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Ulumul Qur’an
B. Language Classroom Management
1. Jelaskan bagaimana peran guru dalam kelas, khususnya saat pembelajaran
Warso (2014) dalam bukunya Proses Pembelajaran & Penilaiannya di
SD/MI/SMP/MTs/SMA/MA/SMK mengatakan pada pelaksanaan proses
pembelajaran guru mempunyai peran yang sangat penting. Peran/tugas guru dalam
proses pembelajaran tersebut meliputi guru sebagai: Sumber belajar; Fasilitator;
Pengelola pembelajaran; Demonstrator; Pembimbing; Motivator; dan Penilai.
Guru sebagai sumber belajar maka gurulah yang menjadi tempat peserta didik
menggali atau mengambil pelajaran. Sebagai sumber belajar dalam proses
pembelajaran hendaknya guru harus memiliki bahan referensi yang lebih banyak
dibandingkan dengan siswa dan guru perlu melakukan pemetaan tentang materi
• Guru sebagai fasilitator berperan dalam memberikan pelayanan untuk
memudahkan siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
• Guru sebagai pengelola pembelajaran, guru berperan dalam menciptakan
iklim belajar yang memungkinkan siswa dapat belajar secara nyaman
melalui pengelolaan kelas. Sebagai pengelola pembelajaran guru memiliki
4 fungsi umum yaitu : merencanakan tujuan belajar; mengorganisir
berbagai sumber belajar; dan memimpin dan mengawasi.
• Guru sebagai demonstrator yaitu peran untuk mempertunjukkan kepada
siswa tentang segala sesuatu yang dapat membuat siswa lebih mengerti
dan paham terhadap pesan/informasi belajar yang disampaikan. Guru juga
berperan sebagai model atau teladan bagi siswa.
• Guru sebagai pembimbing yaitu membimbing siswa agar dapat
menentukan berbagai potensi yang dimilikinya sebagai bekal mereka,
membimbing siswa agar dapat mencapai dan melaksanakan tugas-tugas
perkembangan mereka, sehingga dengan ketercapaian tersebut ia dapat
tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai manusia ideal yang menjadi harapan
setiap orang tua dan masyarakat. Tugas guru adalah menjaga,
mengarahkan dan membimbing agar siswa tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai
dengan potensi, minat dan bakatnya.
• Guru sebagai motivator, proses pembelajaran akan berhasil manakala
siswa memiliki motivasi dalam belajar. Oleh sebab itu, guru perlu
menumbuhkan potensi belajar siswa. Untuk memperoleh hasil belajar yang
optimal, guru dituntut kreatif membangkitkan motivasi belajar siswa.
• Guru sebagai penilai berperan untuk mengumpulkan data atau informasi
tentang keberhasilan pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. Dengan
melakukan penilaian maka guru akan mengetahui atau menentukan
keberhasilan siswa dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Dan juga guru
dapat menentukan keberhasilan setiap program-program yang telah
direncanakan oleh guru itu sendiri.

Dr. Oemar Hamalik dalam bukunya Psikologi Belajar dan Mengajar menulis
peran guru peran guru yang pertama sebagai pengajar, salah satu tugas yang
harus dilaksanakan oleh guru disekolah ialah memberikan pelayanan kepada
para siswa agar mereka menjadi siswa atau anak didik yang selaras dengan
tujuan sekolah itu. kedua sebagai pembimbing, guru memberikan bimbingan
bantuan terhadap individu untuk mencapai pemahaman dan pengarahan diri
yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan penyesuaian diri secara maksimum
terhadap sekolah, keluarga, serta masyarakat.

Peranan guru dianggap dominan menurut Dr Rusman, Mpd diklasifikation

sebagai berikut:

1) Guru sebagai demonstrator

Melalui perannya sebagai demonstrator, guru hendaknya menguasai
bahan atau materi belajaran yang akan diajarkan dan
mengembangkannya, karena hal ini akan sangat menentukan hasil
belajar yang dicapai oleh siswa.
2) Guru sebagai pengelola kelas
Dalam perannya sebagai pengelola kelas (learning managers). Guru
hendaknya mampu melakukan penanganan padakelas, karena kelas
merupakan lingkungan yang perlu diorganisasi.
3) Guru sebagai mediator dan fasilitator
Sebagai mediator, guru hendaknya memiliki pengetahuan dan
pemahaman yang cukup untuk media pendidikan, karena media
pendidikan merupakan alat komunikasi guna lebih mengefektifkan
proses belajar mengajar. Begitu juga guru sebagai fasilitator, guru
hendaknya mampu mengusahakan sumber belajar yang kiranya
berguna serta dapat menunjang pencapaian tujuan dan proses belajar
mengajar, baik yang berupa narasumber, buku teks, majalah, ataupun
surat kabar.
4) Guru sebagai evaluator
Guru sebagai evaluator yang baik, guru hendaknya melakukan
penilaian untuk mengetahui apakah tujuan yang telah dirumuskan itu
tercapai apa tidak, apakah materi yang diajarkan sedah dikuasai atau
belum oleh siswa, dan apakah metode yang digunakan sudah cukup

Sementara itu Ivor K. Davies (dalam Suyono dan Hariyanto) mengungkapkan

adanya enam peran dan fungsi guru terdiri dari; a scene designer (perancang adegan)
dengan asumsi suasana pembelajaran adalah teater dengan guru sebagai sutradaranya,
a builder (pembangun) membangun kecakapan dan keterampilan peserta didik secara
utuh, a learner (pembelajar) bahwa sambil mengajar guru belajar, sehingga siswa
adalah seorang co-learner. Kemudian juga sebagai an-emancipator (penggagas dan
pelaksana emansipasi) guru harus secara adil memberikan kesempatan kepada semua
murid untuk mengembangkan potensinya dengan tidak memandang jenis kelamin, ras,
bangsa, suku, agama, dan posisi sosial ekonominya, a conserver (pemelihara,
pelestari) melalui pembelajaran guru melakukan pelestarian nilai-nilai luhur bangsa,
serta a culminate (peraih titik puncak), guru merancang pembelajaran dari awal
sampai akhir (kulminasi) dari yang sederhana menuju yang kompleks, selanjutnya
bersama siswa meraih titik puncak berupa kesuksesan pembelajaran.

2. Apa saja jenis strategi dan metode pengajaran yang bisa digunakan guru
dalam proses belajar mengajar
Pengertian Strategi Pembelajaran
Kemp (Wina Senjaya, 2008) mengemukakan bahwa strategi pembelajaran adalah
suatu kegiatan pembelajaran yang harus dikerjakan guru dan siswa agar tujuan
pembelajaran dapat dicapai secara efektif dan efisien. Selanjutnya, dengan
mengutip pemikiran J. R David, Wina Senjaya (2008) menyebutkan bahwa dalam
strategi pembelajaran terkandung makna perencanaan. Artinya, bahwa strategi
pada dasarnya masih bersifat konseptual tentang keputusan-keputusan yang akan
diambil dalam suatu pelaksanaan pembelajaran.
Dilihat dari strateginya, pembelajaran dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam dua bagian
pula, yaitu: (1) exposition-discovery learning dan (2) group-individual learning
(Rowntree dalam Wina Senjaya, 2008).
Newman dan Logan (Abin Syamsuddin Makmun, 2003) mengemukakan
empat unsur strategi dari setiap usaha, yaitu :
1. Mengidentifikasi dan menetapkan spesifikasi dan kualifikasi hasil (out put) dan
sasaran (target) yang harus dicapai, dengan mempertimbangkan aspirasi dan selera
masyarakat yang memerlukannya.
2. Mempertimbangkan dan memilih jalan pendekatan utama (basic way) yang paling
efektif untuk mencapai sasaran.
3. Mempertimbangkan dan menetapkan langkah-langkah (steps) yang akan dtempuh
sejak titik awal sampai dengan sasaran.
4. Mempertimbangkan dan menetapkan tolok ukur (criteria) dan patokan ukuran
(standard) untuk mengukur dan menilai taraf keberhasilan (achievement) usaha.

Jika kita terapkan dalam konteks pembelajaran, keempat unsur tersebut adalah:

1) Menetapkan spesifikasi dan kualifikasi tujuan pembelajaran yakni perubahan profil

perilaku dan pribadi peserta didik.
2) Mempertimbangkan dan memilih sistem pendekatan pembelajaran yang dipandang
paling efektif.
3) Mempertimbangkan dan menetapkan langkah-langkah atau prosedur, metode dan
teknik pembelajaran.
4) Menetapkan norma-norma dan batas minimum ukuran keberhasilan atau kriteria dan
ukuran baku keberhasilan.

Macam-Macam Strategi Pembelajaran

Macam-macam strategi pembelajaran meliputi: Strategi Pembelajaran Ekspositori

(SPE), Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri (SPI), Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah
(SPBM), Strategi Pembelajaran Kooperatif (SPK), Stategi Pembelajaran Kontekstual
(CTL), Srategi Pembelajaran Afektif, Strategi Pembelajaran Kreatif Produk, Strategi
Pembelajaran Inkuiri ktif , Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek, Strategi Pembelajaran
Kuantum, Strategi Pembelajaran Siklus, Srategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer dan
Berbasis Elektronik (E-Learning), Strategi Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan
Berfikir (SPPKB).
Pengertian Metode Pembelajaran

Metode merupakan langkah operasional dari strategi pembelajaran yang dipilih dalam
mencapai tujuan belajar, sehingga bagi sumber belajar dalam menggunakan suatu metode
pembelajaran harus disesuaikan dengan jenis strategi yang digunakan. Ketepatan
penggunaan suatu metode akan menunjukkan fungsionalnya strategi dalam kegiatan

Berdasarkan pengertian tersebut di atas jelas bahwa pengertian Metode pada prinsipnya
sama yaitu merupakan suatu cara dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan, dalam hal ini dapat
menyangkut dalam kehidupan ekonomi, sosial, politik, maupun keagamaan. Unsur–unsur
metode dapat mencakup prosedur, sistimatik, logis, terencana dan aktivitas untuk
mencapai tujuan. Adapun metode dalam pembahasan ini yaitu metode yang digunakan
dalam proses pembelajaran. Pembelajaran dapat diartikan sebagai setiap upaya yang
sistimatik dan disengaja untuk menciptakan kondisi-kondisi agar kegiatan pembelajaran
dapat berjalan secara efektif dan efisien. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tersebut tidak
dapat lepas dari interaksi antara sumber belajar dengan warga belajar, sehingga untuk
melaksanakan interaksi tersebut diperlukan berbagai cara dalam pelaksanaannya.
Interaksi dalam pembelajaran tersebut dapat diciptakan interaksi satu arah, dua arah atau
banyak arah. Untuk masing-masing jenis interaksi tersebut maka jelas diperlukan
berbagai metode yang tepat sehingga tujuan akhir dari pembelajaran tersebut dapat

Metode dalam pembelajaran tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai cara untuk menyampaikan
materi saja, sebab sumber belajar dalam kegiatan pembelajaran mempunyai tugas
cakupan yang luas yaitu disamping sebagai penyampai informasi juga mempunyai tugas
untuk mengelola kegiatan pembelajaran sehingga warga belajar dapat belajar untuk
mencapai tujuan belajar secara tepat. Jadi, metode pembelajaran dapat diartikan sebagai
cara yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan rencana yang sudah disusun dalam
bentuk kegiatan nyata dan praktis untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran.

