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Berbeda dengan karbohidrat dan protein, lipid bukan merupakan suatu
Suatu molekul dikatagorikan dalam lipid karena :
1. mempunyai kelarutan yg rendah di dlm air
2. larut dalam pelarut organic (eter, kloroform)
3. terdiri dari C, H, O
Cth: Lemak, minyak, waxes, vitamin dan hormon, and komponen
membrane sel yang nonprotein
Lipid merupakan komponen utama membran sel.

Komponen unit pembangun yang khas pada kebanyakan lipid adalah

asam lemak.
Berdasarkan strukturnya, lipid dapat dibagi menjadi 2 :
1. Lipid dengan rantai hidrokarbon terbuka bisa dihidrolisis.
contohnya : asam lemak, Triasilgliserol (lemak atau minyak),
spingolipid, fosfoasilgliserol, glikolipid

2. Lipid dengan rantai hidorkarbon siklis tidak bisa dihidrolisis

contohnya : steroid (kolesterol)
Berdasarkan fungsinya, lipid dapat dibagi menjadi :
1. Lipid simpanan (storage lipid)
contohnya : Asam lemak dan Triasilgliserol (TAG)

2. Lipid struktural (penyusun membran)

contohnya : phospholipid dan glikolipid

3. Lipid fungsional (sbg tanda / signal, kofaktor dan pigment)

Waxes, Lemak, dan Minyak

Waxes  campuran ester asam karboksilat rantai panjang

(16-36C) dengan alkohol rantai panjang (24-36 C).
Contoh: beeswax, komponen utamanya adl triakontil
heksadekanoat, ester dari C30 alkohol 1-triakontanol dan C16
asam heksadekanoat.
Secara kimia, lemak (fats) dan minyak (oils) adalah trigliserida atau
trigliserol-triester dari glserol dengan 3 rantai panjang asam
karboksilat (asam lemak).
Hewan menggunakan lemak sebagai:
-Energi yg bisa disimpan dalam jangka panjang, krn kurang
teroksidasi dibanding karbohidrat

Asam lemak merupakan sekelompok senyawa hidrokarbon

yang berantai panjang dengan gugus karboksilat pada

Asam lemak yang sering ditemui di alam pada umumnya mempunyai

jumlah karbon genap
- Hidrolisis lemak atau minyak dgn larutan NaOH → gliserol + 3 asam lemak
- Asam lemaknya biasanya tidak bercabang dgn 12 sd 20 atom C.
- Apabila ada ikatan rangkap 2, biasanya dalam bentuk isomer Z (cis).
- Berdasarkan ada tidaknya ikatan rangkap, asam lemak dibagi 2:
- Asam lemak jenuh (tdk mempunyai ikatan rangkap) contoh: asam palmitat (C16) and
asam stearat (C18)
- Asam lemak tidak jenuh (mempunyai ikatan rangkap) contoh: asam oleat dan linoleat
(both C18)
- Asam oleat adl asam tidak jenuh dgn 1 ikatan rangkap (monounsaturated),
sedangkan asam linoleat, linolenat, dan arachidonat adalah asam tdk jenuh dgn
ikatan rangkap lebih dari 1 (polyunsaturated fatty acids)
- Asam lemak tak jenuh memiliki titik leleh lebih rendah daripada asam lemak jenuh
- Asam lemak jenuh umumnya banyak ditemukan dalam lemak hewan
- Asam lemak tak jenuh umumnya banyak ditemukan dalam minyak tanaman
name omega-3 means that there is a double bond three carbons in from the
noncarboxyl end of the chain.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan asam
lemak ω 3 atau ω 6
Secara kimia sabun adalah campuran garam Na atau K dari rantai panjang asam2
lemak sebagai produk hidrolisis (saponifikasi) lemak hewan dengan alkali.
Figure 27.1
A soap micelle solubilizing a grease particle in water. An electrostatic potential map of a fatty acid carboxylate shows
how the negative charge is located in the head group.
Struktur umum asam lemak:
Kepala : hidrofilik
Ekor : hidrofobik
Sehingga asam lemak dikatakan mempunyai sifat amfipatik
Peranan Asam Lemak

• Asam lemak merupakan unit penyusun lemak/minyak, fosfolipid

dan glikolipid.
• Banyak protein dimodifikasi oleh ikatan kovalen asam lemak, yang
menempatkan protein-protein tersebut ke lokasi-lokasinya pada
membran .
• Asam lemak merupakan molekul bahan bakar bagi setiap mahluk
• Derivat asam lemak berperan sebagai hormon dan cakra intrasel.
• Bahan baku Biodiesel
• Bahan baku sabun
Triasilgliserol (TAG)/Lemak atau minyak
Sifat Lemak

• Lemak hewan bersifat padat, tumbuhan besifat cair.

