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Fauzi Aulia Yudha Sesarahditya

ISAS Faculty: Mrs.Indah Ayu Yuliani


holography technology


TeknologiadalahPembuatan, PenggunaandanPengetahuanAlat, TeknikMesin, Kerajinan, System ataumetodepemecahanmasalahuntukmelakukanfungsitertentu, Kata TeknologiberasaldaribahasaYunani(technologa) dari(techne), yang berarti "seni, keterampilan, kerajinan", dan- (-logia), yang berarti "studi tentang-" Istilah inijugadapat diterapkan. umumnyaatau untukbidang tertentu.Contoh termasukteknologi konstruksi, teknologi medis, dan teknologiinformasi.

holography technology


TerimaKasihkepadaTuhan Allah SWT, yang memberikanrestudanbimbingannya.Sehingga kami dapatmenyelesaikantugas.Terimakasih kami kepada Mrs. Indah AyuYuliani, sebagaipanduandandosen yang telahmengajaruntuktugastugashalus.Tugasinidisusunsebagaitugasuntukbidangkhusus yang diusulkanteknologiinformasi, ISAS.Tulisaninidibuatmudah-mudahan, setelahmembacatulisantulisanparapenulisdanpembacatahudanmengertiTeknologiHolografi. Kami membuatmakalahiniuntuksemua orang, sehinggaperusahaanjugadapatdigunakanolehsemuamasyarakat yang ingintahulebihbanyaktentang Adware, Spyware danScareware.Setelahmembacatulisan-tuisan, parapembacajugamemahamiteori-teori yang telahdiperolehmengenaiTeknologiHolografi. Kami melihatkedepan,kontribusiuntuk saran yang konstruktif demi kebaikandankelengkapantulisanini. Dengandemikiantugas-tugasterstrukturmungkinberguna, dalamrangkamemenuhitugas ISAS. Jakarta, 27 November 2011


holography technology


ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................................................. i PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................iii 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 CHAPTER I ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 Background...................................................................................................................... 1 Writing Objective .................................................................................................................. 3 Problem Domain .................................................................................................................... 3 Writing Methodology ............................................................................................................ 3 Writing Framework ............................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................................................... 5 1.6 2 Theoritical Basis ..................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER III .................................................................................................................................. 7 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 Understanding Idea about Holography Technology ............................................................ 7 How is a Hologram Created ........................................................................................... 7 Difference between Photography and Holography ...................................................... 8 Chatacteristics of a Hologram ....................................................................................... 9 History of Holography .......................................................................................................... 11 Future of Holography Technology ....................................................................................... 12 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 12 Current Application of Holographic Technology ........................................................ 12 Future Applications of Holographic Technology......................................................... 14 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 15 Hologram Industry ...............................................................................................................16 Overview ........................................................................................................................16 The Hologram Industry ................................................................................................16 Worldwide Surface Relief Hologram Industry ............................................................. 17 World Holographic Market .......................................................................................... 17 iii

holography technology 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.6 2.7 Industrial Market Share for Holography (1998) ...........................................................18 Value of Commercial Holography (Million $) ..............................................................18

Types of Hologram................................................................................................................19 Properties of Holograms .............................................................................................. 20 Application ................................................................................................................... 20 How is a hologram made .............................................................................................. 21 Projection of a hologram and types of hologram-A diagrammatic representation... 22 Types of Hologram ....................................................................................................... 23 Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 40 Suggest.................................................................................................................................. 40

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................... 41 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................ 41


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1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Background
Secaraetimologis, akar kata teknologiadalah techne yang berartiserangkaianprinsipataumetoderasional yang berkaitandenganpembuatansuatuobjek, ataukecakapantertentu, ataupengetahuantentangprinsipataumetodedanseni.Istilahteknologiuntukpertama kali dipakaioleh Philips padatahun 1706 dalamsebuahbukuberjudulteknologi (Technology: A Description Of The Arts, Especially The Mechanical). Teknologiadalahmetodeilmiahuntukmencapaitujuanpraktis.Ilmupengetahuante rapanataudapat pula diterjemahkansebagaikeseluruhansaranauntukmenyediakanbarang-barang yang diperlukanbagikelangsungandankenyamananhidupmanusia. PenerapanPengetahuanuntuktujuanpraktiskehidupanmanusiaatauuntukmengub ahdanmemanipulasilingkunganmanusia.Teknologitermasukpenggunaanbahan, peralatan, teknik, dansumberdayauntukmembuathiduplebihmudahataulebihmenyenangkandanbekerjale bihproduktif.Sedangkanilmuberkaitandenganbagaimanadanmengapasesuatuterjadi, teknologimulaimempengaruhiusaha-usahamanusiabegitu orang mulaimenggunakanalat.Inidipercepatdenganrevolusi industry dansubstitusimesinuntukhewandantenagamanusia.Perkembanganteknologi yang cepatmemerlukanbiayadalampribadidanefeknyaterhadaplingkungan.Kebutuhanmanus iatumbuhbersamaperkembanganteknologiuntukmempermudahpekerjaanmenjadiprakt isdanmemilikikemampuanlebihdalam transfer data, ruangpenyimpanan data, proses data dantampilan output. Dalamupayamemenuhikebutuhanmanusiaakanteknologi, manusiamelakukaninovasiteknologi. Kemajuanteknologitakterlepasdengankeberhasilaninovasiteknologi.Semakincepatinov asidilakukanmakasemakinberkembangteknologi.

