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Perihal* : Proses Kredensial

Proses Rekredensial

Proses Penambahan Kewenangan Klinis

*) Tandai salah satu

Lampiran : 1 (Satu) Berkas

Kepada Yth,
Direktur Rumah Sakit Umum Citra Bunda Medical Center Padang
Di tempat.

Dengan hormat,
Dengan ini kami mengajukan permohonan surat penugasan klinis dan rincian kewenangan klinis
sebagai staf medis rumah sakit.
Demikianlah permohonan ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya di ucapkan terima kasih.


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7. Format Rincian kewenangan klinik yang sudah diisi

Nama Dokter: Spesialisasi: Tanda Tangan:

Saya menyatakan bahwa saya kompeten untuk menangani kasus-kasus yang saya minta dibidang
spesialisasi saya, termasuk melayani konsultasi dari dokter-dokter lain.
Saya juga menyatakan kompeten untuk melakukan prosedur teknis seperti yang tercantum di bawah
ini sebagai bagian dari kewenangan klinis (clinical privilege) berdasarkan status kesehatan saat ini,
pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang telah saya jalani, serta pengalaman yang saya miliki.
Universitas: Tanggal:

Kolegium: Tanggal:

Pelatihan: Tanggal: Institusi:

Surat Tanda Registrasi Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia

Spesialisasi: Berlaku Hingga Tanggal:

Untuk Dokter: Untuk Mitra Bestrasi:
Tuliskan kode untuk dokter menurut permintaan Mohon melakukan telaah pada setiap kategori
sejawat sesuai daftar Kode untuk Dokter yang dan Kewenangan Klinis yang diminta oleh setiap
tersedia. Setiap kategori yang ada dan/atau dokter sesuai dengan kode yang tersedia.
Kewenangan Klinis yang diminta harus tercantum Cantumkan persetujuan yang tersedia. Bubuhkan
kodenya. Pengisian harus lengkap untuk seluruh tanda tangan Mitra Bestari pada akhir bagian II
Kewenangan Klinis yang tercantum. Tanda (rekomendasi Mitra Bestari).
tangan dicantumkan pada akhir bagian I
(Kewenangan Klinis). Jika terdapat revisi atau
perbaikan, setelah daftar Kewenangan Klinis ini
disetujui, maka harus mengisi kembali formulir
yang baru
Kode untuk Dokter: Kode untuk Mitra Bestari:
1. Kompeten sepenuhnya 1. Disetujui berwenang penuh
2. Memerlukan supervisi 2. Disetujui di bawah supervisi
3. Tidak dimintakan kewenangannya, 3. Tidak disetujui, karena bukan
karena di luar kompetensinya kompetensinya
4. Tidak dimintakan kewenangannya, 4. Tidak disetujui, karena fasilitas tidak
karena fasilitas tidak tersedia tersedia
Bagian I. Kewenangan Klinis (Clinical Privilege)

Kategori Kewenangan
Kewenangan klinis diberikan untuk memberikan pelayanan pengelolaan bidang Ilmu Bedah Thoraks
Kardiak Dan Vaskular di Rumah Sakit Umum Citra Bunda Medical Center Padang berdasarkan pada
pelayanan yang dibutuhkan pasien.
Jenis Pelayanan Diminta Rekomendasi
Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of larynx

Marsupialization of laryngeal cyst

Other excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of larynx,

Stripping of vocal cords


Other partial laryngectomy


Vocal cordectomy, Excision of vocal cords

Other partial laryngectomy, Excision of laryngeal cartilage

Complete laryngectomy , Block dissection of larynx (with

thyroidectomy) (with synchronous tracheostomy),

Radical laryngectomy, Complete [total] laryngectomy with

radical neck dissection (with thyroidectomy) (with synchronous


Trakeostomi temporer , temporary percutaneus dilatational
trakeostomy (PDT)
Trakeostomi permanen
Trakeostomi trakea mediastinum
PDT permanen
Insisi pada laring dan trakea (lain - lain)
Prosedur diagnostik pada larings dan trakea (laringoskopik /
Trakeoskopi melalui stoma artifisial
Laringoskopi atau Trakeoskopi lain lain
Biopsi larings (endoskopik)
Biopsi trakea (endoskopik)
Biopsi terbuka trakea / larings
Prosedur diagnostik yg lain pd laring
Prosedur diagnostik yg lain pd trakea
Eksisi / destruksi lesi trakea
Repair laring
Sutur (jahit) laserasi larings
Penutupan fistula laring . mis. : Laryngotracheal fistulektomy,
Take-down of laringostomi
Revisi laringostomi
Repair fraktur laring
Repair laring yang lain : Aritenoidopeksi, Graft laring,
Transposisi korda vokalis
Repair & operasi plastik pada trakea
Sutur (jahit) laserasi trakea
Tutup trakeostomi / fistula trakea
Tutup fistula trakeo-esofagus (fistulektomi)
Revisi trakeostomi
Rekonstruksi trakea dan konstruksi laring artifisial. mis :
Trakeoplasti dengan laring artifisial
Repair dan operasi plastik lain lain pada trakea
Operasi lain pada laring & trakea
Pemisahan nervus laringeal
Adesiolisis pada trakea dan laring
Penggantian stent laring atau trakea
Injeksi bahan terapetik yg bekerja lokal pada trakea
Fistulisasi tracheoesophageal
Operasi yang lain pada laring.
mis. : dilatasi laring,Pemisahan web kongenital pada laring,
pengangkatan stent laring.

