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Nama Sekolah : SMPN 1 Pontianak

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : IX/2
Materiwo Pokok : Transactional Conversation
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 20 menit

A. Kompetensi Dasar
Kompetensi Dasar (Pengetahuan) Kompetensi Dasar (Keterampilan)
3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 4.6. Menyusun teks interaksi
struktur teks, dan unsur transaksional lisan sangat
kebahasaan teks interaksi pendek dan sederhana yang
transaksional lisan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan
meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadia
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadia n yang sudah/telah
n yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau
dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan
dikaitkan dengan sekarang, tanpa menyebutkan
keadaan sekarang, tanpa waktu terjadinya secara spesifik,
menyebutkan waktu terjadinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi
secara spesifik, sesuai dengan sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
konteks penggunaannya kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
(perhatikan unsur kebahasaan konteks.
present perfect tense).

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
a. Siswa dapat membedakan makna kata “have” yang digunakan dalam present &
present perfect tense melalui kegiatan classify the information dengan tepat dan
b. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata ‘have/has been’ melalui kegiatan ‘parroting’
dengan benar.
c. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata ‘haven’t’ melalui kegiatan ‘parroting’ dengan
d. Siswa dapat mengaplikasikan pola ‘I have + v3’ dalam percakapan singkat dan
sederhana melalui kegiatan role playing dengan tepat dan bertanggunjawab.
e. Siswa dapat mengaplikasikan pola ‘Have you + v3’ dalam percakapan singkat dan
sederhana melalui kegiatan role playing dengan tepat dan bertanggunjawab.
C. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Let’s Have Lunch Together!
Juna : Have you had your lunch?
Tere : No, I haven’t.
Juna : Let’s go eating.
Tere : I’m sorry but I haven’t finished my homework.
Juna : Don’t worry. I’ll help you after eating. Come on!
Tere : I appreciate it. But I haven’t felt hungry yet.
Juna : Hey! You need to eat. Your body needs energy to finish your
Tere : But . . .
Juna : It’s my treat. No worries about money. I have just received my
writing fee.
Tere : Oh. You’re so kind. Thanks, Juna.
Juna : Ah. Don’t mention it.

b. Present vs. Present Perfect Tense

Present Present Perfect
I have a book. I have finished reading a book.
I have a lunch box. I have had my lunch.
I have a homework to do. I have done my homework.

D. Metode Pembelajaran
a. Model Pembelajaran : Communicative Language Teaching
b. Teknik Pembelajaran : Parroting, Classify the Information, & Role Playing

E. Langkah Pembelajaran
a. Introduce the topic
i. The teacher opens the lesson.
ii. The teacher plays a video about transactional conversation: Let’s have a
lunch together!
iii. The students guess the topic of the lesson.
b. Main teaching
i. The teacher plays the video once again
ii. The teacher break down the utterance from the video and explain it.
iii. The teacher says the highlighted words
iv. The students pronounce the words correctly
v. Assessment 1: Classify the Information
vi. Assessment 2: Role Playing
c. Closing
i. The teacher reviews the lesson
ii. The teacher closes the lesson
F. Media Pembelajaran
a. Interactive video presentation
b. Worksheet 1: Clasify the Information
Read the following conversation carefully and classify the word
‘have’accordingly to the table below.

Doni : Hey Ratu! I have a new book entitled ‘Seni Hidup Minimalis’
Ratu : Oh. I also have that book and I have finished reading it.
Doni : I see. You have finished reading the book. What have you learnt
from the book?
Ratu : Well, I have learnt about minimalistic. Now, I only have two
pairs of shoes.
Doni : It sound fantastic. Then, where do you put the other shoes.
Ratu : I have donated them to those who need them. And that is what I
have learnt from the book.

Present Tense Present Perfect Tense

… …
… …
… …
… …
… …

c. Worksheet 2: Role Playing

Read the following synopsis carefully. In pair, make a short and simple
dialog about Watching a Movie in a Cinema. Make sure you use present
perfect tense in the conversation!

Synopsis: Alya have just bought two movie tickets. One for herself and
one for her friend, Ryan. Alya’s favorite is horror movie and Ryan’s
comedy. They decided to watch comedy movie. Alya have watched the
movie twice

d. Assessment 2: Checklist table (for teacher)

I have + v3
Have you + v3

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