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Volume 26 No.

2, 2016 ISSN 0853-7097

E-ISSN 2502-5120



(Journal of Horticulture)
Volume 26 No. 2 ISSN 0853-7097 Tahun 2016
E-ISSN 2502-5120
Terakreditasi Berdasarkan Keputusan Kepala Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia
Nomor: 818/E/2015

Penanggung Jawab (Officially Incharge)

Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura
(Director of Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development)

Dewan Redaksi (Board of Editors)

Prof. Dr. I Djatnika, M.S., (Fitopatologi/Phytopathology)
Peneliti Utama Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias
Prof. Dr. Didi Ardi Suriadikarta, M.Sc., (Kesuburan Tanah/Soil Fertility)
Peneliti Utama Balai Penelitian Tanah
Dr. Witono Adiyoga, M.S., (Sosial Ekonomi/Social Economics)
Peneliti Utama Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran
Drs. M. Jawal Anwarudin Syah, M.S., (Agronomi/Agronomy)
Peneliti Utama Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura
Prof. Dr. Ika Mariska, (Bioteknologi/Biotechnology)
Peneliti Utama Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber
Daya Genetik Pertanian
Prof. Dr. Budi Marwoto, M.S., (Pemuliaan/Breeding)
Peneliti Utama Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias
Dr. Ir. Setyadjit, M. App. Sc., (Teknologi Pascapanen/Postharvest Technology)
Peneliti Utama Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Pascapanen Pertanian
Redaksi Pelaksana (Managing Editors)
Drs. Sanuki Pratikno
Ir. Ofi Luthfiyah
Aat Indah Widiastuti, S. Kom.
Turyono, S.P.
Gusrianto, S. Kom.

Alamat (Address)
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura
Jln. Tentara Pelajar No. 3C, Kampus Penelitian Pertanian Cimanggu, Bogor 16111, Indonesia
Telp. +62 251-8372096 (Eks. 324) (Hunting System), Fax. +62 251-8387651, 8372096
Volume 26 No. 2, 2016 ISSN 0853-7097
E-ISSN 2502-5120



Volume 26, No. 2 ISI (CONTENT) Tahun 2016

Lembar Abstrak (Current Content) .......................................................................................................................... i-xii

Pemuliaan dan Teknologi Benih (Breeding and Seed Technology)
Keragaan Tiga Galur Lanjut Cabai Merah pada Ekosistem Dataran Tinggi Lembang, Jawa Barat
(Performance of Three New Advanced of Hot Pepper Genotypes Grown on High Land Ecosystem of Lembang,
West Java) Kusmana, Yenni Kusandriani, Rinda Kirana, dan Liferdi .......................................................................... 133-142
Karakter Morfo-Fisiologi Daun Tiga Jenis Plantlet Anggrek pada Tahapan Aklimatisasi (Leaf Morpho-Physiological
Characters of Three Orchid Species on an Acclimatization Stage) Arief Priyadi dan Ema Hendriyani ..................... 143-152
Seleksi dan Adaptasi Tiga Spesies Unggul Jamur Kuping (Auricularia spp.) untuk Dataran Medium (Selection and Adaptation
on Three Strain Candidate of Five Superior the Wood Ear Mushroom Strain for Medium Land) Diny Djuariah ............ 153-162
Karakterisasi dan Evaluasi Markisa Asam Hibrid Hasil Persilangan Markisa Asam Ungu dan Merah (Passiflora sp.)
(Characterization and Evaluation of Passion Fruit Acid Hybrid from Purple and Red Passion Fruit Acid Crossing)
Agustina Erlinda Marpaung, Karsinah, dan Bina Br Karo .................................................................................................. 163-170
Analisis Progeni F1 Hasil Persilangan Intra dan Inter-Spesies Durian (Durio sp.) Menggunakan Marka Mikrosatelit
[Analysis of F1 Progenies of Intra and Inter-Species Crossing of Durian (Durio sp.) using Microsatellite Markers] Adi
Pancoro, Tri Annisa Septiyani, Ni Luh Putu Indriyani, dan Panca Jarot Santoso ......................................................... 171-180
Karakter Fotosintesis Genotipe Tomat Senang Naungan pada Intensitas Cahaya Rendah (The Photosynthetic Characters
of Loving-Shade Tomato Genotypes at Low Light Intensity) Dwiwanti Sulistyowati, Muhammad Ahmad Chozin,
Muhamad Syukur, Maya Melati, dan Dwi Guntoro ........................................................................................................ 181-188
Karakterisasi Morfologi dan Anatomi Markisa F1 di Kebun Percobaan Berastagi (Morphology and Anatomy Characterization
of Passion Fruit in Berastagi Experimental Farm) Rina Christina Hutabarat, Rasiska Tarigan, Susilawaty Barus,
dan Fitriana Nasution ................................................................................................................................................... 189-196
Fisiologi dan Agronomi (Physiology and Agronomy)
Uji Adaptasi Wortel di Tanah Lempung Liat Berpasir Dataran Rendah Palangka Raya (Adaptation Test of Carrot at Sandy Clay
Loam in Low-Land Areas of Palangka Raya) Muhammad Anang Firmansyah, Twenty Liana, dan Wiwik Rahayu ..... 197-206
Pengaruh Penambahan Pupuk Hayati dan PPC Terhadap Keberhasilan Pembuahan Mangga Podang di Luar Musim (Effect of
Biofertilizer and Liquid Fertilizer on Off-Season Podang Mango Fruiting Success) Sri Yuniastuti dan Titiek Purbiati .... 207-216

Proteksi (Protection)
Isolasi dan Identifikasi Mikoparasit Utama pada Karat Krisan (Isolation and Identification of Major Mycoparasite on
Chrysanthemum Rust) Evi Silvia Yusuf, Wakiah Nuryani, dan Hanudin ..................................................................... 217-222
Identifikasi Gejala dan Kisaran Inang Enam Isolat Begomovirus Cabai di Indonesia (Symptom and Host Range Identification
of Six Chilli Begomovirus Isolate in Indonesia) Redy Gaswanto, Muhamad Syukur, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, dan
Neni Gunaeni ................................................................................................................................................................ 223-234
Ketahanan Aksesi Jeruk Seedles Terhadap Tiga Strain Virus Tristeza Jeruk (Resistance Seedles Accession to Three Strain of
Citrus Tristeza Virus) Mutia Erti Dwiastuti dan Sri Widyaningsih ............................................................................. 235-244
Induksi Resistensi Tanaman Krisan Terhadap Puccinia horiana P. Henn. Dengan Menggunakan Ekstrak Tanaman Elisitor
(Resistance Induction of Chrysanthemum Plant to Puccinia horiana P. Henn Using Elicitor Plant Extracts) Hanudin,
Wakiah Nuryani, dan Budi Marwoto ............................................................................................................................. 245-256
Sinergisme Jamur Entomopatogen Metarhizium anisopliae Dengan Insektisida Kimia untuk Meningkatkan Mortalitas Ulat
Bawang Spodoptera exigua (Synergism Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium anisopliae and Chemical Insecticide
to Increase the Mortality of Armyworm Spodoptera exigua) Ahsol Hasyim, Wiwin Setiawati, Abdi Hudayya, dan
Luthfy ............................................................................................................................................................................ 257-266
Indeks Kumulatif (Cumulative Index) Volume 26 No. 1-2 Tahun 2016 ................................................................................... 267-270
J. Hort. : Lembar Abstrak

