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Pertemuan I


Akhmad Affandi, S.Pd., M.A TESOL

28 November 2023

Summary Education
Saya suku Makassar, Educator, and Penyanyi • University of Nottingham,
Amatir 😬. Master Degree: MA TESOL
• Founder Aimskilful • Universitas Negeri Makassar,
• Professional IELTS/TOEFL TEACHER Bachelor Degree: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
• DOSEN Bahasa Inggris UNM
• Alumni Beasiswa LPDP Afirmasi Prestasi

• The 1st Winner of Mahasiswa Berprestasi FBS UNM 2013

• The 3rd winner of LIPI National Research Competition Organisation
• The Finalists of National English Essay Competition held by
Universitas Sebelas Maret in 2013
• Awardee of Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP)
• Grant recipient of Student Creativity Program for Research
• MATA GARUDA SULSEL (Organisasi Alumni
founded by DIKTI in 2014
• Grant recipient of Student Creativity Program for Social Penerima Beasiswa LPDP) > KETUA BIDANG SOSIAL
Responsibility funded DIKTI in 2013 • Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Nottingham
• Lembaga Penelitian Mahasiswa Penalaran
Contact Me:
Boleh WA Terkait Beasiswa,
IELTS, TOEFL, Jika Mendesak.
Paling Efektif untuk konsultasi beasiswa, ngirim
berkas, minta bantuan terkait essay, IELTS,
TOEFL dan sebagainya
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Dosen, Mahasiswa, Bahasa
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Overview Teknis SKB


TIPS and TRICK SKB Bahasa Inggris


Latihan dan Penjelasan Soal


Closing and QnA Session

Have you ever applied previously as
a lecturer under the Ministry of
Education or others?

Apakah anda yang pernah ikut Seleksi CPNS

DOSEN Kemendikbud atau Kementrian lain
Tahun Sebelumnya?
How do you rate
the level of 😎 Easy
difficulty in English 😬 Medium
😭 Difficult
🫠 g ngerti
There are 4 types of text that you are going to
answer within 20 Minutes

• Scientific Article
• Argumentative Text
• Announcement Text
• News text
Do you know, how much time do you
to answer all questions?
Just 20 minutes

It means that you need to spend

1 minute for each question. 😊
Do you think it is possible or

Apakah kalian pikir itu mungkin atau

tidak mungkin?
Tips and Trick
Untuk Yang Level Bahasa Inggrisnya Sangat
rendah/ bahkan mendekati tidak mengerti
sama sekali. 🙏

Please, Jangan Panik 😎😊

Silahkan aswer all questions pada 1 menit

pertama (All straight a, b, c, d, or e,
kusarankan konsisten)
• Karena kalian masih punya persentase benar, jika
jawab semua A, B, C, D, or E. (Apalagi jika memang
valid tahun ini tidak ada Nilai Passing Grade untuk
Bahasa Inggris)
• Bisa simpan energi untuk test aspek psikologi
• Soal akan tertutup automatis dan tidak diakses setelah
20 Menit, jadi jika kehabisan waktu, sudah ada
kemungkinan back up jawaban diawal.
• I am not a magician to help you within 3 meetings,
then you directly could understand all vocabularies. 😊
Tips and Trick

Tapi, Untuk Yang Level Bahasa Inggrisnya

Lumayan dan dapat mengerti most of the
advanced vocabularies. 🙏

Please, Pelajari Scanning dan Skimming

Technique in Reading. 😎😊
Scanning methods
Scanning is a method of looking for specific information
or answers.
To scan:
1. Search for keywords on question, then jumping
around the passage/paragrapgh
2. Scan through paragraph rapidly until you find the
keyword you search for
3. Read the surrounding the surrounding material
carefully, decide if you’ve found what you need
Skimming methods
1. Beginnings & endings:
Read first and last sentences of paragraphs, first and last
paragraphs of major sections, and introductions and summaries.

In the realm of cutting-edge technology, quantum computing stands out as a beacon of

unprecedented computational power. Recent breakthroughs in quantum hardware and algorithms
have propelled the field forward, challenging traditional notions of computing limitations. As
researchers delve into the intricacies of quantum entanglement and superposition, the potential for
solving complex problems, such as optimization and cryptography, becomes increasingly tangible.
This article explores the latest advancements in quantum computing, shedding light on the
revolutionary impact it promises in diverse scientific and industrial domains.
Skimming methods
2. Read only the amount of text necessary to
determine if a section presents a main idea or
support for a main idea.
Find Main Subject, and Main Verb.
In the realm of cutting-edge technology, quantum computing stands out as a
beacon of unprecedented computational power.

Recent breakthroughs in quantum hardware and algorithms have propelled

the field forward, challenging traditional notions of computing limitations.

