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Edited by

Erma Istiqomah, M.Hum

Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Bhakti Kencana

No Keterangan Revisi Tanggal Revisi Paraf

1 Penambahan materi preposition 30 April 2020
2 Penambahan materi agreement 30 April 2020
3 Pembahasan materi passive 30 April 2020
voice dan conditional sentence
dipisah menjadi 2 modul
4 Penambahan jumlah soal 30 April 2020
preposition dan conjunction
5 Pengosongan alat dan bahan 6 Maret 2021
6 Perubahan bagan kerja menjadi 6 Maret 2021
7 Pengurangan lampiran 6 Maret 2021

Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena
atas berkat rahmat, taufik dan hidayah-Nya, penulisan buku Modul Praktikum ini
dapat diselesaikan. Penyelesaian modul praktikum ini pun tidak terlepas dari
bantuan berbagai pihak. Modul Praktikum ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan
melengkapi pembelajaran pada mata kuliah praktikum TOEFL Preparation di
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Bhakti Kencana, Bandung. Semoga modul ini dapat
membantu para pembaca yang berminat untuk mengembangkan diri, memperkaya
wawasan dan menambah khasanah ilmu pengetahuan.
Penulis menyadari bahwa masih terdapat banyak kekurangan dalam
penulisan modul praktikum ini. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengharapkan kritik dan
saran yang membangun dari para pembaca.

Bandung, Maret 2021

Erma Istiqomah, M.Hum

DAFTAR PENYUSUN............................................................................... i
LEMBAR REVISI....................................................................................... ii
KATA PENGANTAR................................................................................. iii
DAFTAR ISI................................................................................................ iv
MODUL 1: TOEFL Overview..................................................................... 1
MODUL 2: Words and Sentences............................................................... 5
MODUL 3: Nouns....................................................................................... 9
MODUL 4: Pronouns................................................................................... 13
MODUL 5: Adjectives................................................................................. 16
MODUL 6: Verbs........................................................................................ 20
MODUL 7: Adverbs.................................................................................... 26
MODUL 8: Prepositions.............................................................................. 28
MODUL 9: Conjunctions............................................................................. 33
MODUL 10: Tenses..................................................................................... 37
MODUL 11: Clauses................................................................................... 41
MODUL 12: Subject-Verb Agreements...................................................... 45
MODUL 13: Passive Voice......................................................................... 49
MODUL 14: Conditional Sentences............................................................ 53
MODUL 15: Listening Comprehension...................................................... 57
MODUL 16: Reading Comprehension........................................................ 61
LAMPIRAN ................................................................................................ 68

1. Tujuan
1.1 Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu memahami gambaran umum mengenai TOEFL.
1.2 Tujuan Praktikum :
Mengetahui setiap bagian pada test TOEFL.
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Test of English as a Foreign Language atau disingkat TOEFL merupakan
salah satu bentuk tes kecakapan untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris
seseorang khususnya orang-orang yang yang tidak memakai memakai bahasa
Inggris sebagai bahasa pertama. Tes ini diselenggarakan oleh ETS (Educational
Testing Service) Tes TOEFL lazim digunakan untuk kepentingan akademis di
universitas sabagai salah satu syarat penerimaan, syarat kelulusan maupun
beasiswa. Bahkan banyak perusahaan yang mempersyaratkan skor TOEFL
sebagai syarat untuk melamar pekerjaan pekerjaan.

Jenis-jenis TOEFL
Ada tiga macam format TOEFL yang dikeluarkan oleh ETS (English
Testing Service):
1. TOEFL PBT (Paper-Based Test)
2. TOEFL CBT (Computer-Based Test)
3. TOEFL IBT (Internet-Based Test)

Selain itu, terdapat satu jenis TOEFL yang dikeluarkan oleh ETS khusus
untuk wilayah Asia dan bersifat institusional yaitu ITP (Institutional Testing
Program). Meskipun bersifat local, namun skor TOEFL ITP dapat digunakan
untuk memperoleh beasiswa tertentu seperti DAAD, Fullbright dsb. Format
TOEFL ITP menggunakan format yang sama dengan TOEFL PBT.

Gambaran umum TOEFL PBT

TOEFL PBT adalah bentuk tes TOEFL yang pertama kali dikeluarkan oleh
ETS. Sistem tes pada TOEFL PBT menggunakan lembaran kertas soal dan
jawaban. Materi yang diujikan adalah Listening (Kemampuan mendengarkan),
Structure (Kemampuan tata bahasa), dan Reading (Kemampuan memahami
bacaan). Selain itu, ada beberapa universitas maupun institusi yang menyertakan
Test of Written English (Kemampuan dalam menulis dalam bahasa Inggris).
Jumlah soal pada tes ini yakni sebanyak 140 soal dengan durasi waktu selama
kurang lebih 110 menit.

Alokasi waktu Jumlah Pertanyaan

Listening Comprehension 30 minutes 50
Structure and Written Expression 25 minutes 40
Reading Comprehension 55 minutes 50
Total 110 minutes 140


Listening comprehension merupakan bagian pertama dari tes TOEFL. Tes
ini menguji kemampuan mendengarkan dalam bahasa Inggris yang terbagi ke
dalam tiga bagian

Part A: Short conversation (Percakapan pendek) →30 soal

Part B: Longer conversation (Percakapan lebih panjang) →8 soal
Part C: Several talk (Monolog panjang) → 12 soal


Tes ini merupakan bagian kedua dari tes TOEFL yang terbagi ke dalam dua
PartAA: Structure (Sentence completion question )→ 15 soal
Part Directions: The questions
B: Written Expression are incomplete
(Recognizing sentences.
grammatical Beneath soal
Reading comprehension merupakan bagian terakhir dari tes TOEFL.

Jumlah soal pada bagian ini sebanyak 50 soal

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan
2. Mencari pengembangan teori melalui internet.
3. Menjawab pertanyaan lampiran 1 di lembar yang tersedia.
Pertanyaan :
1. Tuliskan direction/aturan pada setiap section dalam soal TOEFL.
2. Sebutkan beberapa tips dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
6. Hasil Praktikum

7. Diskusi dan pembahasan

8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide.
Nebraska: Cliffs
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia
1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Memahami kelas kata dan dan struktur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris.
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori


Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat delapan jenis kata atau word classes:
1. Noun (coffee, friend, medicine, dst)
2. Pronoun (I, you, they, we, my, me, dst)
3. Verb (like, come, sit, look, dst)
4. Adjective (important, good, quiet, dst)
5. Adverb (yesterday, here, very, quickly, dst)
6. Preposition (at, to, on, up, dst)
7. Conjunction (so, and, because, but, dst)
8. Interjection (Wow! Oops! Ugh! dst)

Beberapa kata yang sama bisa termasuk ke dalam kelas kata yang berbeda
tergantung penggunaanya dalam sebuah kalimat.
Can I look at your photos? I like the look of that coat.

Kalimat merupakan rangkaian kata yang memiliki makna utuh. Satu kalimat
sederhana setidaknya memiliki satu fungsi subject dan satu fungsi verb. Berikut
adalah lima struktur kalimat dalam bahasa inggris:
1. Subject Verb
My skin is aching
Something happened
2. Subject Verb object
She sells fruits
Two people are moving the table
3. Subject verb complement*
This whiteboard is heavy
You look happy
4. Subject Verb Adverbial*
It is on my foot
Their house is nearby
5. Subject verb (indirect) object (direct) object
David gave Rachel some flowers
I will send him an email
4. Alat dan bahan
Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan
2. Mencari pengembangan teori melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :

Tentukan kelas kata untuk setiap kata berikut ini.

1. Tom ________ 10. Totally _______
2. Told ________ 11. Always __________
3. They ________ 12. Excellent _____
4. There _______ 13. But __________
5. He __________ 14. Fun __________
6. Finish _______
7. Sociable ______
8. In ___________
9. And _________
Tentukan kelas kata dan fungsinya dalam kalimat.
1. The weather is marvelous
2. We really enjoy camping
3. It’s great fun
4. We’re on a farm
5. We like this place
6. The scenery is beautiful
7. I’m here
8. Someone gave us a ride
9. I’ve made some more tea

3. Hasil Praktikum
4. Diskusi dan pembahasan
5. Kesimpulan
6. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide.
Nebraska: Cliffs
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia

1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Menentukan jenis-jenis kata benda berdasarkan wujud dan jumlah.
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori


Berdasarkan wujudnya, kata benda dibedakan menjadi:

1. Kata benda konkret; Mark, teacher, table, dinosaur, Indonesia, badminton
2. Kata benda abstrak; happiness, peace, fear

Berdasarkan jumlahnya, kata benda dibagi menjadi:

1. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable noun); umbrella → one
umbrella, two umbrellas…..
2. Kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (Uncountable noun); milk → a glass
of milk
Berikut beberapa contoh uncountable nouns: sand, news, measles, food,
soap, information, economics, physics, air, meat, mathematics, politics,
homework, money.

Beberapa determiners (kata tunjuk) yang digunakan yaitu:

Dengan countable noun Dengan Uncountable noun

a(n), the, some, any The, some, any
This, that, these, those This, that
None, one, two, three,…. None
Many Much (dalam kalimat negative atau
A lot of A lot of
A large/great number of A large amount of
(a)few (a)little
Fewer…than… Less…than…
More…than…. More….than….

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
3. Menjawab pertanyaan lampiran 3 di lembar yang tersedia.

Identifikasi countable nouns dan uncountable nouns!

