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Ilmu pengetahuan adalah sebuah produk kekuasaan yang sifatnya dominan, jadi mana yang
dominan mana yang dipelajari. Contohnya di FK ada membahas hegemoni kekuasaan Amerika
di bidang kedokteran, seperti sertifikat dan penjualan alat kesehatan. Itu merupakan hasil dari
dominasi pengetahuan. Terdapat relasi kekuasaan disitu.
Semiotika adalah ilmu yang sifatnya ilmiah dan bagian dari paham strukturalisme Eropa.
Awalnya dari Ferdinand de Saussure kemudian dikembangkan dan memengaruhi banyak
kehidupan pengetahuan.
Earlier: ada pemahaman mengenai Anglo Conformity, Melting Pot/Salad Bowl, dan cultural
pluralism. Ini merupakan model konseptual untuk menjelaskan bagaimana USA berkembang dan
berevolusi dari ke-Eropa-annya. Sifatnya descriptive dalam konteks bahwa dia menjelaskan
siapa saja orang Amerika, namun juga goal model yaitu single national identity alias semacam
hasrat tersembunyi. Orang Amerika sebagai bangsa ingin memiliki suatu identitas yang utuh dan
tidak beragam.
Anglo Conformity: sering dianggap Amerikanisasi. Payungnya adalah asimilasi. Bedanya, pada
Anglo Conformity asimilasi sifatnya memaksa dan sepihak yang dirancangkan untuk
melanggengkan dominasi yang kuat. Ada istilah WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant), jadi
imigran yang datang ke Amerika harus beradaptasi dengan norma dan nilai di Amerika.
Salad Bowl: Menjadi satu tapi tidak kehilangan jati diri masing-masing budaya. Seperti sayuran
di dalam mangkuk salad, walau bergabung tapi kita masih bisa merasakan rasa masing-masing.
Melting Pot: Ada semacam biological merger karena semua 'bahan' masuk ke pot dan meleleh
menjadi satu. Setelah itu membentuk a new indigenous American culture.
Cultural Pluralism: Secara harfiah artinya keberagaman budaya. Dalam konteks memahami
masyarakat Amerika, bisa dimaknai sebagai preservation of communal life (cara masyarakat
Amerika menjaga kehidupan komunalnya dan sebagian dari kultur budaya imigran dalam
konteks kewarganegaraan Amerika dan bagaimana secara politik dan ekonomi para imigran
berintegrasi). Kalo anglo, melting, dan salad itu budaya doang, cultural pluralism itu udah bawa-
bawa politik dan ekonomi.
Richard T Scaefer (2000:6) menyatakan bahwa kelompok minoritas adalah subordinate group
yang anggotanya memiliki lebih sedikit kontrol atau kekuatan terhadap hidupnya sendiri
dibanding anggota kelompok mayoritas.
Meski begitu, being superior in numbers doesn't guarantee a group control over its destiny.
Ex: - 1920: Carolina and Mississipi
- 20th century: the U.S neighborhoods on ethnic and gender distribution

Characteristics of subordinate groups:

1. Unequal treatment
2. Distinguishing physical or cultural traits
3. Involuntarily membership = misalnya orang Arab di Indonesia, kita gak minta lahir jadi orang
Arab maunya jadi orang Melayu karena ingin jadi majority groups
4. Awareness of subordination: orang minoritas sadar kalo mereka itu minoritas
5. In-group marriage: ingin menikah dengan orang yang budaya atau rasnya sama

Formasi dari subordinate group:

- Migration: orang yang bermigrasi, misalnya pengungsi dari suatu negara
- Annexation: tindakan resmi oleh suatu negara yang memproklamasikan dirinya atau
kekuasaannya terhadap wilayah teritorial negara lain. Contohnya Indonesia ketika mengambil
Timor Timor, dilakukan melalui kontrol dan operasi militer. Kalau di konteks Amerika, aneksasi
Amerika terhadap Texas karena Texas dulunya merupakan bagian dari Mexico tapi melepaskan
diri pada 1836 dan dianeksasi pada 1843.
- Colonialism: hasil kolonialisme

