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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020






©2019, MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMA – Provinsi Jawa Tengah 1

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020


Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Salaman

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester : XII/2
Materi Pokok : Songs
Alokasi Waktu : 180 menit (2 x pertemuan)
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik menggunakan model Student
Team Achievement Division (STAD), peserta didik dapat menangkap makna secara
kontekstual dan menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait
kehidupan sosial (kemasyarakatan) dan dunia danterampil menyusunteks khusus
berbentuk undangan resmi sesuai konteks dengan rasa ingin tahu, tanggung
jawab,disiplin, kreatif, mandiri, serta dapat bekerjasama selama proses pembelajaran
dan bersikap jujur,percaya diri serta pantang menyerah.
B. Materi Pembelajaran
LIRIK LAGU ( terlampir)

 Fungsi sosial
Mengembangkan dan meneladaninilai-nilaikehidupan dan karakter yang positif.
 UnsurKebahasaan
- Kosa kata dan tata bahasadalamliriklagu.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tandabaca, dan tulisantangan.
 Topik
Hal-hal yang dapatmemberikanketeladanan dan menumbuhkanperilakuyangtermuat
di KI

C. Metode/Model
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach
Model : STAD
Metode : Ceramah, diskusikelompok, tanyajawab

D. Media/Alat dan Bahan

1. Media
 Video ( lagu)

2. Alat/Bahan
 Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis
 Laptop,, speaker, LCD

3. Bahan dan Sumber Belajar

 Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII,
Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2017
 SMART English Book XII, 2018, Tim MGMP Bahasa Inggris Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

 Kamus Bahasa Inggris

E. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
1. Pesertadidik merespon salamtanda 10menit
mensyukurianugerahTuhan dan saling
mendoakan. Di WA group
2. Berdoa menurut kepercayaan masing-masing di WA
Apersepsi group
3. Guru menanyakantentangkegiatanmenyanyi
( activity 1) di WA Group
4. Guru menyediakan ppt seorang penyanyi, peserta
didikmerespon pertanyaan dari guru
berhubungandenganfoto tersebutdengan rasa ingin
tahu (tanya jawab). (activity 2)di Wa group
a. Do yo know who is in the picture?
b. What do you think about him?
c. How do you think about his voice?
d. How do you think about his performance?
e. How do you think about his songs?

Penyampaian 5. Peserta didik dengan berpikir kritismendiskusikan

tujuan dan tayangan pptberdasarkan pertanyaan:
What do you think about the video, the singer’s
motivasi. performance, his song, and it all about? ( activity 3)
Google Classroom
6. Pesertadidikmenerima informasi tentang hal-hal
yang akan dipelajari, yaitu menentukan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
khusus berbentuk lirik lagu sesuai konteks dengan
rasa ingin tahu, tanggung jawab, disiplin, kreatif,
mandiri, serta dapat bekerjasama selama proses
pembelajaran dan bersikap jujur, percaya diri serta
pantang menyerah. Google Classroom

Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik secara berkelompok mendiskusikan 70 menit
jawaban dari materi activity 4 di.Google
2. Pesertadidikmempresentasikanjawabannya. Di
google Classroom
3. Peserta didik mendengarkan sebuah di google
Classroom lagu tanpa disertai lirik.(activity 5)di
Google Classroom
4. Peserta didikdengan penuh tanggung jawab
berdiskusi serta bekerja sama mengisi rumpang
lirik dalam lagu tersebut.di google Classroom

©2019, MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMA – Provinsi Jawa Tengah 3

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

5. Pesertamempresentasikanjawabannya. Di googlee
di google Classroom
6. Pesertadidiksecaraberkelompokmenjawabsoal yang
berhubungandenganlagu. (activity 6)
di google Classroom
7. Pesertadidikmempresentasikanjawaban di
papantulis. di google Classroom

8. Peserta didik diberikan vocabulary atau kosa kata

dan dapat melafalkan kosa kata yang berhubungan
dengan materi yang dibahas tersebut dengan
pengucapan yang benar dengan penuh disiplin dan
pantang menyerah. ( Activity 7)
di google Classroom
9. audio

