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Anindya Sricandra Prasidya

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Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)


A. Keperluan Perangkat Keras :

- PC atau Laptop 64-bit
- Minimal RAM : 1GB
- Minimum HardDisk 10 GB

B. Keperluan Perangkat Lunak Tambahan

- Operating system linux (64-Bit) : Redhat, fedora, Ubuntu, centos 6.3, Linux Mint
- Pengaturan shell-script untuk user menggunakan cshell (csh) bukan bash
- Compiler menggunakan gcc dan gfortran v4.2 atau versi 4.4
- NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) 3.6.1
- GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) v4.5.x
- Untuk beberapa kasus butuh binutils untuk melengkapi /usr/bin/ld

C. Intalasi perangkat lunak tambahan

- Setelah instalasi OS Linux, lakukan update dan upgrade OS (koneksi internet harus tersedia)
Untuk Ubuntu, run perintah pada terminal :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
- Kemudian lakukan download dan instalasi program tambahan diatas melalui terminal
sudo apt-get install build-esential
sudo apt-get install csh tcsh gcc gfotran libx11-dev gcc-multilib gfortran-
- Kemudian untuk instalasi netCDF dan GMT bisa melalui terminal, dengan run perintah :
sudo apt-get install netcdf-bin gmt
atau bisa melalui Synaptic Package Manager, pada kolom pencarian carilah netCDF dan GMT, kemudian
klik kanan dan pilih “Mark For Installation”.
- Tambahkan path environment di home, dengan run perintah pada terminal :
gksu gedit .bashrc
kemudian isikan path setting :
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/gmt/bin
- Untuk cek instalasi GMT bisa dengan run perintah GMT pada terminal
Misal :
pscoast, psvelo, dan pswiggle, dll.

D. Cara Instalasi GAMIT

- Login sebagai root melalui terminal
sudo su
- Buat folder gamit.10.5 pada /usr/local, perintahnya :
cd /usr/local
mkdir gamit.10.5
cd gamit.10.5

Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)

- Kopikan file instalasi gamit ke folder gamit.10.5, file source terdiri dari

perintah copy file dari /home/user/gamit.10.5 (asumsi folder source gamit bernama gamit.10.5 pada
cp -f ~/gamit.10.5/* .
- Selanjutnya buat file install_software pada usr/local/gamit.10.5 menjadi executable file dengan cara :
chmod +x ./install_software
- Lalu run perintah :
./install_software -c gftn (enter)
- Tunggu prosesnya, hingga muncul tampilan :

GAMIT and GLOBK to be installed into /usr/local/gamit.10.5

If you need help with command line options type CTL_C now and type install_software –
help on the command line

The compressed tarfiles will be removed after extraction of the directories, but except
for that, the script may be stopped and rerun safely from any point. Tarfiles to be
uncompressed :

com.10.50.tar.gz etopo5.grd.10.0.tar.gz gamit.10.50.tar.gz help.10.50.tar.gz

kf.10.50.tar.gz libraries.10.50.tar.gz maps.10.1.tar.gz tables.10.50.tar.gz

Continue ? (y/n)

- Ketik “y” lalu [enter], dan muncul sebagian tampilan berikut :

. . .
. . .

Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)


Do you want to apply incremental updates: incremental_updates.131220.tar.gz

Continue ? (y/n)

- Ketik “y” lalu [enter], tunggu prosesnya dan muncul sebagian tampilan berikut :

. . .
. . .
. . .

Using compiler option : gftn

Have you checked that compiler flag options is the assignment block
of the ./libraries/Makefile.config for your particular hardware/OS type
are correctly set for your compiler?

If NOT stop now, and make compiler flag options assignment block for your particular
hardwar/OS type in ./libraries/Makefile.config. the same as the compiler flag options
assignment block for Linux. (Only the 4 lines defining compilers and compiler flags
need to be modified).

