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Grounded theory

Grounded theory adalah…….

 Teori yang diperoleh secara induktif dari data

yang dikumpulkan dan dianalisis secara
sistematik selama proses penelitian (Strauss
and Corbin 1998).
 Pengumpulan data, analisis dan teori berkaitan
berlangsung secara resiprokal satu dengan
lainnya. Seorang peneliti tidak memulai dengan
suatu teori yang ditentukan sebelumnya,
melainkan mulai dengan suatu wilayah
penelitian dan membiarkan teori yang muncul
dari data.
Grounded theory

Grounded theory mencakup….

1. Suatu upaya awal untuk mengembangkan

kategori-kategori yang menjelaskan data.
2. Penjenuhan kategori-kategori itu dengan
beberapa kasus yang sesuai supaya dapat
mengembangkan relevansinya.
3. Mengembangkan kategori-kategori itu menjadi
kerangka analitik yang lebih umum yang
relevan dengan setting yang lebih luas.
Glaser and Strauss (1967).
• Teori yang dibangun secara induktif dari
perspektif dan pengalaman yang paling
relevan dengan pertanyaan penelitian.
• Berangkat dari contoh yang spesifik ke arah
teori yang lebih luas mengenai contoh-contoh
– Sebaliknya: Pembentukan teori yang deduktif
mulai dari suatu teori dan berdasarkan teori itu
dikembangkan hipotesis untuk menguji teori itu.
• Jika teori itu benar, maka kita harus mendapat X, dan
bukan Y.
Dalam penelitian grounded theory,
rancangan penelitian digunakan untuk
mengembangkan suatu teori tentang
proses pembangunan masyarakat dan
menentukan langkah-langkah yang terkait.
Grounded theory “diperoleh secara induktif
dari pengkajian fenomena yang
mewakilinya. Teori itu diungkapkan,
dikembagkan, dan diverifikasi secara
proporsional melalui pngumpulan data yang
sistematik dan analisis data sesuai dengan
fenomena itu.” (Strauss & Corbin, 1990)
Grounded theory: Suatu metode penelitian
kualiktatif yang tujuan unthk men njelaskan
suatu perangkat observasi di dalam batas-batas
tertentu dan membuat prediksi di dalam batas-
batas mitu.
Suatu rancangan grounded theory adalah
suatu prosedur yang sistematik dan kualtatif
yang digunakan untuk membangun suatu teori
yang menjelaskan, dalam tingkat konseptual
yang luas, suatu proses, tindakan, atau
interaksi tentang suatu topik tertentu.
Grounded theory digunakan:
 Untuk membentuk teori dan bukan
menggunakan teori yang sudah ada.
 Untuk menjelaskan suatu proses, tindakan,
atau interaksi.
 Untuk menguji kelompok yang ditentukan
dengan baik dan spesifik.
 Apabila kita menginginkan suatu prosedur
langkah-demi langkah dan sistematik.
 Apabila kita ingin selalu berdekatan dengan
Kerangka Teoretik untuk
Analisis Kualitatif
 Mendasarkan analisis data sekitas kerangka
teoretik membeikan wawasan lebih jauh.
 Ada tiga kerangka kerja analisis data kualitatif,
– Grounded Theory
– Distributed Cognition
– Activity Theory
• Aims to derive theory from systematic analysis of data
• Based on categorization approach (called here ‘coding’)
• Three levels of ‘coding’
– Open: identify categories
– Axial: flesh out and link to subcategories
– Selective: form theoretical scheme
• Researchers are encouraged to draw on own theoretical
backgrounds to inform analysis
Well, it is “A qualitative research method that uses a systematic set of
procedures to develop an inductively derived grounded theory about
a phenomenon”.

Grounded theory was developed by a pair of American Sociologists,

Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss in the late 1960s as a reaction to
the failure of quantitative sociology to capture ‘lived experience’. It
incorporates ideas from ethnography.

In terms of the relationship between research question and research

method, grounded theory starts from a very vague initial question and
allows the theory to emerge from the data. So this approach is not
about identifying and testing hypotheses.

The original books describing this method are difficult to read and
understand and there are later differences of opinion between the
authors and their research school. Therefore, I have tried to present
a simplified version and to show how I have used it within a higher
education research context.
Grounded Theory
• Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss (1967)
• They criticized the "overemphasis in current sociology on
the verification of theory, and a resultant de-emphasis on
the prior step of discovering what concepts and
hypotheses are relevant for the area that one wishes to
• "(...) we are also trying, through this book, to strengthen
the mandate for generating theory, to help provide a
defense against doctrinaire approaches to verification
(...). It should also help students to defend themselves
against verifiers who would teach them to deny the
validity of their own scientific intelligence"
Grounded Theory as Theory
• It is inductively derived from the study of the
phenomenon it represents.
• It is discovered, developed, and provisionally
verified through systematic data collection and
anlysis of data pertaining to that phenomenon.
• Data collection, analysis and theory stand in
reciprocal relationship with each other.
• One does not begin with a theory, then prove it.
• One begins with an area of study and what is
relevant to that area is allowed to emerge.
Strauss and Corbin (1990) Basic of Qualitative Research, Sage.
Grounded Theory as a
• Emphasis on empirical material as basis for
• Gathering reach empirical material from a variety
of sources.
• Open data collection
• Recording data systematically
• the emphasis is on exploring the nuances of the
data by constantly asking, 'of what is this an
• Develop dense and grouded concepts and
Defining Grounded Theory
”grounded theory methods are a set of
flexible analytic guidelines that enable
researchers to focus their data collection
and to build inductive middle-range
theories through successive levels of data
anlysis and conceptual development”

Charmaz, K. (2005) ”Grounded Theory in the 21st Century”

in The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research
What is Qualitative Research?
• A holistic approach to questions--a
recognition that human realities are
complex. Broad questions.
• The focus is on human experience
• The research strategies used generally
feature sustained contact with people in
settings where those people normally
spend their time. Contexts of Human
Qualitative Research cont.
• There is typically a high level of
researcher involvement with subjects;
strategies of participant observation and
in-depth, unstructured interviews are often
• The data produced provide a description,
usually narrative, of people living through
events in situations.
Cited from Boyd, pp. 67-68 in Munhall, 2001
Grounded theory
• Theory that was derived from data,
systematically gathered and analyzed
through the research process. In this
method, data collection, analysis, and
eventual theory stand in close relationship to
one another (Strauss & Corbin 1998: 12).

Grounded theory
(Strauss & Corbin, 1990)

• Grounded theory consists in a set of techniques

to identify themes or concepts across texts, and
link them to generate meaningful theories.
• It is possible to use any kind of text
– Promotional ads
– Transcriptions of interviews
– Memoranda
– Meeting minutes
– Any kind of textual data.
Grounded theory
(Strauss & Corbin, 1990)

• In one of the alternatives in the application of

the technique, the researcher develops a set
of categories or concepts that emerge across
the texts.
• In the particular case of system dynamics,
these themes can be variables, dynamic
behaviors or policy related topics. Every
theme is “grounded” in a set of quotes or
exemplars across the database of texts.
What is grounded theory research?
• A grounded theory design is a systematic,
qualitative procedure used to generate a
theory that explains, at a broad conceptual
level, a process, an action, or interaction
about a substantive topic.

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