1. Television
2. car
3. news
4. geography
5. atmosphere
6. Person
7. water
8. pencil
9. food
10. tooth
11. Soap
12. soup
13. cup
14. money
15. hydrogen

Pilihlah determiners yang tepat pada kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini:

1. He doesn’t have (many/much) money.
2. I would like (a few/a little) Salt on my vegetables.
3. She bought (that/those) cards last night.
4. There are (less/fewer) students in this room than in the next room.
5. There is (too much/too many) bad news on television tonight.
6. I do not want (these/this) water.
7. This is (too many/too much) information to learn.
8. A (few/little) people left early.
9. Would you like (less/fewer) coffee than this?
10. This jacket costs (too much/too many).

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide.
Nebraska: Cliffs
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia

1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Membedakan jenis-jenis pronoun.
2. Prinsip
a. Membedakan subjek dan objek pronoun
b. Membedakan possessive adjective dan possessive pronoun.
c. Menyesuaikan antara pronoun dengan kata benda yang digantikannya

3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Pronoun adalah kata ganti untuk menggantikan kata benda.

Subject pronoun Object pronoun

I Me
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
We Us
They Them
Sally gave the book to John
She gave it to him

Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun

My Mine
Your Yours
his His
Her Hers
Its -
Our Ours
Their Theirs
Harus diikuti kata benda Tidak boleh diikuti kata benda
Contoh: They lent me their book.
They lent me theirs.
4. Alat dan bahan
Alat :-
Bahan : -

5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :

_ Pilihlah pronoun yang tepat.

1. Someone left (her/their) makeup in the bathroom.
2. Remember to give Jane and Rita (her/their) appointment card.
3. Almost anybody can improve (his or her/their) writing with practice.
4. Neither the soldiers nor the sergeant was sure of (his/their) location.
5. The conductor let (he/him) and (I/me) into the club car.
6. Melissa and (I/me) witnessed the accident.
7. The disagreement is between (he/him) and (I/me)
8. I work with jack more than (she/her).

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide. Nebraska:
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia

1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Mengenali berbagai jenis adjective dan penempatannya dalam kalimat.
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Adjective berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kata benda (noun) dan kata ganti
(pronoun). Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menjawab soal TOEFL
terkait dengan adjective:
1. Menempatkan adjective dengan urutan yang tepat

Urutan adjective Adjective

pendapat Wonderful, nice, great, awful, terrible
Ukuran Large, small, long, short, tall
Kualitas Quiet, famous, important, soft, wet, difficult
Umur New old
Warna Red, blue, green, black
Asal British, French
Material Stone, plastic, steel, paper
Tipe Electric (kettle), political (matter)

2. Menggunakan adjective setelah linking verb

Berikut beberapa contoh linking verb: appear, be, become, feel, prove,
seem, smell, taste.
You look happy.
It seems important.

3. Mengenali adjective –ly adjective

Berikut beberapa contoh kata sifat dengan akhiran –ly :

Costly likely Daily Quarterly

Early lively Hourly Weekly
Friendly lonely Monthly Yearly
Kindly manly Nightly Lovely
northerly easterly Southerly westerly

4. Menggunakan adjective yang berakhiran –ing dan –ed

The cleaning woman worked on the car. (wanita yang membersihkan)
The woman put the cleaned car back in the garage. (mobil yang dibersihkan)
4. Alat dan bahan
Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :
What are these things really like?
A. Antebellum
B. Euphonius
C. Extraterrestrial
D. Illegible
E. Infinite
F. Invisible
G. Irreversible
H. Misfired
I. Portable
J. Subterranean
K. Antebellum
L. Euphonius
M. Extraterrestrial
N. Illegible
O. Infinite
P. Invisible
Q. Irreversible
R. Misfired
S. Portable
T. Subterranean
1. A(n) ____ television is one that can be carried.
2. Ink that is ___ cannot be seen without a special lamp.
3. An) ____ decision is one that cannot be changed back to what it was.
4. Handwriting that is _______ is difficult to read.
5. A(n) ___source of water is one that is located underground.
6. A(n) ___ weapon is one that was shoy in the wrong way.
7. A(n) ____ house is one that was built before the war.
8. Music that is ____ is really pleasant sounding.
9. A(n) __ supply of money is one that is never-ending.
10. A(n) ____rock is one that came to earth from outer space.

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide. Nebraska:
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia

1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Membedakan bentuk-bentuk verb.
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Kata kerja menggambarkan kegiatan, kejadian atau keadaan. Kata kerja memiliki
bentuk yang berbeda dalam bahasa Inggris tergantung pada tense
(masa/waktu/kala) yang digunakan dalam kalimat.

Five basic form of verb

Bahasa Inggris memiliki lima bentuk kata kerja:

Infinitive Present Present participle Past Past participle

Walk walk(s) Walking walked Walked
Cook cook(s) Cooking cooked Cooked
Hear hear(s) Hearing heard Heard
Come come(s Coming came Come
Go go(es) Going went Gone

Regular and Irregular Verb

Berdasarkan bentuk, kata kerja dapat dibedakan ke dalam dua kelompok
yaitu kata kerja beraturan dan kata kerja tidak beraturan.
Regular verb
Present Present Past Past participle
Connect Connecting Connected Connected
Exercise Exercising Exercised Exercised
Follow Following Followed Followed
Multiply Multiplying Multiplied Multiplied
Notice Noticing Noticed Noticed
Solve Solving Solved Solved
Wash Washing Washed Washed

Berikut beberapa kata kerja yang sama dalam setiap bentuk kata kerja

Present Past Past participle

Bet Bet Bet
Bid Bid Bid
Burst Burst Burst
Cost Cost Cost
Cut Cut Cut
Hit Hit Hit
Hurt Hurt Hurt
Put Put Put
Quit Quit quit
Read Read read
Set Set Set
Shut Shut shut
Spread Spread spread

Irregular Verb
Bentuk kata kerja tidak beraturan ini terbagi ke dalam tiga kategori:
a. Sama dalam bentuk past dan past participle

Present Past Past participle

Bite Bit Bit
Dig Dug Dug
Bleed Bled Bled
Hear Heard Heard
Hold Held Held
Light Lit Lit
Meet Met Met
Pay Paid Paid
Say Said Said
Sell Sold Sold

b. Berbeda di setiap bentuk

Present Past Past participle

Begin Began Begun
Ring Rang Rung
Sing Sang Sung
Do Did Done
Go Went Gone
See Saw Seen
Fly Flew Flown

c. Sama dalam bentuk present dan past participle

Present Past Past participle

Come Came Come
Overcome overcame Overcome
Run Ran Run

To Be / Linking Verb
Subject Present Past Past Participle
I Am Was Have been
You Are Were Have been
He, She, It Is Was Has been
We Are Were Have been
They Are Were Have been

Helping verb (Auxiliary verb)/Modal

Present & Past Meaning Examples
Will, shall Would intention I will go to the store right
She said she would give
you the report.
Can Could Ability They can do the job
Fatima could read by the
time she was there.
May, might, Might, could Permission You may be excused.
can, could We could leave early if
we want to.
Should Should+ have Recommendation The nurse said I should
+past rest.
participle We should have given
her better direction.
Must, have Had to Necessity Doctors must write
to detailed notes regarding
each patient visit.
They had to get the bank
before it closed
Should Should+have Expectation The doctor should have
+past sent you the report.
participle They should have
finished at the bank by
May, might Might+have+ possibility The rebels may agree to a
past cease-fire.
participle The revolution might not
have succeeded without
their support.

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -

5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :
A. Circumvent
B. Decapitate
C. Dehydrate
D. Disinter
E. Dissect
F. Exhale
G. Interject
H. Minimize
I. Premeditate
J. Prevent
K. Reverse
L. Transmit

1. If you ____ something, you take the water out of it.

2. If you ____ something, you move around it to avoid it.
3. If you ____ a murder, you think about it before you do it.
4. If you ____ something, you turn it in the opposite direction.
5. If you ____ someone, you cut his or her head off.
6. If you ____ something, you try to make it seem smaller and less important.
7. If you ____ when you are smoking, you breathe out.
8. If you ____ a fiew ideas into a conversation, you throw them in quickly.
9. If you ____ a body, you take it out of the ground.
10. If you ____ something, you cut it in two.
11. If you ___ something, you take action beforehand to stop it from occurring.
12. If you ___ a message, you send it from one place to another.

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide. Nebraska:
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia


1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Mengenali berbagai jenis adverb dan penempatannya dalam kalimat.

2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Berdasarkan jenisnya, adverb dapat dibedakan ke dalam beberapa kelompok:
1. Adverb of manner: quickly, carefully, recently, angrily. loudly
He walked carefully
2. Adverb of time and place: now, last week, in Bandung
Did you have a nice time in Bandung?
3. Adverb of frequency: always, usually, sometimes, never, every day,
twice a year.
She calls her mother every day
4. Adverb of degree: very, (very) much, a bit, really, quite.
Time flies very quickly

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :
Fill the blank with adverbs in your words.
1. The patient responded _____ to the medication.
2. The children ran____ toward the entrance of the park.
3. He responded ____ to the rude question.
4. This portion of the report should be completed ___
5. He gave an _____ incorrect answer to the question.

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide. Nebraska:
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia


1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Mengenali berbagai jenis preposition dan penggunaannya dalam
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Preposition jenis ini terdiri dari in, into, inside, in front of, on, onto, at, out of,
outside, by, beside, to, from, off, towards, over, under, above, below, behind, up,
down, across, through, along, between, among, opposite, around.
The bird is in the cage. The cat is under the table.
Sarah is diving into the water. The plane is above the cloud.
Tom is getting out of the car. The temperature is below zero.
They’re waiting outside the bank. Rita is going up the stairs.
The jug is on the table. Daniel is coming down the stairs.
Rachel is at the bus stop. Melanie will run across the road.
The table is beside the bed. The house is among the trees.
Andrew is sitting opposite Melanie. The athletes have just run around the
They are going to London. track.
The email is from Chicago.
There’s a bridge over the river.