1. Extermination : is the intentional and massive homicide of an entire group of persons.

Extermination may also fall under the qualification of genocide if the group in question is
being targeted on the basis of national, ethnic, racial, or religious grounds. Impact : The
deprivation of access to food and medicine, calculated to bring about the destruction of
part of a population. Example : Nazi Germany used 6 extermination camps
(Vernichtungslager), also called death camps (Todeslager), or killing centers
(Tötungszentren), in Central Europe during World War II to systematically murder over
2.7 million people that’s mostly Jews in the Holocaust.
2. The term "expulsion" : refers to the process of a refugee or individual being ordered to
leave a country's territory. Expulsion is mostly concerned with refugees who have entered
a country's territory, either legitimately or illegally. Impact : People losing their job and
home, leaving them with nowhere to go. Sometimes expelled people will flee to another
country. Lead to an increase in crime. Example : An example of expulsion is the
expulsion of Haitians and Dominicans of Haitian descent from the territory of the
Dominican Republic in 2012.
3. Secession : is the withdrawal of certain group from a larger group in which its formerly
merged to create new territory / state. It is commonly existed in politic or military.
Secession might be peaceful or violent depending its process. Secession is usually
committed by smaller group to achieve certain goals, like declaration of independence,
political goal or racial issues. Impact : Secession is a result from unsatisfying condition
of certain group regarding in its current state, therefore it tries to create its new own state
to fulfill its goal in order to gain the satisfaction it doesn't had in previous state. The
existence of secession means that there are groups that are still feeling injustice. Violent
Secession itself can create catastrophic events like war which could take many lives in
process. Example : The separation of Timor Timur from Indonesia which officially
gained its independence in 2002. Separatist movement in Papua and GAM movement in
Aceh, both are (and were) trying to gain its independence from larger state of Indonesia
4. Segregation refers to the physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but
also in the workplace and social functions. The action takes place in a social milieu in
which the groups involved do not enjoy the equal social status, the group that is of lesser
social status will be referred to as the segregated group. Impact : Segregation leads to a
blockage in the communications and interaction between the two groups. Such blockages
tend to increase mutual suspicion, district, and hostility. Segregation not only perpetuates
rigid stereotypes and reinforces negative attitudes toward members of the other group,
but also leads to the possibility of violent outbreaks of racial tensions. In addition,
segregation enhances the effects in creating the awareness of social status differences and
feelings of inferiority. Example :
a. De Jure : segregation that is enforced by law. It occurred in the United States for
many years after the Civil War. During this time, many former Confederate states
passed “Jim Crow” laws that required segregated facilities for blacks and whites. And
then, blacks were subjected to legalized discrimination, forced to live, work, and go
to school in separate, but unequal facilities.
b. De Facto : It’s a segregation that occurs without laws but because of other factors. For
example, Segregation has existed throughout Canada, with different racial or ethnic
groups often segregated by neighborhood, borough, or parish. Various Chinatowns or
Japantowns developed in Canadian cities in the 19th and 20th centuries.
5. Fusion : Race-ethnic groups combine to form a new group (intermarriage, biracial/
bicultural children). Fusion occurrs when minority and a majority group combine to form
a new group. Fusion create the "melting pot" analogy unlike the "salad bowl" in which
culture retrains its individually, the "melting pot" where races and culture are blended and
intermixed to produce hybrid culture. This combining can be expressed as A B C → D,
where A, B, and C represent the groups present in a society and D signifies the result, an
ethnocultural-racial group sharing some of the characteristics of each initial group.
Impact : The outcome of fusion is a society that includes aspects of both cultures
creating a synthesis thusly a fusion where: dominant +subordinates= new culture.
Example : For example, if an immigrant from Nigeria moves to the United States,
marries someone of a different ethnicity and has a child. Mexican people are an example
of fusion, originating as they do out of the mixing of the Spanish and indigenous Indian
6. In sociology, assimilation : is a concept where ethnic minority adopts the beliefs,
languages, and customs of the dominant community, losing their own culture in the
process. Assimilation usually occurs when two or more communities come into contact
with each other, due to a shared geographical boundary, or immigration. Assimilation
process can be forced or spontaneous and can be rapid or gradual. Impact : Many aspects
of the minor group’s life improve, including measurable outcomes such as educational
attainment, occupational distribution, income, and language ability. Their well-being
declines in the areas of health, crime, and family patterns. The minor group can
experience feelings of anxiety when they have to try and learn a new language, find a
new job, or navigate hostility toward different ethnic groups in a new society. There
might be a spatial concentration. Example : Irish, Asian, and European immigrants
assimilated to the American way of life, including its fashion trends, cultural norms, and
everyday slang.
Melihat kembali ke sejarah Amerika ditemukan, kita tidak bisa melepaskan diri dari
kesalahpahaman umum bahwa Columbus sebenarnya tidak dibiayai oleh Kerajaan Spanyol.
Ketika ia menemukan Amerika, itu bukan perintah Spanyol karena ia diperintahkan untuk
menelusuri jalan paling cepat menuju ke India. Itulah kenapa Native Americans disebut Indian
karena dia mengira sampai di India.
Kenapa India bisa menarik penjelajah dari luar India?
= Karena India pada abad 14 merupakan pusat dagang rempah-rempah. Suppliernya yaitu
Shifting yang sering terjadi di dunia yaitu mengambil jalan ringkas. Contohnya ketika ada
hajatan kita sering dikasih roti, nasi kotak, dan sebagainya. Politik pangan itu penting. Misalnya
orang Papua kenalnya sagu, tapi harus masak nasi. Maka ketergantungan mereka terhadap impor
beras dari Jawa itu tinggi, sehingga tidak bisa mendapatkan kedaulatan pangan.

