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Passive Voice : Pengertian, Rumus, dan Contoh Kalimat

Passive Voice : Pengertian, Rumus, Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Contoh Kalimat

Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat 2 macam kalimat yaitu active voice (kalimat aktif) dan passive
voice (kalimat pasif). Masih binggung tentang apasih passive voice itu? Untuk itu mari kita lihat
contohnya di bawah ini:

Active voice dan passive voice sebenarnya memiliki persamaan arti pada kalimatnya. Object (an
apple) pada kalimat active voice menjadi subject di kalimat passive voice dengan penambahan “by”
pada objectnya. Singkatnya, active voice menyatakan subject yang aktif melakukan pekerjaan, dan
pada passive voice subject yang dikenakan pekerjaan.

Pengertian Passive Voice

“Passive voice is a type of sentence or clause in which the subject receives the action of the verb.”

Passive voice adalah jenis kalimat atau klausa di mana subjek menerima tindakan dari kata kerja.

Pada passive voice, subject kalimat tidak melakukan suatu tindakan/aksi melainkan subject
menerima tindakan. Berbeda dengan kalimat aktif, dimana subjek bertindak sebagai pelaku
tindakan. Active voicedapat diubah bentuk menjadi passive voice namun hanya berlaku pada kalimat
dengan transitive verbs. Transitive verbs adalah kata kerja yang diikuti direct object.

Rumus Passive Voice

Rumus passive voice adalah sebagai berikut:

S + be + past participle + (by agent)

S : Subject
be : auxiliary verb (am, is, are, was, were, has been, have been, will be, dll)
past participle: atau bisa disebut verb 3 (kata kerja bentuk ke 3)
(by agent) : pelaku dari tindakan


 Active voice: I read a book.

Passive voice: A book is read by me.

 Active voice: He drive a car last night.

Passive voice: A car was driven by him last night.

Contoh Passive Voice

Penggunaan passive voice pada beberapa tenses akan berbeda tetapi tetap memiliki rumus yang
sama. Berikut ini contoh passive voice dalam tenses:


Simple Present He writes an article. An article is writen by him.

She feeds the dog. The dog is fed by her.

Simple Past He wrote an article. An article was writen by him.

She fed the dog. The dog was fed by her.

Simple Future He will write an article. An article will be writen by him.

She will feed the dog. The dog will be fed by her.

Present Perfect He has writen an article. An article has been writen by him.

She has fed the dog. The dog has been fed by her.


Directions: Change the active verbs to passive verbs. Write the subject of the passive sentence.


(a) The teacher helps me.             (a)                                  by the teacher.

(b) The teacher helps Jane.          (b)                                  by the teacher.

(c) The teacher helps us.               (c)                                  by the teacher.


(a) The teacher helped me.         (a)                                  by the teacher.

(b) The teacher helped them.     (b)                                  by the teacher.


(a) The teacher has helped Joe.         (a)                                  by the teacher.

(b) The teacher has helped us.           (b)                                  by the teacher.


(a) The teacher will help me.                  (a)                                  by the teacher.

(b) The teacher is going to help Tim.    (b)                                  by the teacher.


Directions: Change the sentences from active to passive.

1. Ms. Hopkins invited me to dinner.

2. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph.

3. Water surrounds an island.

4. The magician held the show last week.

5. A plumber is going to fix the leaky faucet.

6. A doctor has examined the sick child.

7. A large number of people speak Spanish.

8. Helicopters fascinate children.

9. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

10. This news will amaze you.

11. Bob mailed the package.

12. The company employs many people.

13. A college students bought my old car.

14. The company has hired my friend.

15. Mr. James washed the new car.

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