In + year/month/season On + day/date At + clock time/meal
In 2020 On Tuesday time
In January On 14 February At three o’clock
In winter At that time
In the 21st century At the moment
At lunch
In + part of the day On + day + part of the At + two or three days
In the morning day At the weekend
In the evening On Saturday night
On Friday morning
Acceptable to, Accustomed to, Adequate for, Aware of, Capable of, Close to,
Disappointed in/with, Familiar with

Approach to, attention to, cause of, component of, cure for, decrease in, demand
for, expert on

account for, adjust to, agree with/on, begin with, believe in
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh preposition dengan makna idiomatic:
Break off Look after Check out of Give up
Do away with Talk over Get by Run across
Hold up Care for Pick out Go along with
Take off Figure out Watch out for Run into
Bring up Look into Check (up) on Count on
Draw up Try out Get through Hold on to
Keep on Check out Point out See abou
Take over for Find out Close in
Call on Pass out Get up
Drop out of Turn in Put off

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Complete the blank with the correct prepositions
1. The Medical Center is close ____ campus.
2. I was disappointed ___ the grade I received on my last essay.
3. This computer isn’t capable ___ running that software.
4. Washington State is famous ___ its apples.
5. People who are afraid ____ heights are called acrophobias.
6. It is believed that sunspots have an influence _____ the Earth’s weather
7. Have you had much experience _____ computers?
8. The professor gave us several examples ___ that phenomenon.
9. Do you know the reason ____ the delay?
10. This is an exception ____ the general rule.
11. Do you belong ___ any campus clubs or organizations?
12. Maybe you should begin your speech ____ some jokes.
13. Let’s concentrate ___ solving this problem before we discuss the other ones.
14. Most essays consist ____ an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
15. Iron combines ____ oxygen to form rust.
16. Fruit trees generally bloom _____ April or May.
17. Jazz was so popular ____ the 1920’s.
18. Leaves turn red and gold ____ the autumn.
19. Most college football games are played ___ Saturdays.
20. Quebec is the largest province ____ Canada.
21. Water is essential ______ all life.
22. I’m not familiar _____ that song.
23. One meter is approximately equal ____ a yard.
24. This movie is based _____ a true story.
25. This summer, he’ll be eligible ____ a three-week vacation.
26. Linguists have many theories about the origin ____ language.
27. The demand _____ personal computers continues to grow.
28. I wasn’t paying close attention ____ what you said.
29. I simply can’t find a solution ____ this dilemma.
30. Margaret Knight designed some of the components ______ the rotary

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide. Nebraska:
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia

1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Mengenali berbagai jenis conjunction dan penggunaannya dalam
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori


Conjunction atau kata penghubung berfungsi untuk menghubungkan dua kata,

frasa atau klausa dalam sebuah kalimat dan menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat
dalam sebuah paragraph. Berikut jenis-jenis kata penghubung dalam bahasa
1. Coordinating conjunction menghubungkan dua kata, frasa atau klausa yang
setingkat. Kata hubung yang termasuk ke dalam jenis ini adalah and, but,
or, so.
The kid looked sad so I tried to cheer him up.
2. Correlative conjunction memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan coordinating
conjunction, namun kata hubung ini selalu digunakan berpasangan; both…
and…., either…or……, neither…nor……, not only….but also…
Both Julie and Stephan failed the test.
3. Subordinating conjunction menghubungkan anak kalimat (dependent
clause) dengan induk kalimat (independent clause); after, although, as, as
long as, because, before, if, unless, in order that, since, so that, until, when,
whenever, where, wherever.
Although he was tired, he didn’t break the promise to visit me.

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
1. _____ I am going to go outside with my friends …. COVID-19 is already
2. Instagram has become a successful social media, … the popularity is beaten
by Tik-Tok lately.
3. “Can we have a little introduction for the e-learning ….. we start it?”
4. Netflix is providing many movies and series you can play through your
Laptop, SmartTV … Phone.
5. “I thought the Snapchat filters are quite good, …. I found Tik-Tok has way
much better filters”
6. Neither hand sanitizer … hand gloves can prevent you from the virus if you
don’t wash your hands with soap.
7. We can simply kill the virus on our hands by hand soap … it has
phospholipid bilayer which can easily be destroyed by any soap formula.
8. There are some online platforms to study in the distance, … there should not
be any reason to stop the learning.
9. I will not buy a new lipstick … there are so many discounts at the store.
10. Spotify provides premium feature for you to listen to the music without ads
… you will not be disturbed during your jam.
11. Nobody is allowed to go out for no reason in Malaysia, … the government
is preventing the spreads of COVID-19.
12. I can not move to another account on Instagram … I’m uploading story or
feed post.
13. My head’s underwater … I’m breathing fine.
14. The airports do lockdown … the situation gets better.
15. Either you are young … old, please just stay home because the virus may
spread in any unpredictable way.
16. … kill the bacteria, we also need to wash the hands beside using the hand
17. Rumour says there are some countries are developing the vaccine of the
virus, … no country is already mentioned.
18. You will get a higher level … you get out from your comfort zone
19. The branded fashions are actually simple … classy in design.
20. No wonder why she is so great in molecular biology, … she attended so
many workshops related to it.
21. Dutch colonialism in Indonesia happened … the Japanese colonialism.
22. Due to the pandemic, the selling of hand sanitizer and surgical mask is
increasing multiple times … causing lack of stock for the paramedic.
23. I was fixing my room theatre … the pizza come so I couldn’t give the pizza
man some tip.
24. Every detail of the report is written down … the author thinks the paper is
good enough.
25. I will be ready … he is asking me to go.
26. Noah Centineo is well known as boy crush in Netflix … he roled in movie
“To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before”
27. All the drugs have been clinically tested … they have license to be released.
28. I was fixing my room theatre when the pizza come … I couldn’t give the
pizza man some tip.
29. I will be ready … he is asking me to go.
30. In order to kill the bacteria, we also need to wash the hands … use the hand
6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide. Nebraska:
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia

1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Membedakan penggunaan tenses, dan menerapkan beragam pola ke
dalam kalimat.
2. Prinsip
Tuliskan prinsip dasar modul praktikum secara ringkas padat jelas
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Tense berhubungan dengan waktu terjadinya suatu peristiwa. Dalam bahasa
Inggris, perbedaan waktu mempengaruhi bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan dalam
sebuah kalimat.
Tense penggunaan contoh
Simple Mengungkapkan rutinitas, fakta, opini, Tom watches
present perasaan television everyday
Simple past Menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi di Tom watched
waktu tertentu di masa lampau television last night
Simple Menyatakan kegiatan yang akan terjadi Tom will watch
future di waktu tertentu di masa depan television tomorrow
Present Menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang Tom is sleeping right
continuous berlangsung saat ini now
Past Menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang Tom was sleeping
continuous dilakukan pada waktu tertentu di masa when I arrived
Future Menyatakan kegiatan yang akan Tom will be sleeping
continuous sedang berlangsung pada waktu when I arrive
tertentu di masa depan
Present Menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan Tom has already
perfect di masa lampau dan memiliki efek eaten
pada masa sekarang
Past perfect Menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi di Tom had already
masa lampau dan berakhir sebelum eaten when his
kegiatan lain terjadi atau dilakukan friend arrived
Future Menyatakan kegiatan yang akan telah Tom will already
perfect selesai dikerjakan pada satu waktu have eaten when his
tertentu di masa yang akan datang friend arrives
Present Menyatakan kegiatan yang telah Tom has been
perfect dimulai pada masa lampau dan masih studying for two
continuous sedang dilakukan pada saat sekarang hours
Past perfect Menyatakan kegiatan yang telah Tom had been
continuous dilakukan dan masih sedang dilakukan studying for two
pada satu waktu tertentu di masa hours before his
lampau friend came
Future Menyatakan kegiatan yang telah Tom will have been
perfect dimulai pada satu waktu dan masih studying for two
continuous sedang dilakukan di masa yang akan hours by the time his
datang friend arrives

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :
1. He ____ (practice) piano everyday.
2. Ann _____(swim) right now.
3. Ted _____(write) his report last night.
4. At three o’clock yesterday she ____ (study)
5. We ____ (not see) this movie yet.
6. She ____ (work) here for ten years.
7. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ____ (go) to bed.
8. We ___ (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when an accident
9. This time next week I _____(sail) to Netherland.
10. They _____ (finish) their assignments by the end of this week.

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide. Nebraska:
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia

1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis klausa berdasarkan fungsinya.
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Klausa adalah gabungan dari beberapa kata dan merupakan bagian dari sebuah
kalimat. Berdasarkan fungsinya dalam kalimat, klausa dapat dibedakan menjadi:
1. Noun clause
2. Adjective clause
3. Adverbial clause

Noun clause dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek, objek preposisi, atau
pelengkap dalam sebuah kalimat.
Subject  That she was beautiful had been already known by everyone in town
Object  I don’t know what you are talking about.
Objek preposisi  I am concerned about when he will arrive.
Pelengkap  The captain informed that we were going to have an emergency

Adjective clause dipakai untuk membentuk satu kalimat dari dua kalimat yang
terpisah. Relative pronoun adalah kata ganti penghubung yang digunakan untuk
membentuk sebuah kalimat. Relative pronoun menggantikan satu atau dua frase
kata benda yang identik dan menghubungkan klausa satu dengan yang lainnya
yang nantinya klausa yang satu akan menjelaskan klausa yang lain.

Pronou Penggunaan
Who Menggantikan orang sebagai subjek
Whom Menggantikan orang sebagai objek atau komplemen
Whose Menggantikan kepemilikan
That Menggantikan orang atau benda sebagai subjek
which Menggantikan benda sebagai subjek atau objek

The men are angry.

The men are in this room.
The men who are in this room are angry.

The men are angry.

I don’t like the men.
The men whom I don’t like are angry.

Tom’s father is in hospital now.

