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Communication and Human Behavior

Brent D. Ruben & Lea P. Stewart



SABTU, 13 /08/ 2022
•MOBILE PHONE : 081 1188 0567
Fokus pada Komunikasi Politik, Media Sosial dan Kajian Perempuan. Mengajar Di Magister
Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Budi Luhur, (saat ini) Kaprodi Magister Ilmu Komunikasi S2
MIKOM) Universitas Budi Luhur. Aktif menulis dan melakukan penelitian seperti
Keterwakilan Perempuan Di DPR RI, Kajian Affirmative Action, pada tahun 2009 dan 2010,
Artikel dalam jurnal seperti Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
(2012 & 2019) Jurnal Sosiohumaniora (2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 , Jurnal Pengembangan
Sumber Daya Manusia Universitas Teknologi Malaka pada 2012, 2013, 2018, Jurnal
Komunikasi Malaysia, JIK Padjadjaran University (2018), Advanced Science Letters 24 (4),
2213-2217, 24 (4), 2213-2217, 24 (4), 2591-2594, 24 (4), 2591-2594,, 24 (10), 7152-7154,24
(4), 2387-2391 dan 24 (4), 10), 7141-7146,. Buku-buku tertulis seperti Risalah Politik
Perempuan: Media Massa dan Kontra Hegemoni Gerakan Hegemoni (2014), Kekuatan
Perempuan dan Politik (2014), Media Massa dan Gerakan Counter Hegemoni: Politik
Perempuan Lokal, (2015), Memelihara Masyarakat Aceh Melalui Meunasah (2014), dan
Komunikasi Politik: Teori, Konsep dan Aplikasi di Era Media Baru (rev. Edisi, 2016).
Mengikuti beberapa seminar dan Konferensi Internasional seperti Konferensi Internasional
seperti ADIC Malaysia, AMIC Malaysia, ABESS 2017 Krabi Thailand, CSSR 2017-2018
Melaka, BECIC, Patsinulok Thailand 2018, SYSSARM 2015, CISSMR, Male, Maldive 2019.
KNK Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia (ISKI) 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 dan
2019. Memberikan Pelatihan HUMAS/PR di Aceh, Bulog, dll, Memperoleh Sertifikasi
Dibidang Humas, TIM Perancang KKNI dan SKKNI Auditor Komunikasi Departemen
Komunikasi dan Informasi 2015-2017. Pengurus dan Pendamping Program Organisasi
Masyarakat Perempuan FORKOMNAS KPPPA 2017-2019 (Semarang, Bogor, Medan dan
Tangerang), Pengurus ICMI 2012-2016, Pengurus Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia (2012-2017, 2018-
2023), Taman Iskandar Muda (TIM-sekarang), Pengurus PP Muslimat AlWasliyah 2021-2025
Budi Luhur.
Quetes :

  “Akal adalah yang tercepat, karena ia mengalir melalui segalanya”-


 Akar dari pendidikan adalah pahit, namun buahnya manis." -


 Pengetahuan ada berpotensi dalam jiwa manusia seperti benih di tanah

dan dengan belajar, potensial menjadi aktual”- Al-Ghazali
ToPik 3 Plus 1 Ujian

A. Konsep Dasar Komunikasi

B. 1. Sejarah Ilmu Komunikasi

2. Definisi dan Metha theori Komunikasi

C. 1. Model-Model Komunikasi
2. Verbal dan Nonverbal Komunikasi
Definisi Komunikasi

“ Human communication is the process through which induviduals in

relationships, groups, organizations, and societies create and use
informations to relate to the environment and one another”.

“Communication is the process or act of transmitting a message from

a sender to a receiver, through a channel and with the interference of
noice; the actual message or message sent or receiver; the study of the
processes involved in the sending and receiving of messages.
Tujuan Komunikasi

Hewitt (1981, Y Yusri · 2020), menjabarkan tujuan penggunaan

proses komunikasi secara spesifik sebagai berikut:
 Mempelajari atau mengajarkan sesuatu
 Mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang
 Mengungkapkan perasaan
 Menjelaskan perilaku sendiri atau perilaku orang lain
 Berhubungan dengan orang lain
 Menyelesaian sebuah masalah
 Mencapai sebuah tujuan
 Menurunkan ketegangan dan menyelesaian konflik
 Menstimulasi minat pada diri sendiri atau orng lain
(Jurnal Amik, 2022)
5 faktor Proses Komunikasi menurut William G
The Act (perbuatan); komunikasi menginginkan pemakain lambang-

The Scene (Adegan);menjelaskan apa yang dilakukan, simbol apa yang

digunakan, dan arti dari apa yang dikatakan.

The Agent (Pelaku); individu-individu yang mengambil bagian dalam

hubungan komunikasi.

