Anda di halaman 1dari 14

1. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan jek hidraulik di bengkel kereta.

Diagram below shows a hydraulic jacks in a car wokshop.

Prinsip yang manakah digunakan dalam situasi di atas?

Which principle is used in above situation?

A Prinsip Archimedes
Archimedes’ principle

B Prinsip Pascal
Pascal’s principle

C Prinsip Bernoulli
Bernoulli’s principle

D Prinsip keabadian tenaga

Principle of conservation of energy

Jawapan: B

2. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan jek hidraulik. Omboh A dan omboh B mempunyai luas
keratin rentas masing-masing 5 cm2 dan 100 cm2. Jika jisim 3 kg diletakkan atas omboh
A, apakah berat maksimum yang boleh diangkat oleh omboh B?

Figure below shows a hydraulic jack. Piston A and piston B have cross-sectional areas 5
cm2 and 100 cm2 respectively. If mass of 3 kg is placed on piston A, what is the maximum
weight that can be lifted by piston B?
Piston A/Omboh A Piston B/Omboh B

A 300N
B 900N
C 600N
D 800N
Jawapan : C

3. Rajah menunjukkan daya F1 dikenakan ke atas omboh kecil menghasilkan tekanan P1.
Tekanan P1 dipindahkan ke omboh besar menghasilkan tekanan P2 dan daya F2.

Diagram shows F1 exerted on a small piston producing pressure P1. Pressure P1 is

transferred to the large piston to produce pressure P2 and force F2 .

Perbandingan manakah yang betul?

Which comparison is correct?

A. F1 = F2
B. F1 > F2
C. P1 = P2
D. P1 > P2
Jawapan : C
4. Rajah menunjukkan jek hidraulik

Diagram shows a hydraulic jack.

Pengubahsuaian manakah pada omboh P yang akan menambah tekanan pada omboh
Which modification on piston P will increase the pressure in piston Q?

A. Kurangkan ketinggian, h
Decrease the height, h

B . Kurangkan isipadu minyak

Decrease the volume of oil

C. Kurangkan luas keratan rentas

Decrease the cross-sectional area

D.Kurangkan ketebalan dinding

Decrease the thickness of the wall

Jawapan: C
Soalan objektif

1. Rajah 6.1 dan Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan sistem hidraulik untuk mengangkat beban.
Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 shows a hydraulic system to lift a load.

Rajah 6.1/ Diagram 6.1

Rajah 6.2/Diagram 6.2

(a) Nyatakan satu ciri cecair yang digunakan dalam lif hidraulik di atas.
State one characteristics of the liquid used in the hydraulic lift above.

1 markah

(b) Perhatikan Rajah 6.1 dan 6.2,

Observe Diagram 6.1 and 6.2,

(i) Bandingkan luas keratan rentas pada kedua-dua omboh kecil itu.
Compare the cross sectional area on both the small pistons.


1 markah
(ii) Bandingkan luas keratan rentas pada kedua-dua omboh besar itu.
Compare the cross sectional area on both the large pistons.


1 markah
(iii) Bandingan daya dikenakan pada kedua-dua omboh besar itu.
Compare the force exerted on both large pistons.


1 markah

(c) Berdasarkan jawapan di (b)(ii) dan (b) (iii),

Based on answer on (b) (ii) and (b) (iii),

(i) Nyatakan hubungan antara luas keratan rentas omboh besar dan daya dikenakan.
State the relationship between the cross sectional area of the large piston and
the force exerted.


1 markah
(ii) Nyatakan prinsip fizik yang terlibat.
State the physics principle involved.


1 markah
(d) Jika cecair lebih tumpat digunakan dalam lif hidraulik;
If the denser liquid is used in the hydraulic lift;

(i) apa terjadi kepada jarak disesarkan oleh omboh besar?

what will happen to the distance displaced by the large piston?

1 markah
(ii) beri satu sebab bagi jawapan anda di (d)(i).
give one reason for your reason in 6 (d)(i)

1 markah

2. Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan keratan rentas sistem brek hidraulik bagi kereta.
Diagram 7.1 shows the cross sectional the hydraulic brake system of the car.

Rajah 7.1/ Diagram 7.1

(a) (i) Namakan prinsip fizik yang terlibat dalam sistem hidraulik.
Name the physics principle involved in this hydraulic systems.

1 markah

(ii) Terangkan mengapa system brek ini kurang berkesan jika terdapat gelembung
udara terperangkap dalam salur brek.
Explain why this brake system is less efficient if there is air bubble trapped in the
brake tube.


1 markah
(b) Tandakan arah omboh pada silinder brek depan dan silinder brek belakang dalam
Rajah 7.1 bila pedal brek ditekan.
Mark the direction of piston on front brake cylinder in Diagram 7.1 when the brake
is pressed.
1 markah

(c) Satu daya 15 N dikenakan pada pedal brek. Luas keratan rentas omboh utama, silinder
brek depan dan silinder brek belakang ialah 5.0 x 10-4 m2, 6.0 x 10-4 m2 dan 5.5 x 10-4 m2
masing – masing.
A force of 15 N is exerted on the brake pedal. The cross sectional area of master piston,
front brake cylinder and rear brake cylinder are 5.0 x 10-4 m2, 6.0 x 10-4 m2 dan
5.5 x 10-4 m2 respectively.