Continue ? (y/n)

- Ketik “n” lalu [enter],

- Kemudian lakukan editing pada Makefile.config untuk mendefinisikan library path dari X11 dan OS_ID
nya dalam folder /usr/local/gamit.10.5/libraries, caranya sebagai berikut :
Run perintah :

gksu gedit libraries/Makefile.config

Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)

Edit bagian “common” sesuai petunjuk berikut ini :

. . .
. . .
. . .
# ------------------------ common --------------------------------- #

# X11 library location – uncomment the appropriate one for your system
# Generic (will work on any system if links in place)
X11LIBPATH /usr/lib/X11 <---------------- kolom 1 di baris ini ketik #
X11INCPATH /usr/include/X11 <---------------- kolom 1 di baris ini ketik #
# Specific for Sun with OpenWindows
#X11LIBPATH /usr/openwin/lib
#X11INCPATH /usr/openwin/share/include/X11
# Specific for PC Solaris 10
#X11LIBPATH /usr/openwin/lib
#X11INCPATH /usr/openwin/share/include/X11
# Specific for Linux RedHat 7,8 and 9, RH-FCl -> 3
#X11LIBPATH /usr/X11R6/lib
#X11INCPATH /usr/X11R6/include/X11
# Specific to FC5
#X11LIBPATH /usr/lib <---------------- tanda # di kolom 1 dihapus
#X11INCPATH /usr/include/X11 <---------------- tanda # di kolom 1 dihapus
# Specific for MIT HP and Sun for Release 5
#X11LIBPATH /usr/lib/X11R5
#X11INCPATH /usr/include/X11R5

. . .
. . .

# —– for Linux from 0.0.1 to 3.0.0 --- #

OS_ID Linux 0001 3000 <---------------- ganti menjadi 0001 3500

- Kemudian simpan perubahan dengan klik save dan lakukan run ulang perintah install software sebagai
berikut :
./install_software -c gftn [enter]

Tunggu prosesnya, dan muncul konfirmasi berikut :

GAMIT and GLOBK to be installed into /usr/local/gamit.10.5

If you need help with command line options type CTL_C now and type install_software –
help on the command line

The compressed tarfiles will be removed after extraction of the directories, but except
for that, the script may be stopped and rerun safely from any point. Tarfiles to be
uncompressed :

Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)

ls : no match.
Continue ? (y/n)

- Ketik “y” lalu [enter], muncul sebagian tampilan berikut :

.. uncompressing and extracting the directories:

Using compiler option : gftn

Have you checked that compiler flag options is the assignment block
of the ./libraries/Makefile.config for your particular hardware/OS type
are correctly set for your compiler?

If NOT stop now, and make compiler flag options assignment block for your particular
hardwar/OS type in ./libraries/Makefile.config. the same as the compiler flag options
assignment block for Linux. (Only the 4 lines defining compilers and compiler flags
need to be modified).

Continue ? (y/n)

- Ketik “y” lalu [enter], muncul sebagian tampilan berikut :

.. adding /usr/local/gamit.10.5 to your search path to continue installation

To execute GAMIT and GLOBK you will need to set your login path to include
/usr/local/gamit.10.5/com /usr/local/gamit.10.5/bin /usr/local/gamit.10.5/kf/bin

You Operating System is : Linux

Your default awk version is : /usr/bin/awk

Searching directories set in libraries/Makefile.config for X11 installation

Verified these path to X11 libs and includes
X11INCPATH: /usr/include

Are these paths complete and correct for your system? (y/n)

- Ketik “y” lalu [enter], maka muncul sebagian tampilan berikut :

X11LIBPATH and X11INCPATH OK in libraries/Makefile.config.