10. Pesertadidiksecaraberkelompokmemilihkosa
kata yang tersedia di liriklagu. (activity 8) google

11. Pesertadidikmempresentasikanhasildiskusi. di
google Classroom
12. Guru mengembangkanketrampilanliterasi membaca
denganmeminta peserta didik
mempelajaribahasanselanjutny di rumah. di google
Kegiatan guru bersama peserta didik yaitu: 10menit
1. membuat rangkuman/ simpulan pelajaran;
2. melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilaksanakan; dan
3. memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil
pembelajaran; dan
Kegiatan guru yaitu:
1. melakukan penilaian;
2. merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk
pembelajaran remedi, program pengayaan, layanan
konseling dan/atau memberikan tugas baik tugas
individual maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hasil
belajar peserta didik; dan
3. menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada
pertemuan berikutnya yaitu mempelajari ciri ciri
dan karakteristik serta liriklagusebagai lanjutan
pembelajaran pertemuan 1 sebelunya
4. Menyampaikan tugas untuk mengamati berbagai
macam bentuk liriklagupada pertemuan berikut.


Tahap Langkah-langkahpembelajaran Alokasi

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

1. Guru menumbuhkanreligiusitas dan kompetensi 10menit
sosialpesertadidikdengan menyiapkan peserta didik untuk
mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti berdoa, saling
bertegur salamkemudian melakukan presensi, menyiapkan
buku pelajaran, memasangkan LCD pada laptop, dan
2. Guru mengaitkan materi yang telah dipelajari
sebelumnyadengan apa yang
Apersep akandilakukanhariinidenganbertanyajawabdenganpesertadidi
si k.
What did we learn on the last meeting?
Penyam Can you mention the points?
paian 3. Guru
tujuan menumbuhkankompetensikomunikatifdenganmemintaperser
dan tadidikmeresponpertanyaantersebutsehinggaterjadi dialog
motivasi sederhana.
. 4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
dan langkah pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan.
tujuan 5. Guru menyampaikanpenilaian yang akandigunakan.
n yang
asi siswa

Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik mendengarkan sebuah lagu. 70
2. Peserta didik dengan penuh tanggungjawab berdiskusi
serta bekerja sama mengidentifikasi tema, isi, dan kosa
kata dalam lagu tersebut. (activity 9)
3. Peserta didik memnpresentasikansecaralisan.

4. Peserta didik secara mandiri dan jujur

mendiskusikanstruktur dan unsurkebahasaanliriklagu.
( activity 10)

5. Pesertaadidikdenganpenuh rasa

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020


6. Peserta didik bekerja sama dengan kelompoknya

berdiskusi tentang isi, tema, kosa kata, spesifik
information, pronoun reference dan pesan dari lagu
tersebut . (activity 11)
7. Pesertaadidikdenganpenuh rasa

8. Peserta didik bekerja sama dengan kelompoknya

berdiskusi tentang isi, tema, kosa kata, spesifik
information, pronoun reference dan pesan dari lagu
tersebut . (activity 12)

9. Pesertaadidikdenganpenuh rasa

10. Peserta didk secara kreatif menuangkan ide dan pendapat

tentang lagu tersebut (paraphrasing) menggunakan
kalimat-kalimat sendiri dan menyusunnya menjadi
paragraf yang baik. (activity 13)
11. Secara berkelompok, peserta didik dengan penuh percaya
diri dan tanggung jawab tampil di depan kelas
membacakan paragraf yang telah disusun.
12. Peserta didik secara kreatif menuangkan ide
dengancaramebuat video pendeksebagaitugas (activity 13)

Kegiatan guru bersama peserta didik yaitu: 10
1. Membuat rangkuman/ simpulan pelajaran;
2. Melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilaksanakan; dan
3. Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil
pembelajaran; dan

Kegiatan guru yaitu:

1. Melakukan penilaian;
2. Merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk
pembelajaran remedi, program pengayaan, layanan konseling
dan/atau memberikan tugas baik tugas individual maupun
kelompok sesuai dengan hasil belajar peserta didik; dan
3. Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan
4. Menutup pertemuan.

