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Nama Penyusun DWI ILMIANI
Tahun Pelajaran 2022-2023
Jenjang Sekolah Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
Kompetensi Keahlian Akuntansi
Kelas X
Fase E
Elemen Membaca-Memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik membaca dan merespon berbagai
macam teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, narrative, eksposisi, recount, dan
report. Mereka membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau untuk
mendapatkan informasi. Mereka mencari dan mengevaluasi detil
spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam jenis teks. Teks ini dapat
berbentuk cetak atau digital, termasuk di antaranya teks visual,
multimodal atau interaktif. Pemahaman mereka terhadap ide pokok,
isu-isu atau pengembangan plot dalam berbagai macam teks mulai
berkembang. Mereka mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan
mengembangkan keterampilannya untuk melakukan inferensi
sederhana dalam memahami informasi tersirat dalam teks.

Alokasi Waktu 4 x 45 menit


1. Peserta didik sudah menguasai materi simple present tense

2. Peserta didik sudah menguasai materi simple past tense
3. Peserta didik sudah menguasai materi deskriptif teks dan recount text


 Gotong royong Bekerja sama mencari informasi lebih tentang materi yang
diberikan dalam grup.
 Mandiri Melakukan proses brainstorming pada kegiatan awal
 Kreatif Membuat pemaparan sederhana tentang hasil membaca teks narrative
sederhana dengan menggunakan kalimat sendiri.

 Berfikir Kritis Mengembangkan dan mengaitkan materi dalam kehidupan

Media Lembar kerja peserta didik, laptop, handphone, LCD
Proyektor, Amazon Kindle App.
Sumber Belajar Laman e-learning, e-book, buku
Bacaan, Youtube,
Peserta didik regular

Model: Problem Based Learning
Metode: Extensive Reading

1. Peserta didik dapat membaca dan merespon teks narative untuk mendapatkan informasi.
2. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis pada teks narrative.
3. Peserta didik dapat mendeskripsikan ide pokok, isu-isu atau pengembangan plot dalam teks
4. Peserta didik mengembangkan keterampilannya untuk melakukan inferensi sederhana dalam
memahami informasi tersirat dalam teks.
1.1 Peserta didik mampu menjelaskan (C2)definisi dari sebuah teks International Narative (Non-
Indonesian Folktale) di Amazon Kindle App dalam grup dengan tepat.
2.1 Peserta didik mampu menyebutkan (C2) struktur teks dari sebuah teks International Narative
(Non-Indonesian Folktale) di Amazon Kindle App dalam grup dengan tepat.
2.2 Peserta didik mampu menganalisis (C4) unsur kebahasaan dan fungsi sosial dari sebuah teks
International Narative (Non-Indonesian Folktale) di Amazon Kindle App dalam grup dengan tepat.

3.1 Peserta didik mampu menemukan (C4) ide pokok dan pesan tersirat dari sebuah teks
International Narative (Non-Indonesian Folktale) di Amazon Kindle App dalam grup dengan tepat.
3.2 Peserta didik mampu menganalisis (C4) setting dan penokohan dari sebuah teks International
Narative (Non-Indonesian Folktale) di Amazon Kindle App dalam grup dengan tepat.

4.1 Peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan (C5) sebuah International Narative text (Non-Indonesian
Folktale) di Amazon Kindle App dalam grup dengan benar.
4.2 Peserta didik dapat mempresentasikan (C6) alur cerita, penokohan, ide pokok dan moral value
dari sebuah International Narative (Non-Indonesian Folktale) di Amazon Kindle App dalam grup
dengan benar.
Narrative text adalah jenis teks cerita yang bersifat imajinatif dan juga menggambarkan rangkaian
peristiwa dari waktu ke waktu dijabarkan dari awal, tengah, dan akhir.
 Apakah di negara lain juga memiliki mitos dan legenda?
 Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang legenda yang terdapat di negara lain?
 Apakah kalian pernah membuat cerita fiktif sendiri?
 Guru menyusun LKPD
 Guru menyusun instrument assesmen yang digunakan
 Guru melakukan tes diagnostik
Pendahuluan 1. Guru memberi salam dan mengajak berdo’a sebelum pembelajaran dimulai
(10 menit)
2. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
3. Guru memberi apersepsi tentang materi yang akan dipelajari
4. Guru memberi motivasi kepada peserta didik dan menanyakan kondisi
5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan yang akan dicapai pada pembelajaran hari ini
6. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi yang dipelajari
7. Guru menyampaikan metode pembelajaran dan teknik penilaian yangakan