GAMIT dimensions in libraries/Makefile.config are set to

maxsit = 60
maxepc = 2880
maxatm = 13
maxsat = 32
Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)
Are these defaults found in Makefile.config correct?
If NOT edit Makefile.config now before choosing to continue
Continue ? (y/n)

- Ketik “y” lalu [enter], lalu tunggu sampai selesai (kecepatan selesai tergantung spesifikasi komputer) dan
muncul tampilan berikut :

. . .
Gfortran -03 –Wunitilalized –fno-f2c –ffast-math –fno-automatic –fno-backlash
multibase.f ./plot_lib.a x1000/x1000.a ../gen_util/gen_util_lib.a
../../libraries/comlib/com_lib.a –L/usr/lib-lX11 –o multibase
rm –f multibase.o
Made plot

Remaking the links from ../bin the executables

Links made

GLOBK installed

Create the gg link in your home directory to the version of

gamit/globk you just installed ? (y/n)

- Ketik “y” lalu [enter], maka muncul sebagian tampilan berikut :

Making required ~/gg link to newly installed software

ln –s –f /usr/local/gamit.10.5 ~/gg

Don’t forget to set your : path to include /usr/local/gamit.10.5/gamit/bin and

: HELP_DIR environment variable in you shell profile
(in .cshrc/.tcshrc add: setenv HELP_DIR
: INSTITUTE environment variable in you shell profile
(in your .cshrc/.tcshrc add: setenv INSTITUTE where_i_work)
where_i_work is a 3 character identifier for your solutions

- Sampai disini compile untuk instalasi GAMIT telah selesai

- Kemudian lakukan setting path pada setiap folder di /home/user (seperti yang diperintahkan diatas)
o Keluar dari user root (ketik “exit” lalu enter pada terminal)
o Kemudian “exit” kembali untuk menutup terminal
o Buka kembali terminal
o Buat file .bashrc (untuk ubuntu, centos memakai .cshrc dengan cara :

Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)

gksu gedit .bashrc [enter]

kemudian isikan path setting berikut ini :

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gamit.10.5/gamit/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gamit.10.5/kf/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gamit.10.5/com
export HELP_DIR=/usr/local/gamit.10.5/help/

Lalu klik save.

o Kemudian buat link dengan perintah :

ln -s -f /usr/local/gamit.10.5 ~/gg

o Selanjutnya keluar dari terminal (logout)

- Sampai disini instalasi GAMIT telah selesai

- Masuk lagi pada terminal, kemudian lakukan test untuk menguji apakah GAMIT telah berhasil terinstal
atau belum, run perintah :

doy [enter]

Maka muncul tampilan berikut :

DOY: Converts various date formats

DOY: Converts various date formats.

% doy <jd/year> <doy/month> <day> <hr> <min>
% doy <gps_week>W <gps_sow/gps_dow>
% doy <DecYear>Y

where jd is Julian date (assumed if only one argument)

year is calender year
doy is day of year (assumed if two arguments)
month is month
day is day of month.
hr min is hrs and minutes of day (Only if ymd form used).
In the second form (i.e. W appended to the first value),
the entries are assumed to gps week no and the second entry
(optional) is either gps day of week (0-6) or seconds of
gps week.
NOTE: GPS Day of Week runs from 0-6 (Changed May 20, 1997).
In the third form with Y appended, the argument is taken as
deciminal year. (Versions after 2004/12/21 correctly account
for leap years in converting deciminal years back to Julian dates)

The conversions made are based on the number of arguments


NDOY: Version of doy of year which takes keyboard input in the

Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)

forms above. (^D ends program input).

