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n Merupakan gabungan berbagai
kondisi cuaca sehari-hari atau
merupakan rata-rata cuaca.

n Anasir iklim: Anasir Cuaca

n Untuk mencari harga rata-rata
tergantung kebutuhan dan keadaan.
n Perlu diketahui bahwa untuk mengetahui
penyimpangan iklim harus berdasarkan
pada harga normal suatu harga rerata
selama 30 tahun.

n Hampir tidak terbatas jumlah iklim di

permukaan bumi ini yang memerlukan
penggolongan dalam satu kelas/ tipe.
Semua klasifikasi iklim buatan manusia
sehingga masing-masing ada kebaikan
dan keburukan.
n Faktor yang mempengaruhi
zonasi iklim dunia
n Letak lintang kaitannya dengan penerimaan
radiasi surya
n Pengaruh pergerakan masa udara
n Pusat tekanan rendah dan pusat
tekanan tinggi
n Pertukaran panas karena arus laut
n Distribusi barrier pegunungan
n Pola pergerakan angin
n Distribusi daratan dan lautan
n Ketinggian tempat
n Secara global 3 faktor pertama yang
paling menentukan iklim suatu
kawasan adalah :

• Lokasi lintang tahunan relatif dari sinar

yang datang tepat di atas kepala pada
tengah hari.
• Intertropical convergence zone dan
luasan masa udara naik, pembentukan
awan dan presipitasi.
• Subtropical high pressure zone dan
arus penurunan masa udara terkait dan
udara yang bersih..
• Polar front and its area of uplift, cloud
development and precipitation.
• Polar vortex and its associated
descending air currents and clear skies.
• Relative location of tropical/subtropical
and polar air masses.
n Tujuan:
n Berusaha untuk menyederhanakan
jumlah iklim lokal tidak terbatas
menjadi golongan yang jumlahnya
relatif sedikit yang mempunyai sifat-
sifat penting yang bersamaan.
Beberapa penggolongan iklim
n Klasifikasi dengan dasar temperatur,
klasifikasi yang dibuat pada jaman Yunani.
• Daerah Tropika- sedang dan kutub

n Klasifikasi Klages (1942)

n Klasifikasi Thornthwaite
n Klasifikasi Koppen
n Klasifikasi di Indonesia
• Klasifikasi Mohr
• Klasifikasi Schmidt dan Ferguson
• Klasifikasi Oldeman
n Klasifikasi Pada Jaman Yunani :
• 3 daerah Iklim :
n Daerah tropika
Tidak ada musim dingin, temperatur terus
menerus tinggi
n Daerah Sedang (U-S)

Di sini ada musim yang berbeda tegas, satu

musim panas/ hangat lainnya sejuk/ dingin
n Daerah Kutub (U-S)

Tidak ada musim panas, temperatur rendah

Klasifikasi Klages (1942):
n 5 daerah Iklim :
• Daerah tropika
n Rata-rata T>20°C.
• Daerah subtropika
n 4 – 11 bulan T>20°C
• Daerah sedang
n 4 – 12 bulan T 10 -20°C.
• Daerah dingin
n 1 – 4 bulan T 10 - 20°C dan yang lain <10°C.
• Daerah kutub
n T rata-rata -1°C dgn tanpa bulan yang T >10°C
n Wladimir Koppen (1846-1940)
seorang biologis Jerman
n 1900 è klasifikasi I berdasarkan
n 1918 è revisi dengan memasukkan
T hujan dan tanda khusus musiman.
n Koppen membagi 5 golongan besar
yang diberi simbol huruf: A – E
• A - Tropical Moist Climates
all months have average temperatures above
18° Celsius.
• B - Dry Climates
with deficient precipitation during most of the
• C - Moist Mid-latitude Climates
with Mild Winters.
• D - Moist Mid-Latitude Climates
with Cold Winters
• E - Polar Climates
with extremely cold winters and summers.
n Dasar klasifikasi Koppen
• rata - rata curah hujan (bulanan/

• temperatur (bulanan/ tahunan)