Operasi yang lain pada trakea

Eksisi / destruksi lokal (simpel) lesi pada bronkhus
Endoskopik eksisi atau destruksi lesi atau jaringan pada bronkus
Lokal eksisi atau destruksi lesi atau jaringan pada baronkus (lain-
Reseksi bronkhus
Lokal eksisi / destruksi lesi/jaringan di paru
Eksisi lesi / jaringan paru terbatas (wedge) melalui torakoskopik
Plikasi jaringan emfisematosa
Operasi reduksi volume paru
Ablasi lesi paru terbuka
Ablasi perkutaneus pada lesi atau jaringan paru
Ablasi lesi paru dengan torakoskopik / VATS
Ablasi lain-lain pada lesi atau jaringan paru (unspecified)
Termoplasty bronkial bronkoskopik, ablasi pada otot polos
saluran nafas
Endoskopik eksisi atau destruksi pada lesi atau jaringan paru
Reseksi baji (wedge resection) paru
Reseksi segmental paru, lobektomi parsial
Reseksi segmental paru dengan torakoskopik / VATS
Reseksi paru segmental lain lain (unspecified)
Lobektomi paru , bilobektomi
Lobektomi dengan torakoskopik / VATS
Lobektomi paru (lain-lain)
Pneumonektomi komplit
Pneumonektomi dengan torakoskopik
Pneumoektomi lain lain (unspecified)
Diseksi radikal struktur toraks
Eksisi paru (lain-lain)
Insisi bronkhus
Insisi paru
Prosedur diagnostik pada paru dan bronkhus
Biopsi paru dengan torakoskopik / VATS
Bronkoskopi melalui stoma artifisial
Bronkoskopi lain-lain
Biopsi tertutup (endoskopik) pada bronkus
Biopsi bronkhus terbuka
Biopsi paru per kutan (FNA, TTNB)
Biopsi tertutup (endoskopik) pada paru
Biopsi paru terbuka
Prosedur diagnostik yang lain pada paru dan bronkus


Operasi untuk paru kolaps
Destruksi nervus frenikus untuk paru kolaps
Air Plumbage
Pneumoperitoneum untuk paru kolaps
Muscle plumbage, operasi kolaps paru lainnya
Jahit laserasi bronkhus
Tutup fistula bronkhus (fistulectomy), tutup bronkostomi
Repair laserasi paru
Repair dan operasi plastik yang lain pada bronkus
Repair dan operasi plastik yang lain pada paru
Transplantasi paru
Transplantasi paru (not otherwise specified)
Transplantasi paru unilat
Transplantasi paru bilat
Transpalantasi paru-jantung
Prosedur endoskopik lain-lain pada bronkus dan paru
Insersi atau penggantian katup bronkial endoskopik, satu lobus
Pengukuran aliran udara di paru secara endoskopik
Insersi atau penggantian katup bronkial endoskopik, multi lobus
Pelepasan alat atau bahan pada bronkial secara endoskopik
Insersi alat atau bahan pada bronkial lainnya secara endoskopik
Operasi lainnya pada paru dan bronkus
Dilatasi bronkus
Ligasi bronkus
Puncture / penusukan paru
Operasi lainnya pada bronkus
Operasi lainnya pada paru
Insisi pada dinding dada dan pleura
Insisi dinding dada , drainase ekstrapleura dinding dada
Torakotomi Eksplorasi
Redo Torakotomi
Pemasangan drainase toraks (WSD, kateter)
Shunt pleuro-peritoneal
Drainase empiema/ efusi dengan torakoskopik / VATS
Prosedur Open Window, Eloeser Flap
Prosedur Diagnotik Pada Dinding Dada, Pleura, Mediastinum,
dan Diafragma
Diagnostik pada Timus
Biopsi timus
Diagnostik lain pada timus
Eksisi timus parsial terbuka
Eksisi timus total terbuka
Operasi lain pada timus
Eksplorasi timus
Insisi pada timus
Repair timus
Transplantasi timus
Lain lain (timopeksi)
Biopsi pleura dengan torakoskopik / VATS
Torakoskopik transpleura
Biopsi dinding dada
Biopsi pleura lainnya
Biopsi mediastinum per kutan
Biopsi mediastinum terbuka
Biopsi diafragma
Prosedur diagnostik lainnya pada dinding dada, pleura dan
Prosedur diagnostik lainnya pada mediastinum
Operasi Pada Dinding Dada dan Pleura
Eksisi / destruksi lesi / jaringan di mediastinum
Eksisi / destruksi lesi / jaringan di dinding dada
Dekortikasi dengan torakoskopik / VATS
Eksisi lesi pada pleura
Pleurodesis (terbuka)
Repair dinding dada
Repair (jahit) laserasi dinding dada
Tutup torakostomi
Tutup /repair fistula dinding dada (bronko-pleura-kutan)
Repair Pektus Karinatum / Ekskavatum
Repair kelainan dindidng dada lainnya
Operasi pada Diafragma
Eksisi lesi / jaringan pada diafragma
Repair laserasi diafragma
Repair fistula diafragma
Plikasi diafragma , repair lain diafragma
Implantasi pace maker diafragma
Operasi diafragma lainnya
Operasi lainnya pada toraks
Repair pleura
Operations on valves and septa of heart, Includes: sternotomy
(median) (transverse) as operative approach thoracotomy as
operative approach
Closed heart valvotomy
Closed heart valvotomy, unspecified valve
Closed heart valvotomy, aortic valve
Closed heart valvotomy, mitral valve
Closed heart valvotomy, pulmonary valve
Closed heart valvotomy, tricuspid valve
Open heart valvuloplasty without replacement. Includes: open
heart valvotomy
Open heart valvuloplasty without replacement, unspecified valve
Open heart valvuloplasty of aortic valve without replacement
Open heart valvuloplasty of mitral valve without replacement
Open heart valvuloplasty of pulmonary valve without
Open heart valvuloplasty of tricuspid valve without replacement
Replacement of heart valve. Includes: excision of heart valve
with replacement
Replacement of unspecified heart valve, Repair of unspecified
heart valve with tissue graft or prosthetic implant
Replacement of aortic valve with tissue graft
Repair of aortic valve with tissue graft (autograft)