Example: doy 92 200

Date 1992/07/18 0:00 hrs, DOY 200 JD 2448821.5000 MJD 48821.0000
GPS Week 653 Day of week 6, GPS Seconds 518400 Day of Week Sat
Decimal Year 1992.54372

Example: doy 654W 345600

Date 1992/07/23 0:00 hrs, DOY 205 JD 2448826.5000 MJD 48826.0000
GPS Week 654 Day of week 4, GPS Seconds 345600 Day of Week Thu
Decimal Year 1992.55738

***TODAY*** IS:
Date 2015/04/26 20:40 hrs, DOY 116 JD 2457139.3612 MJD 57138.8612
GPS Week 1842 Day of week 0, GPS Seconds 74405 Day of Week Sun
Decimal Year 2015.317427860 GRACE Seconds 483352805.0

Atau run perintah :

sh_gamit [enter]

Maka muncul tampilan berikut :


Sh_gamit is a script to automate GAMIT processing

- sets up a directory structure for GAMIT

- gets tables and data from various archives around the world
- converts raw to RINEX if necessary
- runs GAMIT and saves phase sky-plots to check daily quality

To run for a particular experiment, create a /tables directory within

your experiment directory, copy into /tables the following files from
gg/templates and modify them appropriately:
process.defaults sites.defaults
sestbl. sittbl.
Check other files in the templates directory. Edit them to suit the type
of analysis you are running, and the options you like.

Script to automate GAMIT processing

Usage: sh_gamit <options>

Where the following are some of the options avaiable:

-dir Experiment directory or root directory for experiment processing.

This must be an absoute path. [Default pwd]
-d yr days where yr and days are the data to be processed e.g. 1997 153 156 178
-s yr d1 d2 where d1 is start day and d2 is stop day to be processed e.g. 1997 153 178
-r day where day is number of days before current date.
-expt 4 char name of experiment/s to run. (list of expts can be used). [Default expt]
-orbit Type of orbit to use. (IGSU IGSR IGSF SIOR SIOF MITF ESAF BRDC ) [Default IGSF]
Optional second argument gives the day-of-year for the orbit if not the same as processing
-orbt 4 char ID for g-files. Specify to use a non-conventional, locally generated g-file [Default
is lowercase of downloaded orbit type]
-eops Name of EOP series to use. (bull_b, bull_a, etc.) [Default usno]
-localeop Use a local copy of EOP tables (series used is defined by -eops).
No ftp update will be attempted. [Default off]

Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)

