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Syamsuryana, S.Pd.
NIP. -

Sebagai Pertanggungjawaban Kegiatan MGMP Bahasa Inggris

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Pontianak



Laporan Kegiatan Rutin MGMP Bahasa Inggris MAN 3 Pontianak Semester Ganjil
tahun pelajaran 2023/2024 ini telah diperiksa dan disetujui oleh Kepala MAN 3
Pontianak pada 28 November 2023

Wakamad Bidang Kurikulum Guru Bahasa Inggris

Munir, S.Pd.I. Syamsuryana, S. Pd.

NIP. 197809302023211006 NIP. -

Mengetahui dan Mengesahkan,

Kepala MAN 3 Pontianak

Haral, S.Ag
NIP 196706142006041010


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Alhamdulillah puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah S.W.T karena dengan
rahmad dan pertolonganNya laporan MGMP Bahasa Inggris ini bisa kami selesaikan.
Penulisan laporan ini sebagai pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan kegiatan MGMP
Bahasa Inggris pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2023/2024. Kegiatan MGMP
Bahasa Inggris pada semester ganjil ini dilaksanakan sebanyak 5 kali pertemuan dan
diikuti oleh guru Bahasa Inggris Madrasah Aliyah Negeri dan Swasta di wilayah kerja
Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Pontianak.
Penulis banyak mendapat bantuan, bimbingan, dan dorongan dari berbagai pihak,
dalam menyelesaikan laporan ini. Oleh karena itu, pada kesempatan ini penulis
mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu penyusunan
laporan ini, terutama kepada :
1. Bapak Haral, S.Ag selaku Kepala MAN 3 Pontianak.
2. Bapak Munir, S.Pd.I selaku Wakil kepala bidang kurikulum MAN 3 Pontianak
3. Ibu Mena Zakiah, SS selaku kepala Tata Usaha MAN 3 Pontianak
4. Bapak/Ibu dewan guru MAN 3 Pontianak yang senantiasa memberikan dukungan
dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan dan penulisan laporan ini.
5. Bapak/Ibu staf TU MAN 3 Pontianak yang telah membantu menyelesaikan
administrasi surat-menyurat yang penulis perlukan..
6. Serta semua pihak yang turut membantu yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu persatu.
Penulis menyadari bahwa dalam laporan ini masih terdapat kekurangan. Oleh
karena itu, penulis sangat mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun
demi tercapainya kesempurnaan. Semoga laporan ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
Demikian laporan ini disusun untuk dapat digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.
Akhir kata saya mengucapkan terima kasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Pontianak, 28 November 2023
Guru Bahasa Inggris

Syamsuryana, S.Pd.
NIP. -


KEMENTERIAN AGAMA REPUBLIK INDONESIA.............................................................i

KEMENTERIAN AGAMA KOTA PONTIANAK....................................................................i
LEMBAR PENGESAHAN............................................................................................................ii
KATA PENGANTAR..................................................................................................................iii
DAFTAR ISI.................................................................................................................................iv
DAFTAR LAMPIRAN...................................................................................................................v
BAB I..............................................................................................................................................1
1. Latar Belakang.....................................................................................................................1
2. Pengertian.............................................................................................................................2
3. Peserta...................................................................................................................................2
4. Tujuan MGMP..................................................................................................................2
5. Sasaran MGMP....................................................................................................................2
6. Hasil yang diharapkan........................................................................................................2
BAB II.............................................................................................................................................4
PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM MGMP.........................................................................................4
1. Waktu dan tempat kegiatan................................................................................................4
2. Bentuk Kegiatan...................................................................................................................4
3. Pendanaan.............................................................................................................................5
4. Masalah yang dihadapi........................................................................................................5
5. Upaya pemecahan masalah..................................................................................................5
BAB III...........................................................................................................................................6
HASIL PELAKSANAAN KEGIATAN........................................................................................6
BAB IV...........................................................................................................................................7
RANGKUMAN DAN EVALUASI KEGIATAN..........................................................................7
BAB V............................................................................................................................................8
1. Kesimpulan............................................................................................................................8
2. Rekomendasi.........................................................................................................................8
BAHAN DAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN................................................................................13


1. Foto kopi SK Kepala Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Pontianak tentang

MGMP Bahasa Inggris MA Kota Pontianak.
2. Tanda Terima Transport Peserta MGMP Bahasa Inggris (MAN 3 Pontianak)
3. Daftar Hadir Peserta MGMP Bahasa Inggris MA Kota Pontianak
4. Surat Tugas peserta MGMP Bahasa Inggris (MAN 3 Pontianak)
5. Dokumentasi Kegiatan (minimal setiap pertemuan 1 foto)


