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Angelus - Diskusi 6 English

Having learned the materials in Session 6, now please discuss the following

1. How would you explain the difference between a cover letter and a CV?


Surat lamaran pekerjaan adalah sales letter perorangan. Artinya diri kita
sendirilah yang berusaha menggagas diri untuk dapat diterima di tempat
kerja yang kita kehendaki. Diri sendiri inilah yang dapat mempresentasikan
bahasa yang dipakai berikut apa-apa saja yang dimiliki dan yang dapat
ditawarkan ke tempat kerja yang dituju.Untuk itu diperlukan kemampuan
diri sendiri dalam mengukur kualitas diri sehingga perbulan dan pertahun
dapat direkam jejak pencapaian diri yang dapat kita tuangkan dalam daftar
riwayat hidup(CV). Sedangkan CV (Curriculum Vitae) adalah daftar riwayat
hidup(resume) yang memuat semua hal tentang masalah personal diri,
termasuk latar belakang pendidikan, kualifikasi, dan pengalaman kerja./ A
job application letter is an individual sales letter. This means that we are the
ones who try to initiate ourselves to be accepted in the workplace that we
want. It is you who can present the language you use along with what you
have and what can be offered to your intended workplace. For that, you need
your own ability to measure your quality so that monthly and yearly you can
record your own track of accomplishments which we can put into curriculum
vitae (CV). While the CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a curriculum vitae (resume)
that contains all things about personal problems, including educational
background, qualifications, and work experience.
2. Why are CVs important for job seekers and what information should a job
applicant include in a CV?

Seorang pelamar kerja yang menulis CV mempunyai tujuan, yaitu agar dapat
memperoleh undangan wawancara(interview).Untuk itu perlu diketahui apa
yang dicari oleh pemberi kerja terhadap suatu resume(CV). Berikut tujuh hal

yang perlu diinformasikan dalam CV yakni:/ A job applicant who writes a

CV has a goal, namely to get an interview invitation (interview). For that it is
necessary to know what employers are looking for in a resume (CV). Here are
seven things that need to be informed in a CV, namely:

1. Pelamar kerja diharapkan dapat menunjukan hasil ahkir yang

diperoleh dari setiap point yang ada di CV./ Job applicants are
expected to be able to show the final results obtained from each point
in the CV.
2. Pelamar kerja tahu bagaimana menyelesaikan sesuatu,yaitu hal
tersebut dapat terlihat di CV./ Job applicants know how to get things
done, which can be seen in the CV
3. Pelamar kerja baik,tulus, dan jujur./ Good job applicants, sincere, and
4. Pelamar kerja mempunyai tanda-tanda kemajuan. Hal tersebut dapat
diketahui dari hasil kualifikasi, pendidikan, dan pengalaman kerja.
5. Pelamar kerja mempunyai standar pribadi yang baik./ Job applicants
have signs of progress. This can be seen from the results of
qualifications, education, and work experience.
6. Pelamar kerja adalah seorang yang lugas dan mau belajar hal yang
baru./ Job applicants have good personal standards.
7. Pelamar kerja memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang sangat baik./
Job applicants are straightforward and willing to learn new things.
3. You are a fresh graduate and saw a job vacancy/opening on a website for a
librarian at an international school. Write a cover letter in English stating:
-       who you are,
-       the position you are applying to,
-       where you found the opening/vacancy,
-       your interest in the position,
-       reasons why you are a good fit to the position, and
-       thank you for the time to consider you.

Angelus More
Jl. Maju Bersama No. B-22
Magelang, Jawa Tengah

The honorable sir/madam

I am writing to express my interest in the position of librarian. I saw your
advertisement for that position at the website. I am fresh graduate from A
University with a degree in Library and Archive. I am very keen to work for
your school. Thank you for taking time to consider my application. I look
forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully
Angelus more

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