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CHAPTER I. Narrative text
CHAPTER II.Descriptive Text
CHAPTER III. Report Text
CHAPTER IV. Advertisement

A. Kompetensi Dasar Dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur  Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan struktur teks
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif yang didengar atau dibaca
naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi  Mengidentifikasi informasi tersirat dan tersurat dari
dan meminta informasi terkait fairytales, teks yang sedang dibacakan.
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan  Menyebutkan bagian-bagian cerita yang memuat
konteks penggunaannya pesan yang disebutkan
4.7 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual  Melengkapi tabel dengan tulisan tangan bagian teks
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan yang dikategorikan dalam struktur teks narrative
unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan  Membacakan ringkasan dengan suara nyaring dalam
tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, kelompok masing-masing
terkait fairytales  Menuliskan dengan tulisan tangan makna cerita
terkait struktur dan isi cerita
B. TujuanPembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, pesertadidikdiharapkandapat:
 Mengidentifikasi furngsi social, struktur dan unsure kebahasaan narrative text.
 Menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks yang sudah dibacakan
 Menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks yang sudah dibacakan
 Melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata yang tepat
 Membacakan ringkasan dengan suara nyaring dalam kelompok masing-masing
 Menuliskan dengan tulisan tangan makna cerita sangat pendek dan sederhana

C. Materi pembelajaran
Narrative text
 Fungsi Sosial
Mendapatkan / memberikan hiburan, mengambil teladan nilai-nilai luhur.
 Teks naratif adalah suatu bentuk teks yang lisan atau tertulis yang menceritakan sebuah cerita dari
satu karakter atau lebih yang mengahadapi situasi tertentu yang dibuat dengan tujuan untuk
menghibur para pembaca.
 Jenis teks naratif seperti,

 Fairy tale :Cerita yang bersifat fantastik atau penuh dengan keajaiban
 Folk tale : cerita rakyat
 Mystery : misteri
 Science fiction : fiksi ilmu pengetahuan
 Romance : cerita tentang percintaan
 Horror : horor
 Fable: Cerita tentang binatang yang biasanya digambarkan berprilaku seperti manusia
 Myth and legend : mitos dan legenda
 Historical narratives : narasi sejarah
 short story : cerita pendek
 Personal experience :(Cerita yang berupa pengalaman pribadi)
 real-life drama : drama kehidupan nyata
 Fantacy : fantasi
 Adventure stories : cerita petualangan

 Struktur Narrative Text (Generic Structure)

Secara umum, terdapat empat tahapan dalam Narrative text, yaitu:
1. Orientation
Pada bagian ini, merupakan bagian untuk pengenalan. Yaitu pengenalan cerita tentang
apa (what is the story about), siapa (who is the participant of the story), dimana cerita itu
terjadi (where is the place setting), dan kapan cerita itu terjadi (when is the time setting).
2. Complication
Bagian ini merupakan bagian yang memunculkan permasalahan atau konflik yang terjadi
di dalam sebuah cerita teks naratif bahasa Inggris. Bagian Complication ini juga
merupakan bagian paling inti dari sebuah cerita narrative teks.
Konflik yang terjadi di dalam cerita naratif teks tersebut dapat dibedakan menjadi:
a. Physical Conflict
Merupakan permasalahan yang muncul karena adanya konflik secara kontak
fisik atau segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan fisik.
b. Natural Conflict
Merupakan permasalahan yang muncul karena pelaku dalam cerita berhadapan
dengan kekuatan alam.
c. Social Conflict
Sosial konflik merupakan permasalahan yang muncul karena para pelaku di
dalam cerita saling berhadapan dimana mereka bertemu pada saat yang
bersamaan namun memiliki kepentingan yang berbeda.
d. Psychological Conflict
Psikologikal konflik adalah permasalahan yang muncul saat pelaku dalam cerita
itu berhadapan dengan dirinya sendiri. Hal ini biasanya terjadi ketika adanya
pertentangan antara nilai baik dan buruk, sifat sombong dan rendah hati, sifat
rakus dan tenggang rasa.
3. Resolution
Bagian ini adalah akhir dari cerita atau berupa solusi dari masalah yang terjadi. Masalah
dapat diselesaikan dapat menjadi lebih baik atau malah lebih buruk yang nantinya akan
membuat cerita berakhir dengan bahagia atau sebaliknya.
Terkadang, ada beberapa resolusi yang berupa masalah lain untuk dipecahkan. Hal ini
sengaja dibuat oleh penulis untuk menambah dan mempertahankan minat dan ketegangan
bagi pembacanya. Biasanya, jenis resolusi ini terdapat pada genre mysteries dan horror.

4. Re-orientation
Bagian ini adalah penutup dari suatu cerita yang bersifat opsional. Re-orientation bisa
berisi tentang pelajaran moral, saran atau pengajaran dari penulis

 Unsur Kebahasaan
Unsur kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks naratif,
1. Tata bahasa: simple past dan past continuous tense.
2. Kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung.
3. Kosakata: benda atau tindakan yang terkait dengan kehidupan tokoh cerita.
4. Adverbia penghubung waktu: first (pertama), then (kemudian), after that (setelah itu),
before (sebelum), at last (pada akhirnya), finally (akhirnya) dan sebagainya.
5. Adverbia dan frase preposisional penunjuk waktu: a long time ago, one day, in the
morning, the next day, immediately dan sebagainya.
6. Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this,
those, my their dan sebagainya.
7. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi.
8. Ejaan dan tanda baca

Worksheet/LKPD 1
Instruction: read the text carefully to answer the questions!
The text is for number 1-3
Once upon a time in the jungle, there lived a fox. His name was Rox. No one didn’t know him.
Everybody in the jungle was afraid of him because his face and style looked very vicious.
One day, in a beautiful summer morning, when Rox was drinking at the side of river, he saw a little
rabbit in danger. A snake came sneaking behind the little rabbit. The snake was going to eat it. Rox jumped
over the snake as soon as possible and scared it away.
The little rabbit then felt relieved that Rox just saved his life from the threat of the dangerous snake.
After that, it told the whole jungle that Rox was a kind fox. He just saved its life. There was no need to be
afraid of him anymore.

