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Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Salafiyah Plumbon
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analitis
Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 30 Menit (1x Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Dasar

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu
aktual, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.4.2 Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis tulis, terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Melalui pendekatan saintifik dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Discovery
learning, peserta didik diharapkan terampil:

1. Melalui kegiatan diskusi secara kelompok, siswa mampu membandingkan fungsi sosial,
dan struktur teks terkait teks exposisi analitis dengan cara melengkapi tabel dengan baik
dan benar.
2. Secara kelompok siswa mampu menulis ulang teks exposisi analitis menggunakan kata-
kata mereka sendiri dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan sebagai petunjuk terkait isu
aktual dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, dan struktur text sesuai dengan kontek
penggunaanya dengan baik dan benar.
sehingga setelah pembelajaran peserta didik dapat mencapai KKM secara bertanggung
jawab, jujur, dan disiplin.

C. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
Sintak Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Moda
Salam, Doa, Absensi, memberikan motivasi, Zoom/PPT//WAG
menyampaikan materi dan sekenario pembelajaran
serta aspek yang akan dinilai.

b. Kegiatan Inti ( 40)

Sintak Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Moda
Stimulation 1. Siswa mengamati teks yang dibagikan melalui chat Zoom/PPT/WA
WAG terkait materi teks expsosisi analitis yang G
sedang dipelajari.
Problem 2. Siswa dan guru tanya-jawab terkait fungsi sosial
Statement dan struktur teks exposisi analitis.
3. Menjelaskan materi terkait fungsi sosial dan
struktur teks exposisi analitis.
Data Collection 4. Siswa secara kelompok mengerjakan LKPD 1
terkait fungsi sosial, dan struktur teks exposisi
analitis dengan melengkapi tabel dari dua teks Zoom/PPT//WA
yang berbeda. G
5. Siswa dan guru membahas hasil jawaban LKPD 1
Data Processing 6. Siswa secara kelompok mendiskusikan isi teks Zoom/PPT/WA
exposisi analitis terkait fungsi sosial dan struktur G
teks melalui Whatsapp group.
7. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan sebagai petunjuk
Verification untuk menulis ulang teks expoisi analitis dengan
baik dan benar.
8. Siswa dan guru membahas hasil jawaban secara
9. Siswa mengerjakan soal evaluasi tentang
pemahaman materi teks exposisi analitis.

c. Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

Sintak Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Moda
Generalization/Closing Kesimpulan, refleksi, pemberian tugas, Zoom/PPT/WAG
penyampaikan rencana materi berikutnya
menutup pertemuan pertama dengan mengucap
salam dan doa

D. Penilaian
Sikap Pengetahuan Keterampilan
 Bertanggung jawab  Melengkapi tabel  Menjawab pertanyaan
 Jujur membandingkan dua sebagai petunjuk
 Disiplin teks untuk menulis ulang
teks exposisi analitis.

E. Program Tindak Lanjut

Peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM (75) diberi tugas untuk mencari contoh-contoh
analytical exposition. Setelah satu minggu guru mengevaluasi kemajuan kompetensi
peserta didik dalam menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
exposisi analisis Kemudian guru melaksanakan penilaian remedial yang berupa
melengkapi tabel membandingkan dua teks melalui WAG.
Bagi peserta didik yang mempunyai nilai di atas 75 diberi pengayaan berupa tugas mandiri
untuk menyusun teks ekposisi analitis sederhana terkait isu actual berupa menjawab
pertanyaan sebagai petunjuk untuk menulis ulang teks exposisi analitis dengan kata-kata
siswa sendiri, kemudian mempublikasikannya di sosial media kelas.

Mengetahui, Cirebon, Oktober 2020

Kepala SMK Salafiyah Plumbon Guru Mata Pelajara

Drs. H. Asep Kostajaya N., M.Si Samian, S.Pd.I


The Importance of Learning English

In this modern era, there are a lot of people who still can’t speak English. Actually, there
are many benefits of learning English. Here are two reasons why it’s important.
First, English opens new career opportunities. These days, many companies need
employees who can communicate with clients from around the world. Usually, it means
someone who can speak English because English is an international language. Being a
bilingual person, you can get the opportunity to work in a gobal company.