Strategi pembelajaran sifatnya masih konseptual dan untuk mengimplementasikannya

digunakan berbagai metode pembelajaran tertentu. Dengan kata lain, strategi merupakan
“a plan of operation achieving something” sedangkan metode adalah “a way in achieving
something” (Wina Senjaya (2008). Jadi, metode pembelajaran dapat diartikan sebagai
cara yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan rencana yang sudah disusun dalam
bentuk kegiatan nyata dan praktis untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Terdapat
beberapa metode pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan
strategi pembelajaran, diantaranya: (1) ceramah; (2) demonstrasi; (3) diskusi; (4)
simulasi; (5) laboratorium; (6) pengalaman lapangan; (7) brainstorming; (8) debat, (9)
simposium, dan sebagainya.

Macam-Macam Metode Pembelajaran

Metode pembelajaran di sini dapat diartikan sebagai cara yang digunakan untuk
mengimplementasikan rencana yang sudah disusun dalam bentuk kegiatan nyata dan
praktis untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Terdapat beberapa metode pembelajaran
yang dapat digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan strategi pembelajaran, diantaranya:

1. Metode Ceramah. Metode pembelajaran ceramah adalah penerangan secara lisan

atas bahan pembelajaran kepada sekelompok pendengar untuk mencapai tujuan
pembelajaran tertentu dalam jumlah yang relatif besar. Seperti ditunjukkan oleh
Mc Leish (1976), melalui ceramah, dapat dicapai beberapa tujuan. Dengan metode
ceramah, guru dapat mendorong timbulnya inspirasi bagi pendengarnya. Gage dan
Berliner (1981:457), menyatakan metode ceramah cocok untuk digunakan dalam
pembelajaran dengan ciri-ciri tertentu. Ceramah cocok untuk penyampaian bahan
belajar yang berupa informasi dan jika bahan belajar tersebut sukar didapatkan
2. Metode Diskusi. Metode pembelajaran diskusi adalah proses pelibatan dua orang
peserta atau lebih untuk berinteraksi saling bertukar pendapat, dan atau saling
mempertahankan pendapat dalam pemecahan masalah sehingga didapatkan
kesepakatan diantara mereka. Pembelajaran yang menggunakan metode diskusi
merupakan pembelajaran yang bersifat interaktif (Gagne & Briggs. 1979: 251).
3. Metode Demonstrasi. Metode pembelajaran demontrasi merupakan metode
pembelajaran yang sangat efektif untuk menolong siswa mencari jawaban atas
pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti: Bagaimana cara mengaturnya? Bagaimana proses
bekerjanya? Bagaimana proses mengerjakannya. Demonstrasi sebagai metode
pembelajaran adalah bilamana seorang guru atau seorang demonstrator (orang luar
yang sengaja diminta) atau seorang siswa memperlihatkan kepada seluruh kelas
sesuatau proses. Misalnya bekerjanya suatu alat pencuci otomatis, cara membuat
kue, dan sebagainya.
Kelebihan Metode Demonstrasi :
a. Perhatian siswa dapat lebih dipusatkan.
b. Proses belajar siswa lebih terarah pada materi yang sedang dipelajari.
c. Pengalaman dan kesan sebagai hasil pembelajaran lebih melekat dalam diri

Kelemahan metode Demonstrasi :

a. Siswa kadang kala sukar melihat dengan jelas benda yang diperagakan.
b. Tidak semua benda dapat didemonstrasikan.
c. Sukar dimengerti jika didemonstrasikan oleh pengajar yang kurang
menguasai apa yang didemonstrasikan.
4. Metode Ceramah Plus. Metode Pembelajaran Ceramah Plus adalah metode
pengajaran yang menggunakan lebih dari satu metode, yakni metode ceramah
yang dikombinasikan dengan metode lainnya. Ada tiga macam metode ceramah
plus, diantaranya yaitu:
a. Metode ceramah plus tanya jawab dan tugas
b. Metode ceramah plus diskusi dan tugas
c. Metode ceramah plus demonstrasi dan latihan (CPDL)
5. Metode Resitasi. Metode Pembelajaran Resitasi adalah suatu metode pengajaran
dengan mengharuskan siswa membuat resume dengan kalimat sendiri.
6. Metode Eksperimental. Metode pembelajaran eksperimental adalah suatu cara
pengelolaan pembelajaran di mana siswa melakukan aktivitas percobaan dengan
mengalami dan membuktikan sendiri suatu yang dipelajarinya. Dalam metode ini
siswa diberi kesempatan untuk mengalami sendiri atau melakukan sendiri dengan
mengikuti suatu proses, mengamati suatu obyek, menganalisis, membuktikan dan
menarik kesimpulan sendiri tentang obyek yang dipelajarinya.
7. Metode Study Tour (Karya wisata). Metode study tour Study tour (karya wisata)
adalah metode mengajar dengan mengajak peserta didik mengunjungi suatu objek
guna memperluas pengetahuan dan selanjutnya peserta didik membuat laporan
dan mendiskusikan serta membukukan hasil kunjungan tersebut dengan
didampingi oleh pendidik.
8. Metode Latihan Keterampilan. Metode latihan keterampilan (drill method) adalah
suatu metode mengajar dengan memberikan pelatihan keterampilan secara
berulang kepada peserta didik, dan mengajaknya langsung ketempat latihan
keterampilan untuk melihat proses tujuan, fungsi, kegunaan dan manfaat sesuatu
(misal: membuat tas dari mute). Metode latihan keterampilan ini bertujuan
membentuk kebiasaan atau pola yang otomatis pada peserta didik.
9. Metode Pengajaran Beregu. Metode pembelajaran beregu adalah suatu metode
mengajar dimana pendidiknya lebih dari satu orang yang masing-masing
mempunyai tugas. Biasanya salah seorang pendidik ditunjuk sebagai kordinator.
Cara pengujiannya, setiap pendidik membuat soal, kemudian digabung. Jika ujian
lisan maka setiapsiswa yang diuji harus langsung berhadapan dengan team
pendidik tersebut.
10. Peer Theaching Method. Metode Peer Theaching sama juga dengan mengajar
sesama teman, yaitu suatu metode mengajar yang dibantu oleh temannya sendiri.
11. Metode Pemecahan Masalah (problem solving method). Metode problem solving
(metode pemecahan masalah) bukan hanya sekadar metode mengajar, tetapi juga
merupakan suatu metode berpikir, sebab dalam problem solving dapat
menggunakan metode-metode lainnya yang dimulaidengan mencari data sampai
pada menarik kesimpulan. Metode problem solving merupakan metode yang
merangsang berfikir dan menggunakan wawasan tanpa melihat kualitas pendapat
yang disampaikan oleh siswa. Seorang guru harus pandai-pandai merangsang
siswanya untuk mencoba mengeluarkan pendapatnya.
12. Project Method. Project Method adalah metode perancangan adalah suatu metode
mengajar dengan meminta peserta didik merancang suatu proyek yang akan
diteliti sebagai obyek kajian.
13. Taileren Method. Teileren Method yaitu suatu metode mengajar dengan
menggunakan sebagian-sebagian,misalnya ayat per ayat kemudian disambung lagi
dengan ayat lainnya yang tentusaja berkaitan dengan masalahnya.
14. Metode Global (ganze method). Metode Global yaitu suatu metode mengajar
dimana siswa disuruh membaca keseluruhan materi, kemudian siswa meresume
apa yang dapat mereka serap atau ambil intisaridari materi tersebut

