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Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD (PDGK4304)

Universitas Terbuka Jambi

Name : Regina Andriani

Student’s Id Number : 856592158

 Kompetensi Khusus:
Module 6, 7, 8, dan 9.

 Waktu Pengumpulan Tugas:

Diberikan kepada Mahasiswa waktu sampai dengan paling lambat Senin, 6 Desember
2021 untuk mengumpulkan tugas pukul 23.59. Lewat dari batas waktu yang ditentukan,
tugas tidak diterima!

 Pengumpulan tugas 3 dilakukan melalui laman LMS.

 Apabila tugas telah selesai sebelum batas waktu, diperbolehkan untuk dikumpulkan
agar bisa di koreksi oleh Tutor, dan akan diberi kesempatan untuk memperbaiki apabila
nilai yang diperoleh kurang dari atau sama dengan 50%!

 Bila Mahasiswa kedapatan meng-copy paste tugas teman, maka keduanya tidak akan
diberi nilai.

 Disarankan untuk mengubah file tugas yang sudah diisi menjadi PDF, agar ketika Tutor
mendownload file tugas yang kalian kumpulkan, format tidak kacau.

1. Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini!
a. Pendidikan penting bagi anak-anak Indonesia. Education are important for
indonesian generation .
b. Pendidkan membuat masa depan anak bagus. Education lead indonesian
children future.
c. Orang tua wajib menabung untuk membiayai pendidikan anak-anak
mereka. Parents must have take a guarantee for their education expense
d. Anak-anak membentuk masa depan bangsa. Generation build nation
future .
e. Dengan pendidikan anak yang baik Indonesia akan menjadi negara yang
unggul. With better education Indonesia will be superior countri .

2. Terjemahkan bacaan “WHY EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT” berikut ini.

Education provides people with the tools and knowledge to understand
and participate in today’s world. It helps to sustain the human values and
gives contribution to individual and collective well-beings. It is the basis for
life-lonh learning. It inspires confidence and provides the skills to participate in
public affairs.
Education enhances the ability of households to manage health
problems, improve nutrition and childcare, and plan for a better future. It is
essential for economic development. It eradicates poverty and allows people
to earn a better living. It also provides people with the knowledge and
awareness to promote tolerance and understanding among people. And most
of all, it makes people more self-reliant and aware of their duties and rights.



Pilihlah salah satu kata didalam tabel yang tepat untuk setiap jawaban yang
Budiman is going to a wedding-party. He is wearing a (1)____________ and a
(2)____________. They are very good. They must be (3)_____________ of fine
(4)______________. In this kind of (5)______________ you should not wear a T-
shirt and (6)______________.

jeans fabrics tie event jacket made

4. Isilah dengan kata-kata yang tepat!
Contoh: : These shoes are (too big). I need smaller ones.
These shoes are too small. I need (bigger ones).

a. This belt is too short. I need a __________________________.

b. This jacket is ____________________________. I need a cheaper one.
c. The socks are too tight. I need ___________________________.
d. The color is _______________________. I need a darker one.
e. The bag is too bad. I need a ___________________________.

5. Buatlah kalimat dalam Present Continuous dan Simple Present Tenses.

Contoh: Ani – blue shirt – Mondays.
She is Ani. She is wearing a blue shirt. She wears a blue shirt on

a. Ahmad – a sarong – go to the mosque.

b. Ahmad and Rudi – T-shirts – at home.
c. Mitro – black shoes – Fridays.
d. My sister and I – glasses – at school.
e. Rini – a motor-cycle – almost every day.
6. Buat karangan tentang SPORTS seperti contoh berikut. Pilihlah satu
karakter yang kamu sukai, atau boleh juga ceritakan tentang dirimu
a. Hi, I am Mike Tyson.
b. I love boxing.
c. Boxing is not only my hobby, it is also my living.
d. I earn my living from boxing.
e. I am a professional boxer.
f. I practice every day to become a good boxer.
Sekarang, buatlah 6 kalimat hasil karanganmu sendiri!
a. …
b. …
c. …
d. …
e. …
f. …


Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini.
a. What local transportations are in Jambi?
b. What transportation can we go with if we go from Jambi to Jakarta?
c. Please show me the way from Kantor Gubernur Jambi to JAMTOS mall.

8. Write a story in five (5) sentences each about your…

(Tulislah sebuah cerita terdiri dari masing-masing 5 kalimat, tentang …
a. Past activity (Simple Past Tense – 5 kalimat)
b. Present activity (Simple Present Tense – 5 kalimat)
c. Future activity (Future Tense – 5 kalimat)

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