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Moh. Abyan Zakly (17522244)

Febri Saputra (17522161)





Jurnal 1

A. Judul

Aplikasi Teori Respon Butir Untuk Menguji Invariansi Pengukuran Psikologi Guna
Keperluan Survei dan Seleksi Pekerjaan

B. Nama Penulis

Wahyu Widhiarso

C. Latar Belakang Masalah

melalui studi meta analisis menemukan bahwa rerata skor skala kepribadian dari
aplikan yang mengikuti seleksi kerja lebih tinggi 0,48 hingga 0,65 di atas rerata skor
dari subjek yang telah bekerja. Penelitian lain juga menunjukkan bahwa hadirnya
respons tipuan mempengaruhi skor total. Paparan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa
pengukuran psikologi rentan terhadap respon yang menipu dan adanya respon menipu
tersebut dapat mengganggu properti psikometris pengukuran yang dilakukan.

D. Tujuan Penelitian

Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan, pertama untuk mengeksplorasi pengaruh

respon menipu terhadap perubahan parameter butir melalui pemodelan IRT.
Investigasi pengaruh respons tipuan terhadap parameter butir dapat dilakukan dengan
membandingkan parameter butir dari dua kondisi pengukuran, yaitu kondisi jujur dan
kondisi menipu. Kedua, mengidentifikasi model IRT yang tepat dalam
menggambarkan respons tipuan.

E.Hasil Penelitian

Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa semua asumsi IRT pada semua faktor
kepribadian dapat dibuktikan. Hasil analisis dimensionalitas pengukuran melalui
analisis faktor konfirmatori menunjukkan bahwa asumsi model pengukuran tunggal
pada masing-masing konstrak menghasilkan indeks ketepatan model yang dapat
dibuktikan. Hasil analisis invariansi menunjukkan bahwa semua data bersifat
invarian. Pengujian invariansi menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara hasil kalibrasi pada
kedua kelompok semuanya tinggi (0,76 – 0,89). Pengujian DIF yang dilakukan
sebagai uji pelengkap pengujian invariansi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat satu butir
yang memiliki perbedaan hasil kalibrasi parameter, yaitu satu pada faktor keramahan
dan satu pada faktor emosi stabil. Hasil ini tidak mempengaruhi kesimpulan peneliti
karena penelitian lebih mengutamakan pada korelasi antar hasil kalibrasi parameter.


Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Pertama, pemodelan IRT

dengan menggunakan data yang berasal dari data partisipan yang memanipulasi
responnya terhadap butir skala secara umum memiliki kesamaan dengan dari data
partisipan yang tidak memanipulasi responnya. Hasil kalibrasi parameter butir pada
kedua kondisi menunjukkan nilai ambang yang setara pada semua faktor skala
kepribadian lima faktor. Kedua, probabilitas untuk mendapatkan skor butir yang
tinggi antara partisipan yang netral dan partisipan memiliki motivasi (memberikan
impresi positif), cenderung bervariasi. Pada faktor keterbukaan, keramahan dan
keterbukaan, beberapa butir memberikan probabilitas yang berbeda antara kedua jenis
respons tersebut.

G. Daftar Pustaka
Wahyu Widhiarso. (2011).Aplikasi Teori Respon Butir Untuk Menguji Invariansi
Pengukuran Psikologi Guna Keperluan Survei dan Seleksi Pekerjaan.Fakultas
Psikologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada.Vol. 3, No. 2, 104–117

Jurnal 2

A. Judul



B. Nama Penulis

Mega Mutia

C. Latar Belakang Masalah

Operator pemetikan teh dan operator proses produksi teh hijau, bekerja dibawah
pengawasan mandor. Sering kali mereka ditegur oleh mandor karena melakukan
kesalahan, ini memberikan tekanan secara psikologis pada operator. Aktivitas fisik
juga dialami oleh kedua operator. Operator pemetikan teh bekerja dibawah terik
matahari dalam waktu yang cukup lama, selain itu mereka juga harus berjalan sambil
mengangkat daun teh yang telah dipetik seberat 40 kg sampai 60 kg ke rumah hujan
atau tempat penimbangan teh. Aktivitas fisik yang dialami oleh operator proses
produksi teh hijau yaitu, bekerja ditempat yang pengap dan panas, mengangkat bahan
baku secara manual ke dalam mesin pengolahan, memindahkan hasil olahan teh ke
dalam cube truck. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian
terhadap beban kerja, yaitu beban kerja fisiologis dan psikologis pekerja, sehingga
dapat meningkatkan kinerja pekerja dalam melakukan aktivitas.