Other replacement of aortic valve

Repair of aortic valve with replacement: NOS, prosthetic

(partial) (synthetic) (total)
Replacement of mitral valve with tissue graft

Repair of mitral valve with tissue graft (autograft)


Other replacement of mitral valve

Repair of mitral valve with replacement: NOS, prosthetic

(partial) (synthetic) (total)

Replacement of pulmonary valve with tissue graft

Repair of pulmonary valve with tissue graft (autograft)

(heterograft) (homograft)

Other replacement of pulmonary valve

Repair of pulmonary valve with replacement: NOS, prosthetic
(partial) (synthetic) (total)

Replacement of tricuspid valve with tissue graft

Repair of tricuspid valve with tissue graft (autograft)

Other replacement of tricuspid valve

Repair of tricuspid valve with replacement: NOS, prosthetic
(partial) (synthetic) (total)

Operations on structures adjacent to heart valves

Operations on papillary muscle, Division of papillary muscle,
Reattachment of papillary muscle

Repair of papillary muscle

Operations on chordae tendineae, Division of chordae tendineae,

Repair of chordae tendineae
Annuloplasty, Plication of annulus
Infundibulectomy, Right ventricular infundibulectomy
Operations on trabeculae carneae cordis, Division of trabeculae
carneae cordis, Excision of trabeculae carneae cordis, Excision of
aortic subvalvular ring
Operations on other structures adjacent to valves of heart, Repair
of sinus of Valsalva (aneurysm)
Production of septal defect in heart
Enlargement of existing atrial septal defect, Septostomy (atrial)
(balloon)Rashkind procedure
Creation of septal defect in heart, Blalock-Hanlon operation
Repair of atrial and ventricular septa with prosthesis,

Includes: repair of septa with synthetic implant or patch

Repair of unspecified septal defect of heart with prosthesis

Repair of atrial septal defect with prosthesis, open technique.
Atrioseptoplasty with prosthesis

Correction of atrial septal defect with prosthesis. Repair: foramen

ovale (patent) with prosthesis ostium secundum defect with

Repair of atrial septal defect with prosthesis, closed technique

Insertion of atrial septal umbrella [King-Mills]

Repair of ventricular septal defect with prosthesis, open

technique. Correction of ventricular septal defect with prosthesis.
Repair of supracristal defect with prosthesis
Repair of endocardial cushion defect with prosthesis

Repair: atrioventricular canal with prosthesis (grafted to

septa), ostium primum defect with prosthesis (grafted to
septa), valvular defect associated with atrial and ventricular
septal defects with prosthesis (grafted to septa)

Repair of ventricular septal defect with prosthesis, closed

Repair of atrial and ventricular septa with tissue graft
Repair of unspecified septal defect of heart with tissue graft
Repair of atrial septal defect with tissue graft, Atrioseptoplasty
with tissue graft
Correction of atrial septal defect with tissue graft

Repair: foramen ovale (patent) with tissue graft, ostium

secundum defect with tissue graft

Repair of ventricular septal defect with tissue graft. Correction of

ventricular septal defect with

tissue graft. Repair of supracristal defect with tissue graft

Repair of endocardial cushion defect with tissue graft

Repair of: atrioventricular canal with tissue graft, ostium
primum defect with tissue graft, valvular defect
associated with atrial and ventricular septal defects with
tissue graft
Other and unspecified repair of atrial and ventricular septa
Other and unspecified repair of unspecified septal defect of heart.
Repair of septal defect NOS
Other and unspecified repair of atrial septal defect

Repair NOS: atrial septum, foramen ovale (patent), ostium

secundum defect

Other and unspecified repair of ventricular septal defect

Repair NOS: supracristal defect, ventricular septum

Other and unspecified repair of endocardial cushion defect.

Repair NOS: atrioventricular canal, ostium primum defect,
valvular defect associated with atrial and ventricular septal
Total repair of certain congenital cardiac anomalies

Note: For partial repair of defect [e.g. repair of atrial septal

defect in tetralogy of Fallot] -- code to specific procedure

Total repair of tetralogy of Fallot

One-stage total correction of tetralogy of Fallot with or without:
commissurotomy of pulmonary valve. Infundibulectomy,
outflow tract prosthesis, patch graft of outflow tract, prosthetic
tube for pulmonary artery, repair of ventricular septal defect
(with prosthesis), take-down of previous systemic-pulmonary
artery anastomosis

Total repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection

One-stage total correction of total anomalous pulmonary

venous connection with or without: anastomosis between
(horizontal) common pulmonary trunk and posterior wall of
left atrium (side-to-side) enlargement of foramen ovale

incision [excision] of common wall between posterior left

atrium and coronary sinus and roofing of resultant defect with
patch graft (synthetic)

ligation of venous connection (descending anomalous vein) (to

left innominate vein) (to superior vena cava). repair of atrial
septal defect (with prosthesis)

Total repair of truncus arteriosus

One-stage total correction of truncus arteriosus with or

without: construction (with aortic homograft) (with
prosthesis) of a pulmonary artery placed from right
ventricle to arteries supplying the lung ligation of
connections between aorta and pulmonary artery

repair of ventricular septal defect (with prosthesis)