1. Latar Belakang
Kegiatan pembelajaran yang baik merupakan salah satu syarat utama untuk
meningkatkan prestasi peserta didik dalam bidang akademik. Pembelajaran yang baik
mensyaratkan guru yang kompeten dan berdedikasi tinggi untuk melaksanakannya demi
tercapainya susasana pembelajaran yang baik dan berdampak positif bagi peserta didik.
Guru sebagai pelaksana dan fasilitator pembelajaran perlu selalu berupaya
meningkatkan kemampuan, kompetensi dan penguasaannya terhadap mata pelajaran
yang diampunya. Ada berbagai macam cara yang bisa ditempuh guru untuk
meningkatkan kompetensinya, diantaranya mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan,
workshop, seminar dan Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP), bahkan menempuh
pendidikan lanjutan.
Musyawarah Guru mata Pelajaran (MGMP) merupakan salah satu cara
pengembangna diri sekaligus peningkatan kompetensi guru. Kegiatan MGMP
Madrasah Aliyah di wilayah kerja Kementerian Agama Kota Pontianak yang
dilaksanakan selama ini masih belum optimal karena belum semua guru madrasah mau
memanfaatkan kegiatan tersebut guna meningkatkan kompetensinya. Permasalahan
klasik yang ada selama ini adalah kekurangan dana untuk melaksanakan kegiatan
MGMP tersebut.
Disamping permasalahan dana, pola-pola kegiatan MGMP juga belum mampu
secara signifikan meningkatkan kompetensi dan etos kerja guru. Oleh karena itu, perlu
dicari formula baru dalam pelaksanaan MGMP tersebut agar lebih bermakna bagi guru
dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi dan etos kerja guru.
MGMP Bahasa Inggris Madrasah Aliyah Kota Pontianak telah bertekad untuk
meningkatkan kompetensi guru yang menjadi anggotanya agar mereka memiliki
kompetensi profesional yang memadai dan mampu bekerja secara optimal sehingga
mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik. Keikut sertaan guru-guru Bahasa
Inggris Madrasah Aliyah baik Negeri maupun Swasta pada semester ini mengalami
peningkatan baik jumlah Madrasah maupun jumlah gurunya. Hal ini perlu diapresiasi
karena merupakan salah satu indikator kesadaran pihak pengelola madrasah untuk
mengutus gurunya dan juga kesadran guru untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya. MGMP
Bahasa Inggris Madrasah Aliyah Kota Pontianak sangat memerlukan bantuan dana yang
memadai agar bisa melaksanakan kegiatan MGMP tersebut secara optimal dan bisa
menarik minat peserta yang lebih banyak lagi.

2. Pengertian
Musyawarah guru mata pelajaran yang disingkat MGMP adalah forum atau
wadah kegiatan guru mata pelajaran sejenis dalam rangka meningkatkan
kemampuan profesional dan keterampilan dalam merencanakan, mempersiapkan,
melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi kegiatan pembelajaran

3. Peserta
Peserta yang ikut serta secaara aktif dalam kegiatan MGMP Bahasa Inggris
Madrasah Aliyah Kota Pontianak ini terdiri atas guru-guru Madrasah Aliyah Negeri dan
Swasta mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris se-Kota Pontianak. Pada semester ganjil tahun
pelajaran 2023/2024 ini terdiri atas 11 Madrasah dengan 18 orang guru mata pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris.

4. Tujuan MGMP

Tujuan kegiatan MGMP adalah:

a. Memberi kesempatan kepada peserta MGMP untuk meningkatkan kualifikasi dan
b. Meningkatkan proses belajar mengajar yang lebih berkualitas serta mengadopsi
pendekatan pembaharuan dalam pembelajaran yang lebih profesional
c. Meningkatkan pengetahuan, kompetensi guru mata pelajaran khususnya
kemampuan membuat soal penilaian harian, penilaian tengah semester maupun
penilaian akhir semester yang sesuai dengan kriteria pembuatan soal yang baik
dan benar.
5. Sasaran MGMP

Adapun sasaran kegiatan MGMP ini adalah semua guru Bahasa Inggris Madrasah
Aliyah di Kota Pontianak yang berada di wilayah kerja Kementerian Agama Kota
Pontianak dengan urutan kriteria sebagai berikut :
a. Kelompok guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di wilayah Kementerian Agama
Kota Pontianak yang belum bersertifikasi sebagai guru profesional
b. Kelompok guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sudah bersertifikasi sebagai
guru profesional

6. Hasil yang diharapkan

Adapun hasil akhir yang diharapkan dari kegiatan MGMP ini adalah:

a. Peningkatan kualitas dan kompetensi guru Bahasa Inggris sehingga mampu
melaksanakan tugasnya secara optimal dan profesional
b. Peningkatan kualitas proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas.
c. Pemerolehan pengakuan pengalaman kerja dan hasil belajar melalui kegiatan
d. Guru mengenal dan memiliki keterampilan dalam bidang ICT
e. Guru memiliki kemampuan membuat, mengadopsi dan menggunakan bahan
ajar dan media pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman berbasis


1. Waktu dan tempat kegiatan

Kegiatan MGMP Bahasa Inggris diprogramkan oleh Kelompok Kerja Kepala
Madrasah dan dilaksanakan oleh setiap Madrasah Aliyah yang berada di lingkungan
Kota Pontianak. Khusus MGMP Bahasa Inggris Madrasah Aliyah dilaksanakan di
MAN 1 Pontianak di Jalan H. Haruna Pontianak. Kegiatan dilaksanakan mulai tanggal
16 September sampai 21 Oktober 2023 sebanyak 6 kali pertemuan. Kegiatan
dilaksanakan mulai pukul 14.30 WIB – 16.30 WIB.