Inti Orientasi peserta didik pada masalah

(70 menit)
1. Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan (stimulus) tentang materi yang
akan dipelajari dengan cara mengamati video pendek yang berhubungan dengan

2. Peserta didik secara individu menjelaskan definisi teks narrative dari video yang
ditanyangkan oleh guru.
Mengorganisasi peserta didik
1. Peserta didik dikelompokkan secara heterogen.

2. Peserta didik dibimbing guru mulai log in di Amazone Kindle App untuk
memilih bacaan yang diminati.
Membimbing Penyelidikan Individu
1. Peserta didik diberikan LKPD (Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik)

2. Peserta didik secara berkelompok mencari informasi tentang fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan terkait teks narative secara berkelompok.

3. Peserta didik secara berkelompok menyebutkan struktur teks dari teks narative
dalam grup pada Amazon Kindle App.

4. Peserta didik secara berkelompok menganalisis unsur kebahasaan dan fungsi

sosial dari teks narative secara berkelompok pada Amazon Kindle App.
Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil
1. Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil diskusi teks narrative yang terdapat pada
Amazone Kindle App di depan kelas

2. Peserta didik memberikan feedback/ masukan dari presentasi kelompok lain

Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan maslah

1. Peserta didik diberikan quis tentang reading comprehension non-Indonesian
folktale di LMS sekolah (

2. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru melakukan diskusi kelas untuk

menganalisis hasil jawaban dan menyamakan persepsi tentang materi yang

Penutup 1. Guru memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk mereview pembelajaran yang telah
(10 menit)
2. Guru menginformasikan kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan pada pertemuan
3. Guru dan peserta didik berdo’a bersama.

Pendahuluan 1. Guru bersama siswa saling memberi salam dan berdo’a bersama sebelum
(10 menit)
pembelajaran dimulai

2. Siswa dicek kehadirannya oleh guru

3. Guru memberi apersepsi tentang materi yang akan dipelajari

4. Guru memberi motivasi kepada peserta didik dan menanyakan kondisi

5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan yang akan dicapai pada pembelajaran hari ini

6. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi yang dipelajari

7. Guru menyampaikan metode pembelajaran dan teknik penilaian yang akan

Inti Orientasi peserta didik pada masalah

(70 menit)
1. Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan (stimulus) tentang materi yang
akan dipelajari dengan cara mengamati video pendek yang berhubungan
dengan materi.

2. Peserta didik secara individu menemukan pesan tersirat (moral value) dari
video pendek yang ditanyangkan oleh guru.
Mengorganisasi peserta didik

1. Peserta didik dikelompokkan secara heterogen

2. Peserta didik secara berkelompok diberikan teks oleh guru melalui Amazone
Kindle App
Membimbing Penyelidikan Individu

1. Peserta didik diberikan LKPD (Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik)

2. Peserta didik secara berkelompok menemukan ide pokok dan pesan

tersirat dari teks narative dalam grup pada Amazon Kindle App.

3. Peserta didik secara berkelompok menganalisis setting dan penokohan dari

teks narative secara berkelompok pada Amazon Kindle App.
Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil

1. Peserta didik mempresentasikan setting, penokohan, ide pokok dan moral

value dari sebuah international narrative text (non- Indonesia folktale)
secara berkelompok.