* Unique - Tragic - Inspiring

Native Americans tidak paham mengapa mereka disebut Indian, karena ada nama yang lebih
spesifik seperti Navajo dsb.
- History
Keberadaan suku Indian yaitu suku yang tragis, unik dan inspiring
Unik karena mereka adalah penghuni awal benua Amerika yang berpindah dari Asia ke Amerika.
Oleh karena itu, kontur tubuh mereka sangat mirip dengan orang Asia. Unik karena mereka telah
mengalami berbagai macam peristiwa
Tragis karena apa yang terjadi dengan mereka adalah sesuatu yang sifatnya mengerikan sebagai
bangsa yang awalnya dengan jumlah terbanyak. Before Columbus (BC) ada 10 juta penduduk,
tapi makin lama makin berkurang. Saat ini, menurut U.S Census Bureau sisanya hanya 6,79 juta,
atau 2 persen dari seluruh populasi.
Inspiring karena sampai detik ini mereka masih ada.

Di video suku Lakota yang di share Ma'amnya, itu menunjukkan bagaimana cara mereka
bertahan hidup. Sebenarnya mereka tidak tinggal disitu, tapi kebijakan kulit putih Amerika
membuat mereka harus pindah ke reservasi. Reservasi Indian tampak seperti kalimat yang
simple, tapi jika dilihat sejarah abad 18 ada Indian Removal Act, dimana Indian dipindahkan
secara paksa dari 1 kawasan ke kawan lain, dan itu bukan sebuah perjalanan yang
Ada 326 Indian reservations yang ada di US.
Thanksgiving adalah simbolisasi kerukunan antara masyarakat Eropa dan Native American.
Native American tribes menyebar di seluruh Amerika dan Canada. Di daerah Barat ada suku
Pueblo yang hidup di kota-kota besar, dimana tempat tinggal mereka sering menjadi wallpaper
pembuka(?). Di Timur ada suku Iroquois yang terkenal sebagai prajurit pemberani yang tinggal
di barak-barak panjang. Selain itu ada suku Sioux yang sering muncul di film western, mereka
sering menyebut diri sebagai suku Dakota. Penemu mereka yaitu orang Prancis pada abad 16.
Mereka tinggal di Minnesota.
Di dalam satu suku bisa muncul banyak sub suku. Ada yang bergerak di bidang pertanian seperti
Sioux, ada Dakota, ada Titan(?) sebagai warrior atau buffalo hunter.