-remakex Y/C/N Y - Remake x-files without checking.
C - Remake x-file if orbit and are incompatable and all RINEX available [Default
N - Don't remake x-files under any circumstances
-renamek Y/C/N Y - Remove existing k-files and remake
C - Do not remake k-files unless missing or X-files remade (default)
N - Do not remake k-files -- stop if missing
-remakej Y/N Y - Remake j-file (default)
N - Do not remake j-file (used with epoch-by-epoch j-files for SA with mismatched time tags)
-netext char add network suffix <char> to day directories. Ie 035r
-yrext add year prefix to day directories. Ie 1997_053
-pres Plot gamit residuals as skyplots NO / YES (skyplot only) / ELEV (skyplot + phase vs elevation
[Default N]
-nogifs Do NOT create skyplot gifs.
-sessinfo Session - sampling interval, number of epochs, start time (default 30 2880 0 0)
-rx_doy_plus Search RINEX file names this many days into the future for current-day data
-rx_doy_minus Search RINEX file names this many days into the past for current-day data
-minspan Minimum span of data in rinex files in hours [Default is 0.1 (6 min)]
-mailto Name of user and machine to send results summary. (eg.
-snrres Calculate theoretical phase residuals from SNR. (requires raw data or rinex W/SNR)
-noacc Do not exclude satellites base on accuracy codes in the .sp3 file. [Default exclude]
-ofit val Maximum orbit misfit allowed when fitting GMAIT orbit model to .SP3 file. [Default 0.2 m]
-xsite list List of sites to be excluded from the processing. [format site:yyyy_ddd-yyyy_ddd OR site]
-copt opts Types of files to be compressed in the day directory. [Default: x k ao D]
-aopt opts Types of files to be archived under -archivepth <dir>. [Default: null]
-dopt opts Types of files to be deleted from the day directory. [Default: c]
Possible d-, c-, and a- opts: D, H, ao, ac, as, b, c, d, e, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, met, o, p,
ps, q, t, x, z, all
Note: all for -dopt will also remove the day directories, so pairs logically with -aopt H h
q as
-topt opts Defines the list of table files to be relinked if they already exist [Default = none]
none all nutabl. soltab. luntab. gdetic.dat guess_rcvant.dat leap.sec svnav.dat
tform.dat antmod.dat rcvant.dat dcb.dat
core pole ut1
-h Use Hatanaka RINEX compress algorithm. [Default No]
-archivepth dir Directory where files are to be archived [Default $procdir/archive]
-xver char 1-character x-file version (6th character of x-file). [Default is single-digit year]
-noftp Use this option if no ftp download connections are available.
-met Link in RINEX met files from ../met [Default off]
-ion Link in IONEX files from ../ionex [Default no]
-ftp_prog Name of ftp program: ftp or ncftp [default is ftp]
-rinex_ftpsites List of ftp sites to be searched for rinex files [default sopac cddis and unavco]
-aprfile Name of xyz coordinate .apr file to be used. [Default is itrf2000.apr]
-xcheck Y/N Do not ftp rinex file if the xfile exists already [Default N]
-noprocess opt Use this option if gamit processing should be avoided. [Default ftp].
Possible: ftp - ftp rinex, eop, brdc, orbits.
preproc - ftp + preprocess sites updating and lfile if necessary.
-update_l (Y/N) Use this option to stop the l-file being updated by the .apr file [Default = Y]
-no_lf_upd Do NOT update the master tables l-file (lfile.) when large coordinate adjustment occur - EVER.
[Default - update tables/lfile. if Update tolerance specified in sestbl. is exceeded
-fixed_rx_list Link ONLY rinex files for sites listed in sites.defaults [Default = N]
-sd file Name of sites.defaults file to use [Default = $procdir/tables/sites.defaults]
-metutil N/Z Output Zenith wet delay and precipitable water using zenith hydrostatic delays [Default N]
Z - Use GAMIT z-files to provide zenith hydrostatic delays (o-file interval is assumed)

Other options are set in the process.defaults file located in the tables directory

To get more options type: sh_gamit -help

Example: sh_gamit -d 98 240 -orbit SIOF -expt tubi -eops usno -nogifs

Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)


Bisa juga dicoba run perintah seperti tform, sh_glred, sh_get_ion, sh_upd_stnfo, dll.

- Kemudian untuk update file ocean tide loading, atmospheric loading, dan mapping function, lakukan
penggantian file dalam /usr/local/gamit.10.5/tables dengan file yang baru. File-file tersebut dijadikan
dalam satu folder (misal : /home/user/file_koreksi_gamit) antara lain :

atmdisp_cm.2013_333, otl_FES2004.grid, vmf1grd.2013

(ketiga file bisa didownload di

kemudian login sebagai root

sudo su

kopikan file tersebut /usr/local/gamit.10.5/tables pada dan ganti namanya, untuk

atmdisp_cm.2013_333 menjadi atml.grid
otl_FES2004.grid menjadi otl.grid
vmf1grd.2013 menjadi map.grid

caranya sebagai berikut :

cd /usr/local/gamit.10.5/tables
cp -f ~/file_koreksi_gamit/atmdisp_cm.2013_333 ./atml.grid
cp -f ~/file_koreksi_gamit/otl_FES2004.grid ./otl.grid
cp -f ~/file_koreksi_gamit/vmf1grd.2013 ./map.grid

Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)


Efendi, J. 2014. Instalasi GAMIT. Bagian Geodesi-Geodinamika, Pusat Jaring Kontrol Geodesi dan Geodinamika,
BIG. Unpublished document.

Muliawan, L.A.,. 2012. Install GAMIT on Ubuntu.


Instalasi GAMIT/GLOBK 10.5 By : Anindya Sricandra P (April 2015)


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