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SEMESTER 2020/21.1 (2020.2)

Nama Mahasiswa : ABDULLAH

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa / NIM : 041465539

Taggal Lahir : 09/09/1999

Kode / Nama Mata Kuliah : ABDI4201 / Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Kode / Nama Program Studi : 54 / manajemen

Kode / Nama UPBJJ : 90 / Layanan Luar Negeri

Hari Tanggal UAS THE : Minggu, 19 Desember 2021

Tanda Tangan Peserta Ujian


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Surat Pernyataan Mahasiswa

Kejujuran Akademik

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama Mahasiswa : ABDULLAH

NIM : 041465539
Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ABDI4201 / Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Fakultas : Ekonomi
Program Studi : Manajemen
UPBJJ-UT : 90 / Layanan Luar Negeri

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5. Saya memahami bahwa segala tindakan kecurangan akan mendapatkan hukuman sesuai dengan aturan
akademik yang berlaku di Universitas Terbuka.
6. Saya bersedia menjunjung tinggi ketertiban, kedisiplinan, dan integritas akademik dengan
tidak melakukan kecurangan, joki, menyebarluaskan soal dan jawaban UAS THE melalui media
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Universitas Terbuka.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya. Apabila di kemudian hari terdapat pelanggaran
atas pernyataan di atas, saya bersedia bertanggung jawab dan menanggung sanksi akademik yang ditetapkan
oleh Universitas Terbuka.
Minggu, 19 Desember 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Nama Mahasiswa

Bahasa Inggris Niaga

1. Recently, the trend of keeping fancy fish, like Betta fish, is rising during
Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This phenomenon can be seen from
social media where there are so many sellers and buyers do the
transaction. One type of transaction that often used by the seller is
auction. What kind of auction which is often used by the seller of
Indonesia? Is it English auction or Dutch auction?How do they differ
each other?
2. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been so broad that it would
be hard to find anything, anywhere, that hasn’t changed. The volatility
seen in exchange rates is one of the major external indicators of the
economic impact of the global turmoil in 2020. Exchange rate of some
contries in the world is falling.What will happen if the exchange rate is
still falling continuosly?
3. Covid-19 pandemic affects economy of Indonesia significantly. Level of
house hold consumption decreased. Even the investment, which was
expected to increase by 6 percent, as a result of COVID-19, is predicted to
drop to the level of 1 percent and even -0.4 percent.
Exports and imports will also continue to have negative growth. This
decline in economic growth is one indication of market failure, where the
market mechanism cannot solve the problem itself. Reffering to that
condition,What causes market failure to be occured? Please give one
example ofmarket failure during the pandemic in Indonesia!
4. Outsourcing has become a major trend in human resources over the past
decade. It's the practice of sending certain job functions outside a
company instead of handling them in house. More and more companies,
large and small, are turning to outsourcing as a way to grow. Do you
think that outsourcing is very beneficial for the companies? Please
explain your reason!

Answer :