* Social, Economical, and Cultural Challenges

Keadaan suku Indian yang berada di reservasi saat ini mengalami 5 masalah utama yang
dihadapi. Masalah ini sifatnya sosial, ekonomis, dan budaya.

- Poverty and unemployment

Rate pengangguran dan kemiskinan di suku Indian sangat tinggi. Hal ini berkaitan dengan
pendidikan yang rendah
Bicara mengenai labor statistic yang terkait dengan pendidikan, maka tidak ditemukan kata
Native American. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Native American tidak disejajarkan, tingginya
pengangguran, dan rendahnya pendidikan mereka.
- Less education
- Poor housing
Reservasi Indian memiliki fasilitas yang biasa saja. Meski begitu, akses internet sudah canggih.
Sebagian besar penduduk 'ditolong' oleh sesama suku yang memilih untuk tidak tinggal di
reservasi. Reservasi bisa dikembangkan untuk tujuan pariwisata. Tragisnya, kita hidup
menyenangkan karena kita tidak jadi target dari tujuan wisata.
- Inadequate health care
Angka kematian suku Indian tinggi salah satunya karena tingkat kesehatannya kurang, sehingga
kebanyakan dari mereka mengalami masalah jantung dan diabetes. Fasilitas kesehatan dan
kesadaran mereka pun kurang. Selain itu, sepertinya mereka memiliki pandangan sendiri
terhadap kesehatan terkait dengan spiritual dan tradisi mereka.
Jika kalian baca Northon Anthology of American Literature, terdapat banyak cerpen dari tradisi
lisan Indian. Di dalamnya terdapat banyak medicine man yang serupa dukun yang akan
menyembuhkan orang-orang sesuai tradisi mereka.
- Native language extinction
Seperti dalam video Lakota. Hal mendasar yang tampaknya tidak pernah masuk dalam
pemahaman kulit putih Eropa yaitu bagaimana suku Indian memiliki keterkaitan yang sangat erat
dengan alamnya. Jika mereka sudah terbiasa dengan satu alam, kemudian dipaksa dipindahkan,
tidak semua aspek kehidupan (seperti tempat ibadah) bisa dipindahkan.

Design creates culture, culture produces values, values determine future.

Design bukan berarti arsitektur dll, sebuah sistem juga termasuk design. Kebijakan white
European menciptakan budaya baru yang memproduksi value-value sendiri. Value yang sangat
terlihat yaitu value industrialis white people yang bertentangan dengan Native yang
antroposentris (kepada alam). Padahal value determine future, nilai-nilai menentukan masa
depan. Contohnya, nilai kita sebagai mahasiswa saat ini menentukan masa depan kita.
Pertanyaan: Indian mengetahui mereka adalah penduduk asli Amerika, tapi kenapa mereka jadi
'terbelakang'? Dan kenapa white people underestimate mereka?
= Singkatnya, mereka terbelakang karena ada 2 sisi. Sisi satu melihat dari Eropa, dan sisi satu
melihat dari Native American. Kuncinya adalah, mereka berada pada paradigma masyarakat
yang berbeda.fmeltin Mereka butuh natural resources baru, karena dengan ditemukan mesin-
mesin, mereka harus menemukan banyak hal.
The Man to Send the Rain Clouds

 Short Description and Summary

The Man to Send the Rain Clouds is a short story written by Leslie Marmon Silko. It was
written in 1967 and published in 1969. The story is written based on a true story Silko
heard from her hometown in Laguna, New Mexico.

