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Varian covid terbaru : Acturus

 28 April 2023

Jakarta, 28 April 2023

Kementerian Kesehatan menambahkan regimen vaksin Indovac sebagai booster kedua untuk
vaksin primer Pfizer selain vaksin AstraZeneca. Ini dilakukan untuk memperkuat proteksi
masyarakat Indonesia dari COVID-19 khususnya sub Varian Arcturus.

Kasus konfirmasi COVID-19 juga terus mengalami kenaikan, hingga Kamis (27/4) tercatat
sebanyak 1.879 Kasus konfirmasi positif di Indonesia.

“Agar pandemi dapat terus terkendali, pemerintah menambahkan jenis vaksin booster untuk
meningkatkan proteksi masyarakat dari COVID-19, terutama bagi masyarakat rentan” jelas Juru
Bicara kementerian Kesehatan dr. Mohammad Syahril, Jumat (28/4)

Kendati Sub Varian Arcturus saat ini belum menimbulkan lonjakan kasus di Indonesia, namun
masyarakat tetap diminta untuk waspada. Mengingat Indonesia memiliki pola kenaikan kasus
yang sama dengan India setiap ada varian baru COVID-19. Apalagi saat ini India dan Singapura
merupakan dua negara dengan proporsi XBB. 1.16 tertinggi di dunia.

“Kalau kita trace lagi ke belakang, kurang lebih polanya sama dengan di India, ada varian baru-
terjadi lonjakan kasus” tambah dr. Syahril

Penambahan regimen vaksin Indovac tertuang dalam Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal
Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Nomor IM.02.04/C/2034/2023 tanggal 23 April 2023

Penambahan Regimen Vaksinasi COVID-19 Dosis Lanjutan (Booster) Bagi Sasaran yang
Mendapat Vaksin Primer Pfizer

Vaksin booster ke-2 Indovac diberikan dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml. Vaksin booster
Indovac ini diberikan dengan interval 6 bulan sejak vaksinasi dosis booster ke-1. Pemberian
vaksin dosis booster ke-2 Indovac bagi masyarakat umum dilakukan di fasilitas pelayanan
kesehatan atau di pos pelayanan vaksinasi COVID-19.

Saat ini regimen dosis lanjutan (booster yang dapat diberikan sebanyak 24 kombinasi, yaitu:

Kombinasi untuk vaksin primer Sinovac:

AstraZeneca separuh dosis (half dose) atau 0,25 ml
Pfizer separuh dosis (half dose) atau 0,15 ml
Moderna dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml
Sinopharm dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml
Sinovac dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml
Zifivax dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml
Indovac dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml
Inavac dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml

Kombinasi untuk vaksin Primer AstraZeneca:

Moderna separuh dosis (half dose) atau 0,25 ml
Pfizer separuh dosis (half dose) atau 0,15 ml
Astra Zeneca dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml
Indovac dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml

Kombinasi untuk vaksin Pimer Pfizer:

Pfizer dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,3 ml
Moderna separuh dosis (half dose) atau 0,25 ml
Astra Zeneca dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml
Indovac dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml

Kombinasi untuk vaksin Primer Moderna:

Moderna separuh dosis (half dose) atau 0,25 ml
Pfizer separuh dosis (half dose) atau 0,15 ml

Kombinasi untuk vaksin Primer Janssen (J&J):

Janssen (J&J) dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml
Pfizer dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,3 ml
Moderna separuh dosis (half dose) atau 0,25 ml

Kombinasi untuk vaksin Primer Sinopharm:

Sinopharm dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml
Zifivax dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml

Kombinasi untuk vaksin Primer Covovax:

Covovax dosis penuh (full dose) atau 0,5 ml

Sesuai dengan SE, pemberian booster (dosis lanjutan) dilakukan melalui dua mekanisme, yaitu
Homolog, melalui pemberian dosis lanjutan (Booster) dengan menggunakan jenis vaksin yang
sama dengan vaksin primer dosis lengkap yang telah didapat sebelumnya. Dan Heterolog,
melalui pemberian dosis lanjutan (Booster) dengan menggunakan jenis vaksin yang berbeda
dengan vaksin primer dosis lengkap yang telah didapat sebelumnya

Vaksin yang digunakan untuk dosis lanjutan (Booster) disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan vaksin
masing-masing daerah dengan mengutamakan vaksin yang memiliki masa Expiry Date (ED)

Selain melengkapi diri dengan vaksinasi COVID-19, secara khusus pihaknya meminta
kesadaran masyarakat untuk segera booster. Selain itu juga menerapkan protokol Kesehatan,
utamanya memakai masker Ketika sakit (flu), orang yang kontak erat dengan orang yang sedang
sakit, dan Ketika berada di keramaian dan kerumunan sebagai antisipasi potensi menularkan
atau tertular COVID-19.

“Ingat, segera Booster, lakukan test COVID-19 apabila sedang tidak sehat, dan segera lakukan
isolasi mandiri jika dinyatakan positif COVID-19. Manfaatkan juga layanan telemedisin yang
sudah disediakan pemerintah. Ini yang menjadi tugas kita bersama, jangan sampai tertular atau
menularkan virus kepada orang lain.” tutup dr. Syahril

Berita ini disiarkan oleh Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Publik, Kementerian Kesehatan RI.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi nomor hotline Halo Kemenkes melalui nomor
hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620 dan alamat email (NI)

Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Publik

dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi, M.Epid

COVID-19 is a viral disease caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified
in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has since spread globally. The disease primarily
spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes.