F. Penilaian
1. Penilaian Sikap
a. Teknik penilaian : Observasi : sikap religius dan sikap sosial

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

b. Bentuk penilaian : lembar pengamatan

c. Instrumen penilaian : jurnal (terlampir)

2. Pengetahuan
 Jenis/Teknik tes : tertulis,lisan,dan Penugasan
 Bentuk tes : Pilihan Ganda dan Uraian
 Instrumen Penilaian (terlampir)
2. Keterampilan
 Teknik/Bentuk Penilaian : Praktik menulis, Portofolio
 Instrumen Penilaian (terlampir)

a. Pembelajaran remedial dilakukan bagi Peserta didik yang capaian KD nya belum
b. Tahapan pembelajaran remedial dilaksanakan melalui remidial teaching (klasikal),
atau tutor sebaya, atau tugas dan diakhiri dengan tes.
c. Tes remedial, dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali dan apabila setelah 3 kali ters remedial
belum mencapai ketuntasan, maka remedial dilakukan dalam bentuk tugas tanpa

Bagi Peserta didik yang sudah mencapai nilai ketuntasan diberikan pembelajaran
pengayaan sebagai berikut:
a. Siwa yang mencapai nilai n(ketuntasan )<n< n(maksimum ) diberikan materi
masih dalam cakupan KD dengan pendalaman sebagai pengetahuan tambahan.
b. Siwa yang mencapai nilai n>n (maksimum) diberikan materi melebihi cakupan KD
dengan pendalaman sebagai pengetahuan tambahan.

Mengetahui ..............., ................................ 2020

Kepala SMA, Guru Mata Pelajaran,

___________________________ _______________________________
___________________________ _____________________________

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020


Materi Pembelajaran

◙ Song
Song is a short piece of music with meaningful words which contain message.
A message behind a song can be interpreted differently based on the listener's
interpretation. Every song has theme. It could talk about love, friendship, world peace,
or other issues.

◙ Social Function and Structures of Songs

Songs have been an amusing companion for human beings as long as or
even longer than we can speak. Songs are highly expressive. Some convey love
and emotions; some tell a memorable and moving story; some embody one's
dreams and ideals; and some reminisce about the golden past. Songs are
abundant in themes and expressions which will echo in the learner's heart.

◙ Social Functions of Songs

The social functions of songs are:
a. To entertain the listeners.
b. To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs.
c. To provide a way of managing the relationship between our public and
private emotional life
d. To express personal feeling and cultural values.
e. To give someone to not only shares-their emotions with others, but also to
have an err connection that just can't be experienced in any other way.

◙ General Structure of Songs

The general structure of a song consists of Verse-Chorus-Verse-Chorus-
Bridge-Chorus. It is better for us to learn more about the complete structure of
 Intro
The introduction establishes melodic, harmonic, and/or rhythmic material
related to the main body of a song.
 Verse
It is the section of the song structure that tells the story. This is the exposition,

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

describing the scene or the person, or an emotion. There are usually two or
three verses in a row that have the same musical structure, the same rhyme
and poetic meter, but different words. The second verse builds on the picture
painted in the first verse, etc.
 Chorus or Refrain
A chorus is the most repeated section, so it's the easiest remembered. A
chorus is the summary of the song's story. All the verses have been leading
up to the chorus, and is usually the part of the song people sing along with. A
chorus can come at the beginning of the song structure; it can also start in the
middle, or come at the end. In fact, some songs don't have choruses at all.
Some people are usually confused to differentiate between choruses and
refrain. A refrain is any line that repeat in the song lyric, while a chorus is any
group of lines that repeats.
 Break
A break is actually a brief "rest” or "pause" for the core melody within a song
used to add further dimension and excitement. It may include a quick
instrumental solo or drum interlude or it may be a brief moment of silence, or a
combination of each of these elements.
 Bridge
This is the part of the song that shifts. It can suddenly change tempo, or
volume, or instrumentation. The bridge is the section that gives the audience
time to reflect on the story, or gives them the “climax” or conclusion of the
story through the verses and chorus. Bridges can be used to give the singer a
 Outro or Coda
This is the end of the road for the song. It can repeat the intro, chorus, or a
refrain as an outro, or a bridge with an instrumental solo.
 Below are forms of song structures.
Source: od/othermusicgenres/p/parsofasong.html(October 14th, 2018)

◙ Language Features of Songs

Song lyrics can appeal to emotions, and they should also appeal to the ear. It can
be assumed that different genres of songs will exhibit different styles of lyrics. The
verse of songs contains the details of the song: the story, the events, images, and
emotions that the writer wishes to express. Songs are not always composed of
simple sentence structure or grammar. Lyrics are characterized by the use of
rhythms, conversational speech and poetic expressions.