Once upon a time: pada zaman dahulu Jumped : lompat

Jungle : hutan Over : sebelah
Fox : rubah As soon as : segera/seketika
Everybody : siapapun Possible : mungkin
Afraid : takut Scared : menyelamatkan
Face : wajah/muka Felt : terjatuh
Style : kelakuan/ perilaku Relieved : menghindari
Vicious : serem Saved : menyelamatkan
One day : suatu hari Life : hidup
Summer : musim kemarau Threat : ancaman
Drinking : minum Dangerous snake: ular yang berbahaya
Side of river : di pinggir sungai Told : bercerita
Saw : melihat Whole : seluruh
Litlle rabbit : kelinci kecil Kind : baik hati
Danger : bahaya No need : tidak perlu
Behind : dari belakang Anymore : lagi
Came : dating
1. The text is written to....
A. inform the animals life in the forest
B. share the writer’s experience
C. amuses and gives lesson to the readers
D. describe the characteristics of animal
2. The message of the story is we must not...
A. be close to a stranger
B. suspect other people
C. blames someone else
D. forget one’s kindness
3. The text tells us that the rabbit is a/an ... creature.

A. honest D. cute
B. angry E. kind
C. polite F. wild
4. The snake was going to eat it (Paragraph 2). The underlined word refers to…..
5. Who are the characters in the story?

Worksheet/LKPD 2
Instruction: read the text carefully to answer the questions

“The Woodcutter and King of Mice”

“The Woodcutter and King of Mice” The king of the mice lived inside a banyan tree in a forest. One day, a
poor man was cutting down some trees. As he started to cut down the banyan tree, the king of the mice grew
frightened. "Please, leave the tree standing," he said to the woodcutter, "and I'll give you a piece of gold every
The woodcutter agreed. So, every evening the king of the mice took out a piece of gold from under the roots
of the tree and gave it to the woodcutter. The woodcutter took the pieces of gold home and showed them to
his wife.
After a few days, his wife asked him, "Where does the gold come from?" "Doesn’t worry about that," he said,
"just keep it."
A few days later she asked him again, but he did not tell her. "If you don't tell me," she said, "I'll go and tell
the government or even the king that you're a robber."
The woodcutter was frightened of his wife when she was angry. So he said, "Every evening the king of the
mice gives me a piece of gold from under the roots of the tree."
"Oh; you are stupid!" his wife said. "You've been tricked by a mouse. He gives you one piece of gold every
evening but the rest of the gold is under the tree all the time! Why don't you cut down the tree and take it all
away?”The woodcutter did as he was told. He cut down the tree. But when he looked under the roots, the gold
was not there. The king of the mice had run away too.
That night, the king of the mice crept up to the woodcutter's house and took back all the gold. So the
woodcutter was as poor as before.
Woodcuter: penebang pohon Gave : beri
King : raja Showed : menunjukan
Mice : tikus Wife : istri
Lived : tinggal Few days : beberapa hari
Inside : di dalam Keep : simpan
Bayan tree : pohon beringin Again : lagi
Forest/ jungle: hutan Government: pemerintah
Poor : miskin Robber : perampok
Cutting : memotong Said : berkata
Started : memulai Tricked : dibohongi/tertipu
Grew frightened: sangat marah Take : mengambil
Leave : meninggalkan Cut : potong
Piece : sepotong Looked : melihat
Gold : emas Run away : berlari/pergi jauh
Every day : setiap hari Crept up : menyelinap masuk
Agreed : setuju Took back : mengambil Kembali
Under : di bawah
Roots : akar-akar
N Struktur “The Woodcutter and King of Mice”
1. Orientation

2. Complication

3. Resolution

Questions “The Woodcutter and King of Mice”

4. Who are the
5. What is the problem
im the story?

Worksheet/LKPD 3
Instruction: Read the text and answer the questions!

Rabbit and Tortoise

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit that was popular because of his pride. There was a tortoise whom he had once
taunted as slow and stupid, challenging the proud rabbit to a sprint race. Actually the tortoise didn’t want to deal with
rabbits, but he wanted to teach him a little lesson.
With full confidence, the rabbit agreed to the tortoise’s challenge. He wondered how the super slow-moving turtle could
beat him. Then, they agreed to determine the long path to be followed for a race.
The match between the two undoubtedly invites the other animals’ curiosity. They all also want to see how the tortoise
can beat the rabbit. The animals show their support for the tortoise because they also dislike the hare’s prideful nature.
A monkey was appointed as the referee to oversee the game. When the race had just started, the rabbit darted away
leaving the tortoise. Not wanting to give up just like that, the turtle still tried its best and increased its running speed.
Feeling that the turtle was still far behind him, in the middle of the race he decided to rest and fall asleep. But when he
woke up, the rabbit was really shocked because it turned out that the turtle had reached the finish line. Getting this fact,
the other animals cheered and the rabbit came home embarrassed.

Questions Information
fungsi social
1. What is the purpose of the text? 1. The purpose of the text is…………………………………………….
2. Who is the target reader of the 2. The target reader of the text …………………………………………
Text structure
3. Where did the story happen? 3. The story take place in………………………….

4. What problems are faced by the 4. The problems are faced by the main characters…………………………….
main characters?
5. How is the problem resolved 5. The problem resolved……………………………………………………
Kind 6. The kind of this story is………………………
6. What is the kind of this story

Worksheet/LKPD 4
Instruction: Fill in the blanks using the words provided!
The White Butterfly
An old man named Takahama lived in a little house behind the cemetery of the temple of Sozanji.
He was extremely friendly and generally liked by his neighbours, though most of them considered him a little
mad. That was because he was very old, but he did not want to get (1) ....
One summer day he (2) ... very ill. So, that he sent for his sister-inlaw and her son. They both came
and did all they could to bring comfort during his last hours. While Takahama fell asleep, they (3) ... a large
white butterfly flew into the room and rested on the old man’s pillow. The young man tried to drive it away w
ith a fan, but it came back three times, as if it was very loath to leave the sufferer.
At last Takahama’s nephew chased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the cemetery beyond, wher
e it lingered over a woman’s tomb, and then mysteriously (4) .... On examining the tomb the young man
(5) ... the name “Akiko” written upon it, together with a description narrating how Akiko died when she was e
ighteen. Though the tomb was covered with moss and must have been erected fifty years previously, the boy s
aw that it was (6) ... with flowers, and that the little water tank had been recently filled.
When the young man (7) the house he found that Takahama had passed away, and he returned to
his mother and told her what he had seen in the cemetery.
“Akiko?”(8) ... his mother. “When your uncle was young he was (9) ... to Akiko. She died shortly
before her wedding day. When Akiko left this world your uncle resolved never to marry, and to live evernear
her grave. For all these years he has remained faithfulto his vow, and kept in his heart all the sweet memorie
s of his one and only love. Every day Takahama went to the cemetery, whether the airwas fragrant with sum
mer breeze or thick with falling snow. Every day he went to her grave and prayedfor hehappiness, swept the t
omb and set flowers there. When Takahama was dying, and he could no longer perform his loving task, Akik
o came for him. That white (10) ... was her sweet and loving soul.”

a. Returned f. Murmured

b. Betrothed g. butterfly

c. Watched h. Disappeared

d. Found i. Surrounded

e. Married j. Became


Read the text and answer the questions 1-5!

