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Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan


ISBN 978-602-437-181-4




Seri Bahan Ajar: Bahasa Inggris

Dadang Sunendar

Penanggung Jawab
Emi Emilia


Penyusun Naskah
Ari Arifin
Susani M. Hatta
Suardi Eka Cipta
Dyah Retno Murti
Daud Yusuf
Theya Wulan P.
Nida Fauziah

Wawan Gunawan
Iwa Lukmana

Pengisi Suara
Fika Amalia

Daud Yusuf

Pewajah Sampul
Ajie Budhiawan Suradi

Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, melalui Pusat

Pengembangan Strategi dan Diplomasi Kebahasaan (PPSDK) di kawasan
Indonesia Peace and Security Centre (IPSC), memegang peranan penting
dalam peningkatan fungsi bahasa Indonesia agar menjadi bahasa
internasional. Peran penting ini diwujudkan, antara lain dengan memperluas
akses diplomasi kebahasaan melalui peningkatan kompetensi bahasa asing.
Salah satu strategi perluasan akses itu ialah penyusunan bahan ajar yang
terdiri atas buku buku bahasa Inggris, Korea, Jerman, Rusia dan Belanda.
Buku ini merupakan bahan ajar bahasa Inggris.
Materi dan tugas belajar dikembangkan agar pemelajar secara
terintegrasi dapat mengembangkan kompetensi berbahasanya dalam
keempat keterampilan: menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis dalam
berbagai jenis teks. Selain itu, materi dan tugas belajar secara terpadu
dirancang untuk mengembangkan pemahaman terhadap cara pandang
masyarakat penutur bahasa Inggris. Untuk keperluan evaluasi, setiap unit
dilengkapi dengan tugas terstruktur berupa latihan-latihan.
Penyelesaian buku bahasa Inggris ini tidak terlepas dari bantuan
berbagai pihak, terutama narasumber dan penyusun naskah, yaitu Wawan
Gunawan, Ph.D., Iwa Lukmana, Ph.D., Ari Arifin D., M.Ed., Susani
Muhammad Hatta, S.S., Dyah Retno Murti, S.Pd., Suardi Eka Cipta, S.Pd.,
Daud Yusuf, S.Pd., Theya Wulan Primasari, S.Pd. dan Nida Fauziah, S.Pd.
Ucapan terima kasih juga kami sampaikan kepada tim internal PPSDK yang
telah memeriksa dan memberi masukan yang sangat berharga untuk
perbaikan buku ini.
Besar harapan kami buku ini dapat berguna bagi para pengajar
bahasa Inggris dan dapat dijadikan acuan bagi pemelajar yang ingin belajar
menguasai bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama dengan
warga masyarakat penutur jatinya. Jalinan komunikasi dan kerja sama itulah
yang akan memberikan umpan balik bagi masyarakat internasional untuk
belajar berbahasa Indonesia.
Penulisan buku ajar Seri Bahasa Asing ini masih memerlukan
penyempurnaan lebih lanjut. Untuk itu, kami sangat berterima kasih apabila
pembaca dapat memberikan masukan perbaikan.
Jakarta, Agustus 2016
Kepala Badan Pengembangan dan
Pembinaan Bahasa,
Prof. Dr. Dadang Sunendar, M.Hum.


1 MILITARY BASE 1. Menggunakan ungkapan salam dan perpisahan (greetings and
leave takings) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
2. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain.
3. Menggunakan kata ganti personal (personal pronoun).
4. Menggunakan kata kerja (verb) dalam Simple Present Tense
2 SPORT LEGEND 1. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks rekon (recount
2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks rekon (recount text).
3. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense sesuai dengan konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
4. Menulis teks rekon sederhana (simple recount text).
3 MY UNIFORM 1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks prosedur (procedure text).
2. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks prosedur
(procedure text).
3. Menggunakan kalimat imperative (imperative sentence)
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
4. Menulis teks prosedur sederhana (simple procedure text).
4 LION AND BEAR 1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks naratif (narrative text).
2. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks naratif (narrative
3. Menulis teks naratif sederhana (narrative text).
5 MILITARY WEAPON 1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks eksposisi (exposition text).
2. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks eksposisi
(exposition text).
3. Menggunakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan
pendapat sesuai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
4. Menulis teks eksposisi sederhana (simple exposition text).
6 IT IS A GOOD BOOK 1. Mengidentikasi struktur teks review (book review).
2. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks review (book
3. Menulis teks review sederhana (book review).
Table of Contents

Unit 1 Armed Force ................................................................... 1

Unit 2 Sport Legend ................................................................ 15
Unit 3 My Uniform ................................................................... 29
Unit 4 A Bear and a Lion ......................................................... 45
Unit 5 Military Weapons ......................................................... 61
Unit 6 Social Media ................................................................. 79
Unit 7 This is a Good Book ..................................................... 93
Armed Force
After learning the lesson, the learners are expected to be able to:
Objective 1. identify expressions of introduction, greetings and leave-takings
2. practice the expressions of introduction, greetings and leave-takings
3. identify generic structure and social function of descriptive texts
4. write a descriptive text

Activity 1
Look at the following pictures. Are you familiar with these pictures? Name the
following Indonesian National Armed Forces insignia.

a. _______________ b. _______________

c. _______________ d. _______________

Activity 2
Study the following dialog. Answer the questions.
Sergeant Widodo : Good morning, soldier.
Private Ryan : Good morning, Sir. My name is Private Ryan Handoko.
Sergeant Widodo : What is your rank, soldier?
Private Ryan : My rank is Private at Standby Force IPSC, sir.
Sergeant Widodo : I have to go now. See you Private Ryan.
Private Ryan : See you, Sir.

Unit 1: Armed Force 1

Good Good
morning, Morning,
soldier. Sir.

1. Who are those people in the dialog?

2. What are the people talking about?
3. What does Private Ryan say to introduce himself?
4. How do they greet each other?

Activity 3
In pairs, practise the dialog in the previous page. Look at the underlined words.
1. Hello, how is it going everyone?
2. I am Susno, my dear brother.
3. See you later, general.

The underlined words are the expressions of introduction, greetings and leave-
takings. Look at the table below.

Introduction Greetings Leave-takings.

 My name is ...  Hello  Bye-bye
 I am ...  Good morning  Goodbye
 Good afternoon  I’ll talk to you later
 Good evening  See you tomorrow

2 Unit 1: Armed Force

Activity 4
Complete the dialog below. Use expressions from Activity 3.
Dodo : Hi, what is your name?

Dodi : Hello, _________________ .

Dodo : It’s been nice talking to you.

Dodi : Me too.

Dodo : ____________ my brother.

Dodi : _________________ Dodi. How’s


Dodo : Everything is perfect.

Dodo : What a nice morning, dear brother.

Dodi : Yes it is, Dodo.

Dodo : I have to go now,


Dodi : ______________________.

Unit 1: Armed Force 3

Activity 5
Listen to the recording and match the sentences in the recording with the
pictures below.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Activity 6
Match the situations in column A with the proper expressions in column B.

1. You greet your general at 10 a.m. a. Hello, Bimo. Nice to see you
2. You meet an old friend. again.
3. A teacher greets her students. b. Thank you for joining us. Good
4. Someone opens a speech at 7 p.m. night.
5. You meet your classmate. c. Sorry. I really must go now.
6. A receptionist welcomes a guest at d. Good afternoon, Ma’am.
1 p.m. e. Good morning, class.
7. You part with a friend after class. f. Good evening, Ladies and
8. A TV presenter closes her evening’s Gentlemen.
program. g. Good morning, Sir.
9. You end a conversation with a h. Good night. Sweet dream.
friend. i. How are you today?
10. A Mommy takes her little son to j. Bye. See you tomorrow.

4 Unit 1: Armed Force

Activity 7
In a small group (between 2-3 people), conduct a role play based on the
situations below. Use expressions of introduction, greetings and leave-takings.

1. You meet new companion at

07.00 a.m. before ceremony.
2. You greet your senior at
08.00 p.m. after dinner.
3. You part with a friend at the

Activity 8
Look at the picture then answer the questions.

1. What is his job?

2. What is his first name?

3. What’s his last name?

4. What’s his rank?

5. What is his pay grade?

Read again the text above. Answer the following questions with your own

1. What is your job?

2. What is your first name?
3. What is your last name?
4. Where are you from?
5. What is your rank?

Unit 1: Armed Force 5

Activity 9
Look at the picture below then answer the questions.

My first name is __________________.

My last name is __________________.

My nationality is __________________.

My job is ________________________.

My rank is _______________________. My Pay Grade is __________________.

Activity 10
Ask your friend using the same questions as in activity 8. Write down the
answer on the form below.

Occupation :

First name :

Last name :

Nationality :

Rank :

Activity 11
Complete the following paragraph using the information above.
His job is ______________. His first name is ______________. His last name is
___________. His nationality is _____________. His job is __________________.
His rank is _____________.

6 Unit 1: Armed Force

Activity 12
Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B.

Army a. the branch of a nation's armed services that
conducts military operations at sea.
General b. the first of the Non-Commissioned Officer.
Marine Division c. a modular specialized light infantry division trained
for air assault operations.
Corporal d. a commissioned officer rank historically
corresponding to the command of a company of
Airborne Division e. an organized military force equipped for fighting on
Air Force f. a member of a body of troops trained to serve on
land or at sea.
Captain g. the branch of a military force that fights on foot.
Navy h. the highest ranking military officer.
Infantry Division i. the branch of a nation's armed services that
conducts military operations in the air.

Activity 13
In the table below, write the vocabulary above based on its category. See the
Military Organization Military Division Military Rank

Armored Division

Coast Guard

Unit 1: Armed Force 7

Activity 14
Complete the following Crosswords Puzzle.

1. A

2. P

3. N

4. C

5. A

2. the civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the
prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.
4. a branch of the armed forces responsible for the enforcement of maritime
law and for the protection of life and property at sea.
5. an organized military force equipped for fighting on land.
1. the branch of a nation's armed services that conducts military operations
in the air.
3. the branch of a nation's armed services that conducts military operations
at sea.

8 Unit 1: Armed Force

Activity 15
Fill in the blank spaces in the text below. Use the words in the box.

Army Navy Air Force Marine Airborne

Infantry General Captain Corporal

1. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1881 and served two years in the
2. _________________ Sudirman was a high-ranking Indonesian military
3. The primary mission of the ____________________ Division is to execute
amphibious assault operations.
4. The Army ____________________ is an officer with responsibilities over
enlisted soldiers and lower-ranking officers.

