot shot shot shooting menembak
shrink shrank shrunk shrinking menciutkan
shut shut shut shutting menutup
Sing sang sung singing bernyanyi
Sink sank sunk sinking tenggelam
Sit sat sat sitting duduk
sleep slept slept sleeping tidur
slide slid slid sliding longsor, meluncur
smell smelt smelt smelling mencium bau
speak spoke spoken speaking berbicara
spell spelt spelt spelling mengeja
spend spent spent spending menghabiskan
Spin spun spun spinning memintal
Spit spat spat spitting meludah
Split split split splitting membelah
spread spread spread spreading membentangkan
spring sprang sprung springing melompat
stand stood stood standing berdiri
steal stole stolen stealing mencuri
stick stuck stuck sticking melekatkan
strike struck struck striking memukul
swear swore sworn swearing bersumpah
sweep swept swept sweeping menyapu
swim swam swum swimming berenang
swing swung swung swinging membual,
Take took taken taking mengambil
teach taught taught teaching mengajar
Tear tore torn tearing merobek
Tell told told telling bercerita
Think thought thought thinking berfikir
throw threw thrown throwing melempar
understand understood understood understanding mengerti
wake up woke up woken up waking up bangun
wear wore worn wearing memakai

weave wove woven weaving menenun
weep wept wept weeping menangis
Win won won winning memenangkan
wind wound wound winding memutar
wring wrung wrung Wringing memulas

1. Allen, Standard W, Living English Structure, Longman Group limited. London,

2. Echols, Jhon M. An English Indonesian Dlctionary, Cornell University Pess.
New York, 1975
3. Echols, Jhon M. An Indonesian English Dictionary, Cornell University Pess. New
York, 1975
4. Fitikides, T .J. Common mistakes In English, Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd.
London, 1946
5. Fuad, Mas'ud, Essentials of English Grammar a Practical Guide, second
edition, BPFE, Yogjakarta, 1996.
6. Frank, Marcella, Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, Prentice Hall
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1972.
7. Hartanto, Jhon S. Accurate, Brief and Clear English Grammmar, Penerbit
INDAH, Surabaya, 1996.
8. Krohn, Robert, English Sentence Structure,
9. Martinet 8. Thomson, A Practical English Grammar
10.Schrampfer, Betty, Understanding and Using English Grammar, second
edition, Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1989
11.Sharpe, Pamela J, Baron's How to Prepare for the TOW, Baron's Educational
Series, Inc. Northern Arizona University, Yuma, 1.997
12. Swan, Michael, Practical English Usage,
13. Taylor, Grant, Masterlng Amerlcan English, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New
York, 1956

I Countable and Uncountable 3

14 We can write - letter on - paper.

I S - piano makes - music.
16 - iron is - metal.
17 - bread is made from - flour, and - flour is
made from - wheat.
18 - orange grows on - tree.

19 - child must have - food.

20 - sugar is nice in - cup of tea.
21 We use - spoon for - soup.

22 - knife is made of - metal.
23 - cow eats - grass in - summer.
24 I like – jam on - piece of - bread.
25 I can write -- letter in - ink or with - pencil.
1.4 UNCOUNTABLE nouns, and COUNTABLE nouns
Element in
Arethe plural, by some when `a certain quantity,
ary or number'
is implied.
Bread is good for us. (All bread, in general.) Give me some bread. (A
certain quantity.)
s • r

• Add a, an, or some where necessary:

2. ……table has four legs.
3. We can write on ……. paper or on ……. blackboard.
4. ……….. apple has ………. sweet taste.
5. ………. fr u it i s v er y g o o d t o e a t .
6. Please give me …….. milk.
7. There is ……. dirt on this plate and ……dirty mark on the tablecloth.
8. ……… man gave me …… books this morning.
9. ……… good pupil is never late for …… lesson.
10. …….. book about ………. philosophy is not good for ……child.
11. Put ……. lemon in your soup instead of ……. salt.
12. I want …… glass of ……lemonade with ……. sugar in it.
13. ……… bed made of ……… iron is better than one made of
14. Australian sheep give us …….. very good wool.
15. You must write in ….ink; here is …… pen.
16. Give me ………… ink to write …….. letter.
17. Do you take ……… sugar in …….tea?
18. ………garden usually has …… flowers in it.
19. I like …… music very much.
19. ………. house made of ……. stone can be very pretty.
1. There is ……. pencil and ……. writing-paper.

1.5 Some nouns are COUNTABLE or UNCOUNTABLE according to


Say which of the following words take the indefinite article; notice which
words can be either countable or uncountable; make sentences with these.

air darkness breath literature

soup bacon c la ss a r t ist
m armaladesunshine book foreign
friendship camel sleep beef
daytime Pin music tennis

shop dirt hair mutton
smoke butter mountain help
news truth apple dress
corner poetry television step
fish vacuum poem rain
cheese drink ice sand
glass clothing grass ink
sea onion coffee stupidity
storm sky garlic
c. naming things that we cannot count (UNCOUNTABLE
or mass nouns) have no indefinite article, and usually no plural.
ink, water, wood.


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