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Tentang Pembelian Batubara

of Coal Purchasing

Kontrak No: 068/PJBB/....-RLK/IV/2023

Contract Number: 068/PJBB/....-RLK/IV/2023


8 APRIL 2023


APRIL 8th, 2023





Pada hari ini Sabtu tanggal Delapan April Tahun Dua Ribu Dua Puluh Tiga (8/4/2023) yang
bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

1. SUDARTO SITEPU :Beralamatkan di Desa Sukajulu RT 000/RW 000 Barusjahe Sumatra

Utara, Indonesia. Untuk dan atas nama SUDARTO SITEPU Dalam
hal ini bertindak atas nama Penjual. Selanjutnya disebut sebagai
2. SANJAY GATTANI : Beralamat kantor di Pertokoan Crown Palace Blok D No. 15, Jl. Prof.
Dr Soepomo No. 231, Kel. Menteng Dalam, Kec. Tebet, Jakarta,
Indonesia, Indonesia. Untuk dan atas nama PT. RLK DEVELOPMENT
INDONESIA. Dalam hal ini bertindak atas nama Pembeli. Selanjutnya
disebu sebagai Pihak Kedua.

On today, Saturday the Eighth of April, Two Thousand Twenty-Three (08/04/2023), theundersigned:

1. SUDARTO SITEPU : Having the address at Desa Sukajulu RT 000/RW 000 Barusjahe
Sumatra Utara,, Indonesia. For and behalf of SUDARTO SITEPU in
these terms of actingas a Seller. Hereinafter referred to as the First

2. SANJAY GATTANI : Having the address Located in Pertokoan Crown Palace Blok D No.
15, Jl. Prof. Dr Soepomo No. 231, Kel. Menteng Dalam, Kec. Tebet,
Jakarta, Indonesia. For and behalf of PT. RLK DEVELOPMENT
INDONESIA. In terms of acting as a Buyer. Hereinafter referred to as
the Second Party.

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The First Party and the Second Party are collectively also referred to as the Two Parties.

Both Parties have agreed to bind themselves in a Sale and Purchase agreement of coal, with
theterms and conditions set forth as follows:

Pasal 1

1. Ton and MT berarti metric ton setara dengan 1,000 kg seperti yang dijelaskan dalam
“International System of Units.”
2. ASTM berarti American Society for Testing and Material.
3. BATUBARA berarti Steam Coal (Non coking coal).
4. Dollars, US Dollars, USD, US$, $, cents berarti mata uang Amerika Serikat.
5. Rupiah, IDR, Rp, sen berarti mata uang Republik Indonesia.
6. ETA berarti estimasi tanggal kedatangan kapal (estimated time of arrival).
7. Kcal berarti kilo kalori seperti yang dijelaskan dalam “International System of Unit.”
8. Kg berarti kilogram seperti yang dijelaskna dalam “International System of Unit.”
9. Laytime berarti waktu yang diperbolehkan untuk memuat kargo ke Kapal Besar
10. MM berarti millimeter seperti yang dijelaskan dalam”the international system of unit.”
11. Loading Jetty berarti pelabuhan di mana batubara dimuat ke atas tongkang dalam
wilayah Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.
12. Free Pratigue berarti izin untuk melakukan bisnis di pelabuhan dengan menggunakan
kapalyang telah memenuhi semua peraturan kesehatan setempat yang berlaku.
13. “FOBT” berarti pengiriman sampai di tongkang sesuai dengan Incoterms 2010 dan
tongkangsudah dalam posisi siap berlayar.
14. Hari Libur Nasional berrati dua hari Idul Fitri, satu hari Idul Adha, satu hari 17 Agustus
dan satu hari Natal.
15. Hari Kerja berarti hari di mana transaksi bisnis biasa dilakukan kecuali disebutkan “hari”
yangdiartikan hari kalender.
16. Per Weather Working Day berarti satu hari dalam 24 jam yang dipergunakan kapal
untukmemuat kargo ke kapal tanpa kehilangan waktu dikarenakan cuaca.