2. Peserta didik memberikan feedback/ masukan dari presentasi kelompok


Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan maslah

1. Peserta didik dibimbing oleh guru me ny i mpu l ka n s e bua h
i nt e rn at i on al na r r at i v e t e x t ( no n - In do ne si a n fol kt a l e )
ya n g b a r u sa j a di p re se nt a s i ka n.

2. Peserta didik diberikan quis tentang alur cerita, setting, penokohan, ide
pokok dan pesan tersirat secara individu melalui LMS sekolah

3. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru melakukan diskusi kelas untuk

menganalisis hasil jawaban dan menyamakan persepsi tentang materi yang
Penutup 1. Guru memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk mereview pembelajaran yang telah
(10 menit)
2. Guru menginformasikan kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan pada pertemuan
3. Guru dan peserta didik berdo’a bersama.
Asesmen non kognitif  Apa yang sedang kamu rasakan saat ini?
 Bagaimana perasaanmu saat belajar sendiri di rumah?
 Hal apa yang paling menyenangkan dan tidak menyenangkan?
 Apa yang kamu inginkan dalam pembelajaran hari ini?

Asesmen kognitif awal Terlampir (Pertemuan 1)

Asesmen Formatif  Quis (Pertemuan 2)

 Presentasi (Pertemuan ke 2)

Asesmen Sumatif Penilaian Akhir Lingkup Materi (PH)

 Pengayaan diberikan kepada peserta didik yang menguasai materi ini dengan sangat baik, yaitu
dengan cara memberikan ragam soal yang tingkatannya lebih tinggi.
 Remedial diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum menguasai materi dengan baik, yaitu dengan
cara memberikan pengulangan materi dasar serta materi spesifik yang kurang dikuasai oleh
peserta didik . (Materi pengayaan dan remedial terlampir)


 Apakah model pembelajan yang saya gunakan sesuai dengan materi dan karakteristik peserta
 Apakah semua peserta didik nyaman belajar dalam kelompoknya?
 Pada bagian mana dari materi ini peserta didik mudah memahami?
 Bagaimana kesesuaian durasi waktu dan tujuan belajar yang ingin dicapai pada pembelajaran ini?

Disahkan oleh
Kepala SMK N 2 Pekalongan Guru Mapel
Pekalongan,23 September 2022

Dra. Sukowati, M.Si Dwi Ilmiani, M.Pd

NIP.19680116 199302 2 001
 Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik
 E-Book Bahasa inggris SMK kelas X
 International Folktale Books pada Amazon Kindle App
Narrative text adalah jenis teks cerita yang bersifat imajinatif dan juga menggambarkan
rangkaian peristiwa dari waktu ke waktu dijabarkan dari awal, tengah, dan
Non Indonesian cerita yang disampaikan dari mulut ke mulut tentang dongeng atau cerita
Folktale rakyat yang berasal dari luar negeri.

Amazon Kindle App Sebuah aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Amazon untuk menyimpan dan
menampilkan buku elektronik dan media digital lainnya yang dapat di isntal
pada smart phone.

 Grace, Eaudia. 2019. Pathway to English. Jakarta: PT Gravindo Pratama.
 Lande, Shyla. 2017. Forward English for Vocational School. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.
 Frank, Marcella. 2013. Modern English. Jakarta: Stamford Heile.

Disahkan oleh
Kepala SMK N 2 Pekalongan Guru Mapel
Pekalongan,23 September 2022

Dra. Sukowati, M.Si Dwi Ilmiani, M.Pd

NIP.19680116 199302 2 001
Definition & Social Function
A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people. Narrative is a text
focusing on specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events
and entertain the readers.

Fungsi sosial dari narrative text adalah untuk menghibur audiens atau
pembaca. Maka dari itu, jenis teks yang satu ini cocok untuk anak kecil maupun
remaja dan dewasa. Tujuan dari narrative text ini sama dengan recount text,
lo. Tapi, kalau narrative text kan ceritanya khayalan, sedangkan recount text adalah
cerita nyata.