(i) Kira tekanan yang dikenakan ke atas minyak dalam brek hidraulik.
Calculate the pressure exerted on the oil in the hydraulic brake.

2 markah

(ii) Kira daya yang dikenakan pada setiap omboh brek depan.
Calculate the force that exerted at each of front brake piston.

2 markah

(d) Berdasarkan rajah,

Based on Diagram

(i) terangkan pengubahsuaian bagi saiz omboh utama supaya sistem brek boleh
berfungsi dengan berkesan.
explain the modification to the size of master piston so that the brake system can
function effectively.


2 markah

(ii) terangkan mengapa silinder brek belakang pada sebelah kanan dan kiri mesti
mempunyai luas keratan rentas yang sama.
Explain why rear brake cylinder on the right and on the left must have same
cross sectional area.



1 markah

Soalan esei:

Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan keratan rentas sebuah jek hidraulik yang digunakan untuk
menaikkan suatu beban. Satu daya F1, 1000 N dikenakan ke atas piston Q yang luas
keratan rentasnya A1 dan berupaya untuk mengangkat satu beban, F2, 5000N di atas piston
R yang luas keratan rentasnya A2.

Diagram 2.1 shows a cross sectional structure of a hydraulic jack used to raise a load.
A force, F1 of 1000 N is exerted on to piston Q with cross sectional area of A1 and able
to raise a load, F2 of 5000 N on piston R with cross sectional area of A2.

Rajah 2.1
Diagram 2.1

(a) Apakah maksud daya?

What is the meaning of force?

[1 mark/1 markah]
(b) Berdasarkan Rajah 2.1,
Based on Diagram 2.1,

(i) bandingkan luas keratan rentas piston Q A1 dan piston R, A2

compare the surface area of piston Q, A1 and piston R, A2

(ii) bandingkan daya F1 dan F2 yang bertindak pada piston-piston itu

compare the forces F1 and F2 acting on the pistons

(iii) bandingkan tekanan yang bertindak pada piston-piston itu

compare the pressure exerted on the pistons

(iv) hubungkait luas keratan rentas dan daya yang bertindak pada piston
relate the surface area and the force exerted on the pistons

(v) namakan prinsip fizik yang terlibat

name the physics principle involved

[5 marks/5 markah]

(c) Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan sebuah system sifon.

Diagram 2.2 shows a siphon system.

Diagram 2.2
Rajah 2.2

Apakah fungsi sistem sifon itu?Terangkan prinsip kerja system sifon tersebut.
What is the function of the siphon?. Explain the working principle of the siphon system.

[4 marks/4 markah]
(d) Sistem brek hidraulik yang effisien adalah sangat penting bagi sesebuah kereta
untuk tujuan keselamatan.
Rajah 2.3 menunjukkan sebuah sistem brek hidraulik.

An efficient hydraulic brake system is very important in a car for safety purposes.
Diagram 2.3 shows a car hydraulic brake system.

Diagram 2.3
Rajah 2.3

Cadang dan terangkan pengubahsuaian yang perlu dibuat kepada sistem ini supaya
ia dapat berfungsi dengan lebih berkesan berdasarkan aspek-aspek berikut:
Suggest and explain the modification should be done on the system so that it can
function effectively based on the following aspect.

(i) Jenis bahan bendalir brek.

The type material of brake fluid.

(ii) Sifat bendalir brek.

The characteristic of brake fluid

(iii) Saiz omboh utama

The size of master piston

(iv) Saiz omboh kedua.

The size of slave piston

(v) Jenis bahan yang digunakan untuk paip penghantaran bendalir.

The type material of the fluid transmission pipe.

[10 marks/markah]
2 (a) Force is action on an object that can result in changes 1
like size, shape and direction.
(b) 1. surface area A1 is smallerr than A2
2. forces F1 is smaller than F2 5
3. pressure P1 is equal to P2
4. when surface area is larger, the force exerted on the
piston will increase.
5. Pascal’s principle
(c) 1. Function- to transfer water from beaker to cylinder.
2. The pressure at lowest point in cylinder is greater
than the atmospheric pressure, the liquid flows out
at lowest point in cylinder/at the end of rubber tube
in cylinder.
3. The pressure in the rubber tube decreases as the
water flows out and a partial vacuum is created.
4. The higher atmospheric pressure water into the
tube.The water flows until the liquid surface in
cylinder reaches the same level as in beaker.

(d) Modification/ Explanation

Oil Incompressible/
No air bubble
High boiling point/ Does not change to gas state easily/
Does not evaporate easily
Low density/ Lighter/ 10
High viscosity Fluid does not flow easily
Small master High pressure produced with a small force
Big slave piston Produce bigger output force

Aluminium/ Strong/
Steel Does not break easily/
Non corrosive/
Does not rust easily


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