Keragaan Tiga Galur Lanjut Cabai Merah pada for ingredient of daily menu. Production and quality
Ekosistem Dataran Tinggi Lembang, Jawa Barat yield are affected by interaction of genotypes and
(Performance of Three New Advanced of Hot Pepper environment. Therefore, in the breeding program of
Genotypes Grown on High Land Ecosystem of hot pepper adaptation test of the genotypes to the
Lembang, West Java) spesific environment is a must. The experiment was
conducted at high land ecosystem in Lembang, District
Kusmana, Yenni Kusandriani, Rinda Kirana, dan Bandung, West Java Province. The experimental
Liferdi used randomized complete block design with five
replications. Three genotypes of hot pepper used in
B a l a i P e n e l i t i a n Ta n a m a n S a y u r a n , J l n . this experiment were (1) PP 0537-7558, (2) YK-1,
Ta n g k u b a n P a r a h u N o . 5 1 7 , L e m b a n g , and (3) YK-2 and two varieties Perisai and Tanjung-
Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40391 2 as control variety. Each plot was planted by 30
E-mail: plants. Data collected were plant height, plant vigor,
J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 133-142 intensity plant damage due to antracnose and yellowing
virus, fruit weight, fruit size, numbers of fruit, and
ABSTRAK. Cabai merupakan sayuran penting yang morphology data. The results of research showed that
banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat di Indonesia the most vigorous and the highest plant was obtained
untuk berbagai keperluan termasuk sebagai bumbu from YK-2 genotype. The highest yielding was also
masakan. Produksi dan mutu hasil cabai dipengaruhi obtained from YK-2 genotype (22.64 ton/ha) and
oleh interaksi antara faktor genetik dan lingkungan. significantly different compared to control varieties
Oleh karena itu dalam perakitan varietas unggul Tanjung-2 (14.62 ton/ha) and Perisai (14.96 ton/ha).
cabai perlu dilakukan pengujian respons genotipe YK-2 genotipe had an ideal of fruit length (15,08 cm)
terhadap lingkungan spesifik. Pengujian keragaan which are longer than that of cv. Perisai (9.06 cm). The
dilakukan di bawah kondisi agroekosistem dataran genotypes tested was morphologically characterized
tinggi di Lembang, Kab. Bandung Barat, Provinsi Jawa based on local growth condition.
Barat. Penelitian disusun menggunakan rancangan
acak kelompok dengan lima ulangan.Tiga galur baru Keywords: Capsicum annuum L.; Genotypes;
cabai merah, yaitu (1) PP 0537-7558, (2) YK-1, dan Performance; Ecosystem; High land
(3) YK-2 serta dua vartietas pembanding Perisai
dan Tanjung-2 dijadikan sebagai perlakuan. Setiap
Karakter Morfo-Fisiologi Daun Tiga Jenis
plot ditanami 30 tanaman. Peubah yang diamati di
Plantlet Anggrek pada Tahapan Aklimatisasi
antaranya tinggi tanaman, vigor tanaman, intensitas
(Leaf Morpho-Physiological Characters of Three
kerusakan oleh penyakit antraknose dan virus kuning,
Orchid Species on an Acclimatization Stage)
hasil panen bobot dan jumlah buah, serta panjang
buah yang merupakan karakter kuantitatif. Untuk Arief Priyadi dan Ema Hendriyani
karakter kualitatif yang diamati adalah karakter yang
diperlukan untuk penyusunan karakter morfologi BKT Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali – LIPI
tanaman. Hasil pengujian diketahui bahwa galur YK-2 Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia 82191
menampilkan vigor tanaman yang paling bagus yang E-mail:
ditandai dengan keragaan postur tertinggi dan potensi
hasil lebih tinggi (22,64 ton/ha dibandingkan kedua J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 143-152
varietas pembandingnya, yaitu Perisai (14,96 ton/ha)
dan Tanjung-2 (14,62 ton/ha). Di samping itu galur ABSTRAK. Teknik perbanyakan secara in vitro
YK-2 memiliki panjang buah yang ideal, yaitu 15,08 memerlukan kondisi lingkungan yang terkendali untuk
cm, lebih panjang dari varietas pembanding Perisai mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan plantlet. Namun, saat
(9,06 cm). Semua galur yang diuji dapat dikarakterisasi plantlet dipindahkan pada fase ex vitro dengan kondisi
secara morfologi sesuai kondisi lingkungan tumbuh di lingkungan tidak terkendali sering terjadi kematian
lokasi percobaan. plantlet. Oleh karena itu aklimatisasi merupakan tahap
penting pada transplantasi plantlet dari fase in vitro ke
Kata kunci: Capsicum annuum L.; Galur; Keragaan; fase ex vitro. Selama 10 tahun ini Kebun Raya Eka Karya
Ekosistem; Dataran tinggi Bali (KREKB) bersama tiga Kebun Raya Indonesia
(KR Bogor, KR Cibodas, dan KR Purwodadi) aktif
ABSTRACT. Hot pepper is one of important vegetable berperan dalam upaya konservasi anggrek alam secara
crops which are consumed by most Indonesian people in vitro. Bulbophyllum echinolabium, Dendrobium

J. Hort. Vol. 26 No. 2, Desember 2016

fimbriatum, dan D. spectabile merupakan jenis anggrek by BBG. Despite of long periods of orchid in vitro
alam yang telah berhasil diperbanyak secara in vitro propagation efforts, acclimatization practices was
di KREKB. Walaupun upaya perbanyakan ini telah not started until 2012. This experiment was carried
lama dilakukan, tetapi tahapan aklimatisasi baru out to evaluate the acclimatization step of in vitro
dilaksanakan pada tahun 2012. Penelitian bertujuan propagated native species orchid in BBG. Plantlets
untuk mengevaluasi tahapan aklimatisasi plantlet of three species of orchids were planted ex vitro. First
dari tiga jenis anggrek alam hasil kultur in vitro di of all, plastic sheet cover was applied to minimize air
KREKB. Perlakuan pertama tahapan aklimatisasi relative humidity fluctuation. After a month, the sheet
adalah pemberian sungkup dengan tujuan mengurangi was gradually opened until the plantlets were able to
fluktuasi kelembaban udara. Sungkup perlahan- survive without cover. The second practices were water
lahan dibuka secara bertahap selama 1 bulan agar spraying 2–3 times a week and foliar fertilization each
plantlet dapat beradaptasi dengan kondisi lingkungan week. These were conducted in a period of 14 – 16
terbuka. Perlakuan kedua adalah penyiraman 2–3 months since the planting date. Percentage of survived
kali/minggu dan pemberian pupuk daun sebanyak 1 plantlets were recorded time after time. By the end
kali/minggu. Tahapan ini dilakukan selama 14–16 of the acclimatization period, a series of stomatal
bulan sejak penanaman. Persentase plantlet yang observations were performed to asses its size, density,
hidup dihitung secara periodik. Pada akhir tahapan and opening-closing rhytm in a 24 hours period. The
aklimatisasi, dilakukan pengamatan karakter stomata results showed that 25% to 45% of plantlets succeded
dari ketiga jenis anggrek tersebut meliputi ukuran, to survive. Stomatal size varied across species, in
densitas, dan pola buka-tutupnya selama 24 jam which the largest is B. echinolabium’s and stomatal size
periode pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan of D. fimbriatum and D. spectabile were comparable
bahwa sebanyak 25–45% plantlet dapat bertahan each other. There was no general pattern of stomatal
hidup hingga akhir penelitian. Ukuran stomata pada density between mature and young leaves because this
tiap spesies bervariasi, stomata terbesar dimiliki oleh trait seemed to be species specific. Diurnal stomatal
B. echinolabium. Densitas stomata antara daun tua opening-closing rhytm suggested that D. fimbriatum
dan muda tidak menunjukkan pola yang sama. Hal and D. spectabile are orchids with CAM photosynthetic
ini menunjukkan bahwa karakter densitas stomata pathway whereas the pathway of B. echinolabium
lebih dipengaruhi oleh spesies spesifik, sedangkan is C3. Information on these characters was not only
pengamatan terhadap pola buka tutup stomata pada important to formulate best practices in acclimatization
D. fimbriatun dan D. spectabile menunjukkan bahwa efforts but also further cultural practices such as
kedua jenis anggrek tersebut memiliki tipe fotosintesis watering and foliar fertilizer applications.
CAM, sedangkan pada B. echinolabium merupakan
anggrek dengan tipe fotosintesis C3. Informasi ini Keywords: Acclimatization; Stomata; C3; CAM
tidak hanya penting untuk menentukan perlakuan
yang tepat selama tahapan aklimatisasi tetapi juga
untuk keefektifan aplikasi penyiraman dan pemupukan Seleksi dan Adaptasi Tiga Spesies Unggul Jamur
sehingga mendukung keberhasilan budidaya. Kuping (Auricularia spp.) untuk Dataran Medium
(Selection and Adaptation on Three Strain Candidate
Kata kunci: Aklimatisasi anggrek; Stomata; C3; CAM of Five Superior the Wood Ear Mushroom Strain for
Medium Land)
ABSTRACT. In vitro plant propagation technique Diny Djuariah
requires strict controls of its environmental conditions
in order to optimize growth of plantlets. However, B a l a i P e n e l i t i a n Ta n a m a n S a y u r a n , J l n .
when the plantlets are moved to uncontrolled Ta n g k u b a n P a r a h u N o . 5 1 7 , L e m b a n g ,
condition, the plantlets are often collaps. In this Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40391
regards, acclimatization practices play important roles E-mail:
to provide transitional conditions from fully in vitro
fully ex vitro. During the last 10 years, Bali Botanic J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 153-162
Garden (BBG) has been actively involved in the in vitro
propagation of species orchids, along with three other ABSTRAK. Jamur kuping (Auricularia spp.)
Botanic Gardens in Indonesia (Bogor, Cibodas, and merupakan salah satu sayuran yang mempunyai
Purwodadi). Bulbophyllum echinolabium, Dendrobium peranan penting sebagai sumber gizi masyarakat dan
fimbriatum, and D. spectabile have been among the sumber ekonomi. Rerata hasil jamur kuping petani
first succeded in vitro propagated species orchids masih rendah (< 500 g/log). Penyebabnya antara lain