The following are the language features of songs.

• Lyrics are written in first, second or third person given on the specific perspective
you choose. Often time point-of-views change in lyrics, but only when needed.

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

• They use rhyming words. Usually songs use a familiar catchy tune and rhyme. A
rhyme is a linguistic style, based on consonance or similar sound of two or more
syllables or whole words at the end of one line; rhymes are most commonly used
in poetry and songs.

• They use figure of speech and imagery. While songs can paint a vivid picture since
they are longer mediums, imagery can be found in just a single sentence as well.
Imagery is vivid descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the senses
(sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste).

Commonly used FIGURES OF SPEECH:

A Simile shows a likeness or comparison between two objects or events. A simile
is usually introduced with the words- like, as, as……
- She is as pretty as a picture.
- The story was as dull as ditch water.

A Metaphor is like a simile. Two objects are compared, without the words ‘as or
like’. It is an implied simile.
- He was a lion in the battlefield
- Variety is the spice of life

In Personification non-living objects, abstract ideas or qualities are spoken of as
persons or human-beings.
- Necessity knows no law.
- Hope springs eternal

In Antithesis, one word or idea is set in direct contrast against another, for
emphasis. It is a combination of two words, phrases, clauses, or sentences
contrasted in meaning to offer a highlight to contrasting ideas. Antithesis occurs
when you place two different or opposite ideas near each other.
- United we stand, divided we fall.
- To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Hyperbole is an exaggeration and things are made to appear greater or lesser
than they usually are. Hyperbole is a literary device often used in poetry, and is
frequently encountered in casual speech. Occasionally, newspapers and other
media use hyperbole when speaking of an accident, to increase the impact of the

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

- The burglar ran as fast as lightning.

- The professor's ideas are as old as the hills.

Alliteration is a series of words that begin with the same letter. Alliteration
consists of the repetition of a sound or of a letter at the beginning of two or more
- Dirty dogs dig in the dirt.
- Cute cats cooking carrots.

Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech where a word is used to represent a sound.
When you name an action by imitating the sound associated with it, this is
known as onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeic words produce strong images that can
both delight and amuse kids when listening to their parents read poetry.

Examples: Boom, bang, slash, slurp, gurgle, meow, and woof.

Some songs use amusing word play and slang language. A word play is the
manipulation of language (in particular, the sounds, and meanings of words) with the
intent to amuse. Slang is a kind of language consisting of very informal words and
phrases. Slang is more common in speech than in writing. For example: gonna,
wanna, ain't, etc.

A Song for Mama

Artist: Boyz II Men

Verse 1
You taught me everything and everything you've given me
I'll always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side Verse

You were there for me to love and care for me when skies were gray
Whenever I was down, you were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me, you'll always be
You will always be the girl in my life for all times

Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama you're the queen of my heart chorus
Your love is like tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin' you is like food to my soul

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

Yes it is, yes it is, ohh

Yes it is, yes it is, yes it is, ohh

Verse 2
You're always there for me, have always been around for me slang
Even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong, yes you did
And you took up for me when everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on

There was so many times looking back when I was so afraid

And then you come to me and say to me, I can face anything
And no one else can do what you have done for me, you'll always be
You will always be the girl in my life, ooh

Back to Chorus
Never gonna go a day without you
Fills me up just thinking about you Bridge
I'll never go a day without my mama

Back to Chorus
You are the food to my soul
Yes, you are


Lampiran Instrumen Penilaian

Lampiran 1 (PENILAIAN)

1. PenilaianKompetensiSikap
a. Sikap yang menjadi fokus penilaian adalah rasa ingin tahu, tanggungjawab, disiplin, kreatif ,
mandiri, dapat bekerjasama, jujur,percaya diri serta pantang menyerah.

b. Jurnal Penilaian Sikap:


Nama Satuan pendidikan : SMA …….

