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Thank you Vatia for the opportunity, okay everyone, this time I will explain to you about the

structure in the
description text:

GENERIC STRUCTURE from descriptive text, are:

1. Identification
Introducing where or who is the subject is being describe: which introduces memperkenalkan a general
picture or viewpoint mengenai objek yang akan dideskripsikan dan pemabahasannya tidak terlalu rinci.
2. Descriptions
Describes parts, qualities and the characteristic of the person, place or describe: is a more detailed
description of the object penjelasan objek yang rinci like part of body, kualitas, uniqueness, living place,
bahkan teksture, dan bentuk khususnya.

Thank you Vatia, and now it's my turn to explain the second description:


Gurita merupakan salah satu hewan laut yang memiliki banyak keunikan dari tubuh hingga perilakunya.
Gurita terkenal karena dapat mengeluarkan tinta hitam saat merasa dirinya terancam, seperti saat predator ingin
memangsanya. Tubuh gurita sangat elastis karena dapat dengan mudah masuk ke celah-celah kecil dan menyamar
sebagai benda disekelilingnya, agar mudah mencari makan. Gerak gurita begitu menarik karena seperti bergerak
merangkak untuk menghemat energi. Keunikan yang aneh juga terjadi ketika gurita memakan lengannya saat sedang
stres yang dianggap sebagai penyakit saraf yang disebabkan oleh virus pemakan sel yang disebut autophagy.

Octopus is a marine animal that has many uniqueness from body to behavior. Octopuses are notorious for
emitting black ink when they feel threatened, such as when a predator wants to eat them (yang mana octopus ini
have something untuk mempertahankan diri dengan mengeluarkan tinta hitam saat dirinya merasa terancam). The
body of an octopus is very elastic because it can easily fit into small gaps and disguise itself as objects around it, so
that it is easy to forage for food (tubuh octopus terkenal sangat elastis dan dapat menyamar menyesuaikan
lingkungannya saat menangkap mangsa) like disguised as rock and sand and makes it easy to catch prey that
approaches it. The motion of the octopus is so interesting because it is like moving on all fours to save energy and
swimming movements such as drifting. The peculiarity also occurs when the octopus eats its arm when under stress
which is considered a neurological disease caused by a cell-eating virus, this virus attacks the brain nerves of the
octopus (Sebagian dari cases octopus which is acting weird and terrible aneh adan menakutkan dengan memakan
lengannya saat sedang stress) which is usually called a disease autophagy dan merupakan sesuatu yang langka. (Next
to Yusrina)

I now describe the language features on this text:

1. Here you can see in the first and third sentences there is a simple present tense,

Simple present:

- Octopus is an animal that has many uniqueness (in first sentence)

- The body of an octopus is very elastic (in third sentence)

Adjectives (kata sifat): 2. Adjectiv words that are colored orange such as:

Elastic (elastis), small (kecil), and Bad (buruk)

Linking verb (penghubung kata kerja): 3. Linking verb words that are colored red like:

Is, has, also and.

Adverbs (keterangan): 4. Said adverbs that are colored green like:

Very, and easily

I want to answer, why we choose the theme of the description text because we can describe this octopus sesuai
dengan apa yang dilihat walaupun hanya dari gambar dan beberapa fact bacaan ilmiah penelitian tentang keunikan
gurita. Overall we are attracted by all the unique life, forms and habits of the octopus

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