1. Most of Indonesia has English auctions to carry out auctions. The

most common type of auction, the English auction, is often used to
sell art, wine, antiques and other merchandise. Among them, the
auctioneer will start bidding at the lowest price (which may be zero).
This is the lowest price you are willing to accept for an item. As
soon as the bidder announces that he is interested in this price, the
auctioneer will request more bids, usually raising the price in a given
bid increment. This continues until no one is ready to increase bids.
After that, the auction ends and the last bidder receives the item at
his bid price. This type of auction is known as a first price auction
because the winner pays the bid. Dutch auctions, which are also
first-price auctions, are on the decline. That is, the auctioneer starts
at a higher price than the item expects to be fetched and lowers the
price until the bidder finally says "mine". Call. The bidder then
receives the item at the price he called. If multiple items are offered,
the process will continue until all items have been sold. One of the
main advantages of Dutch auctions is speed. The process takes a
relatively short time because there are no more bids than items that
can be auctioned.
2. For example, use the rupiah currency
 Inflation can skyrocket Inflation is triggered when the rupiah's
exchange rate continues to fall. Living expenses in The land
will rise. Especially for goods and products made from foreign
raw materials material. Why? Because producers have to spend
more money to import raw materials. From another country.
 Orders from exporters are declining Rupiah is the exporter who
was previously flooded with orders from overseas. It will
weaken. Of course, this does not apply to all exporters, The
product still depends on the imported raw materials.
 Can cause a trade deficit If the rupiah continues to depreciate,
exports will increase. This is especially for raw use Export of
raw materials, traditionally Indonesia's most important export
product. because Indonesian exports made from rupiah
looseness, raw materials or other products that do so It is
cheaper to not need imports than in other countries.
 Dismiss an employee Due to the rupiah exchange rate, the
occurrence of layoffs is one of the concerns. Zoom out. As
mentioned earlier, the devaluation of the rupiah can cost
producers a lot of money. Product selling prices and production
costs leading to rising inflation It has increased and people's
purchasing power remains stable. People's purchasing power
When weakened, they cut spending and many are left unsold.
in the case of Manufacturers still have large inventories,
production is declining, or materials are being used It will be
canceled. If so, the industry will inevitably shrink its workforce.
3. Market failures are monopoly or oligopolistic (cartel) practices,
public goods, Externalities, and above all, incomplete or
asymmetrical information. Market activity Affected by law and
regulation. In this case, it is related to the following governments:
B. Tax, In addition to these factors, subsidies, minimum wages and
price restrictions. as a result, If government policies are not well
thought out, the market will run inefficiently and Failure. There have
been some examples of market failures during a pandemic in
Indonesia, one of which is In the MSME sector where there were
restrictions or financial restrictions Social activities that reduce
people's purchasing power (due to social and physical distance)
Because they spent more time at home. As a result, the government
needs to take steps to deal with it. The problem of market failure.
The government has taken some steps to deal with this Market
failures, including subsidies for basic needs and exemptions from
electricity payments Poor people (450V and 900V) provided corona
test kits in cooperation with South Korea, Import PPE and masks
from China for healthcare workers at the forefront of trade With
4. Outsourcing is a common way to outsource business functions and
processes to third parties. From cost savings and efficiency gains to
competitive advantage, the benefits of outsourcing are enormous.
On the other hand, losing control of outsourced features is often a
potential business risk. Before deciding to outsource an activity or
commerce, you need to carefully weigh the strengths and
weaknesses of outsourcing. Benefits of outsourcing There are many
reasons why a company wants to outsource a particular task, job, or
process. The recognized benefits of outsourcing are:
=Increased focus on core business activities Outsourcing allows
companies to focus on their strengths and employees to focus on key
tasks and future strategies.
=Improving Efficiency Choosing an outsourcing company that
specializes in the processes or services you are asked to perform can
help you achieve more productive and efficient services, often
higher quality services.
=Cost savings through controlled cost outsourcing help free up
capital for investment in other areas of the company
=Expanded reach outsourcing gives you access to skills and
equipment that are otherwise inaccessible or affordable.
=Outsourcing with increased competitive advantage helps to
leverage knowledge and skills throughout the supply chain
Outsourcing also helps companies become more flexible and agile
and adapt to changing market conditions and challenges, while
reducing costs and improving service levels.
Disadvantages of outsourcing Outsourcing involves passing direct
control of a business function or process to a third party. Therefore,
there are certain risks involved. For example, in the case of
outsourcing, the following issues can occur:
=Service delivery may be delayed or unexpected
=Confidentiality and security that can be compromised
=Lack of flexibility contracts can turn out to be too stiff to
accommodate changes
=Difficulty in management Outsourcing Changes in the company
can lead to friction
=Instability that outsourcing companies may give up Offshore
outsourcing is potentially cheap, but it may present additional
challenges such as the costs hidden in supplier selection and handing
over, severance pay, and the costs associated with dismissing local
employees who have not moved abroad. there is. Difficult based on
time zone, different language, or cultural preference. All the
strengths and weaknesses of outsourcing need to be carefully
considered to ensure that profits outweigh risks. Before deciding on
your strategy, there are some general considerations about
outsourcing that you should look at.

Source : Siti Era Mardiani, Bahasa Inggris Niaga Tangerang Selatan

Universitas Terbuka, 2017

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