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Dhika Lomita Rafinggi*)

**)M. Khairi Ikhsan Staff Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

(STKIP) PGRI West Sumatera


Kualitas dalam mengajar merupakan salah satu keterampilan dasar yang harus dimiliki
oleh guru, karena dengan memiliki kualitas yang bagus guru dapat menciptakan dan
mengembalikan kondisi belajar yang optimal bagi terciptanya proses belajar-mengajar
yang efektif. Apabila guru tidak memiliki kualitas dikhawatirkan proses belajar-
mengajar tidak dapat berjalan secara efektif. Namun kenyataannya ada sebagian guru
mengalami kesulitan dalam mengajar. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya
pengetahuan guru dalam penggunaan teknik. Dalam hal itu akan banyak menimbulkan
masalah bukan hanya berdampak pada guru saja tapi juga bagi para siswa. Jika teknik
yang digunakan tidak menarik maka dalam proses belajar mengajar bahasa inggris
akan membosankan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah cara atau teknik untuk
membantu guru dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut. Di sini penulis menggunakan
Charades sebagai teknik dalam mengajarkan Vocabulary. Charades adalah sebuah
teknik untuk mempermudahkan guru dalam mengajarkan kosa kata pada young
learners dan mempermudah siswa dalam mengetahui makna kata. teknik ini, guru
meminta siswa duduk berkelompok, setiap kelompok diberi satu kata dan salah satu
dalam setiap kelompok memperagakan makna kata tersebut. Dengan menggunakan
teknik ini diharapkan dapat memudahkan guru dalam mengajarkan bahasa inggris dan
meningkatkan motivasi, serta ketertarikan siswa dalam memahami pelajaran bahasa

Key words: Teaching Vocabulary and Charades Technique

can not
*) Penulis understand, read,
write, and
**) Pembimbing
speak if they do allows us to
INTRODUCTION not know communicate.
vocabulary. Mastering
Vocabulary is a basic
Vocabulary is vocabulary
component that is very important to important determines the
because it success in
learn foreign languages. The students
English, if the
students have a lot of English as well as
in everyday life. is not an easy task
vocabularies, they will be easy to learn for the teachers. It
However, teaching is
so different from Indonesian language, In addition, to solve the problem above,
not only in understanding the meaning there are some techniques that can be
but also in pronouncing the words. used in teaching vocabulary for young
Therefore, the teachers should have learners such as: Quick writes technique,
specific ability in teaching. They should Museum Walk technique, charades
know who the students are and how to technique. First, Quick writes to utilize
attract them to learn vocabulary. background knowledge to formulate
Teachers should be patient and give meaning of work. Second Museum Walks
more attention for the students because to imprint visual meaning by creating a
representation of a word. Charades
the students need the teachers’ attention
Technique can be used in increasing
in the learning process.
students’ vocabulary at for young
learners. Students will be easier to
Basically, in teaching vocabulary for remember the words. Finally, Charades
young learners, the teachers should Technique helps students learn to express
facilitate the students to build their basic their feeling and understand the feeling of
ability in English through mastering others. By choosing one of the
vocabulary. In fact, the writer did an appropriate techniques the students will
observation at 5 grades on teaching be interested in learning vocabulary and
vocabulary for young learners can be said help them to improve their vocabulary.
that it is not success yet. Nowadays, there
were some problems that made the
students difficult to master vocabolaries.
First, many students can not express REVIEW OF THE RELATED
words well because they have not much LITERATURE
vocabulary and they have difficulties in
remember the meaning of words, made Vocabulary is a collection of words
them bored in learning it in the class. used in the language to communicate. It
Second, the students do not understand is an important aspect that should be
about the meaning of words that the learnt by students, because the language
teacher says and they mostly found the related to the words. Without having
difficulties on how to enrich their sufficient vocabulary a student can not
vocabulary meaning. This condition was communicate, so he or she should have
usually found when the teacher given had enough vocabulary to simplify the
greeting or some instruction to the language like to convey an idea in
students. spoken and written. Some experts have
different opinion about the importance In addition, Richards and Rennadya
of vocabulary in learning language. (2004:255) defines that vocabulary is a
According to Cameron (2001:95), core component of language proficiency
vocabulary is fundamental to use the and provides much of the basis for how
foreign language as discourse, since well learners speak, listen, read, and
vocabulary is both learned from write. Based on this statement, it is clear
participating in discourse, and is that vocabulary gives effects for skills
essential to participating in it. Based on in English. Without mastering
statement above vocabulary is a basic vocabulary, the students can not master
vocabulary in the language, the English because all of the skills in
vocabulary is very necessary to learn so English are related to words. If the
we have to increase the vocabulary to students have less vocabulary, they will
facilitate the use of language. not be successful in speaking, listening,
reading, and writing. So, learning
English will be successful, if the with others. Students who have
students master vocabulary. sufficient vocabulary be applied in
making good language, they will be
Furthermore, Linse (2005:121) defines more confident and easier to convey
that vocabulary is the collection of ideas in a controlled vocabulary.
words that an individual knows. It
means that students must have a lot of Based on explanation above, the writer
vocabularies to facilitate the interaction can conclude that vocabulary is a
collection of words that a person
knows, it is an important component of
the speaking ability. Without a sufficient
vocabulary, students will not be able to
understand the reading, listening,
speaking, and writing. Vocabulary give
the effect of all skills, without have
vocabulary the students can not master
of a foreign language. If the students
have lack of vocabulary, she or he will
be confused or lack of confidence in
communication because of all the skills
in the English language dealing with

