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Nama Pengaju : Syifa Diningsih

NIM : 1103619059
Dosen Pembimbing 1 : Prof. Dr. Rugaiyah, M.Pd
Dosen Pembimbing 2 : Dimas Kurnia Robby, M.Pd

No Judul Skripsi Identifikasi Pembatasan Masalah Pertanyaan Penelitian Keterangan

1. PENGARUH 1. Indikator yang 1. Apakah penggunaan
PENGGUNAAN Saat ini kita telah
digunakan dalam
SISTEM berada dalam Fase sistem elektronik
OFFICE Society 4.0 yang office berpengaruh
penggunaan sistem
TERHADAP ditandai dengan
KINERJA elektronik office terhadap kinerja
PEGAWAI PADA kemajuan teknologi.
DINAS Sehingga digitalisasi pegawai?
PENDIDIKAN 2. Penelitian dilakukan
PROVINSI DKI sudah bukan
pada Dinas
JAKARTA merupakan hal yang
Pendidikan DKI
baru. Hampir semua
aspek kehidupan
3. Peneltian dilakukan
manusia didominasi
di Kota Jakarta
oleh kemajuan
4. Sumber data
teknologi. Salah
didapatkan dari
satunya pada dinas
pendidikan di DKI
kuesioner terhadap
Jakarta yang telah
pegawai Dinas
menerapkan sistem
Pendidikan DKI
elektronik office.
Sistem elektronik
5. Pengambilan data
office merupakan
dilakukan secara
sebuah aplikasi
daring dalam kurun
berbasis website
waktu tertentu.
untuk memudahkan
perkantoran. Namun
tidak hanya
beradaptasi terhadap
kemajuan teknologi,
namun yang perlu
menjadi perhatian
juga adalah apakah
kemajuan teknologi
tersebut juga
memberikan dampak
pada tujuan awal
individu ataupun
organisasi yang
menerapkan sebuah
sistem berbasis
kemajuan teknologi.
sebelumnya juga
konsep digitalisasi.
Seperti, e-
government, sistem
elektronik office,
sistem komputerisasi,
dan berbagai
digitalisasi serta
kemajuan teknologi
lainnya. Penelitian
sebelumnya pada
umumnya membahas
pengembangan dan
implementasi e-
government dan e-
office, pembuatan e-
office, dan juga
berusaha melihat
pengaruh digitalisasi
seperti komputerisasi
terhadap kinerja
pegawai. Penelitian
ini kemudian akan
dilakukan untuk
melihat bagaimana
pengaruh penerapan
atau penggunaan
sistem elektronik
office terhadap
kinerja pegawai.

1 Buku Referensi 1. Ahmad Budi Setiawan. (2022). Infrastruktur Kunci Publik

dalam Penyelenggaraan Sertifikat. (CV. Mitra Cendekia
2. Tun Huseno. (2021). Kinerja Pegawai. (MNC Publishing)
3. Darmawan Napitupulu, dkk. (2020). E-Government: Implem
entasi, Strategi dan Inovasi. (Yayasan Kita Menulis).
2 Judul Penelitian Relevan dan Kesimpulan 1. Pengaruh Penggunaan Sistem Komputerisasi Terhadap Kin
erja Pegawai Pada Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda Dan Olahrag
a Kabupaten Fakfak
Richard R. F. Kabes

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sistem ko

mputerisasi mempunyai pengaruh atau kontribusi yang posit
if dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Dinas Pendi
dikan Pemuda dan Olahraga di Kabupaten Fakfak, yang ditu
njukkan melalui hasil perhitungan koefisien regresi positif se
besar 0,873 dengan probabilitas signifikansi sebesar 0,000.

2. Implementasi Sistem Kearsipan Elektronik Di Sekretariat

Daerah Dan Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda Dan Olahraga
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Rina Suyuti

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) sistem kearsipan

elektronik di Sekretariat Daerah dan DinasPendidikan
Pemuda dan Olahraga DIY didukung dengan perangkat
sistem kearsipan elektronik yaitu hardwareberupa komputer,
printer, dot matrix printer, scanner, UPS, barcode reader
serta software berupa Sisminkada. Proses sistem kearsipan
elektronik meliputi proses pencatatan, pengendalian,
pendistribusian, penyimpanan, danpenyusutan. Sistem
kearsipan elektronik di Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan
Olahraga DIY merupakan hasil sosialisasi Subbagian Arsip
menekankan pada proses pencatatan persuratan, (2)
Kendala implementasi sistemkearsipan elektronik di
Sekretariat Daerah dan Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan
Olahraga DIY adalah SDM, fasilitas, dan dana.
3 Jurnal Relevan dan Abstrak 1. Pengaruh Penggunaan Sistem Komputerisasi Terhadap Kin
erja Pegawai Pada Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda Dan Olahrag
a Kabupaten Fakfak
Richard R. F. Kabes

