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Tugas Critical Appraisal

The Effectiveness of Betle Leaf (Piper betle L.) Extract as a Bio-pesticide

for Controlled of Houseflies (Musca domestica L.)

Oleh :

Riza Khoiriyah NIM 291221 005

I. Pendahuluan
Pada saat ini dijumpai ± 60.000 – 100.000 spesies lalat, tetapi tidak semua species
perlu diawasi karena beberapa diantaranya tidak berbahaya terhadap kesehatan
masyarakat. Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), merupakan jenis lalat yang
paling banyak terdapat diantara jenis-jenis lalat rumah. Lalat ini memiliki fungsi
sebagai vektor tranmisi mekanis dari berbagai bibit penyakit saluran pencernaan
seperti: kolera, typhus, disentri, dan lain lain. Penularan penyakit dapat terjadi melalui
semua bagian dari tubuh lalat seperti : bulu badan, bulu pada anggota gerak, muntahan
serta faecesnya. Disertai dengan jumlahnya yang banyak, dan hubungannya erat dengan
lingkungan hidup manusia,.maka jenis lalat musca domestica ini merupakan jenis lalat
yang terpenting ditinjau dari sudut kesehatan manusia [2].
Pengendalian lalat rumah saat ini sangat bergantung pada penggunaan insektisida
kimia karena dianggap cepat, murah, dan nyaman. Insektisida kimia seperti piretroid,
organofosfat, dan karbamat digunakan secara global. Sebagian besar produk ini tidak
lagi menunjukkan khasiat yang diharapkan karena resistensi yang tinggi terhadap
hampir semua kelas insektisida [1]. Selain itu, penyalahgunaan beberapa insektisida
dapat memperpendek umur senyawa dan mencemari lingkungan menyebabkan
kerusakan pada serangga non-target dan manusia. Oleh karenanya beberapa inovasi
insektisida nabati menjadi alternatif pengganti. Bio-insektisida (insektisida nabati)
adalah kelompok insektisida yang berasal dari tanaman, seperti Pyrethrum, pyrethrin,
nikotin, rotenone, limonene, dan azadirachtin yang diharapakan dapat mengurangi
populasi lalat rumah dan aman bagi manusia,serta lingkungan.
Untuk itu akan dilakukan Critical Appraisal terhadap artikel yang berjudul “The
Effectiveness of Betle Leaf (Piper betle L.) Extract as a Bio-pesticide for Controlled
of Houseflies (Musca domestica L.)”, yang kami ambil dari Open Access Macedonian
Journal of Medical Sciences, 9, 895–900.
Yushananta, P., & Ahyanti, M. (2021). The effectiveness of betle leaf (Piper betle L.)
extract as a bio-pesticide for controlled of houseflies (musca domestica
L.). (,
untuk memperkaya wawasan bersama-sama.
II. Pembahasan
Artikel yang berjudul “The Effectiveness of Betle Leaf (Piper betle L.) Extract
as a Bio-pesticide for Controlled of Houseflies (Musca domestica L.)”, dilatar-
belakangi keinginan peneliti untuk dapat memberikan alternatif pengendalian vektor
“lalat rumah” yang lebih aman. Sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengevaluasi efektivitas ekstrak daun Piper betle L. sebagai biopestisida terhadap
pengendalian vektor lalat rumah”.
Penelitian ini telah mendapatkan persetujuan pertimbangan etis dari Komite Etik
Penelitian Kesehatan, Politeknik Kesehatan Tanjungkarang, nomor 162/EC/ KEP-TJK,
sehingga penelitian ini dapat dilaksanakan.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian true experiment. Penelitian
dilakukan di Laboratorium Entomologi Departemen Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes
Agar penelitian ini layak melakukan perbandingan efektivitas ekstrak daun Piper
betle L. sebagai biopestisida terhadap lalat rumah”, maka subjek penelitian lalat rumah
dikondisikan memiliki karakteristik sama/ similar group, sehingga peneliti melakukan
beberapa upaya, yaitu :
1. Menyediakan kandang berukuran 45 cm × 47 cm × 47 cm untuk pemeliharaan lalat
yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Kandang ditutup dengan kasa jaring dan
memiliki lengan baju di bagian depan dan belakang. Seorang peneliti
menggunakan lengan mereka untuk memasukkan larutan susu, larutan gula, dan
baki oviposisi.
2. Bantalan kapas yang direndam dalam larutan gula 3% ditempatkan di setiap
kandang untuk menyediakan gula dan air. Makanan terdiri dari 50% glukosa dan
50% bubuk kaldu MacConkey. Larutan gula dan makanan disediakan setiap hari.
3. Bantalan kapas yang direndam dalam susu segar disediakan selama 3 hari, guna
meningkatkan produksi telur. Setelah 3 hari, lalat diberi larutan susu dan gula.
Untuk pemeliharaan larva, campuran dedak gandum steril (38 g), susu bubuk (2 g),
dan 60 ml air digunakan.
4. Pembesaran lalat dilakukan hingga didapatkan lalat berumur 5 hari dan siap
dijadikan subjek penelitian.
Adapun untuk meng-ekstrak Betle Leaf (Piper betle L.) menjadi Bio-Pestisida,
maka dilakukan pembersihan menggunakan akuades, kemudian dikeringkan di tempat
teduh selama 15 hari. Kemudian dihancurkan, lanjut tanaman kering ditempatkan
dalam dry oven kering pada 60 ° C selama 20 menit. Ekstraksi, 100g sampel dicampur
dengan 300ml etanol, dan kemudian campuran tersebut dicampur dengan Rotary
Shacker selama 24 jam dengan kecepatan 220 rpm. Campuran disaring menggunakan
kertas saring Whatman. Filtrat disimpan dalam botol kaca steril, berwarna abu-abu,
kedap udara dan disimpan dalam lemari pendingin pada suhu 40°C untuk digunakan
sewaktu dibutuhkan.
Desain penelitian, kami coba gambarkan sebagai berikut:

Sebanyak 10 ekor lalat dewasa (umur 5 hari) yang berasal dari pembesaran yang
dikondisikan (sama perlakuannya), dimasukkan ke dalam setiap botol kaca berisi
biopeptisida dengan konsentrasi tertentu (25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%, dan 0% sebagai
kelompok kontrol) dan lama waktu tertentu (15 menit, 30 menit, 60 menit, atau 120
menit). Pada kelompok kontrol, bio peptisida diganti dengan air suling. Setelah
pemaparan menurut masing-masing konsentrasi dan masing-masing waktu paparan,
lalat dipindahkan ke kandang lain berukuran 25 cm ×25 cm × 25 cm, dan dibiarkan
selama 24 jam. Lalat diberi larutan air gula 50% atau susu cair; kandang ditempatkan
pada ruangan dengan suhu 27–30°C dan kelembapan 60–80%. Kemudian dilakukan
monitoring jumlah kematian M. domestica.
Dikatakan peneliti bahwa kandang yang digunakan dalam penelitian dibuat
sedemikian rupa sehingga udara ambient dapat masuk ke dalam kandang dengan
Dalam menganalisis hasil percobaan, peneliti menggunakan 2 uji statistik, yaitu :
1. Uji Anova 2 arah untuk perbandingan
2. Post Hoc Turki untuk melihat pasangan yang sama
Hasil penelitian dapat dikatakan telah dapat menjawab tujuan penelitian serta
dapat memberikan alternatif pengendalian vektor “lalat rumah” yang lebih aman yang
berasal dari bahan nabati (biopeptisida) yang terbuat dari Betle Leaf (Piper betle L.)
atau dikenal dengan nama “Daun Sirih”.
Peneliti menunjukkan bahwa bersasarkan hasil analis uji ANOVA, F dengan nilai
44,40 dan p <0,0001, menunjukkan signifikansi model (Tabel 1). Sedangkan nilai R2
sebesar 97,70%, artinya 97,70% keragaman pada data konsentrasi, waktu kontak, dan
mortalitas M. domestica dapat dijelaskan oleh model.

Didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa konsentrasi dan lamanya waktu kontak

mempengaruhi jumlah kematian M. domestica dengan masing-masing nilai F sebesar
175,42; p < 0,0001 (konsentrasi) dan nilai F sebesar 26,15; p < 0,0001 (waktu kontak).
Analisis statistik juga menemukan F-value 4,37 dengan p < 0,0007, untuk jumlah
kematian yang dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan waktu kontak
Konsentrasi ekstrak daun P. betle L (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, dan 0%),
berpengaruh terhadap mortalitas M. domestica tertera pada gambar dibawah ini :
Semakin tinggi konsentrasi, jumlah kematian semakin tinggi. Tertinggi konsentrasi
25% dengan jumlah kematian sejumlah 8,37 ekor lalat.
Waktu kontak (15, 30, 60, dan 120 menit) berpengaruh terhadap kematian M.
domestica, sebagaimana tampak pada gambar dibawah ini :

Semakin lama waktu kontak, jumlah kematian semakin tinggi. Tertinggi waktu
kontak adalah 120 menit dengan jumlah kematian paling banyakyaitu lalat sejumlah 8
Untuk semua durasi kontak, mortalitas tertinggi adalah pada konsentrasi 25%;
kematian terendah adalah pada konsentrasi 5%. Selain itu, untuk semua konsentrasi,
kematian tertinggi terjadi pada waktu kontak 120 menit; dan mortalitas terendah pada
waktu kontak 5 menit. Sedangkan pada kontrol, tidak ada kematian pada waktu kontak
30, 60, atau 120 menit.
Dalam diskusi, peneliti juga mengangkat literasi yang menggambarkan bahwa
Betle Leaf (Piper betle L. ) pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dinyatakan memiliki
potensi sifat insektisida pada pemberantasan hama fase larva lalat, sehingga penelitian
ini merupakan lanjutan pada fase dewasa dan terbukti efektif juga.
Peneliti juga memuat literasi yang menggambarkan bagaimana kandungan tanin,
flavonoid, eugenol, dan chavicol dalam Betle Leaf (Piper betle L. ) bekerja mematikan
M. domestica, berikut port d’entry-nya.
Di akhir peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Ekstrak Betle Leaf (Piper betle L. )
dengan kemanjuran komponen utamanya tanin, flavonoid, eugenol, dan chavicol dapat
digunakan untuk alternatif pengendalian vektor bio pestisida Musca domestica dewasa
(lalat rumah) yang murah dan ramah lingkungan. Dan peneliti menyadari bahwa hasil
rekomendasi penelitian ini membutuhkan tambahan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang efek
toksikologi pada serangga non-target.
III. Penutup
Secara keseluruhan, artikel ini telah mampu menyuguhkan hasil penelitian
experiment yang apik, tersusun rapi dan terstruktur bukti ilmiahnya yang digunakan
untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian yaitu mengkaji efektivitas Ekstrak Betle Leaf (Piper
betle L. ) sebagai alternatif pengendalian vektor biopestisida yang murah dan ramah
lingkungan. Tentunya hal ini didukung dengan tepatnya desain penelitian yang
digunakan, termasuk upaya-upaya mengkondisikan subyek penelitian agar similar
group dan layak dibandingkan. Mulai dari mengkondisikan subjek penelitian lalat
berusia 5 hari dengan karakteristik yang sama, mengkondisikan objek penelitian
Ekstrak Betle Leaf (Piper betle L.) agar memiliki kualitas bahan yang sama untuk setiap
konsentrasi yang berbeda, serta mengkondisikan peralatan dan sarana prasarana yang
digunakan dalam penelitian. Kesemuanya ini dilakukan agar jauh dari bias-
confounding yang berpotensi muncul. Seperti pembuatan kandang yang dibuat
sedemikian rupa sehingga udara ambient dapat masuk ke dalam kandang dengan
leluasa, sehingga memungkinkan lalat untuk bernafas seperti biasa dan lain-lain seperti
yang telah dibasah diatas.
Kekurangan penelitian ini adalah pada saat proses memasukkan lalat kedalam botol
kaca dengan waktu kontak bermacam-macam,karakteristik botol kaca ini tidak
disebutkan seperti apa. Sehingga bila tertutup rapat maka takutnya variabel luar
“keleluasaan udara ambient saat di botol kaca yang tertutup” dapat menjadi
confounding yang menyebabkan terjadinya salah taksir karena mempengaruhi jumlah
dan kecepatan kematian musca domestica. Botol kaca tidak seperti kandang yang telah
dijelaskan karakteristiknya.