J. Hort. : Lembar Abstrak

karena penangkar benih sebar tidak menggunakan and A. auricula -10 the superior strain that are suitable
benih strain unggul berkualitas dan benih sebar for medium land and the yield (>500 g/log). If can be
diperbanyak diturunkan berkali-kali sehingga potensi conculed from superior test, at least two candidate
daya hasil jamur kuping semakin menurun. Untuk strains with high yield and qualities are suitable and
mengatasi masalah tersebut perlu menyebarluaskan reasonable to be released.
benih strain unggul jamur kuping pada pengguna dan
mendaftarkan. Namun, sebelum mendaftarkan strain Keywords: The wood ear mushroom; Strain superior;
unggul perlu melakukan seleksi dan adaptasi calon Selection; Adaptation; Medium land
strain unggul jamur kuping di tiga lokasi dataran
medium pada musim kemarau. Penelitian ini bertujuan Karakterisasi dan Evaluasi Markisa Asam Hibrid
mendapatkan strain unggul jamur kuping untuk Hasil Persilangan Markisa Asam Ungu dan Merah
dataran medium dengan kualitas baik dan produksi (Passiflora sp.) (Characterization and Evaluation
tinggi. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan, yaitu of Passion Fruit Acid Hybrid from Purple and Red
rancangan acak kelompok dengan enam perlakuan dan
Passion Fruit Acid Crossing)
empat ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas enam nomor yang
diuji, yaitu Auricularia auricula - yudae, A. auricula Agustina Erlinda Marpaung1), Karsinah2), dan Bina
-2-APR, A. auricula -20-APR, A. auricula -21-APR, Br Karo1)
A. auricula -19-APR, dan A. auricula - 10 (sebagai
pembanding). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
B a l a i P e n e l i t i a n Ta n a m a n S a y u r a n , J l n .
A. auricula - 21 - APR, A. auricula - 19 - APR, dan A. Ta n g k u b a n P a r a h u N o . 5 1 7 L e m b a n g ,
auricula - 10 merupakan strain unggul jamur kuping Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40391
untuk dataran medium yang disukai konsumen dan
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika,
produksi tinggi (> 500 g/log). Dari hasil kegiatan uji Jln. Raya Solok-Aripan Km. 8 PO Box 5,
keunggulan, didapat dua calon strain unggul jamur Solok, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia 27301
kuping yang berproduksi tinggi dan berkualitas baik E-mail :
sehingga beralasan untuk didaftarkan. J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 163-170

Kata kunci: Strain unggul jamur kuping; Strain unggul; ABSTRAK. Persilangan merupakan upaya
Seleksi; Adaptasi; Dataran medium memperbesar keragaman genetik dengan memadukan
sifat tetua untuk mendapatkan varietas unggul. Saat
ABSTRACT. The wood ear mushroom is one of ini tanaman markisa ungu merupakan buah yang
vegetable crops as a sources of nutrient and valuable memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi, dan sebagai bahan
economically, average yield is still low (< 500 g/log). baku untuk pembuatan sirup. Namun, bobot buah
This case happened among other things because the markisa ungu tergolong kecil sehingga perlu dilakukan
spawn substrate producers might be did not apply persilangan antara markisa asam ungu dan merah
superior strains. Moreover, they might be reproduced untuk mendapatkan markisa asam hibrid yang lebih
spawn substrate for more than two times/generations. unggul. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui karakter
In order to overcome this problem, it is suggested to calon varietas markisa asam hasil persilangan markisa
release a superior strains of the wood ear mushroom asam ungu dan markisa asam merah, dan melihat
including to disseminate it to the users. However, keunggulannya dibandingkan dengan markisa asam
prior to release the superior strain, the important step ungu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan
mush be done, viz. selection and adaptation on strain Berastagi, Kecamatan Dolat Rayat, Kabupaten Karo,
candidate of for superior the wood ear mushroom at Provinsi Sumatera Utara, dengan ketinggian tempat
three different medium land for dry seasons. The aim 1.340 m di atas permukaan laut (dpl.) dan jenis tanah
of these experiments is to find out the new superior Andisol. Kegiatan dilakukan pada kurun waktu 2008
strain of the wood ear mushroom for medium land, – 2010 dengan kegiatan meliputi persilangan antara
which give high yield, and quality. A randomized markisa asam ungu dan merah, serta karakterisasi
block design with four replications will be arranged dan evaluasi yang dilakukan pada benih, daun, dan
in the field. Treatments comprised of three candidate buah dari markisa asam hibrid dan tetuanya. Hasil
of superior strain of the wood ear mushroom, viz. penelitian menunjukkan bahwa markisa asam hibrid
Auricularia auricula - yudae, A. auricula-2-APR, A. mempunyai beberapa keunggulan, antara lain bobot
auricula-20-APR, A. auricula-21-APR, A. auricula buah lebih besar (110–130 g) dibanding markisa asam
-19-APR dan A. auricula -10 (control). The aim ungu dan merah (49,52 – 56,08 g dan 79,21 – 120,51
showed that A. auricula-21-APR, A. auricula-19-APR, g), sari buah kental, ukuran buah lebih besar, dan

J. Hort. Vol. 26 No. 2, Desember 2016

sedikit beraroma jambu biji. Kandungan kimia buah Analisis Progeni F1 Hasil Persilangan
(total padatan terlarut/TSS) buah markisa asam hibrid I n t r a d a n I n t e r- S p e s i e s D u r i a n ( D u r i o
secara umum sama dengan markisa asam ungu, yaitu s p . ) M e n g g u n a k a n M a r k a M i k ro s a t e l i t
16o Brix, sedangkan markisa asam merah nilainya lebih [Analysis of F1 Progenies of Intra- and Inter-Species
tinggi, yaitu 19o Brix. Total asam markisa asam hibrid Crossing of Durian (Durio sp.) using Microsatellite
lebih tinggi dibanding dengan kedua tetuanya 4,42%, Markers]
sedangkan vitamin C lebih rendah, 34,65 mg/100 g
bahan. Hasil preferensi konsumen terhadap rasa buah Adi Pancoro1), Tri Anisa Septiyani1), Ni Luh Putu
markisa asam ungu dan hibrid menunjukkan bahwa Indriyani2), dan Panca Jarot Santoso2)
para panelis menyukai rasa kedua markisa tersebut,
sedangkan untuk aroma, markisa asam ungu lebih
Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati ITB, Jln.
disukai dibanding markisa asam hibrid. Ganesha 10 Bandung Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 40132
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika,
Kata kunci: Passiflora sp.; Markisa asam; Karakterisasi; Jln. Raya Solok-Aripan Km. 8, PO Box 5,
Evaluasi; Persilangan Solok, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia 27301
ABSTRACT. Crosses are an attempt to enlarge the J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 171-180
genetic diversity by combining the properties of elders
to obtain superior varieties. The current crop of purple ABSTRAK. Keragaman genetik tetua dan progeni
passion fruit is a fruit that has a high economic value, menjadi informasi dasar untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan
and as a raw material for the manufacture of syrup, seleksi dan persilangan lanjutan dalam program
purple passion fruit weight relatively small, so that pemuliaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan
should be a cross between purple and red passion fruit informasi keragaman genetik enam tetua dan empat
acids to get a greater hybrid passion fruit. The aim of populasi progeni F1 hasil persilangan intra dan inter-
the research was to know the character of passion fruit spesies durian di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah
candidate variety from crosses between purple and red Tropika. DNA diisolasi dari daun berdasarkan protokol
passion fruit, and to know a greater quality compared berbasis CTAB. Amplifikasi 10 lokus mikrosatelit
with purple passion fruit. The research conducted in dilaksanakan menggunakan teknik PCR berlabel
Berastagi Experimental Garden, District Dolat Rayat, fluoresense. Analisis hasil dilakukan menggunakan
Karo, North Sumatera, with a height of 1,340 m above perangkat lunak Genemarker 2.20, Cervus 3.0.3 dan
sea level (asl.) and the type of soil is Andisol. The GenAlex 6.3. Enam dari 10 lokus yang digunakan
activities conducted in 2008 – 2010 with activities menunjukkan kemampuan tinggi sebagai penanda yang
include crossing between purple and red passion fruit informatif untuk analisis tetua dan populasi progeni F1
acid, characterization, and evaluation made in the hasil persilangan intra- dan inter-spesies durian. Lima
seeds, leaves, and fruit to hybrid passion fruit acid tetua dari spesies Durio zibethinus terbagi menjadi dua
and its parents. The result showed that hybrid passion kelompok, yaitu Otong, Kani, dan Sitokong berada
fruit acid has several advantages, there are fruit weight dalam satu kelompok, serta Matahari dan Petruk di satu
bigger (110 – 130 g) compared to purple and red kelompok lainnya, sedangkan Lai Mas (D. kutejensis)
passion fruit (49.52 – 56.08 g and 79.21 – 120.51 g), berada diluar kedua kelompok. Empat populasi
condensed juice, fruit size is larger and slightly scented progeni F1 memiliki perbedaan genetik yang signifikan
guava. Chemical ingredients fruit (total dissolved antarpopulasi dan antarindividu dalam populasi.
solids/TSS) passion fruit acids are generally the same Populasi progeni F1 hasil persilangan inter-spesies
hybrid with a purple passion fruit acid that is 160o Brix, Lai Mas x Matahari menunjukkan heterozigositas
while the red passion fruit acid value is higher 19o Brix. yang paling tinggi dibandingkan populasi lainnya.
Total acid hybrid passion fruit acid higher than parent Sebaliknya, populasi-populasi persilangan intra-spesies
plants 4.42%, while vitamin C is lower 34.65 mg/100 cenderung memiliki heterozigositas yang rendah. Hasil
g of material. The result of consumer preference for the ini dapat dijadikan acuan dalam melaksanakan seleksi
taste of purple passion fruit acids and hybrid showed dan kegiatan persilangan berikutnya.
that the panelists liked the taste of the passion fruit,
while the aroma, purple passion fruit acid is preferred Katakunci: Durio sp.; Intra dan inter-species; Progeni
over sour passion fruit hybrid. F1; Marka mikrosatelit