As researchers delve into the intricacies of quantum entanglement and

superposition, the potential for solving complex problems, such as
optimization and cryptography, becomes increasingly tangible.

This article explores the latest advancements in quantum computing,

shedding light on the revolutionary impact it promises in diverse scientific and
industrial domains.
1. In the realm of cutting-edge technology, quantum computing stands out as a beacon of
unprecedented computational power. Recent breakthroughs in quantum hardware and algorithms
have propelled the field forward, challenging traditional notions of computing limitations. As
researchers delve into the intricacies of quantum entanglement and superposition, the potential for
solving complex problems, such as optimization and cryptography, becomes increasingly tangible. This
article explores the latest advancements in quantum computing, shedding light on the revolutionary
impact it promises in diverse scientific and industrial domains.

Which of the following best summarizes the impact of recent breakthroughs in quantum computing?
a. Quantum computing is challenging traditional notions with a focus on classical algorithms.
b. Quantum hardware and algorithms are pushing the boundaries, promising unparalleled
computational power.
c. Quantum entanglement and superposition have limited applications in solving complex
d. Traditional computing methods are sufficient, making quantum advancements unnecessary.
e. Quantum computing has failed to deliver on its promises, leading to stagnation in the field.
1. In the realm of cutting-edge technology, quantum computing stands out as a beacon of
unprecedented computational power. Recent breakthroughs in quantum hardware and algorithms
have propelled the field forward, challenging traditional notions of computing limitations. As
researchers delve into the intricacies of quantum entanglement and superposition, the potential for
solving complex problems, such as optimization and cryptography, becomes increasingly tangible. This
article explores the latest advancements in quantum computing, shedding light on the revolutionary
impact it promises in diverse scientific and industrial domains.

Which of the following best summarizes the impact of recent breakthroughs in quantum computing?
a. Quantum computing is challenging traditional notions with a focus on classical algorithms.
b. Quantum hardware and algorithms are pushing the boundaries, promising unparalleled
computational power.
c. Quantum entanglement and superposition have limited applications in solving complex
d. Traditional computing methods are sufficient, making quantum advancements unnecessary.
e. Quantum computing has failed to deliver on its promises, leading to stagnation in the field.
2. Addressing the multifaceted challenge of climate change demands a comprehensive
and integrated strategy. This article synthesizes recent research findings on various
mitigation measures, spanning from renewable energy technologies to sustainable land-
use practices. By examining the interplay between policy interventions, technological
innovations, and behavioural changes, a nuanced understanding of effective climate
action emerges. The discourse extends beyond conventional approaches, emphasizing
the importance of international collaboration and interdisciplinary research to foster a
resilient and sustainable future.

According to the passage, what is emphasized as crucial for effective climate action?
a. Relying solely on technological innovations for mitigation.
b. International collaboration and interdisciplinary research.
c. Implementing policies without considering technological advancements.
d. Focusing on a single approach, either policy or technological, for mitigation.
e. Disregarding the need for sustainable land-use practices.
2. Addressing the multifaceted challenge of climate change demands a comprehensive
and integrated strategy. This article synthesizes recent research findings on various
mitigation measures, spanning from renewable energy technologies to sustainable land-
use practices. By examining the interplay between policy interventions, technological
innovations, and behavioural changes, a nuanced understanding of effective climate
action emerges. The discourse extends beyond conventional approaches, emphasizing
the importance of international collaboration and interdisciplinary research to foster a
resilient and sustainable future.

According to the passage, what is emphasized as crucial for effective climate action?
a. Relying solely on technological innovations for mitigation.
b. International collaboration and interdisciplinary research.
c. Implementing policies without considering technological advancements.
d. Focusing on a single approach, either policy or technological, for mitigation.
e. Disregarding the need for sustainable land-use practices.
3. The human brain's remarkable ability to adapt and reorganize, known as neuroplasticity, has captivated
researchers seeking to enhance cognitive function. This article delves into the intricate mechanisms
underlying neuroplasticity and explores how interventions, ranging from cognitive training programs to
neurostimulation techniques, can harness the brain's inherent plasticity for cognitive enhancement. By
unravelling the complexities of neural plasticity, scientists aim to unlock new avenues for improving
learning, memory, and overall cognitive performance.

What is the primary focus of the article on neuroplasticity and cognitive enhancement?
a. Exploring the limitations of cognitive training programs.
b. Examining the downsides of neurostimulation techniques.
c. Unravelling the complexities of neural plasticity for cognitive improvement.
d. Rejecting the idea that the brain can be enhanced through interventions.
e. Discrediting the potential of cognitive enhancement altogether.
3. The human brain's remarkable ability to adapt and reorganize, known as neuroplasticity, has captivated
researchers seeking to enhance cognitive function. This article delves into the intricate mechanisms
underlying neuroplasticity and explores how interventions, ranging from cognitive training programs to
neurostimulation techniques, can harness the brain's inherent plasticity for cognitive enhancement. By
unravelling the complexities of neural plasticity, scientists aim to unlock new avenues for improving
learning, memory, and overall cognitive performance.

