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Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

Name / NIM : ................................................. ,

date : ................................................. ,

F. Learning Objectives

After completing all the tasks on MFPs with implementing the strategy is expected
Reason Statement and you can do the following things.
7. Defines a circle.
8. Applying properties associated with tangents and radius.
9. Applying the properties associated with the arc, central angle and bowstring.


Answer the questions below carefully. Every answer or statement (statement) you
provide the expected along with the reason (reason)!

H. Activity 1:To determine the elements Circle.

Setiap bangun datar memiliki unsur-unsur yang menjadi pembeda dengan bangun datar
yang lain. Coba bandingkan! Manakah dari unsur lingkaran yang menjadi pembeda
utama dengan unsur lainnya? Mengapa demikian?

Statement : …………………………………………………............…………………
Reason : ………………………………………………………...…………………
Mirna 78
Geometri Bidang Berbasis Statement & Reason

Definisi: Lingkaran adalah sebuah kurva (garis lengkung) yang titik-titiknya berjarak
sama dari suatu titik tertentu yang disebut pusat.

Perhatikan Gambar 1! Berikut unsur-unsur pada lingkaran. Perhatikan setiap unsur.

Berdasarkan gambar di atas, jelaskan hasil pemahamanmu mengenai masing-masing

unsur dari lingkaran tersebut.
1. Jari-jari (r)

2. Diameter (d)

3. Tali busur

4. Secan

5. Juring

6. Busur

7. Sudut pusat

8. Tembereng

Mirna 79
Geometri Bidang Berbasis Statement & Reason

Tentukan unsur-unsur yang ada

dalam lingkaran di samping !

Defenisi : Pi biasa ditulis “π” adalah panjang keliling lingkaran yang berdiameter satu

Misalkan sebuah roda yang diameternya 1 meter diukur kelilingnya dengan cara
melekatkan seutas tali pada sekeliling roda tersebut, maka panjang tali yang dibutuhkan
adalah sekitar 3,14 meter. Nilai perbandingan antara keliling dan diameter lingkaran ini
selalu konstan. Untuk setiap lingkaran nilai pebandingan itu adalah 3.14. Berdasarkan
pengalaman ini ditetapkan bahwa untuk menghitung keliling lingkaran dengan diameter
atau jari-jari tertentu digunakan formula :
K=πd atau K = π r2
Dengan : K menyatakan keliling lingkaran,
d menyatakan diameter lingkaran, dan
r menyatakan jari-jari lingkaran

Kegiatan 2: Menentukan Luas Lingkaran

Defenisi : Luas lingkaran adalah luas daerah dalam lingkaran.

Untuk menentukan luas lingkaran, perhatikan langkah-langkah berikut ini :
1. Lukislah (dengan menggunakan jangka) suatu lingkaran pada kertas karton.
Warnai daerah dalam lingkaran tersebut.
2. Potong lingkaran yang telah dilukis tersebut. Setelah terpotong, lipat lingkaran
tersebut sehingga menghasilkan setengah lingkaran. Untuk kedua kalinya, lipat
Mirna 80
Geometri Bidang Berbasis Statement &
Reason setengah lingkaran tersebut menjadi seperempat lingkaran. Untuk ketiga
kalinya, lipat seperempat lingkaran tersebut menjadi seperdelapan lingkaran.
Dan untuk terakhir kalinya, lipat seperdelapan lingkaran tersebut sehingga
menjadi seperenambelas lingkaran.
3. Kembalikan lipatan tersebut seperti sedia kala. Kemudian potong lingkaran
tersebut menurut tanda lipatan yang telah dihasilkan. Potongan-potongan yang
dihasilkan merupakan salah satu bagian lingkaran, yang disebut juring lingkaran.

Gambar 6.2

4. Susun juring-juring yang dihasilkan sehingga menghasilkan bangun

menghampiri bentuk jajargenjang seperti tampak pada gambar berikut.