Refferensi :
1. Santi, Devi Nuraini.2001. Manajemen Pengendalian Lalat.Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Sumatera Utara digital library

2. Baker, al. 2020. Development of a Mycoinsecticide Bait Formulation for the
Control of House Flies, Musca domestica L. Insects 2020, 11, 47;
Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021 Sep 02; 9(E):895-900.
eISSN: 1857-9655
Category: E - Public Health
Section: Public Health Disease Control

The Effectiveness of Betle Leaf (Piper betle L.) Extract as a Bio-

pesticide for Controlled of Houseflies (Musca domestica L.)
Prayudhy Yushananta* , Mei Ahyanti

Department of Environmental Health, Tanjungkarang Health Polytechnic, Lampung, Indonesia

Edited by: Sasho Stoleski BACKGROUND: The housefly, Musca domestica L., spreads disease by contaminating food. However, chemical
Citation: Yushananta P, Ahyanti M. The Effectiveness
of Betle Leaf (Piper betle L.) Extract as a Bio-pesticide
insecticides used to combat houseflies can pollute the environment and can harm non-target insects and humans;
for Controlled of Houseflies (Musca domestica L.). Open this demands safer alternatives and pest control options.
Access Maced J Med Sci. 2021 Sep 02; 9(E):895-900. AIM: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Piper betle L. leaf extract as a bio-pesticide against houseflies.
Keywords: Piper betle; Houseflies; Bio-pesticides; Vector
*Correspondence: Prayudhy Yushananta, Department of METHODS: This study using a factorial design with six variations in concentration (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and
Environmental Health, Tanjungkarang Health Polytechnic,
Lampung, Indonesia. E-mail: 25%), four variations in contact time (15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes), and 5-day-old M. domestica adults that were
Received: 21-Jul-2021 bred from residential areas.
Revised: 04-Aug-2021
Accepted: 22-Aug-2021 RESULTS: The results show that mortality was affected by concentration (p-value < 0.000), contact time (p-value <
Copyright: © 2021 Prayudhy Yushananta, Mei Ahyanti
Funding: This research did not receive any financial 0.000), and the interaction between concentration and contact time (p-value = 0.0007). Of the three, concentration
support had the greatest effect.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no
competing interests exist
Open Access: This is an open-access article distributed
CONCLUSION: As such, the use of Piper betle L. extract is a suitable, cheap, and environmentally safe method for
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution- controlling M. domestica.
NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Introduction well-established [3], [6], [12], [13],  [14],   [15]. The

housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), is a
vector for over 100 serious pathogens, including typhoid,
Diarrhea is a leading killer of children cholera, salmonellosis, shigellosis,  dysentery, anthrax,
worldwide, accounting for around 8% of all deaths and parasitic worms [3], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21].
among children under 5  years of age. Most of these Most infectious diarrhea transmission is fecal-to-oral,
deaths occur in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa [1], although the routes taken from feces to ingestion by a
and in low-income countries [2]. Thus, controlling host can vary. The main causes of infectious diarrhea are
diarrhea is essential if the world desires to achieve various types of pathogenic bacteria from human feces
sustainable development goals for child health [3]. In [22]. M. domestica breeds rapidly and generally settles
Indonesia, diarrhea affects 11% of children under 5 and in human and animal feces, as well as other organic
is the second-largest cause of death [4]. materials such as meat, fruit, and fresh and decayed
Several interventions have been employed to plant matter [23],  [24], [25], [26].
reduce diarrhea: Improvements in water, sanitation, and Insecticides are the primary method for
hygiene facilities; exclusive breastfeeding, adequate controlling houseflies because they are fast, cheap,
complementary feeding, and continued breastfeeding; and convenient. Chemical insecticides such as
Vitamin A supplementation; and a preventative rotavirus pyrethroids, organophosphates, and carbamates
vaccine [1], [5], [6], [7]. There is strong evidence that are used globally. Most of these products no longer
flies are vectors of infectious diseases, especially exhibit the expected efficacy due to high resistance
diarrhea  [8], [9]. The efficacy of housefly control as in pests  [16],  [17],  [18],  [27], [28], and the misuse of
prevention for infectious diarrhea in community settings some insecticides shortens the life of the compounds
has long been questioned. Vector control can be and pollutes the environment [16], [24], causing harm
accomplished by reducing or eliminating breeding sites, to non-target insects and humans [23]. Therefore,
reducing housefly attraction sources, and preventing it is necessary to find plant-based insecticides
interaction between flies and food, food utensils, people, as an alternative. Bio-insecticides are a group of
or disease-causing organisms [3],  [6], [10], [11]. insecticides derived from plants, such as Pyrethrum,
The role of houseflies as mechanical vectors pyrethrin, nicotine, rotenone, limonene, and
for several diarrhea-causing agents is relatively azadirachtin. The use of bio-insecticides for reducing

Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2021 Sep 02; 9(E):895-900.895

E - Public Health Public Health Disease Control

housefly populations is safe for humans and the to flies for 3 days, in order to increase egg production.
environment [17], [18], [23], [24], [29], [30]. After 3 days, the flies were given a solution of milk and
There are many types of plants in Indonesia sugar. For larval rearing, a sterilized wheat bran mixture
that can be used to make natural pesticides. Over (38 g), milk powder (2 g), and 60 ml of water were used
24,000 plant species in 255 families are reported to as described by Pavela [17], Zahoor et al. [30].
contain pesticides. Plants with potential as sources The cage for rearing flies was purchased
of insecticides contain bioactive compounds such as from PD Karya Mitra Usaha, Indonesia. Glucose, and
saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and alkenyl MacConkey broth from MERCK production. Sugar and
phenols [29], [30], [31]. Piper betle L. (Piperaceae) is a fresh milk are bought from the market.
native Indonesian vine that can reach a height of 15 m;
it contains phenol compounds and phenol derivatives
from propenyl, eugenol, carvacrol, chavicol, chavibetol, P. betle L.
alylpirokatekol, cavibetol acetate, alylpirokatekol P. betle L. leaves were obtained from traditional
acetate, cineol, estragole, chavibetol methyl ether, markets in Bandar Lampung City and then identified by
p-cymene, caryophyllene, cadin, and cretin. These the Department of Biology at Lampung University. The
compounds act as neurotoxins and causes rapid plants were cleaned using distilled water, and then dried
damage and death in insects. These compounds act in the shade for 15  days. Crushed, dried plants were
as neurotoxins and causes rapid damage and death in placed in a dry-oven at 60°C for 20 min. For extraction,
insects [29], [31], [32], [33]. This study aims to assess 100 g of the sample was mixed with 300 ml of ethanol,
the effectiveness of P. betle L. leaf extract as a bio- and then the mixture was subjected to a rotary shaker for
pesticide for M. domestica L.
24 h at 220 rpm. The mixture was filtered using Whatman
filter paper. The filtrate was stored in a sterilized, gray,
airtight glass bottle and stored in a refrigerator at 40°C
for later use. Concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%,
Materials and Methods and 25%) were prepared from the stock solution using
distilled water as a solvent. Procedures were similar to
those described previously [17], [29], [30], [32].
Ethical considerations
Waring (Model No. 8010 BU) used to crushed
Ethical considerations were approved by the P. betle L. leaves, and drying used a Dry-oven (Model
Health Research Ethics Committee, Tanjungkarang No.  01034250001100) from WTB Binder, Germany.
Health Polytechnic, number 162/EC/KEP-TJK. Stirring for extraction with a Rotary Shacker (Model
No SG-400W-2019A) from Oshiyama, Japan, and
evaporated with a water bath (Model No DIN12876-
Study design and setting 3-K1) produced by Memmert, Germany. All materials
This study utilized a factorial design with two were weighed with Analytical balance (Model No.
replication experiments, six levels of concentration ITA1904375) from Bel Engineering, Italy.
(5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%, with 0% as a control),
and four levels of contact time (15 min, 30 min, 60 min,
and 120 min). The research subjects were 5-day-old M.
domestica L. bred from residential areas, with ten flies The test bottles used were 250  mL glass
per treatment. bottles with a surface area of 180 cm2 (Model
No 100-21801365, from Duran, Malaysia). Each glass
bottle was sprayed with 1 mL of a bio-pesticide solution
M. domestica L. with the correct concentration (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%,
The study was conducted at the Entomology or 25%). The insecticide stuck evenly to the entire
Laboratory in the Department of Environmental Health, surface of the bottle and bottle cap; the glass bottle was
Tanjungkarang Health Polytechnic. Cages that were rotated multiple times. The bottle was left open for 1 h
45  cm × 47  cm × 47  cm were used for rearing the afterward so that the bio-pesticide could dry completely.
houseflies used in the study. The cages were covered The sample bottles for the control were prepared in the
with mesh gauze and had sleeves on the front and same manner, but distilled water was used instead of a
back. A  researcher used their forearm to introduce a bio-pesticide solvent [34], [35].
milk solution, a sugar solution, and an oviposition tray. A total of 10 adult houseflies (aged 5  days)
A cotton pad soaked in a 3% sugar solution was placed derived from rearing were put into each insecticide
in each cage to provide sugar and water. Adult food glass bottle for a specified amount of time (15  min,
consisted of 50% glucose and 50% MacConkey broth 30 min, 60 min, or 120 min). For the control, ten flies
powder. Sugar solutions and food were provided every were treated with distilled water. After exposure, the
day. Cotton pads soaked in fresh milk were provided houseflies were transferred to the cages (25  cm ×