What is the primary focus of the article on neuroplasticity and cognitive enhancement?
a. Exploring the limitations of cognitive training programs.
b. Examining the downsides of neurostimulation techniques.
c. Unravelling the complexities of neural plasticity for cognitive improvement.
d. Rejecting the idea that the brain can be enhanced through interventions.
e. Discrediting the potential of cognitive enhancement altogether.
4. The advent of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology has revolutionized the landscape of genetic
manipulation. As researchers harness the precision and efficiency of this tool for potential therapeutic
applications, ethical considerations loom large. This article critically examines the ethical implications of
gene editing, exploring issues such as consent, genetic enhancement, and unintended consequences.
Navigating the ethical frontiers of CRISPR-Cas9 requires a delicate balance between scientific
advancement and the ethical responsibilities associated with altering the fundamental fabric of life.

What is a central concern addressed in the article on CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing?

a. Advocating for unlimited genetic enhancement.
b. Downplaying the precision and efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9.
c. Navigating ethical considerations associated with gene editing.
d. Ignoring the potential therapeutic applications of CRISPR-Cas9.
e. Arguing that gene editing has no ethical implications.
4. The advent of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology has revolutionized the landscape of genetic
manipulation. As researchers harness the precision and efficiency of this tool for potential therapeutic
applications, ethical considerations loom large. This article critically examines the ethical implications of
gene editing, exploring issues such as consent, genetic enhancement, and unintended consequences.
Navigating the ethical frontiers of CRISPR-Cas9 requires a delicate balance between scientific
advancement and the ethical responsibilities associated with altering the fundamental fabric of life.

What is a central concern addressed in the article on CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing?

a. Advocating for unlimited genetic enhancement.
b. Downplaying the precision and efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9.
c. Navigating ethical considerations associated with gene editing.
d. Ignoring the potential therapeutic applications of CRISPR-Cas9.
e. Arguing that gene editing has no ethical implications.
5. Blockchain technology, initially conceived as the underlying framework for cryptocurrencies, has
evolved into a disruptive force across diverse industries. This article delves into the decentralized nature
of blockchain, exploring its applications beyond finance, including supply chain management, healthcare,
and governance. By providing transparency, security, and efficiency in data transactions, blockchain has
the potential to reshape traditional business models and empower individuals. As this transformative
technology continues to mature, its impact on industries and society at large becomes increasingly

According to the article, what makes blockchain a transformative technology?

a. Its centralized nature that ensures security.
b. Its limited applications in the financial sector.
c. Transparency, security, and efficiency in data transactions.
d. A focus on maintaining traditional business models.
e. Its inability to reshape industries beyond finance.
5. Blockchain technology, initially conceived as the underlying framework for cryptocurrencies, has
evolved into a disruptive force across diverse industries. This article delves into the decentralized nature
of blockchain, exploring its applications beyond finance, including supply chain management, healthcare,
and governance. By providing transparency, security, and efficiency in data transactions, blockchain has
the potential to reshape traditional business models and empower individuals. As this transformative
technology continues to mature, its impact on industries and society at large becomes increasingly

According to the article, what makes blockchain a transformative technology?

a. Its centralized nature that ensures security.
b. Its limited applications in the financial sector.
c. Transparency, security, and efficiency in data transactions.
d. A focus on maintaining traditional business models.
e. Its inability to reshape industries beyond finance.
6. In the realm of educational discourse, the correlation between academic achievement and economic
mobility stands as a pivotal argumentative focal point. Scholars and policymakers alike engage in fervent
debates surrounding the effectiveness of educational systems in fostering upward economic mobility. The
intricate interplay between access to quality education, skills acquisition, and subsequent career
opportunities forms a complex tapestry that demands nuanced analysis. Advocates contend that a robust
education system can act as a potent equalizer, breaking down socio-economic barriers and enabling
individuals to transcend their circumstances. Conversely, sceptics posit that systemic inequalities in
education perpetuate socio-economic disparities, limiting the transformative potential of education on a
broader societal scale.