• vegetasi asli dilihat sebagai

kenampakan terbaik dari keadaan
iklim yang sesungguhnya
n Koppen menilai bahwa daya guna
hujan terhadap perkembangan dan
pertumbuhan tanaman tidak hanya
tergantung pada jumlah curah hujan
tetapi juga intensitas penguapan,
baik dari tanah maupun tanaman.

n Oleh karena ini Koppen berusaha

menunjukkan intensitas penguapan
dan daya guna hujan adalah dengan
menggabungkan temperatur dan
n Musim hujan sama, jatuh pada
musim panas adalah kurang berguna
dibanding jatuh pada musim dingin.
n Metode untuk mengukur daya guna
hujan masih kurang memuaskan.
Tropical Moist Climates (A)
n extend northward and southward
from the equator to about 15 to 25°
of latitude.
n In these climates all months have
average temperatures greater than
18° Celsius.
n Annual precipitation is greater than
1500 mm.
Three minor Köppen in the A group
n Designation is based on seasonal distribution
of rainfall.
• Af : tropical wet
n is a tropical climate where precipitation occurs all year
n Monthly temperature variations in this climate are less
than 3° Celsius.
n Because of intense surface heating and high humidity,
cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds form early in the
afternoons almost every day.
n Daily highs are about 32° Celsius, while night time
temperatures average 22° Celsius.
n Am : tropical monsoon
• Annual rainfall is equal to or greater
than Af.
• Most of the precipitation falls in the 7 to
9 hottest months.
• During the dry season very little rainfall
n Aw : tropical wet and dry
• has an extended dry season during
• Precipitation during the wet season is
usually less than 1000 millimeters.
• Only during the summer season.
Dry Climates (B)
n potential evaporation and
transpiration exceed
n Extend from 20 - 35° North and
South of the equator and in large
continental regions of the mid-
latitudes often surrounded by
n Minor types of this climate include:

• BW - dry arid (desert)

n True desert climate.
n It covers 12 % of the Earth's land surface
and is dominated by xerophytic vegetation.
n The additional letters h and k are used
generally to distinguish whether the dry arid
climate is found in the subtropics or in the
mid-latitudes, respectively.
• BS - dry semiarid (steppe).
n Grassland climate that covers 14% of the
Earth's land surface.
n Receives more precipitation than the BW
either from the intertropical convergence
zone or from mid-latitude cyclones.
n Additional letters h and k are used generally
to distinguish whether the dry semiarid
climate is found in the subtropics or in the
mid-latitudes, respectively.
Moist Subtropical Mid-Latitude
Climates (C)
n Generally has warm and humid
summers with mild winters.
n Extent is from 30 to 50° of latitude
mainly on the eastern and western
borders of most continents.
n During the winter, the main weather
feature is the mid-latitude cyclone.
n Convective thunderstorms
dominate summer months.
n Three minor types exist
• Cfa - humid subtropical
• Cs - Mediterranean
• Cfb - marine.
n The humid subtropical climate (Cfa) has hot
muggy summers and frequent
n Winters are mild and precipitation during
this season comes from mid-latitude
Moist Continental Mid-latitude
Climates (D)
n Moist continental mid-latitude climates
have warm to cool summers and cold
n The location of these climates is pole ward
of the C climates.
n The average temperature of the warmest
month is greater than 10° Celsius, while
the coldest month is less than -3° Celsius.
n Winters are severe with snowstorms,
strong winds, and bitter cold from
Continental Polar or Arctic air masses.
n Three minor types:
• Dw - dry winters
• Ds - dry summers
• Df - wet all seasons.
Polar Climates (E)
n Polar climates have year-round cold
temperatures with the warmest month less than
10° Celsius.
n Polar climates are found on the northern coastal
areas of North America, Europe, Asia, and on the
landmasses of Greenland and Antarctica. Two
minor climate types exist.
n ET or polar tundra is a climate where the soil is
permanently frozen to depths of hundreds of
meters, a condition known as permafrost.
n Vegetation is dominated by mosses, lichens,
dwarf trees and scattered woody shrubs. EF or
polar ice caps has a surface that is permanently
covered with snow and ice.

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