3. Bagaimana anda akan meng-handle siswa dalam jumlah besar?

Susan Renaud, Elizabeth Tennenbaum, dan Phillip Stantial berjudul Student-
Centered Teaching in Large Classes with Limited Resources (2007). Berikut
beberapa langkah praktis yang dapat dilakukan guru:
1) Awali pembelajaran dengan membuat kesepakatan kelas. Kesepakatan
kelas adalah tata tertib yang dibuat bersama siswa yang sebaiknya
dilakukan pada awal masa pembelajaran seperti awal semester.
Kesepakatan kelas adalah alternatif yang lebih efektif dan inklusif untuk
mengganti ‘gaya lama’ dimana guru atau sekolah menyusun peraturan dan
tata tertib yang harus diikuti oleh seluruh siswa dimana siswa tidak
dilibatkan dalam penyusunannya. Kesepakatan kelas merupakan
kesepakatan yang dibuat bersama-sama murid dan guru.
2) Diskusikan bersama siswa tentang mengapa harus belajar dan menguasai
Bahasa Inggris. Hal ini sebaiknya dilakukan pada awal semester. Beri
motivasi untuk aktif di kelas. Sepakati sikap-sikap positif yang harus siswa
terapkan ketika belajar misalnya percaya diri, tidak takut untuk berbicara,
atau tidak menganggap membuat kesalahan dalam berbahasa Inggris
sebagai sebuah hal yang memalukan. Beri apresiasi kepada siswa sesudah
melakukan sesuatu yang positif.
3) Terapkan kebiasaan-kebiasaan dalam mengelola kelas. Hal ini penting
dilakukan agar waktu belajar tidak banyak terbuang hanya untuk
menenangkan kelas. Misalnya, untuk meminta perhatian siswa, sepakati
dengan siswa ketika suasana kelas sedang gaduh atau tidak kondusif, guru
mengangkat tangan dan siswa akan ikut mengangkat tangan dan berhenti
melakukan aktifitas lainnya untuk memerhatikan guru. Trik tadi dapat
diganti dengan membunyikan lonceng kecil atau tepuk tangan ritmik yang
diikuti oleh siswa.
4) Hindari mengabsen siswa satu-persatu. Menanyakan kepada siswa siapa
yang tidak hadir akan lebih efisi
5) Gunakan ‘kartu nama’ untuk mengingat nama siswa satu-persatu. Trik ini
efektif dilakukan pada awal semester untuk cepat mengingat nama siswa.
6) Terapkan tutor sebaya (peer mentor). Berdayakan siswa dengan tingkat
kemampuan yang tinggi untuk mendampingi siswa dengan tingkat
kemampuan yang lebih rendah.
7) Siapkan satu worksheet untuk masing-masing kelompok atau pasangan.
Cara ini membantu menghemat kertas dan membantu guru agar tidak
kewalahan dengan jumlah worksheet yang banyak. Cara ini juga
mendorong siswa agar terbiasa berdiskusi dalam proses pembelajara
8) Berikan instruksi dengan jelas dan mudah dimengerti. Tanyakan kepada
siswa apakah instruksi sudah dipahami dengan jelas. Dorong mereka untuk
bertanya apabila ada yang belum dipahami
9) Kelompokkan siswa dengan siswa lain yang berdekatan. Jika kelompok
bersifat homogen, ganti beberapa anggota kelompok dengan kelompok lain
agar setiap kelompok heterogen.
10) Ubah tempat duduk siswa setelah beberapa pertemuan. Cara ini dapat
merubah suasana kelas agar tidak monoton sekaligus memberi kesempatan
bagi siswa untuk berkelompok dengan siswa yang berbeda-beda
11) Awali kegiatan kelompok dengan kegiatan singkat dan sederhana. Cara ini
bertujuan agar siswa dalam kelompok menyesuaikan diri terlebih dahulu
untuk aktifitas yang lebih kompleks.
12) Terapkan beberapa model pembelajaran kooperatif. Langkah ini dapat
mendorong seluruh siswa terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran.
13) Manfaatkan media atau realia yang relevan dan otentik. Minta siswa
membawa benda-benda yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media
pembelajaran. Potongan berita di koran atau majalah juga dapat digunakan.
14) Posisikan diri semakin menjauh ketika siswa yang diminta untuk berbicara
suaranya terlalu kecil. Hal ini penting dilakukan agar siswa tersebut
mengeraskan suaranya agar siswa lainnya dapat mendengar. Hal ini perlu
diingat, karena biasanya reaksi spontan guru ketika siswa tidak berbicara
dengan cukup keras biasanya akan mendekati siswa tersebut sehingga
siswa lainnya akan semakin tidak mendengarkan apa yang disampaikan
siswa tersebut. Trik ini efektif diterapkan bagi siswa yang tidak cukup
percaya diri untuk berbicara di kelas.
15) Dorong siswa untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggris secara optimal selama
kegiatan pembelajaran. Hindari mewajibkan atau memaksa mereka untuk
menggunakan bahasa Inggris karena justru mengakibatkan siswa yang
kurang percaya diri atau takut membuat kesalahan memilih diam dan
menjadi kontraproduktif.
16) Terapkan pembelajaran reflektif. Ini bertujuan agar seluruh siswa dapat
mengukur sejauh mana mereka telah memahami apa yang sudah dipelajari
dan mengetahui apa yang belum mereka lakukan secara optimal. Mengisi
tabel KWL (What I Know, What I Want to know, dan What I Learned)
pada awal dan akhir pembelajaran dapat dilakukan siswa untuk melatih
mereka belajar reflektif.

4. Bagaimana pendapat anda mengenai punishment dan rewards? Kapan

seorang guru perlu memberikan punishment and rewards?
Menurut Sabartiningsih (2018) reward adalah suatu cara yang dilakukan oleh
seseorang untuk memberikan suatu penghargaan kepada seseorang karena sudah
mengerjakan suatu hal yang benar, sehingga seseorang itu bisa semangat lagi
dalam mengerjakan tugas tertentu dan lebih termotivasi dalam melakukan sesuatu
hal yang lainnya serta lebih baik prosesnya sehingga seseorang tersebut mampu
mencapai keberhasilan dari suatu hal yang ia kerjakan. Punishment adalah
tindakan yang diberikan oleh pendidik terhadap anak didik yang telah melakukan
kesalahan, dengan tujuan agar anak didik tidak akan mengulanginya lagi dan akan
memperbaiki kesalahan yang telah diperbuat. Suatu hukuman itu pantas diberikan
kepada sisiwa bilaman nestapa yang ditimbulkan itu mempunyai nilai positif dan
Kompri (2016: 291) punishment diartikan sebagai hukuman atau sanksi.
Punishment biasanya dilakukan ketika apa yang menjadi target tertentu tidak
tercapai, atau ada perilaku anak yang tidak sesuai dengan norma-norma yang
diyakini oleh sekolah tersebut. Jika reward merupakan bentuk reinforcement yang
positif; maka punishment sebagai bentuk reinforcement yang negatif, tetapi kalau
diberikan secara tepat dan bijak bisa menjadi alat motivasi bagi siswa. Pendidikan
di Indonesia sangat erat kaitannya dengan reward and punishment dalam
kaitannya dengan pembelajaran dan kedisiplinan guru menerapkan metode untuk
memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar lebih patuh dan tertib terhadap segala
peraturan yang diterapkan di sekolah. Salah satukebutuhan yang dimiliki siswa
adalah kebutuhan penghargaan yang terdapat dalam kebutuhan intelektual.
Kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
penghargaan dalam pembelajaran yaitu dengan cara memberikan reward and
The use of punishment and reward will bring forth:
1) Useful result in the learning process of the students.
2) Punishment can effectively eliminate an undesirable responses.
3) In learning it is most effective to reward or punish the student
immediately after the desired response occur.
4) The more reinforcement is delayed the less effective it becomes.
5. Berikan contoh jenis punishment and rewards yang akan anda berikan
untuk peserta didik.
 Reward adalah penilaian yang bersifat positif terhadap gaya dan tingkah
belajar peserta didik. Reward yang diberikan kepada peserta didik bentuknya
Menurut Najamudin reward dapat dibedakan menjadi empat macam, yaitu:
1) Pujian. Pujian adalah satu bentuk ganjaran yang paling mudah dilakukan,
karena hanya berupa kata-kata seperti baik sekali, bagus, atau dapat berupa
kata-kata yang bersifat sugestif “Lain kali hasilnya pasti akan lebih bagus
lagi” dan sebagainya.
2) Penghormatan. Reward (ganjaran) yang berupa penghormatan ini dapat
berbentuk dua macam pula. Pertama, berbentuk semacam penobatan, yaitu
anak yang mendapat ganjaran mendapat kehormatan diumumkan dan
ditampilkan di hadapan teman-temannya sekelas atau sesekolah. Kedua,
penghormatan yang berbentuk kekuasaan/kesempatan untuk melakukan
sesuatu, misalnya, kepada anak yang berhasil menyelesaikan tugas/PR
yang sulit, disuruh mengerjakannya di papan tulis supaya dilihat teman-
3) Hadiah. Hadiah ialah reward yang diberikan dalam bentuk barang, dapat
berupa barang atau alat-alat keperluan sekolah seperti: pensil, buku tulis,
pulpen, penggaris dan sebagainya atau dapat berbentuk barang-barang
yang lain seperti: kaos, baju, handuk, alat permainan dan sebagainya.
Ganjaran dalam bentuk barang ini sering mendatangkan pengaruh negatif
dalam belajar yaitu peserta didik belajar bukannya karena ingin mengejar
pengetahuan, tetapi semata-mata karena ingin mendapatkan hadiah,
akibatnya apabila dalam belajar tidak memperoleh hadiah maka peserta
didik menjadi malas belajarnya.
4) Tanda penghargaan. Tanda penghargaan adalah bentuk reward yang bukan
dalam bentuk barang tetapi dalam surat keterangan atau sertifikat sebagai
simbol tanda penghargaan yang diberikan atas prestasi yang dicapai oleh
peserta didik. Tanda penghargaan ini sering disebut reward simbolis. Pada
umumnya reward simbolis ini besar sekali pengaruhnya terhadap
kehidupan pribadi anak sehingga dapat menjadi pendorong bagi
perkembangan peserta didik selanjutnya
 Pemberian hukuman adalah cara terakhir yang harus dilakukan oleh guru
atau orang tua untuk menegakkan disiplin anak. Hukuman diberikan
kepada anak sebagai ganjaran atas kesalahannya yang berulang, yang
sebelumnya sudah diberitahu bahwa hal itu tidak boleh dilakukan, telah
pernah ditegur, serta sudah pernah mendapat peringatan supaya kesalahan
itu tidak diulangi. Hukuman yang diberikan kepada anak dapat membentuk
anak menjadi orang yang konsisten dengan Sebuah perjanjian, karena pada
dasarnya adalahsebuah konsekuensi dari perjanjian yang kita buat bersama
dengan anak. Makna hukuman yang kita berikan kepada anak harus kita
pahami bahwa hukuman bukanlah untuk memuaskan nafsu dan emosi
orang tua atau guru, ketika anak berbuat kesalahan, dan setelah emosi kita
luntur maka berakhirlah hukuman yang kita berikan kepada anak.
Jenis-jenis punishment yang bisa diberikan adalah (a) Di panggil ke
ruang Kepala Sekolah untuk diberikan nasehat (b) memberikan anak tugas
bersih-bersih, (c) menyuruh anak meminta maaf kepada orang yang
bersangkutan, (c) menyuruh anak mengerjakan tugas, (d) menyuruh anak
berjanji untuk tidak mengulangi kesalahannya, (e) menyuruh anak
menulis, (f)tidak menghiraukan siswa ketika siswa melakukan kesalahan

6. Bagaimanakah kriteria kedisiplinan dalam kelas menurut anda?

Agus Wibowo dalam bukunya Pendidikan Karakter Strategi Membangun Karakter
Bangsa Berperadaban mengemukakan indikator kedisiplinan belajar siswa adalah:
1) Membiasakan hadir tepat waktu
2) Membiasakan mematuhi aturan
Arikunto membagi tiga macam indikator kedisiplinan belajar siswa, yaitu:
1) Kedisiplinan di dalam kelas, meliputi :
a. Absensi (kehadiran di sekolah / kelas)
b. Memperhatikan guru pada saat menjelaskan pelajaran (mencatat,
memperhatikan, membaca buku pelajaran)
c. Mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan guru
d. Membawa peralatan belajar (buku tulis, alat tulis, buku paket)
2) Kedisiplinan di luar kelas di lingkungan sekolah, meliputi:
a. memanfaatkan waktu luang / istirahat untuk belajar (membaca
buku di perpustakaan, berdiskusi/ bertanya dengan teman tentang
pelajaran yang kurang dipahami
3) Kedisiplinan di rumah, meliputi:
a. Memiliki jadwal belajar
b. Mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah yang diberikan guru.
Menurut Tulus Tu’u indikator kedisiplinan belajar siswa ialah :
a. mengatur waktu dirumah
b. rajin dan teratur belajar
c. perhatian yang baik saat belajar di kelas
d. ketertiban diri saat belajar dikelas.