Which of the following best summarizes the central argument regarding education and economic
a. Quality education has little impact on economic mobility.
b. Socio-economic barriers can be completely eradicated through education.
c. Advocates and sceptics agree on the transformative potential of education.
d. The relationship between education and economic mobility is a simplistic one.
e. Systemic inequalities in education perpetuate socio-economic disparities.
6. In the realm of educational discourse, the correlation between academic achievement and economic
mobility stands as a pivotal argumentative focal point. Scholars and policymakers alike engage in fervent
debates surrounding the effectiveness of educational systems in fostering upward economic mobility. The
intricate interplay between access to quality education, skills acquisition, and subsequent career
opportunities forms a complex tapestry that demands nuanced analysis. Advocates contend that a robust
education system can act as a potent equalizer, breaking down socio-economic barriers and enabling
individuals to transcend their circumstances. Conversely, sceptics posit that systemic inequalities in
education perpetuate socio-economic disparities, limiting the transformative potential of education on a
broader societal scale.

Which of the following best summarizes the central argument regarding education and economic
a. Quality education has little impact on economic mobility.
b. Socio-economic barriers can be completely eradicated through education.
c. Advocates and sceptics agree on the transformative potential of education.
d. The relationship between education and economic mobility is a simplistic one.
e. Systemic inequalities in education perpetuate socio-economic disparities.
7. The urgency of addressing climate change has ignited impassioned discussions regarding the most
effective mitigation strategies. Argumentative lines are drawn between proponents of technological
innovations and those championing behavioural shifts. Complex debates delve into the feasibility and
scalability of solutions such as carbon capture technologies, renewable energy sources, and sustainable
urban planning. Balancing the imperative to reduce carbon emissions with economic considerations adds
an intricate layer to the discourse. Sceptics question the viability of proposed solutions, emphasizing the
socio-economic costs associated with abrupt transitions. Navigating this complexity requires a
comprehensive understanding of the intricate interdependencies between human activities,
technological advancements, and environmental sustainability.

In the context of climate change mitigation, what is a key point of contention?

a. The irrelevance of technological innovations in addressing climate change.
b. The scalability of sustainable urban planning as a mitigation strategy.
c. The consensus on the socio-economic costs of abrupt transitions.
d. The urgency of addressing climate change and its global implications.
e. The feasibility of carbon capture technologies in reducing emissions.
7. The urgency of addressing climate change has ignited impassioned discussions regarding the most
effective mitigation strategies. Argumentative lines are drawn between proponents of technological
innovations and those championing behavioural shifts. Complex debates delve into the feasibility and
scalability of solutions such as carbon capture technologies, renewable energy sources, and sustainable
urban planning. Balancing the imperative to reduce carbon emissions with economic considerations adds
an intricate layer to the discourse. Sceptics question the viability of proposed solutions, emphasizing the
socio-economic costs associated with abrupt transitions. Navigating this complexity requires a
comprehensive understanding of the intricate interdependencies between human activities,
technological advancements, and environmental sustainability.

In the context of climate change mitigation, what is a key point of contention?

a. The irrelevance of technological innovations in addressing climate change.
b. The scalability of sustainable urban planning as a mitigation strategy.
c. The consensus on the socio-economic costs of abrupt transitions.
d. The urgency of addressing climate change and its global implications.
e. The feasibility of carbon capture technologies in reducing emissions.
8. The advent of artificial intelligence has thrust ethical considerations into the forefront of technological
debates. The argumentative landscape surrounding AI ethics spans a spectrum, from concerns about
privacy infringements and biased algorithms to the potential for autonomous systems to reshape the job
market. Proponents assert that responsible AI development involves stringent ethical frameworks,
emphasizing transparency and accountability. Detractors, on the other hand, express reservations about
the practical implementation of such frameworks, raising questions about the adequacy of current
regulatory measures. Striking a balance between technological innovation and ethical responsibility
requires a nuanced understanding of the intricate ethical dilemmas posed by AI.

What is a common concern raised by sceptics in the debate over AI ethics?

a. The need for stricter ethical regulations in AI development.
b. The potential of AI to revolutionize the job market positively.
c. The adequacy of current regulatory measures in ensuring ethical AI.
d. The transparent and accountable nature of AI frameworks.
e. The irrelevant role of ethics in AI development.
8. The advent of artificial intelligence has thrust ethical considerations into the forefront of technological
debates. The argumentative landscape surrounding AI ethics spans a spectrum, from concerns about
privacy infringements and biased algorithms to the potential for autonomous systems to reshape the job
market. Proponents assert that responsible AI development involves stringent ethical frameworks,
emphasizing transparency and accountability. Detractors, on the other hand, express reservations about
the practical implementation of such frameworks, raising questions about the adequacy of current
regulatory measures. Striking a balance between technological innovation and ethical responsibility
requires a nuanced understanding of the intricate ethical dilemmas posed by AI.