D. Tujuan Penelitian

1. Mengukur beban kerja fisiologis operator pemetikan teh dan operator produksi teh
hijau di PT Mitra Kerinci.

2. Mengukur beban kerja psikologis operator pemetikan teh dan operator produksi teh
hijau di PT Mitra Kerinci.

3. Memberikan rekomendasi berdasarkan hasil dan nilai yang diperoleh pada

penyelesaian kasus pengukuran beban kerja fisiologis dan psikologis pada operator
pemetikan teh dan operator produksi teh hijau di PT Mitra Kerinci.

E.Hasil Penelitian

Penilaian beban kerja berdasarkan pengukuran denyut nadi/jantung selama bekerja

merupakan metode untuk penilaian %CVL (cardiovasculair strain). Derajat beban
kerja hanya tergantung pada jumlah kalori yang dikonsumsi, akan tetapi juga
bergantung pada pembebanan otot statis. Sejumlah konsumsi energi tertentu akan
lebih berat jika hanya ditunjang oleh sejumlah kecil otot relative terhadap sejumlah
besar otot. Persentase CVL yang didapat pada pengolahan untuk operator produksi teh
hijau yaitu pada operator rotary panner, OTR, ECP, boll tea dan sortasi adalah besar
dari 30%. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pada operator tersebut terjadi kelelahan dalam
melakukan pekerjaannya dan harus dilakukan perbaikan kerja pada 516 Jurnal
Optimasi Sistem Industri, Vol. 13 No. 1, April 2014:503-517 ISSN 2088-4842
OPTIMASI SISTEM INDUSTRI aktivitas dan operator tersebut. Sementara itu
operator pengepakan mendapat %CVL kecil dari 30%, hal ini bearti bahwa operator
pengepakan tidak terjadi kelelahan dan dapat ditambah lagi beban kerjanya.

1. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan beban kerja dengan menggunakan

metode NASA-TLX, dapat disimpulkan bahwa beban kerja pada aktivitas pemetikan
teh dan produksi teh hijau tergolong kategori tinggi karena berada pada range 50-
79,99. Indikator yang mendapat nilai tertinggi adalah Physical Demand (PD).

2. Untuk beban kerja fisiologis pada pemetikan teh dan produksi teh hijau PT Mitra
Kerinci tergolong kategori beban kerja ringan, karena kebutuhan kalori yang
dihasilkan pada masing – masing aktivitas berada dibawah 200 Kilo kalori / jam.
Untuk persentase CVL didapatkan bahwa operator pemetikan teh dengan mesin1,
pemetikan teh dengan mesin2, pemetikan teh dengan gunting2, pemetikan teh dengan
tangan1, rotary panner, OTR, ECP, boll tea dan sortasi harus diperlukan perbaikan
kerja, karena persentase CVL yang didapatkan pada aktivitas ini adalah besar dari
30%. Sedangkan untuk aktivitas operator pemetikan teh dengan gunting1, pemetikan
teh dengan tangan2, dan operator pengepakan dikategorikan operator tersebut tidak
mengalami kelelahan karena hasil persentase CVL yang didapatkan <30%.

3. Rekomendasi yang diberikan pada perusahaan adalah perusahaan melakukan

perbaikan pada fasilitas pabrik maupun pada lokasi pemetikan teh tempat para pekerja
melakukan aktivitasnya, misal pada pabrik diberi penerangan ruangan yang cukup dan
pada tempat pemetikan teh disediakan rumah hujan yang layak. Selain itu dilakukan
perbaikan sistem kerja seperti perbaikan shift kerja, dilakukan sistem rotasi kerja agar
operator tidak mengalami beban kerja yang terlalu tinggi.

G. Daftar Pustaka


Industri, Vol. 13 No. 1.
Jurnal 3 : Internasional

A. Judul

Is Expressive Suppression Always Associated With Poorer Psychological

Functioning? A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between European Americans and Hong
Kong Chinese

B. Nama Penulis

Elizabeth A. Lee and Mark R. Minnick

C. Latar Belakang Masalah

Of particular relevance to the present study are findings demonstrating that the
negative health correlates of emotion inhibition (i.e., suppression) appear to be
attenuated among some immigrant populations (Consedine et al., 2005). In terms of
well-being, there is evidence that the experience of emotions may be a stronger
predictor of life satisfaction among members of individualist nations, where emotions
and their displays are emphasized, than among those in collectivist nations, where
suppression may be more normative (Suh, Diener, Oishi, & Triandis, 1998). These
studies support the notion that cultural differences in the suppression– health
relationship should be further studied.