The Agency (Perantara); alat-alat dalam komunikasi seprti memo, nota,

surat tugas dll

The Purpose (Tujuan); tujuan manipulasi, keindahan, fungsional.

Dampak Komunikasi

 Kognitif; memberikan informasi,

meningkatkan pengetahuan,
menambah wawasan.

 Afektif; menumbuhkan perasaan

tertentu, menyampaikan pikiran, ide
atau pedapat.

 Konatif; mengubah perilaku, sikap dan

Chapter 1 : Why Study Communication

Communication is fundamental to our lives

Communication is complex

Communication is vital to occupational effectiveness :

• 1. Integrity and honesty (pertimbangan etika dalam

melakukan sesuatu)
• 2. istening (pmemperhatikan dan menginterpretasikan

bahasa verbal dari pihak-pihak lain).

• 3. Reading ( memahami, menginterpretasikan informasi

tulisan beragam bentuk dokumen)

Oral communication (mengkomunikasikan
ide-ide dan informasi melalui presentasi verbal

5. Written communication
Lanjutan...... (mengkomunikasikan ide dan informasi
melalui tulisan)

6. Responsibility and Self-management

(menetapkan upaya level tinggi, tujuan yg
jelas, melakukan monitoring perkembangan
dan self-control)
7. Problem Solving

8. Knowing how to learn

9. Self-Esteem

10. Sociability

11. Diversity

12. Decision making

13. Math

14. Creating thinking (penciptaan ide-ide



Public speaking

Interpersonal and group communication

Kompetensi Leadership
komunikasi Networking
yg esensial : Teamwork and colloboration

Meeting skills

Communication/information technology skills

Intercultural sensitivity and skills

Why study
A good
education does not Ensure good
Communication Competence

Communication is a popular and vibrant

field of study.

 Theories : Guides for Analysis and Action

Fundamentals of Communication

1. Communication is a Process.

2. Communication is essential for individuals, relationships,

groups, organizations and societies.

3. Communication involves responding to and creating message

and transforming them into informations that can be used.

4. Communication involves adapting to people and the

5. Communication : A Definition
“ Human communication is the process through which induviduals in
relationships, groups, organizations, and societies create and use
informations to relate to the environment and one another”.

“Communication... Include(s) all the procedures by which one mind

may affect an other”.
“The transmission of information, ideas, emotions, skills, etc., by
use of symbols – words, pictures, figures, grafps, etc.”
6. Goals of Communication and Human Behavior :

a. To introduce communication as an area of study

b. To provide a framework that help make connections

between communication theory and communication
process in action.

c. To provide to help you use this communication-

oriented perspective to analyze, better understanding,
and be more competent in your own communication
a. Communication is a
pervasive part of contemporary
life with relevance to our lives.

b. Theories are guides to actions,

and understanding
and c. As individuals – to develop
Application personal theories communication
based on our life experiences.

d. The study theory can help on

better understanding human
Early Communication Study
• a. Rhetoric and Speech
• b. Journalism.
The 1900s – 1930s : Development of Speech and Journalism.

1940s and 1950s : Interdiciplinary Growth.

The 1960s : Integration1970s and Early 1980s :

Chapter 2
The Field of Growth and Specialization :
• The Popularity of Communication
Communicatio • a. Dicipline, Activity, and Profession
n • b. Communication and Communications
The Late 1980s and 1990s : The Information Age :

a. Informations as a Commodity

b. Converging Media.

New Media-Sosial media dan Digital Media

 The Twenty-First Century : Communication Study
Today :

 - Ancient and Newly Emergent

 - Dicipline and Interdisiplinary Link.
 - Personal and Professional Applicability
 - Old and New Technology
 - Problem and Solution
 - Practical Skill and Fundamental Life Process
Chapter 4
Communication – A Basic
Life Process

a . Communication Processes in Animals and Human

- All animals and Human open system;
Participation in continual give-and-take

exchanges with environment.

- Exchanges or interaction are essensial to life.

- The process : photosynthesis involve the input, use

and ransformation of chemical and other substances..

b. Communication Modes

Modality Forms of Messages

Facial Displays (penampilan wajah)
Movement of Body Parts
(Gerakan Bagian Tubuh)
Visual Distance and Spacing
(Jarak dan ruang)
Position (posisi)
Dress (berpakaian)
Other Symbols, Adorment, and Emblems

Tactiles Vibration (getaran)
Stroking (belaian/membelai)
(sentuhan) Rubbing (gosokan/gesekan)
Pressure (tekanan)
Pain (kesakitan/rasa sakit)
Temparature (suhu)
b. Communication Modes (lanjutan)

Modality Forms of Messages

Smell and Taste (Pheromones)