7. Jelaskan bagaimana upaya anda mendisiplinkan peserta didik di kelas!

Kedisiplinan belajar siswa erat hubungannya dengan kewibawaan guru seperti
yang dikemukakan oleh Ria Novita Sari yang mengatakan bahwa ada hubungan
yang erat antara kewibawaan yang dimiliki oleh guru dengan kedisiplinan belajar
siswa. karena Guru yang memiliki kewibawaan tidak akan sulit untuk
mendisiplinkan siswa. Sebaliknya guru yang tidak memiliki kewibawaan akan
lebih sulit untuk mendisiplinkan siswanya.
Hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat Mulyasa yang mengatakan bahwa kewibawaan
guru memiliki hubungan dengan kedisiplinan belajar siswa. Hal ini dikarenakan
dalam mendisiplinkan siswa harus dimulai dengan pribadi guru yang memiliki
kewibawaan, kita tidak bisa berharap banyak dari pribadi guru yang kurang
memiliki kewibawaan. Oleh karena itu, sekaranglah saatnya kita membina
kedisiplinan siswa dengan pribadi guru yang memiliki kewibawaan.
Menurut Mudasir, dalam proses pembelajaran kewibawaan guru memiliki
hubungan dengan kedisiplinan belajar siswa, guru menjadi manutan bagi para
siswa, apa yang dilakukan guru akan ditiru oleh siswa.

Lucien B Kinney (Mulyani S. Sumantri, 1987: 10) telah mengadakan studi

tentang pembinaan disiplin di kelas, menyatakan disiplin dapat ditingkatkan
• Mengadakan perencanaan secara kooperatif denga siswa
• Mengembangkan kepemimpinan dan tanggung jawab kepada siswa
• Membina organisasi dan prosedur di kelas secara demokratis,
mengorganisir kegiatan kelompok oleh siswa, memberi kesempatan untuk
• Memberi kesempatan berfikir kritis dan punya ide sendiri, terutama dalam
mengemukakan dan menerima pendapat
• Memberikan kesempatan berpartisipasi secara luas dalam berbagai
kegiatan edukatif sesuai dengan kesanggupan siswa itu sendiri.
• Menciptakan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan sikap yang dikehendaki
secara psikologis, sosiologis dan biologis.

Guru memiliki peran aktif dalam menegendalikan berbagai perilaku yang tidak
disiplin dan menanamkan kebiasaan siswa dengan perilaku yang disiplin.
Meningkatkan anjuran atau perintah untuk mentaati berbagai peraturan serta
memberi sanksi yang tegas bagi siswa yang melanggar kedisiplinan.

Pedoman tata tertib kedisiplinan belajar siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di

Sekolah meliputi:

1) Siswa harus hadir pada waktu jam pelajaran yang diterapkan selambat-
lambatnya 15 menit sebelum waktu belajar dimulai
2) Siswa yang terlambat tidak dibenarkan masuk kelas sebelum mendapat
izin dari guru piket yang bertugas
3) Siswa dikarenakan suatu sebab (berhalangan tidak masuk sekolah) harus
dapat menunjukkan surat keterangan sakit dari dokter / izin dari orang
tua /wali kepada kepala sekolah atau wali kelas
4) Siswa harus membuang sampah di tempat yang disediakan di depan kelas
5) Siswa harus menyusun kursi, meja dan alat lainnya dengan rapi
6) Siswa tidak diperkenankan keluar masuk kelas tanpa seizin guru yang
mengajar selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung
7) Siswa tidak diperbolehkan memakai perhiasan
8) Siswa hendaknya mempunyai sopan santun kepada guru baik di kelas
maupun di luar kelas
C. Language Assessment
1. What is the difference between testing and assessing?
Jawab :
 a test is a method of measuring person’s ability, knowledge, or
performance in a given domain (can be subject or sub-subject). Some test
measure general ability and others focus on specific competence.
 Assessment refers to any of the procedures teachers use to assess their
students’ to determine the effectiveness of their teaching and the material
they use. A test is one form of assessment, refers to procedures used to
measure a learners’ learning at a specific point in time, and often involves
collecting information in numerical form. Common forms of tests are, for
example, multiple choice questions and gap-fill or cloze tests.
The difference Test Assessment
When are they done? Tests are done at Assessments, on the other
identifiable times in a hand, can be done at any
curriculum. Typically, time. Teachers may do
they are conducted at the assessments during
end of a unit, at the end instructional activities,
of a semester, or at the after a lesson, after they
end of a year. Yearly teach a specific skill, or at
tests are usually done in the same time tests are
public schools to ensure done
that all students around
the country are learning
the same information at
the same rate
Are they required? In many places, tests are Assessment, in the other
required by regulations hand are not usually
or laws, the national required by regulations or
examination. Even in laws. Assessment are used
home schools, tests are informally by teachers so
still required to prove to they can keep track of
a state that a student what students understand
knows a particular level and what areas and
of information. subjects they might need to
spend more attention on.
Different formats Tests usually follow a Assessments might require
general format, where a student to answer
questions are asked and questions, or they might be
students answer them. a teacher talking to a
They might be essay student about what they
questions, multiple- know. They could also be a
choice questions, fill-in- teacher's observation of a
the-blank questions, and student working or talking
so on about a subject, graded
assignments, presentations
or classwork that helps a
teacher get an idea of what
a student knows and
doesn't know
Different results Testing might show the However, an assessment
student's ability to done informally might
memorize facts and show that a student
figures, instead of a true actually understands facts
understanding of those and figures, or a specific
facts and figures. process. Students who
don’t score well on formal
A good teacher will use
tests, due to anxiety, might
both assessments and
still understand what they
tests so she can know
are being tested on
whether a student fails a
test because he isn't a
good test taker, or
whether he really doesn't
know the material

2. Why should teachers know about assessment?

Yesterday’s Answer Today’s Answer

 To diagnose students’ strengths and  To influence the public’s perceptions
weakness of educational effectiveness
 Students’ weakness can be the focus  To see how certain schools are ranked
of future instructions. in comparison to other schools.
 Students’ strengths can be the reason  The public’s perceptions should
for teachers to avoid wasteful impact on classroom instruction and
instruction (carrying coal to classroom assessment.
Newcastle).  To help evaluate teachers
 To monitor students’ progress  Students’ test performance holds
 If the progress is satisfactory, then teachers accountable
the teachers don’t need to make  Students’ test performance
instructional changes; and vice determines tenure, promotion or
versa merit raise.
 To Assign grades  To clarify teacher’s instructional
 Assessment can be used to record intentions
students’ accomplishment  Assessment can be used to clarify
 Used appropriately, the results can what is to be sought by the teachers
be used to motivate students. instructionally
 To determine one’s instructional  Tests should not be instructional
effectiveness afterthought (reflection). Rather, they
 Effectiveness can be measured should be prepared prior to
through pretest-posttest. instructional planning in order for the
 Students’ test performance can be help teacher to better understand what is
infer whether teachers should retain, being sought of students and,
alter or totally discard their current therefore, what to incorporate in
instructional procedures. instructional activities for students.

3. Please explain the different types of assessment (Alternatively, ask about:

formal and informal assessment; formative and summative assessment;
non referenced and criterion referenced assessment).
a) Formal and informal
 Formal assessment are the systematic, data-based tests that measure what
and how well the students have learned. Formal assessment determines the
students’ proficiency or mastery of the content, and can be used for
comparisons against certain standards. For example:
1) Standardized tests
2) Criterion referenced tests
3) Norm referenced tests
4) Achievement tests
5) Aptitude tests
 Informal assessment are those spontaneous forms of assessment that can
easily be incorporated in the day-to-day classroom activities and that measure
the students’ performance and progress. Informal assessments are content and
performance driven. For example:
1) Checklist
2) Observation
3) Portofolio
4) Time sampling
5) Event sampling
b) Formative and summative
 Summative assessments are assessment whose goal is to evaluate student
learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some
standard or benchmark. They are often high stakes, which means that they
have a high-point value. Examples of summative assessments include: a
midterm exam, a final project, and a paper. Information from summative
assessments can be used when students or faculty use it to guide their efforts
and activities in subsequent courses
 Formative assessments are the one whose goal is to monitor student
learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to
improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. Formative
assessments are generally low stakes, which means that they have low or no-
point value. Examples of formative assessments include asking students to:
1) draw a concept map in class
2) to represent their understanding of a topic
3) identifying the main point of a lecture
c) Norm- referenced and criterion referenced assessment.
 Norm-referenced tests compare a person’s knowledge or skills to the
knowledge or skills of the norm group. The norm group is often a nationally
representative sample of several thousand students in the same grade. Norm
groups may also be further narrowed by age, English Language Learner
(ELL) status, socioeconomic level, race/ethnicity, or many other
characteristics. The goal of these tests is to rank each student with respect to
the achievement of others in broad areas of knowledge; to discriminate
between high and low achievers.
 Criterion-referenced tests compare a person’s knowledge or skills against a
predetermined criterion (such as learning goal and performance level). Here,
each person’s performance is compared directly to the standard, without
considering how other students perform on the test. Criterion-referenced tests
often place students into categories, such as basic, proficient, and advanced.
The goal of these tests is to determine whether each student has achieved
specific skills or concepts; to find out how much they know before instruction
begins and after it has finished.