Article 1

1. Ton and MT mean metric tons equivalent to 1,000 kg as described in the “International System
of Units.”
2. ASTM stands for American Society for Testing and Materials.
3. COAL means Steam Coal (Non coking coal).
4. Dollars, US Dollars, USD, US$, $, cents means United States currency.
5. Rupiah, IDR, Rp, sen means the currency of the Republic of Indonesia.
6. ETA means the estimated time of arrival of the ship (estimated time of arrival).
7. Kcal means kilo calories as described in the “International System of Units.”

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8. Kg means kilogram as defined in the “International System of Units.” 9. Laytime means the
time allowed to load cargo onto the Mother Vessel.
10. MM means millimeter as described in “the international system of units.”
11. Loading Jetty means the port where coal is loaded onto barges within the territory of East
Kalimantan, Indonesia.
12. Free Pratigue means a license to do business at the port by using a ship that has complied with
all applicable local health regulations.
13. “FOBT” means the shipment has arrived at the barge in accordance with Incoterms 2010 and
the barge is ready to sail.
14. National Holidays mean two days of Eid al-Fitr, one day of Eid al-Adha, one day of August 17
and one day of Christmas.
15. Business Day means the day on which business transactions are normally conducted unless
stated “day” which means calendar day.
16. Per Weather Working Day means one day in 24 hours that the ship uses to load cargo onto the
barge without losing time due to weather.

Pasal 2

Kedua Belah Pihak menerangkan terlebih dahulu:

1. Pihak Pertama adalah perusahaan perdagangan Batu Bara.
2. Pihak Pertama bersedia dan sepakat untuk menjual hasil tambang batubara dari lokasi
tambang yang sah kepada Pihak Kedua.
3. Pihak Kedua bersedia dan sepakat untuk membeli hasil tambang batubara yang sah milik
Pihak Pertama.

Article 2

Both Parties explain in advance:

1. The First Party is a company engaged in a coal.
2. The First Party is willing and agreed to sell coal mining products from a legitimate mining
location to the Second Party.
3. The Second Party is willing and agreed to buy the legal coal mining products belonging to
the First Party.

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Pasal 3

1. Para Pihak sepakat kualitas Batubara dalam Perjanjian ini adalah Tipikal GCV (ARB) 5400
Kcal/Kg Crushed.

Article 3

1. The Parties agree that the quality of coal in this Agreement is Typical GCV (ARB) 5400 Kcal/Kg

Pasal 4

Harga jual batubara yang diperjual belikan seperti pada Pasal 3 diatas adalah sebesar:

Tujuh Ratus Tujuh Puluh Lima Ribu Rupiah Per Metrik Ton (Rp. 805.000/MT) FOB Barge tanpa
dokumen dan tanpa biaya koordinasi.

Pengapalan di jetty Pihak Pertama atau yang telah ditunjuk Pihak Pertama di Jetty INDAH
(Indonesia Amanah Hidayah), Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.

Article 4

The selling price of coal that is traded as in Article 3 above is as much as:

Indonesian Rupiahs Seven Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Per Metric Ton (Rp. 805,000/MT)
FOB Barge non documents and non coordination fee.

Shipment at the First Party jetty or one that has been appointed by the First Party at Jetty INDAH
(Indonesia Amanah Hidayah), East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Pasal 5

Kedua Belah Pihak sepakat dengan ketentuan volume/kuantitas di bawah:

• Pihak pertama dapat meyediakan batu bara dengan ketentuan berikut:

o Satu (1) Tongkang Tiga Ratus Feet (300 ft) 7.5000 MT (+/- 10%).
o Tanggal pemuatan tongkang akan dituangkan ke Shipping Instruction.

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• Bila mana pada waktu bulan Pengapalan yang telah ditentukan diatas, Pihak Pertama
belum menyediakan jumlah cargo batubara seperti yang ditetapkan, maka Pihak Pertama
bersedia menanggung kerugian kepada Pihak Kedua yang mana besarnya kerugian sesuai
dengan claim Pihak Ketiga (Pembeli Pihak Kedua).
• Penentuan kuantitas batubara akan diperhitungkan berdasarkan hasil Final Draft Survey
yang dilakukan di pelabuhan Muat oleh pihak Independent Surveyor berdasarkan atas
hasil Certificate Of Weight oleh pihak Independent Surveyor.