Activity 16
Read the text below. Answer the questions based on the text.
Good morning, my name is Dede Arif. My first
name is Dede and my last name is Arif. You
may call me Dede. I am Indonesian, from
Cilodong. I am an Army officer in Infantry
Division. I am a Private. Let me introduce my
friend. His name is Rasdianto. Please call him
Rasdi. He is also Indonesian. He comes from
Depok. He is also in the Army, in Logistics Corps. His rank is also Private. We
know each other because we are in same academy in Bandung.
Answer the questions below based on the text.
1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. What information can you get from the text?

Unit 1: Armed Force 9

3. Who are those people mentioned in the text?
4. What are their jobs?
5. Where are they from?
6. What are those people’s ranks?

Activity 17
Study the following table.
Type of text : descriptive text
Purpose : to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing
Generic structure :

Identification  Description
Generic Structure Text Linguistic Features
Greeting Good morning,

Giving information My name is Dede Arif. My first name is Specific

(full name, name in Dede and my last name is Arief. participants (Dede
detail) Arif, Rasdianto)

Giving information You may call me Dede.

(nickname) Polite statement
(you may call …,
Giving information I am a Indonesian, from Cilodong. please call him)
(nationalities) Present tense (is,
Giving information I am an Army officer in infantry division. am)
(occupation) Technical terms
related to the job
Giving information I am a Private. (army, Private)
(rank, specific)
Subject pronoun
Giving information Let me introduce my friend. (I, He, We)
someone else)

10 Unit 1: Armed Force

Giving information His name is Rasdianto. Please call him Possessive
(fullname, Rasdi. adjective (my, her)

Giving information He is also an Indonesian. He comes

(nationality, origin) from Depok. Object pronoun
(me, his)
Giving information He is also in the Army, in Logistics
(occupation) Corps.

Giving information His rank is also Private.

(detailed rank)

Giving information We know each other because we are in

(reason) same academy in Bandung.

Activity 18
In pairs, identify the structure and the language feature of the following

Generic Structure Indonesian Marine Officer Linguistic

I am Satrio Hartono.
Please call me Satrio.
I am from Palembang, Indonesia.
I am an Navy member,
in Marine Division.
I am a captain.

Let me introduce my friend.

His name is Bimo Aryo.
You can call him Bimo.
He is from Semarang, Indonesia.
He is in the Air Force, in Airborne
His rank is Lieutenant.

Unit 1: Armed Force 11

Activity 19
Based on the text above, answer the following questions.
1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. What information can you get from the text?
3. What is his first name?
4. What is his last name?
5. What is his nickname?
6. Where is he from?
7. Where does he live in his country?
8. What is his job?
9. What is his rank?
10. Who is Bimo Aryo?
11. How can you call Bimo Aryo?
12. Where is Bimo from?
13. Where does Bimo stay in Indonesia?
14. What is Bimo’s job?
15. What is Bimo’s rank?

Activity 20
Work individually. Choose a friend to describe. Write your first draft here

12 Unit 1: Armed Force

Discuss your writing with your friend. Revise your writing. Write your second
draft here.

Unit 1: Armed Force 13

Discuss your writing with your teacher. Revise your writing. Write your final draft

Activity 21
Retell your writing in front of your friends.

14 Unit 1: Armed Force

Sport Legend
After learning the lesson, the learners are expected to be able to:
Objective 1. identify the generic structure and social function of recount texts.
2. identify simple past tense.
3. practice using the simple past tense contextually.
4. write a recount text.

Activity 1
Look at the following pictures and answers the questions about the pictures.
1. Are you familiar with these pictures?
2. Do you know when they were born?
3. Where were they born?
4. What are their achievements?
5. How did they gain their achievements?
6. Name the following sport legends.

a. b.
____________________ ____________________

c. d.
_____________________ ____________________

Unit 2: Sport Legend 15

Activity 2
Study the following dialog and answer the questions that follow.
Taufik : Hi Yayuk, what did you do last weekend?
Yayuk : I did a lot of things. On Saturday, I went shopping.
Taufik : What did you buy?
Yayuk : I bought some new clothes. I also played tennis.
Taufik : Who did you play with?
Yayuk : I played with Susi.
Taufik : Did you win?
Yayuk : I won!

What did I played

you do football.

1 2

1. Who are involved in the dialog?

2. What are the speakers talking about?

3. What did Yayuk do last Saturday?

4. Did Yayuk win the match?

16 Unit 2: Sport Legend

Activity 3
In pairs, practise the dialog on Activity 2.

Activity 4
Study the sentences and underline the simple past.
1. Chicago Bulls won 1998 NBA championship.
2. Taufik Hidayat played his last game in 2012.
3. Liecester City lifted Premier League trophy last week.

The sentences above use the verbs in the simple past tense. Study the words
in the table below.

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
 Closed  Began
 Failed  Won
 Completed  Fought
 Finished  Led
 Moved  Ran
Study the following notes!
Simple past tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja sederhana untuk
menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi di masa lampau. Pada simple past
tense, waktu kejadian (yesterday, last two days, last year) atau periode waktunya
(for two months, for a day, for an hour) dapat disebutkan secara spesifik.

Jenis Rumus Contoh Simple Past Tense

positif (+) S + Verb-2 (past tense) The coach teacher came.
S + be (was/were)
I was a trophy collector.
negatif (-) S + did + not + bare The coach didn’t come.
I wasn’t a trophy collector.
S + be (was/were) + not
interogatif Did + S + bare infinitive Did the coach come?
(?) be (was/were) + S
Was I a trophy collector?
(adapted from

Unit 2: Sport Legend 17

Activity 5
Complete the dialog below. Use verb 2 from the table above.

Robi : Do you know Ussain Bolt?

Utut : Yes. He is Jamaican Sprinter?
Robi : What did he win in London 2012
Utut : He __________________ Olympic
100m gold medal.

Liem : What kind of sports do you like?

Rio : I like boxing.
Liem : Who is your favourite boxer?
Rio : Chris John, he ________________
his opponent bravely in his last

Tri : Did you watch football match last

Ganjar: Yes, I did. Barcelona won el
Tri : Unfortunatelly, Cristiano Ronaldo
__________________ to scrore a
Ganjar: Victor Valdes played well last

18 Unit 2: Sport Legend

Activity 6
Listen to the recording and match the sentences in the recording with the
pictures below.

1. 2.


Activity 7
Write one paragraph based on the following pictures. Use verbs in the simple
past tense.

Unit 2: Sport Legend 19

Activity 8
Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.
Scored a. throw, kick, or hit to another player on one's own
Brought b. strike or propel forcibly with the foot
Played c. take part in a boxing match against (an opponent)
Lost d. operate and control the direction and speed of a
motor vehicle
Passed e. gain (a point, goal, run, etc.) in a competitive game
Fought f. move at a fairly slow pace by lifting and setting
down each foot
Kicked g. take part in (a sport)
Drove h. be superior to (competitors or colleagues
Walked i. cause (something)
Led j. (of a game or contest) in which a defeat has been

20 Unit 2: Sport Legend

Activity 9
Categorize the vocabulary above based on its regular or irregular verbs.


Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

Activity 10
In a group of 2-3 conduct a role play based on some situations below. Use the
verbs in the simple past tense.

1. You ask your friend about his past experience when played football last week
at field at 04.00 p.m.
2. You ask your friend about his past experience when lost a chess game against
your brother in the living room while watched boxing match.
3. You ask your friend about his unforgettable sport experience in his past

Unit 2: Sport Legend 21

Activity 11
Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Scored Brought Played Lost Passed

Fought Kicked Drove Walked Led

1. In 1981, Muhammad Ali ___________________ Trevor Berbick in Bahamas.

2. Valentino Rossi ____________________ his motorcycle fast in Italian GP last


3. Diego Maradona made hattrick last night. He _________________ three


4. He didn’t run. He just ____________________ in that sprint race.

5. Brazil ____________________ 0-3 against France in 1998 World Cup Final.

Activity 12
Change one letter as indicated to make vebrs in the simple past tense.

22 Unit 2: Sport Legend

Activity 13
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi is an Argentine

professional footballer (born 24 June 1987) who plays as
a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentina
national team. He is often considered the best player in the
world and is rated by many in the sport as the greatest of
all time. Messi is the only football player in history to win
the FIFA World Player of the Year/FIFA Ballon d'Or five times.
Born and raised in central Argentina, Messi was diagnosed with a growth
hormone deficiency as a child. At age 13, he relocated to Spain to join Barcelona,
who agreed to pay for his medical treatment. Despite being injury-prone during
his early career, he established himself as an integral player for the club within
the next three years.
Three successful seasons followed, with Messi winning three consecutive
FIFA Ballons d'Or, including an unprecedented fourth. His personal best
campaign to date was the 2011–12 season, in which he set the La Liga and
European records for most goals scored in a single season, while establishing
himself as Barcelona's all-time top scorer in official competitions in March 2012.
(adapted from

Answer the questions below based on the text.

1. What is the text about?
2. In what year did Lionel Messi relocate to Spain?
3. Why did he relocate to Spain?
4. When did he set the La Liga and European records?
5. What did he establish in March 2012?

Unit 2: Sport Legend 23

Activity 14
Study the following table and underline the linguistic features.
Type of text : recount text
Purpose : to retell or to inform the reader about what happened to in a series
of events
Generic structure:

Orientation  Events  Reorientation

Generic Text Linguistic

Structure Features
Orientation Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi is an Argentine  Specific
professional footballer (born 24 June 1987) who participant:
plays as a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and
Lionel Messi
the Argentina national team. He is often
considered the best player in the world and is
 Past Tense:
rated by many in the sport as the greatest of all
time. Messi is the only football player in history to born,
win the FIFA World Player of the Year/FIFA Ballon considered,
d'Or five times.
Events Born and raised in central Argentina, Messi was  Past Tense:
diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency as a born, raised,
child. At age 13, he relocated to Spain to join
Barcelona, who agreed to pay for his medical
treatment. Despite being injury-prone during his relocated,
early career, he established himself as an integral agreed,
player for the club within the next three years.
Three successful seasons followed, with Messi
winning three consecutive FIFA Ballons d'Or,
including an unprecedented fourth. His personal  Personal
best campaign to date was the 2011–12 season,
Events pronoun:
in which he set the La Liga and European records
for most goals scored in a single season, while he
establishing himself as Barcelona's all-time top
scorer in official competitions in March 2012.

24 Unit 2: Sport Legend

Activity 15
In pairs, identify and write down the generic structure and the language
features of the following text in the column provided. Underline the linguistic
features in the text. See the example above.
Indonesian Badminton Srikandi
Generic Linguistic
Structure Text features

Lucia Francisca Susy Susanti (born in

Tasikmalaya, West Java on 11 February
1971) is a retired Indonesian badminton
player. Relatively small of stature, she
combined quick and graceful movement
with elegant shotmaking technique, and
rates among the most successful players in
the history of the women's game. Sometimes
her name is also spelled Susi Susanti.