Tahun pelajaran : 2018/2019
Kelas/Semester : XII / 2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

N Hari Nama Kela Kejadian/ Butirsika Kategor Tindaklanj

o dan PesertaDidi s prilaku p i ut
tangg k + -
5. dst

Catatan: Hasil penilaian sikap dalam jurnal akan direkap dalam satu semester dan diserahkan
ke wali kelas, untuk dipertimbangkan dalam penilaian sikap dalam rapor (menunjang penilaian
sikap dari guru PAI dan guru PPKN)

2. Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan

KISI-KISI KD 3.7 dan 4.7

Materi Bentuk No
IPK Pokok Kls/ Indikator Soal soal soal
Menafsirkan Menganalisis fungsi Lirik XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 1
fungsi sosial sosial lirik lagu Lagu lagu, peserta didik
dan unsur dapat menentukan
kebahasaan fungsi lagu dengan
lirik lagu benar.
terkait Menentukan fungsi XII/2 Disajikan sebuah text PG 2
kehidupan sosial yang terdapat berbentuk lagu,
sosial dalam liriklagu. peserta didik dapat
kemasyarak menentukan topic
atan dan dengan benar.
MA/SMK/M Menganalisis unsur XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 3
AK kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
lagu. dapat menentukan
Menentukan XII/ 2 Disajikan sebuah text PG 4
struktur teks yang berbentuk liriklagu,
terdapat dalam peserta didik dapat
liriklagu. menentukan
Menangkap ragambahasadenganb
makna enar.
kontekstual Menganalisisstrukt XII/ 2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 5

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

terkait urteksdalamliriklag lagu, peserta didik

fungsi sosial u. dapat
dan unsur menentukanreferensi
kebahasaan kata denganbenar.
lirik lagu
terkait Menganalisis unsur XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 6
kehidupan kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
sosal lagu. dapat
kemasyarak menentukannamabag
atan dan ianlagudenganbenar
SMA/MA/SM Menganalisis unsur XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 7
K/MAK kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
lagu. dapat

Menganalisis unsur Lirik lagu XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 8

kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
lagu. dapat

Menentukan fungsi XII/2 Disajikan sebuah text PG 9

sosial yang terdapat berbentuk lagu,
dalam liriklagu. peserta didik dapat
menentukan topic
dengan benar.

Menganalisis fungsi Lirik XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 10

sosial lirik lagu Lagu lagu, peserta didik
dapat menentukan
fungsi lagu dengan
Menganalisis fungsi Lirik XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 11
sosial lirik lagu Lagu lagu, peserta didik
dapat menentukan
fungsi sosial dengan
Menganalisis unsur XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 12
kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
lagu. dapat menentukan
makna kata.
Menganalisisstrukt XII/ 2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 13
urteksdalamliriklag lagu, peserta didik
u. dapat
kata denganbenar.

Menganalisis fungsi Lirik XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 14

sosial lirik lagu Lagu lagu, peserta didik
dapat menentukan
fungsi sosial dengan

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

Menganalisis fungsi XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 15
sosial lirik lagu lagu, peserta didik
dapat menentukan
pendapat yang
menjadi ide utama
dengan benar.
Menganalisis unsur XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 16
kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
lagu. dapat menentukan
makna kata dengan
Menentukan fungsi XII/2 Disajikan sebuah text PG 17
sosial yang terdapat berbentuk lagu,
dalam liriklagu. peserta didik dapat
Menentukan XII/1 Disajikan sebuah text PG 18
fungsiyang terdapat berbentuk liriklagu,
dalam liriklagu. peserta didik dapat
Menganalisis unsur XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 19
kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
lagu. dapat menentukan
makna kata dengan
Menganalisisstrukt XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik PG 20
urtekslirik lagu. lagu, peserta didik
dapat menentukan
referensi makna
dengan benar.

Menangkap Menganalisisstrukt Lirik lagu XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik ESSAY 1

makna urteks lirik lagu. lagu, peserta didik
secara dapat memfarafrase
kontekstual dengan benar.
fungsi sosial
dan unsur
lirik lagu
atan dan

©2019, MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMA – Provinsi Jawa Tengah 15

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

Menganalisis unsur XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik ESSAY 2

kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
lagu. dapat menentukan
poetic device dengan

Menganalisis unsur XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik ESSAY 3

kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
lagu. dapat menentukan
definisi bagian lagu
dengan benar.