Article 5

Both Parties agree on the following quantity/volume determination:

• The first party can supply either under following detail:
o One (1) Barge Three Hundred Feet (300 ft) 7,500MT (+/-10%)
o Barge laycan shall be according to what is stated on the Shipping Instruction (SI).
• If at the time of the month of Shipping specified above, the First Party has not provided
the amount of coal cargo as determined, then the First Party is willing to bear the loss to
the Second Party where the amount of the loss is in accordance with the claim of the Third
Party (Second Party Buyer).
• Determination of coal quantity will be calculated based on Final results Draft Survey
conducted at the port of Loading by the Independent Surveyor based on the results of the
Certificate Of Weight by the Independent Surveyor.

Pasal 6

1. Pihak kedua membayar pembayaran pertama Down Payment sebesar Dua Ratus Juta
Rupiah (Rp.200.000.000) pada saat penerbitan Shipping Instruction (SI).
2. Pelunasan pembayaran dibayarkan Pihak Kedua ke rekening Pihak Pertama Ketika
proses muat selesai berdasarkan Final Draught Survey Report (DSR) dari Independen

Pembayaran akan dilakukan dengan cara di transfer ke rekening Pihak Kedua.

Nama Bank : .............
Nomor Rekening : .............
Atas Nama : .............

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Article 6

1. The second party pays the second party Down Payment Indonesian Rupiahs Two
Hundred Million (Rp. 200,000,000) upon the SI issuance
2. The remaining Payment/Balance of the shipment is paid by the Second Party to the
the First Party upon the issuance of final Draught Survey Report (DSR) by an Independent

Payment will be made by transfer to the account of the Second Party

Bank Name : .............
Account Number : ..............
On behalf of : .............

Pasal 7

1. Keterlambatan pengisian akan kami bebankan kepada pihak pertama dengan perhitungan
pada saat sandar atau ikat tali di jetty sampai dengan komplit kargo selama maksimal 3 x
24 jam.
2. Kelebihan waktu muat yang ada pasal 7 poin 1 akan dibebankan perhitungan atau
besarannya sesuai dengan ukuran tongkang atau invoice yang akan dibebankan kepada
pihak kedua, akan selanjutnya dibebankan kepada pihak pertama.
3. Apabila tonase batubara ternyata kurang dari jumlah yang disepakati (7,500MT +/-10%)
maka Pihak Pertama setuju untuk membayar dead freight yang dikenakan oleh pemilik
tongkang kepada Pihak Kedua yang besarnya sesuai dari pada SPAL (Surat Perjanjian
Angkutan Laut) antara Pihak Ketiga (Pembeli Pihak Kedua) dengan pemilik tongkang,
disesuaikan dengan ukuran dan kapasitas umum tongkang tersebut. Sebelum pemuatan
Pihak Kedua akan menginformasikan dead freight tongkang kepada Pihak Pertama.

Article 7

1. Any delay or shortage of cargo shall be accounted to the seller with calculations at the
beginning of barge berthing or docking at the jetty until the cargo is completed within 3 x
24 hours.
2. The excess of loading time under the article 7 point 1 accumulated in total, as per size of
the barge, or the invoices submitted to the second party, shall be later accounted to first

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3. If the coal tonnage turns out to be less than the agreed amount (7,500 MT +/-10%) then
the First Party agrees to pay the dead freight charged by the barge owner to the Second
Party which is in accordance with the SPAL (Sea Transport Agreement) between the Third
Party (Second Party Buyer) with the barge owner, adjusted to the size and general capacity
of the barge. Before loading the Second Party will inform the dead freight barge to the
First Party.