Summary: The story revolves around the burial process of an old man named Teofilo.
One day, Leon and Ken found his body under a cottonwood tree and decided to take it
back so he could have a proper funeral. Before taking the body back, Leon and Ken
painted Teofilo’s face and wrapped it in a red blanket. Teofilo’s funeral is performed in a
traditional Native American way. One day, Leon’s wife suggests that Father Paul should
sprinkle holy water on Teofilo’s grave. At first, Father Paul refused, but eventually, he
changed his mind and sprinkled the grave with holy water.

 Characters
a. Teofilo - an elder Pueblo Indian who died before the story begins,
b. Leon (main protagonist) - Teofilo’s grandson,
c. Ken - Leon’s brother in-law,
d. Father Paul - a young priest,
e. Louise - Leon’s sister, Teofilo’s granddaughter, Ken’s wife,
f. Teresa
g. Tribal people,
h. Nuns.


 The main conflict or ‘pergumulan’ in the short story and the resolution

The main conflict in the short story is cultural differences. In this case the burial of
Teofilo becomes the focus of the story. There are differences between the Laguna Tribe
Indians with their traditional beliefs and Father Paul with their Catholic beliefs in burial
ceremonies. Differences between the two also occur in the way they live. Laguna people
live side by side, men and women living on one roof facing each other, eating together.
While as we see in the text, Father Paul and the nuns don’t even see each other in a

“The priest turned away from Leon and looked out the window at the patio full of
shadows and the dining-room windows of the nuns' cloister across the patio. The
curtains were heavy, and the light from within faintly penetrated; it was impossible to see
the nuns inside eating supper.”
At first Father Paul insisted on refusing to give Holy Water to Teofilo. However, because
of Leon's persuasion that changed the perception of Holy water from 'a tool to purify the
body before the afterlife journey' to 'help Teofilo not to be thirsty in the middle of his
journey to afterlife', Father Paul finally agreed to Leon's request. Leon and the rest of the
Laguna tribe are willing to integrate their culture with Catholic culture. They are still
carrying out burial ceremonies with traditional customs but adding a ceremonial step in
the Catholic religion, sprinkling the Holy water on the body.

 The message from the short story

Compromise or mutual tolerance in life brings harmony and peace. (In the short story, it
can be seen by the tolerance of the tribe people and also Father Paul so that harmony
between them is achieved)

 The cultural aspects found on the story:

a. When Leon and Ken found Teofilo’s body, they painted his face and wrapped the
body in a red blanket to perform a traditional Pueblo ceremony.
b. The Pueblo paints the face of the deceased so that he will be recognized in the
next world. They also scatter corn and sprinkle water to provide food and water
for the spirit on its journey to the other world.
c. From a Native American perspective, death is not an end, but part of a cycle
where the spirit departs to return in time with rainstorms. This is why after
Teofilo’s death, Leon asked the old man to bring rain clouds.


 The differences
a. The tribe in the short story is the Laguna people in New Mexico. The landscape of
the story with its arroyos and mesas is an integral part of the story. While the tribe
in the video is the Lakota people in Dakota, a place with a big lake and green
b. The short story focuses on religion and beliefs of a tribe, while the Lakota video
focuses on the mental health and economic issues of a tribe.