She won the women's singles gold medal at

the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona,
Spain and the bronze medal at the 1996
Olympic Games in Atlanta, United States.
She retired from the world badminton circuit
not long after her marriage to Alan
Budikusuma (who had also won a
badminton singles gold medal at the 1992
Summer Olympics) in February 1997.
Susanti was the most dominant women's
singles player in the first half of the 1990s,
winning the All-England in 1990, 1991,
1993 and 1994, the World Badminton
Grand Prix finale five times consecutively
from 1990 to 1994 as well as in 1996, and
the IBF World Championships in 1993. She
is the only female player to hold the Olympic,
World Championship, and All-England
singles titles simultaneously.
Susanti was inducted into the International
Badminton Federation (IBF, currently BWF)
Hall of Fame in May 2004. She received the
Herbert Scheele Trophy in 2002.

(adapted from:

Unit 2: Sport Legend 25

Activity 16
Work in pairs. Search for information about the person below and write down
the information in the blanks below. Pay attention to the topic provided.

Title El Pibe de Oro (The Golden Boy)

Orientation The profile of Diego Armando Maradona.


Events The early years of Diego Armando Maradona.


Events The playing style of Diego Armando Maradona.


Events The retirement and honours of Diego Armando Maradona.


26 Unit 2: Sport Legend

Activity 17
Work individually. Have a legend of your choice and write down a first draft of
his/her profile below.

Discuss your writing with your friend/teacher. Revise your writing and write
down a second draft below.

Unit 2: Sport Legend 27

Discuss your writing with your friend/teacher. Revise your writing and write a
final draft below.

Activity 18
Retell your writing in front of your friends.

28 Unit 2: Sport Legend

My Uniform
Objective After learning the lesson, the learners are expected to be able to:
1. Identify expressions of commands and requests
2. Use the expressions of making commands and requests contextually
3. Identify the generic structure and language function of procedure text
4. Write a procedure text

Activity 1
Look at the pictures below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Do you know what they are in the picture?

2. What are they?
3. Do you know where we can get them?
4. When do you use them?
5. Now, look at your uniform. Which of the uniforms are you wearing now?

Unit 3: My Uniform 29
Activity 2
Listen to your teacher pronuncing the following words and practice
pronnouncing them.
Beret Belt
Boots Name tag
Cap Epaulette
Jacket Cap badge
Shirt Trousers
Badge of rank Helmet

Activity 3
Fill the crossword puzzle below. Use the clue follows


2H E L M E T


E 3B 4B

5T R O U S E R 6S

7C O L K

8J A C K E T 10N T I

10N P 10N S 9B R

10N 10 N A M E T A G

11 S H I R T D 10N 10N 10N 10N 10N

12 E P A U L E T T E

30 Unit 3: My Uniform
Down: Across:
1. Topi Baret 2. Helm
3. Sepatu Bot 5. Celana panjang
4. Sabuk 8. Jaket
6. Rok 10. Tanda nama
7. Topi 11. Kemeja
9. Lencana 12. Tanda pangkat

Activity 4
Listen to the monolog then answer the questions that follows.
Make Your Uniform Always Clean
Each after the exercise, make sure to clean the dirty combat uniform.
First, take off the uniform and wash it, then polish the boots. Then, iron the shirt
and brush the beret. Then put on the uniform again and get ready to parade with
the company.
(Source: Campaign English Students 1)

1. What should we do each after the exercise?

2. What is the first step according to the text?
3. What do we do after washing the uniform?
4. What do we do with the shirt?
5. What do we brush?
6. What do we do after putting on the uniform?
7. How many steps do we need to clean the uniform?
8. “take off the uniform and wash it”. What does it refer?

Unit 3: My Uniform 31
Activity 5
Complete the following verbs with appropriate words based on the text on
Activity 4. Use the picture as clue.

1. Clean …

2. Wash …

3. Brush …

4. Iron …

5. Polish …

32 Unit 3: My Uniform
Activity 6
Text Analysis
Language Generic Structure
Make Your Uniform always Clean
Adverb of
Each after the exercise, make sure Goal:
sequence :
to clean the dirty combat uniform. Bagian ini menunjukkan
kata kata
tujuan yang akan dicapai
menunjukkan First, take off the uniform and wash Steps:
urutan, it, then polish the boots. Then, iron Bagian ini menjelaskan
seperti first, the shirt and brush the beret. Then langkah-langkah yang
then, next, put on the uniform again and get harus dilakukan untuk
dsb. ready to parade with the company mencapai tujuan/Goal

kalimat yang
 Kata yang dicetak miring menunjukkan penggunaan adverb of sequence dalam teks
 Kata yang dicetak tebal menunjukkan penggunaan imperative sentence dalam teks

Activity 7
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.
How to wash your uniform
To make our uniform always clean, we have to wash our uniform regularly.
The dirty uniform is not only bad for your appearance but also affect to your skin
health. You can wash your uniform by using machine or using your hand. Let me
show you how to wash your uniform using your hand. Make sure you prepare a
bucket, a mild detergent, and enough water. Here are what to do!
1. Fill a bucket with water
2. Add a mild detergent
3. Dip your uniform in the water
4. Rinse your uniform. Refill the water if the foam still exists.
5. Let your uniform dry.

Unit 3: My Uniform 33
1. What do we have to do to make our uniform always clean?
2. What is the effects of dirty uniform?
3. What washing method does the text show us?
4. What do we need to prepare before washing?
5. How many steps do we need to wash the uniform?
6. What is the first step?
7. What do we have to do after filling the bucket in the water?
8. What do we dip in the water?
9. What do we do if the foam is exist?
10. What is the last step?

Activity 8
Text Analysis
Language Generic Structure
How to wash your uniform
To make our uniform always clean, we Goal:
Adverb of sequence: have to wash our uniform regularly. The Bagian ini
kata kata yang dirty uniform is not only bad for your menunjukkan
menunjukkan appearance but also affect to your skin tujuan yang akan
urutan, seperti first, health. You can wash your uniform by dicapai
then, next, dsb. using machine or using your hand. Let
Sebagai alternatif, me show you how to wash your uniform
bagian ini bisa using your hand.
digantikan dengan Make sure you prepare a bucket, a mild Material:
nomor detergent, and enough water. Bagian ini
Imperative: kalimat bahan-bahan yang
yang menunjukkan diperlukan
perintah 1. Fill a bucket with water Steps:
2. Add a mild detergent Bagian ini
Conditional if: pola if 3. Dip your uniform in the water menjelaskan
sebagai ungkapan 4. Rinse your uniform. Refill the water langkah-langkah
pengandaian/syarat if the foam still exists. yang harus
5. Let your uniform dry. dilakukan untuk
mencapai Goal

34 Unit 3: My Uniform
 Kata yang dicetak miring menunjukkan penggunaan adverb of sequence dalam teks;
 Kata yang dicetak tebal menunjukkan penggunaan imperative dalam teks;
 Kata yang digaris bawah menunjukkan penggunaan conditional/if sentence dalam teks.

Activity 9
Look at the picture below. The picture is jumbled, so put a number in sequence
and write the proper instructions based on the text in activity 6. Number 1 has
been done for you.

2 Add a mild detergent

Unit 3: My Uniform 35
Activity 10
Study the following expressions. Discuss it with your friends and your instructor.

Kalimat Imperative
Bentuk imperative adalah kata kerja yang menunjukkan perintah
(command). Kalimat imperative adalah kalimat yang meminta seseorang untuk
melakukan sesuatu yang kita kehendaki secara langsung. Sebagai contoh:
 Go!
 Sit down!
 Stand up, please!
 Please, clean the board!
 Clean the board, please!
Kita dapat meminta seseorang secara tidak langsung (a request)
menggunakan “would you”.
 Would you like to clean the board?
 Would you please clean the board?
 Would you mind cleaning the board?
Contoh lainnya:
Imperative Noun Phrase Adverb
Turn on the washing machine -
Add the detergent into the bucket
Wash the vegetables -
Boil two cups of water in a pan
Stir the mixture well
Put the cake on a plate
Mix the eggs, the sugar, and the flour in a bowl

36 Unit 3: My Uniform
Activity 11
Write imperative sentences based on the situations below! Number 1 has been
done for you as an example

1. The instructor asks students to read page 33.

Instructor : Look at page 33! Read the sentence, please!
Student : Okay, Sir.

2. The doctor asks the patient to drink the medicine three times a day.
Doctor : ______________________________________________

Patient : ______________________________________________

3. The mother asks her son to come back home before eight pm.
Mother : _______________________________________________

Son : _______________________________________________

4. Mrs. Jones asks her children to buy some cookies.

Mrs. Jones : ___________________________________________

Children : ___________________________________________
5. The general asks his soldiers to do line of march.
General : ______________________________________________

Soldiers : ______________________________________________
6. The sergeant asks his officer to bring the training data.
Sergeant : ______________________________________________

Officer : ______________________________________________

Unit 3: My Uniform 37
Activity 12
Make a requests by using “would you …” based on the same situations as
those in activity 10. Number 1 has been done for you as an example.

1. Instructor : Look at page 33! Read the sentence, please!

(Request) :  Would you like to look at page 33?
Would you like to read the sentence? (or)
 Would you please look at page 33?
Would you please read the sentence? (or)
 Would you mind looking at page 33?
Would you mind reading the sentence?
(Choose only one form)

2. Doctor : __________________________________________

(Request) : __________________________________________

3. Mother : __________________________________________

(Request) : __________________________________________

4. Mrs. Jones : __________________________________________

(Request) : __________________________________________

5. General : __________________________________________

(Request) : __________________________________________

6. Sergeant : __________________________________________

(Request) : __________________________________________

38 Unit 3: My Uniform
Activity 13
Listen to the following dialog then answer the questions that follow.

Maj Hargevik : Ma’am Walker, the colonel wants the list of new
recruits as soon as possible.
Lt Walker : Right away, Sir.

Lt Walker : Get me the new list for the colonel, please sergeant.
Sgt Muller : Yes, Ma’am.

Sgt Muller : Excuse me, Sir. The lieutenant wants the list of new
CSM Ellis : What?
Sgt Muller : Pardon me, Sir. I mean the list of new recruits.
CSM Ellis : Alright, Sir. I will send you the list in 5 minutes.

1. What does the colonel need?

2. Who asks sergeant to take the list?
3. How long will the CSM send the list to the sergeant?
4. How many people are in the conversation?
5. Can you identify what’s wrong with the sergeant’s request?

Unit 3: My Uniform 39
Activity 14
Study the language functions and the linguistic features of the dialog below.
Language Language Features
Asking the Mike : So Jill, how to iron our uniform
goal properly?