 Yushananta and Ahyanti. Betel Leaf Extract as a Bio-pesticide

25 cm × 25 cm) and left for 24 h. The flies were given the probability of getting significant results was close to
a 50% sugar water solution or liquid milk; the cage was 100% (Table 1).
placed in a room with a temperature of 27–30°C and a
humidity of 60–80%.
Mortality by extract concentration
In this study, testing was conducted to determine
Statistical analysis
the effect of P. betle L. leaf extract concentration on
Data were analyzed to determine the individual the mortality of M. domestica. Six concentrations were
and combined effects of the research variables used: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 0% (Figure 1).
(concentration and contact time) used a two-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA). Tukey’s test determines
the individual means, which are significantly different
from a set of means. To interpreting the strength
association used Omega square, following Cohen’s
guidelines (ω2 = 0.01 is a small association, ω2 = 0.06
is medium, and ω = 0.14 is strong). All analyzed using
SAS 9.4 software.


The ANOVA test found an F-value of 44.40 Figure 1: Musca domestica mortality by concentration (%)
and p < 0.0001, indicating the significance of the model In Figure 1, the highest mortality was at an extract
(Table  1). The R2 value was 97.70%, meaning that concentration of 25%, with as many as 8.37 flies dead
97.70% of the diversity in the data for concentration, (SD = 0.51); the lowest mortality was at a concentration
contact time, and M. domestica mortality could be of 5%, with as many as 4.50 flies dead (SD = 1.51). In
explained by the model. the control, the death rate was 0.12 (SD = 0.35). The
Table 1: Statistical analysis by two-way ANOVA number of deaths at a concentration of 15% was equal
Source DF Mean F-value Pr > F Omega Effect Power to the number of deaths at a concentration of 25%, but
Square Square Size of Test there was a wider distribution of data.
Model 23 16.648 44.4 <0.0001
Contact time
<0.0001 0.431
<0.0001 0.061
0.870 1.000
0.256 1.000
Statistical analysis found an F-value of 175.42
Concentration × Contact time 15 1.638 4.37 0.0007 0.042 0.209 0.996 and p < 0.0001. As such, concentration influences the
R Square 0.9770
ANOVA: Analysis of variance.
number of M. domestica deaths (Table  1). Overall,
The partial omega squared value was differences in mortality occurred among all groups,
calculated to determine the strength of the relationships except between 5% and 10% and between 15%, 20%
among concentration, contact time, and number of and 20% (Table 2).
deaths [36]. The results show that the relationship Table 2: Turkey test results for concentration
between concentration and number of deaths, ignoring Concentration (%) 5 10 15 20 25
contact time and the interaction of concentration and 5 – 1.000 0.031* 0.005* 0.000*
10 1.000 – 0.155 0.031* 0.000*
contact time, was strong (ω2 > 0.14). The relationship 15 0.031* 0.155 – 1.000 0.092
between contact time and number of deaths, ignoring 20


concentration and the interaction between contact *Significant.

time and concentration, was moderate (ω2 > 0.06).