4. What are the fundamental principles of language assessment?

(Alternatively, ask a specific question about: practicality, reliability,
validity, authenticity, and washback)
1) Practicality
An effective test is practical. This means that it:
 Is not excessively expensive,
 Stays within appropriate time contraints,
 Is relatively easy to administer, and
 Has a scoring/evaluation procedure that is specific and time-
2) Reliability
A reliable test is consistent and dependable. If you give the same
student or matched students on two different occasions, the test should
yield similar result. The issue of reliability of a test may best be
addresed by considering a number of factors that may contribute to the
unreliability of a test. Consider the following possibilities (adapted
from mousavi, 2002, p. 804): flucation in the student, in scoring, in the
test it self.
3) Validity
Validity is the extent to which infereces made from assessment resutl
are appropriate, meaningful, and useful in terms of the purpose of
assessment (gronlund, 1998, p. 226). A valid test of:
 Reading ability -> vision nos previous knowledge in subject,
not some other variable of questionable relevance.
 Writting ability -> write many word in 15 minutes.
4) Authenticity
Authenticity is the degree of correspondence of the characteristics of a
given language test task to the featuress of a target language task, and
then suggest an agenda for identifying those target language tasks an
for trasnsforming them into valid test items. In a test, authenticity may
be present in the following ways:
 The language in the test is a natural possible.
 Item ara contextualized rather than isolated.
 Topics are meaningful (relevant, interesting) for the learner.
 Some thematic organization to items is provided, such as
throught a story line or episode.
 Tasks represent, or closely approximate, real-word tasks.
5) Washback
5. What is language aptitude test? What is language proficiency test? What
language placement test? What is language agnostic test? What is
language achievement?
1) Language aptitude test
One types of test is a language aptitude tests. That test is designed to
measure capacity or general ability to learn a foreign language and
ultimate success in that undertaking. Two standardizes aptitude tests
have been used in the United States: the Modern Language Aptitude
Test MLAT and the Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery PLAB. Both
of are English language tests and require students to perform a number
of language related tasks. The MLAT, for example, consists of five
different tasks.
 Number learning
 Phonetic script
 Spelling clues
 Words in sentences
 Paired associates
2) Language proficiency test
A proficiency test is not limited to any one course,curriculum, or single
skill in the language. Rather, it tests overall ability. Proficiency tests
have traditionally consisted of standradized multiple choice items on
grammar,vocabulary,reading comprehension, and aural
comprehension. A typical example of a standardized proficiency test is
the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
3) Language placement test
Certain proficiency tests can act in the role of placement test, the
purpose of which is to place a student into a particular level or section
of language curriculum or a school. Placement tests come in many
varieties such as: assessing comprehension, and production,
responding, through written and oral performance, open ended and
limited responses, depending on the nature of a program and its needs
4) Language diagnostic test
A diagnostic test is designed to diagnose specified aspects of a
language. A test in pronunciation, for example, might diagnose the
phonological features of English that are difficult for learners and
sholud therefore become part of
a curriculum. A typical diagnostic test of oral production was created
by Clifford prator 1972 to accompany a manual of English
pronunciation. After multiple listenings, the administrator produces a
checklist of error in five separate categories, each of which has several
subcategories. The main categories include:
 Stress and rhythm
 Intonation
 Vowels
 Consonants and
 Other factors
5) Language achievement
An achievement test is reated directly to classroom lessons, units, or
even a total curriculum. Achievement test are often summative because
they are administered at the end of a unit of term of study. They also
play an important formative role. An effective achievement test will
offer washback about the quality of a learner's performance in subsets
of the unit or course. The specifications for an achievement test should
be determined by:
 The objectives of the lesson, unit, or course being assessed
 The relative importance or weight assigned to each objective
 The tasks employed in classroom lessons during the unit of
 Practicality issues, such as the time frame for the test and
turnaround time
 The extent to which the test structure lends itself to formative
6. What do you know about scoring and grading? Please give an illustration
of grading and scoring in, for example, English writing assessment or test.
7. How will you assess students’ speaking skills?

Micro and Macro skill of speaking

Micro Skills Macro skills

1. Produce differences among English 1. Appropriately accomplish
phonemes and allophonic variants. communicative functions according to
2. Produce chunks of language of different situations, participants, and goals.
lengths. 2. Use appropriate styles, registers,
3. Produce English stress patterns, words in implicature, redundancies, pragmatic
stressed and unstressed positions conventions, conversation rules, floor-
rhythmic structure, and intonation keeping and -yielding, interrupting and
contours. other sociolinguistic features in face-to-
4. Produce reduced forms of words and face conversations.
phrases 3. Convey links and connections between
5. Use an adequate number of lexical units events and communicate such relations
(words) to accomplish pragmatic as focal and peripheral ideas, events and
purposes. feelings, new information and given
6. Produce fluent speech at different rates information, generalization and
of delivery. exemplification.
7. Monitor one's own oral production and 4. Convey facial features, kinesics, body
use various strategic devices-pauses, language, and other nonverbal cues
fillers, self-corrections, backtracking-to along with verbal language.
enhance the clarity of the message 5. Develop and use a battery of speaking
8. Use grammatical word classes (nouns, strategies, such as emphasizing key
verbs, etc), systems (e.g. tense, words, rephrasing, providing a context
agreement, pluralization), word order, for interpreting the meaning of words,
patterns, rules, and elliptical forms. appealing for help, and accurately
9. Produce speech in natural constituents: assessing how well your interlocutor is
in appropriate phrases, pause groups, understanding you.
breath groups, and sentence constituents.
10. Express a particular meaning in
different grammatical forms.Use
cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

There are 4 categories in assessing speaking performance:

1. Intensive
Intensive is the production of short stretches of oral language designed to
demonstrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or
phonological relationships (such as prosodic elements-intonation, stress, rhythm,
juncture). The speaker must be aware of semantic properties in order to be able to
respond, but interaction with an interlocutor or test administrator is minimal at best.
Designing assessment tasks:
1) Directed Response Tasks
In this type of task, the test administrator elicits a particular grammatical form
or a transformation of a sentence. Such tasks are clearly mechanical and not
communicative, but they do require minimal processing of meaning in order to
produce the correct grammatical output.
2) Read-Aloud Tasks
Intensive reading-aloud tasks include reading beyond the sentence level up to
a paragraph or two. This technique is easily administered by selecting a passage
that incorporates test specs and by recording the test-taker's output; the scoring is
relatively easy because all of the test-taker's oral production is controlled.
Because of the results of research on the PhonePass test, reading aloud may
actually be a surprisingly strong indicator of overall oral production ability.
3) Sentence/Dialogue Completion Tasks and Oral Questionnaires
Another technique for targeting intensive aspects of language requires test-
takers to read dialogue in which one speaker's lines have been omitted. Test-
takers are first given time to read through the dialogue to get its gist and to think
about appropriate lines to fill in. Then as the teacher, or test administrator
produces one part orally, the test-taker responds. An advantage of this technique
lies in its moderate control of the output of the test-taker. While individual
variations in responses are accepted, the technique tap into a learner's ability to
discern expectancies in a conversation and to produce sociolinguistic correct
4) Picture-Cued Tasks
One of the more popular ways to elicit oral language performance at both
intensive and extensive levels is a picture-cued stimulus that requires a
description from the test- taker. Scoring responses on picture-cued intensive
speaking tasks varies, depending on the expected performance criteria.
5) Translation (of Limited Stretches of Discourse)
Translation is a meaningful communicative device in contexts where the
English user is called on to be an interpreter. Also, translation is a well-proven
communication strategy for learners of a second language. Under certain
constraints, then, it is not far-fetched to suggest translation as a device to check
oral production. As an assessment procedure, the advantages of translation lie in
its control of the output of the test-taker, which of course means that scoring is
more easily specified.
2. Responsive
Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test comprehension but at
the somewhat limited level of very short conversations, standard greetings and small
talk, simple requests and comments, and the like. Assessment of responsive tasks
involves brief interactions with an interlocutor, differing from intensive tasks in the
increased creativity given to the test-taker and from interactive tasks by the somewhat
limited length of utterances.
Designing assessment tasks:
1) Question and Answer
Question-and-answer tasks can consist of one or two questions from an
interviewer, or they can make up a portion of a whole battery of questions and
prompts in an oral interview. They can vary from simple questions like "What is
this called in English?" to complex questions like "What are the steps
governments should take, if any, to stem the rate of deforestation in tropical
countries?" The first question is intensive in its purpose; it is a display question
intended to elicit a predetermined response. Questions at the responsive level tend
to be genuine referential questions in which the test-taker is given more
opportunity to produce meaningful language in response.
2) Giving Instructions and Directions
We are all called on in our daily routines to read instructions on how to
operate an appliance or how to put a bookshelf together. Using such a stimulus in
an assessment context provides an opportunity for the test-taker to engage in a
relatively extended stretch of discourse, to be very clear and specific, and to use
appropriate discourse markers and connectors.
The technique is simple: the administrator poses the problem, and the test-
taker responds. Scoring is based primarily on comprehensibility and secondarily
on other specified grammatical or discourse categories.
3) Paraphrasing
Another type of assessment task that can be categorized as responsive asks the
test- taker to read or hear a limited number of sentences (perhaps two to five) and
duce a paraphrase of the sentence. For example: A more authentic context for
paraphrase is aurally receiving and orally relaying a message.
4) Test of spoken English (TSE)
The TSE is a 20-minute audiotaped test of oral language ability with academic
or professional environment. TSE scores are used by many North American
institutions of higher education to select international teaching assistants. The
tasks on the TSE are designed to elicit oral production in various discourse
categories rather than in selected phonological, grammatical, or lexical targets.
3. Interactive
Interaction can take the two forms of transactional language, which has the purpose of
exchanging specific information. or interpersonal exchanges, which have the purpose
of maintaining social relationships.
Designing assessment tasks:
1) Interview
A test administrator and a test-taker sit down in a direct face-to-face exchange
and proceed through a protocol of questions and directives. Four level stages:
a. Warm-up, preliminary small talk to make test-taker become comfortable
with the situation. No coring of this phrase takes place.
b. Level check, a series of preplanned questions.
c. Probe, probe questions and prompts challenge test-takers to go to their
heights of their ability, to extend beyond the limits of the interviewer’s
expectation, through increasingly difficult questions.
d. Wind-down, a final phase of interview. No scoring for this part.
2) Role Play
 It frees students to be somewhat creative in their linguistic output. In
some versions, role play allows some rehearsal time so that students can
map out what they are going to say. It is also has the effect of lowering
anxieties as students can, even for few moments, take on the persona of
someone other than themselves.
 The test administrator must determine the assessment objectives of the
role play then devise a scoring technique that appropriately pinpoints
those objectives.
3) Discussion and Conversation
Discussion may be especially appropriate tasks through which elicit and observe
such abilities:
 Topic nomination, maintenance, and termination.
 Attention getting, interrupting, control.
 Clarifying, questioning, paraphrasing.
 Comprehension signals.
 Negotiating meaning.
 Intonation patterns for pragmatic effect.
 Kinesics, eye contact, proxemics, body language.
 Politeness, and other sociolinguistics factors.
4) Games
Assessment games:
 Tinkertoy game
 Crossword puzzles
 Information gap
 City maps

As assessments, the key is to specify a set of criteria and a reasonably practical

and reliable scoring method.

5) ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)

 Originally known as the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) test.
 In a series of the structured tasks, the OPI is carefully designed to elicit
pronunciation, fluency and integrative ability, sociolinguistic and cultural
knowledge, grammar and vocabulary.
 Voldman (1988) summed up the complaint: “The OPI forces test-takers
into a closed system where, because the interviewer in endowed with full
social control, they are unable to negotiate a social world…. In short, the
OPI can only inform us how learners can deal with an artificial social
imposition rather than enabling us to predict how they would be likely to
manage authentic linguistic interactions with target language native
4. Extensive (monologue)
Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral presentations, and story-telling,
during which the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited
(perhaps to nonverbal responses) or ruled out altogether.
Designing assessment tasks:
1) Oral Presentations
The rules for effective assessment must be involved:
 Specify the criterion
 Set appropriate tasks
 Elicit optimal output
 Establish practical, reliable scoring process
 For oral presentation, a checklist or grid is a common means of scoring or
evaluation. The wash back effect of a such checklist can be enhanced by
written comments from the teacher, a conference with the teacher, peer
evaluation using the same form, and self-assessment.
2) Picture-Cued Storytelling
It considers a picture or a series of pictures as a stimulus for a longer story
3) Retelling a Story, News Event [L, R, S]
 Test-taker hear or read a story or news event that they are asked to retell.
 The objectives in assigning is listening, comprehension of the original to
production of a number of oral discourse features (sequences and
relationship of events, stress and emphasis pattern), fluency, and
interaction with the hearer.
 Scoring should meet the intended criteria.
4) Translation (of Extended Prose)
 The longer texts are presented for the test-taker to read in the native
language and then translate into English. Those texts could come in many
forms: dialogue, directions for assembly product, a synopsis of a story,
 The advantage: control the content, vocabulary, and the grammatical and
discourse features.
 Disadvantage: the translation of longer texts is highly specialized skill for
which some individuals obtain post-baccalaureate degrees!
 Criteria of scoring should take into account not only the purpose of
stimulating a translation but the possibility of errors that are unrelated to
oral production ability.