Keywords: Passiflora sp.; Passion fruit acid; ABSTRACT. Genetic diversity of parent and
Characterization; Evaluation; Crosses progeny is a fundamental information for selection

J. Hort. : Lembar Abstrak

and subsequent activities in breeding program. This berpengaruh terhadap metabolisme. Beberapa jenis
research was aimed to obtain information regarding tanaman mampu beradaptasi terhadap defisit cahaya
genetic diversity of six parents and four F1 populations sehingga tumbuh di bawah kondisi naungan. Tujuan
of intra and inter-species crossing of durian at penelitian ini adalah mempelajari karakter fotosintesis
Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute (ITFRI). genotipe tomat senang naungan pada intensitas cahaya
DNA was isolated from young leaf by using CTAB rendah. Percobaan dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan
based method. Amplification of 10 microsatellite Sekolah Tinggi Penyuluhan Pertanian (STPP) Bogor
loci was conducted using fluorecent labelled PCR dari bulan Oktober 2014 sampai dengan Januari
technique. Result analysis was conducted by using PC- 2015. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak petak
softwares Genemarker 2.20, Cervus 3.0.3 and GenAlex tersarang yang diulang tiga kali. Faktor pertama terdiri
6.3. Six of 10 loci used in the study demonstrated high atas dua taraf naungan, yaitu tanpa naungan (0%) dan
capability as informative markers for analysis of parent naungan 50%. Faktor kedua berupa tiga kelompok
and F1 progeny populations of intra and inter-species genotipe tomat terdiri atas senang naungan, toleran,
crossing of durian. Five parent trees of D. zibethinus dan peka. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap komponen
species were divided into two groups. Otong, Kani, and hasil berupa jumlah buah, bobot buah, dan produksi
Sitokong standed together as a group, whilst Matahari pertanaman. Peubah pengamatan fisiologi meliputi
and Petruk stand as another group. One parent tree kandungan total klorofil, klorofil a, klorofil b, rasio
of D. kutejensis (Lai Mas) stands alone out of both klorofil a/b, antosianin, karoten, laju fotosintesis,
groups. Four F1 progeny populations demonstrated konduktansi stomata, konsentrasi CO2 internal daun,
significantly genetic dissimilarity amongst population kandungan pati, dan gula daun. Hasil penelitian
and amongst individu within population. F1 progeny menunjukkan bahwa genotipe tomat senang naungan
population of inter-species crossing of Lai Mas x jika berada pada kondisi ternaungi akan memiliki
Matahari indicated highest heterozigosity compared karakter fotosintesis berupa peningkatan kadar klorofil
to other populations. However, populations of intra- b lebih tinggi dibandingkan klorofil a, dan rasio
species crossing had low heterozigosity. The results klorofil a/b yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok
could be used as reference for further selection and genotipe yang lain. Genotipe senang naungan memiliki
crossing activity. konsentrasi CO2 internal daun lebih tinggi sehingga
mampu mempertahankan laju fotosintesis tetap
Keywords: Durio sp.; Intra and inter-species, F1;
lebih tinggi walaupun terjadi penurunan konduktansi
Progeny; Microsatellite markers
stomata. Adanya kandungan gula daun yang lebih
tinggi, mengakibatkan produksi pertanaman genotipe
Karakter Fotosintesis Genotipe Tomat Senang senang naungan meningkat ketika ditanam di bawah
Naungan pada Intensitas Cahaya Rendah naungan.
(The Photosynthetic Characters of Loving-Shade
Tomato Genotypes at Low Light Intensity) Kata kunci: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.; Intensitas
cahaya rendah; Karakter fotosintesis; Genotipe senang
D w i w a n t i S u l i s t y o w a t i 1), M u h a m m a d naungan
A h m a d C h o z i n 2), M u h a m a d S y u k u r 2),
Maya Melati2), dan Dwi Guntoro2)
ABSTRACT. Efforts have to be made to increase
tomatoes production in Indonesia, one is through
STPP Bogor, Jln. Aria Surialaga No.1, PO intercropping or agroforestry systems. In the
Box 188, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 16001 intercropping system, however, there is a risk for
Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, plants to receive low light intensity. Low light
Faperta, IPB Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 16680 intensity causes a decrease of photosynthesis rate
E-mail: and carbohydrate synthesis, so it will affect plant
J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 181-188 metabolic processes. Some types of plants are able
to adapt to low light intensity, so they can grow well
ABSTRAK. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan under shading conditions. The aim of this study was
produksi tanaman tomat di Indonesia adalah melalui to investigate the photosynthetic characters of shade-
sistem tanam tumpangsari atau agroforestri. Namun, loving tomato genotypes at low light intensity. The
dalam sistem tanam tumpangsari tanaman sela experiment was conducted in the experimental field
mengalami defisit cahaya karena ternaungi oleh of Bogor Agricultural Extension Institute, in Bogor,
tanaman lain. Defisit cahaya menyebabkan penurunan from October 2014 to January 2015. The experiment
laju fotosintesis dan sintesis karbohidrat sehingga was arranged in nested randomized design with two

