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Ns. Hevi Mulia Putri,

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Hal yang perlu diperhatikan :

All measurements are made while the patient is seated
Prior to measuring vital signs, the patient should have
had the opportunity to sit for approximately five minutes
Before diving in, take a minute or so to look at the
patient in their entirety
TTV merupakan dasar untuk melakukan pemeriksaan
fisik (langkah pertama pada pemeriksaan fisik) untuk
menentukan keadaan kardiorespirasi seseorang.
Perawat secara rutin mengevaluasi TTV untuk
memonitor status fisik seseorang. Hasil pemeriksaan hrs
diinterpretasikan kedalam nilai normal seseorang,
diagnosa medis, riw penyakit, riw pengobatan
dan hasil laboratorium
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Pemeriksaan TTV berguna untuk:
- mengetahui status fisik seseorang
- mengetahui respon seseorang
terhadap nyeri, ansietas, takut
dan toleransi

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Jika hasil pemeriksaan mengalami

penyimpangan/deviasi dari normal maka perawat
harus :
1. Evaluasi beberapa deviasi dari normal pada
nilai normal seseorang
contoh : TD 90/60 mmHg : deviasi dari range
normal tekanan darah sistolik secara umum,
namun bisa juga normal untuk orang tsb.
2. Evaluasi deviasi dengan status fisik seseorang.
contoh : TD 90/60 mmHg yang disertai dengan
dingin, berkeringat, nadi cepat, dan
penurunan kesadaran merupakan
tanda-tanda syok.
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Old people, people with disabilities, babies and young
children typically feel more comfortable at higher
Women notice that they are feeling cool quicker than
men, which may be related to their different body size
The normal body temperature of a person varies
depending on gender, recent activity, food and fluid
consumption, time of day, and, in women, the stage
of the menstrual cycle
Temperature is measured in either Celcius or
Farenheit, with a fever defined as
greater then 38-38.5 C or 101-101.5 F
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0o C = 32o F

100o C = 212o F

Rumus merubah celcius ke fahrenheit

= (Celcius x 1,8) + 32
E. Rumus merubah fahrenheit ke celcius

= (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1,8

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Temperatures taken
rectally (using a
mercury or digital
thermometer) tend to
be 0.5 to 0.7
(Fahrenheit) higher
than when taken by
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Oral temperature
can be taken by
mouth using
classic glass
mercury-filled or

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temperatures can
be taken under the
arm. Temperatures
taken by this route
tend to be 0.3 to
0.4 (Fahrenheit)
lower than those
temperatures taken
by mouth.

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By ear a special
thermometer can
quickly measure
the temperature of
the ear drum,
which reflects the
body's core

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A fever is indicated
when body
temperature rises
above 98.6 F orally or
99.8 F rectally
Hypothermia is
defined as a drop in
body temperature
below 95 F.
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RR adalah jumlah napas
manusia selama 1 menit
Sebaiknya dihitung dalam
30 detik u/ menghindari
kesalahan penghitungan
RR meningkat saat demam
atau sakit, saat menghitung
RR, observasi juga adanya
kesulitan bernapas
RR normalnya 12
-20x/menit saat ISTIRAHAT
RR abnormal jika < 12
x/menit atau > 25x/menit
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Pulse rate (Nadi)

N : 60 100
Nadi meningkat krn
exercise, sakit, dan
Atlit (pelari) bs
meningkat 40 x lbh
cepat tanpa ada
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How to check your pulse

Rasakan denyutan
dengan menekan
ringan arteri yang
dekat dengan
permukaan kulit
Nadi dapat dihitung
di area a. radialis, a.
brakhialis atau a.
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How to check your pulse

Letakkan ujung
telunjuk dan jari
tengah di atas
arteri radialis, dan
ibu jari di
tangan sehingga
tangan pemeriksa
pergelangan klien
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How to check your pulse

Beri tekanan ringan
pada awal
pemeriksaan jika klien
gemuk dan sulit
terdeteksi adanya
arteri. Jangan menekan
terlalu dalam, karena
menyebabkan aliran
darah terhambat dan
terjadi kesalahan

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Pulse: Quantity
If the rate is particularly slow or fast,
it is probably best to measure for a
full 60 seconds in order to minimize
the error.
Ukur kuantitas, regularitas dan

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Pasien sebaiknya tidak
makan, minum,
merokok dan
mengkonsumsi obat, 1
jam sebelum
Pasien diminta
mengosongkan bladder
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Preparation for
Painful procedures
and exercise should
not have occurred
within one hour.
Patient should have
been sitting quietly
for about 5 minutes.
Dilakukan di ruangan
yang tenang dengan
suhu ruangan normal
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Position of the Patient

Posisikan duduk
Lengan dan punggung
Kaki diletakkan di
lantai, jangan
Pengukuran sebaiknya
di lengan kanan
Lengan diletakkan di
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Position of the arm

Naikkkan a. brakhialis sejajar dengan

jantung. Jika lebih tinggi, akan
menyebabkan pengukuran lebih rendah
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dari asli.
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In order to measure the Blood

Pressure (equipment)
Adult Cuff size
Cuff Width: 40% of
limb's circumference
Cuff Length: Bladder
at 80% of limb's

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In order to measure the Blood

Pressure (Cuff Position)

Patient's arm
slightly flexed at
Push the sleeve up,
wrap the cuff around
the bare arm

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In order to measure the Blood

Pressure (Cuff Position)

Cuff applied directly

over skin (Clothes
artificially raises
blood pressure )
Position lower cuff
border 2.5 cm
above antecubital

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Measurement of the pulse rate

The manometer scale
should be at eye
level, and the column
vertical. The patient
should not be able to
see the column of the

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