The Important of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very important to learn

English. Students must have sufficient
vocabulary to be easy to follow learning
process. By having enough vocabulary,
they are able to arrange the sentence
and communicate well. In addition,
Coady and Huckin (1997:5) Proposes
vocabulary as central to language and of
critical importance to the typical
language learner. It means that the
students must learn the vocabulary is
the language center. The
students will not be able to use the demonstrated in schools and out. In the
language without sufficient vocabulary, classroom, the achieve students posses
then as students take advantage of the the most adequate vocabularies.
time when learning vocabulary. Because of the verbal nature of most
classroom activities, knowledge of
Furthermore, Cameron (2001:72) states words and ability to use language are
that vocabulary is the central of learning essential to success in these activities. It
a foreign language and primary level. . means that the students should have
Based on the statement above, as a much vocabulary. They are not only use
central in English learning, the students vocabulary in school but also outside,
must have enough vocabulary because it the more learned vocabulary more
is the key in foreign language learning. easily speaking students both at school
When the students want to master and in the environment.
English, they must get sufficient
vocabulary. It can be concluded that vocabulary is
Then, Graves (2009:1) explains that central to language and central of
importance of vocabulary is daily learning a foreign language. Because in
speaking, reading, listening, writing, it communication by well, so vocabulary
is use vocabulary, without a sufficient is very important to learn.
vocabulary students can not
Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary deals with knowing

meaning from the words. The teachers
should teach the words that related to the
students’ life by using the appropriate
strategy, media, technique, etc. The
teacher should adjust them based on the
level of students. According to Cameron
(2001:75), teaching vocabulary focuses
on helping students to build up
knowledge of words also it will be able to
the students to use the language
efficiently and successfully It means that
teaching vocabulary must be carefully to
make students can enjoy the learning and
attract with the English subject. If they
are attracted with the lesson, they will get
spirit full in learning vocabulary.

Besides, Nation in Cameron (2001:85)

proposes that there are some listed basic
techniques that can be used by teacher
in young learner classroom:

By demonstration and picture

Using an object

In teaching English, teacher should use

the real object that are related to the
material will be learnt. It can help the
teacher to make the students understand
about the material.