Explaining Jill : You've forgotten already? OK.

first and Before you iron, check the tag first.
second step Make sure you see that your
clothes can be ironed.

Responding Mike : Okay, let me take a note. What

to the should I do after that?
asking for Adverb of sequence
further step

Explaining Jill : After that, fill the iron with water.

the steps Don't forget, set the iron on the Imperative/
right setting. Check if the clothes Request
should be on low or high heat.

Responding Mike : That’s good.

to the

Explaining Jill : Then, organize your clothes.

additional Finally, to make it effective, put a
steps piece of alumunium foil on the
ironing board, so you can iron on
the both side at the same time.
Thanking Mike : Wow, great. Thanks. I'm going to
give it a go right now.

Encouraging Jill : Good luck.

Thanking Mike : Thanks.

40 Unit 3: My Uniform
Activity 15
Write a dialog by paying attention to the language functions provided. Look at
the example in the activity 13

Asking the goal Dean :

Explaining first Ellen :

and second

Responding to Dean :
asking for
further step

Explaining the Ellen :


Responding to Dean :
the explanation

Explaining Ellen :
additional steps

Thanking Dean :

Encouraging Ellen :

Thanking Dean :

Unit 3: My Uniform 41
Activity 16
Listen to the description. Choose picture that is suitable with the description

Activity 17
Arrange the paragraph into a good text.
How to Obtain and Wear a Uniform
After identifying the distinctive part, familiarize yourself with other policies.
In addition to your issued uniform, there are other policies regarding
personal appearance and grooming.
Then, wear distinctive parts of a uniform only when the full uniform is worn.
Some uniforms have parts that are easily identified with a particular branch
of the military.
First, obtain your uniform only from your branch of the armed services. It is
illegal to wear a uniform or any uniform part that is not issued by the branch
of the armed forces in which you serve.
Finally, wear civilian clothing when off duty. You should not wear your
uniform when you are off duty, except for transportation home.
Wear military uniform is strictly bounded by some rules.
Second, wear medals only on dress uniforms. If you earn any type of medal,
you should wear it only on ceremonious occasions and not with your regular
(adapted from

42 Unit 3: My Uniform
Activity 18
Rewrite the text in correct order, then analyze the generic structure and
language features of the text above.

Language Generic
Features Structure
How to Obtain and Wear a Uniform
Adverb of

Imperative Steps

Activity 19
Work in pairs. Write a text about how to do something using your own words.
Analyze the structure and language features of the text then read the text.

Language Generic
Features Structure

Unit 3: My Uniform 43
Activity 20
Make a text of how to do something then read it.
Language Generic
Features Structure

44 Unit 3: My Uniform
A Bear and a Lion

Objective After learning the lesson, the learners are expected to be able to:
1. Identify expressions of commands and requests
2. Use the expressions of making commands and requests contextually
3. Identify the generic structure and language function of procedure text
4. Write a procedure text

Activity 1
Listen to the description. Study the following pictures and answer the

a. b.

1. What animal is in picture a?
2. What animal is in picture b?
3. Where can we find them?
4. Which animal is stronger?
5. Look picture c. What are their similarities?

Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion 45

Activity 2
Listen and repeat the words below.
a. bear i. fight
b. lion j. ran
c. killed k. tired
d. goat l. scratched
e. quarrel m. fox
f. caught n. passing by
g. paw o. saw
h. jaw
Activity 3
Match the words in the left column with their meaning in the right column.
a. bear 1. melihat
b. lion 2. lewat, melewati
c. killed 3. rubah
d. quarrel 4. lecet
e. caught 5. berselisih
f. paw 6. menangkap
g. jaw 7. cakar
h. goat 8. rahang
i. fight 9. berlari
j. ran 10. berkelahi
k. tired 11. beruang
l. scratched 12. singa
m. fox 13. membunuh
n. passing by 14. kambing
o. saw 15. lelah

46 Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion

Activity 4
Listen to the monolog then answer the questions that follow.
A Bear and a Lion
Once upon a time a lion and a bear caught and killed a goat. They had a
quarrel over it.
“It is mine,” said the bear. “I caught it with my strong paws.
“It is not yours. It is mine,” said the lion. “I killed it with my strong jaws.”
Then they began to fight over it. They ran up and down the hill, under and
over the fallen trees, in and out of the forest. They bit and scratched with their
strength, but no one could overcome the other. At last they both were tired out
and could fight no longer. They lied upon the ground, panting and looking at each
A fox who was passing by at the time saw them with a dead goat nearby.
She ran up to them, took the goat home and ate it up.
(Adopted from

1. What animals are in the text?

2. Why did they have a quarrel?
3. How did the bear catch the goat?
4. How did the lion kill the goat?
5. Why were the bear and the lion tired?
6. What did the fox do to the dead goat?
7. What is the complication of the text?
8. Is the conflict resolved?
9. Who is the winner?
10. What do you learn from the story?

Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion 47

Activity 5
Text Analysis
Language Feature Text Generic Structure

Once upon a time a lion and a bear 1. Orientation

1. Menggunakan caught and killed a goat. They had a Bagian Orientation
Verb dalam bentuk quarrel over it. pengenalan berisi
Past Tense. “It is mine,” said the bear. “I caught tentang pengenalan
it with my strong paws. tokoh dalam cerita serta
2. Menggunakan “It is not yours. It is mine,” said the waktu dan tempat
kata ganti lion. “I killed it with my strong jaws.” kejadiannya.

3. Menggunakan
Time Connectives
dan Conjunctions
Then they began to fight over it. They 2. Complication
ran up and down the hill, under and Bagian Complication
over the fallen trees, in and out of berisi gambaran
the forest. They bit and scratched munculnya krisis atau
with their strength, but no one could masalah yang dialami
overcome the other. At last they both oleh tokoh pada cerita
were tired out and could fight no tersebut yang harus
longer. They lied upon the ground, dipecahkan.
panting and looking at each other.

A fox who was passing by at the time 3. Resolution

saw them with a dead goat nearby. Bagian Resolution berisi
She ran up to them, took the goat Kelanjutan dari apa yang
home and ate it up. terjadi pada
1. Kata yang dicetak tebal mengindikasikan language feature No. 1
2. Kata yang digaris bawahi mengindikasikan language feature No. 2
3. Kata yang dicetak miring mengindikasikan language feature No. 3

48 Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion

Activity 6
Look at the pictures then choose the corect words to complete the sentences.

1. Once upon a time there

(is/was/were) a lion.

2. There (is/was/were) also a bear that

lived in a forest.

3. The lion and the bear

(kill/killed/kills) a goat.

4. Then, they (have/had/has) a quarrel

over it.

5. lion and the bear (was/were/are)

tired of fighting.

Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion 49

6. A fox was passing by. She
(take/takes/took) and
(eat/ate/eaten) the dead goat.

Activity 7
Rewrite the sentences that you have completed in Activity 6 below.




50 Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion




Activity 8
Put your sentences in Activity 7 in the table below.
1. Orientation

2. Complication

Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion 51

3. Resolution

Activity 9
Study the following pictures and answer the questions.

a. b.


1. What tree is in picture a?

2. Look at picture b, is it a boy or a girl?
3. What tree is in picture c?
4. What do you think of the pictures?

52 Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion

Activity 10
Listen and repeat the words below.

a. tree f. branch k. spend

b. tasty g. shadow l. request
c. around h. pluck m. toy
d. play i. visit n. return
e. climb j. join o. produce

Activity 11
Match the words in the left column with their meaning in the right column.

1. Tree a. menghasilkan
2. Tasty b. kembali
3. Around c. mainan
4. Play d. bermain
5.Climb e. enak
6. Branch f. pohon
7. Shadow g. memanjat
8. Pluck h. sekitar
9. Visit i. dahan, cabang
10. Join j. mengunjungi
11. Spend k. menghabiskan
12. Request l. bergabung
13. Toy m. memetik
14. Return n. permintaan
15. Produce o. bayangan

Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion 53

Activity 12
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
An Apple Tree and a Boy
Once upon a time, there was a huge apple tree which gave tasty apples
to the people around it. There was also a little boy who became a close friend to
the apple tree. The boy played with the apple tree, climbed its branches, slept
under its shadow, and plucked its apples. Every day he visited the apple tree,
and ate some apples.
One day, the boy joined in school and didn’t have time to spend with the
apple tree. After several days, the boy came to the tree. The apple tree was so
happy to see the boy. It asked the boy to play. Unfortunately, the boy said that he
was not a child anymore. He didn’t want to play with the tree. But he made a
request to the apple tree. The boy said he needed toys, but his parents didn’t
have money to buy it for him. The tree said, “Dear my boy, I don’t have any money
to buy it for you, but you can pick my apples, then sell them, get money and buy
the toys you want.”
The boy ran happily to his home after plucking apples. The tree was
waiting to see the boy return. But he never came back for many years. The apple
tree was sad and it didn’t produce any apples anymore.
(Adopted from

1. What tree is in the text?

2. Who is the little boy?
3. What did the boy do with the tree?
4. Why didn’t the boy have time to spend with the tree?
5. What did the tree do when the boy came?

54 Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion

6. Why didn’t the boy want to play?
7. What was the boy’s request?
8. What did the apple tree do to fulfil the request?
9. What is the complication of the story?
10. What do you learn from the story?

Activity 13
Text Analysis
Language Text Generic Structure
1. Menggunakan Once upon a time, there was a huge apple tree 1. Orientation:
Verb dalam which gave tasty apples to the people around Bagian Orientation
bentuk Past it. There was also a little boy who became a pengenalan berisi
Tense. close friend to the apple tree. tentang pengenalan
The boy played with apple tree, climbed its tokoh dalam cerita
2. Menggunakan branches, slept under its shadow, and plucked serta waktu dan
kata ganti its apples. Every day he visited the apple tree, tempat kejadiannya.
and ate some apples.

3. Menggunak One day, the boy joined in school and didn’t 2. Complication:
4. an Time have time to spend with the apple tree. Bagian
Connectives After several days, the boy came to the tree. Complication berisi
dan The apple tree was so happy to see the boy. It gambaran
Conjunctions asked the boy to play. Unfortunately, the boy munculnya krisis
untuk said that he was not a child anymore. He didn’t atau masalah yang
mengurutkan want to play with the tree. But he made a dialami oleh tokoh
kejadian- request to the apple tree. The boy said he pada cerita tersebut
kejadian needed toys, but his parents didn’t have money untuk dipecahkan.
to buy it for him. The tree said, “Dear my boy, I
don’t have any money to buy it for you, but you
can pick my apples, then sell them, get money
and buy the toys you want.”

Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion 55

The boy ran happily to his home after plucking 3. Resolution
apples. The tree was waiting to see the boy Bagian Resolution
return. But he never came back for many years. berisi kelanjutan
The apple tree was sad and it didn’t produce dari apa yang terjadi
any apples anymore. pada Complication
1. Kata yang dicetak tebal mengindikasikan language feature No. 1
2. Kata yang digaris bawahi mengindikasikan language feature No. 2
3. Kata yang dicetak miring mengindikasikan language feature No. 3

Activity 14
Look at the pictures then choose the corect words to complete the sentences.

1. Once upon a time there (is/was/were) a

huge apple tree.

2. There (is/was/were) a little boy who

(become/became/becoming) a close
friend to the tree

3. One day, the boy (join/joins/joined) in

school and (doesn’t/didn’t/don’t) have
a time to spend with apple tree.

4. One day the boy (come/came/coming)

to the tree. He (makes/make/make) a
request to the tree. He said he
(need/needs/needed) toys, but his
parents (don’t/didn’t/doesn’t) have
money to buy it for him

56 Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion

5. The tree (say/says/said) to the boy that
he (can/could/can’t) pick the apples
and sell them to get money to buy the
toys he (want/wanted/wanting).

6. The boy (run/runs/ran) to his home

after plucking apples. The tree
(is/was/were) waiting to see the boy
return. But he never
(come/came/coming) back for many
years. The apple tree (is/was/were) sad.

Activity 15
Rewrite the sentences that you have completed in Activity 14 below.




Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion 57




Activity 16
Put your sentences in Activity 15 in the table below.

1. Orientation

2. Complication

58 Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion

3. Resolution

Activity 17
Write a narrative text with a friend. Choose a story, then plan your text by
completing the table below.
1. Orientation

2. Complication

3. Resolution

Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion 59

Activity 18
Write your own story below.
















Activity 19
Present your story. Read it out loud.

60 Unit 4: A Bear and a Lion

Military Weapons

After learning the lesson, the learners are expected to be able to:
Objective 1. Identify the expressions of asking and giving opinions,
2. Use the expressions of asking and giving opinions in daily life context,
3. Identify the generic structure and linguistic feature of exposition text,
4. Write an exposition text.

Activity 1
Study the vocabulary below.

Rifle Grenade launcher Bayonet

Handguns Anti tank Armed robotics vehicle
Combat shotguns Machine guns Nuclear boms
Armed predator drone Mines Hand grenades

Activity 2
Listen to the recording. Match the pictures with the name of the weapons.

Unit 5: Military Weapons 61

Activity 3
Match the names of the weapons below with their descriptions.
No Name of the weapon Description
1 Hand gun A swordlike stabbing blade that may be
fixed to the muzzle of a rifle for use in hand
to hand fighting

62 Unit 5: Military Weapons

No Name of the weapon Description
2 Rifle An explosive mine laid or just under the
surface of the ground
3 Land Mines An automatic gun that fires bullets in rapid
succession for as long as the trigger is
4 Machine guns A gun, especially one fired from shoulder
level, having a long spirally grooved barrel
intended to make a bullet spin and thereby,
have greater accuracy over a long distance
5 Grenade A gun designed for use by one hand,
especially a pistol or revolver
6 Bayonet A small bomb thrown by hand or launched

Activity 4
Listen to the dialog. Practice the dialog below with your friend.
Edward : Captain Smith, may I ask you a question?
Captain Smith : Yes, of course.
Edward : What is your opinion about using nuclear bomb in a
Captain Smith : Using nuclear weapons in a war is a crime. No nation in
this world should use this kind of weapon no matter
what the reason is.
Edward : Really? But some countries had built their nuclear
weapons, and some had made its test or trial.
Captain Smith : It is against the Geneva Convention that states every
country shouldn’t use any mass destruction weapon in a

Unit 5: Military Weapons 63

Edward : Why is nuclear weapon forbidden? Can you explain
Captain Smith : Nuclear Weapons such as nuclear bombs are very
dangerous because their radiation can affect the living
things on Earth. In addition, a single weapon can
demolish a city.

Activity 5
Answer the following questions about the dialog in activity 4.
1. What is Edward doing?
2. What is Captain Smith opinion about nuclear weapons?
3. What does Edward say to ask Captain Smith opinions?
4. Based on the text above, why is using nuclear weapon forbidden?
5. Can you give your opinion about using nuclear weapons in a war?

Activity 6
Listen to the dialog and practice it with your friend.

A : So, do you have lots of friends?

B : I guess so.
A : What do you think makes a good friend?
B : Hemm… good friend…well, a good friend helps you when you have a
A : Hmm…do you think that’s the most important thing?
B : Yeah, friends help each other. I really think so.
A : Well, what kinds of problems does your best friend help you with?
B : Well, that’s kind of personal.

64 Unit 5: Military Weapons

Activity 7
Answer the following questions about the dialog in activity 6.
1. What are they talking about?
2. What does the speaker say to ask her friend’s opinion?
3. How does the speaker give her opinion?

Activity 8
Study the following expressions of giving and asking opinions.
Asking opinion :
 Have you got any comments on  What do you think of …?
…?  What do you think about…?
 Do you have any idea?  What is your opinion?
 Do you have any opinion on …?  Why do they behave like that?
 Would you give me your opinion  Do you think it’s going?
on…?  How do you like?
 What is your reaction to …?  How was the trip?
 What is your opinion about…?  How do you think of Rina’s idea ?
 What are you feeling about…?  How do you feel about this dicition?
 What are your views on…?
 Please give me your frank opinion
Giving opinion
 I personally believe …  I think I like it.
 I personally consider …  I don’t think I care for it.
 I personally think /feel …  I think it’s good/nice/terrific…
 I hold the opinion …  I think that awful/ not nice/ terrible…
 My own view of the matter is …  I don’t think much of it.
 Well, personally …  I think that…
 If I had my view, I would …  In my opinion, I would rather…
 In my case …
 What I’m more concerned with …
 What I have in my mind is…
 The way I see is that…
 No everyone will agree with me, but …
 To my mind …
 From my point of view…

Unit 5: Military Weapons 65

Activity 9
Complete this dialog using the expressions in the following box.
Bambang : The crime rate is increasing in this city recently. What is your reaction to it?
Joko : (1)___________ we have to protect ourselves just in case a violent person or
an aggressive dog attack us.
Bambang : What do you mean?
Joko : We should prepare personal defence weapon. Having a right tool to defense
ourselves is important for our safety. (2)______________?
Bambang : Yes, I agree with you, but what kind of weapon should we bring?
Joko : There are many self-defence tools such as pepper spray, tear gas, stun guns
and tasers. They are non-lethal weapons so we can bring it everywhere we
Bambang : (4)_______ using a hand gun for personal protection? Is it legal in our
Joko : It is legal actually, but (5)______________ it is too risky to bring a gun. In
addition, we shall have a license to have it.

Can you give me examples

In my opinion
What about
I think
What do you think about it

66 Unit 5: Military Weapons

Activity 10
Look at the following topics. Make a question using the expressions of asking
someone’s opinion about the topics given. Study the example below.

If you want to ask someone’s opinion about this issue below, what
would you say?
Example :
Smoking—What do you think about people smoking in a public area?

1. Getting peace by war

2. Terrorism
3. Bahasa Indonesia as ASEAN official language
4. Smart phone for children
5. Using handgun for personal protection

Activity 11
Please write at least 2 opinions about the issues in activity 10.
Write your opinion here.
Issue Opinions
1. Getting peace by 1.


2. Terrorism 1.


Unit 5: Military Weapons 67

3. Bahasa Indonesia 1.
as ASEAN official
language 2.

4. Smart phone for 1.



5. Using handgun for 1.


Activity 12
Choose one of the following situations to make a short dialog about asking and
giving opinion with your classmate.

1. Ask your friend’s opinion about using a rifle to shoot an object in a long
2. You want to know your friend’s opinion about using hand grenade in an
3. Is it effective to use an anti-tank in a battle?

68 Unit 5: Military Weapons

Activity 13
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Text 1

Unlike the conventional warfare that uses traditional weapons in a war, the
warfare nowadays using modern weapons such as grenade launcher, combat
shotgun, automatic machine gun, tank, missile and robots. Autonomous robots
have played a marginal role in warfare. Recently, the use of drones to counter
the improvised explosive device (IED) threat in Iraq and carry out aerial bombing
campaigns in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia has elevated military
robots to a more prominent role in U.S. military operations.

The use of robots in a war has many advantages. Autonomous robotics would
save and preserve soldiers' lives by removing serving soldiers, who might
otherwise be killed, from the battlefield. In addition, using robots in a military
operation will be more effective because robots don’t have tired, they don’t hide
under the trees when raining, and robots have no fear.

So, it can be concluded that using robots in a war can give a lot of benefits to win
the war.

Unit 5: Military Weapons 69

Answer the questions.

1. What is the most suitable title for the text?

2. What is the main topic of the first paragraph?
3. What is the main topic of the second paragraph?
4. What is the writer opinion about the use of robot in a military operation?

Text structure
Generic Text Linguistic Feature
Thesis Unlike the conventional warfare that uses Present tense : uses
traditional weapons in a war, the warfare
nowadays using modern weapons such as
grenade launcher, combat shotgun,
automatic machine gun, tank, missile and
Arguments Autonomous robots have played a
marginal role in warfare.
Recently, the use of drones to counter the
improvised explosive device (IED) threat in Present tense: use
and carry out aerial bombing campaigns in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and
Somalia has elevated military robots to a Present tense : carry
more prominent role in U.S. military
Arguments The use of robots in a war has many
advantages. Autonomous robotics would
save and preserve soldiers' lives by
removing serving soldiers, who might
otherwise be killed, from the battlefield.
In addition, using robots in a military
operation will be more effective because Conjunction: In
robots don’t have tired, they don’t hide addition
under the trees when raining, and robots
have no fear.
Conclusion So, it can be concluded that using robots in
a war can give a lot of benefits to win the Concluding statement
Bold : Present Tense.
Underlined : Conjunction.
Italic : Concluding statement.