The relationship between the number of deaths and
Death by contact time
the interaction of concentration and contact time,
ignoring concentration and contact time, was weak Tests were carried out to determine the effect
(ω2 > 0.01). of contact time on the death of M. domestica; there
Effect size was calculated to determine the were four durations: 15, 30, 60, and 120 min (Figure 2).
effect of treatment [36]. Concentration had a significant The results showed that the highest mortality (6.16 flies,
effect on the model (effect size > 0.40). Contact time SD = 3.06) was at 20 min of contact, and the lowest (4.08
had a moderate effect (effect size > 0.25), and the flies, SD = 2.71) was at 15 min of contact. At 15 min of
interaction between contact time and concentration had contact, the deaths were very widely distributed.
a weak effect (effect size > 0.01). The power of the test Statistical analysis found an F-value of 26.15
for the three variables approached 1.00, meaning that and a p < 0.0001, demonstrating that the number of

Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2021 Sep 02; 9(E):895-900. 897
E - Public Health Public Health Disease Control


The previous studies have shown that P. betle

L. leaf extract has insecticidal properties that could
potentially be exploited for pest eradication. Although
such research used quantified extracts, the extracts
were tested on larvae. Anisah’s research [29] has
particular relevance because it clearly shows that P.
betle L. leaf extract mostly contains tannins, flavonoids,
and eugenol chavicol, which are effective against M.
domestica. The results presented here align with
previous studies and provide further evidence of the
benefits of P. betle L. leaf extract for controlling adult
M. domestica.
Figure 2: Musca domestica mortality by contact time (min) There were significant differences between the
subject groups and the control (Figure 3). At 60 min of
deaths is influenced by contact time (Table 1). In general, exposure, the 5% extract caused a mortality rate of over
there were no differences in mortality at contact times 50%. With 15 min of exposure, the 25% extract led to an
between 30 and 60 min, and between 60 and 120 min 80% mortality rate. For each duration of contact, higher
(Table 3). concentrations of extract led to higher mortality rates.
Table 3: Turkey test results for contact time These results confirm previous research [17], [29], [31].
Contac Time (min) 15 30 60 120 The most abundant compounds in P. betle L.
15 – 0.366 0.021* 0.009*
30 0.366 – 1.000 0.873 leaves are tannins [29]. Tannins can block muscles’
60 0.021* 1.000 – 1.000 response to skin cell walls and inhibit enzyme and
120 0.009* 0.873 1.000 –
*Significant. substrate activity, which can cause digestive disorders
and damage cell walls; tannins act as a contact poison
and stomach poison [29], [30], [31], [32], [37], [38].
Mortality by concentration and contact Pesticides enter the fly’s body, shrinking its body tissue
time and killing it. Flies’ habit of licking, which is related to the
Statistical analysis found an F-value of 4.37 shape and structure of their mouths, is a way for tannins
and a p < 0.0007, indicating that the number of deaths to enter the fly’s digestion. Flavonoid compounds can
is impacted by concentration and contact time (Table 1). affect the respiratory and nervous systems. Flavonoid
For all contact durations, the highest mortality was at compounds enter flies’ bodies through the respiratory
a concentration of 25%; the lowest mortality was at a tract and attack the central nervous system, which
concentration of 5%. In addition, for all concentration, can cause paralysis and muscle rupture, leading to
the highest mortality was at a contact time of 120 min; death [29]. In this experiment, after being exposed, the
and the lowest mortality was at a concentration of flies were placed in a cage with continuously monitored
contact time of 5  min. In the control, there were no temperature and humidity. The cage used was made in
deaths at 30, 60, or 120 min of contact time (Figure 3). such a way that air could enter the cage freely, allowing
the flies to breathe. The increase in fly mortality indicates
that the compounds in green betle leaves work to inhibit
the respiratory system.
Other compounds in P. betle L. leaves that
can also kill flies are eugenol and chavicol. These two
compounds have antiseptic properties but are synergistic
as pesticides, especially larvicides [29], [39], [40].
Green P. betle L. leaf extract contains contact
toxins and respiratory toxins; exposure to the extract
can reduce appetite, inhibit egg-laying, and inhibit
growth  [17], [30], [37]. The bioactive compounds in
extracts from biological materials that are used as
pesticides can affect the muscular system, nervous
system, respiratory system, hormonal balance,
reproduction, and antifeedants, leading to death [41].
Figure 3: Musca domestica mortality by concentration and contact Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to each
time concentration increases fly mortality, likely because the

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