Second, English tests can get you into schools. You probably already know English tests
such as TOEFL and IELTS. If you learn English well enough to pass English tests like TOEFL,
you can study in English-language universities across the globe. Although you aren’t going to
study abroad, learning English can help you in making the thesis because there are a lot of
sources use English languages.

There are indeed many other benefits of learning the English language. But, the two
reasons above help us to believe that English is important for our life and by learning English
languages we can communicate with many people from other countries.

• Do you like English?

• Is important we learn English?
• What is the issue of the text?

The Importance of Library

I personally believe that libraries are among humanity’s most important institutions for several
reasons. Firstly, most of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly,
libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group the materials into
logical and easily available divisions. Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to
everyone and even provide librarians to help us find what we need. Finally, libraries are our
link to the past and our gift to the future. From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are
important institutions for humanity.

• What do you know about the pictures?

• Have you ever gone there?
• Do you often read some books over there?
• What do we need to the library?

Materi Konsep

Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon
surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter, and
to analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to support it.
Materi Prinsip
Generic Structure:
1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s point of view.
2. Argument: Explaining the argument to support the writer’s position. The number of
arguments may vary, but each argument must be supported by evidence and
3. Reiteration: Restating the writer’s point of view / to strengthen the thesis. We can use
the following phrase to make conclusion in reiteration.

Language features:

1. Using relational process or linking verb.

Be (is, am, are, was, were), feel, keep, indicate, become, Refer to, seem, remain, stay,
reflect, appear, turn, cost, portray, sound, grow, measure, function, look, go, make,
act, run, realize, reveal, smell, come, denote, represent, etc.
2. Using internal and causal conjunction,
although, as a result, because, by, consequently, despite, due to, for that, reason, in
case, in order, in this way, otherwise, since, so, so as to, so, that, therefore, though,
thus, to that end, unless, until, yet
3. Using general and abstract nouns, contohnya: car, policy, government, etc.
4. Using technical verbs, contohnya: species
5. Using relating verbs, Relating verbs help us to identify or describe some characteristic
of a person or thing:
My name is SleepStealer. [identifying]
MegaMonster is very ugly. [describing]
6. Using actions and thinking verbs, contohnya: I believe
7. Using modal verbs and modal adverbs, contohnya: we must preserve
8. Using connectives, contohnya: firstly, secondly, thirdly
9. Using evaluative language, contohnya: important, valuable
10. Using passive voice and simple present tense,Contohnya: The policy is designed to an
urban society.

Example of Analytical Exposition Text.

The Importance of Drinking Water

How much do you drink water today? Water is often considered insignificant but behind it all, it
turns out that water has important functions for our body. There are several reasons why you should
drink enough water.

1st Argument

Firstly, interstitial
How much do fluid is obtained by drinking lots of water. Water is used by the body to digest
food and help transport
you drink water nutrients throughout the body. In addition, interstitial fluid is also useful for
producing saliva
today? Water is and regulating body temperature.
2 nd
The second reason is that it helps kidney work. Our kidney processes 200 liters of blood in our
but behind
body it
every day. It also filters out waste and delivers urine to the bladder. To do all the tasks, our
all, it turns
kidney needsoutenough water because water is used to clean anything that is unnecessary for our
that water
body. has
Furthermore, drinking water can moisturize our skin. It makes our skin feel fresh, soft, bright
and smooth.
functions for
our body.
There are
several reasons drinking enough water every day can also improve the function of our brain. It can
help us to concentrate more and unlease the nervous system in the brain. In conclusion, drinking
why you should
water is important because it is needed for our interstitial fluid, helps kidney work, is good for
drink enough
healty skin, and improves the function of our brain.
water. Firstly,
interstitial fluid
is obtained by
drinking lots of
water. Water is
used by the
body to digest
food and help
throughout the

Text 1

Read the following text and answer the questions correctly!