What is a common concern raised by sceptics in the debate over AI ethics?

a. The need for stricter ethical regulations in AI development.
b. The potential of AI to revolutionize the job market positively.
c. The adequacy of current regulatory measures in ensuring ethical AI.
d. The transparent and accountable nature of AI frameworks.
e. The irrelevant role of ethics in AI development.
9. The issue of healthcare access disparities remains a contentious topic in public discourse, with
arguments revolving around the intersection of socio-economic factors and healthcare outcomes.
Advocates for universal healthcare argue that it is a fundamental right, essential for ensuring equitable
health outcomes across diverse demographic groups. Opponents, however, question the financial
feasibility of such systems and advocate for market-driven approaches. The intricate web of factors
influencing healthcare access, including socio-economic status, geographic location, and systemic biases,
demands a comprehensive examination to inform effective policy decisions aimed at bridging existing

What is the primary argument against universal healthcare in the given context?
a. Universal healthcare is a fundamental right for everyone.
b. Socio-economic factors have minimal influence on healthcare outcomes.
c. Market-driven approaches are more effective in ensuring healthcare access.
d. Healthcare disparities are unrelated to demographic factors.
e. Effective policy decisions can bridge existing healthcare access disparities.
9. The issue of healthcare access disparities remains a contentious topic in public discourse, with
arguments revolving around the intersection of socio-economic factors and healthcare outcomes.
Advocates for universal healthcare argue that it is a fundamental right, essential for ensuring equitable
health outcomes across diverse demographic groups. Opponents, however, question the financial
feasibility of such systems and advocate for market-driven approaches. The intricate web of factors
influencing healthcare access, including socio-economic status, geographic location, and systemic biases,
demands a comprehensive examination to inform effective policy decisions aimed at bridging existing

What is the primary argument against universal healthcare in the given context?
a. Universal healthcare is a fundamental right for everyone.
b. Socio-economic factors have minimal influence on healthcare outcomes.
c. Market-driven approaches are more effective in ensuring healthcare access.
d. Healthcare disparities are unrelated to demographic factors.
e. Effective policy decisions can bridge existing healthcare access disparities.
10. The rapid digitization of information in the 21st century raises complex questions about the
preservation of cultural heritage. Arguments surrounding the impact of digital technology on cultural
preservation span from the democratization of access to cultural artifacts to concerns about the erosion
of traditional practices. Advocates for digital archives and virtual exhibitions contend that these platforms
enhance global accessibility, fostering cross-cultural understanding. Critics, however, caution against the
loss of tangible, immersive experiences and the potential for cultural commodification in the digital
realm. Navigating this terrain requires a delicate balance between embracing technological
advancements and safeguarding the richness and authenticity of diverse cultural expressions.

What is a concern expressed by critics regarding the digitization of cultural heritage?

a. Digital archives and virtual exhibitions enhance global accessibility.
b. The democratization of access to cultural artifacts is beneficial.
c. Tangible, immersive experiences are irrelevant in the digital age.
d. Cultural commodification is an inherent advantage of digitization.
e. The potential for the erosion of traditional practices in the digital realm.
10. The rapid digitization of information in the 21st century raises complex questions about the
preservation of cultural heritage. Arguments surrounding the impact of digital technology on cultural
preservation span from the democratization of access to cultural artifacts to concerns about the erosion
of traditional practices. Advocates for digital archives and virtual exhibitions contend that these platforms
enhance global accessibility, fostering cross-cultural understanding. Critics, however, caution against the
loss of tangible, immersive experiences and the potential for cultural commodification in the digital
realm. Navigating this terrain requires a delicate balance between embracing technological
advancements and safeguarding the richness and authenticity of diverse cultural expressions.

What is a concern expressed by critics regarding the digitization of cultural heritage?

a. Digital archives and virtual exhibitions enhance global accessibility.
b. The democratization of access to cultural artifacts is beneficial.
c. Tangible, immersive experiences are irrelevant in the digital age.
d. Cultural commodification is an inherent advantage of digitization.
e. The potential for the erosion of traditional practices in the digital realm.
11. Dear valued community members, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming
grand event that promises to be an unforgettable experience for everyone
involved. Set against the backdrop of innovation and collaboration, this event aims
to bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds to foster meaningful
connections and exchange ground-breaking ideas. Save the date, as this occasion is
not just a celebration but an opportunity to delve into the realms of creativity and

What is the primary purpose of the upcoming grand event mentioned in the
a. To commemorate historical achievements
b. To foster meaningful connections and exchange ideas
c. To introduce a new product
d. To restructure the organization
e. To launch an educational program
11. Dear valued community members, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming
grand event that promises to be an unforgettable experience for everyone
involved. Set against the backdrop of innovation and collaboration, this event aims
to bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds to foster meaningful
connections and exchange ground-breaking ideas. Save the date, as this occasion is
not just a celebration but an opportunity to delve into the realms of creativity and