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Teknologitidakdapatdipisahkandarikehidupanmanusia.Selamanya, selamaperadabanmanusiamasihada, teknologiakanterusmenjadihalterpentingdalamkehidupan. Teknologiberkembangsesuaikebutuhanmanusia.Teknologiharusdapatmelakukanperke rjaanlebihcepatdanefisien.Teknologimasadepandiharapkanakanditemukannyaalat-alat yang lebihcanggih. Adapunpenemuanteknologimasadepan,namunsedikit yang mengetahuidanmempelajarinya. Untukmengetahuiperkembanganteknologimasadepan,diperlukankesadaranuntukdibah asdandipelajaribaikataupunburuknyaterhadappribadimaupunlingkungan.

holography technology

1.2 Writing Objective

Give basic understanding idea about Holography Technology Provide Knowledge the History of Holography Learn how Future of Holography Technology Knowing the Hologram Industry Knowing the Types of Hologram Knowing the Products of Hologram

1.3 Problem Domain

Problem Domain of Holography Technology Understanding idea about Holography Technology History of Holography Future of Holography Technology Hologram Industry Types of Hologram Products of Hologram

1.4 Writing Methodology

We made this papers from magazines, tabloid and searching in the internet

holography technology

1.5 Writing Framework

Chapter I

Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2. Writing Objective 1.3. Problem Domain 1.4. Writing Methodology

Chapter II

Basic Theory 2.1. Theoritical Basis

Chapter III

Problem Analysis Understanding idea about Holography Technology History of Holography Future of Holography Technology Hologram Industry Types of Hologram Products of Hologram

Chapter IV

Conclusion Suggestion

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CHAPTER II Theoritical Basis Pendapat Para Ahli Tentang Teknologi komunikasi.

Roger (1983) teknologi adalah suatu rancangan (desain) untuk alat bantu tindakan yang mengurangi ketidakpastian dalam hubungan sebab akibat dalam mencapai suatu hasil yang diinginkan. Jacques Ellul (1967) Suatu teknologi biasanya mempunyai dua aspek yaitu aspek hardware (terdiri dari material atau objek fisik) dan aspek software ). Gary J. Anglin (1991) mengartikan teknologi sebagai keseluruhan metode yang secara rasional mengarah dan memiliki ciri efisiensi dalam setiap kegiatan manusia. Yusufhadi Miarso (2004) .mendefinisikan teknologi sebagai penerapan ilmu-ilmu perilaku dan alam serta pengetahuan lain secara bersistem dan menyistem, untuk memecahkan masalah (Yusufhadi Miarso, 2004). Rogers (1986) Teknologi komunikasi adalah peralatan-peralatan keras, struktur organisasi,dan nilai sosial dengan mana individu mengumpulkan, memperoses terjadinya pertukaran informasi dengan individu lain. Robert I. Mathis dan Jhon H. Jackson (2004) Perkembangan dan evolusi telekomunikasi dan teknologi yang membantu pengiriman informasi yang cepat. Teknologi komunikasi seperti satelit telah menghadirkan televisi dan layanan telepon nirkabel ke desa-desa terpencil di Afrika, India, China, dan Amerika Latin. Pertumbuhan pengunaan internet di seluruh dunia telah menjadikan orang-orang dan perusahaan-perusahan dapat dengan mudah berkomunikasi dan memiliki akses data dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Eric Deeson (1991) Kebutuhan manusia di dalam mengambil dan memindahkan, mengolah dan memproses informasi dalam kontek sisial yang menguntungkan diri sendiri dan masyarakat secara keseluruhan bagaimana implikasinya agar dapat menguntungkann secara individual dan masyarakat secara lebih khusus.