 The similarities
a. Both the short story and the video shows whether Laguna or Lakota Indian Tribe
were being coerced by white people. (Laguna people are coerced by Father Paul
to use Catholic way to bury Teofilo while Lakota people were being coerced to
stop doing and using their culture ceremonies or languages and to adopt the white
people's culture)
b. Both the short story and the video shows the struggle or their effort to maintain
their traditional culture. (Laguna people are trying to maintain their burial
ceremony culture while Lakota people are struggling to maintain their population
and also their culture in the USA)
c. Both the short story and the video show cultural integration. (Integration in the
burial ceremony between Laguna people and Catholicism in the short story, while
in the video Lakota people adopted the white people culture in language, clothes,
and way of life.)
Argumentative Opinion on Poetry

1. Black Mother Woman (1971 - Audre Lorde)

Audre Lodre was an American writer, essayist, feminist, and civil-right activist known
for her passionate writings about lesbian feminism and racial issues, confronting sexism, racism,
and homophobia. She wrote books such as “Sister Outsider”, “Zami : A New Spelling of My
Name”, and “The Cancer Journals”. She also wrote poems like “jesslehems”, “Berlin is Hard on
Colored Girls”, “Domino”, “To The Poet Who Happens to Be Black and The Black Poet Who
Happens to Be a Woman”, and “A Poem for Women in Rage”. She wrote “Black Mother
Woman” in 1971.
The theme of the poem “Black Mother Woman” is the relationship of mother and
daughter, anger, love, femininity, Blackness, and racism. The poem tells the reader about the
complex love-and-hate relationship between Audre Lorde and her mother. It tells that as the
author grows older, she begins to understand that the harshness and ungentle character of her
fierce mother also has a dark side. The author knows that their blackness invites racism, but she
chooses to reject that and focuses more on embracing her beauty, which is a reflection of her
own mother. She becomes proud and confident with her Black beauty on behalf of her and her
As we know, since black people’s arrival in America until now, racism against them still
exists. Racism that occurs in America will not be separated from the history of black people in
America. However, the decade of the 1970s is known as the beginning of the post-civil rights
movement era. With several federal acts of legislation established to protect the rights of all
Americans, the 1970s became a decade where Black people made great strides in politics,
academic as well as business. Black businessmen and writers, even women, began to rise and
start their own success in their respective fields.
Apart from textually explaining the complex relationship between black femininity and
racism between mother-daughter relationships, Audre Lorde's poem "Black Mother Woman"
which was released in 1971 is also a description of the social situation of black people at that
time. In the third stanza of her poem,
“But I have peeled away your anger
down to the core of love
and look mother
I Am
a dark temple where your true spirit rises
and tough as chestnut
stanchion against your nightmare of weakness
and if eyes conceal
a squadron of conflicting rebellions
I learned from you
to define myself
through your denials”

Audre Lorde describes the 'acceptance of Black beauty' as a representation of the

beginning of the Black Power era in the 1970s. Even though racism still looms and lingers, the
power of black people is starting to rise and grow strongly among society.

2. Poem for Halfwhite College Students (1969 - Imamuru Amiri Baraka)

Amiri Baraka, also known as LeRoi Jones and Imamuru Ameer Baraka, was an American
poet, dramatist, fiction writer, essayist, and music critic who wrote poetry, drama, fiction, essays,
and music criticism. He was the author of numerous poetry collections and taught at a number of
colleges and universities, including the University of Buffalo and Stony Brook University. He
wrote several famous dramas such as “Dutchman & The Slave”, “The Baptism and The Toilet”
and “A Black Mass”. He also writes poems such as “Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note”,
“Black Magic”, “It’s Nation Time”, and “The Book of Monk”. Jones wrote “Poem for Halfwhite
College Students” in 1969.
The main theme of “Poem for Halfwhite College Students” is the identity crisis faced by
black people during that time. Throughout the poem, Imamuru often used questionable sentences
to the reader, such as “who are you”, “look at the mirror”, and “greyboy”. Arguably, those
sentences can also be considered as a second-person point of view. So, the pronoun “you” refers
to the Black-White students in the poem. As we know, black people and white people have gone
through racial conflict, so the students referred to in the poem might have an identity crisis.
The key point that we can see in this poem is that black people are still the minority in
social life, leading them to the identity crisis. On the line “the ghost you see in the mirror”, the
word “ghost” may refer to something soulless with no certain identity on its body. The line “ you
may even have to be Richard with white shirt and face, and four million negroes think you’re
cute” means that at the time, the stereotype and beauty standards there is you have to be white to
be considered as an attractive person and accepted into the society.
From this poem, we can conclude that at that time, it was difficult for black people to be
accepted by society. In social life, segregation is still visible, leading to a conflicting identity
crisis faced by mixed-race people.