What is the primary purpose of the upcoming grand event mentioned in the
a. To commemorate historical achievements
b. To foster meaningful connections and exchange ideas
c. To introduce a new product
d. To restructure the organization
e. To launch an educational program
12. In a ground-breaking development, we are excited to reveal our latest
innovation that is set to redefine industry standards. After months of meticulous
research and development, we are proud to introduce a cutting-edge product that
seamlessly integrates advanced technology with user-friendly design. This ground-
breaking release marks a significant leap forward in our commitment to providing
solutions that enhance the lives of our customers. Stay tuned for the official launch,
as we embark on a new era of technological excellence.

What distinguishes the new product being introduced according to the

a. It is cost-effective
b. It has a user-friendly design
c. It is the cheapest in the market
d. It is the first of its kind
e. It is manufactured by a well-known brand
12. In a ground-breaking development, we are excited to reveal our latest
innovation that is set to redefine industry standards. After months of meticulous
research and development, we are proud to introduce a cutting-edge product that
seamlessly integrates advanced technology with user-friendly design. This ground-
breaking release marks a significant leap forward in our commitment to providing
solutions that enhance the lives of our customers. Stay tuned for the official launch,
as we embark on a new era of technological excellence.

What distinguishes the new product being introduced according to the

a. It is cost-effective
b. It has a user-friendly design
c. It is the cheapest in the market
d. It is the first of its kind
e. It is manufactured by a well-known brand
13. As part of our ongoing commitment to growth and adaptability, we are
pleased to inform our stakeholders about a strategic organizational restructuring.
This initiative is aimed at optimizing efficiency, streamlining operations, and
ensuring sustained success in an ever-evolving market. While change is never
easy, we believe that these adjustments will position us for long-term success and
enable us to better serve the needs of our valued clients and partners.

Why is the organization undergoing a strategic restructuring, as per the

a. To celebrate its anniversary
b. To optimize efficiency and streamline operations
c. To launch a new product line
d. To increase the number of employees
e. To downsize the workforce
13. As part of our ongoing commitment to growth and adaptability, we are
pleased to inform our stakeholders about a strategic organizational restructuring.
This initiative is aimed at optimizing efficiency, streamlining operations, and
ensuring sustained success in an ever-evolving market. While change is never
easy, we believe that these adjustments will position us for long-term success and
enable us to better serve the needs of our valued clients and partners.

Why is the organization undergoing a strategic restructuring, as per the

a. To celebrate its anniversary
b. To optimize efficiency and streamline operations
c. To launch a new product line
d. To increase the number of employees
e. To downsize the workforce
14. In our continuous pursuit of academic excellence, we are delighted to share
news of an expanded educational program. This initiative, designed to cater to
the evolving needs of our students, incorporates innovative teaching
methodologies and a broader curriculum. With a focus on holistic development,
our updated program seeks to nurture not only academic proficiency but also
critical thinking skills, creativity, and a sense of global awareness. We are excited
about the positive impact this will have on the educational journey of our

What is the primary focus of the updated educational program?

a. Memorization of facts
b. Broadening the curriculum
c. Reducing the workload for students
d. Decreasing the emphasis on critical thinking
e. Eliminating extracurricular activities
14. In our continuous pursuit of academic excellence, we are delighted to share
news of an expanded educational program. This initiative, designed to cater to
the evolving needs of our students, incorporates innovative teaching
methodologies and a broader curriculum. With a focus on holistic development,
our updated program seeks to nurture not only academic proficiency but also
critical thinking skills, creativity, and a sense of global awareness. We are excited
about the positive impact this will have on the educational journey of our

What is the primary focus of the updated educational program?

a. Memorization of facts
b. Broadening the curriculum
c. Reducing the workload for students
d. Decreasing the emphasis on critical thinking
e. Eliminating extracurricular activities
15. It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to acknowledge the
dedication and hard work of our exceptional team. As we reflect on the past year,
it is evident that the collective efforts of our employees have been instrumental in
achieving our milestones. In recognition of their unwavering commitment, we are
implementing a series of initiatives to express our gratitude, including employee
appreciation events and recognition programs. Together, we look forward to
another year of shared success and continued growth.

Why is the organization implementing initiatives such as employee

appreciation events?
a. To cut costs
b. To increase working hours
c. To express gratitude for employees' dedication
d. To reduce team collaboration
e. To discourage employee recognition
15. It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to acknowledge the
dedication and hard work of our exceptional team. As we reflect on the past year,
it is evident that the collective efforts of our employees have been instrumental in
achieving our milestones. In recognition of their unwavering commitment, we are
implementing a series of initiatives to express our gratitude, including employee
appreciation events and recognition programs. Together, we look forward to
another year of shared success and continued growth.