2. Bentuk Kegiatan
Jadwal dan Bentuk Kegiatan MGMP Bidang Studi Bahasa Inggris Madrasah Aliyah
Kota Pontianak adalah sebagai berikut :

Pertemua Hari, Tanggal Bentuk Kegiatan

n ke
1. Sabtu, 16 September 2023 Menetapkan jadwal dan tempat
pelaksanaan MGMP
Menyepakati materi untuk membuat,
menemukan dan mengadopsi bahan ajar
dan media pembelajaran mata pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris.
2. Sabtu, 23 September Penjelasan dan diskusi media
2023 pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk
mengakomodir tipe pembelajar yang
berbeda – beda (audio, visual atau audio
3. Sabtu, 30 September Diskusi dan pembahasan bahan ajar dan
2023 media yang dibuat.
4. Sabtu , 7 Oktober 2023 Diskusi dan pembahasan bahan ajar dan
media yang dibuat.
5 Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2023 Diskusi dan pembahasan bahan ajar dan
media yang dibuat.
6 Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2023 Review materi dan evaluasi kegiatan

Adapun bentuk kegiatan MGMP dilaksanakan sebagai berikut:
a. Penugasan individu membuat, mengadopsi atau menemukan bahan ajar atau media
b. Diskusi kelas untuk membahas bahan ajar atau media pembelajaran yang dibuat.

3. Pendanaan
Dana untuk pelaksanaan MGMP diperoleh dari dana mandiri MGMP Bahasa
Inggris MA Kota Pontianak. Dana tersebut diperoleh dari pendanaan oleh Madrasah
masing – masing peserta MGMP.

4. Masalah yang dihadapi

a. Kehadiran peserta terkendala karena ada beberapa peserta yang mendapatkan
tugas tertentu dari madrasah yang tidak dapat ditinggalkan.
b. Tidak semua madrasah mengutus gurunya dalam kegiatan MGMP ini.

5. Upaya pemecahan masalah

a. Perlu adanya kesepakatan antara peserta dan kepala madrasah tentang jadwal
pelaksanaan kegiatan MGMP
b. Perlu adanya ketegasan dan komitmen bersama untuk melaksanakan program
MGMP yang sudah disepakati.


Adapun hasil-hasil kegiatan yang telah dicapai selama kegiatan MPMP

Bahasa Inggris Kementerian Agama Kota Pontianak adalah pengetahuan
tentang pembuatan bahan ajar dan media pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang
dibuat peserta MGMP.
Sedangkan hasil non fisik berupa peningkatan kompetensi akademik
yaitu pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk membuat, mengadopsi dan
menggunakan bahan ajar dan media pembelajaran yang bisa mengakomodir tipe-
tipe pembelajar audio, visual maupn audio visual. Penyediaan dan penggunaan
bahan ajar maupun mmedia pembelajaran yang variative ini untuk
memungkinkan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi. Hasil non fisik lainnya adalah
pemahaman dan keterampilan ICT dari hasil sharing antar peserta, dan yang
tidak kalah penting adalah terjalinnya silaturahmi dan semua peserta MGMP bisa
bertukar fikiran, saling memberi dan menerima masukan dalam suasana
kekeluargaan yang akrab dan santai.


Secara umum kegiatan MGMP Bahasa Inggris MA Kementerian Agama Kota

Pontianak berjalan dengan lancar. Namun beberapa kendala masih saja terjadi misalnya
keterlambatan peserta dan tidak hadirnya perwakilan dari 17 madrasah swasta.
Ketidakhadiran dan keterlambatan itu diakibatkan faktor internal Madrasah tempat
mereka bertugas seperti ada tugas lain yang bersamaan dengan kegiatan MGMP dan
harus dilaksanakan oleh peserta pada saat itu juga di madrasahnya.
Untuk ke depan diharapkan masing-masing menyediakan waktu kosong bagi
peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan MGMP. Dengan demikian berbagai benturan antara
melaksanakan tugas kepala madrasah di satu sisi dan mengikuti kegiatan MGMP bisa