Menganalisisfungsi XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik ESSAY 4

sosiallirik lagu. lagu, peserta didik
dapat menentukan
peran pendengar
dengan benar.

Menganalisis unsur XII/2 Disajikan sebuah lirik ESSAY 5

kebahasaan lirik lagu, peserta didik
lagu. dapat menentukan
lawan kata dengan



This lyric is for questions number 1 to 10.

Either or Both
Artist: Phoebe Snow

Sometimes these hands get so clumsy

That I drop things and people laugh
Sometimes these hands seem so graceful
I can see them signin' autographs
What I want to know from you
When you hear my plea
Do you like or love
Either or both of me
Do you like or love
Either or both of me
Sometimes this face looks so funny
That I hide it behind a book
But sometimes this face has so much class
That I have to sneak a second look
Sometimes this life gets so empty
That I become afraid
Then I remember you're in it

©2019, MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMA – Provinsi Jawa Tengah 16

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

And I think I might still have it made

1. What is the purpose of the song?

A. To motivate the listeners
B. To amuse the listeners.
C. To inspire the listeners.
D. To warn the listeners.
E. To share the feeling.

2. What is the theme of the song?

A. Love
B. Politic
C. Peace
D. Motivation
E. Friendship

3. The slang language found in the lyric is ....

A. grateful
B. clumsy
C. signin'
D. sneak
E. plea

4. "That I hide it behind a book"

The figure of speech used in the lyric is ...
A. personification
B. alliteration
C. metaphor
D. imagery
E. simile

5. “Then l remember you're in it”.

What does the word "it" refer to?
A. A book.
B. This life.
C. Her heart.
D. The singer.
E. A second look.

6. The most repeated section is called....

A. chorus
B. refrain
C. bridge
D. verse
E. hook

7. An exaggeration of a fact or statement to make a stronger effect is called....

A. personification

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

B. hyperbole
C. metaphor
D. imagery
E. simile

8. Which of the following sentences belongs to simile?

A. You don't actually fade, you simply go to sleep.
B. Her blue eyes were as bright as the sun.
C. The pain is going to kill me.
D. My love like a red red rose.
E. Your life passed me by.

This song lyric is for questions number9 to 13.

(Freddy Aguilar)
When you were born into this world
Your mom and dad saw a dream fulfilled
Dream come true
The answer to their prayers

You were to them a special child

Gave 'em joy every time you smiled
Each time you cried
They're at your side to care

Reff: Child, you don't know

You'll never know how far they'd go
To give you all their love can give
To see you through and God it's true
They'd die for you, if they must, to see you live

How many seasons came and went

So many years have now been spent
For time ran fast
And now at last you're strong

Now what has gotten over you

You seem to hate your parents too
Do speak out your mind
Why do you find them wrong
And now your path has gone astray
Child you ain't sure what to do or say
You're so alone
No friends are on your side

And child you now break down in tears

Let them drive away your fears
Where must you go
Their arms stay open wide

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

Child you don't know

You'll never know how far they'd go
To give you all their love can give
To see you through and God it's true
They'd die for you, if they must, to see you live

9. What is the song about?

A. The love of the children to their parents.
B. The child who go away from his house.
C. The love of parents to their children.
D. The happiness of having new baby.
E. The sadness of the child.

10. What is the social function of the song?

A. To motivate the listeners
B. To amuse the listeners.
C. To inspire the listeners.
D. To remind the listeners.
E. To share the feeling.

11. According to the song, how do parents feel when they have a new baby?
A. Sad.
B. Glad.
C. Bored.
D. Unsatisfied.
E. Disappointed.

12. “And now your path has gone astray” (paragraph 6).
The synonym of the underlined word is….
A. into the correct direction
B. into the right path
C. into wrong doing
D. right decision
E. nice life

13. “They'd die for you” ( Paragraph 3).

The underlined word refers to….
A. problems
B. parents
C. children
D. families
E. friends

This lyric is for questions number 14 to 20.