J. Hort. Vol. 26 No. 2, Desember 2016

factors and three replication. The first factor consisted adalah mengarakterisasi morfologi dan anatomi
of two levels of shading intensity, i.e. without shade aksesi markisa lokal berkulit ungu, merah, dan
(0%) and 50% shading and the second factor was three markisa hasil silangan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di
groups of tomato genotypes, i.e. shade-loving, shade- Kebun Percobaan Berastagi mulai Oktober 2006
tolerant, and shade-sensitive genotypes. The crop yield sampai Desember 2011. Hasil analisis data diperoleh
components observed were fruit number, fruit weight, kemiripan morfologi markisa ungu dan markisa
and yield per plant. Physiological variable measured merah berdasarkan habitat, bunga, liana, teresterial,
were total of chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll akar tunggang, batang, dan arah tumbuh, sedangkan
b, ratio of chlorophyll a/b, anthocyanin, carotene, daun, bunga, buah, biji, dan warna batang berbeda.
photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, leaf internal Berdasarkan karakter kuantitatif antara markisa
CO2 concentration, content of starch, and sugar leaves. F1 dengan markisa ungu memiliki kadar gula
The results showed that the photosynthesis characters sama dengan markisa ungu lokal, yaitu 16,6oBrix.
of shade-loving genotypes indicated increasing content Markisa F1 memiliki 73,06 ml/100 g dengan total
of chlorophyll b that was higher than that of chlorophyll asam 1,53%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dendogram
a. It was resulting in decreasing ratio of chlorophyll diketahui hubungan morfologi markisa menunjukkan
a/b more than that of other genotypes. Shade-loving tingkat kemiripan markisa lokal merah dan markisa
genotypes had higher internal leaf CO2 concentration, F1 sebesar 81%. Markisa F1 memiliki buah besar,
than the sensitive ones, so they can maintain the warna kulit ungu kemerahan, aroma sari buah mirip
photosynthetic rate remained higher, despite their dengan aroma jambu biji.
stomatal conductance were decreasing. The presence
of leaf sugar content was relatively high, resulting in Kata kunci: Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims; Karakter;
the production per plant of the shade-loving genotypes Morfologi; Anatomi
increased when grown in the shade conditions.
ABSTRACT. Availability of superior variety of
Keywords: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.; Low light passion fruits which high quality, resistant to pests
intensity; Photosynthesis characters; Shade-loving or diseases, and tolerance to environmental stress
genotypes are essential in improving the competitiveness of
national horticultural industry. Superior varieties have
been made through crossing local accessions that
Karakterisasi Morfologi dan Anatomi
have superior characters. The aim of this experiment
Markisa F1 di Kebun Percobaan Berastagi
was to characterize the morphology and anatomy
(Morphology and Anatomy Characterization of
of purple passion, red passion, and F1 of passion
Passion Fruit in Berastagi Experimental Farm)
fruit at Berastagi experimental farm from October
Rina Christina Hutabarat1), Rasiska Tarigan1), 2006 to December 2011. Morphology and anatomy
Susilawaty Barus1), dan Fitriana Nasution2) characterization obtained that purple passion fruit and
red passion fruit had same characters based on habitat,
B a l a i P e n e l i t i a n Ta n a m a n S a y u r a n , J l n . flowers, lianas, terrestrial, taproot, stems, and direction
Ta n g k u b a n P a r a h u N o . 5 1 7 , L e m b a n g , of growth, whereas leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, and
Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40391 stems color had different characters. Brix sugar level
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, Jln. degrees between purple passion fruit and F1 almost
Raya Solok-Aripan Km. 8, PO Box 5, similar, it was 16,6o Brix, while the terms content juice
Solok, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia 27301 of passion fruit cross F1 was 73,06 ml/100 g with total
E-mail: acid was 1,53%. Dendogram based on morphology
characters of purple, red, and passion fruit cross F1
J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 189-196 had 81% of similarity degree. Passion fruit cross F1
had a great size, reddish purple color, and guava aroma.
ABSTRAK. Ketersediaan varietas markisa unggul
yang bermutu tinggi, produktif, tahan terhadap Keywords: Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims; Character;
hama/penyakit, dan toleran terhadap cekaman Morphology; Anatomy
lingkungan merupakan salah satu faktor penting
dalam peningkatan daya saing industri hortikultura Uji Adaptasi Wortel di Tanah Lempung Liat
nasional. Upaya untuk memperoleh varietas unggul Berpasir Dataran Rendah Palangka Raya
dilakukan melalui silangan antaraksesi lokal yang (Adaptation Test of Carrot at Sandy Clay Loam
memiliki karakter unggul. Tujuan penelitian ini in Low-Land Areas of Palangka Raya)

J. Hort. : Lembar Abstrak

Muhammad Anang Firmansyah), Twenty Liana1), Kata kunci: Daucus carota L.; Dataran rendah;
dan Wiwik Rahayu2) Palangka Raya

Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian ABSTRACT. The carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a plant
Kalimantan Tengah, Jln. G. Obos that requires optimum temperature in the range of
KM5, Palangka Raya, Indonesia 73111 18°C to 21°C. In the tropics, this temperature could
Dinas Pertanian Perkebunan Pelaksana Penyuluhan be generally found in the highlands with height of
dan Ketahanan Pangan Kota Palangka Raya, >500–1,000 meters above sea level. In Indonesia,
Jln. Tjilik Riwut KM 5,5, Palangka Raya, Indonesia 73112 carrots farming development in the lowlands with
E-mail: temperatures >28oC has not been conducted. The aims
of this study is to know adaptability of some carrots
J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 197-206 varieties grown in the lowlands areas, at 40 m above
sea level in Palangka Raya. The research design used
ABSTRAK. Tanaman wortel (Daucus carota L.) randomized block design with three replication. There
menghendaki suhu udara optimal 18oC–21oC, suhu are treatments consisting of five varieties of imported
udara tersebut di daerah tropis umumnya tercapai carrots namely, Royal Chantenay, Nantes Improved,
pada ketinggian> 500–1.000 m diatas permukaan laut Flaker Giant, including two local varieties namely
(dpl.). Upaya pengembangan wortel di dataran rendah Cisarua and Batu. The results showed that highest
bersuhu > 28oC di Indonesia belum banyak dilakukan. germination is dominated by local varieties of Cisarua
Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat daya adaptasi varietas at 8, 10, 12, and 14 days after planting, it was up to 202
wortel di dataran rendah 40 m dpl di Kota Palangka plants/m2. The highest plant at the age of 91 days after
Raya. Penelitian disusun menggunakan rancangan acak planting (DAP), the variety of Flaker Giant reaches
kelompok dan diulang tiga kali. Perlakuan terdiri dari 56.7cm, although it not significantly different with the
lima varietas, yaitu wortel import (Royal Chantenay, other varieties except Nantes Improved. The number
Nantes Improved, Flaker Giant), dan wortel lokal of leaves at the age of age 91 DAP showed that most
(Cisarua dan Batu). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan of Cisarua variety has11.3 pieces of leaf/plant and it is
daya kecambah varietas Cisarua tertinggi pada 8, significantly different from other varieties. For stover
10, 12, dan 14 hari setelah tanam (HST) hingga 202 weight, both in wet, and dry condition, the variety
tnm/m2. Tinggi tanaman 91 HST pada Flaker Giant of Flaker Giant reached respectively 61.20 g/plant
tertinggi, yaitu 56,7 cm tidak berbeda nyata kecuali and 7.32 g/plant. Stover weight ratio and the lowest
dengan varietas Nantes Improved. Jumlah daun pada wet tuber was dominated by Cisarua that is 0.89, not
91 HST pada Cisarua terbanyak mencapai 11,3 helai/ significantly different with Local Batu, 0.64 but it was
tnm dan berbeda nyata dengan varietas lainnya. Berat significantly different from other imported varieties of
brangkasan basah dan kering varietas Flaker Varietas carrots. The length of carrot tuber leng this not different
Giant tertinggi 61,20 g/tnm dan 7,32 g/tnm. Rasio among varieties, that is 9.40 to 21.90 cm/tuber.
berat brangkasan dan umbi basah terendah dicapai Diameter of tuber and tubers core diameter of local
varietas Cisarua 0,89 dan Batu 0,64, dan berbeda nyata and imported varieties were not significantly different
dengan wortel varietas import. Panjang umbi wortel except with Nantes Improved, which the range of each
tidak berbeda antarvarietas, yaitu 9,40–21,90 cm/umbi. variety is between 26.00–27.63 mm and 15.93–17.87
Diameter umbi total dan hati umbi varietas lokal dan mm. The heaviest weight was found at Local Cisarua,
import tidak berbeda nyata kecuali dengan varietas that is 41.87 g, followed by Flaker Giant, 32.3 g. For
Nantes Improved, masing-masing 26,00–27,63 mm tuber weight, this is followed by Cisarua with weight
dan 15,93–17,87 mm. Bobot umbi terberat dicapai of 18.53 g, it is highest and significantly different
varietas Cisarua 41,87 g disusul varietas Flaker Giant from Nantes Improved. For carrots weetness level,
32,3 g, diikuti bobot daging tertinggi pada varietas it was not significantly different. However, Cisarua
Cisarua 18,53 g dan berbeda nyata dengan varietas has the value of 8,87oBrix, including its tuber core
Nantes Improved. Tingkat kemanisan daging dan hati 7.43oBrix. Cisarua has good adaptation in low land,
umbi wortel varietas Cisarua tertinggi, yaitu 8,87oBrix
base on germination, tuber yield, attack of late blight
dan 7,43 oBrix. Wortel varietas Cisarua memiliki
and sweetness of tuber.
adaptasi terbaik berdasarkan daya kecambah, bobot
umbi, rendahnya tingkat serangan penyakit busuk Keywords: Daucus carota L.; Lowlands; Palangka
daun, dan tingkat kemanisan daging umbi. Raya

