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Zaman Kegemilangan Islam -


Latarbelakang Pemerintahan Islam

 Terdiri dari 3 zaman yang besar – Khalifah ArRashidun (Kurun 7

Masehi), Ummayad Dynasty (Kurun 7/8 Masehi) dan Abbasiyah
Dynasty (Kurun 8 dan 9 Masehi).

 Pemerintahan bermula dari golongan politik yang berbeza.

 Pusat pemerintahan juga berbeza – Kota Madinah, Damascus dan

Salah silah Keturunan

Abdul Manaf

Abd Al-Syam Hasyim

Umaiyah Abdul Mutalib

Abu Al-As Harb Abu Talib Abdullah Al-Abbas Hamzah

Al-Hakkam Affan Abu Suffian

Muawiyah Abdullah
Ali Muhammad
Marwan Uthman Yazid (SAW)
Khalifah Mahsyur di Zaman
 Khalifah Abu Jaafar Al-Mansur (754 –
775 M)
 Khalifah Harun Al-Rasyid (786 – 809
 Khalifah Al-Makmun (809 – 813M)
Perkembangan Intelek
 Berkembang pesat di zaman Pemerintahan
 Kemajuan berterusan dari Pemerintahan
 Pemerintah berilmu dan faham dalam ilmu
Islam, bahasa, sastera
 Menggalakkan usaha-usaha penyelidikan
 Mengasaskan Pusat Intelek “Darul Hikmah”
 Pembinaan kilang kertas giatkan usaha
 Memberi hadiah istimewa sebagai insentif
 Negara Aman
Tokoh-tokoh Islam
 Pakar Penterjemah Bahasa – Yahya Al-
Batiq, Yuhanna Ibn Musawaih, Hunain Ibn
 Pakar Perubatan dan falsafah- Al-Kindi
 Pakar perubatan – Yuhanna Ibn Musawaih,
Hunain Ibn Ishak
 Pakar matematik dan astronomi – Al-
Asturlabi, Al-Khawarizmi, Al-Battani
 Pakar Sains – Jabir Hayyah Al-Fazi (Kitab
Al-Tajmin, Al-Zibad, Al-Sharqi)
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Pakar Matematiks dan Sains

 Muhamad ibn Musa Al-
 Pengasas Ilmu Algebra berdasarkan
Kitab yang ditulisnya, Kitab Al-Jabr
 Terma Algorithm juga di ambil dari
nama Al-Khawarizmi.
 Memperkenalkan sistem number Arab
dan juga sistem number Hindu-Arab.
 Pakar Geography dalam menentukan
keluasan sebenar Laut Mediterranean.
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Algebra dan Algorithm

 “His systematic and logical approach to where a ≠ 0. (If a = 0, the equation becomes a
solving linear and quadratic equations linear equation.)

gave shape to the discipline of algebra”

 an algorithm is a sequence of finite
instructions, often used for calculation and
data processing.
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Pakar Sains
 Abū Alī al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan
ibn al-Haytham (Ibnu Al-
 Pengasas Ilmu Optik dalam buku yang
dikarangnya “Book of Optic”.
 “The most important development of the
scientific method was the use of experiments to
distinguish between competing scientific theories
set within a generally empirical orientation, which
began among Muslim scientists. Ibn al-Haytham
is also regarded as the father of optics, especially
for his empirical proof of the intromission theory
of light.”
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Pakar Perubatan
 Abū ‘Alī al-Husayn ibn ‘Abd
Allāh ibn Sīnā Balkhi‘ (Ibnu
 Kurun ke-9 Masehi, Baghdad mempunyai
800 doktors.
 “great discoveries in the understanding of
anatomy and diseases were made. The
clinical distinction between measles and
smallpox was discovered during this time.”

 Pengarang buku , The Canon of Medicine

and The Book of Healing menjadi satu
Ensaiklopedia Perubatan semasa.
Pakar Astronomi
 Muhammad ibn Jābir al-Harrānī al-
 Memperdalami ilmu peredaran Bumi. “One of his
best-known achievements in astronomy was the
determination of the solar year as being 365
days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds.”
 He also calculated the values for the precession
of the equinoxes (54.5" per year, or 1° in 66
years) and the inclination of Earth's axis (23°
 Memperkenalkan konsep Trigonometry, tan a =
sin a / cos a.
Pakar Kimia
 Abu Musa Jābir ibn Hayyān
 Pengasas Ilmu Kimia
 “A number of chemical processes
such as distillation techniques and
the production of alcohol were
developed in the Muslim world and
then spread to Europe.”
 Motto, "is that you should perform
practical work and conduct
experiments, for he who performs
not practical work nor makes
experiments will never attain the
least degree of mastery."[
Kegunaan Kimia
 Made improvement of many manufacturing processes, such
as making steel and other metals, preventing rust,
engraving gold, dyeing and waterproofing cloth, tanning
leather, and the chemical analysis of pigments and other
 developed the use of manganese dioxide in glassmaking, to
counteract the green tinge produced by iron — a process
that is still used today.
 He noted that boiling wine released a flammable vapor,
thus paving the way for the discovery of ethanol (alcohol)
by Al-Kindi and Al-Razi.
 invented a kind of paper that resisted fire, and an ink that
could be read at night.
 He invented an additive which, when applied to an iron
surface, inhabited rust and when applied to a textile, would
make it water repellent.
Akhir Kata
 Cendikiawan Islam lebih
terkehadapan dari yang lain
 Khazanah Islam amat banyak
 Buat yang terbaik untuk kegunaan
orang ramai.

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