*Genre of Narrative Text

Generic Structure

Orientation Complication Resolution Re-orientation

Berisi perkenalan Bagian ini akan mulai Resolution adalah akhir Sebetulnya struktur
tokoh dan latar masuk pada paragraf dari cerita atau yang satu ini tidak wajib
yang terlibat yang menceritakan kesimpulan dari cerita. ada di narrative
dalam isi cerita. terkait awal mula Paragraf ini bisa text. Namun, umumnya
Dalam hal ini, masalah suatu peristiwa menjadi penjelasan kalimat dalam paragraf
latar bisa menjadi atau kejadian. Karena lanjutan dari solution. ini akan menceritakan
tempat kejadian bersifat kronologis, Dalam bagian ini, kondisi terakhir sang
serta waktu cerita maka masalah yang penulis juga dapat tokoh dalam cerita, atau
muncul di awal akan menggambarkan bisa juga berisi tentang
berlanjut menjadi apakah narrative pelajaran dan pesan
rentetan alur cerita text yang dibuat akan moral yang dapat
panjang yang berakhir dengan sad diambil oleh pembaca
mengandung konflik, ending atau happy untuk
klimaks, serta anti ending. diimplementasikan
klimaks dalam kehidupan nyata.

Language Features of Narrative Text

. Simple Past Tense

Hayo, masih ingat apa itu simple past
tense? Itu, lo, tenses yang digunakan
untuk menceritakan masa
lampau. Nah, karena erat kaitannya
dengan kisah atau cerita di masa
lampau, maka tenses yang paling
umum dipakai dalam narrative
text adalah past tense dengan
perubahan bentuk kata kerja menjadi
Verb 2. Namun teman-teman semua
juga hati-hati ya.. karena dalam teks
ini past continuous maupun past
perfect juga sering loh…
Action Verb
Kalau kamu sudah mengetahui semua jenis kata kerja (verb)
dalam bahasa Inggris, pasti sudah familiar dengan action
verb, kan? Action verb adalah jenis kata kerja untuk
menyatakan suatu aksi atau kegiatan yang tampak dan bisa
dilihat oleh orang lain. Action verbs umum digunakan dalam
teks naratif untuk menceritakan kronologis kejadian dan
aktivitas apa saja yang dilakukan oleh tokoh di dalam
cerita. Contoh action verb yang menggunakan simple past
tense adalah sent, killed, etc.

Conjuction of Time
Karena teks naratif adalah cerita yang berbentuk
kronologis, maka kamu bisa
menggunakan conjunction of time untuk
menghubungkan alur dari setiap latar waktu yang
berbeda, sederhananya untuk mengurutkan
kejadian-kejadian. Conjunction of time adalah
kata hubung dalam bahasa Inggris untuk
menunjukkan keterangan waktu. Contohnya
adalah before, after, as soon as, until, till, dan
masih banyak lagi.

Seperti yang kita tahu, adjective adalah kata sifat. Biasanya, dalam teks
naratif, kata sifat ini berperan untuk menggambarkan atau menjelaskan
karakteristik spesifik setiap tokoh yang disebutkan dalam cerita.
Contoh, Aladdin is a poor man, Cinderella is a beautiful girl.

Selanjutnya, dalam teks naratif kita akan sering
menemukan noun sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan, atau benda tertentu.
Misal, ada teks naratif yang menceritakan tentang Ratu Elizabeth atau
tentang Raja William. Nah, dalam penulisan ceritanya, jika tokoh utama
selalu ditulis dengan penyebutan nama asli, pasti akan membosankan,
bukan? Jadi, di sinilah noun akan muncul. Misal, Ratu Elizabeth diganti
dengan kata “The Queen”, kemudian Raja William diganti dengan “The
Read the following story!