Using Gesture

Gesture is one of the aids to help the

teacher in explaining the material.
Students can know the meaning of the to understand the story.
words by gesture of the teachers. It can Photograph
be used to describe something.
The teachers use the picture to help
Performing and action them in explaining the material. The
photograph should be appropriate with
In telling the story, it is very important the material and children’s world.
for the teachers to do the action based
the situation given because it can make Drawing or diagram on the board
the students interested to the story Drawing something or diagram to make
because the teacher makes the students the lesson that explained will be clear
feel that it is real and they will be easy for the students.
help them construct a meaning for
Pictures from the books ambulance, by activating scenarios
connected with hospitals.
In teaching, the teachers also use the
pictures not only from the books but Translating into another language The
also in TV, video or computer. The new words can be translated to the
pictures can attract students to catch source language. It can help the students
to know the meaning of the
the ideas that teachers delivered. By
verbal explanation words by translating to the language.
Furthermore, Verghese
Putting the new word in defining
context (2007:87) states that the teaching of
vocabulary is as important as the
The teacher can help to activate teaching of structures. A thorough
schemas or networks that will in turn familiarity with the syntax of English
help understanding. If the students and an ability to use the basic structures
know hospital, then mention it will of the language are a prerequisite, but
equally important is a command of
words. teaching vocabulary is the basic
teaching is the basic structure of the
language, to achieve a good language, a
teacher must teach the basics before
teaching a higher level so that the
formation of a good language.

Based on explanation above, the writer

can conclude, teaching vocabulary to
build knowledge of word, teaching
vocabulary can be presented in many
ways. In teaching vocabulary, teachers
can use the media, gestures, translating
the word. The teachers can use them
based on the needs and level of the
students. the teacher must have expertise
in teaching, especially in the teaching of
vocabulary, the teacher in teaching
vocabulary using basic stages by teaching
techniques that can attract the
attention of students to know the differences of ways of thinking and
material, with the techniques used in needs. In addition, Philips (1993:3)
teaching vocabulary teacher must first explains that young learner means the
match which techniques are suitable for first children means children from the
use in this matter, because by using a first year of formal schooling (five or
technique more suited to the material six years old) to eleven or twelve years
that will be presented that can improve of age. It means that young learner
students' curiosity and enthusiasm in consist of 5 until 12 year old. They need
learning. more attention from the teachers and
like the fun thing. Teachers should build
The Characteristic of Young learners their interest in learning English. They
should know their needs to adjust the
Young learners are the beginners in strategy in teaching.
learning English. They have some
characteristics. It can cause the Furthermore, Brewster and et all in
Gabrielatos (1998:54) proposes that content of a message by moving from
there are several characteristics of the concrete to the abstract
young learner:
Their attention span is limited.
Children can justify choices and Therefore, tasks should be short, varied,
opinions motivating and interesting, and should
They need to be supported in their offer concrete perceptual
understanding of the propositional

Then, Nunan (2011) states that young

learner covers a large chronological age
span: from around 3 years of age to 15.
It means that elementary school
students are consisting age 7 until 12
years old, so an elementary school
student is as young learners.

Based on the explanation above, the

writer concludes that young learners
consist of age 3 until 15 years old. They
have various characteristics in learning.
For example: they like asking questions
during the lesson, need more attention,
they like fun thing, they are logical and
have limited concentration in learning. As
good teachers, they should know the
characteristics and can motivate them in
learning because they are young learners
who are developing their interest toward
the learning and they do not understand
with what the learning yet.