D. Tujuan Penelitian

The present study compares a sample of European American and East Asian students
on measures of emotion regulation and psychological functioning to determine
whether the negative associations observed previously are moderated by culture.

E.Hasil Penelitian

Table 1 provides mean comparisons for each group on our primary variables of
interest. An examination of the data reveals that HKC participants reported
significantly lower levels of life satisfaction and higher levels of depressed mood than
EAs, consistent with past research (Uchida, Norasakkunkit, & Kitayama, 2004). Also
consistent with previous research, HKC reported using suppression with significantly
greater frequency than EAs. There were no differences in the use of reappraisal.


Although we have argued that the pattern of these relationships is to be expected on

the basis of the cultural norms observed in the cultures represented by our samples,
these contextual influences are often overlooked in clinical settings. For example, the
default assumption in clinical practice is that individuals suppress their emotional
expressions at the expense of psychological and physical health. Our findings provide
a major qualification to this approach when working with those from other cultures.
Future considerations of these and other factors can ensure a more nuanced approach
to how emotion regulation affects healthy functioning in individuals from diverse

G. Daftar Pustaka

Elizabeth A. Lee., Mark R. Minnick. (2011). Is Expressive Suppression Always

Associated With Poorer Psychological Functioning? A Cross-Cultural
Comparison Between European Americans and Hong Kong Chinese.
Pennsylvania State University, Emotion ,Vol. 11 No. 6, 1450-1455.

Jurnal 4 : Internasional

A. Judul
Authentic leadership promoting employees' psychological capital and creativity

B. Nama Penulis

Arménio Rego, Filipa Sousa, Carla Marques and Miguel Pina e Cunha

C. Latar Belakang Masalah

Authentic leadership (AL) is “as a pattern of leader behavior that draws upon and
promotes both positive psychological capacities and a positive ethical climate, to
foster greater self-awareness, an internalized moral perspective, balanced processing
of information, and relational transparency on the part of leaders working with
followers, fostering positive self-development” (Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner,
Wernsing, & Peterson, 2008: 94). In recent years, the topic is a target of great interest
both among scholars and practitioners. Both argue that AL promotes positive
employees' attitudes and behaviors and contributes to organizational performance.
More empirical research is necessary for continuing to test this premise. This paper
merges the AL, psychological capital, and creativity literatures, and shows how AL
predicts employees' creativity both directly and through the mediating role of PsyCap,
PsyCap is an individual's positive.

D. Tujuan Penelitian

The remainder of the paper structures as follows. The second section discusses
arguments leading to the hypotheses. The third and fourth sections present the method
and results, respectively. The final section discusses the main findings, the limitations
of the research, and some avenues for future research. The study seeks to contribute to
enriching a research stream that is in an early stage of development and to a literature
that is still short on empirical studies. Considering that most studies about leadership
come from the USA, the paper also responds to a call for research in more culturally
diverse samples.

E.Hasil Penelitian
Several control variables intercorrelate, but none correlates significantly with AL,
PsyCap, or creativity. AL relates positively with employees' PsyCap and creativity.
Employees' PsyCap and creativity intercorrelate positively. Therefore: (a) employees
with higher PsyCap are more creative and (b) employees with higher PsyCap and
creativity are those whose leaders are more authentic. Structural equation modeling
(using LISREL with the maximum likelihood estimation method) tests the causal
model, considering both the final and the initial set of items for measuring AL and
PsyCap. The study uses employees' gender, age, schooling, tenure, and length of
supervisor–subordinate contact as control.


The study is not without its limitations and future studies are necessary for a better
understanding of why authentic leaders impact employees' creativity. First: the data
do not allow an unquestionable determination of the hypothesized causality, other
causal links and explanations being plausible. For example, employees with higher
PsyCap and creativity levels may motivate leaders to reciprocate and to be more
transparent with them and to solicit views that challenge deeply held positions.
Leaders may feel free to behave more authentically if they perceive high levels of
psychological and creative resources in their employees. Performing creativity acts
may induce positive emotions of pride and achievement in employees, making them
more prone to describe their leaders positively.