70 Unit 5: Military Weapons

Text 2

Can you imagine how our life would be without water? Water is one of the most
important substances on earth. All plants, animals and human must have water
to live. If there is no water, there would be no life on earth.
Apart from drinking it to survive, people use water for cooking, washing their
bodies, washing clothes, keeping houses clean, and so on. Water is also
essential for the healthy growth of farm crops and farm stock and is used in the
manufacture of many products.
Not only is water important, it is useful for animals and plants. They need it to
drink otherwise they will die. For some animals, water is their place to live. Fish,
crocodiles, whales are some examples of animals which live in water.
From the reasons above, it can be concluded that water is very important for
human and all living things on earth.
Answer the questions.
1. What is the most suitable title for the text?
2. What is the main topic of the first paragraph?
3. What is the main topic of the second paragraph?
4. What is the main topic of the third paragraph?
5. Why does the writer think that water is important for human?
6. In which paragraph does the writer explain the importance of water?
7. Write down the writer’s arguments/opinions about the importance of water
in the table below

Unit 5: Military Weapons 71

No Writer’s Arguments/Opinions





Text structure
Text 2
Generic Text Linguistic Feature
Thesis Can you imagine how our life would be
without water? Present tense: can
Water is one of the most important
substances on earth.
All plants, animals and human must Present tense: is
have water to live.
If there is no water, there would be no Present tense: is
life on earth.

Apart from drinking it to survive,
people use water for cooking, washing Present Tense: use
their bodies, washing clothes, keeping
houses clean, and so on.
Water is also essential for the healthy Present tense: is
growth of farm crops and farm stock
and is used in the manufacture of
many products.

72 Unit 5: Military Weapons

Arguments Besides important for human being,
animals and plants also need water. Conjunction:
They need it to drink otherwise they Besides
will die. For some animals, water is
their place to live. Fish, crocodiles,
whales are some examples of animals
which live in water.

Conclusion From the reasons above, it can be Concluding

concluded that water is very important statement
for human and all living things on
Bold : Present Tense.
Underlined : Conjunction.
Italic : Concluding statement.

Activity 14
In pairs, write an exposition text based on the pictures given. You don’t have to
write your ideas in sentences yet. Elaborate your ideas by providing supporting
facts or opinion.
Thesis The Danger of Using Nuclear Elaborate your ideas here.

Argument 1 Elaborate your ideas here.

Unit 5: Military Weapons 73

Argument 2 Elaborate your ideas here.

Activity 15
In pairs, write your own exposition text. Choose one of the topic below.
1. Handgun for personal protection
2. Using nuclear weapon in a war
3. Military technology towards people’s life
4. Effect of nuclear technology for our life

Plan your text by completing the table below. You don’t have to write your ideas
in sentences yet.

Argument 1

74 Unit 5: Military Weapons

Argument 2

Argument 3


Let another group check your work. Rewrite them based on your friend’s


Argument 1

Argument 2

Unit 5: Military Weapons 75

Argument 3


Now, please write your idea in sentences. Write your first draft here

Discuss your draft with your teacher. Rewrite it based on the teacher’s

76 Unit 5: Military Weapons

Write your second draft here

Unit 5: Military Weapons 77

Make your own exposition text.

78 Unit 5: Military Weapons

Social Media
After learning the lesson, the learners are expected to be able to:
Objective 1. identify expressions of asking and delivering opinions
2. practice the expressions of asking and delivering opinion in daily lives context
3. identify generic structure and social function of discussion texts
4. write a discussion text

Activity 1
The following pictures are some social media icons. Write the name of them.

a. b.
____________________ ____________________

c. d.
____________________ ____________________

Unit 6: Social Media 79

Activity 2
Listen to the following dialog. Answer the questions.

Insan : Galih, do you have facebook account?

Galih : Yes. What about you?
Insan : I don’t have facebook account.
Galih : Why don’t you create facebook account?
Insan : I think facebook is wasting time. What do you think of facebook?
Galih : For me, facebook is useful. We can keep in touch with family and

What do you think

of facebook?


For me, facebook is


1. Who are involved in the dialog?
2. What are the speakers talking about?
3. What does the speaker say to deliver opinion?
4. What does the speaker say to ask for his friend’s opinion?

80 Unit 6: Social Media

Activity 3
In pairs, practise the dialog above.

Look at the underlined words.

1. I think facebook is wasting time.
2. What do you think of facebook?
3. For me, facebook is useful.

The underlined words are used to ask and deliver opinion. Look at the table
Giving opinion Asking for opinion
 I think / I don’t think ...  What do you think?
 I believe / I don’t believe ...  What do you think about ...?
 In my opinion,  Do you agree?
 For me  What’s your view?
(taken from:

Activity 4
Listen and complete the dialog below by using expressions from the box above.
Wenda : Do you know Mark Zuckerberg?
Rinjani : Yes. He is the founder of facebook.
Wenda : What do you think about him?
Rinjani : ___________________ he is a genius man.

Krisna : Children now have gadgets.

__________________________________ ?
Hilmi : _____________________ it is not necessary.
They should have more time to play with their
friends, not with their gadgets.

Unit 6: Social Media 81

Tri : I have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Path.
Ginanjar : What is it for?
Tri : To communicate with my family and friends.
________________________ ?
Ginanjar : _______________________ that is too much. I
only have facebook.

Activity 5
Listen to the recording and match the sentences in the recording with the
pictures below.




82 Unit 6: Social Media

Activity 6
Write your opinions about the following pictures.

Unit 6: Social Media 83

Activity 7
In a small group (between 2-3 people), conduct a role play based on some
situations below. Use expression of asking and delivering opinions.

1. Your experiences during

certain missions in other
2. Your experiences during war
3. Your duty in your unit
4. Unforgettable moment in your

Activity 8
Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.
Popular a. A condition giving a greater chance success

Various b. To divide goods and and give part of it to

someone else

Beneficial c. Enjoyed or supported by many people

Advantages d. Someone you do not know

To share e. To encourage the sale of something

Purpose f. Many different

To promote g. Why you do something

Disadvantages h. Intentionally choosing some things and not


Stranger i. A condition which causes problems

Selective j. Helpful, useful

84 Unit 6: Social Media

Activity 9
Classify the vocabulary above based on its parts of speech. See example.


Activity 10
CROSSWORDS. Find hidden words in the box below. See the vocabulary above.

Unit 6: Social Media 85

Activity 11
Complete the following sentences. Use the words in the box.

Popular Various Beneficial Advantages Selective

Share Purpose Promote Disadvantages Stranger

1. We have to be ___________________ in choosing friends in social media.

2. Facebook is a ____________________ social media. It is used by many
people in all over the world.
3. In social media, we can ___________ a lot of information with other people.
4. People use social media for different ____________________.
5. If we are smart users, social media can be _____________________ for us.

Activity 12
Read the text below. Answer the questions based on the text.
Facebook is a popular social media.
Many people use facebook for various reasons.
They find facebook beneficial for their lives.
Facebook has some advantages. First,
we can communicate with our friends or family
who live far away. We can share news, pictures
and videos with them. Second, we can use facebook for business purpose. We
can promote our products or services in facebook.
On the other hand, facebook has disadvantages. Sometimes Facebook is
wasting our time. We can spend many hours to use facebook. Besides, there are
many strangers in facebook. We have to be selective in choosing facebook
friends. There are people who use facebook for bad purpose.
However, facebook can be a good or bad thing. It depends on us. We should
use facebook wisely.
(adapted from

86 Unit 6: Social Media

1. What are the advantages of facebook?
2. What are the disadvantages of facebook?

3. Do you have facebook account? If so, what are the advantages of facebook
for you?
4. What is the type of the text above?
5. What is the social function of the text?
6. What is the best title for the text above?

Activity 13
Study the following table.
Type of text : discussion text
Purpose : to give different points of view in order to make an informed

Generic structure:

Issue  Supporting points  Contrasting points 


Unit 6: Social Media 87

Generic Text Linguistic features
Issue Facebook is a popular social media. Many Adjectives:
people use Facebook for various reasons. popular, various,
They find Facebook beneficial for their lives. beneficial

Supporting Facebook has some advantages. First, we

points can communicate with our friends or family
who live far away. We can share news, Simple present: is,
pictures and videos with them. Second, we use, has, find, are
can use Facebook for business purpose. We
can promote our products or services in
Facebook. Adverb of
sequence: first,
On the other hand, Facebook has
Contrasting disadvantages. Sometimes Facebook is second
points wasting our time. We can spend many hours
to use Facebook. Besides, there are many
strangers in Facebook. We have to be Modals: can,
selective in choosing Facebook friends. should
There are people who use Facebook for bad

Conclusion/ However, facebook can be a good or bad Conjunctions:

recommend thing. It depends on us. We should use however, besides,
ation facebook wisely. on the other hand

 Kata yang dicetak miring menunjukkan kelas kata adjective (kata sifat)
 Kata yang dicetak tebal menunjukkan simple present
 Kaya yang bergaris bawah menunjukkan adverb of sequence (keterangan
urutan); biasanya diungkapkan dengan bilangan ordinal seperti first,
second, dst.
 Kaya yang dicetak tebal dan miring menunjukkan modal, seperti can,
 Kata yang dicetak tebal dan bergaris bawah menunjukkan konjungsi/kata
penghubung seperti however, besides, on the other hand.

88 Unit 6: Social Media

Activity 14
In pairs, identify the structure and the language feature of the following

The Advantage and Disadvantage of the Internet

Generic Structure Text Linguistic features

Computer, tablet, mobile phone, and other

devices connected to internet are great
innovation. Internet has its own
advantages and disadvantages.

Internet helps people communicate with a

person who is in the other parts of the
world. We can chat for hours with our loved
ones. With a lot of messenger services, we
can establish a kind of global friendship

However, internet also has

disadvantageous sides. One of them is the
wide spread of unsuitable content for kids.
It is a very serious issue and related to
children’s healthy mental life. There are
thousands content which are inappropriate
for children.

Therefore, the misuse of internet can be

very fatal.


Unit 6: Social Media 89

Activity 15

Work in pairs. Fill in the writing template below.

Title The advantage and disadvantage of internet

Issue Many people now use internet in their daily lives.


Supporting Internet has many advantages.

points .............................................................................................

Contrasting However, internet also has disadvantages.

points .............................................................................................

Conclusion / Therefore,
recommendation .............................................................................................

90 Unit 6: Social Media

Activity 16
Work individually. Choose a topic. Write your first draft here

Discuss your writing with your friend/teacher. Revise your writing. Write your
second draft here.

Unit 6: Social Media 91

Discuss your writing with your friend/teacher. Revise your writing. Write your
final draft here.

Activity 17
Retell your writing in front of your friends.

92 Unit 6: Social Media

This is a Good Book

After learning the lesson, the learners are expected to be able to:
Objective 1. Identify the purpose of book review text;
2. Identify the structure of a book review text;
3. Identify the linguistic features of a book review text;
4. Describe feelings using adjectives;
5. Write a book review.

Activity 1
Answer the questions below.
1. Have you ever read a novel/a book? What is the title?
2. What is the novel/book about?
3. Is it a good novel/book? What do you think about the novel/book?
4. Look at the pictures below. Which of the stories are you familiar with?