Once upon a time, there was an old woman, a widow who

had a cow named Milky-White, and an only son named
Jack. As they were poor, they had to live from the milk the
cow gave every morning, which they carried to the market
and sold there. One morning the cow Milky-White gave
no milk, so they were worried and didn't know what to do.
"What shall we do, what shall we do?" said the widow,
wringing her hands. The only thing they could do is to sell
their Milky-White and use the money for starting a shop.
Jack agreed.

In the market, he met an old man who greeted Jack. He

hadn't gone far when he met a funny-looking old man,
who said to him, "Good morning, Jack." Jack greeted
back but was wondering how this funny-looking old man
knew his name. The old man showed him the beans
pulling out of his pocket, and offered him a trade - his beans for Jack's cow. Jack refused the idea and
told him to go away thinking that man is trying to trick him, but the old man planted a seed of doubt by
telling him that these are the magic beans and that if Jack plants them overnight, the beans will grow
right up to the sky and Jack agreed to the trade.

Jack, proud of his trade, told his mom she'll never guess. "You'll never guess, mother," says Jack.
"No, you don't say so. Good boy! Five pounds? Ten? Fifteen? No, it can't be twenty. "He shows her
the beans and says they are magical. His mother was so mad and sent him to bed without dinner. In
the midnight, He soon realized that the beans his mother threw out the window last night sprung into
a large beanstalk. It went all up to the sky as the old man said it would. Since the beanstalk grew close
to Jack’s window, he opened it and jumped right onto the beanstalk, and climbed until he reached the
sky. When he got to the end he saw that there is a long road so he walked until he came to the big,
tall house where a big tall woman was standing at the doorstep. "Oh! please, mum, do give me
something to eat, mum. I've had nothing to eat since yesterday morning, really and truly, mum," says
Jack. "I may as well be broiled as die of hunger."

Since the ogre's wife was good, she took Jack to the kitchen and fed him with a jug of milk and bread
and cheese. The ogre was a big one. He had a belt with three calves which he unhooked when he
settled down by the table and demanded his wife to give him breakfast. Soon, he sensed the smell of
a little boy hiding. "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, Be he alive, or be he dead, I'll
have his bones to grind my bread." His wife told him that he’s dreaming and that there are no humans
in this house or perhaps he senses the smell of a young boy he had for dinner last night. She told him
to go wash himself before breakfast. After he had his breakfast, the ogre took out a couple of bags of
gold, left them on the table, and began to snore. Jack quietly stepped out of the oven and tried to pass
ogre on his tiptoes. He took one bag of gold and hurried towards the beanstalk. He threw down the
bag and climbed down the beanstalk until he came home. He showed his mother the gold and told her
that he was right, that this beanstalk is magical.

Media pembelajaran yang diguanakan guru pada

materi ini yaitu Amazon Kindle App, Powerpoint,
Video, dan website



Source: Source:

3. Power point

4. Website sekolah

Asesmen Kognitif Awal

(Soal dapat diakses oleh siswa pada

Read carefully the following text and choose the best answer!
This museum is located in Ambarawa in central Java. The museum focuses on the
collection of steam locomotive. Ambarawa was a military city during the Dutch
colonial government. King Willem I ordered the construction of the new railway
station to enable the government to transport it’s troops to Semarang. On May the 21st
1873, the Ambarawa railway station was built on 100,027,500 squares meter land.
Back then it was known as the Willem I station. The Ambarawa railway museum was
established much later on October 16, 1976 in the Ambarawa station to preserve the
steam locomotive. They were coming to the end of their useful life when the 3 feet 6
inches guard railway or the Indonesian state railway or Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api
was closed. The steam locomotives are parked in the open air next to the original

1. What was the Ambarawa called during the dutch colonial government?
A. A military city
B. A railway museum,
C. A new railway town,
D. King Willem I station.
E. Steam locomotives station,