J. Hort. Vol. 26 No. 2, Desember 2016

Pengaruh Penambahan Pupuk Hayati dan Kediri’s featured fruit commodities. It’s usually bears
PPC Terhadap Keberhasilan Pembuahan its fruit once a year within short period (October-
Mangga Podang di Luar Musim (Effect of December), causes yield overflow and reduces price.
Biofertilizer and Liquid Fertilizer on Off-Season This demands off-season fruiting control to prolong
Podang Mango Fruiting Success) harvesting period by hastening fruit-bearing season
beginning and slowing its end to help control their
Sri Yuniastuti dan Titiek Purbiati price. Assessment were done on 2012 in Kediri Regency
Balai Penelitian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Timur, with randomized block design consist of six treatments
Jln. Raya Karangploso Km. 4 Malang, Kepuharjo, and four repeats. All plants are given growth regulator,
Karangploso, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 65152 paklobutrazol, on February, with fertilization and
E-mail: pest control based on recommendation. To increase
J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 207-216 off-season fruiting success rate, combined treatment
of biofertilizer, micro-fertilizer, and growth regulator
ABSTRAK. Mangga Podang dengan warna buah application are managed with two application interval,
kuning kemerahan dan rasa manis segar merupakan which is: (A) control, (B) biofertilizer (mycorrhizae),
salah satu komoditas buah unggulan Kabupaten Kediri. (C) micro-elements liquid fertilizer, once a week (D)
Tanaman mangga tersebut umumnya berbuah setahun micro-elements liquid fertilizer, twice a week, (E)
sekali dengan masa panen yang singkat (Oktober – micro-elements liquid fertilizer + growth controller,
Desember) dan ini menyebabkan ketersediaan buah once a week, and (F) micro-elements liquid fertilizer
melimpah dengan harga yang murah. Oleh karena + growth controller, twice a week. Paklobutrazol
itu perlu diupayakan pengaturan pembuahan di luar application followed by intensive management (pest
musim supaya memperpanjang periode panen dengan control, macro, and micro fertilization) on Podang
mempercepat awal musim buah dan memperlambat Mango could increase yield and lengthen harvesting
akhir musim buah sehingga harga dapat dikendalikan. period from August to December. Liquid fertilizer
Penelitian dilaksanakan tahun 2012 di Kabupaten Kediri application once and twice a week, whether followed by
dengan rancangan acak kelompok yang terdiri dari enam growth controller or not, could increase yield up to 98%.
perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Semua tanaman diaplikasi Fruit could be harvested before great harvest were about
menggunakan zat pengatur tumbuh paklobutrazol pada 38.2%. Prolongation of harvest period and increase in
bulan Februari, pemupukan dan pengendalian OPT yield will result in increase of farmers’ income.
sesuai rekomendasi. Manajemen yang dilakukan untuk Keywords: Fruiting; Podang mango; Off-season
meningkatkan keberhasilan pembuahan di luar musim
adalah perlakuan kombinasi antara penambahan pupuk
hayati, mikro, dan ZPT dengan dua interval pemberian, Isolasi dan Identifikasi Mikoparasit
Utama pada Karat Krisan
yaitu (A) kontrol, (B) pupuk hayati (mikoriza), dan (C)
(Isolation and Identification of Major Mycoparasite
PPC unsur mikro, aplikasi 1 minggu sekali, (D) PPC
on Chrysanthemum Rust)
unsur mikro, aplikasi 2 minggu sekali, (E) PPC unsur
mikro+ZPT, aplikasi 1 minggu sekali, dan (F) PPC
Evi Silvia Yusuf, Wakiah Nuryani, dan Hanudin
unsur mikro+ZPT, aplikasi 2 minggu sekali. Aplikasi
paklobutrazol pada mangga Podang yang dibarengi
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Jln. Raya Ciherang
dengan pengelolaan secara intensif (pengendalian
–Pacet, Cianjur, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 43253
OPT, penambahan unsur hara makro, dan mikro)
dapat meningkatkan hasil buah dan memperpanjang
masa panen mulai bulan Agustus sampai Desember. J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 217-222
Aplikasi PPC 1 minggu sekali dan 2 minggu sekali
baik yang mengandung ZPT maupun tidak, dapat ABSTRAK. Pada beberapa jenis cendawan karat
meningkatkan hasil panen sebanyak 98%. Rerata buah dilaporkan terdapat mikoparasit dan salah satu di
yang dapat dipanen sebelum panen raya mencapai antaranya adalah Cladosporium sp. Mikoparasit
38,2%. Perpanjangan masa panen dan peningkatan hasil yang ditemukan di Kebun Percobaan Segunung
buah berdampak meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias (Balithi), dapat
menekan penyakit karat pada krisan sampai dengan
Kata kunci: Pembuahan; Mangga Podang; Luar musim 100%. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan
mempelajari karakter morfologi dan molekuler
ABSTRACT. Podang mango with yellow, reddish cendawan mikoparasit yang terdapat pada pustul
coloration and sweet, refreshing taste is one of the karat krisan asal Kebun Percobaan Balithi. Penelitian

J. Hort. : Lembar Abstrak

dilakukan di Laboratorium Penyakit Balithi Segunung Redy Gaswanto 1) , Muhamad Syukur 2) , Sri
dan Laboratorium Biologi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Hendrastuti Hidayat3), dan Neni Gunaeni1)
Indonesia (LIPI) Cibinong pada Januari sampai
dengan Desember 2012. Identifikasi secara morfologi 1)
B a l a i P e n e l i t i a n Ta n a m a n S a y u r a n , J l n .
dilakukan dengan melihat ciri makroskopis dan Ta n g k u b a n P a r a h u N o . 5 1 7 , L e m b a n g ,
mikroskopis cendawan. Identifikasi secara molekuler Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40791
dilakukan berdasarkan analisis pada sekuen internal 2)
Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura,
transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal DNA. Amplifikasi Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Dramaga,
PCR pada ITS menggunakan primer ITS 4: 5`-- B o g o r, J a w a B a r a t , I n d o n e s i a 1 6 6 8 0
Departemen Proteksi Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian
5`--GGA AGT AAA AGT CGT AAC AAG G –3`. IPB, Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 16680
Hasil pengamatan makroskopik dan mikroskopik E-mail:
menunjukkan bahwa isolat 567 yang menginfeksi karat
putih pada krisan asal Segunung termasuk ke dalam J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 223-234
genus Cladosporium. Hasil analisis secara molekuler,
Cladosporium memiliki homologi 100% dengan ABSTRAK. Perkembangan infeksi Begomovirus pada
Cladosporium cladosporioides strain 1-09 (aksesi no: cabai di Indonesia tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya
JF502459) yang berada di genbank. isolat baru yang berbeda gejala dan kisaran inangnya.
Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan identifikasi isolat
Kata kunci: Cladosporium; Karat putih; Mikoparasit; Begomovirus cabai dari beberapa sentra produksi di
Identifikasi; Morfologi Indonesia berdasarkan gejala dan kisaran inangnya.
Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium dan Rumah
ABSTRACT. Several rust species reported associate Kasa Virologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran
with mycoparasite and one of them is Cladosporium (Balitsa) Lembang, dari Bulan Mei 2013 sampai
sp. Mycoparasite was found at Segunung Experimental dengan Agustus 2013. Isolat Begomovirus cabai
Station of Ornamental Crops Research Institute diperoleh dari enam daerah, yaitu Leuwikopo-Bogor,
(IOCRI), suppressed the rust up to 100%. The study was Brebes, Magelang, Kediri, Blitar, dan Karangploso-
conducted at the Mycology Laboratory of IOCRI and Malang. Isolat Begomovirus cabai tersebut diisolasi
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (IIS) Cibinong from dan dipelihara pada benih tanaman cabai sehat varietas
January to December 2012. The aims of the research Tanjung-2 dengan cara ditularkan melalui serangga
was to identify and study morphology and molecular vektor Bemisia tabaci nonviruliferous. Deteksi isolat
characters of mycoparasite on chrysanthemum rust Begomovirus cabai secara polymerase chain reaction
pustules from IOCRI. Morphological identification (PCR) menggunakan sepasang primer universal
was observed by the macroscopic and microscopic pAL1v1978/pAR1c715. Identifikasi gejala dan
characteristics. Molecular identification based on kisaran inang dilakukan pada sembilan jenis tanaman
partially genetic analyzes on internal transcribed indikator, yaitu cabai, tomat, terung, kacang panjang,
spacer (ITS) of the ribosomal DNA of the fungus. PCR buncis, mentimun, babadotan, caisim, dan bayam duri.
amplification of the ITS using ITS Primary 4: 5`-- TCC Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok
TCC GCT TAT TGA TAT GC - 3` and ITS Primary dengan tiga ulangan. Amplifikasi PCR menggunakan
5: 5` - AAA AGT AGT CGT GGA AAC AAG G -3`. primer universal pAL1v1978/pAR1c715 terhadap
Observation of morphology showed that mycoparasite enam isolat Begomovirus cabai berhasil memperoleh
isolate 567 infected chrysanthemum white rust is fragmen DNA berukuran 1.600 kb. Isolat Begomovirus
belonging to Cladosporium genus. The results of cabai asal Brebes, Magelang, Kediri, Blitar, dan
molecular analysis showed that Cladosporium sp. has Karangploso berhasil ditularkan pada tanaman
100% homology with Cladosporium cladosporioides indikator cabai, tomat, terung, mentimun, kacang
strain 1-09 (accession no: JF502459) from genbanks. buncis, kacang panjang, dan babadotan, namun tidak
Keywords: Cladosporium; White rust disease; berhasil ditularkan pada tanaman caisim dan bayam
Mycoparasite; Identification; Morphology duri. Pada tanaman cabai, isolat Begomovirus asal
Brebes lebih virulen 3,3–10% untuk tingkat kejadian
penyakit dengan masa inkubasi lebih cepat 2,7–3,7
Identifikasi Gejala dan Kisaran Inang Enam hari dibandingkan isolat Begomovirus asal Bogor,
Isolat Begomovirus Cabai di Indonesia Magelang, Kediri, Blitar, dan Malang. Untuk kepastian
(Symptom and Host Range Identification of Six Chilli perbedaan enam isolat Begomovirus cabai secara
Begomovirus Isolate in Indonesia) molekuler, disarankan untuk analisis perunutan DNA.