• Proses hidrolisis lemak dapat menghasilkan asam lemak dan
• Proses hidrolisis yang menggunakan basa menghasilkan sabun.
• Apabila dibiarkan lama di udara maka akan tercipta bau yang tidak
Fungsi Lemak
 Sebagai sumber energi.
 Bahan baku hormon.
 Membantu transport vitamin yang larut dalam lemak.
 Sebagai bahan insulasi terhadap suhu.
 Pelindung organ-organ tubuh bagian dalam.
ester dari H3PO4.

Ada 2 macam: glycerophospholipids and sphingomyelins

1.Glycerophospholipids contains a Glycerol backbone linked by ester bonds to two fatty
acids (C12-C20) and one phosphoric acid. The acyl group at C1 is usually saturated and
the one at C2 is usually unsaturated. The phosphate group at C3 is also bonded to an
amino alcohol such as choline [HOCH2CH2N(CH3)3]+, ethanolamine (HOCH2CH2NH2),
or serine [HOCH2CH(NH2)CO2H].
Sphingomyelins are the second major group of phospholipids
→ sphingosine or a related dihydroxyamine as their backbone
and are particularly abundant in brain and nerve tissue, where
they are a major constituent of the coating around nerve
Phospholipids → plant and animal tissues (50% to 60% of cell membranes).
Nonpolar hydrocarbon tail bound to a polar ionic head → phospholipids in the
cell membrane organize into a lipid bilayer about 5.0 nm (50Å) thick.
The nonpolar tails aggregate in the center of the bilayer in much the same way
that This bilayer serves as an effective barrier to the passage of water, ions,
and other components into and out of cells.
molecules that are derived from the triterpenoid lanosterol and whose structures are
based on a tetracyclic ring system. The four rings are designated A, B, C, and D,
beginning at the lower left, and the carbon atoms are numbered beginning in the A
ring. The three 6-membered rings (A, B, and C) adopt chair conformations but are
prevented by their rigid geometry from undergoing the usual cyclohexane ring-flips
-Steroids can have either a cis or a trans fusion of the A and B rings, but the other
ring fusions (B–C and C–D) are usually trans.
-An A–B trans steroid has the C19 angular methyl group up, denoted b, and the
hydrogen atom at C5 down, denoted a, on opposite sides of the molecule.
-An A–B cis steroid, by contrast, has both the C19 angular methyl group and the
C5 hydrogen atom on the same side (b) of the molecule.
-The A–B trans steroids are the more common, although A–B cis steroids are found in
liver bile.
-Substituent groups on the steroid ring system can be either axial or equatorial. As with
simple cyclohexanes → equatorial substitution is generally more favorable than axial
substitution for steric reasons.
-The hydroxyl group at C3 of cholesterol, for example, has the more stable equatorial
Steroid Hormones
There are two main classes of steroid hormones:
-the sex hormones, which control maturation, tissue growth, and reproduction
-the adrenocortical hormones, which regulate a variety of metabolic processes.
Sex Hormones
Testosterone and androsterone, or androgens.
Androgens →the development of male secondary sex characteristics during puberty and
for promoting tissue and muscle growth → synthesized in the testes from cholesterol.
Androstenedione →minor hormone that use by prominent athletes.
-Estrone and estradiol are the two most important female sex hormones, or estrogens.
-Synthesized in the ovaries from testosterone → for development of female secondary sex
characteristics and for regulation of the menstrual cycle.
-Another kind of sex hormone called a progestin for preparing the uterus for implantation
of a fertilized ovum during pregnancy.
-Progesterone is the most important progestin.
Adrenocortical Hormones
Adrenocortical steroids are secreted by the adrenal glands
There are two types of adrenocortical steroids:
-mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone, control tissue swelling by regulating cellular salt
balance between Na1 and K1
-Glucocorticoids such as hydrocortisone, are involved in the regulation of glucose
metabolism and in the control of inflammation.
Synthetic Steroids
-Among the best-known synthetic steroids are the oral contraceptives and anabolic agents.
-Most birth control pills are a mixture of two compounds, a synthetic estrogen, such as
ethynylestradiol, and a synthetic progestin, such as norethindrone.
-Anabolic steroids, such as methandrostenolone (Dianabol), are synthetic androgens
that mimic the tissue-building effects of natural testosterone.
Steroid biosynthesis from farnesyl diphosphate.
Struktur ini tersusun atas 4 cincin.

Kolesterol terdapat dalam darah,empedu,

dan jaringan syaraf.

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