This study aims to determine the effect of the use of a comp

uterized system to improve employee performance in the De
partment of Education, Youth and Sports in Fakfak Regenc
y. Researchers use questionnaires as research instruments
and regression analysis as an analysis method. After the dat
a is collected and analyzed, it proves that the use of the com
puterized system has a positive and significant influence or
contribution to the performance of employees at the Depart
ment of Education, Youth and Sports in Fakfak Regency. Th
is is evident from the results of calculations, where the positi
ve regression coefficient is 0.873 with a significance probabil
ity of 0.000. Thus it is recommended for employees to alway
s look and show the performance or work to the maximum e
xtent both in terms of quality and quantity of work.

2. Implementasi Sistem Kearsipan Elektronik Di Sekretariat

Daerah Dan Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda Dan Olahraga
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Rina Suyuti

The aim of this research is to describe the implementation of
the electronic filling system at Regional Secretariat and Dep
artment of Education Youth and Sports of Yogyakarta. This r
esearch is a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of
this research are archivist, technicianof software, and the he
ad of Subdivision Archives. The setting of this research is in
Subdivision Archives of Administration of General Bureau, P
ublic Relations, and Protocol of Regional Secretariat and De
partment of Education Youth and Sports of Yogyakarta. The
methods that are used in collecting the data are observation,
interview, and documentation. The technique used in analyzi
ng the data is by using the interactive model (Milesdan Hube
rman) which includes the data collection, reduction, data pre
sentation, and conclusion. The validity of the data is by usin
g the credibility, dependability, and confirmability test. The re
sults of the research show that (1) the electronic filling syste
m at Regional Secretariat andDepartment of Education Yout
h and Sports of Yogyakarta is supported by sets of equipme
nt the electronic fillingsystem, they are hardware which inclu
des computer, printer, dot matrix printer, scanner, UPS, barc
ode reader, and software which includes Sisminkada. The pr
ocess of electronic filling system includes process of recordi
ng thefiles, controlling, distributing, saving, and diminution. T
he electronic filling system at Department of EducationYouth
and Sports of Yogyakarta is result socialiszation from Subdi
vison Archives which press the process of recording corresp
ondence. (2) The constraints of the electronic filling system
process at Regional Secretariat andDepartment of Educatio
n Youth and Sports of Yogyakarta is on the human resource
s, facilities, and fund
3. Analisis Pengembangan Electronic Government Di Dinas Pe
ndidikan Dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Ridhayanti Annisa Puspa, Dyah Hariani

Electronic Government is the implementation of the use of in
formation technology in government services to the public. D
epartment of Education and Culture of Central Java as the i
nstitution of public service providers in the field of education
began to build Electronic Government system since 2011. T
he existence of limited resources supporting the developme
nt of Electronic Government itself less than the maximum. T
he approach used is descriptive qualitative with data collecti
on technique through interview, observation, and documenta
tion. To assess the development of Electronic Government i
n the Department of Education and Culture of Central Java,
used the level of development of Electronic Government star
ting from level 1 preparation, level 2 maturation, level 3 cons
olidation and level 4 utilization. In addition, to know the supp
orting and inhibiting factors using the successful elements of
Electronic Government development support, capacity, and
values. The results showed that the development of Electron
ic Government in the Department of Education and Culture
of Central Java Province is at level 2 maturation. The develo
pment of the Electronic Government in the Department of E
ducation and Culture of Central Java has not reached the le
vel of 3 consolidation due to inhibiting factors of inadequate
application infrastructure, the absence of Electronic Govern
ment related regulations at the service level, overlapping dut
ies and obligations of employees, and the minimum budget
of Electronic Government development. While the supportin
g factor is cooperation between government and private part
ies, the UPT Office that helps the implementation of tasks in
the field of ICT, as well as training conducted regularly for e
mployees. It is suggested to the Department of Education an
d Culture of Central Java to add more diverse application inf
rastructure, increase employees to avoid overlap, improve s
ocialization to the public regarding Electronic Government c
oncept, and improve financial management.

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