His health hasn’t been so good lately.
Tom’s father whose health hasn’t been so good lately is in hospital now.

The girl met me.

The girl is very pretty.
The girl that met me is very pretty.

I saw a dog.
The dog was beaten by the boy.
I saw a dog which was beaten by a boy.

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :
1. We bought the stereo ______ had been advertised at a reduced price.
2. Jonathan is the man _____ we are going to recommend for a job.
3. Johan ____ lives next door is friendly.
4. The dress ____ Sue bought yesterday doesn’t fit her.
5. The dentist is with a child ____ teeth are causing some troubles.
6. All the money ____ was accepted has already been released.
7. Did I tell you about the girl _____ I met during the student demonstration
last week?
8. Mark is a young writer _____ novel won the first prize in the national
9. Students ____ pass with excellent grades will be awarded scholarship.
10. Tom’s father _____ health hasn’t been so good lately is in hospital now.
11. I saw the man ____ closed the door.
12. We are studying sentences _____ contain adjective clauses.
13. The movie _____ we saw last night wasn’t very good.
14. The people _____ we visited them yesterday were very nice.
15. I met the woman _____ husband is the president of the corporation.
16. I’m sorry ____ I was late for class
17. ________ is a secret.
18. Mark: “Will people live on the other planets someday?”
Edward: “I wonder ____ people live on the other planets someday”
19. Chemicals are used in many food products _____ they will stay fresh
20. Andrew is going to sail his boat in the race ___ a storm is due.

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide.
Nebraska: Cliffs
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia


1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Menyesuaikan kata kerja dengan subjeknya
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata kerja harus bersesuaian dengan subjek. Apabila subjek
dalam kalimat berbentuk tunggal, maka kata kerja (predikat) juga harus berbentuk
tunggal. Sebaliknya, Apabila subjek dalam kalimat berbentuk jamak, maka kata
kerja (predikat) juga harus berbentuk jamak.

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menjawab soal TOEFL terkait
1. Subjek tunggal (Noun/pronoun/Noun phrase) membutuhkan kata kerja tunggal..

Elizabeth works at the bank.

She lives in New York.
My friend is calling me.

2. Subjek jamak membutuhkan kata kerja jamak.

My friends always call me.

They live in New York

3. Dua subjek atau lebih yang dihubungkan dengan “and” membutuhkan kata kerja

Elizabeth and Jane work at the bank

My brother, sister, and cousin live in Canada.
4. Subject verb agreement pada kalimat dengan frasa preposisi ataupun kalimat
dengan adjective clause didalamnya, sesuaikan kata kerja dengan subjeknya,
bukan dengan frase preposisinya atau dengan adjective clausenya.
The key (to the doors) is in the drawer.
The book (that I got from my parents) was interesting.

5. Subject yang menggunakan bentuk jumlah (all, some, most, half) maka kata
kerja yang mengikuti harus menyesuaikan dengan kata benda yang
mengikuti “of”
All of the books are interesting
All of the information is interesting

6. “One of”, “each of”, “every one of” selalu diikuti kata benda jamak. Namun
kata kerjanya harus dalam bentuk jamak.
One of my friends is here.
Each of my friends likes swimming.

7. Subject verb agreement pada kalimat dengan kata-kata tertentu; anybody,

anyone, anything, everybody, everything, nobody, nothing, somebody,
something, each+noun, every+noun harus dipandang tunggal meskipun
maknanya jamak:
Everybody is going to the theatre.
Every man, woman, and child needs love.
Each book and magazine is listed in the catalog.

8. Dua subjek yang dihubungkan dengan kata hubung both… and…memerlukan kata
kerja dalam bentuk jamak.
Both my mother and my sister are here.

9. Dua subjek yang dihubungkan dengan kata hubung not only…but also, either…or,
neither…nor, subjek yang disebutkan atau ditulis terakhir menentukan apakah kata
kerjanya tunggal atau jamak.
Not only my sister but also my brother is here.
Not only my brother but also my cousins are here.

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :

Lampiran 12
Subject-verb agreement
1. Either the teaher or the students (is/are) here now.
2. Both the students and the teacher (is/are) here now.
3. Half of the students in the class (is/are) Sundanese.
4. One of the chief materials in bones and teeth (is/are) calcium.
5. (Do/Does) all of the children have their books?
6. The subjects that you will be studying in this course (is/are) listed in the
7. Jane’s knowledge on various complex subjects (astound/astounds) me.
8. The professor and the student (agree/agrees)
9. The news about Mr. Morrison (was/were) surprising.
10. The mice in his house (annoy/annoys) me.

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide. Nebraska:
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia

1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Mengidentifikasi pola passive verbs dalam berbagai tenses dan
menerapkannya ke dalam kalimat.
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya melakukan pekerjaan. Sebaliknya,
kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai pekerjaan. Terdapat dua
syarat pembentukan kalimat pasif, yaitu:
1. Subjek dalam kalimat aktif menjadi objek dalam kalimat pasif, sedangkan
objek dalam kalimat aktif menjadi subjek dalam kalimat pasif.
2. Kata kerja dalam kalimat pasif dibentuk dengan menambahkan kata bantu
be dan bentuk ketiga dari kata kerja; to be + V3

Tense Pola Contoh

Simple present S + am/are/is + V3 The cake is baked here
Present continuous S + am/are/is + being + V3 The cake is being baked
Present perfect S + have/has + been + V3 The cake has been
baked here
Present perfect S + have/has + been + being + The cake has been being
continuous V3 baked here
Simple past S + was/were/ + V3 The cake was baked
Past continuous S + was/were + being + V3 The cake was being
baked here
Past perfect S + had + been + V3 The cake had been
baked here
Past perfect S + had + been + being + V3 The cake had been being
continuous baked here
Simple future S + will + be + V3 The cake will be caked
Future continuous S + will + be + being + V3 The cake will be being
baked here
Future perfect S + will + have + been + V3 The cake will have been
baked here
Future perfect S + Will have + been + being + The cake will have been
continuous V3 being baked here

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :

Change these active sentences into the passive ones.

1. Films inspire people to travel.

2. Danny Boyle directed The Beach.
3. They are making the film on location.
4. They will release the film next year.
5. Thousands of fans have visited the country.
6. He is repairing the motorcycle.
7. Millions of people watched this program.
8. My mother cooks the meal every day.
9. I was repairing my computer when you came.
10. They will release the film next year

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide.
Nebraska: Cliffs
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia

1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami structure dan grammar
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Membedakan tiga tipe dalam conditional sentences, membuat kalimat
dengan polanya masing-masing, dan mengidentifikasi fakta dari setiap
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Conditional sentence adalah kalimat pengandaian yang kenyataannya bisa saja
belum terjadi, tidak terjadi, atau tidak akan pernah terjadi. Terdapat tiga tipe
conditional sentence:

Conditional sentence type 1

Tipe pertama ini digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaian akan sesuatu
pada masa yang akan datang (future). Faktanya mungkin terjadi atau tidak
mungkin terjadi.

Independent clause Dependent clause

Subject + will + V1 If + subject + simple present
I will lend you some money if I get my salary tomorrow
Fakta: saya mungkin akan mendapat gaji besok dan mungkin akan
meminjamkan kamu uang
Conditional sentence type 2
Kalimat pengandaian tipe kedua digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan
yang bertentangan dengan masa sekarang.

Independent clause Dependent clause

Subject + would + V1 If + subject + simple past
I would lend you some money if I got my salary this morning
Fakta: saya berencana meminjamkan kamu uang namun saya tidak
mendapat gaji pagi ini sehingga saya tidak bisa meminjamkan kamu uang

Independent clause Dependent clause

Subject + would have + V3 If + subject + past perfect
I would have lent you some money if I had gotten my salary
Saya mustahil meminjamkan kamu uang tadi karena saya tidak mendapat
gaji tadi pagi
Alat :-
Bahan : -
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :

Complete the blank.

1. If I were offered the job, I ____ (take) it.
2. Ann____ (be) terribly upset if she lost her favorite ring.
3. If someone ____ (walk) in here, I would have been very frightened.
4. She _______ (understand) if you had explained the situation to her.
5. He would tell you about it if he _____ (be) here.
6. What would you do if you ___ (lose/lost/had lost) your job?
7. The room ____ (look/looked/had looked) bigger if we painted it white.
8. I will not go unless she ______ (invites/invited/had invited) me.
9. If I see Ann, I ________ (will tell/would tell/would have told) her that
you are looking for her.
10. If he ____ (is, was, were) rich, he could buy the new house.
11. If I finish the dress before Saturday, I ____ (give) it to my sister for her
12. If I had seen the movie, I ______ (tell) you about it last night.
13. She would call you immediately if she _____(need) help.
14. If you have enough time, please ______the chair before you leave.
15. If he had left already, he ____ (call) us.
16. If they had known him, they ____(talk) to him.
17. He would understand it if you ______ (explain) it to him more slowly.
18. If your mother ______(buy) that car for you, will you be happy?
19. I _______(accept) if they invite me to the party.
20. If they had left the house earlier, they ____ (be, negative) so late getting
to the airport.