Why is the organization implementing initiatives such as employee

appreciation events?
a. To cut costs
b. To increase working hours
c. To express gratitude for employees' dedication
d. To reduce team collaboration
e. To discourage employee recognition
16. In the realm of Indonesian economic affairs, recent developments have sparked
widespread discussions regarding the efficacy of fiscal policies in fostering sustainable
growth. The government's implementation of stimulus packages and targeted investments
has been a focal point, with experts scrutinizing the intricate dynamics between public
spending, inflation rates, and job creation. As the nation navigates the post-pandemic
landscape, the delicate balance between bolstering economic activity and maintaining fiscal
discipline remains a critical challenge. Analysts posit that a nuanced approach, accounting for
sector-specific needs and global economic trends, is paramount for steering Indonesia
towards a resilient and diversified economic future.

In the context of economic development in Indonesia, what is the nuanced challenge

discussed in the passage?
a. The need for increased government spending
b. Balancing economic growth with fiscal discipline
c. Implementing stimulus packages for job creation
d. The impact of inflation on sustainable growth
e. Sector-specific needs in a global economic landscape
16. In the realm of Indonesian economic affairs, recent developments have sparked
widespread discussions regarding the efficacy of fiscal policies in fostering sustainable
growth. The government's implementation of stimulus packages and targeted investments
has been a focal point, with experts scrutinizing the intricate dynamics between public
spending, inflation rates, and job creation. As the nation navigates the post-pandemic
landscape, the delicate balance between bolstering economic activity and maintaining fiscal
discipline remains a critical challenge. Analysts posit that a nuanced approach, accounting for
sector-specific needs and global economic trends, is paramount for steering Indonesia
towards a resilient and diversified economic future.

In the context of economic development in Indonesia, what is the nuanced challenge

discussed in the passage?
a. The need for increased government spending
b. Balancing economic growth with fiscal discipline
c. Implementing stimulus packages for job creation
d. The impact of inflation on sustainable growth
e. Sector-specific needs in a global economic landscape
17. Against the backdrop of Indonesia's rich ecological tapestry, environmental conservation
and biodiversity protection have risen to the forefront of public discourse. Pressing issues
such as deforestation, wildlife trafficking, and marine pollution demand comprehensive
strategies to mitigate their detrimental impacts. The recent governmental initiatives,
including the establishment of protected areas and stricter regulations on industrial
practices, signify a concerted effort to address these concerns. Nevertheless, the intricate
interplay between economic development and environmental preservation poses a
challenge, requiring a delicate synthesis of policies that reconcile the imperative of growth
with the imperative of sustainability.

How do recent governmental initiatives address the challenges of environmental

conservation and biodiversity protection in Indonesia?
a. By increasing deforestation for economic growth
b. Through the establishment of protected areas and stricter regulations
c. Ignoring the issues and focusing solely on economic development
d. Promoting wildlife trafficking for tourism
e. Allowing unchecked industrial practices for short-term gains
17. Against the backdrop of Indonesia's rich ecological tapestry, environmental conservation
and biodiversity protection have risen to the forefront of public discourse. Pressing issues
such as deforestation, wildlife trafficking, and marine pollution demand comprehensive
strategies to mitigate their detrimental impacts. The recent governmental initiatives,
including the establishment of protected areas and stricter regulations on industrial
practices, signify a concerted effort to address these concerns. Nevertheless, the intricate
interplay between economic development and environmental preservation poses a
challenge, requiring a delicate synthesis of policies that reconcile the imperative of growth
with the imperative of sustainability.

How do recent governmental initiatives address the challenges of environmental

conservation and biodiversity protection in Indonesia?
a. By increasing deforestation for economic growth
b. Through the establishment of protected areas and stricter regulations
c. Ignoring the issues and focusing solely on economic development
d. Promoting wildlife trafficking for tourism
e. Allowing unchecked industrial practices for short-term gains
18. In education, Indonesia finds itself at a pivotal juncture, with a burgeoning population
and an increasingly interconnected world demanding innovative approaches to learning. The
acceleration of digital learning platforms and the integration of technology in educational
curricula have been key focal points in recent discussions. The government's commitment to
education reforms, including the allocation of resources for digital infrastructure and teacher
training, reflects a recognition of the transformative potential of technology in shaping the
next generation's skill sets. However, the digital divide remains a pressing challenge,
necessitating inclusive policies to ensure equitable access to educational resources across
diverse socio-economic strata.