Gambar 6.3

5. Perhatikan bahwa pada langkah 4, dihasilkan suatu bangun datar yang

menghampiri bentuk jajargenjang. Sehingga luas lingkaran yang dimaksud akan
menghampiri luas jajargenjang tersebut.
6. Jika potongan-potongan juring dibuat kecil sekali, maka akan terbentuk sebuah
jajargenjang dengan panjang alas πr (setengah keliling lingkaran) dan tingginya r.
Diperoleh luas lingkaran, L = (πr) x r = πr2.

Luas lingkaran dinyatakan oleh rumus L = πr2, dengan L adalah luas dan r adalah jari-
jari lingkaran

Mirna 81
Geometri Bidang Berbasis Statement & Reason

Kegiatan 3: Garis Singgung Lingkaran.

Definisi: Garis singgung lingkaran (tangent) adalah garis yang menyinggung lingkaran
pada satu titik.

The figure below shows AB is tangent to the circle centered at O and A is the point of

Theorem 6.1: If an offensive line circle, then the line perpendicular to the radius
drawn from the point of tangency.

Prior to prove it, this theorem must first understand it well. Decide what is known and
what is to be proved. It should be easy to understand if drawn illustration of the problem
to be proved. With illustrations mnggambarkan problem can be expressed in a more
operational form more easily understood and manipulated.

Is known : Outline t offend circle at point X.

Will be proved: OX  t.

analysis: Remember that if OX is

perpendicular to the line of t then OX is
the shortest distance from point O to the
line. Now the verification can be done.


Mirna 82
Geometri Bidang Berbasis Statement & Reason
Andaikan OX tidak tegaklurus terhadap t. Maka akan ada ruas garis lain, misalnya
OY yang tegaklurus terhadap t. Maka OY < OX. Ini kontradiksi dengan kenyataan
OY > OX karena Y di luar lingkaran. Jadi, pengandaian OX tidak tegaklurus
terhadap t adalah salah. Haruslah OX t.

Dengan ini terbukti bahwa garis singgung lingkaran tegak lurus dengan jari-jari
lingkaran yang digambarkan dari titik singgungnya.

Dengan teorema ini dapat diperoleh akibat berikut. Periksalah!

Akibat : Garis-garis singgung lingkaran yang ditarik dari sebuah titik di luar
lingkaran adalah sama panjang.

Sebelumnya kita telah membuktikan teorema 6.1 dengan cara pengandaian yang
kontrakdiksi, berikutnya kita akan membuktikan akibat dari teorema 1 dengan
cara “Statement and Reoson”

Diketahui : sebuah lingkaran yang memiliki
Dua garis singgung pada titik X dan titik Y.
Akan dibuktikan : ada titik P di luar lingkaran
Sehingga PX=PY.

Analisis : kita gambar garis bantu, sehingga menjadi :


Statement Reason
6) OX=OY Jari-jari lingkaran.
7)  OXP = OYP =90°; OP Berdasarkan teorem 6.1
= OP

Mirna 83
Geometri Bidang Berbasis Statement & Reason
8) ∆OXP=∆OYP Dua segitiga siku-siku akan
kongruen apabila dua sisinya
sama panjang.
9) XP=YP Karena ∆OXP=∆OYP

Maka terbuktilah bahwa garis-garis singgung lingkaran yang ditarik dari

sebuah titik di luar lingkaran adalah sama panjang.

Teorema 6.2: Jika sebuah garis yang sebidang dengan lingkaran tegaklurus terhadap
jari-jari di titik ujung luarnya, maka garis itu merupakan garis singgung

Perhatikan! teorema ini merupakan konvers dari teorema 6.1.

Apa yang Anda ketahui dengan hal seperti ini? Sehubungan dengan ini,
bagaimana membuktikan teorema di atas?

Jadi pada teorema di atas dapat dipahami masalahnya seperti berikut.
Sebuah garis yang tegak lurus dengan jari-jari lingkaran di titik ujung terluarnya.


dinyatakan ke dalam bentuk yang lebih operasional menggunakan symbol matematika

yang sesuai.
Diketahui: m terletak pada bidang lingkaran dengan pusat P.
m  PZ di Z.
Akan dibuktikan: m adalah garis singgung lingkaran P.