Teaching Vocabulary for Young


Teaching vocabulary for young learners,

the teacher should have specific ability to
teach young learners. Teacher should give
more attention for them in
learning and should understand the
students’ condition, because younger Teachers can teach the sub-skills needed
children need more attention that their to make use of strategies. For example:
enthusiasm in learning. According to to use dictionary efficiently requires
Schmiit in Cameron (2001:93) proposes knowledge of alphabetical order and
that there are some principles of helping lots of practice with it.
the children to learn vocabulary:
Classroom tasks can include structured
Teachers can model how to use strategies opportunities for using strategies. For
and draw children’s attention explicitly to example: when reading a story, teachers
aspects of strategy use. For example, can explicitly encourage prediction of
teachers can show how to find clues to the the meanings of new words.
meaning of a new word in a picture or in
other words in the same sentence. Independent strategy use can be
rehearsed in classrooms. For example, achievements. For example, at the end
children can be helped to prepare lists of of a lesson they can be asked how many
words that they want to learn from a new words they have learnt, and which
lesson, can be shown ways of learning words they need to learn more about.
from lists and later can be put in pairs to Through regular self evaluation,
test each other. children can come to understand more
about what they are learning and how.
Young learners can be helped to
In addition, Suyanto (2007:48) states
reflect on the learning process through that teaching vocabulary for young
evaluating their learners can be done as follow:

Introducing : The teacher introduces the

new words by using the picture or the real
objects clearly and correctly.

Modeling : The teacher gives

examples by practicing as a model.

Practicing : Teacher trains the students

to imitate.

Applying : The students apply in the

suitable condition by using teacher’s

Moreover, Nicolov (2007:108) explains

that quite explicit about what words
children should learn at the early stages of
FL learning. According to her findings,
children should be exposed to those
words the content of which is already
familiar to them in their mother tongue.
the students in learning vocabulary
introduced a variety of foreign languages,
to facilitate them in learning vocabulary
in a foreign language, teachers need to
find an easy way to quickly understand
and know the students, the teacher can
relate to the
words they use often, because it will curiosity of children to the material
facilitate they remember the meaning of presented. To use the object on
the word. vocabulary learning, teachers must
relate it to their lives, because it will
Based on the explanation above, the facilitate them in learning vocabulary.
writer concludes that teaching
vocabulary for young learners there are Charades Technique
many ways of which teachers can use
real objects, engage students in learning Charades is one of the techniques that
or practicing directly. Teachers must be can be used in teaching vocabulary. It
able to attract the attention of children will help teachers in learning English.
explicitly in use in teaching techniques, According Kaduson and Schaefer
using pictures or objects that cause the (2003:217) defines that Charades is an
excellent technique to facilitate the body movement and facial expressions
emotional education of the children. It are fun and encourage creativity and
can be used as prevention for the spontaneity on the part of the child.
emotional well-being of children
experiencing emotional difficulties, or Besides, Teare (2006:76) states that
remediation for children who appear to charades technique is a technique
be lagging in emotional development. miming the individual parts of a word.
Because this technique requires the It means that the technique use mime
child to be in the spotlight and the stile to know meaning word. In addition
center of attention for a few minutes, it Ellery (2009:149) states that Charades
is intrinsically motivating. Games of technique is a technique to make a
charades or pantomime that involve mental image of a word to aid in
recalling the word. It means charades
technique can help students in
vocabulary and can be easy students in
remember the word.

Based on the explanation above, the

writer concludes that Charades technique
can help students in knowing meaning of
words. Because the activities of this
technique using pantomime style cues and
engage students in physical activity and
provoke curiosity of students to find out,
this technique uses exciting ways to
define a word, because young children
prefer to learn by interacting directly, this
technique thinking child to guess a word
by using gestures, this will help students
define or remember the meaning of the

The Step of using Charades Technique

in Teaching Vocabulary

There are some steps in applying

Charades technique according
to some experts. According to Dayton situation or an activity while the others
(1990:151), there are some steps in guess.
teaching vocabulary by using Charades:
Besides Maley and Duff (2007:174)
One player acts out something specific, proposes that the procedures by using
such as pretending to be a certain Charades technique are:
animal or person or pretending to be
doing a certain activity such as sewing, You will need to explain, and then
playing cards, watching and so on. demonstrate, how charades works, the
idea is that an individual (or group) has a
The other players try to guess who the word that they convey to others by
acting player is or what they are doing. miming and using sounds (but not words).
Usually this is done by breaking the word
You can have players working together into chunks and acting out teach chunk
in twos, threes or fours miming a separately, if the word was tennis, you
might show ten fingers, then point at your then mime waiting for a train at a
knees; if the word was humorous, you station.
could start by laughing a lot, then point to
yourself and others to show us; if the When students have idea, divide them
word was detestation, you could make a into groups of five. Give one word slip
face showing hate/disgust, to one person in each group. This
student then has to present the word as
quickly as possible to the other group

