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SEMESTER 2021/22.2 (2022.1)

Nama Mahasiswa : Rizki Nanda

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/NIM : 042589529

Tanggal Lahir : 19 November 1995

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ABDI 4201/ Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Kode/Nama Program Studi : 54/Manajemen-S1

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 18 / Palembang

Hari/Tanggal UAS THE : Sabtu / 18 juni 2022

Tanda Tangan Peserta Ujian


1. Anda wajib mengisi secara lengkap dan benar identitas pada cover BJU pada halaman ini.
2. Anda wajib mengisi dan menandatangani surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik.
3. Jawaban bisa dikerjakan dengan diketik atau tulis tangan.
4. Jawaban diunggah disertai dengan cover BJU dan surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik.



Surat Pernyataan Mahasiswa

Kejujuran Akademik

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama Mahasiswa : Rizki Nanda

NIM : 042589529
Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ABDI 4201/ Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Fakultas : Ekonomi
Program Studi : Manajemen-S1
UPBJJ-UT : Palembang

1. Saya tidak menerima naskah UAS THE dari siapapun selain mengunduh dari aplikasi THE pada laman
2. Saya tidak memberikan naskah UAS THE kepada siapapun.
3. Saya tidak menerima dan atau memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk apapun dalam pengerjaan soal ujian
4. Saya tidak melakukan plagiasi atas pekerjaan orang lain (menyalin dan mengakuinya sebagai pekerjaan
5. Saya memahami bahwa segala tindakan kecurangan akan mendapatkan hukuman sesuai dengan aturan
akademik yang berlaku di Universitas Terbuka.
6. Saya bersedia menjunjung tinggi ketertiban, kedisiplinan, dan integritas akademik dengan tidak
melakukan kecurangan, joki, menyebarluaskan soal dan jawaban UAS THE melalui media apapun, serta
tindakan tidak terpuji lainnya yang bertentangan dengan peraturan akademik Universitas Terbuka.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya. Apabila di kemudian hari terdapat pelanggaran
atas pernyataan di atas, saya bersedia bertanggung jawab dan menanggung sanksi akademik yang ditetapkan oleh
Universitas Terbuka.
Muara Enim, 18 juni 2022

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Rizki nanda
Jawaban :

1. Capital flight is a large and sudden movement of funds out of a country. Capital flight causes
the interest rate to increase and the exchange rate to depreciate. According to Mankiw 2008,
Capital flight is defined as "a large and sudden reduction in the demand for assets located in
a country." Capital flight's largest impact is on the country from which the capital is fleeing.
(Mankiw, 2008) When capital flight occurs, interest rates increase and domestic currency
[exchange rate] depreciates. An increase in interest rate reduces domestic investment,
which slows economic growth and a depreciation of currency makes exports cheaper but
imports more expensive pushing the trade balance toward surplus.

2. No, The standard of living is all elements that affect people’s happiness, whether these
elements are bought and sold in the market or not.

Many factors that contribute to people's happiness are not bought and sold, GDP is a limited
tool for measuring standard of living. To understand it's limitations better, let's take a look at
several factors that are not accounted for in GDP.
GDP does not account for leisure time. The US GDP per capita is larger than the GDP per
capita of Germany, but does this prove that the standard of living in the United States is
higher? Not necessarily since it is also true that the average US worker works several
hundred hours more per year more than the average German worker. The calculation of
GDP does not take German workers extra weeks of vacation into account.
GDP includes what is spent on environmental protection, healthcare, and education, but it
does not include actual levels of environmental cleanliness, health, and learning. GDP
includes the cost of buying pollution-control equipment, but it does not address whether the
air and water are actually cleaner or dirtier. GDP includes spending on medical care, but it
does not address whether life expectancy or infant mortality have risen or fallen. Similarly,
GDP counts spending on education, but it does not address directly how much of the
population can read, write, or do basic mathematics.
GDP includes production that is exchanged in the market, but it does not cover production
that is not exchanged in the market. For example, hiring someone to mow your lawn or clean
your house is part of GDP, but doing these tasks yourself is not part of GDP.

GDP is an indicator of a society's standard of living, but it is only a rough indicator because it
does not directly account for leisure, environmental quality, levels of health and education,
activities conducted outside the market, changes in inequality of income, increases in
variety, increases in technology, or the—positive or negative—value that society may place
on certain types of output.

3. While, in some cases, a direct connection can be drawn between American assistance and
a positive outcome, for the most part, the Marshall Plan may be viewed best as a stimulus
that set off a chain of events leading to a range of accomplishments. At the completion of the
Marshall Plan period, European agricultural and industrial production were markedly higher,
the balance of trade and related “dollar gap” much improved, and significant steps had been
taken toward trade liberalization and economic integration. Historians cite the impact of the
Marshall Plan on the political development of some European countries and on U.S.-Europe
relations. European Recovery Program assistance is said to have contributed to more
positive morale in Europe and to political and economic stability, which helped diminish the
strength of domestic communist parties. The U.S. political and economic role in Europe was
enhanced and U.S. trade with Europe boosted.

Although the Marshall Plan has its critics and occurred during a unique point in history, many
observers believe it offers lessons that may be applicable to contemporary foreign aid
programs. This report examines aspects of the Plan’s formulation and implementation and
discusses its historical significance. The Appendix lists numerous related studies and

The Marshall Plan was very successful. The western European countries involved
experienced a rise in their gross national products of 15 to 25 percent during this period. The
plan contributed greatly to the rapid renewal of the western European chemical, engineering,
and steel industries. Truman extended the Marshall Plan to less-developed countries
throughout the world under the Point Four Program, initiated in 1949.

4. Production in Economics can be defined as the process of converting the inputs into outputs.
Inputs include land, labour and capital, whereas output includes finished goods and
services. In other words, Production in Economics is an act of creating value that satisfies
the wants of the individuals. Organisations engage in production for earning maximum profit,
which is the difference between the cost and revenue. Therefore, their production decisions
depend on the cost and revenue. The main aim of production is to produce maximum output
with given inputs.

Production in Economics is considered very important by organisations. Importance of

Production are as follow: Helps in creating value by applying labour on land and capital.
Improves welfare as more commodities mean more utility. Generates employment and
income, which develops the economy. Helps in understanding the relation between cost
and output.

Increases in output can only be due to increases in the inputs to the production process, or
to the efficiency with which they are used.Increases in inputs impose costs on society:
increasing labor means having less leisure time; increasing investment in capital means
lowering current consumption; and increasing material inputs reduces reserves of natural
resources.Productivity growth is our opportunity to increase output without increasing inputs
and incurring these costs. Historical or “time series” data on output and hours worked show
the importance of increases in labor productivity to economic growth in the United States.

Productivity increases have enabled the U.S. business sector to produce nine times more
goods and services since 1947 with a relatively small increase in hours worked. With growth
in productivity, an economy is able to produce—and consume—increasingly more goods
and services for the same amount of work.Productivity is important to individuals (workers
and consumers), business leaders, and analysts (such as policymakers and government
statisticians ).

Referensi :

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