The Frog in the Well

There was a frog that lived in a shallow well.
"Look how well off I am here!” he told a big turtle from the Eastern Ocean. "I can hop along the wall of
the well when I go out, and rest by a crack in the bricks on my return. I can imagine everything with only
my head above water. No crabs can compare with me. I am master of the water and lord of this shallow
well. Why don't you come here more often to have a good time? "
Before the turtle from the Eastern Ocean could get his left foot into the well, he caught his right claw on
something. So, he stopped and stepped back then began to describe the ocean to the frog.
“It’s more than a thousand miles across and more than ten thousand feet deep. In ancient times there were
floods more than ten years, but yet the water in the ocean never increased. And later there were droughts
more than eight years, but yet the water in the ocean never grew less. It has remained quite constant
through the ages. That is why I like to live in the Eastern Ocean. "

1. What does the story tell us about?

A. A boastful frog and a wise turtle. C. An arrogant frog and a boastful turtle.
B. A boastful frog and superior turtle. D. An arrogant frog and an inferior turtle
2. What would probably happen to the frog if the turtle didn't tell about ocean?

A. He kept boasting. C. He went on tricking.

B. He got embarrassed. D. He realized his mistake
3. Why did the frog tell the turtle about the well? He wanted to ….

A. show his well B. mock the turtle

C. convince the turtle D. welcome the turtle
4. What can we learn from the story?

A. Don’t judge the book by its cover C. Rain doesn’t stay in the sky
B. There is still an eleventh heaven D. Fortune favors the bold
5. Who described the ocean?

A. Turtle C. Ocean
B. Frog D. well

Read the text and answer the questions 6-10!

One day, there lived a fisherman in a small cottage. He worked hard on the sea every day. He sought fish with his fragile
boat. But, after some time, he felt so tired and bored of his work. He talked to himself, “I’ll get a easier job.” Then, he
left home to look for another job.
He saw a driving trainer driving a car and he thought it was an easy job. He, then, learned to drive a car but it
were not avail. Finally he said, “This is harder than being a fisherman, I’ll seek an easier job.”
On his way home, he met a woman. She was making butter and her job seemed easier than driving a car and he
could have butter. Soon, after he worked for the woman, he grew tired and hot. When he was going to rest, the woman
forbade him by saying, “You can’t stop before your work is done”. The man quit the job because the job was hard.
The man walked down the road again and he saw a man taking out honey from a beehive. He mused, “The
honey smells good. Being a honey farmer, I can eat honey.” He approached the honey farmer and asked, “Sorry, aren’t
these your beehives?” The honey farmer said, Yes, they are.” Hearing that, the man asked to work for the honey farmer.
Unfortunately, it was a tough work because the bees stung his face thrice and he could not stand it. He said,
“This is the most difficult job after all.” He went fishing again, but felt happier than before. He realized that every job
had its good and bad side.

6. What is the story about?

A. A lazy fisherman C. A talented fisherman

B. A hardworking fisher D. An unsatisfied
7. How many different jobs did the man try after not being a fisherman?

A. Three C. Five
B. Four D. Six

8. What is the main idea of third paragraph?

A. Making butter was easy C. Making butter was not an easy job
B. A fisherman and the butter maker D. The fisherman tried to make butter

9. Why did the fisherman give up to be a honey farmer?

A. It was a hard job C. He didn’t like honey

B. It was a boring job D. He didn’t want bees to sting him

10. What can we learn from the story?

A. Don’t imitate others because it is not good
B. Finding a good job is very important
C. Every job needs hard work
D. No job gives us happine

A. Kompetensi Dasar Dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.8 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,  Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi dari teks deskripsi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang  Membacakan teks deskripsi tentang orang, benda atau
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan tempat
meminta informasi terkait keadaan/  Mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat dan tersirat dalam
tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian tanpa perlu teks
menyebutkan pelakunya sesuai dengan  Mendeskripsikan beberapa benda dengan banyak
konteks penggunaannya. menggunakan kalimat pasif
4.8 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional  Membuat teks deskripsi tentang benda-benda yang
lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan ada di sekitar
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan  Mempresentasikan teks masing-masing dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait teman-temannya, secara lisan, dengan ucapan dan
keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian tekanan kata yang benar
tanpa perlu menyebutkan pelakunya  Mengajukan kalimat tanya dan jawaban tentang teks
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, masing-masing dengan teman-temannya, secara lisan,
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar
benar dan sesuai konteks. (perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan passive voice)

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
• Membacakan deskripsi tentang makanan khas dengan banyak menggunakan kalimat pasif
• Melengkapi kalimat dengan jawaban berupa ungkapan-ungkapan yang diambil teks, dengan ejaan
dan tanda baca yang benar
• Mengidentifikasi informasi tentang beberapa benda yang ada di sekitar
• Mendeskripsikan beberapa benda dengan banyak menggunakan kalimat pasif
• Membuat teks deskripsi tentang benda-benda yang ada di sekitar
• Mempresentasikan teks masing-masing dengan teman-temannya, secara lisan, dengan ucapan dan
tekanan kata yang benar
• Mengajukan kalimat tanya dan jawaban tentang teks masing-masing dengan teman-temannya, secara
lisan, dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar

C. Materi Pembelajaran: Descriptive Text

1. What is a Descriptive Text?
Descriptive text describes a particular person, place, or thing.
(Teks deskriptif menggambarkan orang, tempat, atau benda tertentu)
2. Fungsi sosial
Mendeskripsikan, memaparkan secara obyektif
3. Generic Structure
There are two main parts of descriptive text (Ada dua bagian utama teks deskriptif):
a) Identification: It identifies things, persons or objects that is going to be described. It is the
part of the paragraph that introduces the character (Identifikasi: Ini mengidentifikasi hal-hal,
orang atau objek yang akan dideskripsikan. Ini adalah bagian paragraf yang memperkenalkan
b) Description: It describes the parts, qualities, and characteristics of the object (Deskripsi:
Menjelaskan bagian, kualitas, dan karakteristik objek)
4. Unsur kebahasaan
- Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam passive voice
- Preposisiby
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

C. An Example of a Descriptive Text..

Title My Classroom
Identification I want to tell you about my classroom (Saya ingin memberi tahu Anda tentang
(IDENTIFIKASI kelas saya)
My classroom is next to the school library. It is a big and clean classroom. It
has tow white doors and six brown windows. The walls are green and there are
some pictures on them. There are twenty tables and forty chairs. (Kelas saya
Description berada di sebelah perpustakaan sekolah. Ini adalah ruang kelas yang besar
(DESKRIPSI) dan bersih. Memiliki pintu derek putih dan enam jendela coklat. Dindingnya
berwarna hijau dan ada beberapa gambar di atasnya. Ada dua puluh meja dan
empat puluh kursi).