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Jaques Ellul (1967) Keseluruhan metode yang secara rasional mengarah dan memiliki cara efiensi dalam setiap bidang kegiatan manusia. Iskandar Alisyahbana (1980) cara melakukan sesuatu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia dengan bantuan alat dan akal sehingga seakan-akan memperpanjang, memperkuat, atau membuat lebih ampuh anggota tubuh, panca indera, dan otak manusia. Ely (1982) Teknologi mencakup sistem-sistem komunikasi satelit, kabel interaktif dua arah, komputer dan vidio disk serta vidio cassete. Richard Weiner (1996) Pemerosesan, pengelolahan dan penyebaran data oleh kombinasi komputer dan telekomunikasi.

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2.1 Understanding Idea about Holography Technology

Holograms are frequently used for security purposes. A Hologram is a type of photographic image having three-dimensional effect and appears to have depth. According to science, whenever an object is viewed, the human eyes each receive a distinct image. This image is received from slightly offset reference points and it is the human brain which combines the image into a three-dimensional one. The same effect is produced artificially by a hologram. A hologram is produced using the technique of holography, which can also be used to optically store, process and retrieve information. In short and simple terms, hologram is three-dimensional laser photography, containing depth and parallax, which mean the ability to see around the object.

2.1.1 How is a Hologram Created

The process of creating a hologram is known as holography. In other words, holography is a form of photography-an advanced form-that allows an image to be recorded in three dimensions. Holographic process creates an image made up of two superimposed 2-dimensional images of the same object as seen from different reference points. Lasers are used in holography as it requires the use of light of a single exact wavelength. There are two laser beams and a photographic plate used to take an image of any object. In the process, the laser beams go through beam spreaders and like a flashlight the spreaders spread the laser light out . One beam illuminates the object from the side called the side beam while the other beam travels through the photographic plate. It hits the object head-on which is somewhat similar to the way in which a conventional camera takes a 2-D image. The second beam is known as reference beam and the reflecting light from this beam leaves an image on the photographic plate and at the same time the side beam also creates an image by its light.

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The result is thus a photographic plate creating two images simultaneously. The image thus formed is a hologram. The hologram is made up of the interference pattern between the two original images and hence it is a three-dimensional image.

2.1.2 Difference between Photography and Holography

The only thing common between photography and holography is that they make use of photographic film. The difference between holography and photography is the information recorded and the way the image is produced. While a photograph contains only a single view point of an object, which is produced by a camera lens using a simple geometric or ray model for the behavior of light, the holographic image cannot be produced by a single ray model. The image is produced by diffraction and interference through wave phenomena. This difference in the mode of process makes a photograph two dimensional (2-D) image while a hologram three dimensional (3-D) images.

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2.1.3 Chatacteristics of a Hologram

Holograms have certain unique characteristics. These are given below:

Hologram Aberrations: One of the basic characteristics of holograms is that they suffer from aberrations which are caused by a change in the wavelength from construction to reconstruction. This is also caused by a difference in the reference and reconstruction beams. There are two types of aberrationschromatic and non-chromatic-which are important even when there is a small difference between the reference and reconstruction geometry. One simple way to eliminate all the aberrations simultaneously is to copy exactly one construction beam in the reconstruction process. Orthoscopic and Pseudoscopic Images: A hologram produces two images, one which is real and the other a virtual image which is an exact replica of the object. However, to the appearance of the observer, the two images differ in appearance. The virtual image has the same appearance of depth and the parallax and produced at the same position as the original object. It appears that the observer is viewing the original object through a window defined by the size of the hologram. This virtual image is known as orthoscopic image. The real image is also formed in front of the hologram at the same time and at the same distance from the hologram. This real image is called pseudoscopic image where the scene depth is inverted.

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Off-axis Holography: It is possible to separate the twin images. This was demonstrated in a technique developed by two scientist Leith and Upatnieks in 1962. In this technique, during the recording process, a separate coherent reference wave falls on the hologram plate at an offset angle to the beam from the object. This technique is called an off-axis holography generating real and virtual images angularly separated from each other and also from the direct beam. Some Other Characteristics a. It is possible to reconstruct the hologram of a diffuse object by a small portion of the hologram. In other words, if a hologram breaks into pieces, the entire image can be produced by each piece. However, as the size of the hologram reduces, a loss of image perspective, brightness and resolution result in the constructed image. b. Another characteristic of hologram is that a contact print of a hologram will reconstruct a positive image which is not distinguishable from the image produced by the original. c. A cylindrical hologram makes a 360 degree view of the object. d. Without any cross-talk, more than one independent scenes can be stored in the same photographic plate and these can be viewed one at a time.