Unit 7: This is a Good Book 93

Activity 2
You are going to read a review of one popular novel entitled Laskar Pelangi.
Before reading it, study the vocabulary below.
inspiring : menginspirasi worried : harapan
be published : dipublikasikan be closed down : ditutup
remain : masih pious : soleh
popular : populer occultism : okultisme
explore : mengeksplorasi poverty : kemiskinan
friendship : persahabatan harsh life : kerasnya hidup
passion : semangat joy : kegembiraan
hope : harapan illiterate : buta huruf
inspirational : yang menginspirasi swamp : rawa

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.
Laskar Pelangi is an inspiring novel by the
Indonesian author Andrea Hirata. It was
published in 2005 and has remained popular
until now. It is a real life fiction that explores
friendship, passion, hope, and love.

The story is set in the 1970s. It tells us about the

story of ten schoolboys and two inspirational
teachers in Muhammadiyah elementary school
in Gantong Village, a remote village in the East
Belitung, Sumatra. The story opens on the first
day of the year at the school. The school needs 10 students to start. The
teachers, Muslimah and Harfan, are worried because they only have nine
students. If no other student comes to the school until the end of the day, then
the school must be closed down. The day almost ends, and Harfan is ready to
give his speech to close the school. Fortunately, near the end of the day, Harun
comes to fill the list. The story of ten schoolboys starts since then.

94 Unit 7: This is a Good Book

The main characters in the novel are the teachers, Harfan and Muslimah. Harfan
is the school principal who is kind-hearted and patient, and Muslimah is a caring
teacher. The other characters are Ikal, a clever student who loves literature and
writes poems; Lintang, the smartest and passionate boy to study; Sahara, the
only girl in the group who is a smart and pious student; Mahar, a calm boy who
believes in occultism and loves arts; A Kiong, a Hokkien kid who is a loyal follower
of Lintang and helpful for others. Even though they live in poverty, they are so
passionate for learning new things at school. They also love to see rainbow, so
Muslimah call them Laskar Pelangi or the Rainbow Troops.

I think Laskar Pelangi is an inspirational and moving novel. The plot is interesting.
There are many incidents in the novel. The characters go through difficult life
with tears and joy. It is also inspiring, for example when Lintang must cycle an
80-kilometer round trip journey every day and pass a swamp with crocodile. It is
touching when Lintang stops going to because his father dies in an accident. It
moves me a lot. I think the story feels real. This novel shows the importance of
education for everyone, even for the child who has a poor life. It is recommended
for teenagers to read. (Taken from many sources)

1. What is Laskar Pelangi?

2. Who is the author of Laskar Pelangi?
3. When was Laskar Pelangi published?
4. Why is Laskar Pelangi popular?
5. What is Laskar Pelangi novel about?
6. Where is the story in Laskar Pelangi set?
7. How does the story open?
8. Why are Muslimah and Arfan worried?
9. What happens if the school only has less than ten students?
10. Who is Harun?

Unit 7: This is a Good Book 95

Activity 3
Reread the text above and match the characters on the left with the qualities
on the right.

a. Harfan is i. calm
b. Muslimah is ii. religious
c. Ikal is iii. courageous
d. Lintang is iv. clumsy
e. Sahara is v. kind
f. Mahar is vi. loving
g. A Kiong is vii. smart
viii. dependable
ix. ashamed

Activity 4
Listen to the review part of the text above and answer the questions that

I think Laskar Pelangi is an inspirational and moving novel. The plot is

interesting. There are many incidents in the novel. The characters go through
difficult life with tears and joy. It is also inspiring, for example when Lintang
must cycle an 80-kilometer round trip journey every day and pass a swamp
with crocodile. It is touching when Lintang stops going to school because his
father dies in an accident. It moves me a lot. I think the story feels real. This
novel shows the importance of education for everyone, even for the child who
has a poor life. It is recommended for teenagers to read.

a. What is the reviewer’s response about the novel?

b. Did the plot keep the interest of the readers? Why?

c. Is there any moral lesson in the story? What is it?

d. Is the novel suitable for certain ages?

96 Unit 7: This is a Good Book

Activity 5
Listen to the dialog. Then in pairs, read the conversation below between two
friends talking about a novel and answer the questions that follow.

Dialog 1
Sinta : Andin, what do you do if you feel bored?
Andin : I usually go to a library cafe near the copy center.
Sinta : What do you do there?
Andin : I just read some novels or comics or books.
Sinta : Is there any good novel to read, Andin?
Andin : Yes, it’s Laskar Pelangi. The story is inspiring and moving.
Answer the following questions based on the conversation above.

1. What does Andin do when she feel bored?

2. What does Andin do in the library?

3. Why is Laskar Pelangi good?

Dialog 2
Sinta : What’s good about the novel?
Andin : The characters in the novel are believable and the plot is
interesting. It makes me interested to keep reading it.
Sinta : What is the lesson from the story?
Andin : The lesson is everybody must have education, including
the poor. We have to work hard to achieve our dreams.
Sinta : That’s interesting. I think I want to read it.
Andin : Yes it is. I will borrow it for you, Sinta.
Sinta : Thanks Andin.

Unit 7: This is a Good Book 97

Answer the following questions based on the conversation above.
1. What is good about the novel?

2. What is the message of the story?

3. Is Sinta interested to read it?

4. Who will borrow the novel?


Activity 6
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
written by : ditulis oleh Capture : menangkap
sole : satu-satunya remained alive : masih hidup
survivor : orang yang selamat badly injured : terluka parah
in late June : di akhir bulan Juni crawled : berjalan pelan
leave : meninggalkan helped : dibantu
mountainous : pegunungan tribe : suku
border : perbatasan respect : rasa hormat

Lone Survivor is a non-fiction book which is written by

Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson. The book is about
Marcus Lutrell, one of the U.S. Navy Seals, who becomes
the lone survivor of the mission.

The story is set in late June 2005. There are four U.S.
Navy Seals who leave their base in northern Afghanistan
for the mountainous Pakistani border. Their mission is to
capture or kill an Al Qaeda leader. Less than twenty-four
hours later, only one of those Navy Seals remains alive.
He is Marcus Luttrell. At that time, he is badly injured. He

98 Unit 7: This is a Good Book

crawls for seven miles through the mountains. After that, he is helped by an
Afghani tribe who protects him from the Taliban killers.

This is an interesting book dealing with the training of Navy Seal Marcus Luttrell
and his deployment in Afghanistan. This story is inspirational. I put my respect
for every soldier who puts in life for the country.

Activity 7
Complete the following sentence with the information in the text above.
1. Lone Survivor is a novel about ...
2. The setting of the novel is ...
3. The mission is ...
4. Because Marcuss Luttrell is badly injured, he ...
5. An Afghani tribe ...

Activity 8

Study the structure and language features of the text below and answers the
questions that follow.

Text Structure Lone Survivor Language Features

Context Lone Survivor is a non-fiction book which
(details about the is written by Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Verb ‘to be’ (in bold)
book: What, Who, Robinson. The book is about Marcus Present tense verbs
When, What type) Lutrell, one of the U.S. Navy Seals, who (in bold)
becomes the lone survivor of the mission.
Text description The story is set in late June 2005. There
(plot, setting, are four U.S. Navy Seals who leave their
characters, style, base in northern Afghanistan for the
coda) mountainous Pakistani border. Their
mission is to capture or kill an Al Qaeda Noun groups
leader. Less than twenty-four hours later, (underlined)
only one of those Navy Seals remains
alive. He is Marcus Luttrell. At that time,
he is badly injured. He crawls for seven
miles through the mountains. After that,
he is helped by an Afghani tribe who
protects him from the Taliban killers.

Unit 7: This is a Good Book 99

Judgment This is an interesting book dealing with
(personal the training of Navy Seal Marcus Luttrell Evaluation words (in
response: Did you and his deployment in Afghanistan. This italic)
enjoy? Did the story is inspirational. I put my respect for
plot keep the every soldier who puts in life for the
interest?) country.

1. Write other “to be” you can find from the text.

2. Write down other verbs in the present tense from the text.

3. Write evaluation words you can find from the text.


Study how adjectives are used below.


nice/bad etc.

adjectives + noun

I think it is an interesting book.

Marcus Lutrell becomes the lone survivor.
The soldiers are in mountainous border.
be (is/are/was/were) + adjective
The book is interesting.
The soldiers are brave.
One soldier was safe.
look/feel/smell/taste + adjectives
She looks amazed.
The noodles taste good.

100 Unit 7: This is a Good Book

Activity 9
Complete the following sentences in the right box with appropriate adjectives.

1. Look. I wear a new sweater. Is it? It doesn’t look...

2. The pizza looks delicious. Maybe, but the sauce
3. You look sad. tastes...
4. The story is boring. Am I? I feel...
5. I don’t feel good. Really? I think it is ...
6. What do think of my new Yeah, you look...
Wow, that’s ...

Activity 10
Look at the pictures and make sentences using adjectives you have listened.
For example: The student looks tired.
The student is busy.


Unit 7: This is a Good Book 101


Activity 11
Rewrite the sentences below to form a noun group.
For example: The book is interesting  This is an interesting book.
1. The story is inspirational  This is ...
2. The characters are beliveable  It has ...
3. The story is fast-moving  The book has ...
4. The book is suitable for teenage readers  It is ...
5. This book is happy ending  It is ...
6. The plot is interesting  The book has ...
7. The novel is poweful  Laskar Pelangi is ...
8. The novel is moving  Laskar Pelangi is ...

102 Unit 7: This is a Good Book

Some interested/interesting
The novel was interesting.
adjectives bored/boring

! can end in
both –ed and
I was interested in the novel.
The match was boring.
The spectators were bored.
–ing annoyed/annoying

Activity 12
Match the feelings and reasons to make sentences.
For example: I’m tired because I could not sleep last night.
Feelings Reasons
interested I learn a lot of vocabulary today.
tired I cannot go anywhere because of heavy traffic.
worried I am going on vacation tomorrow.
I am because
excited I worked extra time to finish my project.
annoyed I cannot find my wallet.
bored I broke my cellphone this morning.

Activity 13
Complete each sentence with the correct forms of adjective.
1. worried The future is very _______
Some students are _______ about their future

2. tired The runners were very _______

That game of badminton was very _______

3. excited Life in Bandung is very ________________

Persib won the competition, and all supporters were
4. The road users were really _______ when traffic jam
was everywhere.
annoying The irresponsible behaviour of some drivers was

Unit 7: This is a Good Book 103

5. Watching football in the stadium is more _______ than
watching on TV.
interesting The supporters are _______ when they watch the match
for free.

Activity 14
Match the adjectives in the box with the feelings shown in the pictures.

excited tired bored

worried interested annoyed


3 4 memecrunch.c

104 Unit 7: This is a Good Book


Activity 15
Choose the correct forms of adjective in the sentences below, then rewrite the

1. What do you think about the movie, Andi?

I think the movie is very bored / boring.