1. Identification
This part identifies a particular thing to be described. In the text above, the writer wrote about his
classroom, not classrooms in general. Identification usually answers the following questions (Bagian ini
mengidentifikasi hal tertentu yang akan dijelaskan. Pada teks diatas penulis menulis tentang kelasnya,
bukan ruang kelas pada umumnya. Identifikasi biasanya menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:
a) What is the topic of the text?( Apa topik teksnya?)
b) What is the text about? (Apa isi teks tersebut)
2. Description
This part describes the parts and characteristics. In the text, the writer described. Bagian ini menjelaskan
bagian-bagian dan karakteristiknya. Dalam teks tersebut, penulis menjelaskan):
a) The part of his classroom (doors, windows, tables, chairs and walls) and (Bagian dari kelasnya
(pintu, jendela, meja, kursi dan dinding)
b) The characteristics of the classroom: size (big), color (brown, blue), quality (clean) (Ciri-ciri ruang
kelas: ukuran (besar), warna (coklat, biru), kualitas (bersih)

Worksheet/LKPD 1

Instruction: Read the txt to answer the questions 1-5!

Safira is my beloved niece. She is in grade 9. She has a skinny body. I know that she is not keen on eating.
This sounds quite strange, because she has a lot of activities.

Safira doesn't live near me. His family lives in Singkawang, West Kalimantan. I think she is very lucky
growing up in a small city which still concerns a lot to the culture. Traditional dance is her highlights. She learned to
dance since she was in grade 1. Thus, many trophies and certificates have been her collection.

She is a bright student, too. She never loses top ranks. I envy my sister sometimes because she has much time
to raise and educate Safira at home. Safira is talented in arts. She trains to play the piano well, too. Her Father's
colleague is her piano teacher. Recently, she won in Batik Painting in a contest among schools and represented the
city to the province level. She is polite, and nice, too. I think, I really get a wonderful niece.

Beloved: sayangi Lives: tinggal Since: sejak Recently: baru-baru ini

Niece: sepupu West: barat Bright: pintar Won: memenangi
Skinny: mulus Think: berpikir Loses: kehilangan Painting: melukis
Keen: perhatikan Lucky: beruntung Ranks: juara Contest: kejuaraan
Sounds: kedengaran Growing: bertumbuh Envy: meminta Among: antara
Quiet: sedikit Small city: kota kecil Raise: membimbing Represented: mewakili
Strange: menakutkan Concern: konsern Educate: mendidik Polite; sopan
A lot of: banyak Culture: budaya Arts: kesenian Wonderful:
Near: dekat Highlight: kesukaan Train: berlatih menakjubkan
Learned: belajar Colleague: kolega

1. Why did the writer write the text?

A. To describe traditional dance from West Kalimantan.

B. To share the tips to be top ranks at school.
C. To tell the importance of preserving Batik.
D. To praise the writer's niece named Safira.
2. According to the text, Safira is considered to be talented in arts because....

A. she is a bright student

B. she never loses top ranks in class
C. her mother has much time to be with her
D. she plays piano well and has won a Batik painting contest

3. "Her father's colleague is her piano teacher." The underlinedword is closest in meaning to ....

A. assistant
B. best friend
C. work mate
D. senior-associate
4. From the text, we know that Safira is….

A. The writer’s niece C. The writer’s classmate

B. The writer’s friend D. The writer’s art teacher

5. From the text, safira is talented in…

A. Science
B. Arts
C. Sports
D. Adventure

Worksheet/LKPD 2
Instruction: Complete the text by appropriate word on the following box!
Amirudin bagas kaffa and amirudin bagus kaffi were born on Januari 16, 2002 in Magelang a

small city in central Java province. They are talented football player.

They are (1…………..) and (……………) boy about 1,80cm and they have (2………) skin.

They have (3…….) eyes and (4……….) face. They are very famous for their (5…………) hair

especially Bagus Kaffi’s hair.

They are now famous football player because they are the member of National football team


Curly Brown Thin Dark Tall Oval

Worksheet/LKPD 3
Instruction: The following text is for questions 1 to 5.

My father has a new black car. He bought it after saving for three years. He bought it for our family to travel
together, easily. Father uses the car to drive my sister and I go to school every morning. Twice a week, father
drives my mother to the traditional market to shop.
The car is well designed and has eight seats; two seats in front, three seats in the middle and another three
seats in back row. It is very easy to drive. My mother can drive it if my father is too busy at his office to take
her shopping.
1. The text tells us about?

2. Paragraph 2 tells us about.....

3. How many people are there in the writer’s family?

4. The word “designed” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to.....

5. My mother can drive it if my father is too busy at his office to take her shopping.
The underlined word refers to…


Read the text and answer the questions 11-15!