Editors, History com. “Black History in the United States: A Timeline.” HISTORY, Accessed 5 Oct.


Foundation, Poetry. “Audre Lorde.” Poetry Foundation, 4 Oct. 2021,
M. S.Ed, Secondary Education, et al. “Black History Timeline: 1970–1979.” ThoughtCo, Accessed

5 Oct. 2021.

Amiri Baraka. (2021, October 11). Retrieved October 14, 2021, from



Historical Background
Acuan yang paling terlihat yaitu pada abad 16, dimana mereka pertama kali datang ke US,
tepatnya di West Virginia (1619). Sama seperti white people, mereka datang ke tanah baru
dengan status "indentured slaves". Indentured slaves adalah budak kontrak karena mereka
sebenarnya telah dibebaskan oleh majikannya di Eropa, kemudian ingin menyebrang ke
Amerika, namun uangnya hanya cukup untuk membeli tiket dan tidak dapat bertahan hidup
disana, sehingga mereka melakukan kontrak dengan white people yang mau membiayai
kehidupan mereka di US.
1660: increasing number karena pertanian membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang banyak dan kuat.
Sayangnya, peningkatan ini tidak disertai dengan perubahan kondisi kehidupan. Kebanyakan
budak dibawa oleh pedagang Inggris dan Spanyol, serta saudagar muslim dan kristen.
18th century: Slavery sebagai bagian dari sistem baru dilegalkan pada pertengahan abad 18.
Setelah kemerdekaan di 1776, sistem yang membuat para imigran kulit hitam dipakai dalam
perkebunan di US (perbudakan) menjadi topik perdebatan yang tidak pernah selesai. Puncaknya
yaitu lahirnya Civil War.
Civil War: Puncak dari bagaimana US bertumbuh sebagai negara baru, dalam posisi sulit
menentukan apakah mereka meniadakan slavery atau meneruskannya sementara banyak
pertentangan dari masyarakat.
Civil war (1861-1865) dipicu oleh isu dari Amerika bagian utara dan selatan. North America
basisnya pada industri, dan agrikultur adalah basis dari South America (terutama setelah
dikenalkannya masyarakat pada kapas). Sikon ekonomi bergabung dengan politik, sehingga tidak
bisa dibedakan mana aspek yang lebih penting pada peradaban.
Industrialisasi di North America memancing urbanisasi. Banyak imigran yang datang ke North
America, sehingga banyak race riot yang dipicu oleh urban lives yang tidak seimbang dan
kompetisi yang tidak memungkinkan antar ras, sehingga setiap ras saling berkonflik.
Di South America, sifatnya agrikultur dan antroposentris. Imigran disini lebih sedikit dibanding
di North, North: favored federal spending on internal improvements and wanted high tariffs.
Mereka ingin pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan terkait industri di North. South: tidak setuju
dengan North, karena ingin independen.

Kita tidak bisa berkata bahwa civil war muncul karena 1 sisi against slavery dan 1 sisi
mendukung. Namun, slavery system telah menciptakan budayanya sendiri. Jika kita
memperlihatkan relasi antara (ga nangkep part ini)
Slave di bagian South memiliki relasi yang agak berbeda antara buruh dan majikan dibanding
dengan North. Dalam tatarannya, seringkali disebut bahwa 'Slavocracy?' (a word play on
aristocracy i guess??). Di South slave tidak berdaya, sedangkan di North, labor punya bargaining
power terhadap sistem ekonomi yang besar.
'Kalau begitu, civil war America merupakan perang dari 2 kekuatan ekonomi, industri dan
Ya betul, dan bisa diperinci lagi.