2. Why was the Ambarawa railway museum established?

A. To build new railway museums.
B. To transport government troops.
C. To preserve the steam locomotives
D. To build a new government station.
E. To park the locomotives at the original station

3. What is the main collection in the museum?

A. King Willem train
B. Steam locomotive
C. A new railway town
D. King Willem I station
E. Traditional train
4. Read carefully the following question and choose the best answer!
Thomas ........................... (not, handsome) but he .............. (smart) in every lesson
A. isn't hansome; is smart
B. isn't hansome; smart
C. isn't hansome; is smarts
D. not hansome; smart
E. doesn't hansome; is smar
5. Read carefully the following conversation and choose the best answer!
Dudi : Who finished the project?
Harfi : Citra did, last night……
A. She worked over time
B. She finishes it on time
C. She hasn’t started it yet
D. She will do it
E. She has done
6. Read carefully the following conversation and choose the best answer!
Jean : I don’t see Tika in her class. Where is she?
Badra : Sometimes, …………………...
A. She stays in the hospital to visit his mother
B. She staying in the school library
C. She’s gone hiking to Mount Salak with her classmate
D. She was attending the meeting of students’ association
E. She operated the new photocopy machine

7. Read carefully the following conversation and choose the best answer!
Rio : Did you see the One Direction Concert yesterday?
Ann : Yes I did. I enjoyed it very much. ……………
A. It is really cool
B. It was really amazing
C. It was really annoying
D. It will be good
E. It has unimpressed me

Question number 8- 10 based on the text below. Read carefully and choose the best answer!
Alferd Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, and ornament
manufacturer. He was the inventor of dynamite. He also owned Bofors, which he had
redirected from its previous role as primarily an iron and steel producer to a major
manufacturer of cannons and other ornament. He held 355 different patents, dynamite
being the most famous.
He was the third son of Immanuel Nobel and Andriette Ahlsell Nobel. Born in
Stockholm on 21 October 1833, he went to Saint Petersburg in 1842, where his father
invented modern plywood. He studied chemistry with Professor NickolaevichZinin.
When he was eighteen, he went to Unite State to study chemistry for four year and
worked for a short period under Jhon Ericsson, who designed the American Civil War
ironclad USS Monitor.
The foundation of the Nobel prize were laid in 1895 when Alferd Nobel wrote his last
will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize has honored
men and women for outstanding achievement in physics, chemistry, medicine,
literature and for work in peace.

8. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The third son of Immanuel Nobel
B. Study chemistry for four year
C. Nobel ambistion in mastering the chemistry
D. The American Civil War ironclad USS Monitor.
E. Nobel family and education backgroun

9. The foundation of the Nobel prize...." , the underline and bold word has similar meaning with?
A. Social Activism
B. Convention
C. Nationality
D. Organisation
E. Discussion
10. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To persuade the reader for buying Alferd Bernhard Nobel’s Biography
B. To tell the reader about Alferd Bernhard Nobel Biography
C. To instruct the reader how to build a foundation
D. To entertain the reader about life story of Alferd Bernhard Nobel
E. To influence the reader for buying Alferd Bernhard Nobel’s Biography

BENAR X 10 = 100
10 X 10 = 100


a. Click the video link below!
b. Watch the video!

What does the video tell us about?

What is narrative text?



a. Click the Amazon Kindle App

b. Choose the title that you like.
c. Make notes of important information based on the text (generic structure, social function, language
d. After reading narrative text in Amazon Kindle App, answer these following questions a group!

1. What is th e p u rp o se o f n arrati v e text?

2. What is the social function of narrative text?

3. What is the generic structure of narrative text?

4. What is the language features of narrative text?


a. Click the video link below!
b. Watch the video!
c. After watching the video, do you find the moral value? please explain it!