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2.2 History of Holography

Padatahun 1940-an, Dr. Dennis Gabor, sseorangfisikawanHungaria, menemukanteknikholografi.Berkatpenemuannyatersebut, iadianugerahipenghargaan Nobel padatahun 1971. Hasiltemuannyamenjadikaniasebagaiperintis, bapakdansekaliguspenciptaholografi. Sayangnya, perkembanganbidanginiberjalanlambatsehinggatahun 1960-an. Akhirnya, perkembanganholografimulaibergeraklagidenganadanyaperkembanganteknologi laser. Padatahun 1960-an. DuniaIndustridihebohkandenganpenggalakanteknik laser yang menghasilkan hologram untukdimanfaatkansecarakomersial.Teknikinidigunakansecaraluas.Antaralainuntukm engujidesainproduktertentu. Para seniman visual menggunakan pula dalammenampilkankreasidangagasanmutakhir. Teknologi yang menjadilatarbelakanglahirnya hologram inilahirdarifisikawanhungaria Dr. Dennis Gabor.Yang mengembangkanteoriholografisejaktahun 1947.Padatahuntersebutsaatberkerja di Departemen British Thomson Houston.Gabor menemukanHolografi.Penemuan yang brilianiniditemukansecaratidaksengajaoleh Gabor. Padatahun 1979, duailmuanasal Soviet berhasilmengembangkantemuan Dr. Dennis Gabor dengansinehologram.EizkymandanFihmanmulaibekerjasama di bidang hologram. Penggunaan film layarlebarinimerupakanlangkahpertamauntukmembuatsinehologram yang bias ditontonlebihdaridua orang dalamwaktubersamaan.


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2.3 Future of Holography Technology

2.3.1 Introduction
The word hologram is derived from the Greek words "holos" meaning whole and "gamma" meaning message-in other words, holograms depict whole message. Holograms appear to contain a three-dimensional image under proper illumination. They cannot be copied by ordinary means and hence are widely used to prevent counterfeiting of documents such as credit cards, driver's licenses, admission tickets and many other products.

2.3.2 Current Application of Holographic Technology

Today, the most popular use of holograms is in consumer products and advertising materials. Holograms are also important in various other areas of scientific research, medicine, commerce and industry. We below a list of current holographic applications in various fields:

Holograms are used in consumer packaging of products and advertisement to attract potential buyers. Holograms are used on magazine/book cover. For example: One of the most memorable Sports Illustrated covers till date was the December 23, 1992 issue featuring Michael Jordan. Holograms are also used on sports trading cards. Hologram usage on credit cards, debit cards, I-cards, license etc. provide added security to minimize counterfeiting. Holography is also used to make archival recordings of valuable and fragile museum artifacts. Researchers and industry designers use holographic interferometry to test and design many things like tires, engines to prosthetic limbs and artificial bones and joints. Holographic lens system to read bar codes is widely seen in supermarket and department store scanners.

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Holographic optical elements (HOE's) are used while navigating by airplane pilots. In some military aircraft, pilots while looking through the windshield can read their instruments by using a holographic display projected in front of their eyes. This feature is available on some models of automobiles as well and this is depicted below.

X-ray, endoscopy, opthalmology etc. any like Sony Electronics uses holographic technology in their digital cameras.
Holograms have also been used by artists to create pulsed holographic portraits and other works of art and many more.


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2.3.3 Future Applications of Holographic Technology

There are certain areas which have not received full exposure so far as the applications of holograms are concerned. These areas are still under study and sooner or later holograms will be seen full fledged in these areas also. Some examples of future applications of holograms are as follows:

Future color liquid crystal displays (LCD's) are expected to be more brighter and whiter due to holographic technology. In few years, there will be commercial availability of holographic night vision goggles. Many researchers/scientists are of opinion that holographic televisions will be manufactured on a mass scale within a few years at a cost of approximately $5000. Holographic motion picture technology had already been attempted and was also successful in the 1970s. The future of holographic motion pictures may soon become a reality in a few years. Holography also has an unique storage capacity. Holographic memory can store 1 terabyte (= 1000 GB) of data in a crystal which is more or less the size of a sugar cube. Comparatively, current methods of storage include DVD's that store 4.7 GB, CD's that hold 650 to 700 MB, and computer hard drives that hold up to 120 GB. As such, we can see holograms in the future revolutionize storage capacities. Optical or holographic computers in future will be capable of delivering trillions of bits of information faster than the latest computers. The present holographic security methods usually use mass-produced, identical embossed holograms. In future, an holographic ID card or security label will not be mass produced. Instead, each hologram on such cards will be unique, bearing a unique encrypted "signature" whose validity can be only be checked electronically. This advance will however require many significant advances in holographic technology. Using holograms in museums with animated multimedia content allows exhibitors communicate information about the artifact with more effectiveness and excitement than that offered by text labels. In future, as wall-mounted variations require little space, museums can display a larger number of artifacts. The figure below shows two illustrations of future applications


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envisioned for hologram. The first one is a wall-mounted display in a museum environment while the other is a desktop display that can be used in a lightbox fashion.