The Importance of Learning English

In this modern era, there are a lot of people who still can’t speak English. Actually, there
are many benefits of learning English. Here are two reasons why it’s important.
First, English opens new career opportunities. These days, many companies need
employees who can communicate with clients from around the world. Usually, it means
someone who can speak English because English is an international language. Being a
bilingual person, you can get the opportunity to work in a gobal company.
Second, English tests can get you into schools. You probably already know English tests
such as TOEFL and IELTS. If you learn English well enough to pass English tests like TOEFL,
you can study in English-language universities across the globe. Although you aren’t going to
study abroad, learning English can help you in making the thesis because there are a lot of
sources use English languages.
There are indeed many other benefits of learning the English language. But, the two
reasons above help us to believe that English is important for our life and by learning English
languages we can communicate with many people from other countries.

Text 2

The Importance of Library

I personally believe that libraries are among humanity’s most important institutions for several
reasons. Firstly, most of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly,
libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group the materials into
logical and easily available divisions. Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to
everyone and even provide librarians to help us find what we need. Finally, libraries are our
link to the past and our gift to the future. From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are
important institutions for humanity.
Task 1

Complete the box based on the text 1 and 2 above!

Text 1 Text 2




Argument 1

Argument 2


Task 2
Analytical Exposition Text

The Importance of Library

I personally believe that libraries are among humanity’s most important institutions for several
reasons. Firstly, most of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly,
libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group the materials into
logical and easily available divisions. Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to
everyone and even provide librarians to help us find what we need. Finally, libraries are our
link to the past and our gift to the future. From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are
important institutions for humanity.

Answer the questions based on the text to guide you in writing the summary of the
analytical exposition text!

1. What is the topic of the text ?

2. What is the intention to write the text?
3. Why is it important?
4. What is the purpose of the text?
5. How is the final of the text?

Text 1

The Importance of Drinking Water

How much do you drink water today? Water is often considered insignificant but behind it all,
it turns out that water has important functions for our body. There are several reasons why you
should drink enough water.

Firstly, interstitial fluid is obtained by drinking lots of water. Water is used by the body to
digest food and help transport nutrients throughout the body. In addition, interstitial fluid is
also useful for producing saliva and regulating body temperature.

The second reason is that it helps kidney work. Our kidney processes 200 liters of blood in our
body every day. It also filters out waste and delivers urine to the bladder. To do all the tasks,
our kidney needs enough water because water is used to clean anything that is unnecessary for
our body. Furthermore, drinking water can moisturize our skin. It makes our skin feel fresh,
soft, bright and smooth.

Additionally, drinking enough water every day can also improve the function of our brain. It
can help us to concentrate more and unlease the nervous system in the brain. In conclusion,
drinking water is important because it is needed for our interstitial fluid, helps kidney work, is
good for healty skin, and improves the function of our brain.

Text 2

The Importance of Internet for Education

The impact of internet in education has been far reaching and still developing. It has created
instant access to a wide variety of research information to help students learn.
Nowadays, internet access has created the potential for students to learn new material easily.
The time students have at class is limited, so the teacher sometimes cannot give all the
explanation needed. In this case, internet can help students to get more explanation.

Internet has become now way of life. In the future, on students’ working life, they will have to
use internet. So it is wise for the teacher to give assignment which related to it. For example,
teacher can ask students to give the assignment via e-mail.

Internet has big impact on education. There are many positive things students and teacher can
get from it.

Evaluation 1
Complete the box based on the text 1 and 2 above!

Text 1 Text 2




Argument 1

Argument 2

Expected Answer

Text 1 Text 2

Topic The Importance of Drinking Water The Importance of Internet for Education

To persuade the reader that the To persuade the reader that the
Social internet help students in learning.
drinking water has function for our
How much do you drink water The impact of internet in education
today? Water is often considered has been far reaching and still
insignificant but behind it all, it developing. It has created instant
access to a wide variety of research
turns out that water has important
Thesis information to help students learn.
functions for our body. There are
several reasons why you should
drink enough water.