Moral value:


a. Click the Amazon Kindle App

b. Choose the title that you like.

c. Make notes of important information based on the text (setting, theme, character, characterization,
moral value)
d. After reading narrative text in Amazon Kindle App, answer these following questions a group!

1. What is main idea for each paragraph that you have read? Mention it briefly.

2. Explain the theme and setting of the text!

3. Analyze the character and the characterization that you found in the text?

4. What is the moral value of the text?

(Soal secara lengkap dapat diakses oleh siswa pada

Read carefully the following question and choose the best answer!

The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house.
She planned to eat them both. Each night the children cried and begged the
witch to let them go. Meanwhile, at home, their mother was beginning to wish
she had never tried to get rid of the children. “I must find them,” she said and set
off into the forest. Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and
her lips were dry from thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch.
The mother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when she
saw the two children. She picked up the broom leaning against the door and
crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the mother
gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the mother shut the
door. ‘Children, I have come to save you,’ she said hugging them tightly. I have
done a dreadful thing. I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home
and become a family again. They returned to their home and she became the
best mother anyone could wish to have, and they lived happily ever after!

1. The story is about….

A. Two children went to school for the first time
B. A witch who is really kind
C. A father who begged a witch for money
D. A stepmother who saved her children from a witch
E. Two children saved their stepmother from a witch

2. How did the stepmother find her children?

A. She walked into the forest
B. She got tired and met her children
C. She peeped through the window of the witch’s cottage
D. She fell into the cliff
E. She was pushed against the wall

3. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Hansel and Gretel are jailed by the witch
B. Gretel was set to clean the room
C. The mother cried and run to the forest
D. The kindness of the witch
E. Hansel found his mother in the witch’s cottage
Issumboshi reached the capital city and anchored under the bridge. Then he
climbed up to the railing and viewed the town. “There is a fine palace over there. I
shall ask them at once.” At long last Issumboshi arrived at the palace. “Excuse me,
but I want to meet the feudal lord.”The lord came to the door, “What? Who’s there?”
“Here I am, at your feet.” “Oh. How small! Why do you want to meet me?” “Please
let me be your retainer.” “I wonder if your very small body can do anything.” “I’ll
stay in your pocket and guard you from all harm.” When Issumboshi said so, a bee
came buzzing by. “Yhaa!” Issumboshi yelled, stabbing the bee. “Bravo! I employ
you. It would be good if you became the Princess’s man.” “Oh! What a cute fellow
he is!” said the Princess, putting Issumboshi on her palm. “I will defend you upon
my life,” said Issumboshi.The Princess liked Issumboshi, and she taught him
reading, writing, and various studies. Further, Issumboshi practiced fencing very
hard in order to be strong. One day the Princess went out to worship at the Kiyomizu
Temple. Suddenly there was a strong wind, and some demons appeared. The leader
of the demons tried to grab the Princess.
“Help me!” she screamed. Issumboshi tried to help her, but the demon caught
him and threw him into his mouth. Issumboshi, who was swallowed, jabbed and
jabbed the demon’s stomach. The demon rolled over and spat out Issumboshi.
Issumboshi jumped at the demon and stabbed his eyes. The remaining demons were
frightened. They ran away in great haste, but one demon, who was left behind,
trembled while holding the magic hammer. “Do you want me to stab your eyes,
too?” Issumboshi asked. “Please, don’t. This is the magic hammer that will grant
you a wish. I give it to you, so please spare me.” And saying this, he ran off in a
hurry. “Thank you, Issumboshi. You have saved my life,” the Princess said.
“Princess, please wave this magic hammer and make a wishthat I may become big,”
said Issumboshi. The Princess waved it and asked, “May Issumboshi become big!”
And then, strangely, before her eyes, Issumboshi began to grow. He grew into a nice
young man. They went back to the palace, and the Princess asked the King to let her
marry Issumboshi. The Princess and Issumboshi then got married, and they invited
Grandfather and Grandmother to live with them in the palace. They lived happily
ever after

