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SEMESTER 2021/22.2 (2022.1)

Nama Mahasiswa : Aldi Pratama

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/NIM : 042083276

Tanggal Lahir : 17 Agustus 2001

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ADBI4201/ Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Kode/Nama Program Studi : 54/ Manajemen S-1

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 23/ Bogor

Hari/Tanggal UAS THE : Sabtu/ 18 Juni 2022

Tanda Tangan Peserta Ujian


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Surat Pernyataan Mahasiswa

Kejujuran Akademik

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama Mahasiswa : Aldi Pratama

NIM : 042083276
Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ADBI4201/ Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Fakultas : Fakultas Ekonomi (FE)
Program Studi : Manajemen S-1
UPBJJ-UT : Bogor

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Universitas Terbuka.
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2022

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Aldi Pratama
1. How does capital flight affect exchange rate?
Answer :
Paul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld (1994:29), capital outflow is the purchase of assets from
abroad. The purchase of foreign assets will release funds to pay for the purchase of these assets. Capital
outflow is the exit of funds or capital from the country to abroad either directly (direct investment) or
indirectly (indirect investment).
The exchange rate or often called the exchange rate is the price of a foreign country's currency in
units of domestic currency. According to Krugman and Obstfeld (1999), the exchange rate is the price of a
country's currency against another country's currency. The exchange rate is the most important value in an
open economy, because of its great influence on the current account balance and other macroeconomic
variables. Asset losses in the capital market cannot be separated from currency depreciation, which is one
of the most important sources of the domestic exchange rate continues to weaken against foreign
Based on the regression estimation results of the error correction model, capital flight does not
have a significant effect on the exchange rate in the long term, but in the short term it has a significant
effect, each capital flight decreased by 0.2216 units. causing an increase in the rupiah exchange rate of 1
unit. This result shows that the higher the level of rupiah exchange rate, causing the price of rupiah to rise
or an appreciation of rupiah against US dollar, so that investors will tend to reduce the storage of financial
assets or saving abroad. This estimation is in accordance with the hypothesis and theory, where according
to Krugman and Obstfeld (1999), the exchange rate (rupiah exchange rate) is the price of a country's
currency against the currency of another country and is the most important value in an open economy,
because of its great influence on the current account balance and other macroeconomic variables.
Exchange rate depreciation has implications for capital flight. In general, domestic investors feel safer
investing their assets abroad (in the form of foreign assets), if the domestic exchange rate continues to
weaken against foreign currencies.

Source :
- Mardiani, Siti Era. Universitas Terbuka, ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga
- Okada, Keisuke. (2013). The Interaction Effects of Finacisl Openess and Institutions on International
Capital Flows. Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol 35, h. 131-143.

2. Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare?

Answer :
Standard of living is a broad term that encompasses many factors—including some that
are not bought and sold in the market and some that are. The level of GDP per capita, for instance, captures
some of what we mean by the term standard of living, as illustrated by the fact that most of the migration
in the world involves people who are moving from countries with relatively low GDP per capita to countries
with relatively high GDP per capita.
A high level of GDP should not be the only goal of macroeconomic policy—or broader government
policy. But, even though GDP does not measure the broader standard of living with any precision, it does
measure production well, and it does indicate when a country is materially better or worse off in terms of
jobs and incomes. In most countries, a significantly higher GDP per capita occurs hand in hand with other
improvements in everyday life along many dimensions, like education, health, and environmental
protection. No single number can capture all the elements of a concept as broad as standard of living.
Nonetheless, GDP per capita is a reasonable, rough-and-ready measure of the standard of living.
In macro economic measures, the level of well-being of a country's population is generally
measured using GDP per capita. An increase in GDP per capita indicates an increase in the level of welfare
of a country's population.GDP per capita shows how much the value of economic production can be
attributed to each citizen. This is because GDP itself is the main measure of a country's economic
productivity. A country's GDP indicates the market value of the goods and services it produces.
In general, per capita income is a benchmark for the welfare and prosperity of a country because its
value is obtained from the average income of the population in the country. GDP per capita can be
expressed in nominal (an assessment of economic production in an economy that includes prevailing prices
in its calculations), real (a measure adjusted for inflation), or PPP (purchasing power parity).

Source :
- Chappelow, Jim. “Gross Domestic Product – GDP.” Investopedia, updated June 27,

3. What was the most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics?
Answer :
The Marshall Plan aid program was a foreign policy of the United States of America foreign policy
of the United States in the aftermath of World War II that was intended for European countries devastated
by the war, especially Western Europe.
The program, which was created during the Harry S. Truman administration, faced several
obstacles, especially in Congress and in the community. realization process faced several obstacles,
especially in Congress and in the community. But in the end these obstacles can be overcome by the
administration group (a group formed by the government to fight for the Marshall Plan program). to fight
for The Marshall Plan program in Congress and in the community) after approximately 1.1 months.
The results of the program can be seen after 4 years later where the economic conditions of
Western Europe have begun to improve and the
Western Europe had begun to improve and the main goal of the program was achieved, namely stemming
communist forces in the region

Source : Novi Rahayu, The Marshall plan sebagai politik pembendungan era perang dingin

4. What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies?
Answer :
In economics, physical productivity is defined as the quantity of output produced by one unit of
input within one unit of time. The standard calculation gives us output per unit of time, such as five tons
per hour of labor. An increase in physical productivity causes a corresponding increase in the value of
labor, which raises wages. That is why employers look for education and on-the-job training. Knowledge
and experience increase the human capital of the workers and make them more productive.
Productivity and production stand at the forefront of successful economies. Productivity is related
to the organizational consciousness requiring the related employees to strive for a constant process of
acquiring knowledge to actualize economic goals. Consequently, by focusing on productivity and production
, economic systems get involved in a never-ending endeavor to obtain or preserve wealth, because they
enjoy the necessary resources of production and productivity.

Source :

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