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide.
Nebraska: Cliffs
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia


1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami listening
comprehension dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Mengenali berbagai tips dalam mengerjakan soal listening dalam
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Dalam mengerjakan bagian ini, peserta tes perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal
1. Kenali petunjuk dari setiap bagian tes
2. Perhatikan waktu yang anda miliki
3. Rekaman audio hanya akan diperdengarkan satu kali
4. Berusaha maksimal untuk menjawab pertanyaan di awal yang lebih mudah
karena pertanyaan selanjutnya akan semakin sulit
5. Tidak ada pengurangan nilai sehingga jangan pernah membiarkan lembar
jawaban kosong
6. Perhatikan sekilas pada lembar jawaban untuk mendapatkan gambaran

Tips Part A:
1. Fokus pada pembicara kedua
2. Bentuk-bentuk ungkapan biasanya berupa :
Structures (passives, negatives, wishes, conditions)
Functional expressions (agreement, uncertainty, suggestion, surprise)
Idiomatic expressions (two-part verbs, three-part verbs, idioms)
3. Pertanyaan termudah dari nomor 1-5 dan tersulit dari no 26-30
4. Jangan pernah membiarkan lembar jawaban kosong

Tips Part B
1. Jika waktunya memungkinkan, perhatikan sekilas setiap jawaban dan
ketahui lebih dulu mengenai topic dan gambaran pertanyaan
2. Simak pembicara pertama dengan teliti karena seringkali berisi ide
pokok dan topic pembicaraan
3. Ketika mendengarkan percakapan, simak dengan baik siapa yang
berbicara, dimana dan kapan percakapan tersebut berlangsung
4. Jangan pernah membiarkan lembar jawaban kosong.

Tips Part C
1. Lihatlah sekilas pada pilihan jawaban yang ditawarkan untuk membantu
menjawab atau menebak jawabab dari pertanyaan yang ada
2. Fokus pada pembicara pertama
3. Topik yang biasanya masuk dalam bagian ini adalah ilmu pengetahuan
umum dan sejarah
4. Perhatikan tanggal, bulan atau tahun yang ada dalam pembicaraan
5. Jangan pernah membiarkan lembar jawaban kosong

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :
Laptop, infokus, Internet, speaker/sound system
Bahan :
E-book Longman Preparation Course for The TOEFL Test
5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.
Pertanyaan :

Listen to the audio and choose the correct words.

Similar sound
Exercise A1
A. Pit D. Put
B. Pet E. Pout
C. Pat F. Pot

Exercise A2
A. Heat D. Hot
B. Hit E. Height
C. Hut F. Hate

Exercise A3
A. Cat D. Caught
B. Cut E. Kite
C. Cot F. Coat

Exercise A4
A. Bill D. Ball
B. Bell E. Bale
C. Bull F. Bowl

Exercise A5
A. Cap D. Keep
B. Cape E. Cop
C. Cup F. Cope

Exercise A6
A. Bead D. Bad
B. Bid E. Bud
C. Bed F. Bowed

Exercise A7
A. Neat D. Nut
B. Night E. Knot
C. Net F. Note

Exercise A8
A. Seek D. Soak
B. Sick E. Sock
C. Sack F. Sake

Exercise A9
A. Seed D. Sawed
B. Said E. Side
C. Sad F. Sighed

Exercise A10
A. Heal
B. Hill
C. Haul
D. Hail
E. Hole
F. Hall
G. Howl
H. Whole
I. hull

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide.
Nebraska: Cliffs
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia


1. Tujuan
1.1. Kompetensi yang Dicapai :
Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui dan memahami reading comprehension
dalam TOEFL.
1.2. Tujuan Praktikum :
Mengenali berbagai tips dalam mengerjakan soal reading dalam
2. Prinsip
Melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal TOEFL.
3. Pendahuluan/ dasar teori

Reading comprehension merupakan bagian terakhir dari tes TOEFL.
Tes ini menguji kemampuan dalam memahami teks tertulis dalam bahasa
Inggris. Jumlah soal pada bagian ini sebanyak 50 butir soal dengan waktu
pengerjaan selama 55 menit. Dalam satu teks terdapat beberapa pertanyaan
yang jawabannya berdasarkan informasi yang tersedia dalam teks tersebut.
Pada umumnya materi reading berupa teks dari berbagai cabang ilmu
seperti ekonomi, politik, geografi, biologi, antropologi, sejarah, psikologi
dan sebagainya.
Berikut beberapa strategi untuk mendapatkan skor yang memuaskan:
1. Berlatih mengerjakan soal reading akan melatih kemampuan dan kecepatan
dalam membaca dam menjawab pertanyaan.
2. Meningkatkan perbendaharaan kata untuk bisa memahami isi bacaan dengan
3. Kenali dan pahami setiap petunjuk.
4. Gunakan waktu sebaik mungkin.
5. Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal yang dianggap mudah.
6. Bacalah teks sekilas dan langsung membaca pertanyaan di setiap soal untuk
dicari jawabannya pada teks.
7. Gunakan konteks untuk menjawab pertanyaan inference (kesimpulan),
synonym dan antonym.
8. Lakukan skim reading (membaca sepintas) jika tidak menemukan ide pokok
maupun topic yang biasanya terdapat di awal atau akhir paragraph.
9. Pertanyaan tentang ide pokok maupun topic dijawab setelah menjawab
pertanyaan lain.

Topic bacaan dalam tes TOEFL meliputi:

Adapun beberapa materi dan pola soal yang sering diujikan dalam bagian tes reading
comprehension yaitu:
1. Main idea (Ide pokok atau gagasan utama dari teks)
2. Inference (Kesimpulan)
3. Restatement (Menguraikan)
4. Vocabulary (Kosakata)
5. Reference (Rujukan)
6. Author’s purpose/opinion (pandangan penulis)
7. Preceding/following topic (topik sebelum atau sesudah)
8. Paragraph focus (fokus paragraph)
9. Line focus (focus baris)

4. Alat dan bahan

Alat :-
Bahan : -

5. Prosedur kerja
Prosedur :
1. Baca teori dan contoh kasus yang terkait dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan
2. Mencari pengembangan teori dan kasus melalui internet.

Pertanyaan :

Spider wasp, any insect of the family Pompilidae, is known as Psammodharidae

(order Hymenoptera). They are distributed throughout most of the world. About 40
species occur in Great Britain, and more than 100 species are found in North
America. Although they feed on spiders helpful to humans, the wasps are not
regarded as economically destructive.
The spider wasps include the largest members of the order; some exceed 5 cm (2
inches) in length. Most are 1.0 to 2.5 cm (0.4 to 1 inch) long. The slender body is
usually dark; in many cases the wings are smoky or yellowish. Most can run rapidly
on legs that are long and spiny. They inflict a very painful sting.

There is apparently much variation in the method of stinging prey. The method of
Cryptocheilus is a refined process during which the wasp first stings the spider
between its poison fangs and then stings it again near the junction of the
cephalothorax and abdomen. This produces complete immobility. Pompilus, on the
other hand, has a less refined sting. It sometimes kills the spider; in other cases, the
spider may survive for a few weeks.

Spiders captured and paralyzed by the sting of the spider wasp are fed to the young
(Certain wasps other than pompilids also capture spiders for this purpose). Adult
spider wasps are commonly found on flowers and either on the ground or hovering
above it in search of prey. The nest or cell is made in soil, on rotten wood, or among
rocks. Species of the North American genus Pseudagenia construct cells of mud
under bark or among stones.

Some species construct the nest before capturing the spider; others capture the spiders
first, then set it aside until the nest is completed. A single spider and a single egg are
placed in the nest. The spider, alive but paralyzed, is eaten by the wasp larva.
Anoplius fuscus, a European species, captures spiders of five different families.
Larvae of the European genus Homonotus live on the body of a spider that remains
active in its normal habitat until it is gradually killed by the feeding larva.
1. All of the following are true based on paragraph 1.EXCEPT ….
(A) Spider wasps are not considered as economically destructive.
(B) Spider wasps are only distributed in Great Britain.
(C) Spider wasps can grow until 5cm in length
(D) The wings of some spider wasps are smoky or yellowish.
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
(A) Cryptocheilusmethod in stinging prey.
(B) Variation proses in stinging prey.
(C) Various method of stinging prey.
(D) Method for surviving from sting.

3. In Which lines does the author mention the method of stinging prey that causes
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

4. The word “destructive” is closest in meaning to

(A) devastating
(B) Frustrating
(C) Intensive
(D) Effective

5. According to the text, what is Cryptochelius ?

(A) A method of stinging prey which makes spiders paralyzed.
(B) A method of stinging prey which causes immobility.
(C) A process of hunting prey.
(D) A process of surviving the paralyzed spiders.

6. The word “inflict” is closest meaning to …..

(A) Remain
(B) Hurt
(C) Kill
(D) Causes
7. What do adult spiders wasps do on the flower or ground?
(A) Make a nest
(B) Hunt for prey.
(C) Feed young spides wasps.
(D) Conetructcells of mud.

8. The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to ….

(A) Pompilus
(B) Refined sting
(C) Spider
(D) Spider wasp

9. What happens to the paralyzed spiders?

(A) They are placed in the nest.
(B) They are caught by spider wasps.
(C) They are killed by feeding larva.
(D) They are eaten by wasp larva.

10. The following are true based on paragraph 4, EXCEPT ….

(A) Paralyzed spider is eaten by wasp larva.
(B) All kind of spider wasps make nest before capturing prey.
(C) Some spider wasps capture spider before making nest.
(D) Anoplius fuscusis is a kind of European spider wasps.

6. Hasil Praktikum
7. Diskusi dan pembahasan
8. Kesimpulan
9. Pustaka
Deborah, Philip. 2003. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
New York: Pearson Education
Pyle, M. A. dan Page, M. E. M. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide. Nebraska:
Purnaning, E. R. dkk. 2013. Upgrade TOEFL Score. Jakarta: Cmedia
Lampiran 1


Directions: In Part A, you will hear short conversations between two people. After
each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations
and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible
answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the latter of
the answer you have chosen.
Now, we will begin with the part A. with the first conversation.
1. (A) He cannot print the paper.
(B) He has not eubmitted the papper.
(C) He has submitted today.
(D) He forgets to submit the papper.

2. (A) He is taking a bath.

(B) He is in the bathroom.
(C) He cannot answer the phone.
(D) He phone is hanging.

3. (A) She broke with his boyfriend.