1. Kesimpulan
Pelaksanaan Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Bahasa Inggris
Kementerian Agama Kota Pontianak yang diprogramkan berjalan dengan lancar.
Berbagai kendala yang terjadi menjadi catatan untuk dicarikan solusinya sehingga
efektifitas kegiatan pada tahap berikutnya bisa lebih ditingkatkan. Berbagai hasil
telah dicapai baik yang berupa fisik maupun non fisik. Hasil-hasil kegiatan fisik
adalah bahan ajar dan media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Sedangkan hasil kegiatan
non fisik yang telah dicapai adalah berupa peningkatan kompetensi peserta di bidang
akademik, keterampilan ICT dan terjalinnya silaturahim yang baik antar peserta

2. Rekomendasi
Mengingat pentingnya kegiatan musyawarah guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
(MGMP) dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja dan profesional guru dalam kegiatan
pembelajaran, maka kegiatan tersebut diharapkan dapat terus berlanjut. Untuk
menunjang kelancaran kegiatan tersebut perlu adanya komitmen yang tegas dari semua
pihak, baik guru- guru Bahasa inggris MA, kepala Madrasah, maupun pengawas
Kementerian Agama kota Pontianak agar MGMP lebih berdaya dan produktif.


Kegiatan pertemuan 1 pegarahan dari ketua MGMP dan menyepakati agenda MGMP (16
September 2023)

Kegiatan pertemuan 1 pegarahan dari ketua MGMP dan menyepakati agenda MGMP (16
September 2023)

Pertemuan ke 2 mendiskusikan sumber dan media pembelajaran (23 September 2023)

Pertemuan ke 2 mendiskusikan sumber dan media pembelajaran (23 September 2023)

Pertemuan ke 3, ketua MGMP menyampaikan materi tentang bahan ajar dan media
pembelajaran (30 September 2023)

Pertemuan ke 3, ketua MGMP menyampaikan materi tentang bahan ajar dan media
pembelajaran (30 September 2023)

Pertemuan ke 4, salah satu peserta MGMP menjelaskan media yang dibuat. (7 Oktober 2023)

Pertemuan ke 5 anggota MGMP menyimak pemaparan materi yang disampaikan ketua MGMP
(14 Oktober 2023)

Pertemuan ke 5 diskusi dan tanya jawab tentang media pembelajaran (14 Oktober 2023)

Pertemuan ke 6, ketua MGMP menyampaikan pengantar dan memimpin diskusi (21 Oktober

Pertemuan ke 6, diskusi dan bertukar pendapat antara penyaji materi dan peserta MGMP (21
Oktober 2023)

1. Descriptive text kelas X semester ganjil
A. Definition Descriptive text is a text used to give a detailed information
(description) about a particular object. It describes particular object like things,
animals, persons or places, for instance: pets or persons we know well.
B. Social Functions

1. Giving information about a particular object by describing its features dan

special characteristics;

2. Giving information about a particular object by describing its physical

attributes, behavior, functions, etc.

C. Generic Structures The generic structure of a descriptive text consists of two

main parts:

a) Identification/Introduction/Classification

 Identification introduces and identifies specific objects (a person, thing,

place, animal, or event) intended to be described. It is used to gives a
general idea about the object we want to describe.
 What specific topic, person, idea, or thing is beaing described or
 How is the topic being described of explained?

b) Descriptions/Characteristic Features

 Description describes the intended objects using descriptive details or

information about the objects’ characteristics, appearances, personality,
habits, or qualities.
 What features or characteristics (physical appearance, qualities, habitual
behavior, significant attributes) are important to remember or understand
about the topic being described?

c) Conclusion/Concluding statement (optional)

 What are the main ideas and important details that are necessary to
 How will you state them in you own words following the structure of the
D. Language features
Language features commonly used in descriptive text:
➢ Specific characteristics or features are described or expained (size, shape,
location, coloured, etc.).
➢ Descriptive adjective are used throughout the text.
➢ Details are provided to help the reader visualize the topic.
➢ Examples are often provided (for instance, such as, an example, to illustrate,
to demonstrate).
➢ The topic word or a synonym for the topic is often repeated.
➢ Use of thinking and feeling verbs to express the writer’s personal view about
the subject.


Media : Gambar

Indikator: disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik dapat menjawab pertanyaan dari guru
mengenai tempat bersejarah

Khatulistiwa Monument in Pontianak

Kadariah Palace in Pontianak


Satuan pendidikan : MA Mathla’ul Anwar

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas :X
Materi : Descriptive text
Kompetensi dasar :
3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tempat
wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya


This text is for questions number 1 to 5.

Petruk Cave

Petruk cave is one of the leading tourist attractions in Kebumen, Central Java. The cave
is located in the dukuh Mandayana Candirenggo Village, Ayah District, Kebumen
regency. In the petruk cave there is no lighting that illuminates the cave. It is still very
natural cave so that petruk cave is very dark to be entered. Petruk cave’s name is taken
from the punokawan of puppet characters that is Petruk. The cave Named Petruk cave
because the length of cave is as long as petruk’s nose.