Orphan Child
by Farid S

©2019, MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMA – Provinsi Jawa Tengah 19

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

There's no hope inside,

You look for the light
of hope in the dark,
Have faith in your heart,

so don’t close your eyes,

You're too young to die
Don't be afraid,
It's not too late
Ref: Just take my hand
And I'll be your stand
And I'll be your friend
Your pain I will mend
Your mind on one thing
Theirs’ on everything
Hunger and cold
Eats your every soul
Just for one day
If there's one way
In trading places
And see your faces
Orphan child. Orphan child
For once without care,
Reach out and share
And for half a date,
It could lend you through the gate
Don't walk on by,
Look in their eyes
There's no hand to mouth,
Truly without
Reff 1x
Your minds on one thing,
there is on everything
Hunger and cold,
eats your every soul
Just for one day,
if there's one way
In trading places,
and see your faces
Orphan child Orphan child

14. What is the social function of the song?

A. To motivate the listeners
B. To amuse the listeners.
C. To inspire the listeners.
D. To warn the listeners.
E. To share the feeling.

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

15. What is the theme of the song?

A. Love.
B. Politic.
C. Humanism.
D. Motivation.
E. Friendship.

16. “In trading places”.

The closest meaning of the underlined word is ….
A. choose
B. change
C. make
D. lend
E. see

17. The writer states that the song is intended to….

A. young people
B. old people
C. teenagers
D. all of us
E. the kids

18. What can be inferred from the lyric?

A. We have to open our heart to the orphanage.
B. We have to stay away from the orphan.
C. The listener should help each other.
D. Become orphanage is full of joy.
E. We shouldn’t care to others.

19. " Just take my hand, And I'll be your stand”

The similar sound of the word ‘hand’ and ‘stand’ is called….
A. alliteration
B. imagery
C. rhyme
D. rhythm
E. diction

20. “You look for the light.” What does the word "you" refer to?
A. The lyrics.
B. The listener.
C. The singer.
D. The musician.
E. The orphan child.

A. Answer the following questions correctly.

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

1. Pay attention to the following part of song lyric and paraphrase it!

When I was a child I had a fever.

My hands felt just like two balloons.
Now 1 got that feeling once again.
I can't explain, you would not understand.
(Comfortably Numb-, by: Pink Floyd)

2. What kind of poetic devices is used in the verse above? What does it mean?
3. Mention the definition of the following words.
a. Verse :
b. Refrain :
4. What is your opinion about that lyric?
5. “It's not too late.” The antonym of the underlined word is ….

Kriteria Penilaian:

Pilihan Ganda = 20 X 1 = 20
Essay = 5 X 4 = 20
N A= 40/4 = 10

Pedoman Penilaian Essay:

Jawaban benar 4
Jawabanmendekatibenar 3
Jawaban kurang tepat 2
Jawaban salah 1
Tidak menjawab 0

A. Objective Test:
1. E 11. B
2. A 12. C
3. D 13. B
4. C 14. C
5. C 15. C
6. B 16. B
7. B 17. D
8. B 18. A

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

9. C 19. C
10. D 20. B

B. Essay
1. Optional (Pink regresses further back into his mind, and more specifically to the
childhood memory of an illness. His hands feeling swollen “just like two balloons”.
As a child, the feeling was brought on by a fever; But now when he got the
feeling again, the condition is different. He cannot express because the listener
will not understand). (

2. Simile. A Simile shows a likeness or comparison between two objects or events.

A simile is usually introduced with the words- like, as, as……
3. a. verse: is the section of the song structure that tells the story. This is the
exposition, describing the scene or the person, or an emotion. There are
usually two or three verses in a row that have the same musical structure,
the same rhyme and poetic meter, but different words. The second verse
builds on the picture painted in the first verse, etc

b. Refrain : A chorus is the most repeated section, so it's the easiest

remembered. A chorus is the summary of the song's story. All the verses
have been leading up to the chorus, and is usually the part of the song
people sing along with.
4. Optional (The lyric tells about the experience of the write)r.
5. early

1. Make a video clip in group of 3 based on the following rules.
a. Choose one of the songs.
b. Find the background and the message of the song.
c. Present the song in the form of video clip.

Kriteria penilaian proyek adalah sebagai berikut:

No Aspek yang Dinilai Bobot
1. Isi 15%
2. Struktur 30%
3. Presentasi karya 30%
4. Hasil karya 25%

Mengetahui __________ ,

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Rpp Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII semester 2: Songs 2020

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