According to the passage, what is the primary focus of recent education reforms in
a. Increasing the number of traditional classrooms
b. Reducing the role of technology in education
c. Enhancing teacher salaries
d. Allocating resources for digital infrastructure and teacher training
e. Abandoning the traditional educational system
18. In education, Indonesia finds itself at a pivotal juncture, with a burgeoning population
and an increasingly interconnected world demanding innovative approaches to learning. The
acceleration of digital learning platforms and the integration of technology in educational
curricula have been key focal points in recent discussions. The government's commitment to
education reforms, including the allocation of resources for digital infrastructure and teacher
training, reflects a recognition of the transformative potential of technology in shaping the
next generation's skill sets. However, the digital divide remains a pressing challenge,
necessitating inclusive policies to ensure equitable access to educational resources across
diverse socio-economic strata.

According to the passage, what is the primary focus of recent education reforms in
a. Increasing the number of traditional classrooms
b. Reducing the role of technology in education
c. Enhancing teacher salaries
d. Allocating resources for digital infrastructure and teacher training
e. Abandoning the traditional educational system
19. The global COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical importance of a robust
healthcare infrastructure, prompting a reevaluation of Indonesia's readiness to handle health
crises. Recent strides in healthcare system strengthening, including the construction of new
hospitals and investments in medical research, have been pivotal in bolstering the nation's
pandemic preparedness. Nevertheless, questions surrounding vaccine distribution,
healthcare accessibility in remote areas, and the long-term sustainability of these initiatives
persist. As Indonesia charts its course through the post-pandemic era, a comprehensive and
adaptive healthcare strategy is imperative to ensure the well-being of its citizens.

Considering the discussion on healthcare infrastructure, what does the passage

emphasize as pivotal in bolstering Indonesia's pandemic preparedness?
a. Strict lockdown measures
b. Investment in medical research
c. Social distancing practices
d. Global vaccine distribution
e. Isolating remote areas
19. The global COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical importance of a robust
healthcare infrastructure, prompting a re-evaluation of Indonesia's readiness to handle
health crises. Recent strides in healthcare system strengthening, including the construction
of new hospitals and investments in medical research, have been pivotal in bolstering the
nation's pandemic preparedness. Nevertheless, questions surrounding vaccine distribution,
healthcare accessibility in remote areas, and the long-term sustainability of these initiatives
persist. As Indonesia charts its course through the post-pandemic era, a comprehensive and
adaptive healthcare strategy is imperative to ensure the well-being of its citizens.

Considering the discussion on healthcare infrastructure, what does the passage

emphasize as pivotal in bolstering Indonesia's pandemic preparedness?
a. Strict lockdown measures
b. Investment in medical research
c. Social distancing practices
d. Global vaccine distribution
e. Isolating remote areas
20. In the midst of rapid modernization and globalization, the preservation of Indonesia's rich
cultural heritage emerges as a compelling imperative. Efforts to safeguard traditional art
forms, languages, and historical sites are underway, acknowledging the intrinsic value of
cultural diversity. The challenge lies in striking a harmonious balance between modernization
and the conservation of heritage, fostering an environment where the younger generation
can appreciate and contribute to the continuity of Indonesia's cultural legacy. As the nation
grapples with the complexities of identity in a rapidly changing world, the integration of
cultural preservation into broader societal narratives becomes integral to fostering a cohesive
and resilient national identity.

In the passage, what challenge does Indonesia face in preserving its cultural heritage in
the modern era?
a. Rapid modernization and globalization
b. Lack of interest from the younger generation
c. Preservation of cultural artifacts only
d. Ignoring the importance of cultural diversity
e. Government restrictions on traditional practices
20. In the midst of rapid modernization and globalization, the preservation of Indonesia's rich
cultural heritage emerges as a compelling imperative. Efforts to safeguard traditional art
forms, languages, and historical sites are underway, acknowledging the intrinsic value of
cultural diversity. The challenge lies in striking a harmonious balance between modernization
and the conservation of heritage, fostering an environment where the younger generation
can appreciate and contribute to the continuity of Indonesia's cultural legacy. As the nation
grapples with the complexities of identity in a rapidly changing world, the integration of
cultural preservation into broader societal narratives becomes integral to fostering a cohesive
and resilient national identity.

In the passage, what challenge does Indonesia face in preserving its cultural heritage in
the modern era?
a. Rapid modernization and globalization
b. Lack of interest from the younger generation
c. Preservation of cultural artifacts only
d. Ignoring the importance of cultural diversity
e. Government restrictions on traditional practices
“Those who are going to be an lecturer, probably English is just a
language, but being ignorant and not to improve your English skill, it
would definitely hinder your career”

“There is no skill that is too difficult to learn, There are probably a lot
of people who are NOT devoting their time and being consistent to
sharpen their skills”

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