Total correction of transposition of great vessels, not elsewhere


Arterial switch operation [Jatene]

Total correction of transposition of great arteries at the arterial

level by switching the great arteries, including the left or both
coronary arteries, implanted in the wall of the pulmonary artery

Other operations on valves and septa of heart

Interatrial transposition of venous return; Bangkatle: Atrial,
Interatrial; Mustard's operation
Resection of atrial septum and insertion of patch to direct
systemic venous return to tricuspid valve and pulmonary
venousreturn to mitral valve

Creation of conduit between right ventricle and pulmonary

artery; Creation of shunt between right ventricle and (distal)
pulmonary artery; Creation of conduit between left ventricle and
Creation of apicoaortic shunt; Shunt between apex of left
ventricle and aorta
Prosedur Shunt Ventrikel Kiri-Aorta
Creation of conduit between atrium and pulmonary artery;
Fontan procedure
Revision of corrective procedure on heart; Replacement of
prosthetic heart valve poppet

Resuture of prosthesis of: Septum, Valve

Percutaneous valvuloplasty; Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty

Other operations on septa of heart
Other operations on valves of heart
Operations on vessels of heart. Includes: sternotomy (median)
(transverse) as operative approach

thoracotomy as operative approach

Removal of coronary artery obstruction and insertion of stent(s)

Open chest coronary artery angioplasty; Coronary (artery):
endarterectomy (with patch graft)

thromboendarterectomy (with patch graft), Open surgery for

direct relief of coronary artery obstruction

Intracoronary artery thrombolytic infusion That by direct

coronary artery injection, infusion, or catheterization, enzyme
infusion, Platelet inhibitor
Insertion of non-drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s); Bare
stent(s); Bonded stent(s); Drug-coated stent(s), i.e. heparin
coated; Endograft(s); Endovascular graft(s); Stent grafts
Insertion of drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s); Endograft(s);
Endovascular graft(s); Stent graft(s)
Other removal of coronary artery obstruction; Coronary
angioplasty NOS
Bypass anastomosis for heart revascularization; CABG
Aortocoronary bypass for heart
revascularization, not otherwise Specified
Direct revascularization: cardiac with catheter stent,
prosthesis, or vein graft coronary with catheter stent,
prosthesis, or vein graft heart muscle with catheter stent,
prosthesis, or vein graft myocardial with catheter stent,
prosthesis, or vein graft; Heart revascularization NOS

(Aorto)coronary bypass of one coronary artery

(Aorto)coronary bypass of two coronary arteries
(Aorto)coronary bypass of three coronary arteries
(Aorto)coronary bypass of four or more coronary arteries
Single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass

Anastomosis (single): mammary artery to coronary artery,

thoracic artery to coronary artery
Double internal mammary-coronary artery bypass

Anastomosis, double: mammary artery to coronary artery;

thoracic artery to coronary artery

Abdominal - coronary artery bypass; Anastomosis:

Gastroepiploic - coronary artery;
Other bypass anastomosis for heart revascularization
Heart revascularization by arterial implant

Implantation of: aortic branches [ascending aortic branches]

into heart muscle, blood vessels into myocardium, internal
mammary artery [internal thoracic artery] into: heart muscle,
Myocardium, Ventricle, ventricular wall; Indirect heart
revascularization NOS

Other heart revascularization

Open chest transmyocardial revascularization
Other transmyocardial revascularization
Endoscopic transmyocardial revascularization; Robot-assisted
transmyocardial revascularization
Thoracoscopic transmyocardial revascularization

Percutaneous transmyocardial revascularization; Endovascular

transmyocardial revascularization
Other heart revascularization, Abrasion of epicardium,
Cardio-omentopexy, Intrapericardial
poudrage, Myocardial graft: mediastinal fat, omentum, pectoral

Other operations on vessels of heart

Repair of aneurysm of coronary vessel
Other operations on vessels of heart, Exploration of coronary
artery, Incision of coronary artery

Ligation of coronary artery, Repair of arteriovenous fistula

Other operations on heart and pericardium

Cardiotomy and pericardiotomy
Incision of heart, not otherwise specified, Cardiolysis NOS
Cardiotomy, Incision of: Atrium, Endocardium, Myocardium,
Pericardiotomy, Pericardial window operation, Pericardiolysis,
Biopsy of pericardium
Biopsy of heart
Pericardiectomy and excision of lesion of heart
Pericardiectomy, Excision of: adhesions of pericardium
constricting scar of: Epicardium,


Excision of aneurysm of heart, Repair of aneurysm of heart

Excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of heart, open
approach. Ablation of heart tissue

(cryoablation) (electrocurrent) (laser) (microwave)

(radiofrequency) (resection), open chest approach. Cox-maze
procedure. Maze procedure. Modified maze procedure, trans-
thoracic approach

Excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of heart,other

approach. Ablation of heart tissue (cryoablation)
(electrocurrent)(laser) (microwave) (radiofrequency) (resection),
via peripherally inserted catheter. Modified maze procedure,
endovascular approach
Partial ventriculectomy, Ventricular reduction surgery,
Ventricular remodeling
Repair of heart and pericardium
Implantation of prosthetic cardiac support device around the
heart. Cardiac support device (CSD)
Epicardial support device. Fabric (textile) (mesh) device.
Ventricular support device on surface of heart

Other repair of heart and pericardium

Heart replacement procedures
Heart transplantation
Implantation of total replacement heart system. Artificial heart.
Implantation of fully implantable total replacement heart system,
including ventriculectomy
Replacement or repair of thoracic unit of total replacement heart
Replacement or repair of other implantable component of total
replacement heart system