Pasal 8

Pihak Pertama berkewajiban:

1. Menyediakan batubara dengan kualitas & kuantitas yang telah disepakati sesuai jadwal
yang telah disetujui Kedua Belah Pihak.
2. Membayar semua biaya yang timbul kepada Pihak Kedua atas keterlambatan (demurrage)
& kekurangan pemuatan (dead freight) loading ke tongkang yang dibebankan pemilik
3. Bertanggung jawap penuh atas kerugian Pihak Kedua jika terjadi keterlambatan
pengapalan menurut pasal 4 diatas, yang mana besarnya disesuaikan dengan claim pihak
ketiga (pembeli Pihak Kedua).
4. Menjamin bahwa batubara tidak dijual kepada pihak lain sebelum memenuhi jumlah
batubara dalam perjanjian ini.
5. Menjamin kepada Pihak Kedua, bahwa batubara yang dijualnya adalah benar-benar
miliknya atau mendapat kuasa untuk menjual, dan membebaskan Pihak Kedua dari
tuntutan Pihak Ketiga dan atau Pihak Lain terhadap kepemilikan batubara tersebut.
6. Mengembalikan pembayaran dimuka milik Pihak Kedua bila terjadi kelebihan
pembayaran dalam waktu tiga (3) hari setelah selesainya pengapalan.

Pihak Kedua berkewajiban:

1. Melakukan pembayaran sesuai Pasal 6 di perjanjian ini.

2. Berhak menempatkan wakilnya di lokasi tambang, stockpile dan pelabuhan muat untuk
memeriksa kualitas dan kuantitas serta mengawasi pemuatan batubara tersebut.
3. Pihak kedua terlebih dahulu melakukan PSA (Pre Sampling Analisys sebelum melakukan
kegiatan barging.
4. Kegiatan PSA dilakukan agar tidak ada lagi komplain untuk kwalitas batubara kepada pihak
pertama bila batubara sudah berada didalam tongkang.
5. Ikut mengawasi angkutan, processing, penumpukan batubara serta pemuatan keatas
tongkang distockpile/pelabuhan yang ditunjuk. Apabila ada hal-hal yang dapat
memperlambat pemuatan keatas tongkang maka Pihak Kedua berhak menegur Pihak
Pertama dan menghentikan pemuatan.

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Article 8

1. Provide coal with the agreed quality & quantity according to the schedule that has been
agreed by both Parties.
2. Pay all costs incurred to the Second Party for the delay (demurrage) & lack of loading (dead
freight) loading to the barge which is borne by the barge owner.
3. Fully responsible for the loss of the Second Party if there is a delay in shipment according
to article 4 above, which amount is adjusted to the claim of the third party (second party
4. Ensure that coal is not sold to other parties before fulfilling the amount of coal in this
5. Guarantee to the Second Party, that the coal it sells is actually his or her power to sell, and
releases the Second Party from claims by the Third Party and/or Other Parties for
ownership of the coal.
6. Return the advance payment of the Second Party if the coal loading into the First Party's
coal barge is dirty, contaminated with partings, soil, mud, or other non-coal materials.

The Second Party is obliged to:

1. Make payments in accordance with Article 6 of this agreement.

2. Has the right to place representatives at the mine site, stockpile and loading port to check
the quality and quantity and supervise the loading of the coal.
3. Participate in supervising the transportation, processing, coal stacking and loading on the
barge at the designated stockpile/port. If there are things that can slow down the loading
on the barge, the Second Party has the right to reprimand the First Party and stop loading.
4. PSA activities are carried out so that there are no more complaints for coal quality to the
first party when the coal is already in the barge.
5. Participate in supervising the transportation, processing, stacking of coal and loading onto
barges at the designated stockpile/port. If there are things that can slow down the loading
on the barge, the Second Party has the right to reprimand the First Party and stop loading.

Pasal 9

• Tidak ada satu pihak pun yang akan menuntut untuk melaksanakan hak dan kewajiban
apabila terjadi force majure, yang antara lain kejadian-kejadian seperti perubahan
peraturan Pemerintah di bidang moneter dan atau di bidang pertambangan khususnya
batubara, bencana alam, huru hara, perang, pemberontakan, pemogokan dan kejadian-
kejadian lain diluar kemampuan akal manusia.
• Peristiwa force majure yan dialami oleh salah satu Pihak dan atau oleh Kedua Belah Pihak
wajib dilaporkan oleh Pihak yang terkena force majure kepada Pihak lainnya, laporan
dibuat secara tertulis dengan disertai bukti-bukti otentik force majure selambat-
lambatnya 3 x 24 jam setelah force majure.