Olfactory and Gustatory Body Odors (bau badan)
(penciuman dan gustatory) Special Chemicals (kimiawi)
Food Sources, Fragrances, and Taste
(Makanan Sumber, Parfum, dan Taste)

Incedental Sounds
Auditory Vibrations (getaran)
Drumming (bunyi, permainan drum)
Rubbing (gosokan/gesekan)
Vocalization (vokalisasi/suara)
c. Basic Life Functions of Communication

1. Courtship and Mating

(perkenalan dan perkawinan)

2. Reproduction (Reprodulsi)

3. Parent-Offspring Relations and Socialization

(pewarisan nilai-nilai orangtua dan sosialisasi)

3. Navigation (navigasi)

4. Self Defence (Pertahanan diri)

5. Territoriality (teroterial (penjagaan wilayah)

Chapter 5
Fundamental of Human Communication

The Communication Iceberg

1. The Visibility and Invisibility of Human Communication
- The Visible Aspect of Communication :

a. People

b. Symbols

c. Technology
- Invisible Aspects of Communication

a. Meaning (Makna)
b. Learning (proses belajar)
c. Subjectivity (subjektivitas)
d. Negotiation (negosiasi) e. Culture (budaya)
f. Interactive context and levels
(konteks dan level interaksi)
g. Self-Reference
h. Self-Reflextion
i. Ethics (etika)
k. Inevitability
(sifat yang tidak dapat dielakkan)
Chapter 6
Information Reception

 Informasi
penerimaan melibatkan keoriginalannya ke dan
mengubah pesan menjadi bentuk yang dapat digunakan untuk
memandu perilaku.

 Process Active

 Information selection
Retention - Memory

Short – Term and Long – Term Memory

Semantic and Episode Memory

Gillian Cohen menjelaskan Karakteristik memori :

a. Memori harus melampau kapasitas sistem

b. Memori harus selektif

c. Memori harus dinamis

d. Memori harus menghubungkan masa lalu, sekarang dan masa depan


e. Memori harus mampu membangun representasi hipotetis

imajinasi, kreativitas, dan kemungkinan pertimbangan.
f. Memori harus menyimpan baik umum dan informasi
spesifik - umum dan pengetahuan specialize
g. Memori harus menyimpan informasi.
h. Proses memori harus menjadi kompleks
i. Memori adalah strategi pengambilan yang ktitikal.
j. Pengambilan memori harus bermanfaat.
Receiver Influences

a. kebutuhan
b. Sikap, kepercayaan, dan Nilai
c. tujuan
d. kemampuan
e. menggunakan
f. Gaya komunikasi
g. dan Kebiasaan
Messages (information) Influences

a. Mode/ contoh

b. Karakteristik Fisik

c. Organisasi

d. Asal/ keaslian
Source Influences

a. Proximity
b. Physical and Social attraction Similarity
c. Credibility and Authoritativenes.
d. Motivation and Intent
e. Delevery
f. Status, Power, and Authority
Technological and Environmental Influences

a. Technology
b. The Environment :
* Repetition
* Consistency and Competition

An Active and Complex Process

Chapter 7
Verbal Messages

1. Message Production , Producing messages is as

fundamental to our live as receiving them.

Aspects of our Behavior is a potential source of

information :
a. Language
b. Tone of voice
c. Apprearance
d. Eyes,
e. Actions
f. Space and time
2. Encoding and Decoding
* Encoding : Converting an idea into the message.
*. Decoding : Translate the message into an idea.

3. Process-versus Meaning-Centerd Models of

• Focus on messages transmission and concern with the
channel, sender, receiver, noise, and feedback.
• Examine how messages may get lost or distored in
communication process and how receivers may miss
the message sent.
The Nature of Language

 Phonology , the way sounds are combined to form word.

 Syntax, the way word are combined into sentences.

 Semantic, the meaning of words on the basis of their

relationship to one onather and to element in the

 Pragmatics, the way in which language is uses in

4.a. Physiological Factors

4.b. Cognitive Factors

• Language Acquisition :
• a. The Psycholinguistic Approach.
• b. The Sociolinguistic Approach
• Representation
• a. Language and Reality
• b. Limitation of Language for
7. Convertion
• Negotiation of Meaning
• Rules and rituals
Rules Categories :

> Cooperativeness

> Informativeness
> Responsiveness

> Interactiveness

> Conformance

> Language and Gender

> Content and Relationship

> Metacommunication
8. Social and Public Communication

 Production and Distribution of Social

realities ;
 Language is the primary means used for
socialand public expression.

 Confront public speeches on all topic :

News, entertaiment, advertisement, e-
mail and public relation messages.

 Messages and Meanings are distributed

and popularized through public
communication – accepted realities.
Terima Kasih

 Selamat
Berkaruya bersama
Mikom FKDK Universitas
Budi Luhur

 Semangatdan sukses dalam


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