Implantable battery. Implantable controller. Transcutaneous

energy transfer [TET] device

Implantation of heart and circulatory assist system

Implant of pulsation balloon. Pemasangan IABP
Insertion of non-implantable heart assist system. Insertion of
heart assist system, NOS

Insertion of heart pump

Repair of heart assist system. Replacement of parts of an existing

ventricular assist device (VAD)
Removal of heart assist system
Implant of external heart assist system
Note: Device (outside the body but connected to heart) with
external circulation and pump.
Includes open chest (sternotomy) procedure for cannulae

Insertion of implantable heart assist system. Axial flow heart

assist system. Diagonal pump heart

assist system. Left ventricular assist device (LVAD).

Pulsatile heart assist system. Right ventricular assist device
(RVAD). Rotary pump heart assist system. Transportable,
implantable heart assist system. Ventricular assist device
(VAD) not otherwise specified. Note: Device directly
connected to the heart and implanted in the upper left quadrant
of peritoneal cavity.

This device can be used for either destination therapy

(DT) or bridge-to-transplant (BTT)

Implantation of cardiomyostimulation system. Note: Two-

step open procedure consisting of

transfer of one end of the latissimus dorsi muscle; wrapping it

around the heart; rib resection; implantation of epicardial
cardiac pacing leads into the right ventricle; tunneling and
pocket creation for the cardiomyostimulator.

Insertion of percutaneous external heart assist device. Includes

percutaneous [femoral] insertion of cannulae attachments.
Circulatory assist device. Extrinsic heart assist device
Percutaneous heart assist device
Insertion, revision, replacement, and removal of leads; insertion
of temporary pacemaker system;

or revision of cardiac device pocket

Initial insertion of lead [electrode], not otherwise specified

Pemasangan Pacemaker Temporer

Initial insertion of transvenous lead [electrode] into ventricle

Initial insertion of transvenous leads [electrodes] into atrium and
Initial insertion of transvenous lead [electrode] into atrium
Insertion or replacement of epicardial lead [electrode] into
Epicardium. Insertion or replacement

of epicardial by: Sternotomy, Thoracotomy

Revision of lead [electrode]. Repair of electrode [removal with

re-insertion]. Repositioning of
lead(s) (AICD) (cardiac device) (CRT-D) (CRT-P).
(defibrillator) (pacemaker) (pacing) (sensing) [electrode].
Revision of lead NOS
Replacement of transvenous atrial and/or ventricular
lead(s) [electrode]. Removal or abandonment of existing
transvenous or epicardial lead(s) with transvenous lead(s)
Removal of lead(s) [electrode] without replacement.
Removal: epicardial lead (transthoracic
approach) transvenous lead(s)

Revision or relocation of pacemaker pocket. Debridement

and reforming pocket (skin and subcutaneous tissue).
Insertion of loop recorder. Relocation of pocket [creation of
new pocket] pacemaker or CRT-P. Removal of cardiac
device/pulse generator without replacement. Removal of the
implantable hemodynamic presssure sensor (lead) and monitor
device. Removal without replacement of cardiac
resynchronization defibrillator device. Repositioning of
implantable hemodynamic pressure sensor (lead) and monitor
device. Repositioning of pulse generator. Revision of
cardioverter/defibrillator (automatic) pocket. Revision of
pocket for intracardiac hemodynamic monitoring. Revision or
relocation of CRT-D pocket. Revision or relocation of
pacemaker, defibrillator, or other implanted cardiac device
Insertion, replacement, removal, and revision of pacemaker
Note: Device testing during procedure - omit code
Insertion of permanent pacemaker, initial or replacement, type of
device not specified
Initial insertion of single-chamber device, not specified as rate
Initial insertion of single-chamber device, rate responsive.

Rate responsive to physiologic stimuli other than atrial rate

Initial insertion of dual-chamber device. Atrial ventricular

sequential device
Replacement of any type pacemaker device with single-chamber

device, not specified as rate responsive

Replacement of any type of pacemaker device with

singlechamber device, rate responsive . Rate
responsive to physiologic stimuli other than atrial rate

Replacement of any type pacemaker device with dual-chamber

Atrial ventricular sequential device

Revision or removal of pacemaker device

Removal without replacement of cardiac resynchronization

pacemaker device [CRT-P]

Other operations on heart and pericardium

Insertion of left atrial appendage device. Left atrial filter.
Left atrial occluder. Transseptal catheter technique
Open chest cardiac massage
Injection of therapeutic substance into heart
Injection of therapeutic substance into pericardium
Implantation or replacement of automatic cardioverter/
defibrillator, total system [AICD]
Implantation of defibrillator with leads (epicardial patches),
formation of pocket (abdominal fascia) (subcutaneous), any
transvenous leads, intraoperative procedures for evaluation of
lead signals, and obtaining defibrillator threshold measurements

Techniques: lateral thoracotomy, medial

sternotomy, subxiphoid procedure

Implantation of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator lead(s) only

Implantation of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator pulse
generator only
Replacement of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator lead(s) only
Replacement of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator pulse
generator only
Incision, excision, and occlusion of vessels
Incision of vessel : Embolectomy, Thrombectomy
Endarterectomy. Endarterectomy with: Embolectomy, patch graft
temporary bypass during

procedure. Thrombectomy

Diagnostic procedures on blood vessels

Biopsy of blood vessel
Percutaneous angioscopy
Spektroskopi intra vaskular
Imaging koroner intra vaskular dengan optikal koherens
Imaging non koroner intra vaskular dengan optikalkoherens
Insersi sensor tekanan implantabel tanpa lead untukmonitoring
hemodinamik intra kardiak dan pembuluh darah besar
Other diagnostic procedures on blood vessels
Resection of vessel with anastomosis. Angiectomy