In the cave there are 3 floors that are the first is a basic cave, Hindu caves and Petruk
cave. The base cave is a short cave which is just 100 meters away. The cave is used for
tourist attractions. Hindu cave is part of the cave that is usually used to put offerings to
the ancestor. Inside Petruk cave there are so many stalactites and stalagmites which are
really awesome. If you want to explore this cave, you must be led by guides who are
ready to take you through the cave. After arriving at the end of the cave, you can see the
beach or waterfall located near at the end of the cave

1. What is the text purpose?
a. To inform readers about tourism in Kebumen
b. To entertain reader about Petruk Cave
c. To explain the reader about floors in Petruk Cave
d. To Introduce The Local tourism in Kebumen
e. To describe Petruk Cave

2. Why did Petruk cave named as one of character in Punokawan puppet?

a. Because the cave is belong to Petruk
b. Because Petruk is the first explorer of the cave
c. Because Petruk is buried at the cave
d. Because the cave’s length is as long as Petruk’s nose
e. Because the cave’s depth is as deep as Petruk’s hair

3. Which part of Petruk Cave which used for place to put foods for ancestor?
a. In the basic cave
b. In petruk cave
c. In Hindu cave
d. In front of the cave
e. Inside the cave

4. What is stalactites means?

a. A type of formation that hangs from the ceiling of caves
b. Types of formation that lay on the floor of caves
c. Types of food given to ancestor
d. Someone who guide the visitor in the cave
e. Kind of animals in the cave

5. What is “lead” means in paragraph 2?

a. Guide
b. Take
c. Bring
d. Put
e. Place

This text is for questions number 6 to 10.

Tanjung Benoa is a beach town. It is located at the elite area in Nusa Dua Bali. The area
is situated with the view of the sea in Bali. On the north side, there are Benoa Harbour,
Mertasari Recreation Park, and Serangan Island. The foreigners call serangan Island the
turtle island, because it is used to breed the turtles.
At Tanjung Benoa Beach, tourists can have various activities, such as swimming,
sailing, waterskiing, and surfing. Surfing is a water sport of riding waves that are
coming toward the shore by standing or lying on a special board called surfboard. It is a
very enjoyable and impressive sport. Most surfing lovers call it as the most challenging
water sport, as it needs skill, strength, as well as bravery. The others think that it is a
very dangerous sport, as it fights against the dangerous waves of sea.
Apart from swimming, snorkeling and diving are also the kinds of water sport favored
by the tourist. Through diving googles, the beauty of Bali marine park can be viewed.
Those who cannot dive can also enjoy the beauty of the marine park through the glass
bottomed motor boats that are specially provided for the tourists.

6. What can be viewed through the diving goggles?
a. The beauty of the marine park
b. The beauty of the Mertasari Harbour
c. The view of Tanjung Benoa
d. The view of the big waves
e. The turtle island

7. Which of statements is not true about the text?

a. Tanjung Benoa is a beach town located in Nusa Dua bali.
b. Tanjung Benoa is a very famous beach in Nusa Dua Bali.
c. Tourists can enjoy many kinds of water sports in Tanjung Benoa.
d. Tourists who cannot dive can also enjoy the beauty of the marine park.
e. Tourists can visit the turtle island which is used to breed the turtles.

8. “Those who cannot …” (Paragraph three)

The word those refers to ….
a. Tourists
b. water sport
c. turtles
d. swimming and diving
e. island

9. What does paragraph three discuss?

a. The water sports of Tanjung Benoa Beach Town.
b. Snorkeling and diving are alternative tourism activities in Tanjung Benoa.
c. Surfing becomes the most favorite water sport in Tanjung Benoa.
d. Tourist can swim, dive, surf, and so on in Tanjung Benoa Beach.
e. The turtle island is used to breed the turtles.

10. Why is Serangan Island called turtle island?

It is called turtle island because ….
a. it is used to trade many kinds of turtle.
b. it is a place where thousand turtles live naturally.
c. it is used to breed turtles.
d. it is used to breed and to trade turtles.
e. it is used to hunt turtles.

1. E
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. C
2. Materi : News Item

Kelas : XII

Media Pembelajaran : -AUDIO (Listening Section).

-VISUAL (Media Pembelajaran: VISUAL (peserta didik mengamati video

kemudian mengungkapkan apa yg disajikan di dlm video).

Link video materi News Item kelas XII Semester Ganjil

Video Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the overall feeling conveyed in the video?
a) Joy
b) Sadness
c) Excitement
d) Confusion

2. What is the main issue faced by the people in the video?

a) Lack of water
b) Lack of electricity
c) Lack of food
d) Lack of safety

3. What is the significance of the little boy being pulled out alive?
a) It signifies hope amidst the chaos.
b) It shows the resilience of the people.
c) It represents a miracle.
d) It demonstrates the bravery of the rescuer.