Grand Maerokoco
If you go to Semarang you should visit this place, Grand Maerokoco. Located in Tawang Mas housing area,
PuriAnjosmoro Street, Semarang, this place has become one of the major sites visited by tourist
There are 35 different spots to visit in the place. The 35 spots represent the 35 cities and regencies of central java
province. Each spot exhibits the characteristics of the region. Kudus area, for example, exhibits the Kudus tradition
house, a miniature of the legendary Kudus Tower, and a statue of a woman making traditional cigarettes.
To go around the 35 spots, visitors can go on a mini train which can cover the whole area in only an hour. However,
they can also go on foot for it will allow the observe the things and find better spots to take pictures.
Maerokoco also provides the visitors with the experience of walking around the mangrove forest on a wooden track.
They can also enjoy the mangrove forest by canoeing. This is quite challenging for those who are not used to rowing a

1. The text tell us about….

A. Kudus Tower C. Mangrove forest

B. Grand Maerokoco D. Central Java Province

2. Why is there a Tower in Kudus area?

A. It is one of the Kudus’ icons C. It was brought from a foreign country

B. It is function as a lighthouse D. It is to commemorate Indonseisn hardship

3. What is the second paragraph about?

A. There are thirthy five regencies in central java province

B. Central java is the thirthy five province of Indonesia
C. Kudus is one of the biggest cities in central java province
D. Grand maerokoco is a miniature of central java province
4. What are the benefits going around on foot?
A. Pictures
The visitors get a better view of things and can take pictures C. The visitors
B. Canoeing
The train take a long time to cover the place D. The mangrove forest
C. The train can be dangerous sometimes
Read theD.textThe
5. This is callenging for those…”
One of the most
The important
underlinedpeople in myto…
word refers life is my father. His name is Yudha Martasubrata. He is about 45 years old
now, but he looks younger than his age. He is tall, strong, and has proportional weight. His hair is short and straight. His
eyes are small and brown, and he has a nice smile.

My father is a talented person. He is good at singing jazz songs. He can play the piano as well as the guitar. Sometimes
he writes songs, and they are just beautiful.

What I like so much about him is that he is very humorous. He often makes jokes that make people just burst into
laughter. That makes people very comfortable around him.

All in all, my father is my role model. He takes care of his family well. He works hard to provide what we need, and he’s
always there to help me when I need him.

6. What is the text about?

A. The talented father C. A father named YudhaMartasubrata

B. The writer’s father D. A father who takes care of his family well

7. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. The writer’s father name is C. The writer’s father is a work harder

YudhaMartasubrata D. The writer’s father is talented
B. The writer’s father takes care of his family

8. Why did the writer say that his father is his role?

A. Because he is one of the most important C. Because he takes care of his family
people D. Because he is a talented person
B. Because he is about 45 years’ old

9. My father is a talented person (paragraph 2)

The underlined word has closest in meaning with….

A. Strong C. Young
B. Smart D. Ability

10. What does the writer’s father look like?

A. Tall, strong, short and straight hair, nice D. tall

B. Propotional weight
C. strong


A. Kompetensi Dasar Dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
3.9 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur  Mendeskripsikan beberapa teks
kebahasaan beberapa teks information report lisan dan information report
tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait mata  Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian
pelajaran lain di Kelas IX, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai struktur teks report
dengan konteks penggunaannya  Mengidentifikasi cara penggunaa
teks report melalui contoh
4.9. Teks Information Report  Mengidentifikasi makna beberapa
4.9.1 Menangkapmakna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi teks lain lagi dengan topik yang
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks berbeda
information report lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan  Melengkapi teks dengan kata yang
sederhana, terkait topik yang tercakup dalam mata tepat
pelajaran lain di Kelas IX  Menampilkan dan
4.9.2 Menyusun teks information report lisan dan tulis, sangat mempresentasikan teksnya kepada
pendek dan sederhana, terkait topik yang tercakup dalam teman-tema
mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX, dengan memperhatikan  Menuliskan booklet tentang flora
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara fauna lokal
benar dan sesuai konteks

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
• Mendeskripsikan beberapa teks information report terkait mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX
• Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian struktur teks report
• Mengidentifikasi cara penggunaa teks report melalui contoh
• Mengidentifikasi makna beberapa teks lain lagi dengan topik yang berbeda
• Membuat teks information report terkait mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX
• Menampilkan dan mempresentasikan teksnya kepada teman-teman yang mendatangi
• Menuliskan booklet tentang flora fauna lokal
C. Materi Pembelajaran
1. What is report text?
Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic
observation and analyses. (Report adalah sebuah teks yang menghadirkan informasi tentang suatu hal
secara apa adanya. Teks ini adalah sebagai hasil dari observasi dan analisa secara sistematis).Dengan
demikian, sebenarnya teks report dan descriptive mempunyai perbedaan yang cukup jelas, meski
nampak keduanya dikatakan sebagai "saudara kembar" sekalipun.
2. Generic Structure Report Text.
Seperti halnya dengan descriptive text, Report text juga hanya memiliki dua struktur umum [generic
structure] yaitu :
a) General Clasification; Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan
b) Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits
or behaviors; Pada bagian ini biasanya memberikan gambaran fenomena-fenomena yang
terjadi; baik bagian-bagiannya, sifat-sifatnya, kebiasaannya, ataupun tingkah lakunya. Intinya
adalah penjabaran dari klasifikasi yang disajikan dengan ilmiah.
3. Tujuan Report Text
Setiap tulisan pasti memiliki tujuan mengapa tulisan itu ditulis. Begitu juga dengan report text.
Beberapa pakar menyebutkan bahwa tujuan teks report adalah : Its social purpose is presenting
information about something. They generally describe an entire class of things, whether natural or
made: mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of region, culture, transportation, and so on.
4. Pola Tata Bahasa dalam Report Text
Jika recount text dan narrative text cenderung memiliki ciri menggunakan simple past, lalu
bagaimana dengan report text? Oke berikut adalah pola grammar yang umum digunakan dalam teks
report, yang meliputi :
 Use of general nouns, eg hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, eg our dog;
maksudnya adalah, suatu benda (baik itu hidup atau mati) yang bersifat umum. Coba
bandingkan : Hunting dogs >< My dog. Hunting dogs bersifat umum; sedangkan my dog bersifat

 Use of relating verbs to describe features, eg Molecules are tiny particles;

dalam grammar disebut juga dengan linking verbs. Seperti to be [is, am, are: present], seem, look,
taste dan lain sebagainya.
 Some use of action verbs when describing behaviour, eg Emus cannot fly;
 Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, eg Tropical cyclones always begin over the
sea; salah satu penanda waktu dalam simple present seperti "often, usually, always" dan lain-lain.
 Use of technical terms, eg Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map; maksudnya adalah istilah-
istilah yang meliputi teks report tersebut. Misalnya tentang "music" maka, istilah-istilah musik
harus ada
 Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organise bundles of information; repeated naming of
the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.

contoh teks
Text Organization Pandas are extremely rare, Language Features.
bearlike animals that inhabit the snowy regions of 1. Technical term
central China.  bear like animals
Description There are two kinds of pandas – the giant Description.
 Parts panda and the red panda, also called the lesser panda. 1. “Timeless” present
 Qualities The giant panda, with its distinctive black and white tense
 Habit/behaviours  belong to
markings, is the more familiar of the two. Giant
2. Relational
pandas and red pandas belong to their own separate
(linking verbs)
animal family, the Ailuropodidea. Their closest living
 are
relativites are the bears.
3. General Participants
Most Giant pandas start life at the
 bears
surprisingly small weight of 4 ounces (104 grams),
about the size of a stick of butter. This tiny infant 4. Quantifiers
grows into an adult weighing between 180 and 270  most
pounds 1. Action verb
(80 and 120 kilograms). Adult giant pandas have  start
coarse black and white fur, small black ears, and large
black eye patches that give them their unique

Worksheet/LKPD 1
Instruction: read the text and answer the questions.