Firstly, interstitial fluid is obtained Nowadays, internet access has created

by drinking lots of water. Water is the potential for students to learn new
used by the body to digest food and material easily. The time students
have at class is limited, so the teacher
help transport nutrients throughout
sometimes cannot give all the
Argument 1 the body. In addition, interstitial explanation needed. In this case,
fluid is also useful for producing internet can help students to get more
saliva and regulating body explanation.

The second reason is that it helps Internet has become now way of life.
kidney work. Our kidney processes In the future, on students’ working
200 liters of blood in our body life, they will have to use internet. So
it is wise for the teacher to give
every day. It also filters out waste
assignment which related to it. For
and delivers urine to the bladder. To example, teacher can ask students to
do all the tasks, our kidney needs give the assignment via e-mail.
enough water because water is used
Argument 2 to clean anything that is
unnecessary for our body.
Furthermore, drinking water can
moisturize our skin. It makes our
skin feel fresh, soft, bright and
drinking water is important because Internet has big impact on education.
it is needed for our interstitial fluid, There are many positive things
helps kidney work, is good for students and teacher can get from it.
Reiteration healty skin, and improves the
function of our brain

Evaluation 2

The Importance of Internet for Education

The impact of internet in education has been far reaching and still developing. It has created
instant access to a wide variety of research information to help students learn

Nowadays, internet access has created the potential for students to learn new material easily.
The time students have at class is limited, so the teacher sometimes cannot give all the
explanation needed. In this case, internet can help students to get more explana

Internet has become now way of life. In the future, on students’ working life, they will have
to use internet. So it is wise for the teacher to give assignment which related to it. For
example, teacher can ask students to give the assignment via e-

Internet has big impact on education. There are many positive things students and teacher
can get from it.

Answer the questions based on the text to guide you in writing the summary of the
analytical exposition text!

1. What is the topic of the text?

2. What is the main idea of the text?
3. How is the communicative purpose of the text that you know?
4. Why does the writer think that the impact of internet in education has been far reaching and still
developing? Mention the reasons!
5. What is the writer’s conclusion of the text?

Expected Answer

1. The Importance of Internet for Education

2. The impact of internet in education has been far reaching and still developing.
3. The communicative purpose of the text is to persuade the reader that the internet help
students in learning.
4. The reasons of the text are :
a. Nowadays, internet access has created the potential for students to learn new
material easily. The time students have at class is limited, so the teacher
sometimes cannot give all the explanation needed. In this case, internet can help
students to get more explana
b. Internet has become now way of life. In the future, on students’ working life, they
will have to use internet. So it is wise for the teacher to give assignment which
related to it. For example, teacher can ask students to give the assignment via e-mail
5. The writer’s conclusion of the text that there are many positive things students and
teacher can get from it.


No Nama Kerjasama Mengkomunik Toleransi Keaktifan Menghargai Jumlah Nilai Ket
Siswa asikan pendapat Skor
pendapat orang lain

Keterangan :
A : 80 – 100 Baik Sekali
B : 70 – 79 Baik
C : 60 – 59 Cukup
D : < 50 Kurang

Rubrik Penilaian Pengetahuan

Sangat sesuai 3
Sesuai 2
Kurang sesuai 1
Tidak sesuai 0

Nilai Akhir = Nilai perolehan : Total skor X 100

Rubrik Penilaian Keterampilan

KRITERIA Jawaban Jawaban Jawaban Jawaban Jawaban tidak
sesuai, makna sesuai, makna sesuai, makna kurang sesuai, makna
kalimat dapat kalimat dapat kalimat sesuai, makna kalimat tidak
dipahami dan dipahami dan kurang dapat kalimat dapat
sesuai terdapat dipahami dan kurang dapat dipahami dan
grammar dan beberapa terdapat dipahami dan terdapat
penulisan. kesalahan beberapa terdapat banyak
dalam kesalahan banyak kesalahan
grammar dan dalam kesalahan dalam
penulisan. grammar dan dalam grammar dan
penulisan. grammar dan penulisan.
NILAI 5 4 3 2 1

Nilai = Total score X 4

= 25 X 4

= 100

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