J. Hort. Vol. 26 No. 2, Desember 2016

Kata kunci: Begomovirus; Gejala; Kisaran inang; mempunyai ketahanan yang berbeda-beda terhadap
Virulen penyakit ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui
tingkat ketahanan kandidat jeruk seedless hasil mutasi
ABSTRACT. Possibility Begomovirus infection on dengan radiasi sinar Gamma terhadap tiga strain
chilli in Indonesia continually could appear a new penyakit CTV. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium
isolate. The research was aimed at identifying chilli Terpadu dan Rumah Kasa Balai Penelitian Tanaman
Begomovirus isolate from some chilli area in Indonesia Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (Balitjestro) selama 1 tahun.
according to their symptom dan host range. The Tahapan yang dilakukan adalah seleksi dan perbanyakan
research was conducted at virology’s Laboratory and strain CTV, pengujian ketahanan sembilan kandidat
Screen Net House of the Indonesian Vegetable Research mutan dan dua tanaman berasal dari induk MT-49, MT-
Institute (IVEGRI), from May to August 2013. Chilli 50, MT-52, MT-54, MT-89, MT-92 (mutasi dari tetua K
Begomovirus isolates from six area were collected, SoE), MT-68 (mutasi dari tetua K Garut), KS 001(hasil
namely: Leuwikopo-Bogor, Brebes, Magelang, Kediri, silangan), KS 002 (tetua Tai Ayam), MT P2A6 (mutasi
Blitar, and Karangploso-Malang. All isolates were dari tetua pamelo Nambangan 1), dan MT P1A4 (mutasi
isolated and maintained to the healthy chilli seedling dari tetua Pamelo Nambangan 2). Pengamatan dilakukan
of Tanjung-2 variety transmitted by insect vector B. terhadap masa inkubasi, intensitas penyakit berdasarkan
tabaci nonviruliferous. The molecular isolate detection gejala visual dan uji serologi Elisa. Tingkat ketahanan
by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a pair didasarkan pada gejala visual dan hasil pengujian
of universal primers pAL1v1978/pAR1c715. Nine dengan Elisa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gejala vein
indicator plants were used to identify their symptom and clearing, vein cupping, vein crocking, dan stem pitting
host range, namely chilli, tomato, eggplant, yardlong ditemukan pada areal pertanaman jeruk. Masa inkubasi
bean, bean, cucumber, ageratum, caisim, and wild CTV pada kandidat mutan dengan inokulasi masing-
spinach. A randomized block design was used with three masing strain bervariasi antara 3–5 minggu. Intensitas
replications. Amplification on six chilli Begomovirus penyakit yang timbul akibat inokulasi masing-masing
isolates. Isolates from Brebes, Magelang, Kediri, strain bervariasi, demikian juga tingkat ketahanan
Blitar, and Karangploso were succesfully transmitted tanaman. Aksesi varietas yang resisten terhadap strain
to various indicator plants, i.e chilli, tomato, eggplant, CTV parah (severe strain) adalah MT P2A6 dan MT
cucumber, bean, yardlong bean, and ageratum weed, P1A4, aksesi toleran terhadap strain CTV parah adalah
but failed on caisim and wild spinach. Isolate from MT 49, MT 52, MT 54, MT 68, MT 92, KS 002, dan
Brebes was 3.3–10,0% more virulent (disease incident aksesi yang peka terhadap strain CTV parah adalah MT
parameter) and 2.7–3.7% days shorter (incubation 50, MT 89, dan KS 001
time parameter) than isolate from Bogor, Magelang,
Kediri, Blitar, and Malang. DNA sequencing analysis is Kata kunci: Jeruk; Seedless; Strain; Mutan; Citrus
recommended to be done. Further DNA sequencing was tristeza virus
recommended to confirm the moleculer diffferences ABSTRACT. Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is one of the
among the six chilli Begomovirus isolates. economically harmful diseases on citrus. The disease
Keywords: Begomovirus; Symptom; Host range; has been spread evenly throughout Indonesia citrus
Virulen crop. Each citrus varieties have different resistance to
this disease. The purpose of this study was to determine
Ketahanan Aksesi Jeruk Seedles Terhadap Tiga the candidate’s level of resistance mutations result
Strain Virus Tristeza Jeruk (Resistance Seedles seedless oranges against three strains of CTV disease.
Accession to Three Strain of Citrus Tristeza Virus) Research conducted at Laboratory and Screen House,
Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research
Mutia Erti Dwiastuti dan Sri Widyaningsih (BALITJESTRO), Tlekung, Batu for 1 year. Stages are
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah carried out exploration, collection, and propagation of
Subtropika, Jln. Raya Tlekung No. 1, strains, resistance testing both nine candidate’s mutation
Junrejo, Batu, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 65301 MT-49, MT-50, MT-52, MT-54, MT-89, MT-92 (mutant
E-mail: from K SoE), MT-68 (mutant from K Garut), MT P2A6
J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 235-244 (mutant from pamelo Nambangan1), MT P1A4 (mutant
from Pamelo Nambangan2) and two types of plant
ABSTRAK. Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) merupakan derived from the parent KS 001, KS 002 (elder Tai ayam).
salah satu penyakit yang merugikan secara ekonomi Observations made on incubation period, intensity of the
pada jeruk. Penyakit ini telah menyebar merata di disease based on visual symptoms and tested with Elisa.
pertanaman jeruk seluruh Indonesia. Tiap varietas jeruk The level of resistance is based on visual symptoms