(B) Something happened with her motorcycle.
(C) She missed his motorcycle.
(D) Her motorcycle was broken in the traffics.

4. (A) He did not like a bad party

(B) He thought that the party was not OK for him
(C) He felt a bit sick
(D) He would come if the party had been OK

5. (A) He will buy car

(B) He cannot think logically right now.
(C) He cancels to buy the car because of the price.
(D) He has not decided yet.

6. (A) Words
(B) A poem
(C) A drama
(D) A story

7. (A) He is very busy.

(B) He cannot arrive by four because the traffic is busy.
(C) He tries to be there by four
(D) He will be there in time

8. (A) He sees the dean.

(B) He sees what the woman sees.
(C) He wants to have the certificate now.
(D) He understands the condition.

9. (A) A restaurant
(B) A hotel
(C) An airport
(D) A hospital

10. (A) She got headache.

(B) She will overcome her illness.
(C) She had to keep her house.
(D) She needed to clean her house.

11. (A) 10
(B) 50
(C) 60
(D) 40

12. (A) She will say so

(B) She will tell her friends that the restaurant offers not delicious food.
(C) She agrees with the man.
(D) She has said that.

13. (A) She did know what book she should read.
(B) She cannot open the book.
(C) Her passage is missing.
(D) She has not studied.

14. (A) She thinks that the picture is so beautiful.

(B) She thinks that the picture is so interesting.
(C) She has not seen the picture.
(D) She sees that the picture is usual.

15. (A) He cannot come to the party.

(B) He will certainly come to the party.
(C) He has not decided yet to come.
(D) He is unable to come.

16. (A) She likes orange juice very much.

(B) She does not like to drink.
(C) She likes any beverage.
(D) She does not have any favorite drink.

17. (A) He had a late work.

(B) He was with the boss.
(C) He did not like dance.
(D) He did not know the information.

18. (A) He does not read the operation.

(B) He willsurely approve the proposal.
(C) He has read the proposal.
(D) He will praise the proposal.

19. (A) There wasa peaceful place to work.

(B) He blame the woman’s complain.
(C) He also felt annoyed with the racket.
(D) He would wait the woman in the meeting room.

20. (A) She had passed the tes.

(B) Her score was not statisfying.
(C) She would the remedial tes.
(D) She forgot the schedule.

21. (A) She did not want to eat.

(B) She did not feel hungry.
(C) She was in too much pain.
(D) She was in dentist until late evening.

22. (A) Its sells illogical books.

(B) Its book collection is not interesting.
(C) It offers really high price.
(D) It offers cheap price.
23. (A) He still needs quites place to work.
(B) He has not completed the journal.
(C) He will submit the journal tomorrow.
(D) His journal has not been well enough to be submitted.

24. (A) She did not take biology class.

(B) She got lost to find the class.
(C) She got up late.
(D) She came to the class on time.

25. (A) Historian.

(B) Accountant.
(C) Analist.
(D) Doctor.

26. (A) Restaurant.

(B) Bakery.
(C) Plane.
(D) Hotel.

27. (A) Es cendol

(B) Es degan
(C) Nothing
(D) Both

28. (A) The match will be cancelled.

(B) The match will be held regardless the weather.
(C) The match will be cencelled if it is raining.
(D) The match will ge done if it is shiny.
29. (A) 024770
(B) 0224700
(C) 0224770
(D) 022477

30. (A) She did not study last night.

(B) Tough she studied last night, she could not do the test.
(C) She had prepared the material.
(D) The test was totally difficult.

Part B
Directions: In this part of the test you will hear longer conversations. After each
conversation you will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will
not be repeated. After you hear a question, read four possible answers in your test
book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have
chosen. Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.
Question number 31
31. (A) Holiday will be on winter.
(B) The students must take longer class.
(C) The lecturers are currently.
(D) The students need to conduct more research.

32. (A) She has not had enough money for the tuition.
(B) She will probably be unable to have camping.
(C) She must take more class.
(D) She has not completed her research.

33. (A) Forget the summer holiday.

(B) Take Prof. Franklin’s class.
(C) Skip the camping.
(D) Have camping on weekend.

34. (A) Talk to Prof. Franklin.

(B) Ignore the semester.
(C) Make the semester faster.
(D) Complete their research.

35. (A) Patient and doctor.

(B) Parent and child.
(C) Teacher and student.
(D) Seller and Buyer.

36. (A) Having food allergy.

(B) Having spicy food.
(C) Headache.
(D) Stomacheche.

37. (A) Soon before she leaves the hospital.

(B) After leaving the hospital.
(C) Soon before the doctor leaves the hospital
(D) After two days.

38. (A) Do the test.

(B) Prescribe some medicine.
(C) Allow the woman to take a rest
(D) Help the woman

Part C
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you
will hear some questions. The talks and questions will not be repeated.
After you hear a question, you will read the four possible answers in your test book
and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have

39. (A) Hemisphere

(B) Aphasia
(C) How human produce language
(D) The use of language

40. (A) Language retard

(B) Slow development
(C) Damage in hemisphere
(D) Genetic

41. (A) Speaking and comprehending ability

(B) Memory storage
(C) Intelligence
(D) Language control

42. (A) Learning

(B) Operation
(C) Medical treatment
(D) Speech therapy

43. (A) How children gain language

(B) Child’s language development
(C) Teaching Language
(D) Language comprehension

44. (A) Culture

(B) Environment
(C) Socio-economy
(D) Dignity

45. (A) Children could be treated as adult.

(B) Children developed their language faster than adult.
(C) Children were unique and needed special treatment.
(D) Children learnt from their parents.

46. (A) Psychologist

(B) Piaget
(C) Vygotsky
(D) Vygotsky dan Piaget

47. (A) After 30 minutes until 2 hours

(B) Before 30 minutes until 2 hours
(C) while swimming
(D) after 3 hours

48. (A) It may cause stomach cramp.

(B) It blocks oxygen
(C) It prevents swimmer to go up
(D) The digestive system has not worked well.

49. (A) Boy Scouts of America

(B) Swimmer
(C) Researcher

50. (A) The oxygen will be less.

(B) The stomach and digestive organs are busy preparing the food for the
blood and body.
(C) The digestive system has not finished to process food.
(D) It created more damage on body.

Part A
Directions: The questions are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will
see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or
phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number
of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you
have chosen.

1. In English, there ______ that people use to give a name to anything whose
name is unknown or momentarily forgotten.
(A) many different kinds of expressions
(B) many different kinds of expressions are
(C) are many different kinds of expressions
(D) that are many different kinds of expressions

2. In the beginning, the colony______ was named Middle Plantation because of

its location in the middle of peninsula between two rivers.
(A) Williamsburg
(B) at Williamsburg
(C) it is Williamsburg
(D) is

3. Blood plasma, ______, consists of blood from which the red and white blood
cells have been removed.
(A) is clear, almost colorless liquid
(B) a clear, almost colorless liquid is that
(C) that it is a clear, almost colorless liquid
(D) a clear, almost colorless liquid
4. From the early eighteenth century, Mardi Gras ______ grown in popularity,
particularly in New Orleans.
(A) which is
(B) has
(C) it is
(D) being

5. Book clubs are a great way to meet new friends _____

(A) and keeping in touch with old ones
(B) in keeping in touch with old ones
(C) or keep in touch with old ones
(D) so keep in touch with the old one

6. ______ smoke detectors reduce the risk of dying in a fire by half, firefighters
often provide audiences with information on how to install these devices in
their home.
(A) Because
(B) That
(C) It is
(D) Then

7. _____ have at least four hours of hazardous materials response training is

mandated by federal law.
(A) All police officers
(B) All police officers must
(C) That all police officers
(D) For all police officers

8. Dolphins form extremely complicated allegiances and ______ continually

(A) enmities that
(B) that are enmities
(C) enmities that are
(D) that enmities

9. Cadillac Mountain rises 1,532 feet, _______on the Atlantic seaboard.

(A) it makes the high mountain
(B) which making the mountain high
(C) making it the highest mountain
(D) made it the highest mountain

10. Kokanee salmon begin to deteriorate and die soon ____ at the age of four.
(A) they spawn
(B) after spawning
(C) spawn
(D) spawned the salmon

11. The human body can tolerate only a small range of temperature, especially
when _______
(A) the person is engaged in vigorous activity
(B) is the person engaged in vigorous activity
(C) that the person engaging in vigorous activity
(D) engaged the person in vigorous activity

12. There______ that creates more space in the blocked artery by inserting and
inflating a tiny balloon into the blood vessel.
(A) a medical procedure
(B) a medical procedure is
(C) is a medical procedure
(D) what a medical procedure

13. Nowhere ______ more skewed than in the auto industry.

(A) that retail trade figures
(B) retail trade figures are
(C) retail trade figures
(D) are retail trade figures

14. The report would have been accepted _____ in checking its accuracy.
(A) if more care
(B) more care had been taken
(C) had taken more care
(D) had more care been taken

15. Children who are avid readers get much better grades_____
(A) than do their peers
(B) that their peers
(C) and their peers
(D) beside their peers

Part B
Directions: In these questions, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases.
The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify
the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to
be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

16. The role of the chambers on the right side of the heart are to
receive oxygen-depleted blood from the body tissues and send it on to
the lungs.

17. The Golden Age of Railroads refer to the period from the end of the
Civil War to the beginning of World War I when railroads flourished and
maintained a near monopoly in mass transportation in the United States.

18. Any client who need particular work on communication or on

academic, emotional, and social skills is an excellent candidate for music

19. In a statement that was to become famous, the critic, Vivian

Mercer, has described Godot as “a play in which nothing happen twice”.

20. The leaves of Venus-flytrap function more like a trap, snapping

suddenly and forceful shut around an insect.

21. Neither a wrinkle or a simper match the descriptive word ferocious.


22. Organic food is usually more expensive than non-organic.


23. The site for Williamsburg had been selected by the colonists
because the soil drainage was good there than at the Jamestwon location.