2. What do you think about her performance?

I was amazed / amazing. Her voice is very beautiful.

3. What do you think about the play?

It is very bored / boring.

4. Where is Rahmat?
Rahmat was boring / bored, so he went home.

5. What’s your opinion about the novel?

The story is very interested / interesting.

6. What happens to her?

She’s frightening / frightened of snakes.

Unit 7: This is a Good Book 105

Activity 16
Write the structures and its linguistic features of the text below. See Activity 8
as an example

Text Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War Language

structure features
Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War is a non-
fiction book about war. It is written by Mark Bowden. It
is about the Unified Task Force (UNITEF) which operates
in Somalia in 1993. The mission was to arrest Somali
two military leaders. The book gets its title from the
name of U.S. Black Hawk helicopters. They are shot
down during the battle.
The action begins on October 3, 1993. About a hundred
U.S. soldiers are dropped by helicopter into a market in
Mogadishu, Somalia. The action should take an hour.
But things go wrong. There are mistakes and resistance.
One Black Hawk helicopter is shot down over the Black
Sea. Then, another one is shot down. The soldiers spend
a long night to fight Somalis. By morning, eighteen
Americans are dead, and more than seventy are injured.

This is one of great books that you should read. It is like

a novel that shares a true life drama. This is a story of
the men of the US Army Rangers and Delta Force troops
in a mission. All soldiers and politicians should read this
book. It showsn bravery, honor, and solidarity. Well done
to the author!

Activity 17
Choose a book that you have read, and make a review.

106 Unit 7: This is a Good Book

Activity 18
In pairs, evaluate your review in terms of the text structure and language
features of review text.

1. What are the language features of your partner’s review text?

2. Identidy the text structure of your partner’s review text?
3. What is your opinion about your friend’s review text?

Rich, M. (2007, August 9). He lived to tell the tale (and write a best seller). The
New York Times. Retrieved from

Unit 7: This is a Good Book 107

Photo Credits:
(in order of appearance)
Unit 1: Indonesian_National_Armed_Forces

Unit 2:

Unit 3:

Unit 4: 19532120519_2a5ecd9d87_o.jpg?itok=TSXVcj2M files/public/african_lion_king-wide_1.jpg commons/a/a1/ Domestic_goat_feeding_on_capeweed.jpg 085/f/e/tired_lion_by_gcsnath.jpg kylor/plants/Apple-tree-with-fruit.jpg lenm/lenm1411/lenm141100295/33819158-Illustration-Featuring-a-Boy-
Flexing-His-Muscles-to-Demonstrate-His-Strength-Stock-Vector.jpg 500_F_89235866_H4oaOKXgnrYh78xWj8nqLA3jNGReaUli.jpg

Qi4stf7PzXI/s1600/crying+kid+i+want+that+toy.JPG 2014/12/dsc00652-edit-edit-editsmall.jpg

Unit 5:

Unit 6:

Unit 7:

Tape Script
Unit 1
Activity 2
Sergeant Widodo : Good morning, soldier.
Private Ryan : Good morning, Sir. My name is Private Ryan Handoko.
Sergeant Widodo : What is your rank, soldier?
Private Ryan : My rank is Private at Standby Force IPSC, sir.
Sergeant Widodo : I have to go now. See you Private Ryan.
Private Ryan : See you, Sir.

Activity 5
1. Hello, I am Aisha Sir. Nice to talk with you.
2. Good aftternoon my brother. My name is Ahmed Hassan. Welcome in my country.
3. Bravo, bravo. Good evening, team alpha is on duty.
4. It’s hard to say, but I have to go now. See you very soon.

Unit 2
Activity 2
Taufik : Hi Yayuk, what did you do last weekend?
Yayuk : I did a lot of things. On Saturday, I went shopping.
Taufik : What did you buy?
Yayuk : I bought some new clothes. I also played tennis.
Taufik : Who did you play with?
Yayuk : I played with Susi.
Taufik : Did you win?
Yayuk : I won!

Activity 6
1. Rudi Hartono won the men's singles title at the prestigious All-England Championship eight
2. Robi Darwis brought Persib to championship in the first season of Liga Indonesia.
3. Richard Sam Bera earned his first ever gold medal in the 100 m freestyle at 1989 SEA
4. Rio Haryanto began his car racing career in native continent.

Unit 3
Activity 4
Make Your Uniform Always Clean
Each after the exercise, make sure to clean the dirty combat uniform. First, take off the
uniform and wash it, then polish the boots. Then, iron the shirt and brush the beret. Then put on
the uniform again and get ready to parade with the company.

Activity 12

Maj Hargevik : Ma’am Walker, the colonel wants the list of new recruits as
soon as possible.
Lt Walker : Right away, Sir.
Lt Walker : Get me the new list for the colonel, please sergeant.
Sgt Muller : Yes, Ma’am.
Sgt Muller : Excuse me, Sir. The lieutenant wants the list of new colonels.
CSM Ellis : What?
Sgt Muller : Pardon me, Sir. I mean the list of new recruits.
CSM Ellis : Alright, Sir. I will send you the list in 5 minutes.

Activity 15
1. Do not over or misuse the badges in your uniform
2. The camouflage uniform consists of a hat, a shirt and a trouser
3. Use the badge and the uniform properly
4. You have to follow the rule in using a uniform, as instructed by your commander

Unit 4
Activity 1
a. The Bear is a well-known animal. It is a big animal with either lighter or darker brown fur. Tail
is short and not well seen among its fur. The young have a white collar around their neck,
sometimes the adults also still have it. Bears walk like humans do on their soles. It has dull
teeth as all these who eat both plants and animals. The Brown Bear is a common animal in
Estonia and it has become more numerous in the current century. There are approximately
500 of them here
b. The lion (Panthera leo) is a large mammal of the Felidae (cat) family. Some large males
weigh over 250 kg (550 lb), so it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger. Today, wild
lions live in sub-Saharan Africa and inAsia. Lions are adapted for life in grasslands and
mixed areas with trees and grass. The relatively small females are fast runners over short
distances, and co-ordinate their hunting of herd animals.

Activity 2
a. bear f. caught k. tired
b. lion g. paw l. scratched
c. killed h. jaw m. fox
d. goat i. fight n. passing by
e. quarrel j. ran o. saw

Activity 4
A Bear and a Lion
Once upon a time a lion and a bear caught and killed a goat. They had a quarrel over it.
“It is mine,” said the bear. “I caught it with my strong paws.
“It is not yours. It is mine,” said the lion. “I killed it with my strong jaws.”
Then they began to fight over it. They ran up and down the hill, under and over the fallen
trees, in and out of the forest. They bit and scratched with their strength, but no one could
overcome the other. At last they both were tired out and could fight no longer. They lied upon the
ground, panting and looking at each other.
A fox who was passing by at the time saw them with a dead goat nearby. She ran up to
them, took the goat home and ate it up

Unit 5
Activity 2
Rifle Grenade launcher Bayonet
Handguns Anti tank Armed robotics vehicle
Combat shotguns Machine guns Nuclear boms
Armed predator drone Mines Hand grenades

Activity 4
Edward : Captain Smith, may I ask you a question?
Captain Smith : Yes, of course.
Edward : What is your opinion about using nuclear bomb in a war?
Captain Smith : Using nuclear weapons in a war is a crime. No nation in this world
should use this kind of weapon no matter what the reason is.
Edward : Really? But some countries had built their nuclear weapons, and
some had made its test or trial.
Captain Smith : It is against the Geneva Convention that states every country
shouldn’t use any mass destruction weapon in a war.
Edward : Why is nuclear weapon forbidden? Can you explain that?
Captain Smith : Nuclear Weapons such as nuclear bombs are very dangerous
because their radiation can affect the living things on Earth. In
addition, a single weapon can demolish a city.

Activity 6
A : So, do you have lots of friends?
B : I guess so.
A : What do you think makes a good friend?
B : Hemm… good friend…well, a good friend helps you when you have a problem.
A : Hmm…do you think that’s the most important thing?
B : Yeah, friends help each other. I really think so.
A : Well, what kinds of problems does your best friend help you with?
B : Well, that’s kind of personal.

Unit 6
Activity 2
Insan : Galih, do you have facebook account?
Galih : Yes. What about you?
Insan : I don’t have facebook account.
Galih : Why don’t you create facebook account?
Insan : I think facebook is wasting time. What do you think of facebook?
Galih : For me, facebook is useful. We can keep in touch with family and friends.

Activity 4
Wenda : Do you know Mark Zuckerberg?
Rinjani : Yes. He is the founder of facebook.
Wenda : What do you think about him?
Rinjani : In my opinion, he is a genius man.

Krisna : Children now have gadgets. What do you think ?
Hilmi : I think it is not necessary. They should have more time to play with their friends, not
with their gadgets.

Tri : I have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Path.

Ginanjar: What is it for?
Tri : To communicate with my family and friends. What’s your view ?
Ginanjar: For me, that is too much. I only have facebook

Activity 5
1. I think children should not have gadgets.
2. In my opinion, parents should limit internet time for their children.
3. I believe that social media can be beneficial if we become smart users.
4. For me, having a lot of social media is not effective.
5. I think people should not post their problems on social media.

Unit 7
Activity 4
I think Laskar Pelangi is an inspirational and moving novel. The plot is interesting. There
are many incidents in the novel. The characters go through difficult life with tears and joy. It is
also inspiring, for example when Lintang must cycle an 80-kilometer round trip journey every day
and pass a swamp with crocodile. It is touching when Lintang stops going to school because his
father dies in an accident. It moves me a lot. I think the story feels real. This novel shows the
importance of education for everyone, even for the child who has a poor life. It is recommended
for teenagers to read.

Activity 5
Dialog 1
Sinta : Andin, what do you do if you feel bored?
Andin : I usually go to a library cafe near the copy center.
Sinta : What do you do there?
Andin : I just read some novels or comics or books.
Sinta : Is there any good novel to read, Andin?
Andin : Yes, it’s Laskar Pelangi. The story is inspiring and moving.

Dialog 2
Sinta : What’s good about the novel?
Andin : The characters in the novel are believable and the plot is interesting. It makes me interested
to keep reading it.
Sinta : What is the lesson from the story?
Andin : The lesson is everybody must have education, including the poor. We have to work hard to
achieve our dreams.
Sinta : That’s interesting. I think I want to read it.
Andin : Yes it is. I will borrow it for you, Sinta.
Sinta : Thanks Andin.

Activity 10
Picture no 1 : tired, busy
Picture no 2 : heavy, jammed
Picture no 3 : nice, kind

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