J. Hort. : Lembar Abstrak

and results of testing with Elisa. The results showed tananam digerus menggunakan mortal sampai halus,
that symptoms of vein clearing, vein cupping, vein kemudian ditambah 100 ml larutan 0,01 M fosfat
crocking, and stem pitting found on citrus planting area. buffer pH 7,0). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
The incubation period of CTV on mutant candidates by ekstrak batang Salix sp. dan daun C. japonicum efektif
inoculation of each strain varied between 3–5 weeks. menginduksi ketahanan tanaman krisan terhadap P.
The intensity of the disease caused by the inoculation of horiana dengan persentase penekanan masing-masing
each strain varies, so does the level of plant resistance. mencapai 80,20 dan 75,46%. Kandungan asam salisilat
Accessions resistant to severe CTV strains (severe strain) pada tanaman krisan tahan P. horiana yang diinduksi
is MT MT P2A6 and P1A4, accessions tolerant to severe oleh tanaman elisitor, masing-masing bervariasi antara
CTV strains are MT 49, MT 52, MT 54, MT 68, MT 92, 1.767,55– 3.767,55 ppm. Pemanfaatan hasil penelitian
002, and KS-sensitive accession severe CTV strains are ini dapat meningkatkan daya saing bunga krisan di
MT 50, MT 89, KS 001 pasar internasional melalui aplikasi ekstrak tanaman
elisitor sehingga ramah lingkungan dan ekonomis.
Keywords: Citrus; Seedless; Strain; Mutan; Citrus
tristeza virus
Kata kunci: Dendranthema grandiflora; Efektivitas;
Tanaman elisitor; Induksi resistensi; Puccinia horiana
I n d u k s i R e s i s t e n s i Ta n a m a n K r i s a n
Terhadap Puccinia horiana P. Henn. Dengan ABSTRACT. White rust disease caused by Puccinia
Menggunakan Ekstrak Tanaman Elisitor horiana Henn. Is one of the most important problems in
(Resistance Induction of Chrysanthemum Plant chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.)
to Puccinia horiana P. Henn Using Elicitor Plant cultivation system. Attacks on these plants can reduce
Extracts) the commercial value of the Chrysanthemum flowers.
Hanudin, Wakiah Nuryani, dan Budi Marwoto Induction of resistance is one of reliable strategies for
controlling the disease. Some types of plants elicitor
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Jln. Raya are proved to be effective to improve plant resistance
Pacet – Ciherang, PO Box 8, Sindanglaya, to various pathogens. The purpose of this study is to
C i a n j u r, J a w a B a r a t , I n d o n e s i a 4 3 2 5 3 obtain at least two species of plant extracts that its
E-mail: effective to induce plant resistance to P. horiana of
J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 245-256 chrysanthemum, and obtain information on the content
of salicylic acid of resistant plant has been induced
ABSTRAK. Penyakit karat putih yang disebabkan by application of plant elicitor extract. The research
oleh Puccinia horiana Henn. merupakan salah satu was conducted in the laboratory and Greenhouse
penyebab masalah yang paling penting pada tanaman Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute
krisan (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.). Serangan conducted between January until December 2013.
pada tanaman ini dapat menurunkan nilai komersial Seven elicitor plants that are leaf ivy (Hedera helix),
bunga krisan. Induksi resistensi merupakan salah satu the plant stem willow (Salix sp.). Leaves flowers at
strategi untuk mengendalikan penyakit ini. Beberapa four o’clock (Mirabilis jalapa) , leaves Phytholacca
jenis tanaman elisitor terbukti efektif meningkatkan americana (anti-viral), cone-shaped leaves (Datura
ketahanan tanaman terhadap serangan berbagai jenis suaveolens), leaf pagoda (Clerodendron japonicum),
patogen. Tujuan penelitian adalah memperoleh minimal and leaves galangal (Alpinia galanga), were tested.
dua spesies ekstrak tanaman elisitor yang efektif Each of which is diluted in the ratio 1: 1 w / v (100 g of
menginduksi ketahanan tanaman krisan terhadap P. the material plants crushed using a mortal until smooth,
horiana, dan mendapatkan informasi kandungan then add 100 ml of 0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 7.0).
asam salisilat pada tanaman krisan yang terbukti tahan The results showed that stem extract of Salix sp. and the
terhadap P. horiana akibat perlakuan ekstrak tanaman leaves extract of C. japonicum were effectively induced
elisitor. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium dan plant resistance to P. horiana of chrysanthemum with
Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias pada
emphasis percentages respectively reached 80.20 and
Januari hingga Desember 2013. Tujuh tanaman elisitor
75.46%. Salicylic acid content in chrysanthemum
yang diuji, yaitu daun tanaman ivy (Hedera helix),
effectively induced by elicitor plants, each contained
batang tanaman wilow (Salix sp.), daun bunga pukul
varying between 1,767.55 to 3,767.55 ppm. The used
empat (Mirabilis jalapa), daun Phytholacca americana
of leave extract of both species can improve resistance
(anti viral), daun kecubung (Datura suaveolens), daun
plant species.
pagoda (Clerodendron japonicum), dan daun lengkuas
(Alpinia galanga) yang masing-masing diencerkan Keywords: Dendranthema grandiflora; Effectiveness;
dengan perbandingan 1 : 1 w/v (100 g bagian bahan Elicitor plants; Resistance; Puccinia horiana

J. Hort. Vol. 26 No. 2, Desember 2016

Sinergisme Jamur Entomopatogen Metarhizium lipat jika dibandingkan dengan jamur M. anisopliae
anisopliae Dengan Insektisida Kimia Untuk secara tunggal. Kombinasi jamur entomopatogen
Meningkatkan Mortalitas Ulat Bawang Spodoptera dengan insektisida konsentrasi sublethal dapat
exigua (Synergism Entomopathogenic Fungus meningkatkan kemampuan jamur entomopatogen
Metarhizium anisopliae and Chemical Insecticide dalam mengendalikan S. exigua sehingga dapat
to Increase the Mortality of Armyworm Spodoptera memperlambat terjadinya resistensi insektisida.
Kata kunci: Sinergisme; Insektisida kimia; Jamur
Ahsol Hasyim, Wiwin Setiawati , Abdi Hudayya, Metarhizium anisopliae; Mortalitas larva; Spodoptera
dan Luthfy exigua
B a l a i P e n e l i t i a n Ta n a m a n S a y u r a n , J l n .
Ta n g k u b a n P a r a h u N o . 5 1 7 , L e m b a n g , ABSTRACT. The beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua
Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40391 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a serious pest of shallot in
E-mail : Indonesia. Many entomopathogenic fungi especially
Metarhizium anisopliae are used as biological control
J. Hort. Vol. 26, No. 2, Desember 2016, Halaman 257-266 agents of insects pests. But, the control of pest in crops
with entomopathogens fungi, M. anisopliae alone is
ABSTRAK. Hama ulat bawang Spodoptera exigua
still not effective. Therefore it is necessary to improve
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) merupakan salah satu hama
the effectiveness of the entomopathogenic fungus by
penting pada tanaman bawang di Indonesia. Jamur
mixing with chemical insecticides. The aim of the study
entomopatogen terutama Metarhizium anisopliae
was to determine the sinergism of entomopathogenic
telah banyak digunakan untuk mengendalikan hama
fungi with insecticides to control third instar of
serangga. Keefektivitasan jamur entomopatogen M.
S. exigua larvae under laboratory condition. The
anisopliae bila diaplikasikan secara tunggal untuk
experiment was conducted at Indonesian Vegetables
pengendalian hama hasilnya belum memuaskan. Oleh
Research Institute Lembang (±1,250 m asl.), from
karena itu perlu dilakukan usaha untuk meningkatkan
June to October 2014. Sample of S. exigua larvae were
keefektifan jamur entomopatogen tersebut dengan
collected from farmers’ field in Cirebon, West Java and
melakukan pencampuran dengan insektisida kimia.
mass production was carried in a screenhouse. Two
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui sinergisme
bioassay steps were performed i.e. (1) preliminery test
campuran jamur entomopatogen M. anisopliae
of entomopatogenic doses and insecticide doses and (2)
dengan insektisida kimia terhadap mortalitas larva
the combination of sublethal doses of insecticide and
S. exigua instar ke-3 di laboratorium. Percobaan
several doses of M. anisopliae. The experimental design
dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Entomologi Balai
used was completely randomized design consisted of
Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran di Lembang ( ± 1.250 m
six treatments and four replications. Dipping method
dpl.), mulai bulan Juni sampai Oktober 2014. Larva
was used in this research. Mortality of S. exigua
S. exigua dikumpulkan dari pertanaman petani bawang
larvae was observed at 24 hours after exposures and
merah di daerah Cirebon, Jawa Barat dan diperbanyak
repeated every 24 hours up to 168 hours of expo
di Rumah Kasa Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran.
sures. The mortality data was analyzed using probit
Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap kegiatan,
analysis to determine the LC50 values. The analysis
yaitu (1) uji pendahuluan dosis jamur M. anisopliae
showed that the LC50 value of the lowest chemical
dan dosis insektisida kimia dan (2) uji campuran
insecticides derived from insecticides abamectin
jamur M. anisopliae dengan dosis sublethal insektisida
that is 482,34 ppm and the highest obtained from the
kimia. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah
fungus M. anisopliae that is 1,189.83 ppm. Based on
rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri atas enam
LC50 value of insecticides mixtures, the addition of
perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Penelitian menggunakan
abamectin insecticide to the entomopathogenic fungi,
metode pencelupan. Mortalitas larva S. exigua diamati
M. anisopliae, indicated synergism and increased
mulai 24 jam sampai dengan 168 jam setelah perlakuan.
their efficacy by 24,45 times higher, compared to
Data mortalitas larva diolah menggunakan analisis
M. anisopliae alone. Entomopathogenic fungi, M.
probit untuk menetapkan nilai LC50. Hasil analisis
anisopliae in combination with sublethal concentration
menunjukkan bahwa nilai LC50 insektisida kimia
of insecticides could increase the fungal ability in
yang terendah diperoleh dari insektisida abamektin,
controlling S. exigua and also could be useful to abate
yaitu 482,34 ppm dan yang tertinggi diperoleh dari
insecticide resistance.
jamur M. anisopliae, yaitu 1.189, 83 ppm. Nilai LC50
campuran insektisida, campuran jamur M. anisopliae Keywords: Sinergism; Chemical insecticide;
dengan insektisida abamektin menunjukkan efek Metarhizium anisopliae fungi; Larvae mortality;
sinergistik dan meningkatkan efikasi 24,45 kali Spodoptera exigua


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