2.3.4 Conclusion
These are just a few instances of future applications of hologram. As already mentioned, there are various areas where holograms are used , going by their importance as security enhancement, anti-counterfeiting, commercial, advertising, and promotion. Holograms have been useful anti-counterfeit devices used on everything from passports to food, and from currency to cosmetics, from credit cards to badges . There are more areas to venture into and some areas need to develop more. The spread and advancement of hologram technology will definitely reduce the value of ordinary embossed holograms as anti-counterfeit devices. On the other hand, various modern, scientific technological advances foreseen in recording materials, embossing substrate materials, hologram recording systems etc. will greatly increase the security value of holograms within few years. The ultimate goal is to create hologram as a powerful tool for science, industry, advertisement, security, education etc. The future of holograms will be a 3D display concept whose application is envisioned in almost all areas like

Industrial simulation (design, manufacturing, quality assurance) u Scientific visualization (pathology, paleontology, density, biomedicine, medicine, orthopedics or archeology) Education (medical training or public museums) and so on.


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2.4 Hologram Industry

2.4.1 Overview

The technique employed to make three-dimensional images is known as holography. Holograms have a unique feature, known as "parallax" , according to which a viewer observes the virtual object from different perspectives in full threedimensional. Holograms also have the advantages of providing security, brand protection and enhancement and preventing fraudulent practices. There is no way to duplicate a hologram and hence it has been widely demanded in every sectors of the economy today.


The Hologram Industry

The hologram industry is a growing one. The Indian hologram industry started in 1992. Worldwide hologram products began to enter the marketplace in the mid1980s. Since then holographic industry has experienced an impressive growth. There are many companies who have experienced growth rates more than 30% a year, in the last few years. According to an estimate, there are about 300 companies worldwide making up this sector of holograph. The market comprises large international, national, and regional companies and even individuals.


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Worldwide Surface Relief Hologram Industry

This holography industry comprises the key market sectors of brand protection, packaging, security print, retail and promotion and illustration, as well as equipment sales and installations related to these. As per a report of global industry overview by Reconnaissance International, the publisher of Holography News, the surface relief industry was valued at approximately $ 1.39 billion in 2002. Since 1996, the holography industry has seen an annual growth rate between 25 and 35%. According to the same report, hologram sales of divisions of privately owned companies had average sales of $19.5 million and larger public companies had sales of $17 million annually. 2.4.4 World Holographic Market

The holography market, worldwide is divided into three main sectors:

Security Promotion and Packaging

According to an estimate, the total sales of hologram and holographic products used for security, promotional, packaging applications, grew at a compound annual rate of 31.7% per year from $90 million in 1990 to $617 million in 1997. During the period from 1998 to 2002, there was a compound annual rate of approximately 25% and the sales reached $1.9 billion by the year 2002. It was estimated in 2003 that commercial display holograms was approximately $791.2 million industry. Pricing in the holography market is based on performance, quality and control.

Security sector: In 1997, the total sales in the security sector was approximately $380 million. The security sector of the holography market grew at a compound annual rate of over 20% over the five year period from 1998 through 2002. This sector of the holography market comprising credit and other transaction cards, product authentication and documents of value, represented approximately 62% of overall industry sales. According to the Nilson Report, in the US, electronic payments via credit, debit, benefits transfer and prepaid cash cards increased from approximately 15% of all consumer purchases in 1990 to approximately 40% in 2005.


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Promotion sector: The promotion sector of the hologram and holographic market accounted for approximately 17% of overall industry sales in 1997. This sector grew at a compound annual rate of 7% over the period 1998-2002. Packaging sector: In 1997, the sales in the packaging sector of the holographic market represented approximately 21% of overall industry sales. The packaging sector grew at a compound annual rate of over 42% over the period 1998-2002. Industrial Market Share for Holography (1998)


Industrial Market Share for Holography (1998) Scanning Holographic Data Holographic CAD, TV, and other uses Testing Holographic Optical Elements

$ Million 1000 25 55 455 100

% 60 2 3 29 6

Source: Business Communications Company, Inc.


Value of Commercial Holography (Million $)

1993 201

1997 402

1998 491

1999 579

2003 791.2

AAGR % 18.5

Source: Business Communications Company, Inc.