8. How will you assess students’ writing skills?

Micro and Macro skill of writing

Micro Skills Macro skills

1. Produces graphemes and ortographic 1. Use the rhetorical forms and conventions
pattern of English. of written discourse.
2. Produce writing at an efficient rate of 2. Accomplish appropriately the
speedsuit the purpose. communicative functions of written text
3. Produsce an acceptable core of words according to form and purpose.
and use appropiate word order patterns. 3. Convey links and connections between
4. Use grammatical system. events and communicate such relations as
5. Express a particular meaning in main idea, supporting idea, new
different grammatical forms. information, given information,
6. Use cohesive devices in written generalization, and exemplification.
discourse. 4. Correctly convey culturally specific
references in the context of the written
5. Develop and use a battery of writing ,
using prewriting devices, writing with
fluency in the first drafts, using
paraphrases and synonyms,soliciting peer
and instructor feedback, and using
feedback for revising and editing.

There are 4 categories in assessing Writing performance:

1. Imitative
To produce written language, the learner must attain skills in the fundamental, basic
tasks of writing letters, words, punctuation, and very brief sentences. The user can
demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the presentation and make it into a
film to be used in a wider field The user can demonstrate on a projector
Designing assessment tasks:
1) Copying.
There is nothing innovative or modern about directing a test-taker to
copy letters or words. The test-taker will see something like the
following :
2) Listening cloze selection tasks.
These tasks combine dictation with a written script that has a relatively frequent
deletion ratio (every fourth or fifth word, perhaps). Probes look like this:

3) Picture-cued taskes.
Familiar pictures are displayed, and test-takers are told to write the word that
the picture represents. Assuming no ambiguity in identifying the picture (cat, hat,
chair, table, etc.), no reliance is made on aural comprehension for successful
completion of the task.
4) Form completion tasks.
A variation on pictures is the use of a simple for (registration, application, etc.)
that asks for name, address, phone number, and others data. Assuming, of course,
that prior classroom instruction has focused on filling data such forms, this task
becomes an appropriate assessment of simple tasks such as writing one's name
and address.
5) Converting numbers and abbreviations to wonds.
Some tests have a section which numbers are written-for example, hours of the
day, dates, or schedules and test-takers are directed to write out the numbers. This
task can serve as a reasonably reliable method to stimulate handwritten English.
Test tasks may take this form:

2. Intensive (Controlled)
Beyond the fundamentals of imitative writing an skills in producing
appropriate vocabulary within a context, collocations and idiom and correct
grammatical features up to the length of a sentence.
Designing assessment tasks:
1) CONTROLLED WRITING ACTIVITIES: Copying phrases or sentences which
have been mastered orally or which are written in the book is an extreme example
of a controlled writing activity. Students do not usually enjoy these mechanical
exercises, and we wonder how effective this activity is to develop writing skills
because meaning is not taken into account at all. It seems clear that we can make
this type of activities much more meaningful if we make students think and
understand what they are writing. Copying E.g. The following sentences are from
reports to police by a witness regarding two suspects. The sentences have been
mixed up by a secretary. Sort them out and write them under the appropriate
picture mixed up by a secretary. Sort them out and write them under the
appropriate picture

Controlled writing is a learning model used by teachers where learners are given
structured prompts to help them put their writing on the page. It is first used to teach
early years students, and comes in handy all throughout schooling. Most controlled
writing focuses on the form and technique of writing rather than the content

3. Responsive
Here, assessment tasks require learners to perform at a limited discourse level,
connecting sentences into a paragraph and creating a logically connected sequence of
two or three paragraphs.
4. Extensive
Extensive writing implies successful management of all the processes and strategies
of writing for all purposes, up to the length of an essay, term paper, a major research
project report, or even a thesis.
Designing Responsive and Extensive writing tasks:
In this section we consider responsive and extensive writing tasks. They are
considered here as advanced possibilities ranging from lower-level tasks whose
complexity exceeds the previous categories of intensive or control writing, to more
open-ended tasks such as writing short reports, essays, surveys, and responses, to
multi-page text. or more.
• Assessment of test taker responses is an assessment call in which the criteria
of conveying the same or similar messages are primary, with secondary
evaluation of discourse, grammar, and vocabulary.
• Another component of the analytic or holistic scale, which can be considered
as a criterion for evaluation.
• Paraphrasing is more often part of informal and formative assessments than
formal summative assessments, and therefore student responses should be seen
as opportunities for teachers and students to obtain positive results.
• Guided Questions and Answers Another low-level assignment in this type of
writing, which has a pedagogy of guiding the learner without dictating the
form of the output, is the guided e-and-answer format in which the test
administrator asks a series of questions essentially.
• The advantage of this method is that it allows writers and evaluators to focus
on function.
• In summary, the main trait score will assess the accuracy of the original
account, the clarity of the procedure steps and final results, the description of
the main features of the graph, and the expression of the author's opinion. For
example : What happened in the end? do Z [reason, think about Guided
written text, which may be two or three paragraphs long, can be rated on either
an analytic or holistic scale.
• Guided writing guidelines like these are less likely to appear on formal tests
and are more likely to serve as a way to encourage early drafts of writing.
• A possible strategy is to cite the pros and cons and then take a stand.
• Assessment of the fulfillment of the task can be both formative and informal.
• Free from strict intensive control. Assessing Writing, learners can exercise a
number of options in choosing vocabulary, grammar, and discourse, but with
some constraints and conditions.
• Criteria now begin to cover discourse and rhetorical conventions of paragraph
structure and link two or three of these paragraphs in texts of limited length.
• The learner is responsible for achieving goals in writing, for developing a
sequence of connected ideas, and for empathizing with the audience.
• In extensive writing. At this stage, all the rules of effective writing come into
play, and second language writers are expected to meet all the standards
applied to native language writers.
• Both responsive and extensive writing assignments are the subject of several
classics. A widely debated scoring issue that takes on a very different flavor
from that in low-end productions.

9. How will you assess students’ listening skills?

Micro and Macro skill of listening

Micro Skills Macro skills

1. Discriminate among the distinctive sounds 1. Recognize the communicative functions
of English of utterances, according to situations,
2. Retain chunks of language of different participants, goals.
lengths in short-term memory. 2. Infer situations, participants, goals using
3. Recognize English stress patterns, words real-world knowledge.
in stressed and unstressed positions, 3. From events, ideas, and so on, described,
rhythmic structure, intonation contours, predict outcomes, infer links and
and their role in signaling information. connections between events, deduce
4. Recognize reduced forms of word. causes and effects, and detect such
5. Distinguish word boundaries, recognize a relations as main idea, new information,
core of words, and interpret word order given information, generalization, and
patterns and their significance. exemplification.
6. Process speech at different rates of 4. Distinguish between literal and implied
delivery. meanings.
7. Process speech at different rates of 5. Use facial, kinesic, body language, and
delivery. other non-verbal clues to decipher
8. Recognize grammatical word classes meanings.
(noun, verbs, etc), systems (tense, 6. Develop and use a battery of listening
agreement, pluralization), patterns, rules, strategies, such as detecting keywords,
and elliptical forms. guessing the meaning of words from
9. Detect sentence constituents and context, appealing for help, and signaling
distinguish between major and minor comprehension or lack thereof.
10. Recognize that a particular meaning
may be expressed in different grammatical
11. Recognize cohesive devices in
spoken discourse.

There are 4 categories in assessing listening performance:

1. Intensive Listening
Listening for perception of the components (phonemes, words, intonation, discourse
markers, etc) of a larger stretch of language.
Designing assessment tasks:
2. Responsive Listening
Responsive listening can be interpreted as listening to a relatively short stretch of
language (such as a greeting question, command, comprehension check, etc.) in order
to make an equally short response. (Nunik Sugesti;UNY)
3. Selective Listening
4. Extensive Listening
Designing assessment tasks:
1) Dictation
In a dictation, test-takers hear a passage, typically of 50 to 100 words and
recited three times:
1. Normal speed
2. With long pauses (during pauses test-takers can write down what they
3. Normal speed (test-takers can check their work and proofread)

Some scoring criteria for several possibility kinds of error:

• Spelling error only, but the word appears to have been heard
• Spelling and/or obvious misrepresentation of a word, illegible
• Grammatical error (ex: test-taker heard I can’t do it, writes I can
do it)
• Skipped word or phrase
• Permutation of word
• Additional words not in the original
• Replacement of a word with an appropriate synonim
2) Communicative stimulus-response tasks
In these kind of tasks, test-takers is presented with stimulus monologue or
conversation and then is asked to respond to a set of comprehension questions.
These kind of tests are commonly used in commercially produced proficiency
3) Authentic listening tasks
Every tasks requires some components of communicative language ability,
and no test convers them all. Similarly, with the notion of authenticity, every
task shares some characteristics with target-language tasks, and no task is
completely authentic. (Buck, 2001: 92). Some possibilities of assesment
concept to extend beyond tests and into a broader framework of alternatives:
a. Note-taking, one form of midterm examination at The American
Language Institute at San Francisco State University uses 15 minutes
lecture as stimulus. These notes are evaluated by the teacher on a 30.point
b. Editing. It is provides both a written and a spoken stimulus, and requires
the test-taker to listen for discrepancies. Scoring achieves relatively high
reliability as there are usually a small number of specific differencies that
must be identified.
c. Interpretative tasks.
An interpretative task extends the stimulus material to a longer stretch of
discourse and forces the test-taker to infer a response potential stimuli
 Song lyrics
 (recited) poetry
 Radio/TV news reports
 An oral account of an experience
 Test-takers are then directed to interpret the stimulus by
answering a few questions (open-ended form). Questions might be:
“why was the singer feeling sad?”
What events might have led up to the reciting of this poem?”
d. Retelling.
Test-takers listen to a story or news event are simply retell or
summarize it (orally or in writing) then test-takers must identify the
gist, main idea, purpose, or other to show full comprehension. Scoring
is partially determined by specifiyng a number of elements that must
appear in the retelling story.