- Emancipation Proclamation (1863) = banyak yang bisa didapatkan, dan merupakan keinginan
yang luar biasa dari Abraham Lincoln. Tapi, slavocracy sudah sangat kuat dan banyak yang
diuntungkan dari slavery. Pada pemerintahan setelah Lincoln, keputusan ini di veto dan ini
menunjukkan kalau isu ini sangat sensitif.
- The era of segregation (1876) = Tokohnya yaitu Jim Crow. Secara resmi, mereka membedakan
antara first class yang memegang power of authority (white people) dan black as second class
(semacam sistem kasta ras di Amerika). Sistem kasta ini sudah muncul sejak ada sistem
indentured slaves. Ketika kontrak budak sudah selesai, si budak akan menjadi orang kepercayaan
bagi white people, dan dia akan menjadi kaum elit black people. Mereka akan mendapatkan
fasilitas yang lebih bagus, sehingga akan menimbulkan perseteruan. Suku African American
saling bertengkar karena memperebutkan kasta yang lebih tinggi. Segregation menciptakan an
unending guilt, karena pada dasarnya mereka paham penghapusan slavery itut idak dapat
ditangguhkan lagi.
- The era of separate but equal (1896) = Era dimana mereka 'equal' tapi tetap dipisahkan, jadi
tetap inequal. Contohnya ada tempat wisata yang memisahkan 'Negro area' dan 'White area'. Hal
ini tidak terhindarkan, tapi menunjukkan bahwa esensinya tidak berubah.
- After WW I = northern cities, urban lives, dan Increasing number of interacial riots. Selama 20
tahun, terjadi sebanyak kurang lebih 18 kali konflik rasial
- The era of Harlem Renaissance (1920s) = Harlem Renaissance adalah sebuah gerakan bersama
yang berpusat di Harlem, NYC. Durasinya dari 1917-1937. Ini merupakan sebuah gerakan di
bidang literature, art, dan music yang berusaha mendefinisikan kembali siapa orang Afrika tanpa
campur tangan dari sistem yang dibuat oleh white people. Mereka berusaha challenging white
supremacy dengan karya seni.
- WW II = segregated masih bisa dirasakan karena kaum kulit hitam Amerika yang masuk ke
ranah militer tetap dibedakan dengan kaum kulit putih, terutama di angkatan darat dan udara.
- Desegragation law (1954)
- Civil Right Movements (1963) yang dipelopori oleh Martin Luther King Jr, seorang pendeta
yang berpidato di Washington dan menumbuhkan keinginan para pendengarnya. Auranya
ditumbuhkan kembali ketika Obama menjadi presiden.

TOKOH (dalami lebih lanjut)

W. E. B Du Bois: melihat bahwa perspektif anda adalah perspektif yang melegitimasi kembali
bahwa black people tidak bisa berpikir dan hanya bisa digunakan keterampilannya, berada di
kelas pekerja menengah ke bawah dll. Du Bois merupakan alumni Harvard, jadi dia seorang
intelektual. Pemikirannya yaitu Niagara Movement through The Talented Tenth. Untuk
menggerakkan sesuatu, dibutuhkan orang-orang educated. Niagara Movement yaitu mengajak
Pan Africanis, terutama well educated college students untuk bergerak secara politik karena
suatu perubahan tidak bisa dilakukan secara 'iya-iya saja'.

Booker T. Washington: prinsipnya lebih dikenal sebagai Politic of Accomodation karena ia

menganjurkan black people buat accept the discrimination for the time being. It's okay to get
discriminated, and if we want to get moving, we have to move through education. Dia tidak mau
confront white people.
Mereka dalam posisi yang bertentangan, tapi ada satu pemikiran yang sama, yaitu secara
pendidikan dan ekonomi, masyarakat kulit hitam Amerika harus berkembang dan berjuang
dengan sangat keras.

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