Corona Virus
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus.The disease causes
respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty
breathing. You can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, and
avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell.
Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough of
sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface of object that has the virus on it, then touches their
eyes, nose or mouth.
People may be sick with the virus for 1 to 14 days before developing symptoms. The most common
symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Most people (about 80%)
recover from the disease without needing special treatment.
There are currently no drugs to prevent coronavirus diasease (COVID-19). You can protect yourself
and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you wash your hands regulary for 20 seconds, with soap and
water or alcohol-based hand rub.You cover your nose and mouth with disposable tissue or flexed elbow when
you cough of sneeze. You avoid close contact (1 meter of 3 feet) with people who are unwell. You stay at
home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell.
Source: WHO
Penyakit Coronavirus (COVID-19) merupakan penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh virus baru yang
menyebabkan penyakit saluran pernapasan (seperti flu) dengan gejala seperti batuk, demam, dan pada kasus
yang lebih parah, kesulitan bernapas. Anda dapat melindungi diri dengan sering mencuci tangan, menghindari
menyentuh wajah, dan menghindari kontak dekat (1 meter atau 3 kaki) dengan orang yang tidak sehat.
Penyakit Coronavirus menyebar terutama melalui kontak dengan orang yang terinfeksi ketika mereka
batuk bersin. Ini juga menyebar ketika seseorang menyentuh permukaan benda yang ada virus di atasnya, lalu
menyentuh mata, hidung atau mulutnya.
Orang mungkin sakit dengan virus selama 1 hingga 14 hari sebelum mengalami gejala. Gejala
penyakit coronavirus (COVID-19) yang paling umum adalah demam, kelelahan, dan batuk kering.
Kebanyakan orang (sekitar 80%) sembuh dari penyakit ini tanpa memerlukan perawatan khusus.
Saat ini tidak ada vaksin untuk mencegah diasease virus corona (COVID-19). Anda dapat melindungi
diri sendiri dan membantu mencegah penyebaran virus ke orang lain jika Anda mencuci tangan secara teratur
selama 20 detik, dengan sabun dan air atau antiseptik berbasis alkohol. Anda menutupi hidung dan mulut
dengan tisu sekali pakai atau siku tertekuk saat batuk bersin . Anda menghindari kontak dekat (1 meter dari 3
kaki) dengan orang yang tidak sehat. Anda tinggal di rumah dan mengisolasi diri dari orang lain di rumah jika
Anda merasa tidak sehat.

1.What is the purpose of the text?
2.What is COVID-19?
3.How does the virus spread?
4. How can we identify that a person is infected with the virus?
5.What can we do to protect ourselves from the virus?
6.You avoid close contact (1 meter of 3 feet) with people who are unwell.
The underlined word has similar meaning to...

Worksheet/LKPD 2
Instruction: Read the text and identify the information based on the table!
Fish live in salwater and freshwater all over the world. They come in many different shapes and sizes, but
most are covered in sales and have strong fins for swimming. A fish’s scales all lie in the same direction to
help the fish slip through water.
Like us, fish need oxygen in water. Water enters the mouth and is swept over the gills. The oxygen passes
from the water into tiny blood vessels in the gills.
Fish often swim in groups called shoals. One reason they do this is for protection. Many fish together can
confuse a predator. This makes it hard for the predator. This makes it hard for the predators to single out the

Grasshopper Grasshoppers are insects that prefer to hop on their long back legs rather than!y. Males ‘sing’ to
attract mates – grasshoppers do this by rubbing their back legs together. Grasshoppers have very strong
muscles in their long back legs and an amazing spring in their knees. The grasshopper can jump 12 times its
own length – this would be like a child jumping over a house!
1. Species 1.



1. Habitat 1.

2. Habits 1.
3. Physical 1.



5. Emotional 1.


6. Function 1.

Worksheet/LKPD 3
The white pelican is one of the most successful fish eating birds. They success are largely (1) ……
its command hunting (2……………..A group, perhaps two dozens birds, will (3)………….. in a
curved arc some distance offshore, beating the water (4). with their wings, driving the fish before
them. When the water is (5) ………enough for the birds to reach the fish, the formation (6) ………as
each bird dip its bill into the water to scoop up its (7) ………... As the bird lifts its head, the water
drains from its bill leaving the fish which are then swallowed. Pelicans are among the oldest group of
birds, Fossils of this genus have been (8) back 40 millions years.
Found Gather Due to breaks up
Shallow Behaviour furiously Meal


Read the text and answer the questions1-5!

Saltwater crocodiles or “saltiest” (as Australian call them) are the earth’s largest living crocodiles. They are
really dangerous because they can eat humans, so hunters call them’ man-eating” crocodiles. They are fairly
big, reaching 5 meters in length and 450 kilograms in weight.

They live in brackish and freshwater regions. They can be easily found in eastern India, southeast Asia and
northern Australia. Their population is about 200,000 to 300,000 worldwide. This makes them listed as low
risk for extinction.

As they live in water, saltwater crocs are excellent swimmers. They can swim at 15 to 20 km per hour. It
enables them to chase prey in water effectively. When hunting for prey, they lurk patiently and calmly
beneath the water surface. They attack potential for prey in a sudden and fast move. They grab the victim, and
drag it into the water, and hold it until it drowns. They eat anything that fits their powerful jaws, including
water buffalo, deer and even sharks.

1. What is the writer intention in writing the text?

A. To promote the readers about saltwater crocodiles
B. To announce the readers about saltwater crocodiles
C. To give detailed information about saltwater crocodiles
D. To explain about the habitat, population and habits of saltwater crocodiles

2. The predators lurk patiently beneath the surface.

The underlined word has a similar meaning to…
A. Look B. see C. search D. hide
3. The second paragraph tells us about….,.
A. the habitat, population and habits of saltwater crocodiles
B. The habitat and population of saltwater crocodiles
C. The population of saltwater crocodiles
D. The habitat of saltwater crocodiles
4. The text can be useful for people who want to….