10. How will you assess students’ reading skills?

Micro and Macro skill of reading

Micro Skills Macro skills

Discriminate among the distinctive 1. Recognize the rhetorical forms of written
graphemes and orthographic patterns of discourse and their significance for
English. interpretation.
Retain chunks of language of different 2. Recognize the communicative functions
lengths in short-term memory. of written texts, according to form and
Process writing at an efficient rate of speed purpose.
to suit the purpose. 3. Infer context that is not explicit by using
Recognize a core of words, and interpret background knowledge.
word order patterns and their significance. 4. From described events, ideas, etc., infer
Recognize grammatical word classes (nouns, links and connections between events,
verbs, etc.), systems (e.g., tense, agreement, deduce causes and effects, and detect such
pluralization), patterns, rules, and elliptical relations as main idea, supporting idea,
forms. new information, given information,
Recognize that a particular meaning may be generalization, and exemplification.
expressed in different grammatical forms. 5. Distinguish between literal and implied
Recognize cohesive devices in written meanings.
discourse and their role in signaling the 6. Detect culturally specific references and
relationship between and among clauses. interpret them in a context of the
appropriate cultural schemata.
7. Develop and use a battery of reading
strategies, such as scanning and
skimming, detecting discourse markers,
guessing the meaning of words from
context, and activating schemata for the
interpretation of texts.

There are 4 categories in assessing reading performance:

1. Perceptive Reading
Recognition of alphabetic symbols, capitalized and lowerca letters, punctuation,
words, and grapheme-phoneme correspondences.
Designing assessment task:
1) Reading Aloud
The test-taker sees separate letters, words, and/or short sentences and reads
aloud, one by one, in the presence of an administrator.
2) Written Response
The same stimuli are presented, and the test-taker’s task is to reproduce the
probe in writing. Because of the transfer across different skills here, evaluation
of the test- taker’s response must be carefully treated.
3) Muiltiple-Choice
Other formats, some of which are especially useful at the low levels of
reading, include same/ different, circle the answer, true/false, choose the letter,
and matching.
4) Picture-cued Items
Test-takers are shown a picture, along with a written text and are given one of
a number of possible task to perform.
2. Interactive Reading
Interactive tasks may therefore Imply a little more focus on top-down processing than
on bottom-up
Designing assessment tasks:
1) Cloze tasks
Cloze tasks are usually minimum of two paragraphs in length in order to
account discourse expetancies. Two approaches to the scoring of cloze test are
commonly used.
2) The exact word method gives credit to test-takers only if they insert the exact
word that was originally deleted.
3) The second method, Appropriate word scoring, credits the test-takers for
supplying any word that is grammatically correct and that makes good sense in
the context.
3. Selective reading
Designing assessment tasks:
1) Multiple-Choice (for Form Focused Criteria )
By the most popular method of testing a reading knowledge of vocabulary
and grammar is the multiple-choice format, mainly for reasons of
practicality : it is easy to administer and can be scored quickly. The most
straightforward multiple-choice items may have little context, but might serve
as a vocabulary or grammar check.
2) Matching Task
At this selective of reading, the test-taker’s task is simply to respond
correctly, which makes matching an appropriate format. The most frequently
appearing criterion in matching procedures is vocabulary.
3) Editing Task
Editing for grammatical or rhetorical errors is widely used test method for
assessing linguistic competence in reading. The TOEFL and many other test
employ this technique with the argument that it not only focuses on grammar
but also introduces a simulation of the authentic task of editing, or discerning
errors in written passages. Its authenticity may be supported if you consider
proof reading as a real world skill that is being tested. Here is a typical set of
examples of editing.
4) Picture-Cued Task
a. Test-takers read a sentence or passage and choose one of four pictures
that is being described. The sentence (sentences) at this level is more
complex. A computer-based example follow:

b. Test-takers read a series of sentences or definitions, each describing a

labeled part of a picture or diagram. Their task is to identify each
labeled item. In the following diagram, test-taker do not necessarily
know each term but by reading definition they are able to make an
identification. For example :

5) Gap-Filling Tasks
Gap-Filling Tasks is to create sentence completion items where test-takers
read part of a sentence and then complete it by writing a phrase.

4. Extensive Reading
Applies to texts of more than a page; including professional articles, essays, technical
reports, short stories, and books.
Designing assessment tasks:
1) Skimming Tasks
Skimming is the process of rapid coverage of reading matter to determine its
main idea. In this assessment, the task takers skim a text and answer question
such as main idea, author’s purpose, etc.
2) Summarizing and Responding
The test takers should write a summary of the text.
Directions for summary

Criteria for assessing a summary (Imao, 2001, p.184)

Of further interest in assessing extensive reading is the technique of asking a

student to respond a text.
Directions for responding to reading.

Scoring scale for summarizing and responding to reading.

3) Note Taking and Outlining
In this assessment, the test takers should write key information; include main
idea and supporting ideas.

11. What is feedback? Please explain the different kinds of feedback that you
 Feedback is widely seen in education as an important factor for encouraging
and consolidate learning. Kepner defines feedback in general as a procedure
used to inform a learner whether an instructional response is correct or
incorrect. Feedback is in the form of “comments”, “responses”, or
“corrections”. These terms, according to Kepner, can be used interchangeably.
 Responding to student work, from Harmer's point of view, is about reacting
to their ideas. By responding, it means discussing the student's writing isn't it
rather than judging it, while correcting is the stage where we point out when
something is not correct.
Kinds of Feedback:
1) Written Feedback and Oral Feedback
According Hyland, written feedback considered as either ignoring student's
own voice or putting teacher's own requirements on them, or as forcing them
to meet expectations needed to gain success in writing.
On the other hand, Sommers have another explanation as written comments
should be considered as a means to help students write effectively rather than
a way for teachers to satisfy themselves that they have done their jobs.
Related to the oral feedback, Lightbown and Spada mention six different
feedbacks that may be provided in the classroom, they are :
a. Explicit correction
Refers to the explicit provision of the correct form. As the teacher
provides a correct form, he/she clearly indicates that what the student
had said was incorrect for example : "Oh, you mean…", or "You
should write or say…").
b. Recasts
Involve the teacher's reformulation of all or part of a student's
sentence, minus the error. Recasts are generally implicit in that they
are not introduced by "You mean‟, "Use this word", or "You should
c. Clarification Requests
Indicate to students either that the teacher has misunderstood their
sentence or utterance. A clarification request includes phrases such as
"Pardon me…" It also includes a repetition of the error as in "What do
you mean by…?"
For example:
T: How often do you wash the dishes?
S: Fourteen.
T: Excuse me. (Clarification request)
S: Fourteen.
T: Fourteen what? (Clarification request)
S: Fourteen for a week.
T: Fourteen times a week? (Recast)
S: Yes. Dinner and supper
d. Metalinguistic Feedback
Contains comments, information, or questions related to the well-
formedness of the student's utterance, without explicitly providing the
correct form. Metalinguistic comments generally indicate that there is
an error somewhere
For example : "Can you find your error?".
e. Elicitation
Refers to at least three techniques that the teacher uses directly to elicit
the correct form from the students.
 Elicit completion of the sentence, such as "It is a…"
 Use question, such as "How do we say X in English?"
 Ask the students to reformulate the sentence.
f. Repetition
Refers to the teacher's repetition to the student's error. For example:
S: He is in the bathroom.
T: Bathroom? Bedroom. He is in the bedroom.
2) Direct and Indirect Feedback
Another important concern in feedback is whether the teacher should provide
direct or indirect feedback. With direct object, the teacher simply provides a
target-like form for the student writing or a suggested correction if more than
one is possible. Indirect feedback, on the other hand, provides students with
an indication that an error has been made, but requires the students to self-
Most experts agree that indirect feedback clearly has the most potential for
helping students to continue developing their EFL proficiency.
On the other hand, indirect feedback can enhance students‟ self-edit ability,
as it requires students‟ involvement. It means when the teacher only points
out, underlines, or codes the mistakes without providing direct correction, it
enables the students to explore the problems and find the ways to solve them
as well.

12. What are some alternatives that can be used to assess students’ language
competencies? (Possible answer may include: performance, portfolios,
journals, conference, observation report, etc.)
1) Performance Based Assessment
Sometimes, it is merely called performance assessment (Shomamy,
1995;Norris et al., 1998). Performance based assessment require the
performance or actions or samples thereof which would be systematically
evaluated through direct observation by a teacher or by self. This performance
implies productive, observable skills, such as speaking and writing of content
valid tasks. In addition, in its application usually requires authenticity or real-
world tasks and the integration of 4 skills. Because the tasks that students
perform are consistent with course goals and curriculum, students and
teachers are likely to be more motivated to perform them , as opposed to a set
of multiple-choice questions about description of a solar system.
According to O’Malley and Valdes Pierce (1996), the characteristics of
performance based assessment are as follows :
• Students make a constructed response
• They engage in higher-order thinking with open-ended tasks
• Tasks are meaningful, engaging, and authentic
• Tasks call for the integration of language skills
• Both process and product are assessed
• Depth of a student’s mastery is emphasized over breadth.