Excision of: aneurysm (arteriovenous) with anastomosis blood

vessel (lesion) with anastomosis

Resection of vessel with replacement. Angiectomy. Excision of:

aneurysm (arteriovenous) or
blood vessel (lesion) with replacement. Partial resection with

Ligation and stripping of varicose veins

Other excision of vessel. Excision of blood vessel (lesion) NOS
Interruption of the vena cava. Insertion of implant or sieve in
vena cava. Ligation of vena cava
(inferior) (superior). Plication of vena cava

Other surgical occlusion of vessels. Clamping of blood vessel.

Division of blood vessel. Ligation

of blood vessel. Occlusion of blood vessel

Puncture of vessel
Arterial catheterization
Umbilical vein catheterization
Venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified
Venous cutdown
Kateterisasi vena untuk dialisa ginjal
Pemasangan kateter vena sentral dengan tuntunan : EKG,
fluoroskopi, ultrasound
Penusukan arteri lainnya
Other operations on vessels
Systemic to pulmonary artery shunt. Descending aorta-
pulmonary artery anastomosis (graft)

Left to right anastomosis (graft). Subclavian-pulmonary

anastomosis (graft)

Shunt Vena Intra Abdominal (portocaval, mesocaval, portal

vena cava inferior)
Other shunt or vascular bypass
Caval-pulmonary artery anastomosis
Aorta-subclavian-carotid bypass. Bypass (arterial): aorta to
carotid and brachial, aorta to

subclavian and carotid, carotid to subclavian

Other intrathoracic vascular shunt or bypass. Intrathoracic

(arterial) bypass graft NOS
Aorta-renal bypass
Aorta-iliac-femoral bypass. Bypass: Aortofemoral,
Aortoiliac, aortoiliac to popliteal,

Aortopopliteal, iliofemoral [iliac-femoral]

Other intra-abdominal vascular shunt or bypass. Bypass:

Aortoceliac, aortic-superior mesenteric

common hepatic-common iliac-renal, Intra-abdominal arterial

bypass graft NOS

Arteriovenostomy for renal dialysis, Anastomosis for renal

dialysis, Formation of (peripheral)

arteriovenous fistula for renal [kidney] dialysis

Extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) vascular bypass

Other (peripheral) vascular shunt or bypass. Bypass (graft):
axillary-brachial, axillary-femoral

[axillofemoral] (superficial), Brachial, femoral-femoral,

Femoroperoneal, femoropopliteal

(arteries), femorotibial (anterior) (posterior), Popliteal, vascular


Suture of vessel. Repair of laceration of blood vessel

Suture of unspecified blood vessel
Suture of artery
Suture of vein
Revision of vascular procedure
Control of hemorrhage following vascular surgery
Revision of arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis.
Conversion of renal dialysis: end-to-end
anastomosis to end-to-side, end-to-side anastomosis to end-to-
end, vessel-to-vessel cannula to arteriovenous shunt. Removal
of old arteriovenous shunt and creation of new shunt
Removal of arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis
Other revision of vascular procedure. Declotting (graft). Revision
of: anastomosis of blood vessel vascular procedure (previous)
Other repair of vessels

Angioplasty or atherectomy of other non-coronary

vessel(s). Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of
non-coronary vessels: Lower extremity vessels, Mesenteric
artery, Renal artery, Upper extremity vessels. Code also any:
injection or infusion of thrombolytic agent (99.10), Insertion
of non-coronary stent(s) or stent grafts(s) (39.90), percutaneous
insertion of carotid artery stent(s) (00.63), number of
vascular stents inserted (00.45-00.48), number of vessels
treated (00.40-00.43), procedure on vessel bifurcation (00.44)
Clipping of aneurysm
Other repair of aneurysm. Repair of aneurysm by: Coagulation,
Electrocoagulation, Filipuncture, methyl methacrylate, Suture,
Wiring, Wrapping
Repair of arteriovenous fistula. Embolization of carotid
cavernous fistula. Repair of arteriovenous fistula by:
Clipping, Coagulation, ligation and division
Re-entry operation (aorta). Fenestration of dissecting aneurysm
of thoracic aorta
Reimplantation of aberrant renal vessel
Repair of blood vessel with tissue patch graft
Repair of blood vessel with synthetic patch graft
Repair of blood vessel with unspecified type of patch graft
Other repair of vessel. Aorticopulmonary window operation.
Arterioplasty NOS. Construction of venous valves (peripheral).
Plication of vein (peripheral). Reimplantation of artery
Extracorporeal circulation and procedures auxiliary to heart
Extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart
surgery. Artificial heart and lung.

Cardiopulmonary bypass. Pump oxygenator

Hypothermia (systemic) incidental to open heart surgery

Cardioplegia. Arrest: Anoxic, Circulatory
Intraoperative cardiac pacemaker.

Temporary pacemaker used during and immediately following

cardiac surgery

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation [ECMO]

Percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass. Closed chest
Endovascular repair of vessel. Endoluminal repair
Endovascular implantation of graft in abdominal aorta.
Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm with graft.
Stent graft(s)
Endovascular repair or occlusion of head and neck vessels. Coil
embolization or occlusion
Endograft(s). Endovascular graft(s). Liquid tissue adhesive (glue)
embolization or occlusion

Other implant or substance for repair, embolization or

occlusion that for repair of aneurysm, arteriovenous
malformation[AVM] or fistula

Endovascular implantation of graft in thoracic aorta.