24. The full moon that occurs most near the equinox of the Sun has
become known as the harvest moon.

25. Born in Salzburg, Austrian on January 27, 1756, Wolfgang had

compose his first original work by age five.

26. The pyramids of Meso-America were not build to withstand the

ravages of time.

27. Always the economist, Benjamin Franklin believed the practice of

moving the time could saved on the use of candlelight.

28. Milton Hershey only attended school through the fourth grade; at
that point, he is apprenticed to a printer in a nearby town.

29. Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman once pretended to be a thief so that

she would get arrest and see for herself how female prisoners were really

30. The atria is the thin-walled upper chambers that gather blood as it
flows from the veins between heart beats.

31. One identifying characteristic of minerals is its relative hardness,

which can be determined by scratching one mineral with another.

32. The La Brea tarpits, located in Hancock Park in the Los Angeles
area, have proven to be an extreme fertile source of Ice Age fossils.

33. After a few years, the Michaux family was making hundreds of
bicycles annual, mostly for fun-seeking youhg people.

34. Clinical signs are more like to be present when an asthma patient is
experiencing symptoms.

35. Anorexia nervosa sufferers can exhibit sudden angry outbursts or

become socially withdraw.
36. The scholarship that Wilson received to study history at Cambridge
presented an unique opportunity.

37. Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic,
disappeared on June 1937 while attempting to fly around the world.

38. American banks did loans to European countries following World

War I.

39. Alike the Washington Zoo, the San Diego Zoo had several panda

40. Titania, photographed by Voyager 2 in 1986, has significantly

fewer craters than another moons of Uranus.

Directions: In this section, you will read a number of passages. Each one is
followed by approximately ten questions about it. For questions 1-50, choose the
one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then, find the number of
the question on your answer sheet, and fill in the space that corresponds to the
letter of the answer you have chosen. Answer all the questions following a
passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.

Questions 1 through 10 are based on the following passage.

The fourth of nine children of Johann Georg and Anna Regina Kant, Immanuel
Kant was born in the town of Konisberg, East Prussia, on April 22, 1724. Johann
Kant was a harness maker, and the large family lived a humble life. Kant’s
elementary education was at Saint George’s Hospital school and then at the
Collegium Fredericianum, a Pietist school, where he remained from 1732 until
In 1740 Kant entered the University of Konigsberg. He became interested in
philosophy, mathematics, and the natural sciences. The death of Kant’s father in
1746 left him without income. He became a private tutor for seven years in order
to have enough time and money to continue his education.
During that period Kant published several papers dealing with scientific
questions. The most important was the “General Natural History and Theory of
the Heavens” in 1755. In the same year Kant presented a Latin treatise, “On Fire,”
to qualify for the doctoral degree. Kant spent the next fifteen years (1755-1770) as
a lecturer. In order to live he lectured between twenty-six and twenty-eight hours
a week.
Despite this enormous teaching burden, Kant continued to publish papers on
various topics. He finally achieved a professorship at Konigsberg in 1770. At the
age of fifty-seven Kant published the first edition of the Critique of Pure Reason
(1781; 2d ed. 1787). This enormous work is one of the most important and
difficult books in Western thought. The aim of the critique is to explain how
experience and reason interact in thought and understanding.

11. What does the text mainly discuss?

(A) The education of Immanuel Kant
(B) The biography of Immanuel Kant
(C) The career of Immanuel Kant
(D) The early life of Immanuel Kant

12. In which lines does the author mention that Kant had a financial problem?
(A) 4-6
(B) 7-8
(C) 8-10
(D) 11-13

13. What does the first paragraph mainly discuss?

(A) Kant’s early life
(B) Kant’s place of born
(C) Kant’s early education
(D) Kant’s family

14. How old was Immanuel Kant when his father died?
(A) 16
(B) 20
(C) 22
(D) 32

15. The word “enormous” is closest in meaning to_____

(A) Great
(B) Good
(C) Difficult
(D) Pleasant
16. Why did Kant become a private tutor?
(A) He was interested in philosophy, mathematics, and the natural
(B) He should earn money to live and continue his study.
(C) He was the student of University of Konigsberg.
(D) He published several papers about scientific questions.

17. The following statements are based on paragraph 3, except____

(A) Immanuel Kant became a lecturer for fifteen years.
(B) Immanuel Kant published “General natural History and Theory of the
Heavens” in 1755.
(C) Immanuel Kant lectured more than twenty-five hours a week.
(D) Immanuel Kant presented a Latin treatise to qualify for his master

18. In which lines does the author mention that Kant became a lecturer?
(A) 14-15
(B) 16-17
(C) 17-18
(D) 18-19

19. What can be assumed about Immanuel Kant in paragraph 4?

(A) He achieved a professorship at Konigsberg.
(B) He had enormous teaching burden.
(C) He succeeded to publish an enormous work.
(D) He published various topics of papers.

20. What is Critique of Pure Reason about?

(A) A critique for the government
(B) A critique of how pure experience and reason applied in thought and
(C) A critique about experience and reason interaction in thought and
(D) A pure reason of giving critique.
Questions 11 through 20 are based on the following passage
The development of the electric telegraph greatly changed the way diplomacy was
conducted in the 19th century. Until that time information was exchanged at the
speed of a sailing ship or a galloping horse. During the 1830s and 1840s,
inventors working independently in several countries developed workable electric
telegraphs, and these devices quickly superseded other technologies with the same
By the mid-nineteenth century, telegraphy had acquired its present definition as a
device for converting messages into electric impulses that traveled instantaneously
by wire to distant receivers, where they were converted back into readable text.
European foreign ministries first used telegraphy during the early 1850s, but it did
not become an important tool in the diplomacy of the United States until the
completion of a successful transatlantic cable in 1866.
The most significant characteristic of the telegraph was its speed. Telegrams
traveled like lightning across continents and oceans. Even with the additional time
required for coding and handling, telegrams were typically available within a few
hours of being sent. This speed brought many advantages to policy-makers who
found that they could respond rapidly to far off crises of whose very existence
they would previously have remained ignorant for weeks.
But the telegraph also brought disadvantages. The ability to act quickly placed
new time pressures upon political leaders, especially since telegraphy could
inform newspapers and an expectant public just as swiftly. The acceleration of
international disputes posed challenges to foreign ministries, which frequently
used delay as a tool in resolving international crises. The long pauses caused by
relatively slow communication had previously allowed tempers to cool, provided
time for careful, methodical diplomacy, and offered harried political leaders an
opportunity to conceive creative solutions to complex problems.

21. What is the purpose of the text?

(A) To explain the process of electric telegraph production
(B) To explain the development of electric telegraph use
(C) To persuade policymakers to use electric telegraph
(D) To describe the advantages of electric telegraph
22. What did people use to exchange information before the 19th century?
(A) The speed of telegraphy
(B) The speed of electric telegraphy
(C) The speed of sailing ship and electric telegraph
(D) The speed of sailing ship and galloping horse

23. When did investors develop usable electric telegraphs?

(A) In the 19th century
(B) In the mid 19th century
(C) During 1830 and 1840s
(D) During 1840s and 1850s

24. In which line does the author mention the advantages of the telegraph
(A) 16-17
(B) 18-20
(C) 21-23
(D) 25-26

25. The word ‘acquired in line 14 is closest in meaning to____

(A) Got
(B) Finished
(C) Brought
(D) Started

26. When did European foreign ministers first use telegraphy?

(A) In 1830
(B) In 1856
(C) During the early 1840s
(D) During the early 1850s

27. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

(A) Converting messages into electric impulses could be done
instantaneously by wire to distant receivers.
(B) Telegraphy was not an important tool for European foreign ministries.
(C) The use of telegraphy as a device to convert messages into electric
(D) Telegraphy was an important tool for United States.

28. The followings are true based on paragraph 3, except____

(A) Telegrams travelled so fast just like lightning across continents and
(B) Telegrams could be sent few hours with additional time for coding and
(C) The speed of telegrams brought advantages for policymakers in
handling crises.
(D) Speed was the most insignificant characteristic of telegraphs.

29. Why did telegraphy bring disadvantages?

(A) The speed of telegraphy gave pressures for the political leaders in
conceiving solution.
(B) Many political leaders did not know how to use telegraphy.
(C) Telegraphy allowed tempers to cool, provided time for careful and
offered political leaders to conceive solution.
(D) Telegraphy could not be used for political matters.

30. The word “conceive” is closest in meaning to_____

(A) Argue
(B) Think
(C) Reject
(D) Agree

Questions 21 through 30 are based on the following passage

Spider wasp, any insect of the family Pompilidae, is known as Psammodharidae
(order Hymenoptera). They are distributed throughout most of the world. About
40 species occur in Great Britain, and more than 100 species are found in North
America. Although they feed on spiders helpful to humans, the wasps are not
regarded as economically destructive.
The spider wasps include the largest members of the order; some exceed 5 cm (2
inches) in length. Most are 1.0 to 2.5 cm (0.4 to 1 inch) long. The slender body is
usually dark; in many cases the wings are smoky or yellowish. Most can run
rapidly on legs that are long and spiny. They inflict a very painful sting.
There is apparently much variation in the method of stinging prey. The method of
Cryptocheilus is a refined process during which the wasp first stings the spider
between its poison fangs and then stings it again near the junction of the
cephalothorax and abdomen. This produces complete immobility. Pompilus, on
the other hand, has a less refined sting. It sometimes kills the spider; in other
cases, the spider may survive for a few weeks.
Spiders captured and paralyzed by the sting of the spider wasp are fed to the
young (Certain wasps other than pompilids also capture spiders for this purpose).
Adult spider wasps are commonly found on flowers and either on the ground or
hovering above it in search of prey. The nest or cell is made in soil, on rotten
wood, or among rocks. Species of the North American genus Pseudagenia
construct cells of mud under bark or among stones.
Some species construct the nest before capturing the spider; others capture the
spiders first, then set it aside until the nest is completed. A single spider and a
single egg are placed in the nest. The spider, alive but paralyzed, is eaten by the
wasp larva. Anoplius fuscus, a European species, captures spiders of five different
families. Larvae of the European genus Homonotus live on the body of a spider
that remains active in its normal habitat until it is gradually killed by the feeding
31. All of the following are true bassed on paragraph 1.EXCEPT ….
(A) Spider wasps are not considered as economically destructive.
(B) Spider wasps are only distributed in Great Britain.
(C) Spider wasps can grow until 5cm in length
(D) The wings of some spider wasps are smoky or yellowish.

32. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

(E) Cryptocheilusmethod in stinging prey.
(F) Variation proses in stinging prey.
(G) Various method of stinging prey.
(H) Method for surviving from sting.

33. In Which lines does the author mention the method of stinging prey that
causes death?
(E) 10-13
(F) 14-17
(G) 18-20
(H) 22-25

34. The word “destructive” is closest in meaning to

(E) devastating
(F) Frustrating
(G) Intensive
(H) Effective

35. According to the text, what is Cryptochelius ?

(E) a method of stinging prey which makes spiders paralyzed.
(F) a method of stinging prey which causes immobility.
(G) a process of hunting prey.
(H) a process of surviving the paralyzed spiders.

36. The word “inflict” is closest meaning to …..

(E) Remain
(F) Hurt
(G) Kill
(H) Causes

37. What do adult spiders wasps do on the flower or ground?

(E) Make a nest
(F) Hunt for prey.
(G) Feed young spides wasps.
(H) Conetructcells of mud.
38. The word “it” in line 14 refers to ….
(E) Pompilus
(F) Refined sting
(G) Spider
(H) Spider wasp

39. What happens to the paralyzed spiders?

(E) They are placed in the nest.
(F) They are caught by spider wasps.
(G) They are killed by feeding larva.
(H) They are eaten by wasps larva.

40. The following are true based on paragraph 4, EXCEPT ….

(E) Paralyzed spider is eaten by wasp larva.
(F) All kind of spider wasps make nest before capturing prey.
(G) Some spider wasps capture spider before making nest.
(H) Anoplius fuscusis is a kind of European spider wasps.

Question 31 through 40 are based on the following passage

The larynx is a tough, flexible segment of the respiratory tract connecting the
pharynx to the trachea in the neck. It plays a vital role in the respiratory tract by
allowing air to pass through it while keeping food and drink from blocking the
airway. The larynx is also the body’s “voice box” as it contains the vocal folds
that produce the sounds of speech and singing.
The most superior region of the larynx is the epiglottis, a leaf-shaped flap of
elastic cartilage covered with epithelium. It connects to the larynx on its tapered
inferior end and, except for a brief moment while swallowing, extends its wider
superior end slightly into the pharynx just posterior to the tongue. During the
process of swallowing, the epiglottis folds over to cover the glottis and prevents
food from blocking the airway.
Inferior to the epiglottis is the glottis region of the larynx, which contains the
vocal folds. The largest cartilage in the larynx, the thyroid cartilage, supports the
glottis. The thyroid cartilage is semicircular in shape with a prominent ridge
extending from its anterior surface. This ridge is larger in males than in females
and is visible through the skin of the neck, forming the structure known as the
Adam’s apple. The thyroid cartilage is connected on its superior surface to the
hyoid bone by a wide ligament known as the tyro hyoid membrane. The thyroid
cartilage also anchors the anterior ends of the vocal fold, which attach to the
inside of the thyroid cartilage at the body’s midline.
The cricoid cartilage is the most inferior structure of the larynx and forms the
transition between the larynx and the trachea. It is ring-shaped, with its widest
portion facing posteriorly and its narrowest portion facing anteriorly.
The crycothyroid ligament connects the cricoid cartilage to the thyroid cartilage
along most of its superior surface, while the cricotracheal ligament connects it to
the trachea along its inferior surface. The wide posterior of the cricoid cartilage
amost touches the thyroid cartilage and forms the cricothyroid joint. Sound pitch
is modified by adjustment of the angle of the cricothyroid joint which helps to
control the tension of the vocal folds.
41. The word “it’ in line 7 refers to____
(A) Larynx
(B) Epiglottis
(C) Epithelium
(D) Flap

42. According to the text, what is the essential role of larynx?

(A) Blocking air to pass while blocking the food and drink from the
(B) Allowing air to pass while keeping food and drink from blocking the
(C) Playing a role as a voice box that produces the sounds of speech and
(D) Connecting the pharynx to the trachea in the neck.

43. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?

(A) Epiglottis as a leaf-shaped flap of elastic cartilage covered with
(B) The process of preventing food from blocking the airway.
(C) The role of epiglottis as the most superior region of the larynx.
(D) The swallowing process in the epiglottis.

44. The word “prominent is closest in meaning to ______

(A) Flat
(B) Stick out
(C) Rough
(D) Stick in

45. In which lines does the author mention the difference of thyroid cartilage
in males and females?
(A) 15-16
(B) 18-19
(C) 21-22
(D) 24-25

46. The word “it” in line 22 refers to ____

(A) Larynx
(B) Trachea
(C) Cricothyroid ligament
(D) Cricoid cartilage

47. The word “anterior” is closest in meaning to ____

(A) Strong
(B) Weak
(C) Deep
(D) Front

48. According to the text, what is the role of thyroid cartilage?

(A) Supporting the glottis
(B) Preventing food from blocking the airway
(C) Folding over to cover the glottis
(D) Doing a swallowing process
49. According to the text, the function of adjustment of the cricothyroid join
tangle in sound pitch is_____
(A) To control the vocal folds tension
(B) To help with the adjustment of the cricothyroid joint
(C) To modify the angle of the cricothyroid joint
(D) To connect the cricoid cartilage to the tyroid cartilage

50. The following statements are based on paragraph 4, except___

(A) The cricoid cartilage forms the transition between the larynx and the
(B) The cricoid cartilage has a ring-shaped and a widest portion facing
(C) The cricoid cartilage is the most superior structure of the larynx.
(D) Cricotracheal ligament connects cricoid cartilage to the trachea along
its inferior surface.

Questions 41 through 50 are based on the following passage

Researchers have for the first time shown that ribose, a sugar that is one of the
building blocks of genetic material in living organisms, may have formed in
cometary ices. To obtain this result, scientists at the Institute de Chimie de Nice
(CNRS/Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis) carried out a highly detailed analysis of
an artificial comet created by their colleagues at the Institut d’Astrophysique
Spatiale (CNRS/Universite Paris-Sud). Along with other teams, including one at
the SOLEIL synchrotron, they propose the first realistic scenario for the formation
of this key compound, which had never been detected in meteorites or cometary
ices until now. Their findings which shed new light on the emergence of life on
Earth are published in the journal Science dated April 8, 2016.
The genetic material of all living organisms on Earth, as well as of viruses, is
made up of nucleic acids, DNA and RNA. RNA, which is considered more
primitive, is thought to have been one of the first molecules characteristic of life
to appear on Earth. Scientists have long wondered about the origin of these
biological compounds. Some of them believe that the Earth was seeded by comets
or asteroids that contained the basic building blocks needed to form such
molecules. And indeed several amino acids (the components of proteins) and
nitrogenous bases (one of the components of nucleic acids) have already been
found in meteorites, as well as in artificial comets produced in the laboratory.
However, ribose, the other key component of RNA, had never yet been detected
in extraterrestrial material or created in the laboratory under ‘astrophysical’
conditions. Now, by simulating the evolution of the interstellar ice making up
comets, French research teams have successfully obtained ribose, a key step in
understanding the origin of RNA – and therefore of life.
51. What does the first paragraph mainly discuss?
(A) A detailed analysis done by scientists
(B) The formation of ribose
(C) A realistic scenario of key compound formation
(D) The publication of journal Science

52. The following statements are based on paragraph 2, except___

(A) RNA is one of the first molecules characteristic of life on Earth
(B) Genetic material of all living organisms made up of nucleic acids,
DNA and RNA.
(C) The origin of biological compounds has been a long concern by the
(D) All amino acids and nitrogenous bases have been found in meteorites.

53. In which lines does the author mention about the effort of scientists to get a
result about the formation of ribose?
(A) 3-6
(B) 7-10
(C) 11-14
(D) 15-18

54. The word “them” in line 16 refers to____

(A) Scientists
(B) Biological compounds
(C) Nucleic acids, DNA and RNA
(D) All living organisms

55. Which sentence is best following paragraph 1?

(A) The scientists worked hard in the analysis.
(B) The journal caught people’s attention since it was published.
(C) The team got a good result from the analysis.
(D) A detailed analysis is an important point in the research.

56. According to the text, what is the benefit of obtaining the ribose?
(A) As a simulation of interstellar evolution
(B) To detect extraterrestrial material or create ribose in laboratory.
(C) As a way to find meteorites and artificial comets.
(D) As an important way to understand the origin of RNA

57. According to the text, what is the genetic material of all living organisms
made of?
(A) It is made up of viruses.
(B) It is made up of nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
(C) It is made up of amino acids-nitrogenous bases.
(D) It is made up of ribose.

58. In which line does the author mention the publication of the scientists’
(A) 9-11
(B) 12-16
(C) 17-19
(D) 20-22

59. How did French research teams succeed in getting ribose?

(A) By detecting the extraterrestrial material.
(B) By creating ribose in laboratory.
(C) By simulating the interstellar evolution.
(D) By producing artificial comets in the laboratory.
60. The word “obtained” is closest meaning to____
(A) Recognized
(B) Got
(C) Brought
(D) caugh

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