4. What is the condition of the mother when she sees her son?
a) She is shocked and passes out.
b) She is relieved and starts crying.
c) She is angry and blames the rescuer.
d) She is speechless and hugs her son tightly.

5. What is the main challenge faced by the people in the video?

a) Finding a safe place to go
b) Escaping from the chaos
c) Getting access to medical help

d) Communicating with loved ones

6. How does the woman driving off in the car react to the situation?
a) She is calm and composed
b) She is scared and panicked
c) She is angry and frustrated
d) She is determined and focused

7. What is the current situation in Gaza?

a) It is under a complete siege
b) It is experiencing a power outage
c) It is facing a shortage of food
d) It is dealing with a deadly virus

8. How does the narrator describe the feeling of war this time?
a) Exciting and thrilling
b) Confusing and chaotic
c) Devastating and heartbreaking
d) Inspiring and empowering

9. What is the main concern of the woman who cannot find her son?
a) She hasn't heard from him since Saturday
b) She is worried about his safety
c) She is searching for him in the crowd
d) She is afraid of the collapsing world

10. Why is the narrator walking cautiously?

a) The streets are unfamiliar and unrecognizable
b) There are ongoing bombardments in the area
c) There is a high risk of explosions
d) The wind is strong and dangerous

Answer Key:
1. b) Sadness (00:00:00 - 00:00:21)
2. d) Lack of safety (00:00:45 - 00:01:07)
3. a) It signifies hope amidst the chaos. (00:00:10 - 00:00:31)
4. a) She is shocked and passes out. (00:00:28 - 00:00:53)
5. a) Finding a safe place to go (00:00:59 - 00:01:23)
6. b) She is scared and panicked (00:00:45 - 00:01:07)
7. a) It is under a complete siege (00:01:17 - 00:01:40)
8. c) Devastating and heartbreaking (00:01:52 - 00:02:14)
9. a) She hasn't heard from him since Saturday (00:02:06 - 00:02:26)
10. c) There is a high risk of explosions (00:02:28 - 00:02:53)

3. Materi kelas 11: 3.4. Analytical Exposition

a. Link video:

b. Video Comprehension Questions:

1. According to the video, why is water considered an essential nutrient for the body?
A. It helps in muscle cramping and fatigue.
B. It helps in digestion and prevents constipation.
C. It produces sweat to cool down body temperature
D. It maximizes physical performance and brain function.
E. It prevents the buildup of kidney stones and aids in weight loss.

2. What percentage of our body is made up of water according to the video?

A. 60%
B. 75%
C. 90%
D. 95%
E. 99%

3. How does water help in keeping our brain at an optimal level?

A. It helps to flush out toxins through urine.
B. It helps in digestion and prevents constipation.
C. It maximizes physical performance and brain function.
D. It prevents the buildup of kidney stones and aids in weight loss.
E. It impacts cognitive abilities such as attentiveness and memory.

4. What role does saliva play in digestion, according to the video?

A. It helps in keeping joints lubricated.
B. It lubricates food and helps in digestion.
C. It helps in muscle cramping and fatigue.
D. It increases satiety and reducing caloric intake.
E. It impacts cognitive abilities such as attentiveness and memory.

5. How does drinking water help with constipation, as mentioned in the video?
A. It helps in maximizing physical performance.
B. It aids in weight loss and increases satiety.
C. It prevents the buildup of kidney stones.
D. It keeps stool soft and easy to pass.
E. It helps in recovering our body.

6. What is one of the major effects of a hangover, as explained in the video?

A. Lubrication
B. Dehydration
C. Constipation
D. Muscle cramping
E. Cognitive impairment

7. How does drinking water before a meal affect caloric intake, according to the video?
A. It helps in keeping joints lubricated.
B. It maximizes physical performance and brain function.
C. It increases concentration levels and even reaction time.
D. It increases feelings of fullness and decreases the amount eaten.
E. It prevents the buildup of kidney stones and aids in weight loss.

8. How many glasses of water per day does the video recommend?
A. 2 to 4 glasses
B. 4 to 6 glasses
C. 6 to 8 glasses
D. 8 to 10 glasses
E. 10 to 12 glasses

c. Video Script

Benefits of drinking water

Water is an essential nutrient for the body, as the body is made up of up to 60% water
and blood is about 90% water. Our bodies lose water through perspiration, breathing,
bowel movements and in urine. And in this video, we are going to discuss the main
benefits of drinking water.

Maximize physical performance

Water plays a major role in maximizing your physical performance. During exercise or
any type of physical performance, our body heats up, and one of the responses to keep
from overheating is perspiration. Our body produces sweat to cool down body
temperature, and sweat is made up of 99% water, which can be quite a loss during
physical activity. This loss of water can contribute to muscle cramping and fatigue. It is
recommended to drink 5 to 10 ounces of water for every 20 to 30 minutes of exercise,
depending on the intensity of the exercise and how much each individual perspires.
Brain function
Water makes up 75% of brain mass, so, being dehydrated can have a negative effect on
brain function. Some studies have shown that even mild dehydration can impact
cognitive abilities, such as attentiveness, learning, thinking and memory. And it can
even impact a person’s mood and happiness, concentration levels and even reaction
time. So, make sure you stay hydrated to help your brain stay at an optimal level.