Endograft(s). Endovascular graft(s).
Endovascular repair of defect of thoracic aorta with graft(s)
or device(s). Stent graft(s) or device(s) that for repair of
aneurysm, dissection, or injury

Endovascular removal of obstruction from head and neck

vessel(s). Endovascular embolectomy

Endovascular thrombectomy of pre-cerebral and cerebral

vessels. Mechanical embolectomy or thrombectomy

Other endovascular repair (of aneurysm) of other vessels.

Coil embolization or occlusion.

Endograft(s), Endovascular graft(s). Liquid tissue adhesive

(glue) embolization or occlusion. Other implant or
substance for repair, embolization or occlusion

Operations on carotid body and other vascular bodies.

Chemodectomy. Denervation of: aortic
body, carotid body, Glomectomy, carotid. Implantation into
carotid body: electronic stimulator, Pacemaker

Other operations on vessels

Insertion of non-drug-eluting peripheral vessel stent(s), Bare
stent(s), Bonded stent(s), Drug-coated stent(s), i.e., heparin
coated, Endograft(s), Endovascular graft(s). Endovascular
recanalization techniques, Stent graft(s)
Freeing of vessel. Dissection and freeing of adherent tissue:
artery-vein-nerve bundle, vascular bundle
Injection of sclerosing agent into vein
Insertion of vessel-to-vessel cannula. Formation of:
arteriovenous: fistula by external cannula, shunt by external
cannula. Code also any renal dialysis (39.95)
Replacement of vessel-to-vessel cannula. Revision of vessel-to-
vessel cannula
Hemodialysis. Artificial kidney. Hemodiafiltration.
Hemofiltration. Renal dialysis
Total body perfusion. Code also substance perfused (99.21-
Other perfusion. Perfusion NOS. Perfusion, local [regional] of:
carotid artery, coronary artery, Head, lower limb, Neck, upper
Control of hemorrhage, not otherwise specified.
Angiotripsy. Control of postoperative hemorrhage NOS.
Other operations on vessels
Operations on lymphatic system
Incision of lymphatic structures
Diagnostic procedures on lymphatic structures
Biopsy of lymphatic structure
Other diagnostic procedures on lymphatic structures
Simple excision of lymphatic structure
Excision of deep cervical lymph node
Excision of internal mammary lymph node
Eksisi limf node aksiler
Eksisi limf node inguinal
Simple excision of other lymphatic structure. Excision of:
cystic hygroma, lymphangioma.
Simple lymphadenectomy

Regional lymph node excision. Extended regional lymph node

excision. Regional lymph node
excision with excision of lymphatic drainage area including skin,
subcutaneous tissue, and fat

Eksisi radikal limf node leher*. Reseksi limf node servikal

hingga otot dan fasia dalam
Diseksi leher radikal
Diseksi leher radikal, unilat
Diseksi leher radikal, bilat
Radical excision of other lymph nodes
Radical excision of lymph nodes, not otherwise specified.
Radical (lymph) node dissection NOS
Radical excision of axillary lymph nodes
Radical excision of periaortic lymph nodes
Radical excision of iliac lymph nodes
Radical groin dissection
Radical excision of other lymph nodes
Operations on thoracic duct
Cannulation of thoracic duct
Fistulization of thoracic duct
Closure of fistula of thoracic duct
Ligation of thoracic duct
Other operations on thoracic duct
Other operations on lymphatic structures. Anastomosis of
peripheral lymphatics. Dilation ofperipheral lymphatics.
Ligation of peripheral lymphatics. Obliteration of peripheral
lymphatics Reconstruction of peripheral lymphatics. Repair of
peripheral lymphatics. Transplantation of peripheral
lymphatics. Correction of lymphedema of limb, NOS
Operations on bone marrow and spleen
Operasi Pada Esofagus (Servikal dan Torakal)
Insisi Web esofagus
Insisi lain lain pada esofagus (Unclasified)
Esofagostomi (unclasified)
Esofagostomi Servikal
Eksteriorasi kantong esofagus
Esofagostomi Torakal
Prosedur diagnostik pada esofagus
Esofagoskopi operatif melalui insisi
Esofagoskopi melalui stoma artifisial
Esofagoskopi lain lain
Biopsi tertutup esofagus (endoskopik)
Sikatan atau cuci spesimen, esofagoskopi dengan biopsi, biopsi
hisapan pada esofagus

Biopsi esofagus terbuka

Prosedur diagnostik lain pada esofagus
Eksisi lokal / destruksi lesi pada esofagus
Eksisi divertikulum esofagus
Eksisi lokal pada lesi atau jaringan lain pada esofagus
Eksisi atau destruksi pada lesi atau jaringan pada esofagus secara

Pendekatan endoskopik pada : ablasi neoplasma esofagus,

kontrol perdarahan esofagus, polipektomi esofagus,
varisesesofagus, injeksi varises esofagus