As soon as groups correctly guess the

first word, give out a different slip to
another group member. Continue with
the activity till everyone has had a turn.

Conduct whole-class feedback, inviting

volunteers to present some of their words
to everyone. What were

the most ingenious mimes? Moreover,

Allery (2009:149)

states that the steps are as follow:

Write some chosen vocabulary words or

phrases from the text on note cards and
have students take turns selecting a word
card and acting out (role playing or
pantomiming) the meaning of the word on
the card while holding or moving related
or symbolic objects. Suggested teacher
talk could be “what part of the pantomime
helped you to know the word?”
Have students give suggestions for what
the word might be until the correct word
is identified.

Return to the text, and highlight the

words students acted out within the text.
In conclusion, teaching vocabulary by more active and increases students'
using Charades can be modified based enthusiasm for learning.
on the level of students but the purposes
are same to increase students’ Based on three expert above, the writer
vocabulary well. Using Charades should choose one procedure by expert such as
be suitable with the materials and level Dayton (1990:151), because by using
of the students. Teacher should give the procedure, the students will be easy
more attention for them in learning in learning vocabulary.
process because the children need
attention and reward to appreciate their Advantages of Charades Technique
job. in this technique the students more
active because students use gestures Charades technique gives the advantages
such as playing cards, acting style in increasing vocabulary. According to
pantomime interlocutors addressed to Kaduson and Schaefer (2003:218),
them, with this process students will be charades can be used to develop
therapeutic rapport with the child. The what the child is experiencing helps to
therapist can “stack the deck" by deciding facilitate a development of compassion
which feelings are included in the game and understanding. Feeling charades
or the order in which the cards are drawn. can serve as a warm-up for sharing
Selected self-disclosure of feelings by the deeper emotional issues and help to
therapist similar to establish a comfort level through
acceptance of all feeling. This technique
helps children to regulate their emotion
in the delivery of a word.

Besides, Layne (2007:150) proposes

that this technique having a mixed age
team also has the advantage of helping a
younger child learn how to act out
words. These techniques learn how to
use the vocabulary words using
measures appropriate to the words that
we speak. This helps students to define
the word, and adjust the action with the
spoken word.

Furthermore Himmele (2011:72) states

that take them to activities of higher
level thinking. It is also a lot of fun
when students are asked to do this in a
group. By using the techniques students
are encouraged to think that done in
groups, it makes them more
comfortable in conducting activities in
the classroom and outside, and using
this technique will facilitate them to
learn vocabulary.
Based on the explanation above, the
writer can conclude, charades techniques
can help students was studying
vocabulary, techniques in teaching
students to manage emotions in
the act or the words, we see young people In this chapter, the writer will discuss
saying the words did not match what was about some topics discussion. The
said, this technique trains students to say topics will be divided into two stages.
the word by setting erosion as well as in They are: teaching vocabulary by using
acting. Students in the class using this Charades Technique and procedures of
technique in groups because students teaching activities.
prefer to work in groups, the group of
students to think how to provide the Teaching Vocabulary by Using
meaning of the words they have, in a way
Charades Technique
pantomime or gestures. So that the
children who watched would think to
guess what the word was presented, Teacher should prepare everything
children are happier and inspire them to before teaching to help her or him in
learn vocabulary. teaching because good preparation will
help her or him in teaching-learning
DISCUSSION process. Teacher should organize what
he or she will do in the teaching. There
are several things that should be
considered in teaching, such as: minute. To Pre-teaching activities are 10
material, in media the teacher use minute, While-teaching activities 40
picture, technique and then time minute and Post-teaching activities 20
allocation for Young learners is 2x35 minute. They should be suitable with
the level of students. The teachers
should consider about the students, such
as: Who the students are, what the
material is, how much the time to teach
the material for the students, etc.