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Article 9

• Neither party will demand to exercise rights and obligations in the event of a force
majeure, which includes incidents such as changes to government regulations in the
monetary sector and/or in the mining sector, especially coal, natural disasters, riots, wars,
rebellions, strikes and other events beyond the capacity of human reason.
Force majeure events experienced by one of the Parties and or by both Parties must be
reported by the Party affected by force majeure to the other Party, the report is made in
writing accompanied by authentic evidence of force majeure no later than 3 x 24 hours
after the force majeure.

Pasal 10

Perjanjian ini mulai berlaku sejak tanggal ditandatangani perjanjian ini sampai dengan
pengiriman batubara telah di lakukan sesuai dengan jumlah batubara yang tersebut diatas dan
dapat diperpanjang atas dasar kesepakatan kedua belah pihak.

Article 10
Validity of Agreement

This agreement is effective from the date of signing this agreement until the delivery of coal has
been carried out in accordance with the amount of coal mentioned above and can be extended
based on the agreement of both parties.

Pasal 11

1. Semua sengketa yang timbul sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan perjanjian ini akan
diselesaikan secara musyawarah dan mufakat.
2. Apabila tidak tercapai kata mufakat dalam penyelesaian perselisihan maka para pihak
sepakat untuk menyelesaikannya melalui jalur hukum melalui kepaniteraan Pengadilan
Negeri yang akan disepakati bersama.
3. Para Pihak dengan ini menyetujui untuk mengesampingkan ketentuan-ketentuan Pasal 1266
Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata sepanjang bahwa keputusan atau penetapan
pengadilan (judicial pronouncements) atau putusan di persyaratkan untuk mengakhiri
kontrak ini.

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Article 11

1. All disputes arising in connection with the implementation of this agreement will be resolved
by deliberation and consensus.
2. If consensus is not reached in the settlement of the dispute, the parties agree to resolve it
through legal channels through the District Court to be mutually agreed.
3. The parties hereby agree to waive the provisions of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code
to the extent that judicial pronouncements or decisions are required to terminate thiscontract

Pasal 12

Jika ada klausal-klausal yang belum tertera di dalam surat perjanjian ini maka Kedua Belah Pihak
setuju dan sepakat untuk menambahkan klausal klausal tersebut di dalam surat perjanjian ini.

Dengan tidak mengesampingkan ketentuan yang terdapat dalam perjanjian ini, seluruh
pemberitahuan yang diperlukan harus dibuat secara tertulis dan disampaikan dengan surat
tercatat, telex dan atau faxsimile yang diikuti dengan pengiriman surat tercatat ke alamat tertuju
masing-masing pihak.

Demikian Perjanjian ini dibuat pada hari dan tanggal seperti tersebut di atas dan ditandatangani
oleh para pihak seperti tersebut di bawah ini.
Perjanjian ini dibuat rangkap 2 (dua), bermaterai cukup dan masing-masing mempunyai kekuatan
hukum yang sama untuk para pihak.

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Article 12

If there are clauses that have not been stated in this agreement letter, both parties agree to add
these clauses in this agreement letter.

Without prejudice to the provisions contained in this agreement, all necessary notices must be made in
writing and delivered by registered mail, telex and or facsimile followed by sending a registered letter to
the address addressed to each party.

Thus, this Agreement is made on the day and date as mentioned above and signed by the partiesas
stated below.

This agreement is made in 2 (two) copies, with sufficient stamp duty and each has the same legal
force for the parties.

Jakarta, 8 April 2023,

Jakarta, April 8th, 2023,

Pihak Pertama, First Party Pihak Kedua, Second Party



Direktur/Director Direktur/Director

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Article 12

If there are clauses that have not been stated in this agreement letter, both parties agree to add
these clauses in this agreement letter.

Without prejudice to the provisions contained in this agreement, all necessary notices must be made in
writing and delivered by registered mail, telex and or facsimile followed by sending a registered letter to
the address addressed to each party.

Thus, this Agreement is made on the day and date as mentioned above and signed by the partiesas
stated below.

This agreement is made in 2 (two) copies, with sufficient stamp duty and each has the same legal
force for the parties.

Jakarta, 8 April 2023,

Jakarta, April 8th, 2023,

Pihak Pertama, First Party Pihak Kedua, Second Party



Direktur/Director Direktur/Director

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