Destruksi lesi atau jaringan lain lain pada esofagus

Esofagektomi Parsial
Esofagektomi Total
Rekonstruksi (anastomosis) esofagus intratorakal
Rekonstruksi (anastomosis) esofagus antesternal
Insersi Tube Permanen Esofagus
Repair laserasi esofagus
Tutup esofagostomi
Repair fistula esofagus
Repair striktur esofagus
Repair hernia diafragma trans torasik
Repair hernia diafragma melalui torakotomi, repair hernia
diafragma torako abdominal
Plikasi difragma
Repair hernia para sternal
Repair hernia diafragma laparoskopik, approach toraks
Repair terbuka lainnya pada hernia diafragma melalui toraks
Amputasi ekstemitas atas, Amputasi ekstemitas bawah
Ganglion simpatektomi
Lumbal Simpatektomi
Peri arterial Simpatektomi
Torakal simpatektomi
Injeksi bahan neurolitik pada nervus simpatikus
Lain lain
Ultrasound Terapetik
Ultrasound Terapetik untuk pembuluh darah kepala & leher.
Ultrasound anti restenotik. Ultrasound intra vaskular nonablatif
Ultrasound Terapetik untuk jantung. Ultrasound anti restenotik.
Ultrasound intra vaskular non ablatif
Ultrasound Terapetik untuk pembuluh darah perifer, Ultrasound
anti restenotik, Ultrasound intravaskular non ablatif
Obat obatan
Pemberian Nitric Oxide Inhalasi
Injeksi atau infus antibiotik kelas oksazolidinon (Linezolid)
Terapi bertekanan pada graft bypass dengan bahan farmokologis
Pemberian obat obat vasopresor
Imaging Pembuluh darah intra vaskular. USG endo vaskular.
USG intra vaskular. Imaging pembuluh darah intra vaskular
dengan USG
Imaging intra vaskular pembuluh darah cerebral ekstra kranial,
Pembuluh darah karotis komunis dan cabangnya. USG intra
vaskular, pembuluh darah cerebral ekstra kranial
Imaging intra vaskular pembuluh darah intra toraks, aorta dan
arkus aorta. USG intra vaskular, pembuluh darahintra toraks,
vena kava superior dan inferior
Imaging intra vaskular pembuluh darah perifer. Imaging
pembuluh darah tangan, kaki. USG intravaskular pembuluh darah
Imaging intra vaskular pembuluh darah koroner. USG intra
vaskular, pembuluh darah koroner
Imaging intra vaskular pembuluh darah renal. USG intra
vaskular, pembuluh darah renal, arteri renalis
Imaging intra vaskular pembuluh darah, spesifikasi lain
Imaging intra vaskular pembuluh darah, tidak terspesifikasi
Pembedahan dengan bantuan komputer
Prosedur sistem vaskular (selain koroner)
Prosedur pada satu pembuluh darah
Prosedur pada dua pembuluh darah
Prosedur pada tiga pembuluh darah
Prosedur pada empat atau lebih pembuluh darah
Prosedur pada pembuluh darah bifurkasio
Insersi satu sten vaskular
Insersi dua sten vaskular
Insersi tiga sten vaskular
Insersi empat atau lebih sten vaskular
Prosedur kardiovaskular lainnya
Implantasi pacemaker resinkronisasi jantung tanpa
defibrilasi,total sistem (CRT-P). Pacemaker biventrikuler. Pacing
biventrikuler tanpa defibrilator jantung internal
Implantasi defibrilator jantung. resinkronisasi, total sistem
(CRT-D). BiV defibrilator.
Biventrikuler defibrilator, Pacing biventrikuler dengan
defibrilator jantung internal, BiV ICD, BiV pacemaker dengan

Implantasi atau penggantian elektroda transvenus ke dalam

sistem vena koroner ventrikel kiri
Implantasi atau penggantian pacemaker. Resinkronisasi jantung,
hanya perangkat generator (CRT-P). Implantasi perangkat CRT-
P dengan pengangkatan perangkat pacemaker CRT-P lainnya.
Implantasi atau penggantian defibrilator resinkronisasi
jantung, hanya perangkat generator (CRT-D). Implantasi
perangkat CRT-D dengan pengangkatan perangkatpacemaker
CRT-D lainnya
Insersi drug eluting stent pada pembuluh darah perifer.
Endograft, graft endovaskular, stent Graft
Insersi atau penggantian sensor tekanan implantable untuk
monitoringhemodinamik intra kardiak
Implantasi atau penggantian perangkat subkutan untuk
monitoring hemodinamik intra kardiak

Implantasi alat monitoring dengan bentukan kantung subkutan

dan koneksinya dengan sensor tekanan intra kardiak
Prosedur pada pembuluh darah
Angioplasti perkutan atau atherektomi pembuluh darah
precerebral (ekstra kranial)Basilar, Carotid, Vertebral
Insersi sten arteri karotis perkutan. Termasuk perangkat
proteksi emboli, perangkat proteksi distal, filter atau sistem
pemasangan sten, non drug eluting sten
Insersi perkutan sten arteri precerebral (ekstra kranial) lainnya.
Termasuk perangkat proteksi emboli, perangkat proteksi
distal, filter atau sistem pemasangan sten, non drug eluting sten
pada basilar, vertebral
USG Diagnostik
USG diagnostik pada jantung. Ekokardiografi, TEE
USG diagnostik pada tempat lain pada Toraks. USG arkus aorta,
USG paru
USG sistem vaskular perifer. USGDVT, Mapping varises
Injeksi atau infus bahan terapetik dan profilaksis lain
Injeksi antibiotik
Injeksi anti infektif yang lain
Insersi Chemoport (Port A Catheter)
Bagian II. Rekomendasi Mitra Bestari

Disetujui Disetujui dengan Catatan Tidak Disetujui



Daftar Mitra Bestari

No. Nama Spesialisasi Tanda Tangan

Bagian III. Komite Medik/Sub-Komite Kredensial

Disetujui Disetujui dengan Catatan Tidak Disetujui



Ketua Komite Medik Ketua Sub-Komite Kredensial

(.................................................) (............................................)

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