Pre-teaching vocabulary activities consist

of some activities, such as: teacher greets
the students, checks attendance list, and
brainstorms the students’ ideas about the
topic by using pictures. In whilst-teaching
vocabulary activities, teacher explains the
materials and invites the students to play
“describe condition”. The students player
act something specific (person), the other
players try to guess who the acting player
is or what they are doing, the students
working together in fours miming a
situation or an activity while the others
guess. And then, every group performs in
front of the class. In the post-teaching
vocabulary activities, teacher wants to
know their understanding about the
material learnt. There are some activities
in this step, such as: teacher asks some
students to answer the questions that
related to the materials. After that, the
teacher gives the homework to make the
students more understandable about the
topics. And the
last activity is the teacher closes the of students. Teacher should know the
lesson. problems of students and the
characteristics of students. Teaching
CONCLUSIONS vocabulary for young learners is not
easy because they are easy to get
Based on the previous chapters, the writer influence from outside and inside.
can make conclusion that Vocabulary is The Charades technique is one of the
one of the aspects that should be gotten by techniques in teaching vocabulary. It can
students in learning language. Vocabulary help the teachers in teaching and help the
is collection of words that individual students to know about meaning of
knows and uses. Interaction never vocabulary. It consists of: listening,
happens without vocabulary. In English, spelling, pronouncing, translating, and
the students should increase their awriting based on the real life. In
vocabulary because all of the skills are applying Charades technique, there are
related to words. three steps that be done. They are: Pre-
teaching Vocabulary Activities, Whilst-
Teaching vocabulary is not an easy task
for teachers. Although there are many
techniques in teaching English, the
teachers should choose the appropriate
technique in teaching based on the level
Teaching Vocabulary Activities, and
technique, etc.
Post-teaching Vocabulary Activities.
Cameron, Lynne. 2001.
In this paper, the writer will Teaching

suggest the English teachers to use the Languages to Young Learners.

New York: Cambridge
Charades technique in teaching University Press.

vocabulary. The Charades technique not Coady, James & Hackin, Thomas. 1997.

only helps the students in understanding Second Language Vocabulary

Acquisition A Rationale for Pendagogy.
the material but also teaches them how New York: Cambridge University Press.

to build good cooperation in group. They Dayton, Tian. 1990. Drama Games. New

will be enjoyable during the learning and York: Health Communications.

give positive feedback for the teachers in Duff, Allan & Alan, Maley. 2007.

teaching-learning process. Drama Techniques. New York:

Cambridge University Press.
Before teaching, teachers should
Ellery, Valerie. 2009. Creating Strategic
have good preparation. They should
Readers. New York: Library of
prepare the media, materials based on
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the level of students, the appropriate
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Gabrielatos, Costas. 1998. Receptive
Skills with Young Learners. Retrieved Kaduson, Heidi Gerard & Schaefer,
April 9, 2012, from Http://www.young
learners.htm. Charles E. 2003. 101 Favorite

Graves, Michael F. 2009. Essential Play Terapy Techniques. Estover:

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Instruction. Chicago: Library of in-Publication Data.
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Layne, Marty. 2007. Learning At Home.
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Canada: Sea Change Publication.
Himmele, Persida & William Himmele.
Linse, Caroline T. 2005. Practical
2011. Total Participation
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of Congres Cataloging-in- Young Learners. New York:
Pablication Data. McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT.
Teare, Barry. 2006. Successful Provision
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Teaching Modern Languages to Young Education.
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Verghese, C. Paul. 2007. Teaching
Nunan, David. 2011. Teaching English
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