Gambar 6.7
Bukti: jika seandainya garis tersebut bukan garis singgung lingkaran, apa saja akibatnya ?
Adakah akibat yang kontradiksi dengan apa yang sudah diketahui ?

Mirna 84
Geometri Bidang Berbasis Statement & Reason
...................................................................................................... .......
.................................................. .................................................. .........................................
.................................................. .................................................. .........................................

Tangent and Tangent Guild In Guild Affairs

(A) (B)
Figure 6.8
An offensive line two coplanar circles called tangent alliance, Line tangent
fellowship in intersecting the line segment connecting the dots the center, see Figure
6.8a. Linepolecat beyond alliances do not intersecting the line segment connecting
the dots head, see Figure 6.8b.
If each side of a polygon offending circles, it is said to be the circle tangent

(A) (B)
Figure 6.9

example 1
Soal ini diambil dari South African Mathematics Olympiad 2011, ronde kedua.
Perhatikan gambar. ST adalah garis singgung lingkaran kecil yang sepusat dengan
lingkaran besar. Jika ST = 40 cm, maka tentukanlah luas daerah yang diarsir.

Mirna 85
Geometri Bidang Berbasis Statement & Reason

Gambar 6.10
Perhatikan sketsa dan pikirkan konsep apa yang bisa diperoleh.

Gambar 6.11
Garis singgung ST tegaklurus dengan jari-jari lingkaran kecil yang disinggungnya.
Dari sini, diperoleh sebuah segitiga siku-siku yang memenuhi teorema pytaghoras.
Dengan R adalah jari-jari lingkaran besar dan r adalah jari-jari lingkaran kecil, maka

 ST 2 2 2
 r R
 2
202  r 2  R 2
R2 – r2 = 400
Selanjutnya bisa dihitung luas kedua lingkaran besar kecil. Luas lingkaran besar
adalah , dan luas lingkaran kecil . Luas daerah diarsir adalah selisih antara
keduanya. Jadi,
Spacious shaded area = -

= π (R2 - r2)
= 400 π

The shaded area so vast is 400 π.

example 2

Two circles each with radius of 10 cm placed on a flat surface with two circles
intersect each other. A small circle placed between the large circle such that
Mirna 86
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason
small circle circle offend both large and flat field. What is the radius of the small

Figure 6.12


The picture we can add the following details:

Figure 6.13

From these images, obtained:

AC = 10 + r, r = radius of the small circle

FC = 10

AF = 10 - r

With the Pythagorean theorem, it is obtained:

(10 + r)2 = (10 - r)2 + 102

100 + 20r + r2 = 100 - 20r + r2 + 100

40R = 100

r = 2.5 cm

Thus, the radius of the small circle is 2.5 cm.

Mirna 87
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

Activity 4: Bows, Corner Center, and Talibusur

Based on previous activities, you must already know not which arc, central angle and
rope Bows?

To remind, look at the picture and explanation below:

Figure 6.14

The arc is a part of the circumference of a circle. read "arc AB". The central angle of
a circle whose center is the angle of the center point of the circle. For each arc is no
corner of the center. The size of the arc didefinisiskan as its angular size. In Figure
6.14,AOBis the angle from the center. This means that the size of theAOB equal
to the size, written AOB=. (In some books you find writing mAOB= M. IfAOB

= 30o, Then = 30o,

Talibusur divide the circle on two arcs. At 6:15 the picture,AB is a talibusur on circle

Figure 6:15

Theorem 6.3: A diameter perpendicular to talibusur bowstring and bow split into two
parts together.

Proof of theorem
6.3: Illustration:

Is known : O circle; CD AB.

Mirna 88
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason
Will be proved: AZ = BZ; =.
analysis : ...............................

Statement Reason
1) Draw OA and OB Through these two points can be ....
2) OA = OB ....................................................
3) OZ = OZ ....................................................
4) CD  AB ....................................................
5) Δ Oza  ΔOZB ....................................................
6) AZ = BZ; 1 2 ................................................... ..
7) = 1 ; = 2 ....................................................