G. Daftar Pustaka

Arménio Rego., Filipa Sousa., Carla Marques., Miguel Pina e Cunha. (2012).
Authentic leadership promoting employees' psychological capital and creativity.
Journal of Business Research , 429-436.
Jurnal 5 : Internasional

A. Judul

Scoring and Modeling Psychological Measures in the Presence of


B. Nama Penulis

Steven P. Reise, Wes E. Bonifay and Mark G. Haviland

C. Latar Belakang Masalah

Many personality and psychopathology measures are designed to assess individual

differences on a single target construct; yet, the pages of assessment journals are filled
with confirmatory factor analytic (CFA) work that repeatedly demonstrate item
responses to the measure of interest having a multidimensional structure (i.e., multiple
correlated dimensions account for the common variance better than a unidimensional
model). A major conclusion commonly drawn from CFA research is that
multidimensional structures support the development and scoring of subscales and, in
fact, call into question the use of total scale scores. Findings of multidimensionality
also suggest that if item responses to a measure are used to represent a latent variable
in structural equation modeling (SEM), a multidimensional measurement model (e.g.,
second-order, bifactor, correlated factors) is required.

D. Tujuan Penelitian

1. To what degree do total scale scores reflect reliable variation on a single construct?

2. Is the scoring and reporting of subscale scores justified?

3. If justified, how much reliable variance do subscale scores provide after controlling
for a general factor?

4. Can multidimensional item response data be represented by a unidimensional

measurement model in research with SEM, or are multidimensional measurement
models (e.g., secondorder, bifactor) necessary to achieve unbiased structural

E.Hasil Penelitian

we note that the “added value” of subscales issue addressed by the Haberman (2008)
procedure, perhaps, is an issue most pertinent to large-scale educational testing, where
instruments are designed, analyzed, and scored by professional psychometricians and
where such scores routinely are used to make critical individual, school-level, and
societal decisions of great consequence. Sinharay, Puhan, and Haberman (2011)
presented differences between achievement tests and personality and clinical scales,
noting, in particular, that personality scales are intended to measure narrower
constructs. They suggested that the problems with unreliable subscales and high
correlations between subscales and total test scores might not be so prevalent outside
of educational testing. We appreciate their arguments, but also believe that there is a
superabundance of examples of personality and psychopathology measures where an
essentially unidimensional domain has been broken up unnecessarily into subscales.
For example, Reid, Garos, and Carpenter (2011) reported on a CFA of their
Hypersexual Behavior Inventory, in which they confirmed three correlated factors,
which when scored as subscales, have subscaleto-total score correlations ranging from
r = .92 to .95. This example of new scale development is a prime case in which the
Haberman procedure can serve psychological assessment more generally as a minimal
hurdle to clear when considering the development or reporting of subscale scores,
even when multidimensionality is confirmed.


The third method was comparison modeling, where we illustrated the use of SEM to
judge the effect of forcing multidimensional data structures into a unidimensional
measurement model on the bias in structural coefficients. We, again, cannot provide
clear benchmarks for “good” versus “bad.” In this study, we used a criterion of 10%
bias as acceptable. Some researchers might tolerate higher levels, but still others will
insist that no level of bias is acceptable. For this latter group, nothing but a well-
fitting multidimensional measurement model will suffice. Regardless of one’s “good–
bad” standard, the comparison MULTIDIMENSIONALITY AND SUBSCALE
SCORING 139 modeling procedure provides a way for researchers who want to
directly evaluate the effects of multidimensionality on important parameters, such as
factor loadings or structural coefficients. The only requirement is that the researcher
has a well-fitting multidimensional model to serve as the comparison. Finally, our
TAS–20 analyses were largely for demonstration purposes. The substantive findings,
however, might be useful to researchers as they evaluate published TAS–20 CFAs
and studies in which the authors have drawn conclusions about the relationship of
alexithymia to an external correlate. They could be useful, too, as researchers plan
new TAS–20 structural evaluations and SEM studies, as well as in the evaluation of
observer alexithymia measures as demonstrated by Reise et al

G. Daftar Pustaka

Steven P. Reise., Wes E. Bonifay., Mark G. Haviland. (2013). Scoring and Modeling
Psychological Measures in the Presence of Multidimensionality. Journal of
Personality Assessment, 95,129–140.

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