Digestion and Constipation

Water plays an important role in digestion and can also help with constipation. Saliva in
our mouth is made up of about 99% water, and saliva lubricates food that we eat and
contains enzymes that help in digesting food. Water also makes up about 95% of urine
and about 75% of poop, and both of these contain waste products that the body is
ridding itself of. And some studies have shown that staying hydrated can help with
constipation, keeping stool soft and easy to pass.

Drinking plenty of water can also help when dealing with the dreaded hangover. When
we drink alcohol, one of the first things our body does is try to get rid of it, through
perspiration, in our breath through breathing and also through urination, and all of these
contain water. So, the more we drink, the more our body loses water. One of the major
effects of a hangover is dehydration. When you are consuming alcohol, even in small
amounts, it is probably a good idea to drink a glass of water with the alcohol. It will not
prevent a hangover, but it can be beneficial in helping your body recover.

Kidney stones
A higher amount of water consumption may be able to help decrease the risk of kidney
stones. Kidney stones can form when your urine contains a higher level of minerals.
Drinking more fluids can increase the amount of urine passing through the kidneys,
which dilutes the concentration of minerals and can help prevent the buildup of kidney
stones. Increasing the amount of water you drink, and consuming water consistently
throughout the day can be beneficial.

Weight loss satiety control

Drinking more water can help with weight loss and increase satiety. Research has shown
that drinking water before a meal can increase your feeling of fullness, which for some
people can decrease the amount they eat, or lessen caloric intake. Consuming a glass of
water up to a half an hour before a meal can be a good strategy, and drinking water with
a meal, in place of a high calorie beverage can also minimize caloric intake.

Water also has many other benefits in the body, it can help keep joints lubricated, as it is
a major component of synovial fluid that surrounds many joints. It is also a major
component of blood, which transports oxygen and many nutrients throughout the body,
it helps to flush out toxins through urine, in the body, and it also helps keep tissues
moist, such as the eyes, nose, and throat, enabling them to function properly. It is
typically recommended to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day depending on your level
of activity.

Power Point Presentation
4. Materi : Giving Reason
Kelas : 11
Semester : Genap

5. Materi : Recount Text

Video Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the main focus or topic of the video?

A) Learning about a bus incident in Singapore
B) Exploring bomb explosions in Jakarta
C) Understanding the importance of being religious
D) Discussing the reading comprehension questions
E) Creating text about Jakarta.

2. Which event is described in the video?

A) A man pushing an old woman down a bus
B) A shouting match between two strangers
C) The investigation of a bomb explosion
D) A conversation between the narrator and their boss
E) A girl help an old man.

3. What can be inferred about the old woman in the video?

A) She pressed the bell at the last minute.
B) She was injured and required an ambulance.
C) She threatened the man who pushed her.
D) She uploaded the video on YouTube.
E) She jump to a river.

4. Which paragraph in the video provides a conclusion?

A) The paragraph about the bomb explosions in Jakarta.
B) The paragraph describing the orientation of the story.
C) The paragraph discussing the narrator's experience.
D) The paragraph introducing the KWL chart.
E) The First paragraph.

5. Choose the sentence that describes a past event based on the story.
A) "The bomb exploded near the police post."
B) "I was walking to The Pedestrian near Serena."
C) "I ran in a hurry because my boss asked me to."
D) "The court case will next be mentioned in December."
E). "I was walking to the pedestration near Sarinah in Thamrin street"

Answer Key:
1. A - Learning about a bus incident in Singapore (00:02:58 - 00:03:18)
2. A - A man pushing an old woman down a bus (00:00:11 - 00:00:33)
3. A - She pressed the bell at the last minute. (00:00:43 - 00:01:05)
4. C - The paragraph discussing the narrator's experience (00:02:28 - 00:02:51)
5. B - "I was walking to The Pedestrian near Serena." (00:01:21 - 00:01:44)

6. Materi : Analytical Exposition Text

Kelas : XI
Link Video:

7. Materi : Narrative Text

Kelas : X
Link Video:

8. Materi : Formal invitation

Kelas : XI
Link Video :

9. Materi : News Item Text

Kelas : XII
Link Video

Video Comprehension Questions:

1. According to the video, what did a study in Australia find about the effects of ultra-
processed food on older people's mental abilities?
a) It positively impacted their cognitive function.
b) It had no effect on their mental abilities.
c) It negatively affected their mental abilities.
d) It improved their memory skills.
e) It worsen their cognitive function.