8) = ................................................... ..

Quadrilateral formed by the four so-called quadrilateral talibusur bowstring. Note


Figure 6.17
In the quadrangle ABCD bowstring effect.
1. AC. BD = AB. CD + AD. BC
2. Size = (s US  b) (s  c) (s  d)

3. The angle opposite number is 1800,

4. CAB CDB , ABD ACD , DBCCAD,ACBBDA
Abda these four properties can prove as an exercise.
example 3
Known loop bowstring O and AB. P on the circumference of a circle. Of P drawn a line
PQ perpendicular AB. PR and PS is a line - a line that is perpendicular to the line
tangent at A and tangent at B.
Prove that PQ =!
Mirna 89
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason




Figure 6:18
PRAQ and PQBS is quadrilateral bowstring. PRAQ quadrilateral is a quadrilateral
bowstring becausePRQ = PAQ, PQBS quadrilateral is a quadrilateral bowstring

= PBS, Note PRQ and = PQS

 PRQ =  PQS


PQ2 = PR x PS PQ =

Activity 5: The relationship between the angle of the Center,

Long Bow, and Broad pie, as well as the relation Circles
and Line

1. Angle Comparison Center, Long Bow, and Size pie

a. Broad segment AOB = 360x (Area of a circle)  360x r 2

b. The length of arc AB = 360x (circumference)  360x 2r

The length of arc

x AB Size pie OAB
= =
The length of arc
c. y CD Size pie OCD
Mirna 90
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

Figure 6.19

2.Hubungan Angle with Angle Center Tour

In Figure 6:20, angle y is called the central angle of the circle formed two radii of a
circle. The angle x is called the angle of circumference of a circle formed by two
chords of the circle. What relationship can be made between the central angle and the
angle of the circumference? To this prove the following theorem.

Figure 6:20

Theorem 6.4: A roving angle equal to half the central angle facing the same arc.
Is known : A B C corner of the circumference of a circle O.
Prove: ABC = 12
To prove this, there are three possibilities must be shown, namely as follows. Prove
as exercise!

a.Titik O on A B C b. O point inA B C c. O points outA B C

Figure 6:21

Mirna 91
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason
proof of the
theorem 6.4a

Is known : .......
Will be proven: ......
analysis : ......
Statement reason

proof of the
theorem 6.4b

Is known : .......
Will be proven: ......
analysis : ......
Statement reason

Proof of the theorem 6.4a

Is known : .......
Will be proven: ......
analysis : ......
Mirna 92
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason
Statement reason

The consequences of theorem 6.4 are as follows:

As a result of 1: If two angles around the corner facing the same arc of the
circumference of the same.
As a result of 2: If a quadrilateral is a quadrilateral talibusur, then the angles
opposite each other berkomlementer.
As a result of 3: Angle circumference formed by a diameter is a right-angled.

Prove it by using two columns "Statement and Reason" as above.

Evidence Akibai 1. Illustration:

Is known ;

Will be proven;



Statement reason

Evidence Akibai 2. Illustration:

Mirna 93
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason
Is known ;

Will be proven;



Statement reason

Evidence Akibai 3. Illustration:

Is known ;

Will be proven;



Statement reason

Mirna 94
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

By applying theorem 6.4, it can be proven that the angle formed by talibusur and a
half arc tangent is formed. Note Figure 6.22.BAT = 12 ,

Figure 6.22

There are several other angles to be considered in a circle. 1 is formed by two

talibusur. By drawing a dotted line to form a triangle. You can prove the following

Theorem 6.5: The angle formed by two chords in a circle is equal to half the number
of arcs in front of him.

Proof of Theorem 6.5 Illustration:

Is known ;

Will be proven;


Mirna 95
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

Statement reason

Theorem 6.6: An angle formed by two secant lines, two tangent, or secant and a tangent
line drawn from a point outside the circle is equal to the difference
setngah of arcs in front of him.