A. Knows about saltwater crocodiles C. Hunt of saltwater crocodiles

B. Eat the meat of saltwater crocodile D. See saltwater crocodiles

5. They grab the victim, and drag it into the water, and hold it until it drowns (last paragraph)
The underlined word refers to….
A. Grab B. Victim C. Water D. Crocodiles

Read the text and answer the questions 6-10!

The Komodo dragon (Varanuskomodoensis), also known as the Komodo monitor, is a large
species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, GiliMotang and
GiliDasami. It is the largest living species of lizard, growing to a maximum length of 3 metres in
rare cases and weighing up to around 70 kilograms.
As a result of their size, these lizards dominate the ecosystems in which they live. Komodo
dragons hunt and ambush prey including invertebrates, birds, and mammals. Their group behaviour in
hunting is exceptional in the reptile world. The diet of big Komodo dragons mainly consists of deer,
though they also eat considerable amounts of carrion.

6. What is the text tell you about?

A. The population of Komodo C. The habitat of Komodo

B. The population of Komodo D. Komodo dragon

7. Where can we find the Komodo dragon?

A. In Labuan Bajo
B. In the whole land of Indonesia
C. In the Komodo island, Rinca, Gili Motang and Gili Dasami
D. In Indonesia such as, Flores, java, Papua and Sumatra island
8. …these lizards dominate the ecosystems. The underlined word has the same meaning with …

A. Hidden C. Weak
B. Power D. look

9. Who probably likely read text?

A. The scientist of animals C. The students

B. The English teacher D. The children

10. From the text we know that Komodo dragon is……..animals

A. Little C. Mammal
B. Strong D. reptile
A. Kompetensi Dasar Dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
3.10 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,  Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian iklan dan ungkapan atau
dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus kata yang digunakan dengan menggunakan tabel analisis
dalam bentuk iklan dengan memberi dan  Menganalisis beberapa iklan lain untuk mengidentifikasi
meminta informasi terkait produk dan jasa, bagian-bagiannya
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya  Mengidentifikasi persamaan dan perbedaan beberapa iklan
dari segi isi dan bentuk
4.10 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual  Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan di depan
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kelompok lain
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk iklan,  Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,
pendek dan sederhana, terkait produk dan struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam
jasa bentuk iklan, pendek dan sederhana, terkait produk dan jasa

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
• Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian iklan dan ungkapan atau kata yang digunakan dengan menggunakan tabel
• Menganalisis beberapa iklan lain untuk mengidentifikasi bagian-bagiannya
• Mengidentifikasi persamaan dan perbedaan beberapa iklan dari segi isi dan bentuk
• Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan di depan kelompok lain
• Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus
dalam bentuk iklan, pendek dan sederhana, terkait produk dan jasa

C. Materi Pembelajaran
1. What is advertisement?
Advertisement is a way to promote product or service by means of electronic or printed media(Iklan
adalah suatu cara untuk mempromosikan barang atau jasa kepada khalayak umum melalui media
elektronik maupun cetak

2. What is the purpose of advertisement?

The purpose of advertisement is that, people will know the product and service promoted, at last, they
will use the product and service offered as the advertisement promoted (Tujuan Iklan adalah supaya
khalayak ramai mengenal produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan. Tujuan akhir dari iklan adalah supaya
mereka menggunakan atau memakai produk barang dan jasa yang dipromosikan tentunya)

3. Social function of advertisement (Fungsi sosial)

 Giving an information
Advertisement tentu memberikan informasi kepada konsumen tentang berbagai hal yang
berkaitan dengan produk/jasa yang akan dijual.
 To influence or to persuade
Sebuah Advertisement berfungsi untuk membujuk atau mempengaruhi seseorang untuk
membeli barang atau jasa yang terdapat pada Advertisement. Tentu dengan menggunakan
kata-kata yang menarik dan kreatif hingga membuat orang-orang ingin membelinya.
 To give the impression
Dengan memperkenalkan produk kita ke orang lain maka orang-orang akan mempunyai
kesan tersendiri dengan Advertisement yang kita pasang, contohnya Advertisement-nya yang
menarik, lucu, mudah diingat, bahkan sampai terbawa ke kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Communication tool
Advertisement bisa menjadi alat komunikasi yang baik antara penjual dan pembeli secara
tidak langsung. Jadi ketika calon pembeli melihat Advertisement suatu produk dan merasa
tertarik maka dia pasti akan membeli produk tersebut kepada penjual.

4. Generic Structure dari Advertisement

 Title (Judul)
Bagian title ini menjelaskan rangkuman atau merupakan topik utama dari Advertisement.
Contohnya: Buy one get one free!
 Explanation (Penjelasan)
Pada bagian explanation ini berisi semua informasi mengenai Advertisement itu sendiri,
Yaitu bisa berupa, apa produknya, siapa yang harus memakainya, bagaimana cara
menggunakannya, dan lain sebagainya.
5. Kinds of Advertisement (jenis-jenis iklan)
Based on the media used, there are some kinds of advertisement, they are:(Berdasarkan media yang
digunakan terdapat beberapa macam iklan yaitu;)
a) Printed Advertisement (iklan cetak)
Printed advertisement is an advertisement that it is published by using printed media, such as
newspaper, magazine or others.( Iklan cetak adalah iklan yang diterbitkan dengan menggunakan
media cetak seperti surat kabar, majalah, atau lainnya)
b) Advertorial
Advertorial is an advertisement formed as news.( Advertorial adalah iklan yang berbentuk berita)
c) Display Advertisement (iklan tampilan)
Display Advertisement is an advertisement in which it is displayed in an image or big letters.( Iklan
Tampilan adalah iklan yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk gambar atau huruf besar.)
d) Electronic Advertisement
Electronic Advertisement is an advertisement published using electronic media, such as, radio
advertisement, television advertisement, internet advertisement, etc.( Iklan Elektronik adalah iklan
yang dipublikasikan dengan menggunakan media elektronik, seperti iklan radio, iklan televisi, iklan
internet, dll.)
6. Language Features of Advertisement (unsure kebahasaan dari iklan)
When we want to make an advertisement, we have to know some Language Features of
Advertisement, they are: (Dalam membuat sebuah iklan, kita harus mengetahui beberapa Fitur Bahasa
Iklan, yaitu :)

 The choice of words used related to necessary information (Pemilihan kata yang digunakan
terkait dengan informasi yang diperlukan).
 The choice of words used to indicate the target(Pilihan kata yang digunakan untuk
menunjukkan target)
 The choice of words used is precise, logical, and courteous (Pilihan kata yang digunakan
tepat, logis, dan sopan).
 The choice of words used have a suggestion for the audience.( Pilihan kata yang digunakan
memiliki saran bagi audiens).