2. What percentage of calories in school lunches in the UK comes from ultra-processed

a) 25%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 85%
e) 100%

3. Based on the video, what does the prefix 'ultra-' mean when added to adjectives?
a) More extreme
b) Less extreme
c) Unusual
d) Usual
e) Extra ordinary

4. In the video, what does the word 'cap' refer to?

a) Something you put on your head
b) The upper limit or maximum
c) A type of person with extreme views
d) A verb meaning to put a cap on something
e) The minimum limit of something

5. What does the expression 'escaping the cycle' mean in the video?
a) Repeating a bad situation
b) Breaking free from a negative situation
c) Going around in circles
d) Trying to make a situation worse
e) Avoiding of doing something bad

Answer Key:
1. c) It negatively affected their mental abilities. (00:00:24 - 00:00:46)
2. c) 75% (00:00:46 - 00:01:09)
3. a) More extreme (00:02:03 - 00:02:24)
4. b) The upper limit or maximum (00:03:08 - 00:03:29)
5. b) Breaking free from a negative situation (00:04:23 - 00:04:46)

Video Script

Can ultra processceed Food affect your mental abilities? This is news review from BBC
Learning English. I'm Neil and I'm Beth and stick with us till the end of the program and
you'll learn some vocabulary about junk food. Yep you will and don't forget subscribe to
our channel like this video and try the quiz on our website. Now today's story. Ultra
processceed food affects people's mental abilities. That's according to a new study in
Australia which found that older people were negatively affected by things like junk
food and fizzy drinks. Meanwhile, research in the UK found that almost 75 percent of
calories in school lunches come from ultra processcesed food. Health experts have
called for there to be a limit on this type of food for schoolilren. You've been looking at
the headlines. Beth, what is the vocabulary we have? Ultra Cap and escape the cycle.
This is news review from BBC Learning English.

Let's have a look at our first headline. This one comes from The New Telegraph in
Nigeria. Study ties ultraprocesed foods to poor cognitive function. So first of all
cognitive function. That's an expression that refers to a broad range of mental abilities.
But we're looking at Ultra in the word Ultra processceed process. Though Beth I think
most people know yet it's food that has had some kind of industrial process done to it,
often to make the food last longer or look better. And here by putting Ultra at the
beginning of the word, it means extremely so. Ultra processceed food has had a lot of
things done to it even before we put it in our mouths.

Yeah, and this prefix Ultra, we can add to different adjectives and it just means more
extreme. Yeah, exactly. So a really modern building is ultramodern. A very strict

teacher could be Ultratri and someone like you Neil who is really cool could be ultra.

Ye thanks beth you're welcome. Ultra is added to adjectives using a hyphen, but not
always no and you'll see in the headline and in lots of other places that it can be written
as one word or two words, with or without a hyphen. Ultra also exists as a noun, and it is
a type of person

Exactly ye so an Ultra is a person with extreme views on something, so they have

opinions, for example, that are much more extreme than the other members of their
political party, or they might be extreme supporters of a football team.

Okay, let's take another look at that.

Let's have a look at our next headline. This one comes from the times junk food cap
demanded for school lunches and we are looking at the word cap nice and easy beth. A
cap is something you put on your head.

Yeah, well, that's actually quite a useful way of thinking about it. So yeah, you put a cap
on top of your head, and as long as you're standing up, that cap is the upper limit of your
body, there's nothing beyond that. Exactly. And we can also use it as a verb to cap
something, and that just means to put a cap on or put a limit on something.

Yeah, it's quite official sounding, yes, it is, and we mainly use it for serious things and
also official measures taken to limit things. So for example, at work they might put a cap
on your spending. Yeah, but you probably wouldn't say I put a cap on my kids mobile
phone use no, probably not. It sounds a bit strange, so you might say that you'd restrict
their time or put a limit on it. Okay, let's have a look at that again.

Our next headline Please this one comes from the house escaping the Junk Food Cycle.
Is it possible.

We have escaping the cycle. There's an expression with two main parts escaping and
cycle exactly so escaping is about getting away from somewhere that you don't like. We
often hear about people escaping from prison and the second part is cycle Neil. What
can you tell us about? Cycle well? A cycle is something that goes around so think of a
bicycle. Your legs go around, the wheels go around a washing machine cycle. The
clothes go round and round and round.

Yeah, so escaping a cycle is to try and get away from a situation that just keeps
repeating itself and we do tend to use this for bad negative situations. Yeah, and you can
put the bad thing in the middle of this expression. Escaping the cycle. So escaping the
junk food cycle. People don't have enough time or money to buy healthy food. They buy
unhealthy ultra processceed junk food but then they become unhealthy themselves and
it's a cycle that goes around.

Yeah, and we can use this with other dangerous situations. So we hear about people
escaping the cycle of addiction or violence.

Let's take another look. We've had Ultra add it to an adjective and it means more
extreme. Cap a limit and escape the cycle. Get away from a situation which keeps
getting worse and you don't want your English to get worse. So don't forget there's a
quiz on our website. Thank you for joining us and goodbye, bye.


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