Proof of Theorem 6.5


Is known ;

Will be proven;


Mirna 96
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

Statement reason

Theorem 6.7: If talibusur-talibusur intersection in a circle, then the product pieces

talibusur that one equals the product pieces talibusur others.
Proof of Theorem 6.7


Is known ;

Will be proven;


Mirna 97
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

Statement reason

Mirna 98
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

E. Exercise

instructions: Answer the questions below carefully. Every answer you give is
expected to be accompanied by a reason!

1. Points A, B, C and D lie on the circle, and the point E lies outside the circle

.Big  EMI = 500 and great  AED = 150, DetermineBAC ,

2. A half-circle centered at O and diameter AB. Of P (at OA) drawn perpendicular

to cut a half circle in D. From D drawn lines and cut a half circle in E so PDO
EDO, Then E is associated with B. DecideHUBCAP ,

3. In Δ A B C , is known  ABC = 45 0and AB = 12 cm diameter. Determine

the area outside the circle ΔABC

4. Point O is the center of the circle outside the triangle ABC. If AB = OB

andOBC  400 specify BOC,

5. The large circle is the outer circle of an equilateral triangle. The small circle big
circle T offending and offensive sides AB and AC at points P and Q. If BC = 12
cm, specify the length of PQ.

6. Three external tangents of a circle intersect at points A, B, and C. Prove that

triangle ABC circumference constant.

7. Triangle ABC has sides AB = 137, AC = 241 and BC = 200. Point D lies on the
side BC so that an inner circle and an inner circle ACD ΔABD offensive side of
the AD at the same point, namely E. Determine the length of the CD.

8. A trapezoid DEFG with a circle in the fourth offensive

sides and radius 2 and centered at C. DE and GF side is the side that is parallel to
DE <GF and DE = 3. It is known that DEF =  EFG = 900, Determine the area

Mirna 99
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

9. If R and r row is the radius of the outer circle and the triangle ABC.
a B C r(a  b  c)
Show  ,
4R 2
10. A B C D is a trapezoid with AB parallel to DC, long known AB = 92, BC = 50,
CD = 19 DA = 70. P is a point located on the side AB
so that it can be made a circle centered at P offending AD and BC. Determine the
length of the AP.
11. A B C D are rectangular bowstring, with AB = 24 is the diameter. If BC = 6 and
BD = 8, specify the length CD.

12. E is a point on the AD side of the rectangle ABCD so that DE = 6, DA = 8, and

DC = 6. If the CE will be extended beyond the circle cut out a rectangle F.
Determine the length of the bowstring DF.

13. Diagonals AC and BD of the quadrilateral ABCD meet at E. If AE = 2, BE = 5,

CE = 10, DE = 4 and BC = 15/2, specify the length of AD and AB.

14. A B C D are rectangular bowstring and AC diameter. Of A and C taken

perpendicular BD intersecting in a row in X and Y. Prove BY = DX.

15. ABC isosceles triangle with AB = AC. The point P lies on the arc BC of
the outer circle of triangle ABC. Prove PA g ,

16. Three wheels A, B and C respectively of radius 2, 3 and 4. The three wheels are
located on the surface of the ground. In addition to contact with the wheels A, B
wheel is also in contact with the wheel center C. Determine the distance to the
center of the wheel A wheel C.

17. Given two circles with centers B and C intersect outside. Circle with radius R and
A intersect in the center of both circles. Prove that triangle ABC circumference is
18. Prove the following statements.

Mirna 100
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

a.Pusat inner circle A B C is the intersection of the lines for the


r ,

ABC b.Pusat outer circle is the intersection of the axes with fingers R

4L ,
19. Puasat known circle with P and O to T is the point of tangency alliance as shown
below. Prove that AC.AB = AE.AD.

20. In the following picture, DE = 24; 32. What is the length GH = BF?

21. AB and AC are tangent to the circle O. Find the value of x.

Mirna 101
Based Plane Geometry Statement & Reason

Mirna 102

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