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2.5 Types of Hologram

A hologram is a type of three-dimensional image that gives the appearance as a real object as the image has depth. The best way to think of a hologram is to visualize them as impressions on light waves. The patterns of light wave impressions are photographed or captured in the layer of emulsion. In other words, a hologram is an image or photograph of light wave interference. It is to be noted that not all 3D images are holograms and neither a hologram is required to be 3D. In technical terms, a hologram is the captured intensity and phase information which is produced by the interference or interconnection of two or more beams of light. People often consider a hologram as some type of a three-dimensional photograph. However, the only thing common between photography and holography is the use of a photographic film. The important difference is the way the image is produced in both the cases. A photographic image is produced by a camera lens and it is described almost accurately using a simple geometric or ray model for the behavior of light. On the other hand, the holographic image is formed depending on diffraction and interference, which are wave phenomena.


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Properties of Holograms

Holograms have some very interesting properties such as follows:

Distributed information: The information in a hologram is always distributed. If it is cut into pieces, each piece contains enough information to reconstruct the entire scene. Image projection: Under certain cases, merely shining or lighting a laser through the hologram projects an image on to a screen. Viewing directly with a point source: A hologram reconstruction shows exactly the same light wavefronts to our eyes that we receive with the real object, using a point source of illumination. The hologram is not distinguished from the physical object.



Holography and hologram products are now widely used in various applications. One of the most common application of holography is in security maintenance. Spreading from the research laboratory to industry, holography today finds wider employment in communication and various engineering problems. It is used in computer technology to store numerous quantities of information. Another important application area is bar-code readers in shops, warehouses, libraries etc. Holograms are today considered as the best promotional media. Every type of industry can use the Holographic products to enhance their brands in the market and make them genuine and authenticated brands. Holograms are used for attractive product packaging, security applications, fancy gifts, 3-D art etc. New technology aircraft, automobiles, etc. also make use of holograms.


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How is a hologram made

A laser beam is divided into two beams: The reference beam and the object beam.

Using a lens or curved mirror, the width of the reference beam is increased conically and aimed directly at the film plate. The width of the object beam is also increased and aimed at the object which reflects some of the light on the holographic film-plate. The two beams form an interference pattern on the film by crossing each other. This leads to the forming of the hologram. To create a hologram, laser light is needed because it is made of coherent waves.


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Projection of a hologram and types of hologram-A diagrammatic representation

Source: hbase/optmod/holcon.html#c1


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Types of Hologram Reflection Hologram Introduction There are various types of holograms. The most common ones are the reflection hologram and the transmission hologram. Reflection holograms are those holograms which are viewed with the light source on the same side as the viewer. This is a reflected light as the light is reflected off the hologram. This hologram is the most common type shown in galleries. In such a hologram, a truly three-dimensional image is seen near its surface. The reflection hologram is illuminated by a ray of white incandescent light. The light is held at a specific angle, distance and located on the viewer's side of the hologram. The image thus formed consists of light reflected by the hologram. Nowadays, these holograms are also displayed in various colors and their images are indistinguishable from the original objects. For example, the holographic image of the mirror reflects white light, the holographic image of the diamond is seen to dazzle or sparkle etc.


holography technology Why are reflection holograms important? The various reasons for making and using a reflection hologram are as follows:

Compared to the transmission hologram, the exposure time is generally shorter which leads to a less stringent condition on the mechanical stability required. The reflection hologram can be easily be viewed with a point source of white light or the sun, which is not the case with other holograms. The reflection holograms are used widely because they are viewed with reflected light. Properties of Reflection Hologram Some common properties of reflection hologram are as follows:

These holograms can be viewed in regular light. The finished reflection hologram is monochromatic , i. e., there is a single color for each laser color used. Colors of reflection hologram can be shifted by pre- or post-shrink/expanding recording material.


holography technology Recording Process of Reflection Hologram 1-step Reflection Hologram: In comparison to a transmission hologram, the recording of a reflection hologram requires 10 to 100 times more power. This leads to a longer exposure time. During the process of recording the hologram, the two beams-the reference beam and the object beam-lights the film plate on opposite sides which results in high resolution of film emulsion. The two beams of coherent light traveling in two directions interact. The fringes are formed in layers and are more or less parallel to the emulsion's surface. The reflection hologram selects the appropriate band of wavelengths to reconstruct the image if it is illuminated by a highly directed beam of white light like a spotlight or sun light. This is because a reflection hologram reflects light within a narrow band of wavelength and the remainder of the light passes straight through. The entire process is illustrated in the figure below.