Since the first cases of COVID-19 were identified, the disease has rapidly spread to become a
global pandemic. The number of cases and deaths due to COVID-19 continue to rise across
the world. As of September 2021, there have been over 220 million confirmed cases of
COVID-19 worldwide, with over 4.5 million deaths.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, loss of
taste or smell, and sore throat. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and some people
may not show any symptoms at all. However, the disease can be particularly dangerous for
older adults and people with underlying health conditions.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is important to practice good hygiene, such as
washing hands frequently, wearing masks, and practicing social distancing. Governments
around the world have also implemented various measures to slow the spread of the disease,
such as lockdowns, travel restrictions, and increased testing and contact tracing.

Vaccines for COVID-19 have been developed and are being distributed globally, with many
countries prioritizing vulnerable populations and healthcare workers. However, the ongoing
emergence of new variants of the virus has made it difficult to predict the future course of the
pandemic, and there is still much work to be done to ensure that everyone has access to

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it is essential to stay updated on the latest

developments and guidelines. In addition to practicing good hygiene and following social
distancing measures, getting vaccinated can help protect against the virus and prevent severe

It is also important to recognize the impact that the pandemic has had on mental health, and
to prioritize self-care and seeking support when needed. The pandemic has affected
individuals and communities in different ways, and it is important to show empathy and
support for those who have been affected.

The pandemic has also highlighted existing inequalities and disparities in healthcare access
and outcomes. Many marginalized communities have been disproportionately affected by
COVID-19, with higher rates of infection and mortality. Addressing these disparities will be
crucial to ending the pandemic and promoting health and well-being for all.

While the pandemic has brought many challenges, it has also highlighted the resilience and
strength of communities around the world. People have come together to support each other
and to find new ways of working and living during this difficult time. As we continue to
navigate the pandemic, it is important to maintain this spirit of solidarity and to work towards
a shared goal of ending the pandemic and building a more just and equitable world.
<aside> 👉 The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact globally, affecting
economies, healthcare systems, and daily life for millions of people. The pandemic has
highlighted existing inequalities and disparities in healthcare access and outcomes, with
marginalized communities being disproportionately affected by the disease.

As of September 2021, there have been over 220 million confirmed cases of COVID-19
worldwide, with over 4.5 million deaths. While vaccines have been developed and distributed
globally, the ongoing emergence of new variants of the virus has made it difficult to predict
the future course of the pandemic.

Governments around the world have implemented various measures to slow the spread of the
disease, such as lockdowns, travel restrictions, and increased testing and contact tracing.
However, the pandemic has also brought challenges to mental health and wellbeing, with
many individuals and communities experiencing increased stress and anxiety.

Despite the challenges, the pandemic has also highlighted the resilience and strength of
communities around the world, with people coming together to support each other and find
innovative solutions to challenges. As we continue to navigate the pandemic, it is important
to prioritize self-care and empathy for others, and to work towards a shared goal of ending
the pandemic and building a more just and equitable world.


As of today, the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, with over 244 million confirmed cases
worldwide and over 4.9 million deaths. The situation is rapidly evolving, and it is important
to stay updated on the latest developments and guidelines from public health authorities. It is
crucial to continue practicing good hygiene, wearing masks, and following social distancing
measures to help prevent the spread of the disease. Vaccines are widely available in many
countries, and getting vaccinated can help protect against the virus and prevent severe illness.
However, the emergence of new variants of the virus highlights the need for continued
vigilance and effort to end the pandemic.

As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time data, so I cannot provide

the current situation in real-time. However, according to the latest data available to
me, as of September 2021, the COVID-19 situation in the United States was showing
signs of improvement after a surge of cases fueled by the Delta variant. The number
of daily cases, hospitalizations, and deaths had decreased significantly compared to
the peak of the Delta wave.

However, it's important to note that the situation can change rapidly and it's
important to continue following public health guidelines and recommendations from
health officials to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It was first
identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has since spread globally, causing a
pandemic. The virus primarily spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person
talks, coughs, or sneezes, and can also be transmitted through close contact with infected
individuals or by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching one's face. The
symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild to severe and may include fever, cough, fatigue,
difficulty breathing, and loss of taste or smell. COVID-19 has had a significant impact on
public health, economies, and societies worldwide.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact globally, affecting public
health, economies, and societies. As of September 2021, there have been over 200
million confirmed cases and more than 4 million deaths worldwide, according to data
from the World Health Organization (WHO).

The pandemic has overwhelmed healthcare systems in many countries, leading to

shortages of medical equipment, personnel, and hospital beds. The pandemic has
also had a significant impact on the global economy, causing widespread job losses
and business closures, and disrupting supply chains.

The pandemic has also affected education, with schools and universities closing or
switching to online learning, and has led to increased rates of domestic violence and
mental health issues.

Governments around the world have implemented measures to slow the spread of
COVID-19, including lockdowns, travel restrictions, and mask mandates. The
development of vaccines has provided hope for controlling the pandemic, but access
to vaccines has been unequal, with some countries struggling to secure adequate

Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching impact globally and will
continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

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