Contoh text:

Available information (ketersedian

No Advertisement Elements of advertisements
informasi di iklan)

1.The shoe works if you do

Selling Shoes (menjual
(nama 2. these sneakers are perfect for casual use
3. Nike,com

To persuade people to 1. The shoe works if you do

1. Advertisement 1 Purpose use the shoes (untuk 2. With great quality and a wide variety of
(tujuan mengajak orang color options, these sneakers are perfect for
iklan) menggunakan sepatu casual use
tersebut) 3. Just do it
Target People in general 1.-
Readers especially for boys
(target (orang pada umumnya 2.-
pembaca) lebih khusus pria)
Worksheet/LKPD 1
Instruction: Identify the topic, the purpose, and the target readers of the above advertisements. Read the
advertisements carefully then complete the following table!
Advertisement 1 Advertisement 2

Available information (ketersedian

No Advertisement Elements of advertisements
informasi di iklan)
(nama 2.
(tujuan 2.
1. Advertisement 1 iklan)
Target 2.

Topic/title 1.
iklan) 2.
Purpose 1.
iklan) 2.
2. Advertisement 2
Target 1.
(target 2.
Worksheet/LKPD 2
Instruction: Read the text and answer the questions
This text is for question number 1 to 3.

1. What is advertised in the text?

A. Home phone. C. A landline phones.

B. A mobile phone. D. A used cellphone

2. What is the maximum size of the micro SD compatible to the product?

A. 15 GB. C. 17 GB
B. 16 GB. D. 18 GB

3. From the text, we can conclude that this advertisement is valid for ….
A. all cellphones produced by Samsung
B. all Samsung cellphones sold in the shop
C. all devices sold in Roma Cellular Phone
D. a certain model of cellphones sold in a shop

This text for questions 4 to 5!

Hotel Cannero
28051Cannero Riviera, Italy
Phone: 323788046
Waiters/Waitresses (2), Swimming Pool Attendants, Bar Staff.
Around $ 150 per week. 12 hours per day, 6 days per week. Free board and accommodation. Knowledge of
German, Italian or French required. Period of work 3 or 6 months between end of March and end of October.
Applicants should be fit and healthy, organized and clean. Applications from 25 March to the end and send to
Maria Carla at the above address.

4. What is the text about ….

A. A week tour to Italy
B. A job vacancy in Hotel Cannero
C. Three day tour to European countries
D. A healthy and clean environment
5. Who is the addressee of this advertisement ….
A. All who are fit and healthy
B. Those who can serve foreigners
C. All who meet the requirements mentioned
D. The educated people who can handle service jobs
Worksheet/LKPD 3

Instruction: read the text and answer the questions!

1. What items are sold with 20% off?

2. The price of a skirt is Rp. 50, OOO. How much should a customer pay during the discount
3. How long does the offer last?
4. The following items are not available in the store. They are . . .
5. What is the purpose of the text?


Read the text to answer the questions 1 to 3!

Alfatih Course

Private TOEFL/TOEIC/Conversation Course.

Guaranteed mastering in 2 months
Call 0829999777555

Open a new class, Ms. Office, Start April 1.

Visit Alfatih Course
Jl. Niaga No. A/8 Sagulung Batam or
Call 0778 345123

1. How long do the students have to attend class to be guaranteed to master conversation?
A. One week C. One month
B. Two weeks D. Two months
2. What program does Alfatih Computer Course newly open?
A. Ms. Office C. AutoCAD
B. Ms.Word D. AdobeFlash
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the advertisement above?
A. The new class for Computer Course will be started on April 25th
B. The course gives warranty in 3 month to master Conversation
C. You can visit the website and call by phone to find further information
D. The course gives guarantee mastering for Ms. Office program

Read the text to answer the questions 4 to 5!

The Ambhara Hotel
Featuring well-designed guestrooms, this high-rise hotel is ideally located in the heart of South Jakarta at
Kebayoran. The Ambhara Hotel is situated close to the central business district. It is within walking
distance to the Blok M shopping area, where guests can find many shops and restaurants. It is adjacent to
the Pasaraya Grande Shopping center, which has the largest handicraft display in Indonesia. There are
several on-site restaurants that serve a variety of international cuisine. Guests of the hotel will enjoy the
hotel for its modern facilities and convenient location in the commercial district.

4. People can find ….. in Pasaraya Grande

A. A variety of international dishes C. Many kinds of shops
B. Many kinds of handicraft D. A lot of guests

5. “There are several on-site restaurants that serve a variety of international cuisine”
The underlined word means …
A. Food C. Furniture
B. Cloth D. Appliance

Read the text to answer the questions 6 to 7!

Zui Yan is a natural alcohol-free instant hand sanitizer. It’s unique, non-greasy formula kills 99.99% of known
bacteria instantly! It is formulated with a moisturizing blend of aloe vera, charmomile and lavender exctract. Zui
Yan’s gentle foaming formula supplies twice as many aplications as alcohol-based gels. Available in bottles and
wall dispensers Guaranteed not to dry skin-pure and gentle enough for frequent cleansing when soap and water
are not available

6. The text tells you about …

A. Health product promotion C. How to clean bacteria
B. Instant hand sanitizer D. Foaming formula
7. What is the name of the product?
A. Zui Yan C. Water journey
B. Antibacterial D. Antiseptic Soap

Read the text to answer the questions 8 to 10!

Book Signing and Sharing Session

Divergent Trilogy
By Veronica Roth
Matraman Bookstore
November 27, 2015 at 01.00 p.m
Buy the Divergent Trilogy
Before November 1, 2015 in Matraman Bookstore
And get free tickets for this event
8. What should we do to get into the event?
A. Pay for entry C. Buy Veronica’s trilogy book
B. Contact Veronica D. Visit Matraman Bookstore

9. When will the event be held?

A. November 27, 2015 C. November 7, 2015
B. November 21, 2015 D. November 1, 2015
10. “Buy the Divergent Trilogy”
The underlined word means ….
A. Having three sides C. A thing shaped like a triangle
B. A group of three related things D. Speaking three language fluently

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