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2-step Reflection Hologram: The 1-step reflection hologram is not always practical. Another method that is used is called 2-step reflection hologram. In such a method, first we make a transmission hologram called H1. This is the master hologram or the first hologram. We make multiple copies from the master hologram. Transfer copies are made in quantity from the master. Transfer copy means making another hologram using the image on the master as the subject. These transfer holograms are either laser-visible transmission holograms or reflection holograms H2. Suppose we want any object in the final hologram just to appear half in front and half behind the recording plate. In such circumstances, the 2-step hologram is of great use. Now, since we can make a hologram or a copy of the H1's image, we can move the image around to wherever we want it positioned. In other words, we adjust the H2 recording plate so that the image of the object is half in front and half behind the plate and then make our H2.


holography technology Sources of Illumination of Reflection Holograms The different holograms are differentiated by the way in which they are lighted or illuminated. In case of reflection holograms, there are different film emulsions which make images with different characteristics. These are as follows:

Silver Halide: Silver halide glass plates are used to achieve the highest quality images. This is the most common emulsion of choice for most artists and holographers. Silver halide film, usually cheap, less fragile and easy to handle. The drawback is that it does not produce the depth, resolution and projection which are possible with glass plates. However, such kind of film is used successfully for longer production runs. Dichromated Gelatin (DCG): This is a type of chemical-gelatin mix. The mixture is coated onto a piece of glass. It produces very bright images in a golden-yellow color. The images formed using DCG have the least range of depth, but they are easily viewable in normal room light without using any special spotlights. This makes DCG a suitable option for small gift products used in both consumer gift market or the premium & incentive industry. Photo Polymer: This is one of the newest of the recording materials. Photo polymers are suitable for long production runs and have a plastic backing. Compared to silver halide, the image depth of photo polymers is slightly less. The images are brighter, with a wider angle view.


holography technology Applications of Reflection Hologram Reflection hologram finds its applications in many areas like as follows:

Reflective label Zipper Sunglasses Webbing String

Wrist band Safety vest Fancy bags Labeling CDs and DVDs


holography technology Transmission Hologram Introduction The transmission hologram is one the first holograms made and one of the most commonly used holograms. A transmission hologram is formed when the light from the object and the reference beam enter the recording material from the same side. Like a photographic transparency, transmission holograms are lit from the rear or back and bend light as it passes through the hologram to our eyes to form the holographic image.


holography technology Properties of Display Holograms Some important properties of transmission hologram are as follows:

When viewed with white light, transmission hologram looks like a blurry rainbow image. These holograms are viewed as a sharp image using shining laser light through the hologram. Material requirements for recording are more relaxed. Less resolving power is needed in materials. Transmission hologram can be formed in simple set-up. In such holograms, greater depth of the scene is possible. The scene in transmission hologram can be projected by shining a collimated laser beam through the hologram. Difference between Reflection Hologram and Transmission Hologram The basic difference between the two is that while a reflection hologram is viewed when it is illuminated from the front, a transmission hologram is viewed by illuminating it from the back side. This is illustrated in the following diagram:


holography technology Types of Transmission Hologram There are two main types of transmission hologram. They are as follows:

Laser transmission holograms: Laser transmission hologram is the earliest type of hologram developed by Leith and Upatniks way back in 1962.These holograms are made with lasers and are lit with lasers. Therefore, the images that are formed appear in the same color of the laser which is used in illuminating them for viewing. This color is usually red as in helium neon laser. In some cases, other holograms use a laser transmission hologram as the master. It is from this master, different copies are made. White light transmission holograms: These type of holograms are illuminated with white light, also known as incandescent light. The images thus produced contain the rainbow spectrum of colors. The colors of the hologram change as the viewer moves up and down and sometimes can also be referred as rainbow holograms. Holographers have developed considerable control over the colors displayed in white light transmission hologram to produce images in a near full, natural color or any specific color.


holography technology Recording Process of Transmission Hologram To make a hologram, two coherent light waves (laser light) are required. The first light wave is called object beam which is reflected from the object and carries information about the object. The second light wave is called reference beam and is a plane wave without information. An interference pattern is generated from the object beam (OB) and the reference beam (RB), which is recorded in the form of a hologram on film emulsion. During the exposure of the film, absolutely stable conditions are required. The type of hologram thus recorded is called transmission hologram because the light passes through the holographic plate. It is also to be noted that in transmission holograms, during the exposure, the object beam and the reference beam come in from the same side of the holographic film plate. Applications of Transmission Hologram

