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Soal-soal :
1. Model Lingkungan dalam analisis
politik luar negeri dapat dipergunakan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis perilaku politik luar
negeri sebuah negara secara lebih komprehensif dengan menggunakan variable-variabel yang
berpengaruh dalam decision making process.
Pertanyaan :
a. Gambarkan dan jelaskan skema / Model Lingkungan dari Maria Papadikis & Harvey
Starr !
b. Berdasarkan model lingkungan tersebut, berikan analisa saudara tentang tentang
kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat terhadap Venezuela (Case: Rencana Intervensi AS ke

2. Salah satu pendekatan dalam

analisa system untuk mengkaji politik luar negeri adalah model Proses Pembuatan Keputusan
dari Richard Snyder.
Pertanyaan :
a. Gambarkan dan jelaskan skema / model Richard Snyder tentang Proses
Pembuatan Keputusan !
b. Berdasarkan skema / model Snyder tersebut, berikan analisa saudara tentang
proses pembuatan Kebijakan Luar Negeri suatu negara yang saudara ketahui.

3. Pada dasarnya ada dua pendekatan mendasar dalam

menganalisis perilaku dan kebijakan luar negeri sebuah negara, yaitu single level analysis dan
multi level analysis atau pendekatan micro-macro linkage.
a. Berdasarkan Tiga Tipe Single Level Analysis
Approach (International Constraints, Domestic Determinants, Decision-Makers Influences),
berikan analisis saudara tentang politik luar negeri Indonesia (Case: Kepentingan Indonesia
sebagai Anggota Tidak Tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB 2019-2020).
b. Berdasarkan Micro-Macro Linkage Approach,
berikan analisis saudara tentang politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat (Case: Kebijakan Donald
Trump Terkait dengan Perang Dagang antara Amerika Serikat vs Tiongkok).
4. Model state-centrism merupakan konsep yang penting
dalam kajian hubungan internasional dan analisa politik luar negeri yang kemudian melahirkan
pendekatan Tradisional atau pendekatan Realis.
Pertanyaan :
a. Mengapa Model state-centrism menjadi pusat
perhatian dalam kajian hubungan internasional dan analisa politik luar negeri ?
b. Berikan analisa saudara secara jelas tentang
Kepentingan Nasional Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah penyelenggaraan Asian Games 2018 ?

5. Dalam studi Perilaku Rasional Konflik dikenal teori-teori dan

model untuk menganalisa perilaku negara-negara dalam keadaan konflik yaitu Model Prisoner’s
Dilemma dan deterrence theory.
Pertanyaan :
a. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Prisoner’s Dilemma dan
Deterrence Theory ?
b. Berdasarkan deterrence theory, coba saudara
gambarkan dan analisis perilaku konflik antara Korea Utara melawan Korea Selatan !

Study Questions :

1. What is foreign policy analysis, and what is the objective of those who study it?
2. What makes it so difficult to determine whether a foreign policy decision was a good
3. What is the difference between foreign policy decisions, behaviors, and outcomes? Why
would you wish to distinguish between them?
4. What are the three levels of analysis? How do they relate to foreign policy decisions,
behaviors, and outcomes? What is their use in the study of foreign policy?
5. Why is it important to study foreign policy comparatively? How does doing so improve
6. What are independent and dependent variables? How does thinking in terms of variables
help foreign policy analysts in their quest to attain general knowledge?

Study Questions
1. How does a leader’s personality influence foreign policy decision making?
2. Are leaders free to pursue their foreign policy ambitions? What are some of the factors
that influence leaders’ abilities to do so?
3. What are some of the differences between the public persona and private person? Why
do they matter for the study of foreign policy?
4. What are some of the strategies foreign policy analysts have used to figure out what
motivates the man or woman behind the public persona?
6. In what ways do emotions influence foreign policy
decision making?

Study Questions

1. Are decision makers rational? What does it mean to be rational?

2. What are perceptions and how do they influence decision makers?
3. Is history a useful guide for decision makers? How so? Why not?
4. How does problem representation or framing influence decision making?
5. Is the use of heuristics in decision making necessarily bad?

6. Is it possible to distinguish good decision making? Or is good judgment merely a matter of

opinion—and agreement with the decision?

Study Questions

1. Do a state’s capabilities predict what sort of foreign policy its leaders will pursue? Why or
why not?

2. Do the concepts of small, middle, and great (or even super) power help decision makers
understand the constraints placed on them by the international environment?
3. What small-state foreign policy behavior patterns have been identified? Do these help in
understanding the connection between size, power, and foreign policy behavior?
4. What patterns in dependent state foreign policy behavior have been identified? What do
these patterns explain about power differences in international politics?
5. What is soft power? What are norm entrepreneurs? What do these concepts share in

Study Questions

1. What level of analysis is most appropriate for efforts to understand foreign policy decision
making? Foreign policy behavior? Outcomes?
2. How do foreign policy analysts approach the study of the complex and multicausal
phenomena that interest them?
3. What four elements define foreign policy analysis as a field of study?

Sumber Bacaan :
1. Dikat / PPT Anapol
2. Marijke Breuning, 2007, Foreign
Policy Analysis: A Comparative Introduction

Catatan ;
Dikumpulkan paling lambat 5 Juni 2020, melalui Google Classroom masing-masing kelas.

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