4. What is moral value of the text?

A. Don’t be stingy to other people
B. You will not find a happiness without opportunity
C. Don’t see thing from the physical appearance
D. Stay focus and do what you love
E. Be a good person and always kind

5. What did issumboshi do after the demon swallowed him?

A. Issumboshi passed away in the demon’s stomach
B. He used magic hammer to defeat the demon
C. He jabbed the demon’s stomach
D. Isusumbhosi rolled over and spat the demon
E. He ran for stabbing the prience
Table of Reading Scoring Rubric
Central Idea and 4.The student has clearly identified the central idea and provided
Textual Evidence substantial evidence from the text as support.
3.The student has clearly identified the central idea and provided some
evidence from the text as support.
2.The student has clearly identified the topic but has not clearly
identified the central idea and provided little evidence from the text as
1.The student has not identified the topic or central idea and has not
provided evidence from the text as support.

Inferences and 4.The student is able to use evidence from the text to draw inferences
Valid Conclusions or valid conclusions with a high level of accuracy.
3.The student is able to use evidence from the text to draw inferences
or valid conclusions with some accuracy.
2.The student is able to draw some inferences or conclusions based on
evidence from the text, but may also use personal interpretation.
1.The student draws invalid inferences or conclusions based on
personal interpretations with no evidence from the text.

Analysis 4.The student is able to accurately identify the author’s primary

purpose and any bias in the text.
3.The student is able to accurately identify the author’s primary
purpose but may not be able to identify bias in the text.
2.The student is able to identify the author’s primary purpose with
assistance, but is not able to identify bias in the text.
1.The student is unable to identify the author’s purpose or bias in the

Application 4.The student applies many concepts from the text to respond to a
given task or course content.
3.The student applies some concepts from the text to respond to a
given task or course content.
2.The student applies few concepts from the text to respond to a given
task or course content.
1.The student is unable to apply the concepts from the text to respond
to a given task or course content.

4 = High level excellence in evidence of comprehension of written materials and performance at
the college level*
3 = Demonstrable, competent, expected evidence of comprehension of written materials and
performance at the college level
2 = Minimally acceptable, inconsistent evidence of comprehension of written materials and
performance at the college level
1 = Poor, unacceptable evidence of comprehension of written materials, intervention required

Source: Rio Salado College


ASPEK Belum Kompeten (0-6) Cukup Kompeten (6-7) Kompeten (8-9) Sangat Kompeten (10)
Proses Peserta didik tidak Peserta didik kurang Peserta didik terlibat secara Peserta didik terlibat dalam
penyusunan terlibat dalam diskusi dan terlibat dalam diskusi dan aktif tetapi menutup diri secara aktif dan terbuka
tidak aktif. kurang aktif. untuk diskusi. untuk Diskusi.

Proses presentasi Peserta didik tidak mampu Peserta didik mampu Peserta didik mampu Peserta didik mampu
hasil. mempresentasikan hasil mempresentasikan hasil mempresentasikan hasil mempresentasikan hasil
diskusi kelompok. namun dengan sikap yang dengan sikap yang baik dengan sikap yang baik
kurang baik. namun tidak mampu dan mampu berdiskusi.

Hasil Peserta didik tidak Peserta didik kurang mampu Peserta didik mampu Peserta didik mampu
penyusunan menyusun mengidentifikasi dan kurang mengidentifikasi tetapi tidak mengidentifikasi dan
lembar aktivitas mampu menganlisis text mampu menganalisis teks menganalisis teks
analisis bacaan narrative sesuai dengan funsi narrative sesuai dengan fungsi narrative sesuai dengan
teks narrative. sosial, struktur teks dan unsur sosial, struktur teks dan unsur funsi sosial,struktur teks
kebahasaan dengan baik kebahasaan dengan baik. dan unsur kebahasaan
dengan baik

Sumber: Learning Asessment (2019) Kemdikbud

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