Brouchers and catalogs Commercial display On packaging For security ID and labeling For identification purpose For printing jobs Food and drug packaging


holography technology Embossed Holograms Introduction Between the reflection and transmission types of holograms, many variations of holograms can be made. One such popular variation is the embossed hologram. Embossed holograms are the type of holograms used widely in most security applications. They offer an effective method of protection against any forms of manipulation, as they are too difficult to copy due to their complex technical structure. Almost all credit cards and passports have embossed hologram. One of the most common example of an embossed hologram is the "eagle" in any Visa card. These holograms are easily produced in mass quantity at a very low cost. Embossed holograms have become very popular for various purposes, like advertisement, promotion, security labels, plastic cards etc. Products of Hologram


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Properties of Embossed Hologram

Some important properties of embossed hologram are as follows:

Embossed holograms have shallow hologram depth. The depth is usually a few millimeters. The cost per unit when mass-produced is very low. Embossed holograms are durable and flexible. One of the peculiar feature of embossed hologram is that mass production can use existing equipment and technology, like in CD production. Process of Making Embossed Hologram

Embossed hologram is a kind of white-light transmission hologram which is applied to a reflecting relief surface. This helps in diffracting light. In the first place, a transmission stereogram is printed on a light-sensitive medium. This medium is engraved to form a microscopic relief pattern that is similar to the interference pattern of the holographic image.

When developed, the hologram is made up of grooves on the surface. A layer of nickel is coated on this hologram and then peeled off, which results in a metallic "shim." In the same manner, various secondary shims are produced from the first one. The shim is placed on a roller. On account of high temperature and pressure, the shim presses or embosses the hologram onto a roll of composite material. Embossed holography is a technique or a process which mechanically copies holograms for mass production.These embossed holograms diffract incoming white light into rainbow colours and simultaneously reconstruct the holographic image. They are also called rainbow-holograms at times.


holography technology Ideal Embossed Hologram

The "Ideal Security Embossed Hologram" should satisfy the following factors:

Should include variable information. Should include buried multiply connected hologram. Should include information. Should be machine readable. Should not be "human readable" without a reading device. What are needed to produce embossed holograms?

These holograms can be produced from any of the following:

Graphics artwork like for example, company logos, texts, images for 2D/3Dholograms. Three-dimensional objects in scale of 1:1 for 3D-holograms. Specially produced film-sequences and computer-animations for holographic stereograms. Diagrammatic Representation of the Making of Embossed Hologram

The following figures (Fig 1-Fig 5) illustrate the process used in making embossed holograms: Fig 1: Forming a Hologram

Fig 2 : Exposed Photoresist Plate


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Fig 3: Development of Photoresist

Fig 4: Nickel Electroforming

Fig 5: Embossing a Hologram

Source: countermeasures.htm


holography technology Advantages of Embossed Hologram

Some advantages of embossed holograms are as follows:

Embossed holograms have a decisive cost advantage for large-volume applications like in credit cards and telephone cards. They can be applied by hot stamping. These holograms are thin enough to be used on thin, flexible items like paper currency and travelers' checks. The greatest advantage of embossed holograms in some applications is the fact that they are more durable than other holograms. The embossed holograms provide the benefit of multiple colors. Disadvantages of Embossed Hologram

Some disadvantages of embossed holograms are as follows:

The production of an embossing master is very time-consuming. The production of embossed hologram is a relatively expensive process. The major disadvantage of embossed hologram is that it lack depth. Applications of Embossed Hologram

Embossed holograms are used in a wide variety of applications such as follows:

Packaging films Paper Decorative laminate Foils Labels Automatic labeling Screen printing Window patching Security applications specially on visa cards


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2.6 Conclusion

These are just a few instances of future applications of hologram. As already mentioned, there are various areas where holograms are used , going by their importance as security enhancement, anti-counterfeiting, commercial, advertising, and promotion. Holograms have been useful anti-counterfeit devices used on everything from passports to food, and from currency to cosmetics, from credit cards to badges . There are more areas to venture into and some areas need to develop more. The spread and advancement of hologram technology will definitely reduce the value of ordinary embossed holograms as anti-counterfeit devices. On the other hand, various modern, scientific technological advances foreseen in recording materials, embossing substrate materials, hologram recording systems etc. will greatly increase the security value of holograms within few years. The ultimate goal is to create hologram as a powerful tool for science, industry, advertisement, security, education etc. The future of holograms will be a 3D display concept whose application is envisioned in almost all areas like

Industrial simulation (design, manufacturing, quality assurance) u Scientific visualization (pathology, paleontology, density, biomedicine, medicine, orthopedics or archeology) Education (medical training or public museums) and so on.

2.7 Suggest


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