In reality, performance as assessment procedures need to be treated

with the same rigor as traditional tests. Here are some things that
teachers must be considered, such as:

• State the overall goal of the performance

• Specify the objectives of the performance in detail
• Prepare students for performance in stepwise progressions
• Use a reliable evaluation form, checklist, or rating sheet
• Treat performances as opportunity for giving feedback and provide
that feedback systematically
• If possible, utilize self- and peer-assessments judiciously

2) Portofolios
Genesee and Upshur (1996) portfolio is a purposeful collection of student
work that demonstrates their effort, progress and achievement in given areas
(p.99). Portofolios include materials such as:
• Essay and compositions in draft and final forms
• Report, project outline
• Poetry and creative prose
• Art, photos, newspaper or magazine clippings
• Audio and/or video recordings or presentations, demonstrations etc.
• Journal, diaries or other personal reflection
• Test, test score and written homework exercises
• Note on lectures
• Self= peer=assessment-comments, evaluation and checklists
Gottlibe (1995) suggest a development scheme considering the nature and
purpose of portfolios, using the acronym CRADLE to design six possible
attributes of a portfolio:
• Collecting
• Reflecting
• Assessing
• Documenting
• Linking
• Evaluating
The advantages of engaging promoting students in portfolio development
have been extolled in a number of sources (Genesee & Upshur, 1996:
O’Malley & Valdez Pierce, 1996; Brown & Hudson, 1998; Weigle, 2002). A
synthesis of those characteristics give us a number of potential of portfolio:
• foster intrinsic motivation, responsibility, and ownership.
• promote student-teacher interaction with the teacher as facilitator
• individualize learning and celebrate the uniqueness of each student.
• provide tangible evidence of a student's work, facilitate critical
thinking, self-assessment, and revision processes, offer opportunities
for collaborative work with peers, and permit assessment of multiple
dimensions of language learning
Successful portfolio development will depend on following a number of steps
and guidelines:
• Steps objectives clearly
• Give guidelines in what materials to include
• Communicate assessment criteria to students
• Designate time within the curriculum for portfolio development
• Establish periods schedules for review and conferencing
• Designate and accessible place to keep portfolios
• Provide positive washback=giving final assessment
3) Journals
A journal is a log (or "account") of one's thoughts, feelings, reactions,
assessments, ideas or progress toward goals, usually written with little
attention to structure, form, or correctness. Sometimes journals are rambling
sets of verbiage that represent a stream of consciousness with no particular
point, purpose, or audience. Fortunately, models of journal use in educational
practice have sought to tighten up this style of journal in order to give them
some focus (Staton et al, 1987). The result is the emergence of a number of
overlapping categories or purposes in journal writing, such as the following:
● language learning logs
● grammar journals
● responses to readings
● strategies-based learning logs
● self-assessment reflections
● diaries of attitudes, feelings, and other affective
● acculturation logs
4) Conference and interviews
Conferences have been a routine part of courses in writing. Reference was
made to conferencing as a standard part of the process approach to teaching
writing, in which the teacher, in a conversation about a draft, facilitates the
improvement of the written work. Students need to understand that the teacher
is an ally who is encouraging self-reflection and improvement.
The list of possible functions and subject matter for conferencing:
● commenting on drafts of essays and reports
● reviewing portfolios
● responding to journals

Interviews intended to denote a context in which a teacher interviews a

student for a designated assessment purpose.

Interviews have several possible goals, in which the teacher

● Assesses the student's oral production,
● Ascertains a student's needs before designing a course or curriculum,
● Seeks to discover a student's learning styles and preferences.
● Asks a student to assess his or her own performance, and
● Requests an evaluation of a course.
5) Observation report
Observation is a systematic, planned procedure for real-time, almost
surreptitious recording of student verbal and nonverbal behavior. The
objectives of such observation is to assess students without their awareness
(and possible consequent anxiety) of the observation so that the naturalness of
their linguistic performance is maximized.
The kinds of student performance can be observed
• sentence-level oral production skills (pronunciation of target sounds,
intonation, grammatical features)
• discourse-level skills (conversation rules, turn-taking, and other macro
• interaction with classmates (cooperation, frequency of oral
6) Self and Peer-assessment
• Self-assessment is a kind of assessment in which students monitor
their own learning.
• Peer-assessment is a kind of assessment in which students are asked to
rate their friends’ performance as well as their functioning as a group.

D. Bidang Ilmu Membaca

1. Bagaimana cara menentukan main idea dari sebuah text?
Soedarso (2005: 66) mengatakan dalam satu paragraf ada kalimat pokok atau
kalimat kunci. Kalimat kunci paragraf mengandung pernyataan tentang kata benda
atau kata ganti orang yang dominan atau yang menjadi topik (secara umum, garis
besar) paragraf itu. Kalimat lainnya adalah kalimat pendukung, yang
menguraikan, menjelaskan, melukiskan menjabarkan, atau menyajikan contoh-
contoh ide pokok. Main idea atau gagasan utama dapat ditemukan dari kalimat
topik yang biasanya terletak di awal paragraf. Meskipun begitu, tak jarang kalimat
topik (topic sentence) ini berada di tengah, akhir atau bahkan tidak secara jelas
tertulis di dalam paragraf.
Dalam sebuah text, kita perlu memahami setiap paragrafnya. Biasanya main
idea terletak diawal paragraph dan diikuti kalimat-kalimat pendukung di
paragraph selanjutnya. dalam text yang memiliki banyak paragraph kita
membacanya dan melihat point utama pada kalimat pertama disetiap paragraph
nya. Namun, tak jarang pula main idea terletak ditengah maupun akhir. Kita bisa
juga menentukan main idea dengan mengidentifikasi kata atau kalimat yang sering
muncul di setiap paragraph nya.
2. Apa perbedaan antara skimming dan scanning?
 Membaca cepat mencakup dua jenis kegiatan yakni skimming dan
scanning. Skimming merupakan teknik membaca cepat untuk mencari hal-
hal yang penting dari suatu bacaan. Sedangkan scanning merupakan suatu
teknik membaca untuk
mendapatkan suatu informasi tanpa bacaan yang lain-lainnya.
 Skimming adalah teknik yang memungkinkan kamu untuk membaca lebih
cepat dan mencari tahu apakah teks tersebut patut dibaca lebih lanjut atau
tidak. Di sisi lain, scanning merupakan teknik membaca yang digunakan
ketika sedang mencari informasi spesifik dalam sebuah teks.
3. Bagaimana cara menentukan judul yang tepat untuk sebuah text?
Judul yang baik itu merefleksikan apa yang termuat dalam sebuah text. Judul
adalah kepala karangan. Judul merupakan nama yang terdapat pada suatu buku
atau bab dalam buku yang menyiratkan secara umum isi atau maksud buku atau
bab tersebut. Judul disebut dengan kepala karangan karena terletak di bagian awal
suatu karangan, bagian atas suatu bab atau paragraf, atau di bagian sampul sebuah
Cara mencari judul teks yang paling tepat dalam suatu teks adalah dengan
menemukan kata yang ditulis berulang dalam teks tersebut. Ditulis berulang
berarti kata tersebut selalu ditulis dalam setiap paragraf. Biasanya cara ini terdapat
pada teks eksplanasi, teks deskripsi, dan teks cerita ulang (teks biografi dan teks
sejarah). Dengan menemukan ide pokok pada kalimat utama di paragraf pertama.
Biasanya judul dari teks ini terdapat pada kalimat yang ditandai dengan verba
definitif, seperti kata "yaitu", "adalah", "merupakan", "ialah", dan lain-lain.
Dengan membaca keseluruhan teks tersebut dan kemudian menyimpulkannya.
Cara ini biasanya pada teks narasi, teks eksposisi, dan teks prosedur.

4. Bagaimana cara menemukan rujukan kata dari sebuah kata ganti dalam
sebuah teks?
 Dalam sebuah teks terdapat kata ganti yang digunakan untuk merujuk kata
sebelum atau setelahnya. Untuk menemukan rujukan kata yang dimaksud
kita bisa membaca kalimat sebelum dan sesudah kalimat yang
mengandung kata rujukan tersebut. Biasanya kalimat itu mennyebut
sesuatu ide yang kemudian diperjelas pada kalimat berikutnya
menggunakan kata ganti.

Menurut Praptomo Baryadi Isodarus, pengertian kata rujukan yaitu merupakan

kata yang digunakan untuk merujuk bagian teks sebelumnya maupun
sesudahnya dalam suatu kalimat. Kata rujukan ini berfungsi sebagai
penghubung bagian-bagian teks atau sebagai kohesi.

Jenis Kata Rujukan

Kata rujukan dibagi menjadi dua jenis menurut arah rujukannya, yaitu kata
rujukan yang menunjuk hal yang telah disebutkan atau ke arah kiri (anaforis)
dan kata rujukan yang menunjuk hal yang belum disebutkan atau kata rujukan
ke arah kanan (kataforis).

• Kata rujukan anaforis meliputi dia, ia, -nya, mereka, beliau, itu, ini,
demikian, begitu, hal itu, ini, situ, dan sana. (this, that, there)
• Kata rujukan kataforis yaitu meliputi berikut, berikut ini, ini, begini,
demikian, yakni, dan yaitu.

5. Bagaimana cara anda menemukan sinonim dari sebuah kata sedang anda
tidak mengetahui makna dari kata yang dimaksud?
Ketika membaca sebuah teks, mendengarkan atau percakapan biasanya ditemui
kata-kata yang tidak kita ketahui maknanya. Untuk menemukan sinonim dari kata
tersebut kita mengaitkannya dengan kalimat sebelum atau setelahnya. Mencari
kata yang sesuai dengan konteks tersebut.
Ketika kita sedang membaca atau mendengarkan percakapan, terkadang kita
bertemu dengan kata-kata yang sulit untuk kita mengerti. Ketika kita tidak
mengetahui arti dari sebuah kata dan tidak ada awalan, akhiran dan akar dari kata
yang dapat membantu kita untuk mengetahui apa arti dan makna dari kata
tersebut, maka carilah petunjuk kontekstual dari kata tersebut.
Konteks dari sebuah kata adalah setting atau latar belakang dari sebuah kata,
atau di mana kita mendengarkan kata tersebut dalam percakapan dengan tema
tertentu atau kah di mana kita melihat kata tersebut dalam tema tulisan tertentu.
Mendengarkan atau melihat kata dalam konteks adalah salah satu cara untuk kita
belajar meningkatkan perbendaharaan kata kita atau membaca dengan pengertian
yang baik terhadap suatu bacaan. Oleh karena itu, berikut ini adalah beberapa
strategi yang dapat kita gunakan dalam belajar:
Ketika kita mencari sebuah petunjuk untuk arti sebuah kata dalam konteks,
salah satu dari pentunjuk kontekstual berikut ini dapat membantu anda:
• Definisi langsung, terkadang ketika kalimat yang unik atau tidak biasa di
gunakan dalam sebuah teks, definisi dari kata tersebut biasanya berada di
sekitar kata tersebut. Cobalah untuk mengerti definisi kata tersebut dan
gunakan pada kalimatnya berdasarkan konteks dari teks.
• Parafrase atau Sinonim, Carilah kemungkinan kalimat lain atau cara lain
dalam menyampaikan kata tersebut dengan cara yang berbeda tapi dengan
tujuan yang sama dan arti yang sama pula.
• Arti yang tersirat, Seringkali petunjuk langsung tidak diberikan dalam teks,
akan tetapi terkadang dalam bentuk petunjuk dan tersirat. dalam kasus ini,
cobalah untuk berpikir tentang konteks kalimat dan cobalah untuk
menebak kira-kira arti dari kata yang bersangkutan. Bahkan jika kita tidak
bisa mengetahui dengan pasti arti dari kata tersebut, kita seharusnya dapat
mengetahui ide umum dari apa arti dari kata tersebut.

Setiap kali kita membaca, belajarlah untuk mencari petunjuk kontekstual.

Hal ini akan membantu anda belajar untuk berpikir tentang apa yang sedang
anda baca, dan juga akan melatih anda untuk berpikir dan menebak arti dan
makna dari kata-kata yang sulit.

Anda mungkin juga menyukai